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File: 54 KB, 1280x620, dreameh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1759232 No.1759232 [Reply] [Original]

The Sega Dreamcast wasn't a very good console.

I like that Crazy Taxi. And I enjoyed what Shenmue was trying to do, but it isn't my thing. Apart from that fucking meh. Mostly shitty PC ports IIRC and nothing else terribly impressive.

I get the feeling a lot of fans of this console are trendy types who weren't really around when it was out. My youth group had one in its basement for some reason and I got to play it a lot. Wasn't impressed.

Discuss. Feel free to hate me.

Oh, and the controller was fucking awful. Big dealbreaker from me. Was it impressive on the hardware end? I don't really know.

>> No.1759239

>jet grind radio is meh

>> No.1759245

Yeah, you're mad, right?

>> No.1759246


Same deal as Shenmue for me.

>> No.1759250 [DELETED] 

ebin, simply ebin.

>> No.1759253

>mostly shitty pc ports
Take a look at its library and reconsider that.
>weren't really around when it was out
Bought it on day 1 (9/9/99) and still have it, still play it occasionally.
>controller was fucking awful
It did leave a bit to be desired. At least you could get a mouse and keyboard for some games.

Also, fucktons of homebrew games. And still better than the crap library and systems of every single (non-/vr/) consoles after it, and much better than the crappy N64.

>> No.1759257


>better than the N64

I had and still have an N64. Although I agree that it was a shitty console, it had a greater volume of good games and at least a slightly better controller than the Dreamcast.

To be fair, I had forgotten about the homebrew market for the Dreamcast. How much of that shit is worth anything though?

>> No.1759262

>judging a console based on it's most popular titles

DC has a decently sized library with a bunch of good games. Just the fighter library alone makes it worthwhile.

>> No.1759263
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>yeah, you're mad right?

Head on back to >>>/v/, bucko.

>> No.1759269
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>better than the crap library and systems of any console after it
>implying it was better than the PS2 and GameCube

Yeah, sorry man, I was with you until then. It's a piece of shit compared to those. I still play my PS2 as much as my PC, SNES, or 360.

>> No.1759275


OP here, that dude wasn't me.

>> No.1759280

It's known for its god tier fighting and shmup library. Racing/arcade library was decent. Otherwise it was lacking in most other genres.

>> No.1759284

>not getting the joke

>> No.1759290

I've never seen this..

>> No.1759293


>shmup library

Oh yeah, didn't Treasure do a game for it? Radiant Silvergun, was it? Been meaning to play that. Is there decent Dreamcast emulation available?

>> No.1759301



I fucked up, but at least RS is a Treasure game.

>> No.1759343

Best arcade board that wasn't made by Taito. I miss the days when you could buy a console and get straight arcade-perfect ports (Neo-Geo, DC).

>> No.1759352


Oh wow.

>> No.1759421

>slightly better controller than the Dreamcast
ehhh I don't agree with that at all. The Dreamcast controller wasn't amazing, but the VMU was incredible at the time, it was especially cool for games like RE: Code Veronica where you could look down and check your health status. And at least it was designed so a normal human being could hold it and reach all the buttons without having to completely change how you were holding the controller. N64 triggers were better, but and I guess you could say that the thumbstick was slightly more comfortable, but at least they didn't constantly break like N64 thumbsticks.

The Dreamcast controller was the next evolution of the Saturn 3D controller, which isn't great, but it isn't terrible like the N64 controller. I honestly don't understand how people can argue for it. It doesn't even make sense on paper.

>> No.1759426

>but and I guess
I should really learn to proof read :l

>> No.1759556


The N64 controller was designed to be played in several different positions. Depending on the one you used, it could improve your results in certain games.

It didn't really work, but I could usually find a hold that was comfortable.

>> No.1759574

Something tells me your youth group has some shitty games.

>trendy type
I think that problem afflicts the Saturn far more than the Dreamcast. This is reflected in the price difference between its games. DC has a stronger library.

DC emulation is pretty good, all things considered.

NullDC is what I use, and aside from a few graphical hiccups, there is usually no slowdown, even on post-mortem games like Under Defeat.

Not mad, just disappointed anon.

>> No.1759585


I'm not part of the youth group anymore. This was years ago. I remember Shenmue, Crazy Taxi, and some other stuff.

And I never said DC was shit, just not very good. It's nowhere near deserving of the praise it gets from some people. It's about as good as the N64.

>> No.1759594

>opinions opinions opinions

Dunno why anyone should be mad about that.

The DC certainly isn't my most favorite console and for me, personally, will never be retro, but it had its fair share of awesome arcade titles. Every console which can say that has basically good in my book.

>> No.1759607

I am a much bigger fan of the Saturn. I agree with op the Dreamcast. Controller isn't that great. The analog stick is awkward, the grips flow inward and make it weird to hold the face buttons aren't that great. Triggers are ok and I like the idea of the vmu.

