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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 111 KB, 643x502, 49c149153513a93cc0e94ede031b46c3_06transport_tycoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1738647 No.1738647 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone still transport tycoon?
Haven't played it for ages, should I remove its dust or leave my memories alone?

>tl;dr Should I play Transport Tycoon again?

>> No.1738649

I tried OpenTTD a few weeks ago, but this shit requires too much autismo. Establishing logical railways is especially complicated. A very interesting game that's just too complicated for me.

>> No.1738657
File: 174 KB, 1038x850, OpenTTD 17400 farm goods.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I play OpenTTD if that counts. Sure seem to have a lot of trouble recruiting other people to play it with me lately.

>> No.1738662

>that railway

>> No.1738678
File: 1.08 MB, 2560x979, ottd1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my all time favorite games. Extremely fun especially when played in multiplayer.

>> No.1738679
File: 293 KB, 1280x977, OpenTTD stacked metro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You like?

Anyway OP, I would recommend playing OpenTTD. It has quite a lot of great features over the original games at this point. Not the least of which being online multiplayer.

>> No.1738682
File: 161 KB, 302x322, 357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>200 years old train still making profit
>ancient cars breaking down on railways and getting blasted by trains
>bribe a small town leader with minimum bribe of ten million dollars just so that I can build a small road that slightly touches their town limits

This fucking game, mang.

>> No.1738683

>17437 crates of goods

>> No.1738684
File: 66 KB, 256x192, homa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have so much money that I can do anything I want
>build a private island shaped like swastika

>> No.1738692
File: 1.95 MB, 200x150, 1402095029025.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>town of 1546 people
>build an intercontinental airport next to it
>the airport is 5-6 times larger than the town

>"hurrga durrga durrr! you can't build an airport here! it's too noisy"
>here, have a suitcase of ONE MILLION DOLLARS
>"airport is good, airport is love :)"

The power of money. I also love how you can invest in road construction so that the enemy company will get their cars stuck for few weeks.

>> No.1738697 [DELETED] 


I would, but you seem to have a very different play style to me.

>tfw no one to play realisitic(ish) games with

>> No.1738698
File: 1.14 MB, 1920x1018, Phillips & Co., 18th Jul 2015#1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I would, but you seem to have a very different play style to me.

>tfw no one to play realisitic(ish) games with

>> No.1738712
File: 1.36 MB, 1278x945, OpenTTD metro transfer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Define what you mean by "realisitic(ish)".

>> No.1738729
File: 1.07 MB, 1920x1018, Phillips & Co., 18th Jul 2015#2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Attempting to emulate real world layouts and cargo handling as best as you can.

Cargo Distribution patch and path based signalling makes this a much more entertaining way to play now, for me at least.

>> No.1738735

I'm more interested in taking OpenTTD as far as I can as a game. I love seeing how much shit I can transport. I have been meaning to try cargodist though. Isn't it not a patch anymore; actually included in in official releases now? How do you turn it on?

>> No.1738742
File: 724 KB, 1280x701, OpenTTD metro dropoff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Railroad stations are really as inefficient as in your pic as in real life? I doubt that. You should increase your signal density anon.

>> No.1738762
File: 470 KB, 865x665, O'Donnell & Co., 27th May 1936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Go to Advanced Settings. If you're using the stable build, the Cargo Dist tab is on the main page. If you're using the nightly build it's under Environment.


No need. Traffic isn't too heavy because of the avoiding lines for freight. It's just local passenger trains.

>> No.1738772

So how do you play with this CargoDist thing anyway? There's an awful lot of settings here. How should I get started?

I'm correct in assuming this gives you objectives to fulfill with your cargo, like SimuTrans, right?

>> No.1738794 [DELETED] 
File: 227 KB, 1920x1018, O'Donnell & Co., 27th May 1936#2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I really explain it well, but the pic related has my preferred settings, an example of a station using Cargo Dist and the map showing current routes.

The tt-forums thread will probably help you more than I can.


>> No.1738803
File: 227 KB, 1920x1018, O'Donnell & Co., 27th May 1936#2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can't really explain it well, but the pic related has my preferred settings, an example of a station using Cargo Dist and the map showing current routes which is how you figure out what needs working on.

The tt-forums thread will probably help you more than I can.


>> No.1738843
File: 21 KB, 351x359, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw every time I look at an openttdcoop map

>> No.1738851

OP here.
Ok guys, you've convinced me. It's going to be a loooong weekend.


>> No.1738870
File: 16 KB, 221x200, +that+++_c1970cf390aa2051c4ed7c490edc157f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be a child
>Have no idea how to multi-train
>NPC's building 5 multi-train stations

>> No.1738894
File: 80 KB, 538x388, spaghetti4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>want some competition
>start game with a bunch of AI players
>half the map terraformed because they get to do it for free
>squiggly railways and roads everywhere, getting in my way
>airports right next to each
>turn AI off
>buyout AI companies
>demolish everything they built
>vow never to do it again

>> No.1738967

Oh man watching the retarded AI track and road laying algorithm do its shit was the highlight of my childhood. I'd always have just one AI competitor and between building stuff watch it go full retard, putting massive airports in the catchment of a single house and such shit.

>> No.1739051

That's my own map actually~

>> No.1739142

Oh the good ol' times

>> No.1739497

I've been trying to get a game together with /v/ again but so far nobody seems to bite. Dunno where the enthusiasm went.

>> No.1739560

>I've been trying to get a game together with /v/ again but so far nobody seems to bite. Dunno where the enthusiasm went.
> I've been trying to get a game together with /v/ again but so far nobody seems to bite.
>I've been trying to get a game together with /v/
>a game together with /v/
>with /v/

>> No.1739673

Problem? /v/ and I used to have some fun times with this game.

>> No.1739712


I'm interested and able to play in the coming week.

>> No.1740138

I love Transport Tycoon, it's one of my favorite games. Spending hours building railway networks and highways is just part of the fun. OpenTTD is much better though, it fixes the hilarious AI and generally improves the game.

I play a few times but I don't have regular access to a computer to really stay in long-running games so I pass on it more often than not.

>> No.1741345

Guess I outta bump this.

>> No.1741476
File: 72 KB, 1920x1018, Phillips & Co., 12th Jan 1930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started another Japan game, this time with Cargo Dist. Currently ten years in and things are running quite smoothly.

>> No.1741703
File: 1.38 MB, 1489x862, Phillips & Co., 15th Feb 1932#1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Samefag, but I felt like sharing this.

>> No.1742215 [DELETED] 

So how do this work exactly? Do you fill out orders when they appear like with subsidies or what? So far I'm not seeing anything. Do you just need to wait a while for something to happen first?

>> No.1742218
File: 255 KB, 1280x1000, wat do.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how does this work exactly? Do you fill out orders when they appear like with subsidies or what? So far I'm not seeing anything. Do you just need to wait a while for something to happen first?

I've tried reading that thread before and it just isn't very helpful (plus way too much shit to read).

>> No.1742241

Noice m8

>> No.1742250

lol this post has made me want to check this game out. how difficult is it to get into and understand?

>> No.1742252

It's pretty easy to learn the basics, but the game gets very deep when you want to make more advanced train networks.


>> No.1742371

I guess this new Cargo Distribution thing isn't really what I had thought or hoped it would be. Kind of a pointless realism-pandering feature that doesn't really add all that much to the gameplay to be honest. What a disappointment.

>> No.1742910

help me /vr/, I always get my ass handed in this game.
basics and tips please.

>> No.1743097
File: 59 KB, 450x330, OpenTTD crossing the streams.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ass handed by what? The AIs?

Uhhh... don't cross the streams!

>> No.1743490

It's a great game, but i feel the autism after a few hours

>> No.1743623

I used to play on the /v/ server about 2 years back. Loved it.

Now when I do play it I usually go for citybuilding servers. They are short and have a clear goal

>> No.1743665


It depends on what you want from the game. While not everyone is big on the realism, some players, myself included, want to be able to simulate real world transportation as best as we possibly can within the confines of the game. With the original cargo handling passengers would just get on the midnight train going anywhere, meaning you can transport thousands of them to a single village of 300 people. What's more, they would never make a return journey. Frankly, I think that's quite silly.

>> No.1744412

I loss money since I cannot start a profitable venture in openTTD.

>> No.1744483

Remember that you usually want your vehicles to wait on full loads before leaving for their next destination, and remember that distance is the largest single factor in profitability.

The way I usually start a game is to build a simple coal line with as long a distance from coal mine to power plant as my loan will provide. A simple couple of airports is a decent way to get the dough flowing at first as well; just make sure they're spaced a good distance apart.

>> No.1744546

>tfw no one to play realisitic(ish) games with
I know what you mean, it's annoying when you're playing online with people and they throw stations any and every where.

What's your city growth rate setting in that picture? And did you build those stations before it grew to that size? I can never get a good rail running through large cities without using cheats to demolish everything.

Wait, passengers actually ask to go to specific locations now? That's amazing, I've always wanted that because of the absurdity of >>1743665
>they would never make a return journey.

What's path-based signalling, though? OpenTTD had gotten boring so finding out about this has really refreshed my interest in the game.

