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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1756238 No.1756238[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I challenge you to have a less popular opinion than this.

>> No.1756252

Mega Man 4 was the worst of the original series followed by Mega Man 3.

>> No.1756269

Here's my unpopular opinion

Making threads with the explicit purpose of causing arguments and stroking your ego over having the most unique opinion and calling popular games bad is dumb.

>> No.1756273


classic megaman games aren't very good
neither is X

>> No.1756324

Mega Man 2 is not the best Mega Man game.

It's the most unpopular and worse opinion one could have.

>> No.1756336

X is the worst X game.
Yes, including X6

>> No.1756341

which is the best then? i've only played x and it was pretty fun

>classic megaman games aren't very good

well i've heard people say they don't like the games but to say they're not good?

>> No.1756347

Moon theme in Ducktails isn't very good

>> No.1756371

>but to say they're not good?

the controls are too clunky and slow, while every enemy moves faster

>> No.1756374

Here's one.

"Mega Man is terrible."

>> No.1756380

clunky controls.
Seriously? Megaman is the pinnacle of perfect controls

>> No.1756384

oh okay lol

>> No.1756393


yeah in MMZ the controls are tight as fuck

in other games you really feel like you're controlling a heavy piece of junk metal

>> No.1756394

Megaman 2 is the worst megaman game

>> No.1756397


also jumping has a shitty delay

>> No.1756402
File: 64 KB, 800x373, truth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1756403 [DELETED] 

Doom fans are like the bronies of /vr/.

>> No.1756406

Sim tower was much more fun than sim city. Not trolling, loved the shit out of that game

>> No.1756424


Halo was a heap of fun. Xbox LAN parties were probably the highlights on my freshmen year in highschool. Seriously though, who the fuck has a crossover cable? That shit was impossible to find; we had to wire it ourselves and failed 3 times.

>> No.1756428

lol is that the complete snes library.

halo is probably better than half the library at best (licensed games, gambling games, bad sports titles, shovelware platformers.

>> No.1756432

MM7 is fun and colorful as fuck, and has the best sprites
I agree with your opinion

>> No.1756436

I think the n64 only gets shittier as time goes on. The more first party nintendo titles that get ported and re-released the fewer reasons I have to turn the thing on. `

>> No.1756439

Mega Man games were the Call of Duty of 8/16-bit platformers. Prove me wrong.

>> No.1756446


>Prove me wrong.

MM games were good so you're wrong.

>> No.1756469

Mega Man Soccer > Every other Mega Man game

Would that be a less popular opinion

>> No.1756474

>MM games were good
So are Call of Duty shooters if you're not a bandwagon jumper who hates things cause it's the cool thing to do.

>> No.1756480


Call of Duty games are good shooters? Since when?

>> No.1756489


Since always. But hey go on spouting spoon fed opinions while you mindlessly act like a badass real gamer for being a blue bomber fan

>> No.1756510

>Good shooters
>Linear 2 hour story romp with the same multiplayer as the last few games
I'd concede maybe one of the games was good, but not all of them.

>> No.1756514


This thread is gonna cause arguments that resolve nothing. And probably not want to make people play video games.

I play video games to get away from such BS, but yet, here it is in a video game thread.

>> No.1756515


SNES Spider-Man game based off the 90s cartoon is better than the Spider-Man game from 2000 for N64/PS1

>> No.1756516


lol don't feed this shitposter

>> No.1756517

Zelda II > Legend of Zelda
SQ > Castlevania 3

>> No.1756520


right because Mega Man is not linear

>> No.1756525

Call of Duty games were good up until CoD 4. After that, they became lazy reskins made for the sole purpose of milking money from fans who desperately need to have the latest texture mod.

>> No.1756535

Actually Mega Man's whole gimmick was that it wasn't linear. You had 6, later to be 8, levels and bosses to challenge in any order you wanted.
Although it led you to the same ending, it's the opposite of linear.

>> No.1756546 [DELETED] 



but i still find them more likeable

>> No.1756564

>Actually Mega Man's whole gimmick was that it wasn't linear. You had 6, later to be 8, levels and bosses to challenge in any order you wanted.

That's idiotic, and here's why.

You had to do ALL the stages anyways. Yeah you can pick the order but it's not like the stage lay out changed and once you got into a stage you followed it's single path to the end.

It's still linear as fuck you just pick which line.

>> No.1756571

>you can play the stages in any order but you still have to play the whole game so its super linear

You cannot seriously be this stupid.

>> No.1756586

is it fun for you to shit up the board? what's the point?

>> No.1756592


and you cannot come up with an actual counter point.

the level order changes but the levels themselves don't.

they're still linear. NON linear means there's an actual emphasis on player exploration. All you do is the same shit every time

>> No.1756597

only in Mega Man 1 and maybe 2. Otherwise, shit's tight as fuck. I really enjoy the games, and I see MMZ as a different flavor. Zero's all about flow while MM and X are about precision and timing.

>> No.1756651

Duck Tales 2 is better than the original in every way, the only reason it's less popular is the late release date and the Moon Theme that is a maymay blown out of all proportion by hipsters

>> No.1756675


I always like the Himalayas theme better, anyway.

>> No.1756692

That's not what non-linear means.

>> No.1756704
File: 238 KB, 782x814, megaman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 > 4 = 6 > 2 > 8 > 1 > 5 > 7

Gameplay > Music > Atmosphere > Graphics

Go ahead, I've got my umbrella ready.

>> No.1756714

>there are people who legitimately think that MM7 is a terrible game because of bad sprite sizing

>> No.1756723

what makes 3 the best for you? just curious since you've played them all.

>> No.1756727

That's not what non-linear is, the levels do change because the character you're playing through them with has changed (you have new weapons which changes the way you interact with obstacles) and holy fuck in what goddamn universe does non-linear mean that a game has to constantly change every time you complete anything? What games are fucking non-linear in your opinion you blithering moron?

>> No.1756730
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>it isn't even bad

>> No.1756741
File: 145 KB, 256x256, Mega_Man_Battle_Network_2_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The battle network games were the best in series.

MMBN2 is the best Mega man game.

>> No.1756746

Not exactly retro.

>> No.1756751

That's a genuinely legitimate reason to criticize it, though.

>> No.1756757

2001 was 13 years ago tho.

>> No.1756758

Oh, I agree. But it doesn't mean it's a terrible game.
There are people who refuse to give it a chance simply because the sprite is too big.

Looking past that, it's a very solid game. Maybe not the best in the series, but not the worst either.

I don't make the rules.

>> No.1756762

It got a good balance this time around, Mega Man didn't freeze in place while his health refilled, and the music was a good step up from 2. It pretty much refined things, so to speak.

>> No.1756840

I like Duck Tales 1 better, because Duck Tales 2 doesn't have enough enemies.

>> No.1756847

I don't know what's popular, or unpopular, but to me Mega Man 2 is the only good game in the series. Less bullshit, best music, fun designs for levels. My only complaint is the harsh dependency on the extra E-Tanks that they put out of your way, but MM2 wasn't really exclusive to that problem.

I haven't beaten Mega Man 7 yet, but I found it more enjoyable than X.

>> No.1756853

its not better priced

>> No.1756860

Battlecruiser 3000 AD is a good game

>> No.1756867

Second best, 3 was superior. Barely.

>> No.1756873

Sega was the greatest hardware/software manufacturer.

Genesis was better than SNES.
Saturn was the best 5th generation console.
Dreamcast was much better than PS2.

>> No.1756891

Game Boy IV and V are the superior MM games.

>> No.1756897


Mega Man on Game Gear is far beyond that. Probably the best game in the series.

>> No.1756908


This I can agree with. Sega got everything it deserved, but their systems are still the best. My HD model 1 and Japanese Saturn are my babies, and the Dreamcast is pretty much a flawless piece of arcade hardware.

>> No.1756925
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>Less bullshit

>> No.1756927

>6 bosses in total
>that screen size
>playing for 15 minutes per battery change

Beyond indeed.

>> No.1756930

>Dreamcast was much better than PS2
You had me right until that line.

Not /vr/, but
>PS2 got just as many great exclusives as Dreamcast
>Received a fuckload of compilation disks
>Didn't consist 75% of Arcade ports

Agree with the Genesis and Saturn. Usually animation was much better than the SNES, but music varied from how they utilized the soundchip.

>> No.1756937
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Get gud

>> No.1756958

Implying you can sink any lower.

>> No.1756980
File: 297 KB, 1920x1080, yiqo8a4in.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is Mega Man the most beloved series on /vr/? It seems like everyone has an opinion on the games and most people hold it in really high regard.

>> No.1756984
File: 516 KB, 1280x1694, 1327637890968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only Doom is more loved

>> No.1756990

Krion conquest is fun

>> No.1756998

Sounds like someone needs to gitgud

>> No.1757002

Where's the counterargument?

>> No.1757007

I like to think of non-linear like this:
(Linear) A -> B -> C -> D -> End
Non-linear allows you to move A/B/C/D around or add/subtract elements in certain cases (so maybe take away A, or put in E). It basically gives you the choice of doing things in more than one way. You don't just have to follow one path.

>> No.1757010

>the controls are too clunky and slow, while every enemy moves faster
translated to:
>the game has challenge and that makes it bad
fuck you man, just fuck you.

>> No.1757012

Not to mention that 90% of the best DC games were also available on PS2...
(And those that weren't eventually came out on PS1, PSP and PSN anyway.)

And that's not even getting into the fact that despite a few things, the PS2 hardware is just better over all. And also all the awesome exclusives the PS2 had that DC never did. Lots of witch were the peak of their respective genres and haven't even been matched to this day.

DC can't fucking touch PS2. Maybe in like 2001 when the DC already had literally it's entire library and the PS2 had JUST come out and had shitty launch titles. But since then all DC can claim over PS2 is a better launch lineup and a better first year in existence.

And for THAT matter, it was the PS1's last run of exclusives right before PS2's launch that killed the DC (multi million sellers like Final Fantasy VIII came out on the same day as the Dreamcast and shat all over it's sales, kek). PS2 is merely credited with that feat because of Segafags' butthurt incapability to accept that a less powerful machine killed their precious messiah with nothing but popular games and better marketing.

All that aside, at this point in time the DC is just a nostalgia machine for segafags and autistic OCD types who just HAVE to have "original" copies of everything. Nothing more.

I sold mine for $5 and I regret nothing.

>> No.1757014

He posted metal blades. You figure it out, genius.

>> No.1757017

>Xbox LAN parties were probably the highlights on my freshmen year in highschool.
okay well, your opinion ceases to count now youngfag
>bet you never used xboxconnect
>bet you don't even know what it is

>> No.1757026

Wind Waker sucks and it's by fat the worst Zelda and one of the most (if not the most) overrated games ever.

I actually believe this.

>> No.1757032
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I remember when x box came out with a lan party kit, I though it was neat but redundant since my mates and I chipped in for fast internet. 5 tvs and a few PC's running at the same time in one living room. Those were the days.

>> No.1757125

I totally agree with you, i prefer 7 to X and the last three nes megamans

>> No.1757127

Megaman Zero was the best Megaman series.

>> No.1757132

>Genesis as hardware was better than SNES
We know for a fact that's not true.
Now if we compare the library of games... it still wouldn't be true

>> No.1757138

Not retro..
but I agree
and its offshoot series, Megaman ZX and ZXAdvent are actually fucking excellent

>> No.1757184
File: 75 KB, 514x600, freyateacher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Final Fantasy IX is ass.

>> No.1757193
File: 335 KB, 418x600, 1369936404292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...it has ass. But you can have your own opinion. Also Momo is best BoF girl.

>> No.1757194

The first three were pretty much perfect. The only real flaw was the screen size; they really should have been on Playstation.

Also, the GBA came out while the fifth gen was still in full swing. It really should be considered retro...