There are more Saturn games im into. Saturn Bomberman, Panzer Dragoon series, Virtual On (I played a lot of netlink Virtual On), I prefer the first House of the Dead over the second. There are some gems on the Dreamcast but there's just more for me on the Saturn.

>> No.1759617

I think the Saturn being less popular and having fewer games printed and being harder to pirate affect its price much more than trendy hype.

>> No.1759637


OP here. Not mad and didn't mean to make anyone mad.

If 'FEED ME WITH YOUR RAGE' doesn't look like an obvious joke to you, I don't know that you can be helped.

>> No.1759643


Panzer Dragoon and Nights Into Dreams got me super hype for the Saturn when I was a kiddywink.

But my parents would never get me one.

>> No.1759663

>slightly better controller
I respect your opinion, no matter how horribly wrong it is.

I honestly believe the N64 controller is the worst controller in console history, and that includes some pretty abominable and horrible controllers.

>> No.1759680
File: 301 KB, 650x303, Be true to your heart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Sega Dreamcast wasn't a very good console.
I'm sorry, we can't be friends.

>> No.1759691

its understandable. i never knew about the DC until 2001 or 02. for the arcade experience it was amazing MVC2, Ikaruga, Power Stone and Test Man Le Drives to name a few were fantasic. but it did lack alot of other titles mainly RPGs even though it had Shenmue and EGG to name a few. soul reaver and Rayman 2 are fantastic non arcade style games and so are the RE games. the controller it took me a while to adjust to but the Saturn and Genesis 6 button are much preferred. it was such a great idea that was too late to truly put through. RIP SEGA.

>> No.1759713

Dreamcast was a god-tier console simply because it gave rise to PSO. I still play this shit occasionally to this very day. Bitch, Imma go play it now. Fuck y'all.

>> No.1759719

The Dreamcast was the first console which had a "mandatory 60hz option" for all of its PAL games.

For that alone, in half of the world it was the first home console that's not shit.

>> No.1759750

>DC not good
It has Zombie Revenge so I disregard your opinion.

>> No.1759753

>amazing arcade ports
>SEGA wackiness in its prime
>all those fighting games and that amazing arcade stick
>all those shmups
>they made fucking fishing games fun to play
>they made fucking tennis games fun to play
>VGA output
>amazing light gun games
>bitchin' sports games
>best version of Tony Hawk and a dozen other 5th gen games
>fucking Power Stone
>fucking Cannon Strike
>fucking Chu Chu Rocket

>oh the dreamcast is just Sonic Adventure and Shenmue what a piece of shit
>I don't know shit about shit and yet I go on public forums and open my mouth
>hurr u mad?

>> No.1759770

The PS2 was a far superior console.

Ratchet and Clank
Sly Cooper
Jak and Daxter
Kingdom Hearts

>> No.1759774

Power Stone 2 alone makes the DC worth its hype. Best party fighter game I've ever played

>> No.1759786

shitty mediocre shooting platformer
shitty overhyped climbing simulator
shitty boring stealth platformer
shitty retarded collectathon platformer
shitty overrated movie series
shitty 2deep4u escort simulator
shitty cringe-worthy number cruncher
shitty even more cringe-worthy homosexual button masher
shitty edgy murder and stealing simulator with bad car controls

congrats, you have the worst taste on /vr/. now commit sudoku

>> No.1759790


Are you Segatards still butthurt that your shitty company had to leave the console business?

>> No.1759794

nope. better to die early than to live long enough to see yourself become the enemy like sony, nintendo and microsoft

>> No.1759802


>The PS2 was a far superior console.

Well no fucking shit. The PS2 is far superior to just about everything on the planet. That doesn't mean the Dreamcast wasn't fantastic.

>> No.1759807

lol you have to be the only person on /vr/ that doesn't like at least half of those games. thanks for the good laugh anon, that post was golden.

>> No.1759808

PS2 still had HALF the video memory, and it showed. The Gamecube had FOUR TIMES the video memory of the PS2.

>> No.1759813

quality /v/ thread

>> No.1759817

Most fans of the DC are fans of arcade games. The DC was capable of arcade-perfect ports because the Sega Naomi arcade system was identical to it aside from having more RAM.

Really, it's the same with the Saturn and Genesis, too. Sega fans are mostly arcade gamers who want an affordable way to play arcade games in the home.

>> No.1759819


Yup. A lot of PS2 games were ugly as a result. Doesn't mean the console didn't have an endless library of amazing games.

>> No.1759832

I don't get the appeal in jet grind radio either honestly

>> No.1759835
File: 320 KB, 920x920, mosaic8b693031e09ecf96d24f8de8fd64ab96d08786ba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw you realize the Xbox was the DC's successor of the same gen

>> No.1759848

I already knew this. I've got a ton of Sega Xbox games. Other than the ones in that image, there's also Gunvalkyrie and Toe Jam & Earl 3.

>> No.1759864


This guy gets it. If you want Arcade games, you had to go with Sega or Neo Geo, but who was even rich enough for a decent collection of Neo Geo games.