>> No.1744690

>passengers actually ask to go to specific locations now?
They don't. All this addition does is allow you to split the cargo/passengers from one source into multiple destinations by having the pickup vehicles only load the cargo/passengers that are headed to its next destination. The destinations are decided by you and can be any of the stations you have connected; only the ratio of cargo for each one is somewhat randomized.

>I can never get a good rail running through large cities without using cheats to demolish everything.
for one of my solutions. I'm making use of nearly every last bit of passengers and mail in that city.

>> No.1744703
File: 108 KB, 767x352, OpenTTD high-speed merge loop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also you really have to plan your city layout beforehand, or make sure you build all their roads at least, when you're deciding on some sort of train metro passenger/mail setup.

Path-based signalling simply means using path signals. They're the easier signal type to use and do some things automatically, but they're slower to react and you can't make most of the really cool structures with them.

>> No.1744734

You were right about it being hard to explain. I'll have to load up a game and try it myself to understand.

>make sure you build all their roads at least
Ah, I never thought of that.

I've been playing the game for years and still don't know how to use signals properly. Most of the time I just keep playing around with them till the trains start working the way I want them to. I only use the default, basic ones.

>> No.1744772
File: 254 KB, 1038x501, OpenTTD simple stations.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you checked out the wiki page for signals before? It's fairly straightforward. The more complex stuff only comes about as side effects of their behavior.


>> No.1744785
File: 373 KB, 1000x3468, OpenTTD SA signals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps that wiki page isn't quite so straightforward anymore actually.

>> No.1744794
File: 631 KB, 800x6000, OpenTTD SA signals2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1744837

Wow, thanks man. This will just make my over-reliance on trains even worse.

>> No.1744842

OpenTTD was made for conductan. All other modes of transport are smalltime.

>> No.1744884

Yeah, anything else is pretty useless when you have 5000+ passengers to transport.

Still, I like realism so I spend a worrying amount of time constructing highways to link every town and industry. I use the car set to feed the larger cities passengers and mail from the smaller towns. Then I just transport passengers between the major cities with buses, trains and planes in the largest cities. I build one or two international airports per landmass and mostly use planes to cross labelled "borders", complete with fences and booths and reserve ships and trucks for raw material/finished goods transport. Full autism.

It would be if I didn't give up halfway anyway.

>> No.1744910

>playing a multiplayer game with some friends
>make a mistake, spend too much money early on in an attempt to build a huge railway network, go bankrupt
>buddy buys my company out, laughs
>go quiet, sell my railway stuff since I'm part of his company and leave to form my own company
>he builds nothing but buses and trucks
>take out enormous loan, start building airports and Yate Hougan/Concordes
>every time I get enough cash, build another airport and another plane, connecting it all to a "hub" airport in the center of the map
>after a while I have millions of dollars to spare
>fund local road reconstruction in every town my buddy is building in
>keep doing it for a year straight
>build statues of myself in all of his towns
>plant my massive skyscraper HQ next to his little dirt shack

>send him a vocaroo recording of me laughing at him

Good times.

>> No.1744917

>tfw I used to play with openttdcoop

time to step it up scrub, time to git gud :^)

>these plebs in this thread can't even get their curve lengths right

>> No.1744929

>build statues of myself in all of his towns
I always found that feature to be worthless but that's because I've never played a multiplayer game. That's the most hilarious and satisfying thing to do.

>> No.1745547

It's not worthless at all actually. A statue provides 10% to station ratings for any station associated with that town.

>> No.1745876

So when can I step it up from transporting coal to transporting cocaine

>> No.1746819
File: 609 KB, 1280x939, OpenTTD PZ13 hub10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1747009


The city growth rate is normal in that game but the guy who originally made the scenario enlarged a number of the important cities. Fun scenario though, especially with all the newGRFs.

Anyway, if you want a realism buddy, I'll play with you.



>> No.1747248
File: 362 KB, 1440x850, Blueline Northern (BNSF), 25th Mar 1996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stuff like this boggles my mind. I just treat the game like a comfy trainset and do themed games in multiplayer with friends.

>> No.1747397
File: 74 KB, 720x540, Absolutely Disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>merge before split on the cloverleaf junction

>> No.1747473

All those tight turns are far worse.

>> No.1747731
File: 13 KB, 633x758, 1400044456782.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the date of the game is today

>> No.1750597

Anyone interested in playing a multiplayer game sometime soon?

>> No.1750778


>> No.1750986

Why is it so hard to find a good scenario in this game?

>> No.1751131


Drop me an email and we can set something up.


What's your definition of good? There are plenty which I've enjoyed.

>> No.1751215

There's probably no need for that, I'm good at server hosting and have a decent copypaste for starting threads as well. I'm just trying to gauge interest before I do it again. What's generally a good time for playing for you? The weekends are OpenTTD prime time but I can play in the evenings too (MST here).

>> No.1751280


I'm in the UK, but I'll go nocturnal for some OpenTTD.

Are you able to do Thursday, Friday or Sunday?

>> No.1751409

Alright, I got signals down (at least, I think, reasonably enough. Not too difficult stuff), now where should I go to start learning more advanced (or decent) rail design? My current designs don't amount to much other than a simple straight-forward loop with a couple of ro-ro stations, one at the supplier and the other at the corresponding manufacturer, of course.

I guess the wiki has more than enough information for this in the manual?

Thanks guys.

>> No.1751627


Visit tt-forums.net and browse the screenshots section for ideas.

>> No.1751768

Sure, Friday is probably the most favorable, but I'd say any of those days are fine.

Be wary of the junctions section of the wiki as a lot of people have uploaded some pretty bad ideas.

And you should change the train acceleration model to "realistic". I'm the first person to speak out against realismfaggotry, but the original acceleration model causes trains to slow down any time they need to turn, while the realistic model does not. This allows for much more interesting networks based around minimizing train slowdown.

I would say if you really wanna learn fast the best way to do that is to learn from someone who knows what they're doing in-game.

>> No.1751985


Cool, guys, thanks for your insight.

>> No.1752452

>What's your definition of good?
Something that'll let me make a nice, big networks. So something with spaced out towns and a flat, but not so flat that there's no variety in the landscape type of map. I like big mountain ranges, just not towns on top of those ranges.

Is the openttd site down for anyone else? The wiki and bananas is for me too and I can't even download stuff through the game. There was a great Iceland map I remember finding and playing through that.

>> No.1752674
File: 5 KB, 452x162, openttd settings usual.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would play with big mountain ranges more often if it weren't for those damn communication antennae.

>> No.1753470

What are your favorite newGRFs, /vr/? I've been seriously considering making one of my own recently.

>> No.1753938

Probably the World Airliners and Dutch Road Furniture Set. The World Airliners because I've always found it weird that only one company would be operating at an airport and the Dutch Road Furniture set for highways. I just wish there was a drag and drop option for objects so it wouldn't take so long to make them.

>> No.1753964

I've still got a Transport Tycoon demo floppy that came with Vol 2 Issue 1 of PC Gamer magazine around here somewhere.

>> No.1754006

All of them

>> No.1754080


Total Town Renewal Set
US Set
Japan Set
New Stations by Michael Blunck
Industrial Stations Renewal
Canadian Stations Set
George's Long Vehicles
FISH Ships Set
Stolen Trees
New Water by Leppka

>> No.1754090

I really tried to give FISH a fair chance one time but it just seems really unbalanced. Running costs or speed or something resulted in extremely low profit if I remember right. Such a shame, because I would like a killer ship newGRF with some real meat to it.

>> No.1754102

NUTS Unrealistic Train Set because it's one of the few newGRFs that really adds something to the gameplay. It's such a shame how most newGRFs are just trying to simulate some aspect from the real world instead of attempting to enhance the gameplay.

I like Industrial Stations Renewal too for the stations that show visibly how much cargo is waiting. Someone has been working on another newGRF recently that would put this idea into every single cargo type but sadly they seem to have dropped off the internet about six months ago. Such a shame, was and am still really looking forward to that one.

>> No.1754113


I have no problems with FISH. You've just got to use them in the right situations because while the ships have higher running costs, they also have massive capacities. For raw materials, I tend to use the smaller ships, with trucks on feeder services to ensure minimal loading times. I only use the largest ships for processed cargoes. They're great for handling excess goods from factories, refineries and sawmills that your rail network can't cope with.

>> No.1754118

I don't think the capacities make up for them, at least back when I last tried it. Perhaps something about their attributes have been changed since.

>> No.1754850

>Someone has been working on another newGRF recently that would put this idea into every single cargo type but sadly they seem to have dropped off the internet about six months ago. Such a shame, was and am still really looking forward to that one.
Doesn't ISR along with "New Stations" cover every cargo already? NS for passengers and ISR for everything else.

I'd really love a dock and bus/truck station replacement GRF that does the same.

>> No.1754882

ISR only shows certain cargo types unfortunately. It's only about half of the cargo types that have adaptive station graphics.

>> No.1754906

Does anyone use FIRS? I've only just started using it and it's pretty cool. It's nice to make small fishing villages and big port cities in the scenario editor rather than being restricted to the few cargo types in vanilla TTD. It brings a lot of variety and realism.