>> No.1757215

>The only real flaw was the screen size

Yeah, nothing a little emulation can't fix though. The difficulty was what got me. I went straight from a NES series binge into Zero and got annihilated.

>> No.1757217

Ah, the first Megaman Zero game.
It was the best frustrating time I ever had in my life.
I mean that in a good way, I fucking love that game. Enemy Hall has to be one of my top favourite tracks out of all of the MegaMan games. Dat guitar and organ. Dayum, man, I love it!

>> No.1757228

Okay then, so there's no counterargument.

>> No.1757229

I remember we used to take the ferry a lot (its ~2 hours from mainland to the island) and I literally sat down one night and beat ZX like 20 times just going from the last save to Copy X over, and over and over.

>> No.1757232

FFIV is by far the worst game in the series. When /vr/ talks about JRPGs being visual novels with "press A to win" gameplay FFIV is the prime example, it has less depth than the original FF. Good story? Sure, but worst game. Ridiculously overrated.

>> No.1757235

Momo a shit. Peco Ryu Rei master race, no Waifu's allowed.jpeg

>> No.1757242

There's no decent balance in MM2 with powers. You happy now that I've had to spoonfeed you, kid?

>> No.1757260 [DELETED] 

I felt like there was balance, so a simple posting of one of his power ups meant absolutely nothing to me.

If you don't want me asking me to explain your argument, try actually using words like a fucking adult.

>> No.1757268

Came here to post this, although I would have included the ZX series as well, since ZX is my favorite action platformer Mega Man game.

>> No.1757271

I felt like there was balance in the game, so a simple posting of one of his power ups meant absolutely nothing to me.

If you don't want me asking you to explain your argument, try actually using words like a fucking adult.

>> No.1757275

gba came out during the sixth gen, and it's last official run of games came less than a decade ago. dreamcast just recently made it in, being released before the cut off date given in the sticky.

>> No.1757279
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Castlevania: Curse of darkness was a great memorable game.

Castlevania Lords of Shadow is utter garbage.

Castlevania "Metroidvania" games are not the best castlevania type games.

Curse of darkness is.

I wish they had a Castlevania HD collection/Ports for ps3 with Lament of Innocence and Curse of Darkness.

>> No.1757289

The Genesis was much faster than the SNES, and it was much easier to program for because it had a processor people were used to dealing with.
The only way the SNES had better hardware is if you value the number of colors on screen or the presence of sample based music more than gameplay.

As for which system had the better library, it depends entirely on whether you prefer arcadey action games, or slower stuff like RPGs.

>> No.1757707 [DELETED] 

>doom is intense and manly
>mlp is cuddly and girly

the fuck are you on about anon?

>> No.1757736

Zero Mission a shit

>> No.1757802


Glad to see my SEGA fans.

However, Genesis had amazing RPGs in addition to being an arcade powerhouse.

>> No.1757821

>still in hs when xbox came out
are you sure you're old enough to use this website

there's a lot of mature content here that your parents might object to you seeing

>> No.1757824

>Genesis had amazing RPGs
you came to the right thread

>> No.1757864

would be better if sprites didnt take half the screen

>> No.1757868

I didn't know there were RPGs on the Genesis besides Phantasy Star.

>> No.1757897

FF8 has problems but it's pretty good. FF9 is utter shit and ruined the series forever. 12 was excused from poofterism by having a radically different developer team.

>> No.1757898

Resident Evil 4 is the game that ruined the series

>> No.1758075


>> No.1758124


I have to agree, even if I like RE4. It was the one that set the new trend for the series.

>> No.1758158

I agree with this.

>> No.1758168


I hate the X series outright.

>> No.1758459


Seriously I can't stand this threads.

>> No.1758478

>4 = 6

Get out.

>5 > 7

No, seriously, get out.

>> No.1758573

Kirby 64 was the height of the series

>> No.1758576

I think the original Sonic games have aged better than... do I dare say it?

>> No.1758587

I have the same opinion.
I also think X6 is the best Megaman X, and that Megaman 2 is the worst Megaman game after 1.

>> No.1758603

Can you even do simple math? Assuming he was a 15 year old freshman in 2001, when the Xbox was released, he would be 28.

>> No.1758681

Megaman a shit

>> No.1758725


What else do you need between the Shining Force series, Lunar series, and Phantasy Star series?

Just because a system has more doesn't necessarily mean that it's better. An average youngster wasn't going to have the means to buy every RPG out there, so whether or not a particular system had a billion of them or not is only relevant to current times when those things became collectible.

Same argument I've made for Saturn since I was a lad in the 90's.

>> No.1758730




>> No.1758758
File: 31 KB, 640x429, 1370155503205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate to say it but this guy is right.
just don't say anything about DOOM

>> No.1758797


If you MMZ on a emulation handheld ( Hacked PSP or a JXD will do the trick ) it's a lot better.

>> No.1758902


>> No.1758916

> Megaman is the pinnacle of perfect controls
A shame that a lot of enemies and bosses (especialy bosses) weren't designed around the controls.

>> No.1758935

Metal Blades have too much ammo, can be shot at any direction and do good damage.

>> No.1758961


>> No.1758998

Challenge fucking accepted.

X6 is one of the best X games.

>> No.1759006

Mah nigga

X4 > X3 > X6 > X2 > X8 > X1 > X5 > X7

>> No.1759008

What do you mean? Explain yourself.

They shoot at you and you jump and dodge. What more do you want?

>> No.1759015

Goldeneye is overrated.
There. I said it.

>> No.1759020

You're awesome. To me it's like this:

X4 = X1 > X6 > X3 > X2 > X8 >>>>>>>> X5 > X7

>> No.1759034

I think what he means is that a lot of enemies in the Megaman games are improperly placed and can easily hurt or even kill you due to cheap shots (especially if you're a first time player)

Ex. Those enemies that pop out of pits when you jump and knock you in

>> No.1759109

i agree with this, it was the only game in the series i actually liked. gotta love that 2d/3d platforming.

>> No.1759145

Mega Man X3 sucks. It has no relevance in the overall connective plot arc of the series. Mega Man Xtreme 2 should have been X3, with all of its plot, parts system, and team mechanics intact. Had that, well, existed, and been refined with more story relevance and gameplay diversity, it would have been the best of the 16-bit era X games, at least in my opinion. It also would have properly introduced a few characters from X4, which maybe would have led me to give a shit when they ended up dying a game later. Just saying.

>> No.1759191

I don't like X3's music. It's slow, grungy and very unmemorable.

Conversely I LOVE X2's soundtrack, it gets the blood pumping.

>> No.1759196

>X2 soundtrack


>> No.1759198

Less popular opinions?

Nostalgia for having played NES games when they were originally released will always be greater than anything else future gamers will experience.

>> No.1759231

I agree.

>> No.1759254

The only good MM games were 1, 2, and 3.

Beat that.

>> No.1759345

Honestly, I like these kind of discussions.

Sometimes an unpopular opinion, be it insufferable ego-stroking or simple honest observation, can draw out very insightful comments on games from the ensuing discussion that we may not have noticed before. In fact part of why I love games is that people have incredibly differing opinions on them and I love hearing those opinions, even if I disagree with them.

If your going to get upset and start hating games because a discussion isn't going the way you'd like it to, I don't know what to say to you.

>> No.1759432

This is the best Mega Man game.

Closely followed by Mega Man 7, Mega Man: The Wily Wars, and Mega Man on Game Gear.

MM series is supposed to be colorful and fun.

>> No.1759438
File: 169 KB, 300x421, mm8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck me. Forgot picture...

>> No.1759475

4 and 6 had some great stage designs, along with just as as great music. 6 felt a bit rushed and 4 is lower than 3 for changing how Rush Jet works, but they're not bad.

I loved 5's robot designs and balance despite it being bland. Could have definitely taken some more risks than every robot master being a little bitch to the Mega Buster.

7 was an okay game, but not the best MM in my opinion. Large sprites and constant scrolling made it feel like a stripped down X, which is what it essentially was. It also started that short-lived trend of 4 masters at a time, which makes no sense.

Feel free to continue crying over someone having a different opinion though.

>> No.1759480

Those are some pretty unpopular opinions.

>> No.1759483

Is this some kind of clever ruse? Because I'm "this close" to ranting like a loon about why you're wrong...

9/10 if trolling. If not, then you might want to get your head scanned or something.

>> No.1759589


This shit doesn't affect you personally dude. Haha. If that's what I enjoy, it's okay man.

People need to chill and just enjoy video games. Not shove their own opinions down each other's throats.

>> No.1759620

>saying this in an unpopular opinions thread
What were you expecting?

>> No.1759630

> It also started that short-lived trend of 4 masters at a time, which makes no sense.

Didn't that start on the GB games? This shit is in every single one of them. I'm not sure which came first.

>> No.1759638

Jesus, that pic is barely better than Dobson's work.

>> No.1759826

Superman 64 was a good game


>> No.1760278

Adventure of Link is on level with Simon's Quest for the most disappointing and terrible sequel i have ever played

>> No.1760290

Honestly MM8 for psx is my favorite megaman.

>> No.1760295

Super Castlevania 4 is easily the best Classicvania ever.

>> No.1760297

Hating on AoL and SQ is how I know someone is young, impatient, and hates good games.

>> No.1760298

>not liking terrible game design makes me young

>> No.1760304

>thinking a game that's different and challenging means it's terrible
>probably likes mario 64 which is ACTUALLY terrible game design
Man, you kids.

>> No.1760305

>X3 sucks

I think that's a pretty common opinion. The bosses are barely animated, the soundtrack is sludgy and dull, and enemies are lifeless and mostly stationary (those fucking hammer chickens in every level argh)

Megaman X1 was amazing at release. All the bosses and even the standard enemies really feel lifelike, and have such personality to them. Those pickaxe-throwers who laugh when they hit you, for you example.

>> No.1760306

Fighting games became popular without combos, and lost their popularity with combos.

>> No.1760308

not that guy, but simon's quest really is fucking awful. don't know about zelda 2 though, i've never played it

>> No.1760316
File: 30 KB, 480x384, every.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zelda 2 is an acquired taste, I personally liked it.

Anything really is better than modern Zelda/castlevania.

Lords of shadow is god awful, as much as I hated simons quest, I would consider playing it again if it meant avoiding the Lords of Shadow franchise.

Hell I would even go as far as playing Castlevania Judgement.

I miss when Castlevania was Castlevania.

"side note unpopular opinion"
Konami is a terrible publisher, and destroys its franchises with mindless hack and slash games.

What's next konami?

Frogger Rising?

Cutting up logs and aligators following linear paths with QTE events to make your frog jump with precision?


>> No.1760325

>Anything really is better than modern Zelda
Someone hasn't played LBW, but what else do you expect on a board that trash talks shit they haven't played.

>> No.1760329

>Anything really is better than modern Zelda/castlevania.
I'm not a big fan of LoS, but that's bullshit.

>> No.1760331

oh i don't disagree at all about new castlevania being terrible. i just hate simon's quest. i liked 1, 3, 4 and to a lesser extent Dracula X. as for zelda i liked oracle of seasons, links awakening and ocarina of time. twilight princess was okay and majoras mask was pretty bad. havent played any of the other ones

>> No.1760332

That's not an unpopular opinion, it's an uncomfortable fact.

>> No.1760336

>Frogger Rising

Well, I'd play it.

>> No.1760337

>a board that trash talks shit they haven't played
we aren't on /v/, anon

>> No.1760342

Ok, because I was totally referring to the vast majority of Zelda shovelware Nintendo produces.

I can make exceptions, but overall Zelda has been personally disappointing.

>> No.1760346


>> No.1760348


I don't really like call of duty, but i don't really like fps games. if you did, i don't see why you wouldn't like CoD.