>> No.1759873

Well, Sega went to Microsoft to get them to make the DC 2, but they declined. So it makes sense.

>> No.1759924

>Sega autism intensifies

>> No.1759930 [DELETED] 

>/v/ermin shitposting intensifies

>> No.1759935

Dreamcast > N64

Aside from Super Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time, I never really understood the praise the N64 got.

Games looked and played a lot better on the Dreamcast imo. Plus it had a online capability and a web browser.

>> No.1759940


Which is the reason I went with Microsoft from then on after SEGA left.

And yeah, I think it's completely spot on that SEGA fans tend to enjoy arcade games quite a bit. It's also has to be fairly said though, that SEGA consoles also offered a strong line of RPGs, platformers, etc. as well.

Taking a look at my console collection, I realize that I also tend to prefer consoles that offer a great arcade experience. Probably because my dad got a Genesis right before I was born, so I grew up playing that shit early on and went on through the Game Gear, Saturn, and then Dreamcast. Atari 7800, Neo Geo CD, Saturn, Dreamcast, original Xbox, Xbox One...yeah, that's arcade central. Haha.

>> No.1759964

Tons of great arcade ports. Soul Calibur looked better on the Dreamcast than it did in the arcade.

>> No.1759972

More like assassin. Sega worked with MS to deploy Windows CE on the Dreamcast, hoping to leverage their software environment to get PC devs on board. Meanwhile, Microsoft - behind their back - was really just preparing to launch the Xbox, and taking Sega's money to do so.

If you get in bed with Microsoft, you're gonna get fucked. Never forget what they did to Sega.

>> No.1759973

>I get the feeling a lot of fans of this console are trendy types who weren't really around when it was out.
I'm not really a true DC fan, but i acknowledge its strengths, because they are undeniable. Back in 1999-2000 this console was AMAZING. Compared to N64 and PS1, Dreamcast graphics looked incredibly advanced. It was a huge leap. Soulcalibur looked "next gen" even compared to PC games of the time. Back when DC was released in the west, i saw Soulcalibur running on a CRT monitor through VGA, and i was VERY impressed with it, even if i played then new games on my first PC. When PS2 came out, its graphicswere not so impressive because, contrary to Sony's promotional material, they were not much better looking at all from what i already saw on DC.
Anyway, i stuck to PC, but if i had more money i would certainly get a Dreamcast too. DC was the first console that was designed around the online experience, and the first one that was bundled with a modem. You could even browse the internet with it, and it was much cheaper then a new PC back when it came out, especially after the price was cut. I don't like mmorpgs, but back then i'm sure i would spend a lot of time playing Phantasy Star(first console mmo) with a friend who had a DC, and at whose place i saw all the games.

DC had amazing library considering how short its life was. I think it was alive around the same time WiiU has been alive until now, and Dc has much more impressive library. It really didn't deserve to fail. Sega did everything right with this system(except the controller which is shitty). It was easy to program for, it had amazing graphics at the time of release, it had great exclusives, it had pc ports and even awesome and often exclusive arcade ports. Later, most of best DC exclusive games were ported to other systems and that's why DC is not really an essential system to own now(except for shmup fans), but that does not change the fact that 15 years ago it was great and innovative

>> No.1760028

Yeah, now compare their lifespans, genius.

>> No.1760057

I too agree it wasn't good. I bought one, looked up games I was going to play only to come up with games I already owned on other consoles like the PSX or on much later consoles, which isn't a fault of the dreamcast itself but goddamn I wasted 15 dollars for something that was only going to play Shenmue and D2

Unlike the Dreamcast, the Gamecube still has a ton of games that hasn't been ported to hell and back making it more worthwhile than the Dreamcast.

>> No.1760171

it was a very fun game, have you even tried it? only thing wrong with it was the soundtrack that made you wanna put a gun in your mouth

>> No.1760228
File: 9 KB, 100x100, photo (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucking Cannon Strike
>I don't know shit about shit and yet I go on public forums and open my mouth

You mean Cannon Spike? Also, contradiction.

>> No.1760281

Shoulda gone with GNU/Linux instead.

>> No.1760291

I wouldn't know, having spent twelve hundred fucking dollars on PS2s because Sony refused to honor their fucking warranties as usual.

>> No.1760294


Seriously, I got the PS2 on launch, and NEVER saw any potential for that thing. The game library was full of half-assed, poorly thought out games and bad ports.

I will never understand the love for the PS2. Ever.


>> No.1760312

>I get the feeling a lot of fans of this console are trendy types

Fuck man, I didn't feel trendy when I played back in the day and everyone was telling me Sega was a dead company.

>> No.1760313

I liked the soundtrack.

>> No.1760703

I still remember seeing the NiGHTS commercial on TV and thinking it was the most beautiful game I've ever seen. The first Panzer Dragoon is one of the few games I have real nostalgia for and was my first 3D game.

>> No.1760707

Well I didn't feel trendy when I wore thick-rimmed glasses back in the day, but here we are now and they're a fashion item.