>George's Long Vehicles
The sprites for that are so well-drawn but I think the speed, cost and cargo capacity of the vehicles are a little too generous.

Oh. I didn't know. I don't rely too much on industries. I rather transport passengers and mail.

>> No.1755573

If we get a /v server then ill join aswell

>> No.1755967


>I think the speed, cost and cargo capacity of the vehicles are a little too generous.

For some of the later vehicles I agree with you, but the early and intermediate I think are about right, for me at least.

>> No.1755997

Huller om buller.


>> No.1756956

So... Are we playan tomorrow?

>> No.1757101


UK guy here. I'll definitely play if someone hosts.

>> No.1757110

All right, I'll start it up sometime around noon here, whatever that time is for you (6:00 pm?). What are . You don't mind if I make a /v/ thread for it too, do you?

Do you have any preferred game settings?

>> No.1757137


7:00pm I think, but I'm a layabout so I'll be here anyway and on into the small hours. What sort of settings and GRFs (if any) did you have planned? And a /v/ thread is fine.The more the merrier and all that. Hopefully it won't end up being a death match.

>> No.1757147


Oh, and skype. Yes or no?

>> No.1757185

Don't got a mic but whatever. My newGRF settings usually include at least Hover Bus, ISR, vacuum tube trains, and something with Universal Rail. They're optional things that people can choose whether or not to use. I love playing with NUTS too but I'm hesitant to use it with newer players because it's very confusing at first.

Anyway, what about climate?

>> No.1757240


For climate, I reckon we should go with temperate for this first game.

For GRFs, if your worry is that some are too confusing for new players, it might be better to go without. Regardless, my personal preference would be:

New Stations by Michael Blunck
New Ships by Michael Blunck and/or FISH
Long vehicles or vanilla road vehicles

I lean towards attempted realism usually, but honestly, I'll play what's put on the table because not everyone likes realism. Pick what you think would work best for most people or go with vanilla.

>> No.1757353

Yeah I don't think bombarding people with too many mods to download is a good idea when many probably aren't even that familiar with the base game. AV8 is good though. I've been hesitant to put in ISR before as well.

>> No.1757382


If we use any GRFs that aren't on BaNaNaS, be sure to provide download links.

>> No.1757536

Oh yeah, definitely not going to do that. However much I might like Toyland 2 Mars or Original Engines.

>> No.1758528

So I generally like playing with big maps when lots of people are involved so people aren't constantly fighting over space, but sometimes people have trouble downloading them on the server join. Is 1024x2048 or 512x4096 too large for anyone?

>> No.1758591


1024x1024 would be best I think, although really, it depends on how many players we have.

>> No.1758597

The last few times I've done this with /v/ the 1024x1024 maps do actually end up getting a bit cramped.

>> No.1758601


1024x2048 then? While we don't want it to be too cramped, there needs to be some competition.

>> No.1758868

Gonna get the server up shortly here.

>> No.1758879
File: 80 KB, 600x600, Yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1758905
File: 2 KB, 416x416, ah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>city so massive that cars and buses can't navigate to the other side of the city anymore

>> No.1758923
File: 133 KB, 400x381, 1363482793284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw oil rig gets built right next to my favorite city
>mfw bribing the city leaders so that I will get the exclusive rights on all transports
>mfw dropping 5 million dollars on advertising just because I can

What's that spell? LOADSAMONE!

>> No.1758928

Canadians don't say "eh." They say "right."

>> No.1758939

Yesss. I'm gonna bumble around while watching y'all make miracles hapen.

>> No.1758940
File: 45 KB, 600x403, Bad Canada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1759005

All right, server's up.

Server name: “fun with /v/”
Password: rage

>> No.1759010

I was under the impression they said "Fuck yeah bud"

>> No.1759021

>version mismatch

Fuck. I'm behind

>> No.1759026

/v/ thread here

>> No.1759032

Only when appropriate, but yeah, that too.

>> No.1759075
File: 69 KB, 520x678, 4356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Uh oh

>> No.1759202

tfw playing so long cities are now merging into one city. Outside the city, train tracks, a cursed earth. Inside, a cursed city, an unbroken concrete landscape. Mega City One.

tfw spending trillions of yen on bribes just to expand by 1 platform

Haven't played in a while (before cargodist was merged), but damn did it tickle my autism bone.

>> No.1759238
File: 649 KB, 1512x755, christ calm down.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is AI supposed to be this.. um.. hardcore? Hell the third AI joined in like half a year ago and managed to earn profits higher than I ever have in this game.

Do I just need to go the typical route of git gud?

>> No.1759615

What are you transporting? Are you paying attention to the profit you make from each type of cargo and how fast it depreciates the longer you take? It looks like the AI is transporting literally everything in your game while you just have a few stations.

>> No.1759773


Hey dudes, I left the game and now I can't remember my company password. How fucked am I?

>> No.1759852

I can reinsert you, it's pretty easy.

>> No.1760015
File: 843 KB, 250x191, 727527.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>network game connection lost

What is going on?

>> No.1760031

My server might be due for a reset. Or a shutdown. I have others things I might wanna do tonight.

>> No.1760054
File: 44 KB, 1579x815, Map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Map of the game we've been playing.

>> No.1760058

I've always wondered how these large full-map screenshots are taken.

>> No.1760061
File: 487 KB, 180x115, 1391389844164.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my tiny red bus 'network'

>> No.1760069


>open world map
>zoom out
>turn off town names
>take screenshot
>crop out UI


Be sure to join the next time the hosting chap hosts.

>> No.1760076

I was going to join back but I forgot my company password. Welp, I will remember it next time.

>> No.1760084

It's very simple for the server host to move people around companies and remove passwords. Shoulda just asked.

>> No.1760091

Well there was also the >>1760015 issue.

>> No.1760097
File: 43 KB, 1280x977, awwyeah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh so you just centered it manually.

>> No.1760104

You couldn't rejoin?

>> No.1760109

No it gave the timeout thing when downloading the map. I think there's an option to adjust the timeout higher.

>> No.1760119

Yes, there is.

>> No.1760146
File: 723 KB, 2720x3720, disregard efficiency, acquire pseudo-realism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are we swapping our autism then?

>> No.1760529

I like this map a lot, where'd you find it?

>> No.1760601



It predates rivers, so the creator used canals. Just convert them in the scenario editor. Japan set works nicely with the map for obvious reasons.

>> No.1761364

So.. when are we playing again?

>> No.1761629


Possibly Sunday.

>> No.1761630

Whre do I get those... NewGRF? Things the server used? I'd like to actually join next time.

Also, how do you deal with an industry your transport chain relied on going out of business? An oil well just disappeared and now I have two lines defunct. It's annoying as fucking shit

>> No.1761696


All the GRFs the host used are on BaNaNaS so you can download them within the game. Read here for more info.


>> No.1761898

There is an option to download all the needed newGRF files when you're about to join. Something like
>show newGRF
and then just press "download all"

>> No.1762426

Thanks! Nopw only my other question stands: How do you all deal with a vital industry in your supply line disappearing because lawl fuck the player? Is there even any rhyme or reason to that happening?

>> No.1762452

Turn variable economy off if you're using default settings. I think that way an industry will not shut down so long as it is being serviced by transportation.

>> No.1762657

The way industries work (with smooth economy on, the default setting) is every month an industry has a chance of either increasing or decreasing its production.

If a production change does occur:
-For an industry that has poor or no service (less than 60% of its cargo is transported): 33% chance of increase, 67% chance of decrease
-For an industry that has good (greater than 60%) service: 67% chance of increase, 33% chance of decrease
-For an industry that has excellent (greater than 80%) service: 83% chance of increase, 17% chance of decrease

When you click on an industry you'll see a percentage of cargo transported monthly; this figure corresponds to your station rating. A primary industry only dies when it experiences a production decrease when it's already at the lowest production output. Secondary industries like factories and refineries can randomly die too but I have never seen it happen when you're actively delivering something to them.

So basically, once you get your stations serviced properly the odds are stacked highly in your favor, while an industry with no service tends to drop in output over the years and then randomly die. As an added caveat, oil wells in the Temperate climate can never increase their production; they only decrease over time until death. This is the only industry that works this way.

I'm not even quite sure which setting you're referring to.

>> No.1762672

Erm sorry, those numbers aren't entirely accurate. With smooth economy, the -chance- of any production chance happening at all for a given industry at the end of the month is 4.5%. So you take that 4.5% and multiply it by those other numbers to get the odds of an increase or the odds of a decrease happening.

An industry with a 93% station rating for instance will experience a 4.5% * 83% = 3.735 chance of increasing production monthly and a 4.5% * 17% = 0.765% chance of decreasing production monthly.

>> No.1762678

know any scenario that starts at 1850-1900 when there was this train craze in the us

>> No.1762715
File: 155 KB, 376x428, michael bolton still upset.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There aren't many newGRFs that have vehicles that far back, and the ones that do exist are pretty boring.

>yfw 10 billion stagecoaches just to service a single pair of towns

>> No.1762734

i see

i remember railroad tycoon 2, it was pretty cash

>> No.1762851

>As an added caveat, oil wells in the Temperate climate can never increase their production; they only decrease over time until death. This is the only industry that works this way.