>> No.1760351

Because timesplitters......

>> No.1760352

Castlevania Bloodlines is the best Castlevania game.

>> No.1760353


That seems pretty common. I'd think. I find 3 to be my fave as well.

>> No.1760360


Agree, 2> 3> 1 > 4

>> No.1760362

I loved
Castlevania - Aria of Sorrow, Circle of the moon, Portrait of ruin, but mostly circle of the moon.

Castlevania - 1,2,3,4

Castlevania - Curse of Darkness

*which is the best of the series imo*

Castlevania - Lament of Innocence

Castlevania - Order of ecclesia is ..... weird, and decent.

Castlevania 64.... also weird, but terrible.

Castlevania - SOTN is like FF7 for me.

>> No.1760371

i dont know if you mean that SOTN is really good or really bad. i hear constantly mixed opinions on FF7

>> No.1760373

Lords of shadow was just a story about a man going to fight Satan who turns out to be Marilyn Manson spewing shadow pubes all over the floor.

His wife was a cunt who did not tell him about his child or whatever and was murdered.

Ice Goblins,
Forest Goblins,
Ice trolls,
Forest trolls,
Some wolves here,
some bigger wolves there,
some vampires at the end because... castlevania....
Chucky dolls... I mean Chupacabras

spam 3 random bosses with a deaf mute psychic telling you how to beat the bosses like you are twelve.

The cake is a lie thrown in somewhere.

And in the end you find out are too Dracool for school.

>> No.1760381

It was fun, getting 200.06% added repay value, I loved the bosses, I like the concept of having two castles.


The design for the second portion was done much faster, I was expecting it to be a lot more challenging.

Overall it was a decent castlevania, I personally took a liking to circle of the moon and the card system.

I just don't think it is 10/10 game of the year and that every castlevania game should learn from it.

In fact I think every castlevania game should have learned from curse of darkness.

I think that game was overally critiqued and Lords of Shadow just took the spotlight and raped any redemption for any curse of darkness type 3D castlevania games.

Thanks David Cox

>> No.1760382

In my opinion, combos and special moves create an artificial barrier for entry. It's the definition of artificial difficulty.

It made sense back in the days of arcade pads with only six buttons, but in 2014, there's really no excuse for special moves (and supers, etc.) not all being mapped to a single button.

>> No.1760384


The thing about X3 that I hate is how there's some really good music in X3, but it's nearly impossible to appreciate due to it being drowned out by synth guitars slamming power chords on overdrive while the others screech over the top of it. It rarely lets up, save for Buffalo stage and I think way later near the end. It's frustrating to hear great melodies being ruined by X3's shitty instrument choices, and it turns 95% of the soundtrack into sounding all the same. There's no subtlety in X3, there's little variety, you could probably reassign the stage music randomly to stages and not have any expectional mis-matches, again save buffalo.

>> No.1760396
File: 309 KB, 700x393, SECKS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter is the best game in the series. Yes I'm serious. Yes, you are all casuals.

>> No.1760401

Imagine if in Mario, you had to press qcf+B to shoot a fireball.

Imagine if in Doom, you had to type in some ridiculously long string of keys to fire a rocket launcher or BFG.

Imagine if in Starcraft you had to swirl the mouse around in a bunch of circles to spawn an overlord.

The real uncomfortable fact is that fighting game "qcf" stuff would be unacceptable in any other genre. Smash Bros is a perfect example of what fighting games SHOULD be. The inputs are simplified, to allow the game to be complex in ways that actually matter.

>> No.1760406


I don't have a problem with special moves.
There used to be very few
For example, Blanka had originally only 2.
2 seconds behind, forward + some punch, and mashing some punch button for special electric attack.

But fighting games began as 1 vs 1 beat em ups with 2 or 3 easy special moves (an exception would be Zangiefs 360 degrees special)

When it became all about combos, and people would play and see words like "technical" appear suddenly on screen, without knowing what it meant or why it happened, then fighting games begun losing popularity, and the kids stopped talking about Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat in the school yard.

>> No.1760413

I personally hate fighting games with a passion.

You are either too OP for learning the combos, or you somehow lose to someone mashing random buttons over and over, or some asshat spams infinity combos with the "cheapest" character

>> No.1760431

>"you are one of these three dramatically different things"

Wow uh, that sure is some intuition you have there.

>> No.1760435

Castlevania was just a story about a man going to fight Dracula who turns out to be a Gary Stu "I vant to suck your blood!" spewing fire pubes all over the floor.

His taste in interior decorating was absolute shit.

More bats,
Lots of bats,
Squiggle fuckers,
some bigger bats there,
some bats at the end because... castlevania....
Jumping humpers... I mean hunchbacks

spam 3 bosses with a cross like you are twelve.

Some wall roasts were thrown in somewhere.

And in the end you find out you are to Belmont for Hell... mont.

>> No.1760438

>Imagine if in Starcraft you had to swirl the mouse around in a bunch of circles to spawn an overlord.

but starcraft is already about wildly pounding on the mouse and keyboard as fast as possible. it's every bit as bad as the worst fighting games

>> No.1760440

While I don't see the need for decrying the terrible scourge of the casuals, I agree. Dragon Quarter is easily the best game in the series, and one of the better PS2 RPGs.

It's a shame the series died just as it became truly good.

>> No.1760443

I agree with this 100%, AND I'm a big Guilty Gear player. The sad thing is that everyone who disagrees with you is going to attack your credibility instead of the argument.

>> No.1760454

>Smash Bros is a perfect example of what fighting games SHOULD be
The only good things Smash Bros. does are simplified inputs and fanservice. The series itself is just miserable, but as long as it does those two things well it'll always sell

>> No.1760463

Dark Cloud is a great RPG for the ps2, I thoroughly enjoyed that game.

>> No.1760473

I am the guy who originally wrote "fighting games became popular without combos and lost their popularity with combos"

For me one of the big problems of fighting games is that they become as good as they can be very easily, and companies, in order to justify making new versions of the fighting games, generally do 2 things: Creat new characters, that is how we end up with super large rosters, or create new mechanics that don't make the game better but make it more complex and different from the last one.

Street Fighter was pretty much already as good as it could be in 1994 with Super Street Fighter II turbo. KOF 13 may be great but so were 98 and 2002 (and most KOF fans still prefer those games)

>> No.1760489

I liked Zelda II more than Zelda 1

>> No.1760490


>> No.1760492

Fighting games are like riding a bicicle.

If you are 30-35 and played a lot of fighting games in arcades in the first half of the 90s, you can pick up Street Fighter IV and get decent rather easily.

>> No.1760498
File: 47 KB, 496x482, quid pro quo, Clarice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Allow me to present a counter argument:

Inputs (qcf and the like) were made so that you could perform a wide variety of moves in fighting games, right?

Pressing a single button to perform the same move means that you lose the "risk factor" involved with attempting to use it. There's always going to be times when someone spamming a hadouken will fuck up, allowing the other player an opening because he didn't do it right. Timing is key when it comes to shit like King of Fighters, and while it COULD work with a single button, most cases the player wouldn't be punished because the process of making the move come out is what gets people.

Same thing applies for footsies in that regard. Inputs cause you to go in different directions, which means it can also function to psych a player out against when using a charge character like Vega.

It's silly to compare or try to draw parallels with Smash and normal fighters though because they function on entirely different grounds. Smash is much more free and open than most others, so along with positioning, it needs to simplify something somewhere along the lines to compensate and make the difference in the way characters move.

>> No.1760503

The game itself required you to cognitively find towns,items,npcs, and had a far more rewarding combat feel than the predecessor

>> No.1760520


My issue with that comes down to character selection.

Skullgirls for instance released a number of new characters due to lack of a roster.

The new dlc characters utterly outmatch the base characters.

So games like that, regardless of if you use a single button or not is infuriating when you realize that you are going to be constantly outmatched against the new overly played characters.

There's always going to be those characters that poison the game with overpowering abilities, which is one of the reasons why I personally don't like fighting games.

>> No.1760528

Does DoomRLA have a random map generator? All the videos I've seen are just doom 2 levels.

>> No.1760532

oops wrong thread.

>> No.1760538

I can see where you're coming from when it comes to 'tiers'. Yeah, there's probably going to be some characters that are supposedly much more powerful, but it just waters down to skill in the end.

Doesn't matter if Vega has a ridiculous MP, it won't be any good if you're playing against someone who takes things like tiers for granted.
Last night I slammed an Akuma around with Blanka for a good hour.
It's just all about practicing, which really isn't for everyone in something like a fighter.

Now of course there's going to be those impossible to beat assholes like Petshop, but they get banned for competitive play because of the fact that they're unbeatable no matter what. Otherwise? Just punch it in the face until it dies.

>> No.1760540

I like both games. I'll admit, Mega Man 7 isn't the best game, but it's a lot of fun, and has some cool powerups (Protoman's shield), and attempted to use the robot master weapons to alter the enviornment, something I wish they did more of.
But fuck that last battle with Wily though.

>> No.1760541

Its all about that X4 tbh. And mm8 abd MM&B was better than MM7 easily

>> No.1760551

You have to do all the missions in GTA 4 in order to beat the game, and all the missions are linear. So that makes GTA 4 linear as fuck.

>> No.1760591

Of course, but after you waste hours and hours playing fighting games without any real end, I personally hate when games are just mindless.

Of course it takes skill, but it comes down to being belittled for being "new" to the genre, being "too good" for the game, being "too cheap", and especially when you play locally with friends its overwhelming for them who have never played the game before and you have finally mastered how to play it and proceed to fight them while teaching them the foundation but... again.... they are new and stop playing shortly after for losing.

People who play fighting games don't want to have casual fun duels, its all about being the cheapest, picking the strongest, beating the weakest, and saying I wasn't ready when you get your ass kicked by someone who is better than you.

It's like beatmania

New gamers are barely learning levels 1-4
You mastered the hyper difficulty levels 5-8
and the masters play 9-12

In fighting games someone who is a master gets off owning someone who has no fucking clue how to play and discourages them.

I mean, I remember when friends would come over and say "We all know who is going to get first place, why bother trying?"

So this is why fighting games are not my cup of tea, because I personally don't like competing anymore against others.

I would rather ask someone "what games have you beaten?"

instead of,

"Want to play against me in ___?"

Obviously you have more experience in a game, so you are going to feel good for winning, but... I realized when I played beatmania for quite some time.... when is it ok to stop?

I think when there is no end to something and things get statistical, like pokemon ev breeding, character building, or superior mentality ruins the aspects of gaming for a honest fun value.

I never see pokemon the same after they started that shit post 3rd gen.

So, I try to stay as far away possible from MP games, and I try to stick with playing single player games without judgment.

>> No.1760603

>So, I try to stay as far away possible from MP games, and I try
hahahaha well done!

>> No.1760625

oops, stupid browser added a part of my previous comment

>> No.1760664

Fun Fact: 1 megabit is only 128 kilobytes.

>> No.1760693

But in Starcraft, every movement matters. They don't arbitrarily complicate the controls; the complexity comes from the game itself.

>> No.1760694

And you probably believe that Castlevania 3 was hard, right?

>> No.1760701

>In fighting games someone who is a master gets off owning someone who has no fucking clue how to play and discourages them
I feel like that's part of the metagame, somehow.

Master players try to make the "scene" as hostile to newcomers as possible, because they're afraid of being upstaged by some dark horse rookie.

>> No.1760702

And you probably believe that apples are sweet, right?

>> No.1760708

I smell Korean damage control over the only 'sport' you people play.
Whatever helps you sleep at night, gook.

>> No.1760712
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>> No.1760713

More complex than STUPID Street Fighter II Turbonerd.

>> No.1760719

Are you that upset that you're shit at the game, anon?

Do you want me to help you git gud?