>> No.1760709

Fuck you faggot it's 4chan...report your dead mum I'm fuckin too, she can't bc...is dead

>> No.1760727

>N64 hate in a dream cast thread
Stay /v/, /vr/

>> No.1760834

Amen brother. The N64 controller is awful.

>> No.1760925

>first console that allowed for online multiplayer
>op thinks this is stupid as fuck and not worth dc legendary status

>> No.1760931

>he thinks video memory matters and not processing speed/power


>> No.1760938



>> No.1760964

>Fuck you faggot it's 4chan

Hi, welcome to 4chan. You seem to be misinformed on what 4chan is so I'll give you a little rundown. 4chan is a multi image board catering to many different interests and communities. The community you belong to (/b/) does not represent 4chan or the general attitude within each board, as each board varies greatly. You are currently on /vr/, which focuses on the discussion of retro video games and related subjects. /vr/ is not about spouting the latest buzz words at anonymous strangers in an attempt to "troll" or gain a sense of superiority to combat the unimportant and meager you live.

>> No.1760969
File: 38 KB, 250x216, Xbands.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>first console that allowed for online multiplayer
>What is XBAND
>What is Saturn Netlink

>> No.1761048

It was.the best fightan game console of all time. Plus you can homebrew it without chips for most of the consoles. Other than that it's just ok.

Bought mine in 03.

>> No.1761076

>YFW Sega Dreamcast Collection on Xbox 360
>Includes Bass Fishing, Space Channel 5 Part 2, and Crazy Taxi

>> No.1761091

>TFW people still make dreamcast games


>> No.1761093

...and the sega channel

>> No.1761110

Online multiplayer isn't really a good thing.

Look what it led to.

>Call of DLC: DLC Ops 4, special Gamestop DLC edition
>13yos on XBL
>pay-to-play services

And we've lost that really special time with REAL friends(not bullshit online "friends"), eating pizza and kicking each others asses in proper 2-4 way livingroom multiplayer.

I don't think modern boys will ever know the joys of having bros over for a friday night of Goldeneye. Or other susch things.
It's sad.

>> No.1761112

Fuck you, goldeneye's MP sucked dick, it's campaign was a million times more interesting and intense.

>> No.1761123

>Hating Ratchet and Clank

Understandable, it's kinda overrated.

>Hating SotC

Understandable, kinda pretentious.

>Hating MGS

Understandable, written by an autistic 4 year old who thinks too highly of himself.

>Hating Ico

Understandable, pretty vapid and boring.

>Hating GTA


>> No.1761126


That didn't allow multiplayer. Just game downloads. There was an Atari 2600 addon that also allowed game downloads over the phone line (as opposed to cable, like Sega Channel)

>> No.1761134


OP here, more than pleased with the chaos. I don't personally care about multiplayer, though I acknowledge DC may have been good at it.

And to be fair, I never said DC was shit, just that it wasn't that good. Certainly nowhere near as good as some people seem to believe. I don't really care. I started on DOS and still do most of my substantial gaming on PCs. I've always enjoyed console games as well, but I have no particular attachment to any of them.

I just find DC to be generally overrated. There are people who act like it's the best console ever that sold poorly unfairly.

>> No.1761138


>multiplayer on consoles

LAN was better.

>> No.1761154
File: 160 KB, 500x397, 68aa029cbe1784c124be18fa0fbe472a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't think modern boys will ever know the joys of having bros over for a friday night of Goldeneye.

I... I'll play with you..

>> No.1761253

Considering my favourite game style is racing, I don't give so much credit to DC, and I'm saying it being a segafag. The good part is TXR and F355 challenge were ported to PS2, which has another high tier racing games. The bad part is Daytona USA 2001, Sega Rally 2 (inb4 2006), Sega GT (at least there's a pc version) and MSR never had a port to sony's console.

>> No.1761272


>> No.1761274

op, you must not have friends that appreciate /vr/.
>sonic shuffle
>best mvc2 port
>good dynamite cop port
>powerstone 1 AND 2
>quake 3 arena with split screen(no screen lookin fgtz, inb4 weird controls)
>best multiplayer bomberman since Saturn
>zombie revenge
>chu chu muhfuckin rocket
>worms world party
>nfl 2k2, second best football of all time behind espn 2k5
and that's the scratching the surface

>> No.1761294

What are you talking about sonic shuffle is a terrible game. I do agree with everything else though.

>> No.1761314


I bought one recently.

The hardware is cheap and flimsy. The flip-top drive is personally appealing, but it really demonstrates how many costs Sega were cutting. That horrible scratching disc drive was the same.

The controller is terrible. The d-pad is mushy as hell. The analog stick has no grip. There's only one. There's only 4 face buttons and 2 triggers. All to make way for a gimmick which was never properly utilized. It's inferior to the Saturn controller in every way.

Its library is nothing but arcade ports, most of which were ported to better consoles or PC later. A lot of its exclusive games like Shenmue were extremely niche which I suppose people can like, but most won't.