Considering that it was an oil well, it makes sense now.

However, the transported cargo percentage seems to be calculated quite oddly. Even with say, a coal mine where the single train spends like two weeks per haul filling up, it's like around 45%, which makes no sense to me.

>> No.1762892

One of the factors that affects a station's rating is the maximum speed of the vehicles servicing it. It continues to increase until 255 km/hr, which corresponds to AsiaStars, the best electric trains before monorail. This is one reason why trains and planes have an easier time keeping ratings up over other vehicles. Another factor is how old the vehicles servicing it are. This is why your station ratings can never seem to stay at 100%. They'll drop off to a maximum of 93% thanks to aging vehicles.

Note that it's just the oil wells in Temperate. Oil rigs work fine, and so do oil wells in other climates. Presumably this behavior is for oil rigs (which are only found in Temperate) to serve as a replacement, but I mostly just fine it annoying. Oil wells should start out with a much higher average production over other industries to give the player an actual reason to use them.

>> No.1762898

Blah blah anyway, you probably need more trains on that coal mine.

>> No.1762916
File: 5 KB, 93x120, cott.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>set game year to wayyyy back
>you can use horses and carts instead of buses

>> No.1763282
File: 5 KB, 92x147, your soul will be adequate substenance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scroll around the map
>see radio antennas in the year 1895

>> No.1763552

Anyone here made a newGRF before?

>> No.1764078

everybody hates antennas

>> No.1764301
File: 2.00 MB, 333x365, dog.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing ottd in multiplayer
>a motherfucking UFO appears out of nowhere and lands on some train tracks
>X-Com jet comes and drops a nuke on it
>everything surrounding the UFO on about 4 tile radius gets blown to dust

>> No.1764485

Ever played XCOM and wondered why you can't just toss a nuke?
Welp, now you know.

>> No.1764546
File: 43 KB, 410x487, 1401222388150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1764559
File: 155 KB, 863x752, ride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1764578

Thinking of hosting again today, anyone want any different settings this time?

>> No.1764594

Awesome to the max.

>> No.1765291

Had some severe weather to deal with, don't think I'm going to put the server up today after all now. Sorry for getting anyone's hopes up.

>> No.1765495
File: 77 KB, 921x675, ottd1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's okay, I caught a flu so I wasn't going to be able to join anyway.

>> No.1766738
File: 563 KB, 1090x597, OpenTTD ABR07_balanced_04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I bump this thread? Or is that inconsiderate board etiquette? I don't appreciate all the other "general" thread cancer clogging up this board.

>> No.1766780

There should be a option to build road tolls so that you can profit from competitors using your roads.

>> No.1766937

Signals like this bug me. I get that the level crossings are there to control the signal status, but it looks odd and feels like a hack. At that point it seems like you're trying to do digital circuit design rather than run a railroad.

>> No.1767231
File: 43 KB, 1280x938, adder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It would be a lot of work to create a fairly useless feature. Why use a competitors toll road when you can build your own for next to nothing?


>impyling there aren't people building circuits


>> No.1767296
File: 66 KB, 1310x1366, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please excuse the horrible MSPaint graphics.

>> No.1767313


>> No.1767320


Then build what you want and make it as efficient as you can.

>> No.1767351
File: 166 KB, 1440x838, OpenTTD compressor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>m-m-muh realism!
I bet you're a real life of the party.

>> No.1767362
File: 348 KB, 1024x641, Newcastle_Central_Station_geograph-2260204-by-Ben-Brooksbank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not him, but

>implying realism isn't fun for people who like real trains

Everyone has their own play style. None are bad.

>> No.1767368
File: 160 KB, 1280x977, eventhistinymapneedsanothertrack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure why you think the top is unattainable or something. You simply need more tracks to handle that much cargo. Two usually aren't going to cut it.

Rigidly adhering to realism at the expense of interesting gameplay is the definition of boredom. You might as well be playing one of those shitty simulators on Steam that eastern European countries seem to love churning out by the boatload.

>> No.1767386


>Rigidly adhering to realism at the expense of interesting gameplay is the definition of boredom.


>> No.1767391
File: 117 KB, 1280x977, OpenTTD LED counter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yo realism nigga.

>> No.1767397

Is there any way to make a one-way rail?

>> No.1767403

iktfb. though i'm with >>1767320 here: trying to get as close as you can to your ideal is plenty of fun too.

my favorite challenge is trying to bring the transport infrastructure down to a minimum in cities without damaging its quality. i just really dislike how much space the rails and stations take and how little they leave for the cities. but tunnels are bad for a number of reasons. making the best of what you have and laboring over how to solve problems in very tight spaces is fun for me, though. the go-to solution is tunnels between short stations of course (while leaving enough room for signals), one the smarter and very urban ideas is to have bridges above and following roads. two traffic systems occupying the same tiles with next to no tiles lost for city development? heck yes.

>> No.1767405


>> No.1767413


What is good gameplay for you and what is good gameplay for someone else are two different things. Of course there are objectively good gameplay aspects, but when it comes to the realism aspect, it is personal preference.

>> No.1767459

Which ones and how?

>> No.1767460

neat do you have a gif or webm of it in action?

>> No.1767481

these two got you covered:

>> No.1767510
File: 341 KB, 800x2839, 1314248944900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's also this

>> No.1767759

I love how it's possible to build a tunnel that goes through a canal.

>> No.1767778

I don't love how a tunnel portal takes up an entire tile and doesn't allow signals.

>> No.1767795

Yeah me neither on the signals part, but that's easily solved by doubling at least.

>> No.1767827
File: 1.99 MB, 1908x990, gold rush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some OTTD mods look better than most modern games.

>> No.1767834


>> No.1767835

what mod is that?

also not retro but, i'd be SO ready for a carefully modernized and expanded TT with city building functionality.

>> No.1767841


>> No.1767843

From that screenshot that's literally the only decent-looking one I've ever seen. Most look like piss compared to the original TTD graphics.

>> No.1767884

domo arigato m8

>> No.1767894

I'm not saying that those signals are badwrongfun, just that it's not my preference. The great thing about TTD, though, is that both playstyles are valid. If we were both playing multiplayer and competing for company value, the efficiency of super-optimized signals can be outcompeted in the right circumstances by more rapidly deployable double-track mainlines with presignaled ro-ro stations.

But that might not even be your intention. Building a register and running programs on a railroad switchyard is wonderfully subversive and is its own reward. My own preference, though, is to use programming languages for programming and transport sims for simulating transport networks.

>> No.1769751

I just tried out the high definition newGRF graphicsa and boy are they ugly. By the way, is there a newGRF for better buildings?
I mean, I want some real skyscrapers that actually reach high in the sky.

>> No.1770220

guise, what's your stance on managing local public transport in your cities?

i'm a big fan of streetcars and i greatly enjoy creating layouts for mid-sized cities. connecting the 'burbs with the city center and the railway stations is fun. cross-city routes and branch lines >>> ring routes.

but at one point, it just becomes a big chore because the city is growing faster than i can keep up with, and at the end i just add random stations and lines and throw billions of cars at the limited infrastructure until i give up.

any way to make the fun lasting longer?

>> No.1770443
File: 1.35 MB, 1360x905, TTRS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Total Town Replacement set. Either download it in game or get it here:


>> No.1770640

I do the same as you. There's stations in the suburbs that link to the main city station that also handles inter-city transport. I've yet to find a smooth way to keep intra-city transport feasible though, besides the billion vehicles method. The 2CC metro sets hold a *lot* of passengers for their size so a subway loop can help but this is expensive, you'll need a large city and you'll have to plan the route before it expands. The stations will have to be spaced out to make profit too.

If I knew how to edit grfs I'd make some very high capacity road vehicles and mix them in with regular ones to keep things under control.

>> No.1770667

I think the best way to manage it is by basically making trams trains in all ways possible and use them in the city. Some high capacity, high-speed trams would be a godsend for anyone wanting to make a subway system. I think the way trains and their tracks operate are too rigid for an almost completely underground system.

>> No.1773315

Depends on what my goal is. If I'm just trying to increase my company rating with station counts then I usually just use some trams. If I'm trying to see how many people I can transport I'll either make some larger bus platforms for mass pickup or something like this where trains from deeper within the city transfer people to main hub stations for long-distance transport.

>> No.1774791

So when are we playing again guise?

>> No.1775098


I might be able to play on Friday.

>> No.1775295
File: 1.51 MB, 1920x1038, openttd stations.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>been playing on and off for years
>only just bothered to figure out how to build multiplatform stations properly

Feels good man.

>> No.1775310

Could be better, but interesting setup. Are those trains refitting before they enter the station?

>> No.1775317

Oh wait, that station is servicing two different directions isn't it? OpenGFX are so hard to read.

>> No.1775331
File: 1.54 MB, 1920x1020, openttd stations 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, i've got multiple trains of Iron Ore and Oil coming from both directions, with 2 separate platforms funneling out the Goods and Steel.

Here's how I ended up! I'm too scared to expand it though.

>> No.1775842

>tunnels directly beneath a mine
This was always funny to me.