>> No.1760720


You can't be serious OP. I need to hear justifications. Megaman X is fucking lightyears ahead of MM7

>> No.1760732
File: 181 KB, 800x619, that post gave me autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anyone who doesn't like my favorite game is just mad that they suck at it

>> No.1760738

Please, you just posted the same kind of retort >>1760713

Fuck off back to /vg/.

>> No.1760773

Thanks for posting that, glad to see likeminded people.

>> No.1760781 [SPOILER] 
File: 11 KB, 261x151, 1405143243579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>99.9% of people

>> No.1760813

4 = 2 > 9 > 3 > 1 > 10 > R&F > 7 = 8 >>> 5 > 6

Boss fights > Level design > Gameplay > Music

>> No.1761167

>saving pictures for ants

>> No.1761202

Opinion thyme:

Super Mario Kart isn't even remotely fun for someone that didn't grow up with it. Double Dash is the best MK.

The Mother series wouldn't be so highly regarded if all the games were released in America.

DK64 was too long for me. Similarly, It is better for a game to be too short than too long.

Goldeneye story is not very good (multiplayer is awesome though).

The N64 controller is not bad. Nintendo improved in controller design every generation (until the Wii, but that could just be my personal dislike).

The Mario Golf series is the pinnacle of sports games.

Most handheld games are worthless.

Rareware games are overrated; they're really hit or miss as a company

Pilotwings is extremely underrated. The original was awesome; Pilotwings 64 had great music and was very relaxing (though the jet pack and gyrocopter modes should've been swapped for skydiving and airplane modes).

Also, for the lels:

Dr Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine's multiplayer music is the best song in any video game ever

Waluigi is a good character

>> No.1761216

Yeah. I hate Call of Duty because it's popular.

Not because the campaign is like 3 hours long, tops.
Not because the multiplayer is boring and repetitive and rewards you less based upon your skills and luck (eg: weapons around the arena for you to find like in Quake) and instead upon how much time you've spent grinding.
Not because each new game just changes the maps, adds a few new guns or killstreaks and changes a few damage formulas and charges you £40 for it, (which are all things TF2 does for free in patches, I might add.)
Not because it's generic, bland, and a tired franchise that has no more original ideas.
But because it's popular. You got me.

While I agree that Megaman is much like Call of Duty in that Megaman always follows a set formula, in Megaman's case, it's actually fun.

>> No.1761217

I think FFVIII is better than FFIX

Also Ice wid dale is a better series than Baldurs gate.

>> No.1761220

The story itself is a mess if you didn't see the movie but there's nothing wrong with the levels in golden eye. Lot's of variety, not just hallways where the door you enter closes and you make your way to the next door. Even some exploration incentive for exploring.

Think about how many ways you can move into the lab portion of facility.

>> No.1761545

rougelikes you fucking moron

>> No.1761743

The proper term is "Metroid-like".

>> No.1762443

I agree with everything except 7 = 8 and 5 being so low.

>> No.1762614

>Frogger Rising?
My fucking sides.

>> No.1762649


I would say you make very reasonable points except for

>The Mario Golf series is the pinnacle of sports games.

Maybe it's the most enjoyment you've managed to get out of a sports game (I use that term loosely) but it's laughable to praise a party game as the best of the genre.

>> No.1762673

>Party game

u wot m8

>> No.1763096 [DELETED] 

Agreed. They're easily the shittiest fanbase on /vr/ by a good country mile. It's too bad considering Doom was a decent game, but Christ /vr/oom is some cancerous cesspool of abject shit.

>> No.1763140

>the only reason it's less popular is the late release date and the Moon Theme that is a maymay blown out of all proportion by hipsters

Someone give this man a beer

(or whatever is your choice of drinking, brah)

>> No.1763145

I don't give beers to people who throw around the word hipster like retards.

>> No.1763148

>hating on 3
was my favorite of the series and I grew up with the NES mega mens

>> No.1763153

Second Impact >> Third Strike. For the music and voice acting alone.

it can't get any more unpopular than this

>> No.1763158


tough shit

>> No.1763182

>The Mother series wouldn't be so highly regarded if all the games were released in America.

they're not really that highly regarded in the first place, except for the fans.

>> No.1763194

-link to the past is the most overrated game of all time

-the nes mario games all have awful controls, same goes for megaman

>> No.1763195

/vr/ is the most autistic board on 4chan by far.

>> No.1763210

lttp is easily incredibly overrated sure. but most overrated has to be majora's mask


>> No.1763234

at least it broke the mold and tried something different. lttp is just zelda 1 with prettier graphics and more handholding.

>> No.1763734

Aile > Vent

>> No.1763927
File: 14 KB, 196x196, this-guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MMBN2 is the best Mega man game

You. You're my nigga.

Go suck on yo moma's milk.

>> No.1763964


>> No.1763990

All JRPG's are fucking atrociously written, terribly paced, incredibly generic and menial, garbage.

Did I win?

>> No.1764051

>mega man
>not contra

>> No.1764096

I love you.

>> No.1764689

I don't agree with the points as I have played very little JRPGs but JRPGs and RPGS in general are garbage IMO. I only really enjoy Earthbound.

>> No.1765218

Deus Ex is fucking crap. So is System Shock 1&2. Fuck all games with shitty gameplay. Fuck the entire RPG genre in general (excluding a few gems here and there like the Souls series). It's for faggots that suck so hard at life they have to play video games to use as escapism. Fuck story in video games, too. Whenever a video game prevents gameplay time with story exposition it is failing at its task. I don't play video games for fucking story, I PLAY games to PLAY games. If I wanted story I'd much rather read a book or watch a movie/television series.

Lastly fuck you for having such a shitty opinion, too.

>> No.1765254

>Implying experiencing the story isn't part of the gameplay.
I hate aspies like you who reduce every game to stick wiggling and button mashing.

>> No.1765261

>doesn't know what 'gameplay' actually means

>> No.1765268


>Deus Ex
>System Shock 2


Go ahead and spit on my mom's grave too while you're at it.

>> No.1765270

google it, champ ;)

>> No.1765272

Except the story is part of Deus Ex's gameplay, you moron. The game has dialogue trees and hidden choices that affect the final outcome.

>> No.1765286

Why don't you just make your name

>> No.1765301

Have you taken your ritalin today?

>> No.1765320
File: 42 KB, 640x360, Thor 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Deus Ex is fucking crap. So is System Shock 1&2. Fuck all games with shitty gameplay

I was going to agree with you, but...

> uck the entire RPG genre in general (excluding a few gems here and there like the Souls series). It's for faggots that suck so hard at life they have to play video games to use as escapism. Fuck story in video games, too. Whenever a video game prevents gameplay time with story exposition it is failing at its task. I don't play video games for fucking story, I PLAY games to PLAY games. If I wanted story I'd much rather read a book or watch a movie/television series.

Was that necessary?

>> No.1765538

The modern popularity of Street Fighter 3 seems like revisionism to me.
Street Fighter III almost kills Street Fighter, and when it existed, the 2 big 2d fighting games were KOF and Capcom vs.
Many of the character designs were shit tier, it was a fighting game with characters no one gave a fuck about.

>> No.1765709

Absolutely. It's the icing on the cake.

>> No.1765731

it is. it's all courtesty of people who saw the daigo video and thought to themselves "wow, maybe some day I can fully understand The Art Of Yomi and never take a hit thanks to my advanced practically-telepathic understanding of my opponent's mind" as opposed to "parrying is dumb as shit and destroys zoning and chun and yun lol"

>> No.1765741

Doom's shit too.

>can't jump in a 1993 action game

>> No.1765745
File: 31 KB, 500x374, 110337_sheeeit_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I literally heard an explosion while reading this

>> No.1765749

System Shock isn't an RPG. It's a first-person adventure/shooter like Metroid Prime.

>> No.1765826

Who gives a shit it sucks dick. Fuck that crappy gameplay you can have it.

>> No.1765832

I think the difficulty of the NES generation is vastly overrated, a huge amount of the challenge comes from how dumb and obtuse a lot of games in that era where, or just bad design flat out. I can only think of just a handful of titles that I would say where legitimately challenging.

Also, while a lot of modern games are a bit hand-holdy, but many angry retro fans feel that a simple tutorial is awful and bad, and that's just silly, I don't have a problem with the game giving me a few basic lessons before tossing me into the deep water.

>> No.1765846
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I know it's just one man's opinion, but I can't help but feel a twinge up upset at this because while I greatly disagree, I can see where anon is coming from.

>> No.1765849

Are there many angry men in /vr/ or is it only one guy?

Sometimes I read a post like that and think "oh, it is /vr/s angry man", but here may be many angry men.

>> No.1765851 [DELETED] 

I hate how how older RPG's western or not, had so many useless stats that did fuck all and would actively ruin your build if you dropped even a single point in them.

Let's take Diablo 2 and 3, people hated how Diablo 3 simplified stats, yet Diablo 2 had a ton of stats that did absolutely nothing, it was fake depth, sure it looked like you could do some crazy ass build, but you couldn't, you had to stick to very specific point distribution, drop even one point.

Soul Hackers, the MC has a magic stat, but guess what? He never learns magic. Not a single spell the entire game, you of course don't know this, I can't imagine the numbers of players that dropped points into it expecting the MC to get magic at some point.

Honestly, fuck the entire random aspect of a lot of games in that era, take a bunch of classic point and clicks, stupid obtuse shit that nobody could figure out, shit you didn't grab at the start messing you up at the end, or my personally favorite, you can't climb that thing like you would expect you need to climb it, you need to zig zag, no clue that you need to do this, you just stumble on it and guess.

I mean, I'm not retarded, I don't need to be spoon-fed, but a tiny clue would be ok.

I'm not happy on the direction gaming has gone, but I'm glad a lot of stupid mechanics, obtuse junk useless stats and bloated gameplay is finally gone.

>> No.1765858

I hate how how older RPG's western or not, had so many useless stats that did fuck all and would actively ruin your build if you dropped even a single point in them.

Let's take Diablo 2 and 3, people hated how Diablo 3 simplified stats, yet Diablo 2 had a ton of stats that did absolutely nothing, it was fake depth, sure it looked like you could do some crazy ass build, but you couldn't, you had to stick to very specific point distribution, drop even one point into any a useless stat and the character is ruined forever, delete and restart it.

Soul Hackers, the MC has a magic stat, but guess what? He never learns magic. Not a single spell the entire game, you of course don't know this, I can't imagine the numbers of players that dropped points into it expecting the MC to get magic at some point.

Honestly, fuck the entire random aspect of a lot of games in that era, take a bunch of classic point and clicks, stupid obtuse shit that nobody could figure out, shit you didn't grab at the start messing you up at the end, or my personally favorite, you can't climb that thing like you would expect you need to climb it, you need to zig zag, no clue that you need to do this, you just stumble on it and guess.

I mean, I'm not retarded, I don't need to be spoon-fed, but a tiny clue would be ok.

I'm not happy on the direction gaming has gone, but I'm glad a lot of stupid mechanics, obtuse junk useless stats and bloated gameplay is finally gone.

>> No.1765883

Why is it crappy? Because of the floaty jumping? Because you can't use mouselook to aim? It isn't crappy- it's just different. Maybe you should think outside the box so you can appreciate how great SS is.

>> No.1765904

I'll admit I haven't played the original SS so I can't really comment on that. SS2 though... holy fuck it's bad. I assumed SS would be more of the same bullshit but more primitive owing the earlier release date. Perhaps I'm mistaken but I'd wager I'm still right. Either way I don't give a shit enough to find out.

>> No.1765914
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>that picture

>> No.1765927

okay OP, I'll try
Castlevania IV is not only the shittiest classicvania ever, but a mediocre, fugly game in its own right
... so, how did I do?