I get the most use out of it by playing shmups which weren't ported to better systems

>> No.1761351

it's not terrible per se, it's just terrible to pick up. until you actually figure out how to play it to win it's the worst game ever. also, the computer players can see your cards and 19/20 times will pick the exact card they need, or the one you need to take it away from you. it's only fun with a majority of human players

>> No.1761420

forgot MUH 90'S COOL KID STATUS the N64 gave with it in the aftermath. Nothing but "YOU'RE NOT A 90'S KID IF YOU HAD *picture of an n64*" But growing up with the n64 as baby's first vidya game I really don't care much for it unless I have friends over and they wanna play MK64 or Goldeneye.

>> No.1761443

>Oh, and the controller was fucking awful. Big dealbreaker from me.

The controller is not awful. Not sure what your deal is. Though I will say the d-pad is a bit thick and sharped edged. I remember getting a sore and beat up thumb from playing games like marvel vs capcom 2 and street fighter alpha 3 for hours.

>> No.1761450

im happy that you reminded me about good old times when me and my buddies could play golden eye for hours having a blast. But now I'm also saddened that those days are gone and will never come back.

>> No.1761451


The analog stick has no grip, the d-pad is too loose, and it has too few buttons. The VMU is underutilized.

>> No.1761462

Well, most of these titles (except for SotC) were released within the first 30 months of PS2's lifespan - the same lifespan as the Dreamcast since its Japanese launch.

Make sure to check your facts before the next time you ironically call someone "genius".

>> No.1761479

>Its library is nothing but arcade ports, most of which were ported to better consoles or PC later.

It is true that most of Dreamcast's arcade ports and exclusives were ported to other consoles and PCs after the Dreamcast was discontinued. That's exactly why I never saw much reason to own a Dreamcast since a few years after its discontinuation.

But you have to take into consideration that these other ports didn't show up until after the Dreamcast flopped. Back in its day the Dreamcast was awesome and had lots of exclusive titles and "exclusive" arcade ports.

>> No.1761481


You're right that it once had a lot of attractive exclusives, but now there's no reason to like it other than nostalgia.

>> No.1761487

Did you actually try a few games released after the PS2's launch year? The first games were indeed shit.

If you actually do know the PS2 library and doesn't like any of it I really don't know what to say, anon. I guess you just don't really like video games.

>> No.1761494

Sonic Shuffle is bloody awful though.

And Worms World Party was just Armageddon but worse.

>> No.1762248


you two should go suck each others dicks while youre at it.

n64 controller was actually quite good

>> No.1762372

Or, you know, because they spawned on the Dreamcast/Naomi, so it's only right to give credit to said console. And the fact that most ports are shit and run in an emulator when you could have the real deal, an actual DC.

>> No.1762385


Out of interest, can you give me a quick list of Dreamcast exclusives or platforms where the Dreamcast version is superior?

>> No.1762416

Skies of Arcadia
Shenmue 2
Dead or Alive 2
Grandia II
Sonic Adventure
Jet Grind Radio

>> No.1762460

This may be /vr/-blasphemy, but is there a reason to play DOA2 over DOA4 or 5?
It seems like the games only improved as the series progressed.

>> No.1762474


Power Stone PSP is worse?
I thought Skies GCN had more content?
What makes that better than the PC version?
What makes it better than the PC version?
See above
See above again

Not that I'm disagreeing, but I'm interested.

>> No.1762501

>I thought Skies GCN had more content?
The sound is drastically worse. Worse to the point where the extra content doesn't help it.

>> No.1762503


That's... Very surprising, considering the fact that mini-DVDs hold the same as GD-ROMs.

>> No.1762534


What does SotC mean?

>> No.1762535


Shadow of the Colossus.

>> No.1762552


Oh, thanks.

I am not a big fan of the PS2, but that is because the market had changed and different kinds of games became big (like GTA), while platformers lost their popularity in that gen.
Anyway, I bought it for fighting games, DVD player and Maximo. But enjoyed the Gamecube more.

>> No.1762563


That's not to say there aren't awesome platformers on the PS2. Ratchet is a personal favourite, something I'll never get tired of. Klonoa is fantastic also.

>> No.1762572

Symphony of the Cock

>> No.1762592

Skies of Arcadia on the Dreamcast used Cybersound, a third-party wavetable synthesis software. The company that made Cybersound went out of business in the late nineties leaving its software unsupported, so Sega just used the standard GCN software instead without properly adapting the sound data to it.

>> No.1762596


>> No.1762603


Ah, thanks for the trivia!

>> No.1762752

Not the other anon, but I also have to ask

>Shenmue 2
>DoA 2
>Jet Grind Radio
What makes them better than the Xbox ports?

And what makes Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 better than the Gamecube ports?

>> No.1762816


C'mon, son. That's enough 'amazing's.