>> No.1775856


>> No.1776330
File: 106 KB, 800x600, scenario.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone remember this scenario?
I remember I used to like it a lot in 90-ies...

Set in Arctic climate,
it has two large islands, separated by water.
Upper island is mountainous, with coal mines and forests.
Lower island is mostly flat land, with farms and processing industries.

I'm being eaten by nostalgia.

>> No.1776923
File: 99 KB, 1920x1018, screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Power Mad. You can download it, along with the other TTD scenarios here:


>> No.1777631
File: 1.13 MB, 2218x1400, west country 90201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, thanks for that. Now I can replay West Country over and over again.

>tfw Chris made this map and labelled his office and all his friends' houses

>> No.1778756

Is there anything you need to make them work? They're not working for me on openttd

>> No.1778953


Care to explain what you mean by not working? Are they not loading or can you not find them in the scenario list? While it uses a different file format, OpenTTD still supports the scenarios from TTD, so there shouldn't be a problem.

>> No.1778961
File: 12 KB, 505x249, Untitled2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They show up in the scenario list but the option to load them is greyed out and I can't load them. Not sure if I'm doing it wrong or not, I figured you just had to unzip them into the "scenarios" folder and they'd work.

>> No.1778974

Or scenario* folder rather

>> No.1779000


Which version of OpenTTD are you using?

>> No.1779004

1.4.1 I just updated it the other day.

>> No.1779040


Are you using play scenario or trying to load them in the scenario editor? (Both should work)

And a stupid question to which I already know the answer, but have tried double clicking on them?

>> No.1779054

I tried both but neither of them worked. I did try double clicking them too but it didn't work. No idea what is going on.

I also just tried reinstalling but it's still the same.

>> No.1779070


Try changing the file extension from .ss0 to .scn

>> No.1779089
File: 12 KB, 501x251, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still nothing

>> No.1779108


I'm out of ideas then. Give me a few minutes and I'll convert them all for you.

>> No.1779110

Thank you for trying.

>> No.1779150


If these don't work, sacrifice your PC to the Omnissiah.


>> No.1779165
File: 144 KB, 1296x758, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Success! Thank you.

>> No.1779184


Have fun anon.

Also, if you're not currently doing anything, do you mind seeing how smoothly a multiplayer server hosted by me runs?

>> No.1779226

It's a little late I'm gonna head out for tonight.

I might try later if you're still around but I'm not very confident in my skills so I might not be much competition anyway.

>> No.1779234


Probably going to have to wait until Monday then. Sleep tight.

>> No.1779235

I've been thinking of hosting again tomorrow myself. I can join you briefly to check it out though. Better be fast though, I'm going to bed soon.

>> No.1779251


I was hoping to see how it would handle a full game so I'll test it another time. Anyway, when you host, drop a post here and I'll join you if I'm around.

>> No.1779427


Thanks dude!
Much appreciated!

>> No.1779807

I ran into this same problem, and found that you can load the TTD scenarios fine if you first click on a valid OTTD-created scenario. That unlocks the "load" button, which then stays unlocked.
I dunno.

>> No.1780141

You're right it works now. Strange.

>> No.1781512

Okay, how about Saturday...

>> No.1782947

I'd like to play some today provided something else doesn't come up.

>> No.1782969
File: 306 KB, 1920x1182, Shekelstein Shillburg Transport, 2038-10-09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really disappointed that there're no ships newGRF that include post-2000 ships. Having 1000 capacity is nice but those fuckers still don't go faster than 30 mph.

>> No.1782974

I spent far too much of my childhood playing the Westcountry scenario. I always started in my hometown.

>> No.1783107

There's the Mars Ships set but the ships are ugly and they aren't really that fast.


That set has too much cargo for me. I wish there was an option to pick and choose.

>> No.1783514

So would anyone object to sub-tropical climate today?

>> No.1783651

Although I guess if nobody wants to play then I won't bother. I'll save this new game idea for another time.

>> No.1785342

Suddenly I'm having a computer fan problem, so I don't plan on hosting tomorrow unless I can go out, find some grease or a replacement, and hopefully resolve this.

>> No.1785965
File: 529 KB, 1914x982, OTTD City Junction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn this game is so comfy.

>> No.1785981

Where are those buildings from? I like 'em.

>> No.1786013

Can't remember the name off the top of my head, but its there in the online database. Just search for Town or Building Replacement.

>> No.1786601

Awwright, computer fan all lubed up. Who wants to play today?

>> No.1786638
File: 242 KB, 1920x1028, Plonninghill Transport, 1984-06-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just found some screens I thought I lost, neat.

>> No.1786672

Well, I'm getting in the seat again today so why not. Gimme the low down.

>> No.1786686

Is sub-tropical climate fine? Any preferred settings? Starting date?

>> No.1786772

Cargo destinations for passengers at least is a must.
Tropic refurbishment set is real nice.
Default start (1950 I think) is fine.
As for heightmap - not a fan of the default generator, too uniform - something with a good mix of low and flat, high and flat, mountainous and water.
I'm pretty easy on all this.

>> No.1786823

Ugh, you're just lucky I don't plan on caring about passengers this game.

1950 is a bit early for a multiplayer game, it takes too long for things to get more interesting.

Tropical Refurbishment trains have horrible max speeds and seem to stop coming out with new in engines entirely in 1980.

I kind of already generated the map and don't really want to do another one...

>> No.1786830

Oh wait, guess I didn't look hard enough. The new engines run pretty much through to 2050. Still pretty lame maximum speeds though. I think I've used this before actually--it's just another realismfag train set isn't it?

>> No.1786889

Well I'll add this train set in good faith but it's all on you if I have a bad time!

>> No.1786908

Whelp, server's up.

Server: Fun with /vr/ and friends
Password: rage

Think I should make a thread on /v/ again?

>> No.1786916

Well, it's meant to be clunky second hand and 3rd world designed engines.

Anyway, it's not the speed that counts, it's how you use it.

see you shortly

>> No.1786923

Speed does actually matter. It directly affects station ratings. I think every train engine newGRF should have an ample number above 256 km/hr, because that's how much you need to give the maximum speed contribution to station rating. You'll never reach 100%/93% station rating below that, and if your engines are too slow you may not even reach the 80% necessary for proper industry growth control.

>> No.1787029

Whelp, made a /v/ thread, for whatever that's worth.


>> No.1787835

Well that was fun. Shame there weren't many people in game but oh well.

>> No.1787841

Yeah, let me know if you want to continue the game later. I finally got my network plan in motion and it seems to work pretty well.

>> No.1787894


"Total Town Replacement Set 3.14"

>> No.1788427


>> No.1790294
File: 123 KB, 1920x1028, Campbell & Co., 1953-08-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Serb to-night conductor kun?

>> No.1790636

Sure I can host, if it's not too late now.

>> No.1790708

lets play

>> No.1790713


Bonglander here. I'm up for playing tomorrow if a time is suggested.

>> No.1790868

Uhh, how about around 4:00 MST?

>> No.1790934


Should be ok.

>> No.1791030

Actually wait, I forgot I'm going to be busy then... Is 6:30 too late?

>> No.1792305


>> No.1793426

Well, that is 130AM, I can play but not for too long.

>> No.1794086


All fine for me.

>> No.1794139

Server's up now if anyone's interested. Same name and password as before

>> No.1795163

see you guys in the next game

>> No.1795174

>grand total of 3 engine replacements across 100 years
Worst train newGRF in the known universe.

>> No.1795215

Tankman, the server is up.

server name - Autism with /vr/
password - fagballs

>> No.1795296

Where'd you find the "foundations replacement" and "stolen trees" newGRFs?
I can't seem to track them down online.

>> No.1795313


Oh shit, I'd forgotten I'd left those in. Try joining now.

>> No.1796301

Sorry my internet crashed last night after I got off of the server so thats why I didn't get on :c

>> No.1798576

So who's for continuing that previous game next time?

>> No.1799197

What counts as a station part for the purposes of score? My infrastructure screen says I have 200 parts and 10 airports, but score says I only have 52 stations.

>> No.1799265


Parts refers to individual station tiles, which together form a single station.

>> No.1799268

Thanks. Though new stations don't seem to increase the score count, but sometimes adding depots to an existing station does. I can't quite figure out the score still.

>> No.1799538
File: 412 KB, 1250x639, OTTD bayside.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1799545

You station has to be in active use (think it's monthly service or something) for it to count towards your company rating station count.

>> No.1800892

What train set is that?

>> No.1801343


2cc with Industrial Stations.

>> No.1803336


After a bit of practice and watching video tutorials (there's some good ones out there) it becomes second nature. It's one of the most fun parts of the game and i'm not anywhere near the level of some of the expert track designers out there.

>> No.1803913

how do i make train set works in scenarios where the date is 1920

>> No.1804985

>last update was in 2013

>> No.1805680

Anyone wanna play this weekend?

>> No.1805683


I'm up for playing. Might host if no one else does, though I have no idea how smoothly thge server will run with more players.

>> No.1805691

Wanna continue our current game?