>> No.1765937

why would you have on the 2 NES games with the best 8-bit sound quality & soundtrack? that shit was better than a lot of the 16-bit and 32-bit midi's of the time.

>> No.1766423

>They don't arbitrarily complicate the controls

Maybe Starcraft 1 had excuses in the form of technical limitations, but in Starcraft 2 there are features that have no reason to exist other than to arbitrarily inflate the amount of APM required to play the game efficiently.

The biggest example being the queuing system, or more accurately the lack thereof. Queuing a building to make multiple units in a row is a noob trap option because the resources are spent instantly, so if you queue up 5 marines you just spent 250 minerals before you even have a single marine to show for it. So if you want your barracks to keep producing marines the best thing to do is to hotkey it, build one marine, and then immediately select it and build another when the first one finishes. You're constantly pushing keys not to make new tactical decisions, but just to maintain a decision you already made.

Compare this to Dawn of War. If you want to constantly build Slugga Boyz until you run out of cash, all you have to do is go to the barracks and right-click the Slugga Boy squad icon once to initiate a build overwatch command. This tells the building to just automatically make a new squad as soon as the last squad is finished, and repeat until you tell it to stop. One single click. And SC2 is far more recent than DoW so technical limitation is not an excuse for this feature being absent from it.

Units not being able to fire on the move is another one. In Starcraft if you want a ranged unit to kite a melee unit, you have to give it your undivided attention and constantly be clicking new move/stop/attack orders for it. In DoW all you have to do it is tell it to attack the target, then move to some distant location (2 total clicks) and it will automatically start kiting because units in DoW can fire on the move.

>> No.1766434

I complain so much about the lack of basic stuff like overwatch and a worker count somewhere, but it always falls on deaf ears. I'm glad I'm not alone in that.

Seriously, unless the game is a perfect 1:1 copy of BW, fans won't adopt it without big tournament prize pools, so why not just add all those nice little quality of life touches in like that?

>> No.1766442

There isn't a single good game on the PS2. The reason video games are bad now is because retards gobbled down the shittiness of the ps2 era.

>> No.1766648

I don't like either of them.
Infact, I don't like any of the X games.

>> No.1766670

Grandpa you forgot to take your meds again.

>> No.1768456

Revenge of Shinobi is one of the worst Shinobi games. I can't even stand playing it.

>> No.1768461

Order of Ecclesia automatically shits on every other modern Castlevania game because it's the only one with any degree of challenge. All the other games are an absolute snorefest.

>> No.1768468

>grandpa jokes on /vr/

>> No.1768469

There are a lot of other reasons for special and super inputs, too. Mostly with strategic balancing and consistency issues.

But then, you shouldn't expect people from /v/ and /vr/ to be able to wrap their heads around these sorts of considerations. After all, they're mostly casual.

>> No.1768476

>jokes in general on 4chan

>> No.1769156

Unpopular opinions:

Super Metroid isn't the best Super Nintendo game

Tetris sucks

Mega Man 2 isn't the best Mega Man game

Goldeneye 007 sucks

Master System was funner than the NES

Donkey Kong Country 3 isn't the best DK game

Yoshi's Island is better than Super Mario World

Doom is over rated

Final Fantasy 7 sucks

>> No.1769169


I've heard all of this a million times though. Some are even popular opinions.

>> No.1769173

>Goldeneye 007 sucks
This opinion is actually quite popular with /v/ kiddies.

>> No.1769179


Exactly. Doesn't make it less pathetic though

>> No.1769181

>unpopular opinions
>literally see at least 4 on the front page daily

>> No.1769184 [DELETED] 

>Doesn't make it less pathetic though

>> No.1769192
File: 74 KB, 394x406, opinion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doesn't make it less pathetic though

>> No.1769195


You weren't around for Goldeneye?

>> No.1769197

>Doesn't make it less pathetic though

>> No.1769203

Of course I was. It was the game that destroyed the term Doom-clone.

>> No.1769212

Oh I totally misinterpreted your post, I thought you were calling Goldeneye pathetic instead of the /v/ opinion.

There are so many edgelords on /vr/ these days that it's easy to make that mistake, I apologize.

>> No.1769218

liking goldeneye is edgy on /vr/
yer teh edge homie

>> No.1769220


All good anon. Goldeneye was a huge part of my childhood.

>> No.1769221

i bet you hid in a stall and killed your friends

>> No.1769226
File: 8 KB, 420x275, 1404032063593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw when they didn't know any of the hidden doors/walls

>> No.1769229

I never had an n64, and the only time i played goldeneye was at my friend jakes house. We'd get a bunch of guys over. For about 30 min I got my ass kicked, then after that I was the grandmaster of every sleepover.
Then one day i tried to single player, and was terribad.

>> No.1769232

The worst is underage pc gamer mustard race claiming that Goldeneye was outdated / shit even at launch despite
1) Goldeneye had better graphics than Quake 1 unless you had a top of the line PC
2) Goldeneye was one of the few FPS games that wasn't a Doom clone (the only other I can think of is System Shock if that can even count as an FPS and maybe Marathon)
3) Goldeneye was innovative and brought hitboxes to limbs and shit
4) It was a hell of a lot easier doing Goldeneye split screen multiplayer than the alternative (dialup or beige box LAN with Quake)

>> No.1769238

>Then one day i tried to single player, and was terribad.
The single player mode is AMAZING on 00 Agent mode. So many people make the mistake of assuming that other difficulty levels are anything more than just a training mode for 00 Agent.

Hell, you don't even get full access to the layout of single player levels without 00 Agent mode being active.

>> No.1769240

I meant I was terribad, I didn't play enough to have an opinion of it.

>> No.1769248

No problem anon. I do recommend you give it another go sometime. The single player is very different to another FPS games and quite unfriendly if you are unaccustomed to its style.

>> No.1769305

You're not even gonna mention that Quake had TCP/IP netplay, are you? How is that not ten million times better than "NO LOOKING AT MY QUARTER OF THE TV, JOOOOSSSSSH, I'M TELLING MOOOOOOM!"

>> No.1769314

goldeneye is better for pizza parties
quake was better for srsbsn who da best i'll fuq u up nub

>> No.1769329

>You're not even gonna mention that Quake had TCP/IP netplay
You can do that over dialup...and most people did

>> No.1769332

Both Quake and GE were very good, come on.

>> No.1769363

It's not like Quake was on the N64 or anything!

>> No.1769497

>quakeniggers at it again
tsk. ironic that they're pretty much the worst fanboys on /vr/ by far; even worse than the doom /vr/onies. yes I know the two aren't mutually exclusive before your autism has an aneurysm.

>> No.1770037 [DELETED] 

All video games are shit and you manchildren should grow up already.

>> No.1770052

Chrono Cross>Chrono trigger

>> No.1770139

Megaman 3 is my favorite of the series.

Though, I agree, I didn't like 4 much.

>> No.1770596

unreal master race

>> No.1770617

my best unpopular opinion:

DOOM / Quake / all first generation FPS's are terrible games that sparked the beginning of the end of videogames . They were the dawn of the current dudebro meta we see in gaming today with COD / battlefield. Also, first person FPS is babby-tier , no challenge gaming. FPS is only acceptable for multiplayer PvP. DOOM is the scum of the retro community

>> No.1770649

>no challenge gaming
>I can't enjoy a game if I can't be elitist after getting good at it
Never did understand that.

>> No.1770663

>Never did understand that.
With more and more casuals getting into gaming, you have tryhards like the moron you just responded to, who think that the only measure of quality is how much the game challenged you. To like challenging games is fine. I like them myself, but to act like that's all there is to gaming is incredibly faggy.

>> No.1770690

i just don't have fun if the game doesn't challenge me at all. Feel like i'm not accomplishing or doing anything and get bored very fast. This is also the reason I hate the new trend of open world gaming.

For comfy gaming I just play RPGs.

Have you ever 1CC'd an arcade game? I understand if you're a casual pleb, but those are feels you can't find elsewhere in gaming

>> No.1770714

I prefer X, but I can respect that. I actually really like 7's art style despite the larger sprites.

Agreed about 4, but I like 3.

>> No.1770717

turok mustard race

>> No.1770720

Ironically, the rush and thrill of 1ccing a shooter (plebtier here, only done it in touhou and a few console shooters) I've only felt elsewhere in RPGs. Progression raiding server first clears in classic WoW.

>> No.1770737

top kek

>> No.1770739

Out of curiosity, how do you enjoy other forms of media?
Is a movie better if it's hard to watch?

>> No.1770749


Exactly. This is why my gaming is pretty much confined to these genres. Not to say I don't play others also, I really like somewhat challenging platformers also.


Good abstract comparison . I understand that it's hard to actual dedicate yourself to something or achieve anything in life, one day you might get those feels if you get off your lazy ass.

>> No.1770759


If the movie had intricate themes / storyline that could be more difficult to understand, yeah, that would make it more enjoyable also. See: the holy mountain (1973)

It's called being cultured, and not a plebian.

>> No.1770798

How high would you rate the feeling of 1CCing an arcade game?
Do you feel a greater sense of achievement than when you got a promotion at work? Than when you fathered a child? Or is it more on the level of finding a dollar on the street?

>> No.1770808


>> No.1770813

More like defeating a rival in a close, hard fought competition of some sort.

>> No.1770817

it's a pretty unique feel. Probably similar to winning a sports competition or something like that.

promotion at work would be more important.

fathering a child... That could be pretty easy and actually a terrible thing. Circumstantial.

finding a dollar on the streeeeeeeet??? oh my dearest shekels.

Don't know if achievements could be easily put on a numeric rating system. But, 1cc-ing an arcade style game gives far more achievement feels than beating say... super mario world.

>> No.1770819

#rekt :^)

>> No.1770870

I know all that blubber might make it hard to tell, but could you inform us on how your butt feels right now?

>> No.1770925


>> No.1771001

Something I never understood is why first person shooters never went duck hunt style with the shooting.

FPS are the games with the most realistic graphics and themes usually, wouldn't it be better to use something like a wii mote instead of a mouse for the shooting?
It doesnt matter if the mouse is more accurate or easier to use, the wii mote is much more similar to the real thing, which is pointing a gun and having good aim.

>> No.1771016

There's plenty of rail shooters that use light guns.
Though they kinda lost popularity when arcades died and lcd became a thing.
The wiimote is actually fairly bad for shooters. The wii also can't do realistic graphics all too well.
ps move on the other hand just never caught on so there aren't all too many games like that for it.

>> No.1771020

>The wiimote is actually fairly bad for shooters.
No it isn't.

>> No.1771023

Quest 64 was good

>> No.1771029


>> No.1771038

Dunno about your experiences with it but I tried playing games like the Metroid Prime 3 with a wiimote and the damn thing kept losing the cursor all the time.
It's also not the most comfortable thing to be pointing at the TV for long periods of time.

>> No.1771042

Try dead space , it's wicked

>> No.1773221

I Link To The Past sucks dick and Link's Awakening shits all over it.

Also fags that keep replaying Zelda games are pretty much autistic. Play one 2D one you've played them all, play one 3D one you've played them all. If you've played more than 4 Zelda games at the very most you're fucking retarded.

Majora's Mask sucks balls, too.

>> No.1773227

Agreed except for link to the past part. That's the only one I really like, probably because it was the first I beat as a kid.

>> No.1773229

I think you're a faggot but I'm pretty sure that'd be a popular opinion here.

>> No.1773231

I played LA first. Indeed that might have something to do with it.

I really do love LA though.

>> No.1773257


>> No.1773259

>abloobloobloo anon doesn''t like my game and I take it personally
You sure you're not #rekt for being called out as an autist that can't stop playing repetitive zelda games? :^)

>> No.1773263

>Starts calling people fags and retards
>Goes defensive when called a faggot

It's just banter mate. I have to respect your shitty opinion no matter how shitty it is.