>> No.1762830

Aint no Jet Grind Radio for Xbox bruh bruh, just the sequel Jet Set Radio Future

>> No.1762831

How is Power Stone PSP better? I can't imagine playing that game on a small screen. Also, what about the multiplayer? I assume it has online, but what if it's dead? Is there local multiplayer?

>> No.1762836

>Power Stone PSP is worse?
Resolution is cropped wrong. Some other weird framerate hiccups too.

>I thought Skies GCN had more content?
As stated, worse sound. There is some other random content added tho. They also upped the XP rates so that you didn't have to grind.

>What makes that better than the PC version?
>What makes it better than the PC version?
>See above
>See above again
Have to run it through Winblows, the worst OS of all time. And two of those force you to use Steam's proprietary DRM client to play.

>> No.1762838

As much as I love arcade games, the Dreamcast was really lacking in other more console-oriented genres. And for that, it just wasn't a very solid console.

>> No.1762848

Nintendo released a special glove because the controller was wrecking children's hands. I'm sorry but you're wrong and have retarded hands.

>> No.1763269

I knew that tbh, but I see no reason to play Jet Grind when you have Jet Set Future, which is superior in every way.

These reasons are all minor details and nitpicks that don't make these ports "shit" as >>1762372 said, and they don't really justify buying a Dreamcast and/or the Dreamcast versions just to play them - especially when ports might have additional content and in some cases slight better graphics / framerates.

>> No.1763358


You faggots make me ashamed to be a Dreamcast bandwagoner.

>> No.1763594

Rayman 2 looks drop-dead gorgeous on the Dreamcast compared to every other port of the game, including PC and PS2.

>> No.1763638

>I get the feeling a lot of fans of this console are trendy types who weren't really around when it was out.
Okay and now I know you're shitposting. If anything that would be the NES.

>> No.1763708

I love this console because I steal the show at any party I take it to.

>OH I remember the Dreamcast
>OH I remember Street Fighter III
>OH I remember Resident Evil Code Veronica
>et cetera
>et cetera

Parties in the ghetto are shit up until then.

>> No.1763742

what is with ghetto people and their love for the Dreamcast?
did everyone in poverty end up with one at some point aar was it because shit was all in rappers movies in the early 2000s

>> No.1763801

>cheap enough console to grab
>pirate friendly
This should pretty much be enough to bite into.

Although if you're not too inclined on spending a ton of money for an old console whether you're ghetto or not, third party accessories are super cheap around Amazon and you can fill in 4 mad catz or InterAct controllers with used rumble packs and VMUs.

>> No.1763836

I think it was a console with missed potential and piss poor timing. It was essentially going off of old practices that no longer worked. It had its mascot, sanic, and was trying to get the arcade game into the home. It came out when the 64 and playstation had huge gaming libraries, and a short time before the playstation 2. The unfortunate thing was that the dreamcast didn't have that one game that made it a must buy. What got me to buy a 64? Super Mario 64, Banjo-Kazooie, Mario Kart, the list goes on. Playstation? Final Fantasy 7 and 8, Crash Bandicoot. Dreamcast? Sanic adventure and crazy taxi.
I didn't learn about Jet Grind Radio until I got myself and xbox with Jet Set Radio and Sega GT (which I might add I got an xbox for fucking Halo Combat Evolved). And the dreamcast ended up being that console that had crazy taxi, resident evil, and a few sanic games. Oh and power stone the demo version cuz I couldn't ever find a copy of that game anywhere I went.
I recently picked up the gamecube version brand new to relive old memories with friends, it sucks. Literally that game is ancient, we ended up putting it down in favor of taking turns on resident evil code veronica and talking.

I don't mean to rant about this, but the dreamcast wasn't really all that it's cracked up to be. When it comes to retro, I tend to play the snes and genesis more than that machine. I also learned recently that it probably failed due to bootlegging, cuz apparently they didn't have a chip to tell if a game was pirated or not. I'm serious, 90 percent of my dreamcast library is on burnt disc. So I guess they lost a lot of money from investors who weren't for a machine that could potentially have its entire game library for free.

>> No.1763867

>I see no reason to play Jet Grind when you have Jet Set Future, which is superior in every way.

holy shit could you have worse taste.

>> No.1766097

Almost all of those games aren't better at all on Dreamcast. Even Powerstone collection on PSP which I've emulated on PPSSPP and compared to the Dreamcast version, exactly the same except widescreen (which can be set to 4:3) and ad-hoc multiplayer instead of local

Try giving reasons next time.

>> No.1766114
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>Generic milestone game that has a port on Wii
Really grasping for straws there. The only game that actually belongs on that list is Soul Calibur and even then what's the point of playing the first one these days?

>> No.1766125

The first one is the best, before hey started making way too fucking many of them.

Though, it's on modern consoles now, so I dunno why you'd play the DC version.

>> No.1766140

learn to read, chucklefuck

>> No.1766157

So Power Stone on a small ass screen and with a multiplayer that needs 4 PSPs and 4 copies of the game to play 4 player Power Stone 2 is superior? Agreed on the other games except for Skies and Ikaruga.