>> No.1806101
File: 914 KB, 1680x988, fuck this game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you, OP, and fuck everyone who bumped this thread.
I've been never so hooked on a video game before. I haven't properly slept in days and my eyes are killing me.

>> No.1806119
File: 573 KB, 1280x939, OpenTTD PZ13 oil drop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah, trains.

>> No.1806125



>> No.1806146
File: 2.70 MB, 500x281, euphoria.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw you discovered you can just press A

>> No.1806168
File: 444 KB, 1680x966, Sonfield Transport, 9th Apr 2078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My city refuses to grow beyond 13k and takes dips as low as 11k. How do I fix it?
All the stations are getting traffic, but perhaps some of them not often enough. Is there a way to check?
Not using any NewGRFs at this moment.

>> No.1806197

in short, you're choking the city

in long, the main, docks and central and west stations should not be split out like that
destroy and consolidate them so they're attached. i usually just build a dummy bus stations over to where i want the connecting station before putting said connecting station down. it'll increase the population coverage main station rather than splitting it out.
due to the placement of your lines and stations you're preventing the city from naturally expanding it's road network. specifically, the town can't build anything direction south of the town label coz roads can't get there. you might want to rethink station placement. otherwise, built the roads yourself to allow the town to expand. there's sections which are already a lost cause (a propery square should never be surrounded by roads. it's inefficient).
the northern bridges are just awful. no property can build out there without first expand the road under the bridges. this result in choking both the airport and maglev stations. both of which probably not be separate. instead of bridges, go tunnels. if you're gonna build that far out, don't let your construction interfere with the city (only with opponents).

>> No.1806227

Thanks for all the advice. I didn't realize how easily you could make stations spread out by holding Ctrl when building them. Dem hidden features, man.
(I also completely failed to realize that there is no benefit to having multiple stations in a small area)

>> No.1806253

other things you want to take into account
don't have close train stations. when cities are that close a bus or tram is much more efficient as it uses existing road infrastructure (or build it out if they're not already connected.). Main thing I'm seeing is the very short jump from Frunnbury Main, to wondington valley + heights. the maglev train will barely get close to top speed before it has to slow down for the station. trains much more profitable when it's a longer haul (more money means more money to "help" expand a town).
another problem is that it's a city by the water. can't build on water. the result is the city will want to build a bridge across the water when it wants to expand. usually takes a while before a city bothers (i tend to do it myself).
otherwise the other problem is city collision. you already have frunburry and slenfingfor fighting over the northeat and eastern territories (wondington expansion into that area being blocked by your train tracks for now. you also have brenfoord on the west side encroaching as well. this limit how far out your main city can expand. you can a handfull of buildings on the neighbouring cities to help frunnbury but it has it's limits.

>> No.1806308

>Main thing I'm seeing is the very short jump from Frunnbury Main, to wondington valley + heights. the maglev train will barely get close to top speed before it has to slow down for the station. trains much more profitable when it's a longer haul (more money means more money to "help" expand a town).
I know what you mean, but the train that goes Frunnbury->Wodington Valley->Wodington Terminal makes £165k/year, which I think is pretty alright for just passengers+mail.

>> No.1806641
File: 22 KB, 400x300, 1335193020864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Accidentally pickup cargo from my cargo DROP station.
>Cargo now sent to this station FOR EVER regardless of service frequency (nil).
>Only way to fix it is completely demolish the station and reroute everything that uses it.

>> No.1806697

>Cargo now sent to this station FOR EVER regardless of service frequency (nil).
Whoa, does it really work like that?

>> No.1806819

Only with Cargodist on.

>> No.1807020

Well, just gonna put the server up now. If anyone wants to join go right ahead. No harm if anyone doesn't either.

Server: Fun with /vr/ and friends
Password: rage

>> No.1807023

b-but the cup...

>> No.1807025


>> No.1807049
File: 1.29 MB, 4362x2776, aptopix-germany-soccer-wwcu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan cup is on right now

>> No.1807152
File: 145 KB, 1920x1028, Busses Rule Trains Drool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

figured as much. It was a huge pain in the ass but I fixed it.

pic n. r.

>> No.1808401

But the cargo chain map IS part of the TTD experience.

>> No.1809519

Is it considered cheating if you artificially extend a station's reach by placing a dummy bus/truck stop?

>> No.1809528

Depends on whom you ask. I take liberties with ctrl-clicking or "station walking" every now and then to make tidier networks, but I try not to make huge separations between one part of a station and another because it does feel like cheating. It's worth noting that there's a setting to disable ctrl-click building anywhere but directly adjacent to an existing station, but you can still easily station walk by simply building a continuous station and deleting the parts of it in the middle.

Here's a good example of something you could only accomplish with station walking for instance

Making money isn't exactly hard already as it is in OpenTTD, and maybe you'll be playing with different goals sometime where it's not a concern of yours.

>> No.1809529

You can also limit the total size of stations to prevent it from being so exploitative, but this is usually more likely to simply get in the way of interesting constructions so I always have my maximum station area set to 64x64 and play by the honor system.

>> No.1809590

Upgrading from tracks to monorails ruined the game for me.

>> No.1809595

Bribes are risky and expensive. The correct way is to demolish every tree around the town and plant new ones until the ground is full. You can modify the land all you want and you're almost guaranteed to get a good standing.

>> No.1810063

kill the following stations:
frunnbury west
frunnbury central
frunnbury heights
brennford woods
wondington valley
slenfingford south

your area seems to be sort of hilly. use that to your advantage: tunnels! the city can grow above your tunnels.

consider connecting frunnbury main, frunnbury airport, and frunnbury maglev through tunnels.

consider making two clearly distinct routes: wondington - frunnbury main - maglev terminal, and brennford - frunnbury - slenfingford. frunnbury main is your main hub, expand it while you still can. use signals to improve the station throughput.

also the maglev terminal is kinda dumb and way too large. prune it.

>> No.1810689

Check out the Universal Rail newGRF.

>> No.1812998

So when are we playing again?

>> No.1813020

When's convenient?

>> No.1813030

What NewGRFs are we using?

>> No.1813043

Don't wanna finish that other game?

>> No.1813072

I haven't played any game so far.

>> No.1813234

Planning on hosting a realistic(ish) game fairly soon, and I'm wondering what theme people would most like to play.

North American

If you're interested, take your pick and let me know your timezone so I know the best time to host.

>> No.1813239


>> No.1813475


Go build a calculator.

>> No.1813482
File: 322 KB, 1440x838, OpenTTD Psg121_trainclock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not building a calculator

>> No.1816286

Play when?

>> No.1817497

I don't understand how you would use that.

>> No.1819965

Perhaps today? Anyone want to continue/finish this game?

>> No.1819981

I was in the middle of something the last time. I don't mind either way though

>> No.1822752

Me too, I don't feel like my network is finished yet. How's Friday again?

>> No.1824660

What is the point of so many trains and such a large network? Do Vanilla TTD wagons only hold little cargo or something?

>> No.1824681

They hold a fair amount, but lots of industries can output lots of cargo. And making lots of trains work together just feels good man.

>> No.1825831

Gonna put a server up a bit later today.

>> No.1826179

Server's up for anyone interested... If not that's cool too.

Server: Fun with /vr/ and friends
Password: rage

>> No.1826590

I got tossed out again looks like the server isn't cooperating today

>> No.1826602

I'm gonna restart real quick in case it's on my end.

>> No.1826618

All right, server's back. Hope that fixed it.

>> No.1826778

Well I think I'll just quit for today I can't keep it connected

>> No.1826789
File: 16 KB, 614x620, sadtime toad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry man, dunno what the problem is. We only had a few more years too.

>> No.1828404
File: 225 KB, 673x480, 1285957124861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Iivana Röllipeikko

>> No.1828631

Wanna try finishing that game today?

>> No.1828638


>> No.1828640


>> No.1828648

Right now?

>> No.1828664

Okie dokie, server's up. Same info as here

>> No.1830652
File: 511 KB, 1920x1028, Sunbourne Transport, 1956-01-19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My little Crimean network.

>> No.1830940

just started to play it for the first time.
Is it a good way to begin just with autobus line between cities ? It look like easy (but not crazy) profits.
And what about that shitload money ? Should I focus on repay my bank first ?

>> No.1832218

It's probably not a bad idea to pay off your loan when you're just learning the game. Once you git gud though, you'll be pulling money back out frequently in order to build things and make more money faster.

Remember that the number 1 factor to making loadsa mone in OpenTTD is distance.

>> No.1832785
File: 7 KB, 251x245, 1313462537196s[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I really want to play with you guys, but I've got a project I just started working on. FML.

>> No.1832834

>mfw the creator forgot that arabs read from right to left
ma3n is written there. na3m would be correct

>> No.1832970

I can't join in right now either, but I'm hoping this might catch on like rollercoaster tycoon and we get regular TTD general threads.
Would love to play with /vr/ sometime in the future.

>> No.1833104

Textbook bootstrap strategy is taking coal (by train) from a high production mine to a power plant as far away as you can afford.

>> No.1833425

Trucks and buses pay off in short distances because the vehicles are inexpensive and you don't have to lay much if any infrastructure but they suck at long distances because they're slow, carry very little cargo at a time, and break down a lot(if it's enabled). Plus when you link cities together with them you lose the benefit of not having to lay infrastructure yourself.