>> No.1773264

Where did I say this wasn't banter? :^)

>> No.1773268

>arguing in an unpopular opinions thread

nigga u jus went ful wattamewon

>> No.1773520

I think that MM3 was shit.

The music was good, yes. But the robot master weaponry wasn't very fun to use or very useful throughout the game compared to its predecessor and successor.

The stages were overly difficult requiring pinpoint timing unless you got the appropriate rush item first (e.g. Magnet Man's stage). If you choose not to engage in the frustrating process of nailing perfect jumps, then the game becomes linear as you will start with Snake Man > Needle Man + Rush Jet before anything else.

The MM2 robot masters were fucking hard and most don't have a good weakness.

I'm sure many people will call me a n00b for this opinion, but I don't care. I'll postulate that your exposure to this game is on an emulator with quick-saves and not replaying the same damn stage 6 times while you try to memorize that perfect pattern of blocks appearing while also nailing unforgiving timing.

>> No.1773676

It's okay to have opinions.
People are allowed to like different things than you.
I think Parasite Eve 1 is more fun than 2.
I like Metroid 2 better than Super Metroid
Every console ever that isn't made by Tiger Electronics has things worth playing on it.
The Super Nintendo is my second least favorite Nintendo console only beat in that regard by the virtual boy.
It isn't the end of the world if someone pays for emulation.
This board somehow went down the shitter in the last six months.
Words like SJW don't belong on this board.
/vr/_netplay is not an inviting place except for LizardFungus, who is a bro.
Using save states is better than rage quiting.
I prefer actual hardware, but emulation is acceptable.
I don't mind using an LCD, but only using the correct aspect ration for the game.
Using a pad with six face buttons isn't a cancer.
I dislike it when PSP guy tries to hijack every thread.
I think Ghost Lion is a fun game.
I think Destiny of an Emperor is a fun game.
I like both more than the first two Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest games.
I like Ocarina of time, especially the atmosphere, but I felt like the game made me do far too much bitchwork.
Megaman 5 mixed things up, but it wasn't that bad.
Alien Syndrome is fun.
Kouldelka isn't as broken as people say.
Melee attacks in a survival horror games are pants on head retarded unless weapons can break since that means that fighting is always the most valid option if you git gud.

>> No.1773703

who's psp guy

>> No.1773715

presumably the guy who's lately been popping up in every thread concerning actual /vr/ console hardware and telling everyone how they should just use PSP to emulate everything instead

>> No.1773720

oooh god. I've stopped responding to those posts for the last while. the handheld emulation device thread pops up every once and while, and he's always there. I just got tired of trying to explain the negative sides of PSP emulation and what I think is superior. I feel bad cause I don't want n00bs to pick up a psp thinking it's the end all of handheld emulation, as that guy likes to think

>> No.1773969

One Must Fall 2097 is a bad game, and the only way you could enjoy it is if you never had any access to a console or arcade. Street Fighter, King of Fighters, Killer Instinct, hell even Mortal Kombat are more fun to play. As for mecha fighting games, you'd be better off playing the Gundam games on SNES and Playstation. OMF2097 was a game for poorfags.

Duke Nukem 3D was a game that tried way too fun to be funny and clever. It was like Dad Humor: The Videogame. Duke Nukem Forever is every bit as good as DN3D (i.e., not at all), the only difference is you were an adult when you played Forever.

>> No.1773973

>/vr/_netplay is not an inviting place
This is correct, not an opinion.

>> No.1773992

>Using save states is better than rage quiting.
I don't disagree with most of your opinions, except this one.

The best way to deal with a really hard part IS to quit playing for a while. Then when you try it again, you'll have a fresh perspective and maybe try something you didn't think of before.

Losing is part of the game. It's unfair to the game, and it's unfair to yourself to use save states.

>> No.1773994

>I'm sure many people will call me a n00b for this opinion, but I don't care. I'll postulate that your exposure to this game is on an emulator with quick-saves and not replaying the same damn stage 6 times while you try to memorize that perfect pattern of blocks appearing while also nailing unforgiving timing.

I don't think anyone has to save state MM2 to get through the stages. It's really not that hard.

>> No.1774023

We have different definitions of rage quitting. I meant getting so angry and frustrated with a game that you never pick it up again. Taking breaks is good and very much necessary.

I just meant that if a cheat is the only think that will let someone actually play the game and have fun with it, it's fine they use the cheat. When something leisurely as a single player game is involved, fun is more important than rules or honor.

>> No.1774194
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>/vr/_netplay is not an inviting place except for LizardFungus, who is a bro.

>> No.1774224

>Duke Nukem 3D was a game that tried way too fun to be funny and clever. It was like Dad Humor: The Videogame. Duke Nukem Forever is every bit as good as DN3D (i.e., not at all), the only difference is you were an adult when you played Forever.
Oh yeah?

I haven't played DNF but I still get a kick out of Duke's one liners even today. I love it when he says, "blow it out your ass" for instance after blowing up a load of badguys.

Also Douk was never trying to be 'clever' m8, what an earth makes you think it was? Especially with its toilet humour and shit. It was just trying to play the most macho, testosteronic, ott caricature ever created and I'd say it succeeded.

>> No.1774239

>I love it when he says, "blow it out your ass"
My dad says "blow it out your ass" when he's driving recklessly and someone honks at him. It's Dad Humor: The Videogame.

>> No.1774246

Final Fantasy 8 is my favorite FF game. The story is a little weird at times but the junction system is my favorite mechanic in any FF

ff7 was boring (and before you say it yes i did beat it) and ff9 was stupid

Mario 3 is bland and uninteresting but fun for a playthrough once in a while

i hate majoras mask

links awakening is the best zelda game ever

i also like megaman 7 better than X

>> No.1774250


>> No.1774318

Beatmania master here, and I take issue with this analogy. The way rhythm game skill is measured is based on an empirical metric, not instanced matchups (you can compare skill and have tournaments, but rhythm games are not inherently competitive like fighting games). Someone who consistently scores well at the hardest level is objectively better than someone who can't; there's no need to have them face off against each other, and there are no relative variables like fighting games have, and there's no real metagame either.

That said, while the rhythm game community certainly does have an elitism problem, I have never in over a decade heard of skilled players discouraging newbies and mediocre players. The masters do not "get off on owning someone" because direct competition only happens between players of similar skill. You are primarily competing against yourself, and your ability to succeed hinges entirely on your own manual dexterity and rhythm, not how well you do against certain types of players or tier matchups or other factors you see in fighting games.

Higher skill players are almost universally encouraging to lower skill players because there's no reason not to be. We want more people to support our genre because it is so anemic; driving people away would only kill it that much quicker. And unlike fighting games, you gain more recognition simply for being a top player, not by beating others at competitions.

>> No.1774680

That's an easy one

Megaman doesn't deserve to be in smash 4

>> No.1775051

The only reason to ever own a Dreamcast back when it came out was Soul Caliber, or possibly HotD2 if you liked shooters. Every other game on the console was either a multiplat that was already getting old that they "upgraded" to give their port a reason to exist or a shitty exclusive.

Speaking of shitty exclusives, ever play Jet Set Radio/Jet Grind Radio? It's like a super-simplified version of THPS with the stunt fun removed and replaced with a spray-painting QTE. And the controls are horrible for no apparent reason. Every single time I see this game on a list of best DC games I am always reminded of just how terrible the DC's library was. If a lame knock-off of THPS with bad controls is one of the best games a system has to offer, that is sad.

At least Soul Caliber was a quality arcade port. Nice work Namco.

>> No.1775060


You've got a point. Smash Bros is a joke.

>> No.1775119

If all those games are shovelware then who am I to argue?

>> No.1775361
File: 91 KB, 350x821, imdone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something happened to /vr/ that makes me sick to my stomach to the point where I don't even recognize this place anymore.

In the beginning, it genuinely felt like it was a very relaxed board with some intrepidity, people were trying to shape it into the opposite of /v/ and just a lot of boards in general. Like there was some elitism and arguments (thought opinions could even be swayed) and even a couple SJW booegyman threads, but it was civil overall. It was far from ideal, but it was better. And all the old obscure game archeology threads made me feel like we on the board has a sense of purpose in the gaming community.

Now? It just feels sorta like /v/ and /pol/ now. Like this really no fun allowed bundle of nerves full of zealots, and I'm afraid it even made me like that and I've posted things I've regretted, thanking Cthulhu I don't have a trip. It was this slow decline over the months. I don't what happened.Like, seriously, I just want a place where I can talk about fun games, relax, learn about and acquire cool games I haven't heard of yet, and chill with bros. At this point, I'm seriously considering leaving 4 Chan, but I have no clue where else to go.

>> No.1775367


>> No.1775372

I'm here for about two hours every day after work and I see nothing here to pull such a reaction from me. I like it here and it's nothing like /v/ or /pol/ to me. Just another perspective. Maybe it's just you.

>> No.1775376

I was here from the very beginning and I did notice a sharp decrease in board quality over time. I guess it's just natural. Retro games aren't that much of a niche.

Really, though. Complaining about it won't do much. We gotta make quality posts and report the shitposting mercilessly. They do get deleted.

Sure hope the guys who have enough knowledge to make great posts haven't left already.

>> No.1775387

Just keep posting with a positive outlook and you will effect the board for a better. Your post is sounds depressive and hopeless. You shouldn't worry so much about an anime image board anyways.

Also, did someone hurt your feelings with one of their unpopular opinions or opinion in general?

I'd really like to know what sort of retro gaymer you are . Collector/moralfag ? Flashcart-fag? Emulationfag? CRT-autist? Upscaling-autist? retro-FPS-fag? or the very worst, oldschool adventure game fag. IMO

>> No.1775394


Not him, but I'm all of those, I guess.

Fuck the CRT autists. Every time they show up in another thread it's to shitpost.

>> No.1775396

you have to filter out the autism.
the other day some kid showed up and asked where to start since his first games were like halo and shit. Like 10 people just ragged on him for never playing anything retro instantly.
The other day someone posted their collection and the autism hit so hard because one of his shelves had ps3 games.
It's not everyone but god damn there are some fucking spergs who plague this board.

>> No.1775402

That's /fit/ level cultism.

>> No.1775406

Yeah, they have their containment thread, I wish they'd keep in there.

I'm a flashcart/modchip-fag myself.

I'm also very anti consumer-whore levels of collectorfag. I also hate all single player FPS , I apologize

>> No.1775410

I suppose I'm a modchip fag myself as well. My PS1 and PS2 are modchipped. Too bad my goddamn disc burner's busted. I prefer to play on a keyboard anyway

>> No.1775416

>I prefer to play on a keyboard anyway

I used to feel the same way, but lately I've been leaning more towards controllers and joysticks. Just feels more ... authentic?

and although some people on here might rip on you for it, one of the best Shmup players in the west swears by keyboard. (Prometheus / dodonpachi)

>> No.1775421


How about someone who owns old consoles and uses emulators to enjoy retro games?

Classifying and passing judgment is a child's way of thinking.

>> No.1775424

Hi you pretentious dweeb faggot. Been here all summer?

What you've described pretty much happens to every single board ever. When a board is made it's initially unnaturally positive and everybody acts all friendly due to the excitement of a brand new place to post and new beginning. Slowly but surely however the novelty wears off and the board sinks into typical levels of 4chan cynicism. Did you really think this board would always be full of happy song and dance and birds chirping? Nigger please. That would be like expecting children to always be happy and excited about everything. Just as we grew older and life lost its wonder over the years, the same thing happens to a board over the course of its existence.

Still a good board though.

>> No.1775427

>one of the best Shmup players in the west swears by keyboard

Well, I'm not surprised. Keyboard is arcade controller tier, only even better and more flexible. No matter the game, I just can't play comfortably without a keyboard. Sadly, it lacks analog controls.