>> No.1766749

But it's exactly the same on other systems

>> No.1766907

>There are people who act like it's the best console ever that sold poorly unfairly.
But it did sell poorly unfairly! It was the first console designed for online play, it had great hardware for 1998, great exclusives, best console versions of multiplatform titles, big library(for its short lifespan), and it was reasonably priced.

>> No.1766913

Considering it's a portable console it's been ported to, those are forgivable. Otherwise it's technically exactly the same as the Dreamcast version.

And yes, Power Stone 1 has the added characters from 2 so it is the superior game

>> No.1766917

>It was the first console designed for online play

>> No.1766924

You should try reading my post again, and maybe trying to understand the article before posting. You are obviously a clueless 90s kid, fuck off.

>> No.1766935


OP here, not only am I uninterested in online gaming, but I've been playing PC games since I was like five, and I had LAN'd to death in the great FPS games of the ages long before the DC.

What exactly were the great exclusives? I like what Shenmue was trying to do but it was very much nfm ultimately. And like I said, I liked Crazy Taxi.

But apart from that, why was it so great? It's library doesn't even approach the quality of a fine console like, say, the PS2 or the Famicom or Super Famicom or even the Sega Genesis, and doesn't even really match a lackluster one like the N64.

And for someone like me, who's always played consoles and PC, and whose primary interest is RPGs and turn-based strategy, a console is going to live and die mainly on the quality of the games.

There just isn't anything with the broad appeal of say, a Mario Bros. or a Sanic.

>> No.1766936


*original sanic that is

>> No.1766943

If you're not into arcade games - and it looks like you're not, you might as well skip the Dreamcast.

A great number of the great exclusives were ported to other systems and for some reason those who scream it's the greatest ever fail to mention the still exclusive (but probably not great) games on the system like Outtrigger, Alien Front Online, D2 and Illbleed


>> No.1767000

>What exactly were the great exclusives?

These W E R E good exclusive games:

Soul Calibur
Street Fighter 3, 2nd Impact, and 3rd Strike
Marvel vs. Capcom 2
Capcom vs. SNK 2
Power Stone 1 and 2
Project Justice : Rival Schools 2
Virtua Fighter 3tb
Fighting Vipers 2
Tech Romancer
Mortal Kombat Gold
Ooga Booga
Sword of the Berserk: Gut's Rage
Zombie Revenge
Dynamite Cop
Crazy Taxi 1 and 2
Daytona USA 2001
Ferrari F355 Challenge
Looney Tunes: Space Race
Metropolis Street Racer
Sega GT
Virtua Tennis 1 and 2
2K sports games
Sega Bass Fishing 1, 2 and Sega Marine Fishing
Virtua Striker 2
Cosmic Smash
Space Channel 5
Samba De Amigo
Cool Cool Toon
Jet Set Radio
Resident Evil: Code Veronica
Maken X
Blue Stinger
Shenmue 1 and 2
Phantasy Star Online
Skies of Arcadia
Grandia II
Record of Lodoss Wars
Elemental Gimmick Gear
Lack of Love
Toy Commander
Ecco The Dolphin: Defender Of The Future
Sonic Adventure 1 and 2
Super Magnetic Neo
Chu-Chu Rocket
Bomberman Online
Alien Front Online
Spawn - In The Demon's Hand
Heavy Metal Geomatrix
Virtual-On Oratorio Tangram
House of the Dead 2 and Typing of the Dead
Confidential Mission
Cannon Spike
Ikaruga, Zero Gunner 2, Mars Matrix and many, many more great shmups that came after the system "died" so i wont mention them.

Apart from these there are some pretty cool looking jap exclusives like
Segagaga, Rent-a-Hero No.1, Sakura Taisen games, Napple Tale and Roommania #203.

>But apart from that, why was it so great? It's library doesn't even approach the quality of a fine console like, say, the PS2 or the Famicom or Super Famicom or even the Sega Genesis, and doesn't even really match a lackluster one like the N64.
ARE YOU FUCKING RETARDED? Dreamcast was alive for a bit less then a year and a half in the west and less then two and a half years in Japan. How can you compare that to Famicom and PS2 that were in production for over a decade....??????

>> No.1767038

Man, I love the Dreamcast more than most, but MKG was just damn clunky, and Illbleed and Blue Stinger, while somewhat memorable, were very awkward.

>> No.1767081

I like Illbleed a lot, its a unique experience. I played it recently and enjoyed it quite a bit.

I remember playing Blue Stinger back in the day and thinking its decent. It was an early DC game. I think i would dislike it now, it probably aged badly.

MKG is bad i agree, but its very silly and is one of those rare bad games that can somehow be enjoyable when played with a friend just for laughs.

>> No.1767087

>Was it impressive on the hardware end?
It was until PS2 came around and killed it.

One thing tho... Dreamcast games had really good anti-aliasing. They had a really clean look to them which looks good to this day, something I can't really say for most PS2 games. Also I remember the games looking really vibrant with very rich colours and contrast.