Trucks and buses should be used for local transport and feeder networks and trains, ships, and aircraft should be used for the longer distance transportation.

>> No.1834375

Paul Bearer's Coffin Express.

>> No.1834395

When is the server up?

>> No.1834418

When would you like it to be up?

I think we're going to start a new map next time so we should decide on settings too.

>> No.1834424


I havnt played on your server before but I want to join in next time, So server settings dont matter to me.

>> No.1837008
File: 1.21 MB, 1279x926, OpenTTD 200 factory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally starting to learn the art of opitimizing pickup stations. I wonder if there's anything that can actually help with only one track leading out of the station though.

>> No.1838626

i would definantly join as well

>> No.1839710

So do new oil wells in Sub-tropical climate just never get built? They aren't forced to always deplete like in Temperate yet somehow in that last game of ours we ended up with only 12 left on the map.

>> No.1841490

Servers don't need to go down as long as they're configured decently. If my network was reliable I'd make a dedicated server, but it'd be awful.

24/7 /vr/ dedicated when? Sounds great to me.

>> No.1841507

I'd do the same if I had something to run it on or any money to rent one. But I don't really, so this will have to do for now.

>> No.1843585

So who's up for a game tomorrow?

>> No.1843853

I hope it has a password, but I'm not sure that's a good idea. Either way I'd join in.

>> No.1843937

Of course it'll have a password. I wanna play with you guise, not random pubbers.

>> No.1844318
File: 1.02 MB, 1280x800, Screen shot 2014-08-08 at 12.00.00 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you get enough money to terraform the island between the two main islands in Powermad

>> No.1844345

so is there a server up or what?

>> No.1844347

T-tomorrow, anon...

>> No.1844364

why don't we have a dedicated server or two?
is there any way for us to reliably fund one together?

>> No.1844382
File: 503 KB, 807x454, Screen shot 2014-08-08 at 12.32.38 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also why are user created AI either really dumb or really good at shit?

>> No.1844403

I've always wanted to see an AI that builds really advanced, optimized networks.

>> No.1845095

So... Besides sub-arctic climate which someone asked for earlier, does anyone have any other preferred settings today?

>> No.1845221

when is the server going to be up? i have work adn wanted to play before then

>> No.1845224

Thinking of putting it up in a few hours (noon my time). Is that a bad time?

>> No.1845225

i can't play after 5 pm est

>> No.1845232

ruh roh

Maybe Saturday would be better?

>> No.1845239
File: 178 KB, 1126x487, Screen shot 2014-08-08 at 12.28.17 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How often do you try to fuck over the AI?

>> No.1845240

maybe, sadly probably won't be able to do much till a few weeks ;-;
wish we had a dedicated server

>> No.1845241

Haven't played with AI in a long time. Has someone actually made a competent one that's fun to play with now?

>> No.1845256
File: 60 KB, 695x299, Screen shot 2014-08-08 at 12.40.37 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that I know of, I only have a few AI and they're mostly airport spammers to make cities larger and make the open area more interesting.

Kinda neat seeing how the AI adapts to situations, this bridge wasn't there before.

>> No.1845397

Then again, if nobody wants to play... Saturday is probably better.

>> No.1845446


Im ready to play.

>> No.1845458

i'm all lubed up

>> No.1845472

Settings fagets, name some.

>> No.1845489

Regular train engines or NUTS?

>> No.1845512


Like I said before. I dont care for the settings. I down with all.

>> No.1845514

Aww shucks, if you set the snowline too low in sub-arctic you won't spawn any farms at all.

>> No.1845540

All right then, guess we're playing with NUTS... I hope this newGRF isn't too complicated for some of you.

>> No.1845576

Server's up.

Name: fun with /vr/ and friends
Password: rage

>> No.1846228

RIP Mr. Server.

>> No.1846231
File: 216 KB, 1920x1028, Sunbourne Transport, 1997-06-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The server didn't answer the request

>> No.1846232

oh well

>> No.1846246

>Joined literally 20 minutes ago
>Started up a small bus route in a few towns
>Server is already dead

RIP RuptureFarms 1977-1978

>> No.1846259

Sorry, guys, having some router issues to work through. Don't worry no progress has been lost, I'll get it back up as soon as I can.

>> No.1846269

No worries. Nothing but appreciation for your effort.

>> No.1846281

Okay it's back. I may have to deal with this one more time tonight though. Some tech illiterate is trying to connect to this network and they just got Windows 8.

>> No.1846362
File: 328 KB, 375x396, 1403718223630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, server is kill again

>> No.1846386

Yeah sorry guys, this problem is bigger than I thought. I can easily see this taking all night to resolve now. Probably best if we take a break here.

G-good conductan?

>> No.1846392

See ya next time I guess

>> No.1846394

We're in.

>> No.1846395

I got kicked out as that post went through. Oh well.

>> No.1846410
File: 224 KB, 1920x1028, Sunbourne Transport, 1997-06-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was a bit sceptical of this NUTS thing but I liked it. GG

>> No.1848235

So will /vr/ ever play this game together?

>> No.1848725

I have to get a new router now and it's going to be a really shitty one, so I hope this doesn't impact my ability to host things.

>> No.1848768
File: 137 KB, 704x120, COST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a bummer.
What would you say was the load for your little server? Upstream, CPU, RAM?

>> No.1848787

Never really checked, but I'm sure it's quite low in all three areas. I'm using fairly dated hardware (2.2 GHz CPU with 2 GB RAM) and I've often ran other games while hosting with no apparent complaints from the clients.

One thing that can affect client speed however is little speed ups and slowdowns when the host zooms in and out or moves around the view on their map, which is why you should always host a dedicated command line server even when you're hosting and playing on the same machine.

>> No.1848792


Probably going to give hosting a go sometime this week. It's worked in the past with two to three clients, but I'm not certain how it will run with more. Also I'm a Europoor, so I'm not certain how well it will run for Murkans.

>> No.1848814

It'll be a bit laggy but it probably won't be too terrible.

My hosting position is advantageous for other North Americans because I live around the middle of the USA.

>> No.1848829


If you've got time, I can host a bit a of a trial run now.

>> No.1848832

Sure, host. Just don't make me download a billion newgrfs.

>> No.1848836


Vanilla it is.

>> No.1848853

Alright, the server is up.

Name: Autism with /vr/
Password: godsavethequeen

>> No.1849089

In the likely event of server/GRF/trouser malfunction, call me a shitbag here.

>> No.1849095

Gotta increase your max_join_time with download speeds that slow. I can't even get half of that 2 MB map before I get booted.

>> No.1849106


Upped it to 4000. I think.

>> No.1849143

Thanks for the help guys. I think I should be able to run some regular games, but I'll see what I can do to improve them when they get vehicle heavy.

>> No.1849147

Well I'm gonna do some other things now. That game slowed to a complete crawl before I got booted. Good testan anon.

>> No.1849156


I'm wondering whether that's to do with my local network or the distance between you and server. Not the greatest with computers this one, I'll admit.

>> No.1851564

Don't die on me yet.

>> No.1853983

Is it possible to use trucks to send coal from a mine to a train station?

>> No.1854013

Of course. Link a truck station to a train station and just have them use the "transfer" order at the train station.

>> No.1854074
File: 987 KB, 1601x899, trans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any love for Simutrans here?

>> No.1854127

>link the stations
Oh, wow. Thank you.

>> No.1854802

I've tried it before but it just seemed really tedious compared to OpenTTD because the user interface was really bad. Trying to play multiplayer over it was a nightmare.

>> No.1855841

I tried this back when I only knew about TTDPatch and I couldn't figure out how to play it for the life of me.

>> No.1855843

Just play Mobility instead anon

>> No.1855881

Promising, does some nice things, but many, many flaws and more or less obsolete now cargodist is in trunk.

>> No.1856180

Cargodest is what will make it obsolete, cargodist isn't really the same thing.

>> No.1856267

is server up rite now?
i'd like to try to play this game again
i used to be decent at it back in teh day

>> No.1857857

Bumpity bump

>> No.1858419
File: 22 KB, 135x143, 1406535593868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>usually binge on OpenTTD when I'm away from home and only have my netbook
>read thread
>now I'm installing on my desktop at 12:30 AM

It's not like I wanted to sleep or anything.

>> No.1859260
File: 92 KB, 656x498, Screen shot 2014-08-13 at 2.03.13 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you finally go and do a whole century in-game

>> No.1859273

My high score background doesn't look like that... Is that an OpenGFX thing?

>> No.1861120

>start new map
>one of the generated names is Pinhead

What's the silliest generated name you ever got?

>> No.1861194

Fartburg. At least I think that was a real name.

>> No.1863501

>dat 888
Couldn't keep those vehicle profits up annually eh?

>> No.1865871


>> No.1868690
File: 607 KB, 2811x1722, Trepool Transport, 2014-03-17(2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody order spaghetti?

>> No.1868695
File: 9 KB, 180x288, Luigi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1868712

This has got to be the oldest thread on 4chan at the moment.