I didn't know about that, I'll remember it as an example.

>> No.1775428

I'm on the same level as you.
I like it now because i'd rather leave the side room and chill on the couch. I spend enough time in front of the computer, even though it's almost the same thing it's not y'know.

>> No.1775437
File: 63 KB, 512x384, 586.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the other day some kid showed up and asked where to start since his first games were like halo and shit.
Such obvious b8
>Like 10 people just ragged on him for never playing anything retro instantly.
...And of course /vr/ is always there to take.

>> No.1775439

Why the fuck is it bait? Sounds like a normal post to me.
No, wait.
Even IF it was bait, so what? If you give positive replies, you defeat the troll. Autists sperging out is exactly what he wanted.

>> No.1775445

You're saying that people can't be classified in any way shape or form? What is biology

I just thought it was funny he seemed so butthurt and wanted to know the reason why.

take at a look at his guide to shmups if you ever feel like gitting gud. It's called "the full extent of the JAM" . good read

Yeah I know exactly what you mean. I'm on the computer so much at work, I want to be able to sit down on the couch and enjoy my gaymen. Or stand up once I build my cabinet.

>> No.1775446

/vr/ is one of the easiest boards to bait because of the inherit autism everyone here has for retro games. We all love it in different ways and defend our views

>> No.1775447

It could have been bait, but if it was they literally just asked where to start with emulation/what games would I like.
The part that stood out as possible bait was when he said his favorite games are fps and mobas. There are no mobas but there's always a doom thread here, and there have been quake and blood threads alive for a week.

>> No.1775449

>Why the fuck is it bait?
Well you said it yourself. 10 autists sperged out at him instantly. You must be new to 4chan not to know a post like that could easily make retards rage. The best troll is more subtle in his antics but anybody with experience could spot that a mile away.

But then again, I've found that /vr/ is BY FAR the easiest board to troll on 4chan. Really, /vr/ is b8'd by pretty much anything.

>> No.1775451


I don't care much about this threads. And it's not one particular thread as much as it is just mountains of bad threads over time. Some relationship issues, me losing my job recently, and stuff preventing e from moving like I planned are probably just adding to depression.So it's probably that.

I am >>1775361 abd I have some consoles from yardsales or things I got as a kid like 2600, Genesis, SNES, and PS1. I don't see myself as much of a collector; i just buy games I think Id like to play and play them. I emulate most everything else that isn't on those systems I own, but I want to get a 3DO, built my own mame machine, and get a PC Engine some day. I don't care much about CRTs, but I have one and use it for light gun games and usually half my consoles are in the room with the LCD and the other with the CRT. I do like point and clicks and text adventures.

Well for reporting I at least try to always report the guy(s) who tries to make every console thread into a PSP thread, but otherwise I don't think I have much a real right to determine who should or shouldn't be banned.

>> No.1775456

When he mentioned that about mobas, it got me thinking there must be SOME older games that resemble them. I want to find them now

>> No.1775457

I use the internet a TON but one thing I've never been able to understand is how miserable and pathetic someone has to be to enjoy upsetting randoms on 4chan.

It doesn't make any sense, and this is coming from someone who's seen all manners of the lamest shit imaginable online.

>> No.1775458

the controls suck

>> No.1775462

ow dude I hear that. Just remember everything will get better as soon as you take the first step forward, AND STICK TO YOUR PLAN.

Please don't wallow in bullshit. I see this happen to far too many people. Everyone is capable of accomplishing what they want.

You can always come here to discuss your gaymen, don't feel alienated.

Also, try flashcarts / modchips!! Way better than emulation

>> No.1775469

I like crts
I play on a flatscreen
I like <insert literally any game here>
I dislike <insert same game here>
I use x emulator

>> No.1775470

I mean retro games that resemble them . I know there won't be anything exactly the same, but I was thinking like, maybe there is some competitive RPG-like top-down-view games out there that could draw similarities. Or maybe some strategy-like game where you control a single unit? I dunno

>> No.1775471

It's simple dude. It's power and control for the type of people who will never have any.

>> No.1775472

The entire MOBA genre takes root in Aeon of Strife maps for the original Starcraft, which in turn was said to be based on Future Cop: LAPD Precinct Assault mode.

>> No.1775476

>take at a look at his guide to shmups if you ever feel like gitting gud

Yeah man, I'll give it a read. I've been playing Ikagura on PC occasionally, I'm pretty shit at it.

>possible bait when he said his favorite games are fps and mobas

Why the fuck can't people like those? That kind of shitty elitist attitude is what made /v/ into 4chan's shitposting board.

No, what I mean is why do these people react so fucking strongly to shit that doesn't matter?

There might have been no troll. It's possible that that was his exact situation. Even if it was a troll, getting baited that hard is just pathetic. Even worse: it defines the code for what's appropriate to reply to on the board.

Many times I've been told to fuck off to reddit just because I posted something that didn't fit into the board's general consensus. I mean, what the fuck's up with this guy? He must be baiting. Surely nobody thinks that way, right? Most of the time these people didn't even try to understand the post, even if it was something that agrees with them, they just saw whatever it was they wanted to see in it and dismissed it.

Several boards have reached this level of retardation, but to think /vr/ actually started that way.

That's just the general "that's so fucking stupid I'm not even going to bother explaining why, and I'm doing you a favor by assuming you're trolling because that implies your actual opinions could be different and not shit" attitude.

>> No.1775481

>Why the fuck can't people like those?

I actually reaalllly dislike single player FPS. I like PvP though.

>> No.1775482

>No, what I mean is why do these people react so fucking strongly to shit that doesn't matter?
Because autism

>> No.1775485

That's totally okay. I like single player FPS, but hate the competitive aspect of it.

>> No.1775490

I'm trying to make a plan, even got a back up set up, it's just a problem of implementing either now.

I want to but, even when I had a job, it was shit. When I figure it's time to buy games, I never spend over like $30s at a time. If were to have something like $300 lying around or just spare money in general and a stready income to really buy games anymore, I'd spend in on something more that would actually help me a little out of my own personal depression like hrt, or an engagement ring for my girlfriend. Like, there's more important shit than video games in my life.

>> No.1775495

Not saying $300 could get an engagmenet ring but you get the idea.

>> No.1775496

X is fucking amazing. You take that back.

>> No.1775530

I feel the same way.
If I leave I'm only going to return when 6th gen is allowed.
If it ever is.

>> No.1775532

you'll get there dude. Just keep at whatever you're doing and aim to improve . Soon enough you'll have all the gaymen you ever wanted

>> No.1775605

Thank you I needed that.
Yeah, I just tried to take your advice and my first thread on here in like three months. Probably nostalgia faggy, but I'm trying to keep it positive.

I haven't played enough FPS games to really feel like I can talk about the genre without talking out my ass, but I dislike most of what I've played (though that's only single player), and what I've liked are Marathon 2 and Doom 64. Both felt atmospheric, had some sense of adventure, and even puzzles so that there was more to it as a game than just combat. so I know I CAN like the genre. I just don't know what others are varied like that. I could likely get into pvp but most of my friends prefer /tg/ to video game when we game.

>> No.1775628

This is still 4chan dude, it's inevitable.

>> No.1775632 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.1775650

Well aware, but trying to be less of one.

>> No.1775683
File: 42 KB, 200x200, I+don+t+wanna+be+autistic+man+I+have+_3ea028e6141c76924e43572b7f8f2553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I appreciate how nerdy you are about video games /vr/, but holy shit is it absolutely necessary to be so devoid of humour? I've just realised I can't remember a single occasion where this board made me laugh. I'm 100% sure /vr/ has the highest percentage of literal autists as compared to any other 4chan board by far (at least based on the ones I've seen). Honestly, you guys are so square it fucking hurts.

To be a good Samaritan I'd like to just remind you that autists have no self awareness. Autists don't actually know they're autistic. A lot of you might seriously want to consider being checked out by a specialist. The results may surprise you and may just end up changing your life for the better once you get the support you need. Good luck!

>> No.1775745
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I've seen some funny shit here. The real question is why do you take 4chan so seriously and why are you preaching to randoms?

So pretentious.

>> No.1775752

you're a person who should get yourself checked out

>> No.1775787


You sound more unlikable than the people you're shitting on, kid.

>> No.1775795

Heres a joke for you.

My dog has no nose.
Then you say, how does he smell?

>> No.1775796

Perfect Dark was better than Goldeneye.

Megaman sucks because you can't duck or shoot diagonally.

Euroshmups are the best subgenre of shmups.

6th generation consoles should be considered /vr/ worthy.

Zelda II is one of the best games in the series.

Street Fighter II is overrated.

Doom was better than Doom II.

JRPGs can actually be pretty fun.

The N64 has a better library than people give it credit for.

The SNES has aged better than the Genesis.

>> No.1775894

/vr/ is still the best board to discuss videogames on 4chan, but yeah, it has gone downhill. Actually did a little snapshot of the catalog a while back, made some stats out of it.

All the threads boiled down to one of five types. Quality /vr/ material, generic forum smalltalk "WAT UR FAV X?" threads, threads of people asking for answers they could easily get through google, OP's personal blog but he mentioned video games so it's ok threads, and game recommendation threads despite the game recommendation wiki and game recommendation thread general.
Out of the 150 threads on the board at that moment, 61 were quality /vr/, 55 were stupidity that is either against the rules or should be, and 34 were people using /vr/ to google things for them.

To improve /vr/ back to a better state, people need to completely ignore personal blog type threads, generic "POST UR FAV X/WAIFU" threads, "recommend me games" threads, and stop spoonfeeding people that could just as easily google for an answer.

>> No.1775916

What do you consider "quality /vr/ material"?

>> No.1775940

I agree with >>1775916, don't try to try to incorporate your personal opinions into part of your stats. If by blog post you mean "why do you retro?" threads, I don't mind them.

Also, I think just pointing someone to a wiki for recommendations stifles discussion and basically just makes everyone have to edit a wiki that isn't even made for our board. We're one of the few boards that doesn't auto ban recomendation threads as /r/s, and I like it that way. It's far more a personal thing and discussion with the OP and others and leads to games that normally wouldn't be in the wiki being recommended. It's better than just handing someone an overwhelmingly large list, telling them to go fuck themselves, and then having them banned. The wiki is already linked to frequently anyway, so it serves it purpose, it just isn't the only way of responding to the threads.

>> No.1775952

Threads actually about retro videogames and retro videogame materials, like interviews with devs, old promotional art, stuff like that.

Anything that wasn't one of the other 4 categories to be completely honest. It wasn't all gold, but it was still better than the rest of it.

Here were some actual garbage threads:
Retron 5 marketing thread
Thinly Veiled soft-core porn/waifu posting thread
Craigslist/complaining about dumb sellers thread
Yet another filter/shader/HD whinefest
Yet another Unpopular Opinion thread

>> No.1775959

>leads to games that normally wouldn't be in the wiki being recommended.
And if you add those games to the wiki....
Does no good to have a Official Game Recommendation thread if people are just going to post 15 threads asking the same question anyways.

>> No.1775965

I realize some of those threads are repetitive, but I feel like you're just putting everything you don't like into a category of "garbage". Clearly people like discussing these things, or else these threads would fall off the board with barely any replies. If you're just mad that people on here like to talk about things you don't like to talk about, I don't really know what to tell you.

>> No.1775973

Yep, this place is pretty much /v/ at this point. Time to put this silly experiment out of its misery already.

>> No.1775990

If that happens, I actually won't be here forever.

>> No.1775998

>I feel
You are jumping to a few conclusions there, based off of what you feel. When the board opened, threads like those existed, but they were few in number, now they have multiplied.
The reason I mentioned these threads specifically is because they don't really generate discussion that often, they are mostly survey-style opinion dumps like the kind you find all over standard forums, facebook and the like. Lotta posts, little actual discussion. The problem with this is that threads that actually have good discussion or information or content of some form are getting pushed off the board for yet another "WUT UR FAV X?" thread. Threads like that are low quality discussion even on facebook, and that takes effort.