>tfw you got banned from openttdcoop

>> No.1868727
File: 380 KB, 1920x1028, Priority!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, how?
Not played with them but I have a hunch they're really anal retentive.

>> No.1868842

Some of the guys on openttdcoop are pretty chill and brotier but there's a small group of really autistic admins.

>> No.1868949
File: 64 KB, 780x589, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any essential tweaks before starting a server? I'm going to do it.

Looks like it'll be 1.4.2.

>> No.1869000

NewGRFS? Or is that what you're asking?

Wont be able to play today (maybe 10 minutes if you need).

>> No.1869013

Basically anything. I've never done this before and the wiki isn't as helpful as I'd like. If no one said anything I was going to make something vanilla with a larger-than-default map.

>> No.1869031

Trains: Whatever takes your fancy. If you want loads of locos and "realism" then go for "<country> trainsets". If you don't mind something a bit esoteric but unadulterated gameplay try NUTS.

RVs: can't go wrong with egrvts(2), you can experiment from there.

ships: I only ever go with FISH, just anything but default.

Planes: same as above for AV8 (or av9 if you don't mind not finished)

Cargodist: Ye, up to you but imo, pax is pretty boring without it.

... That kind of thing?

>> No.1869074
File: 117 KB, 1280x720, 1346094783454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm off. Couple of essentials: Station name from nearby industry
and total bridge renewal.

Look into industry mods if things aren't complex enough (FIRS, ECS)

Station beautification mods, Industrial stations renewal (bloated, everything you could need), CHIPS (Sparse but fully functional), City, suburban, rural stations (nice), Japanese stations (V. nice), etc., etc..

Pinch of salt not included.

>> No.1869117
File: 322 KB, 500x281, index.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The server is running on a VPS in Atlanta so it should run fairly well.

Mods are based on this post: >>1869031

name: /vr/ plays OpenTTD
pass: vidyagaems

>> No.1869372

Gonna get my new piece of shit router today. Wish me luck conductor friends.

>> No.1869716

Good luck?

>> No.1869756

I sometimes see these strange side rail things, what do they do?

like here, all those crossing sidelines

>> No.1869947


>> No.1870727
File: 245 KB, 409x644, Captain Scarlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>version mismatch

I got 1.4.1, you?

>> No.1870754

this thread is a month+ old

>> No.1870908
File: 64 KB, 199x226, Sad Hammond.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well shit.

>> No.1871820
File: 1.05 MB, 1116x649, 1.4.2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like no one has had a chance to try >>1869117 after the overhaul. I played a quick game with another and decided to change a few options then start fresh.

Autosaving occurs only twice annually to cut down on pausing. The map is 1024x2048 and terrain generation is set to very smooth. The game remains paused whenever no one is playing, so it's still January of 1950.

Based on suggestions by >>1869031 we have eGRVTS, FISH, av8, and NUTS added.

It's version 1.4.2, just released last week.

Tell me what you think. I want /vr/ to have a server it enjoys.

>> No.1871891
File: 70 KB, 587x558, sadtoad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well my new router shouldn't pose any problems for hosting now but I guess this guy is just gonna steal my thunder now. G-good conductan while it lasted, /vr/.

>> No.1871910

I wasn't sure when you were hosting again and I wanted to play with you guys.

>> No.1872063
File: 43 KB, 413x427, am i stupid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to figure out GRFs

>> No.1873013 [DELETED] 


RIP Anon.

The more people we have who can host, the better.


What's got you confused?

>> No.1873018


RIP Anon.

The more people we have who can host, the better.


What's got you confused?

>> No.1873092

Well, there are several-month old threads on /h/ and /gd/, just to name those I follow.

>> No.1873498
File: 111 KB, 593x640, grampa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1873523
File: 48 KB, 571x515, I Know That Feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Drawing the sprites is easy. Coding them yourself is hard. Finding someone interested enough in your project to code them for you is even harder.

>> No.1873632

2CC + Vacuum + Metro > NUTS
Prove me wrong.

>> No.1873638
File: 10 KB, 1098x125, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The funny thing is, I don't want to do anything remotely complicated (change the payment rates of cargoes) but since this is apparently so trivial it's completely glossed over in the nml tutorial. I don't really want to touch NFO with a bargepole (pic related).

I'll get there.

>> No.1873656

>/v/openttd is dead

>> No.1873876

I actually learned NFO first and I'm hesitant to learn NML because it seems more complicated, but unfortunately it seems necessary to do some more advanced things I want to do.

You don't need to worry about that junk in your image, just follow the wiki here and it's rather straightforward:

>> No.1873879

NUTS + Vacuum > 2CC + Metro + Vacuum

>> No.1873884

Is there any station set that lets you see the waiting passengers, like ISR does for cargo?

>> No.1873891

Japanese station set does, others... I don't know.

>> No.1873892

There's been one in development called CATS that would work for any cargo type without fussing but sadly its author disappeared last January. I've been seriously considering finishing it for them, but first I have to learn NML and figure out what all there still is left to do.

>> No.1873896


You would be a fucking hero if you did that.
I suppose the graphics aren't finished, either? Being a coder, I might be able to help with the rest

>> No.1873901

I think the graphics are mostly finished actually. I can program fine too, it's just a matter of learning a new language first.

>> No.1873904

you better be proficient with Assembly, because that's pretty much what NFOs are

>> No.1873912

Nah, I don't know shit about assembly and I was able to learn NFO fine. One thing that might be a little confusing at first is stuff like byte ordering and little endian format, but if you just follow the guides it's not that tough.

Though honestly I only learned NFO because I didn't know NML existed at the time. Apparently NML is coded in Python too, so it should be pretty intuitive.

>> No.1873973


New Stations by Michael Blunck features it too, as does the British Stations Set, albeit only on certain sprites.

>> No.1874000
File: 8 KB, 553x185, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To me NML looks like baking a cake compared to the starting a nuclear reactor of NFO. And, I got what I wanted to work with a little help from reading the source of FIRS (see coal line).

>> No.1875592

One thing I'd really love to see in the game are cable cars.
At one point I was even seriously thinking about implementing them, including the needed graphics and a NewGRF, but then I figured it would be a huge undertaking (i'm not familiar with OpenTTD codebase or GRF scripts at all) and few people, if any, would appreciate it, because ded community ded game.

>> No.1875594
File: 323 KB, 1000x667, Cablecarslantau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1875809
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>ded community ded game


>> No.1875926

That would be next to impossible to do right without a patch as far as I know. What you could do is replace tram tracks with solely a pylon "track" and use bridges to create spans but you wouldn't be able to stop people running them around the ground like roads. Or make a new railtype: same problem.

>> No.1875932

Of course, that's why I mentioned OpenTTD codebase as an obstacle.
I mean, there is this: http://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=61471 but implementing it as a rail type has too many inherent limitations

>> No.1876367

so..no chance of a new server or something? ;-;

>> No.1876381
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>> No.1878528

anybody still playing? i'm kinda doing my shit but kinda lonely ;-;

>> No.1878962
File: 939 KB, 1920x1028, Sunbourne Transport, 2015-12-30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You never go full tram.

>> No.1879338


Server deletes a company after a few hours of not being on....OK

>> No.1879373

You're right. Everyone's companies were wiped and it can't be bankruptcy because mine was raking it in.

>> No.1879431

Turn off autoclean_companies.

>> No.1879872

And so my company dissapeared because i don't log in often enough ?
I know i didn't do much there but doing everything from the scratch is hassle

>> No.1880029

That's annoying. autoclean_companies already is off. I don't understand.

>> No.1880040

Hopefully setting autoclean_unprotected,protected,novehicles to zero will fix it. Does that sound about right?

>> No.1880108

Openttdcoop is the best way to play openttd.

>> No.1881370

Alright, I'm pretty sure that fixed it. No one has lost a company since those settings were changed and several years have passed.

Sorry about that, guys.

>> No.1882401

I was a big fan of Railroad Tycoon II and III, looking at this Transport Tycoon, which I must say I am yet to bother with, seems a bit more complex, it looks good.

Really cool that there's an open source version that will work (?) on modern Windows OSs.

>> No.1882768

This is pretty bloody good, guys.
Works like a dream, incredibly simple to download plugins, so I can have the recommended UK themed ones. Top stuff.

>> No.1882860



>> No.1882870

>bump limit reached
Ruh roh.

>> No.1883060

So I'm having trouble with... maybe it's something to do with my mod configuration.

The mineral wagon from the UK renewal train set doesn't seem to want to pick up iron ore like it should.

It's just a simple UKRS
UKRS addon
UKRS Industries Brick Chain
pb viaduct

Fucked if I know what I'm doing wrong, but I thought I'd ask here while I poke around elsewhere for an answer.

>> No.1883125

Fixed it, just needed to reconfigure the load

>> No.1885475

Is the loading rate static, no matter how large the station or how many trains are in it? I was considering taking the improved loading algorithm off if it would help out with my colliery station bottleneck.

>> No.1885529

Never mind, realised loading is near instant when there's product to shift. Those two mines weren't as productive as they once were.

>> No.1885582

Goodnight, sweet prince.

>> No.1885618

New thread?