/v/ COULD be a decent place to talk about videogames if the users didn't tolerate the board culture and "Prove me wrong Protip You cant" type crap threads. But they do, so it's crap.

I am interested in getting your opinion on what the current quality/crap ratio is on /vr/. Out of the 150 threads on the board now, which ones look like garbage to you? If anyone else is interested in chipping in, please do.

>> No.1776019

>The problem with this is that threads that actually have good discussion or information or content of some form are getting pushed off the board for yet another "WUT UR FAV X?" thread.

I see people say this, but I don't see how that can be true. If people are having an active discussion, the thread isn't going to fall off the board before its time. /vr/ doesn't move fast enough that a thread gets pushed off in a matter of hours. If nobody is posting in a thread, well, that's how it goes.

I agree that the threads you're talking about don't exactly have the most in-depth discussion, but that's just the nature of the beast. If more people would rather discuss one thing over the other, there's not much you can do about it.

>Out of the 150 threads on the board now, which ones look like garbage to you?

The thing is, I don't look at a thread and think "that's garbage", outside of ones that are just blatant shitposting or bait threads. I just ignore the threads I have no interest in.

>> No.1776024
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>I challenge you to have a less popular opinion than this.

I fucking can't stand games for machines like Amiga & C64. As far as action & arcade style games go, they're beyond shit and pale in comparison to japan's contemporaries on platforms like MSX & Sharp X68000. Every time I see britbong gamers circlejerk over how amazing they think those games are, I can't help but laugh. Western dev's take on those genres were appallingly bad for the most part.

Working Designs localizations are awful

The original arcade versions of Double Dragon 1 & 2 are god awful, the NES ports are at best slightly better.

ym2612 + SN76489 > spc700

RetroArch > the original standalone emulators

Sega Saturn D-pad is the best ever made and rips the other ones to shreds, especially the mediocre PlayStation ones pre-DS4.

I think we should be allowed to discuss 6th gen vidya here.

>> No.1776029

>Working Designs localizations are awful

Can't agree more. Localized the games with a bunch of garbage useless add ons inflating the price. Made the translations kinda shitty and basically tweaked stuff that didn't need tweaking, like made Combat in Alundra easier, while maintaining its ridiculously tedious puzzle difficulty in some areas.

Pretty much every working designs title complete is way more expensive then it should be

>> No.1776371 [DELETED] 

>dude wants humour
>you go full sperg at his reply
You're proving his point m8. it seems to me that you're the one taking 4chins seriously

Agreed. definitely an autist

>> No.1776817


fucking working designs. I swear to god they also choose the lamest fucking games to translate. I mean for saturn, they chose faggy magic knight rayearth and that other RPG over so many better choices. Rattles my angus

>> No.1777416


Go shitpost somewhere else faggot. Nobody wants you here.

N64 had a lot of fun games regardless of quality.

Mega Man series has never been difficult.

Play one Zelda game and the rest lose their luster fast.

'Casual gamers' have nothing to do with the state of video games today, blame the companies.

FPS can be as good on console as on PC, but it can't be competitive on console.

2D platformers should make a return on consoles.

>> No.1777420 [DELETED] 

make me :^)

>> No.1777464

What did one hat say to the other?
Stay here, I'll go on ahead.

>> No.1777468

best /vr/ humor ever

>> No.1777531

what did he say

>> No.1777553


>> No.1777564

I disagree though. you should be downscaling the gif to immaculate 240p before leaving

>> No.1777605
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I hat e you.

>> No.1777635

Mega Man 2 is great, but it has been outdone plenty of times since and only still holds its reputation due to being a vast improvement on 1. But 3 is better, so is 4, so is Gameboy IV and V, so is 9, but rarely do any of these get the love they truly deserve due to them simply not being MM2.

MM2 is video game equivalent of Pearl Jam's Ten -- A great work that overshadows the entire series so badly to the point that despite there being even better releases that followed, none of them are properly given their due.

>> No.1777648

Agree completely.

>> No.1777748
File: 28 KB, 379x373, Ocarina-of-Time-Logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best game ever made.

>> No.1777759

I think Mega Man 2 is the best game in the series because of its brilliant soundtrack and level design.

I think it has the best stages, robot masters and weapons. You've got the Quick Man lasers, the Mecha Dragon, the Dr. Wily alien, and some of the most memorable Mega Man moments ever.

It has nothing to do with it being just an improvement over Mega Man 1, although it's certainly that, too.

Like it or not, Mega Man 2 will forever be the Mega Man game that people always remember and talk about.

>> No.1777760

>3 is better
I disagree, but barely, and don't think it's a crazy stance to take.

>so is 4

>so is Gameboy IV and V
No, that's crazy.

>so is 9

I think the Ten comparison is pretty good, though.

>> No.1777763

i just puked on my dick a little

>> No.1777771

It's in the top 5 definitely. I would say Super Metroid is number 1, and Ocarina of Time is number 2.

>> No.1777806
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You're on.

>> No.1780505
File: 126 KB, 230x207, 1390310346060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SF gets simplified inputs
>Press one button to spam the shit out of hadouken/tatsumaki/shoryuken
>Previous charge characters can now immediately use their attacks, even in the middle of extreme pressure

>> No.1780516

Smashbros is casual shit. Capcom fighting evolution has hadoukens on one button and it fucking sucks. Doesn't feel right at all, hadouken makes sense though you are channelling ki down through your body then shooting it out forwards.

>> No.1780528

simply git gud. Just because you are a lazy faggot that can't be bother to learn a couple of commands doesn't mean the game is too complex. Lots of games with high skill caps have intricate mechanics like button combos. You mentioned starcraft... those fuckers do some pretty fucking intricate keyboard commands to control their entire army at once.

>> No.1780536

i hope you die on a cancer fire

>> No.1780772

It's not an "artificial" barrier at all. Do you realize how many different attacks these characters have? There's low, medium, and high punches and kicks, as well as "command normals," special moves, throws, and supers. There are six buttons available to your right hand; there are twelve on the controller, but it's rather difficult to click sticks and use start/select in the middle of a fight, and it's awkward to use the left shoulders while so much finesse is required with the thumb of that hand. (And we're not even getting into the awkwardness of using an arcade panel with 12 buttons in something as fast paced as a fighting game.) It just makes sense that you would have to use the buttons in different combinations to perform more advanced techniques.

It's not an "artificial barrier," it's a very reasonable learning curve. Once you get used to the conventions of the genre, you can pop off hypers and uppercuts without even thinking about it. The whole point of the genre is to have battles of lightning fast reflexes and technical finesse; two skilled players will be pulling out every complicated move their characters have, sliding through all manner of crazy d-pad rolls and button combinations, needing to adjust their strategy and naturally throw out more complicated moves at a milliseconds' notice, all with perfect timing and placement. With as little condescension as possible, you kind of do need to git gud to appreciate why people like fighters.

Also, some of my favorite beat 'em ups have command specials. I actually really like that idea and wish there were more games like Mutant Apocalypse, where you can punch and kick with simple presses but fire eyebeams and flying knees with QCFs and the like.

>> No.1780851

its a great game

>> No.1781206

It's not an artificial barrier to entry at all. It offers a good separation between players of different skill levels, particularly as you start to string combos. It takes a lot of coordination and perfect timing to execute combos in SF2 Turbo (and subsequently SF4 with FADCs, even though that's not retro), whereas a new skilled players might not be able to execute more than jump strong kick -> strong punch -> shoryuken.

Executing a fireball by itself is not difficult, but stringing it into a combo with other special moves and nailing the timing is. It's what makes SF pretty easy to pick up and play, but hard to master.

>> No.1781557

Combos aren't metagame.

>> No.1781776

Bloodlines is better than Super Castlevania

>> No.1781808


simtower was god tier.

its an elevator system simulator though, nothing else. dont be fooled

>> No.1782303


>Double Dash is the best MK

Is this some sort of epic maymay?

>> No.1782321


The ability to perform combos affects your metagame.

>> No.1782413 [DELETED] 

Fallout 1/2 has many flaws and isn't that good of a game.

>> No.1782418
File: 20 KB, 250x250, fallout1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fallout 1 and 2 have many flaws and aren't that good as games.

>> No.1782448

>Ocarina of Time is an awful game. It's piss easy and way too short compared to its predecessors, and the storyline is the same damn animation loop while infuriatingly slow and repetitive text scrolls across the screen. It's the 2nd worst Zelda next to Wind Waker, the latter was just unplayable.

> Metal Gear Solid is a terrible game.

> Sony pressuring developers into making games photo-realistic for the PSX killed console gaming.

>> No.1782452


No, it's the god's honest truth.

>> No.1782473

I don't get the popularity of the Megaman games.

Sure the ones I've played are decent, fun plaftormers but they certainly weren't good enough to warrant the 150+ games the series has and the near-rabid fanbase it's attracted.

>> No.1782485

I think that once it got past a certain point (4 maybe?), it became its own cult classic that was very easy to make sequels for.... plug in 8 new robot masters with abilities that could be functionally equivalent to previous ones but look differently, create 8 new levels that are themed according to those masters, and you have yourself a game.

>> No.1782507

I got one.
Final Fantasy, along with a lot of JRPGs, are time consuming and confusing.

>> No.1783096

Since you asked:
JRPG are dumbed down WRPGs to kidz level, because the consoles couldn`t handle the complexity of stats and D&D rules. The characters all rook the same and the story is aimed at the average Pokemen audience.

>> No.1783126

holy shit dude you're triggering my autism

>> No.1783131

But that's just true. Dragon Quest is a Wizardry successor, and it was made less complex to make it more enjoyable for japanese players

>> No.1783143

To make you feel better I hereby state that FF6 is a great JRPG. Suikoden 1 was also good. Don`t let it get to you.

>> No.1783672

Four fonts walk into a bar. The barman says “Hey get out! We don’t want your type in here!

>> No.1783692

There's a point where complexity and depth is detrimental to the game, and there's also a point where the mechanics are so obtuse they violate common sense, and also points where there are multiple overlapping rules that end up doing the exact same thing. You need to learn the difference between Hardcore and Shit Design, and Dumbed Down and Streamlined/Consistent.

Also characters all looking the same only applies to a few games (most of which are considered shit anyway) and that's because of a shitty illustrator/designer.

>> No.1783807

>consoles couldn`t handle the complexity of stats and D&D rules

That's a pretty dumb thing to say. Unless you mean console *gamers* and not the consoles themselves.

>> No.1783837

Agree on ff7 and links awakening.

>> No.1783841

>Unless you mean console *gamers* and not the consoles themselves.

No, his comment is just as stupid taken either way.

>> No.1783846

Computers not being able to "handle" RPG rules is just wrong, while console gamers is an issue of demographics that can at least be debated.

>> No.1784947

The NES Megaman games look very good for NES games, with Solid gameplay, and they could be beaten by a kid who rented a game for the weekend, something that was not that common back then.

My unpopular opinion would be that Megaman games werent difficult (also not a breeze), they offer a decent challenge but nothing very difficult.

>> No.1787359

I initially thought you meant Might and Magic 7 FOR BLOOD AND HONOUR, cause thats another use of that shorthand, which is the most popular Might and magic game. Also it has 2d sprites and shit.

>> No.1788595


>> No.1788626
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ok I kek'd


H-hey, /vr/, listen.

Check this out.

Check this out. Hear me out a second /vr/.

Yo, listen, check this out.

Nah, nah, just chill a sec bro, listen to this.

What sound does a computer lion make?

Alright, you ready for this?

Ok, hear we go.

What sound does a computer lion make?