>> No.1767090

Don't forget 480p, and sharp(for the time) textures. Also, it took some time until PS2 games started to look better then the best DC titles.

>> No.1767092

Was it actually more powerful than the PS2? I didn't know it ran at a higher res, that explains a lot. Yeah I remember Dreamcast just looking better than PS2 in general.

>> No.1767115

It was not more powerful, but unlike PS2 almost all DC games supported 480p resolution with a proper cable.Even those that didn't support it could be forced into it, and they worked fine.

PS2 was hard to program for, and because of that, early games didn't really look much better then DC games. I don't think Dreamcast would be able to compete in the graphics department with late PS2 titles like GT4, SOTC, Tekken 5 and GOW 2, but it would still be interesting to see how much they would push it, if it lived longer.

>> No.1767137

It did, but the PS2 had access to the DVD format which gave it anywhere from two to six times as much space to play with. Also, the dreamcast controller was complete shit, and console online gaming was way ahead of its time, and didn't become a mainstream thing until the PS3.

When the DC was released, everyone I knew was still on fail-up.

>> No.1767227

If you're into imports and shmups like me, you'd probably find more on the Saturn anyway.
Not to say that DC doesn't have great shmups, the Saturn just had more time to gather a bigger library.

>> No.1767247

I do have to agree that Illbleed is unique. It's a game I'll never forget

>> No.1767267

>ARE YOU FUCKING RETARDED? Dreamcast was alive for a bit less then a year and a half in the west and less then two and a half years in Japan. How can you compare that to Famicom and PS2 that were in production for over a decade....??????
I can, because they're all dead now and Dreamcast is left with a library of post-houmous multiplatform games while the other two systems have far more games and exclusives in general

>> No.1767290

I seem to remember Dreamcast games running at much higher framerates than your average PS2 game.

Though at the time I just wasn't interested in the sorts of arcade style games the Dreamcast was offering.

>> No.1767307

Well at least you can acknowledge when you're wrong.

>> No.1767310

Replied to the wrong post?

>> No.1767318

I remember getting one for Christmas and my Dad, brother and I going back to fucking Toys R Us no less then 3 times to get copies of games that fucking worked 100% of the time.

That alone left a sour taste in my mouth. Dad was a smart dude and bought us a mod chip not too long after its release and modded it for us and we burned the shit out of games. It still wasn't particularily good because there was not really any good games.

I seriously can't remember playing anything other then Code Veronica or Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 on it. Which probably attests to how uninteresting the console was.

>> No.1767324
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>and bought us a mod chip
Dreamcast could boot games from CD-R with no modification.

>> No.1767326

Not him but it depends on the model

>> No.1767328
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>harder to pirate

The fuck are you even on about.

You mean

>impossible to emulate outside of one B- emulator.

>> No.1767330
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Dreamcast was a failure.


>> No.1767336

No, the PS2 is a lot more powerful. However, the DC was a lot easier to develop for - I remember there was another DC thread a few months ago where a pretty knowledgeable anon gave very detailed technical reasons and details in a series of long posts, I should've screencapped it.

But his bottom line was, even most first-gen titles already pushed the DC hardware to its limits, and that's why most Dreamcast games looked better than first-gen PS2 titles. Giving the DC a longer lifespan most likely wouldn't have resulted in better looking games.

>> No.1767342


>REZ exclusive to dreamcast
>ran at 30 frames per second
>REZ for PS2- ran at 60 frames.

>> No.1767345 [DELETED] 

The fact that those "multiplatform" titles were not multiplatform back when Dreamcast was alive... and many of them would not exist or be ported to anything without DC. This is getting ridiculous. Who wrote that Dreamcast has a bigger library and more exclusives then Famicom, PS2, SNES...?

I never compared it to those systems. DC is not even one of my favorite consoles(but maybe it could have been, and i cant say that about any other failed console). What i was trying to explain was that Dreamcast offered a lot in the time it was alive. I would not advise people to get a DC now(except for shmups and easy piracy), but back in 1999 i would recommend it to anybody. After everything that was written in this thread i really don't understand how you don't get it. I hate when people talk shit about PS2 and blindly praise DC, I hate when they recommend it to people over some other consoles, for games they can get on many other systems, but you are doing the exact opposite now, by not admitting the positives, which are numerous and already mentioned above several times.

>> No.1767347

The fact that those "multiplatform" titles were not multiplatform back when Dreamcast was alive... and many of them would not exist or be ported to anything without DC. This is getting ridiculous. Who wrote that Dreamcast has a bigger library and more exclusives then Famicom, PS2, SNES...?

I never compared it to those systems. DC is not even one of my favorite consoles(but maybe it could have been, and i cant say that about any other failed console). What i was trying to explain was that Dreamcast offered a lot in the time it was alive. I would not advise people to get a DC now(except for shmups and easy piracy), but back in 1999 i would recommend it to anybody. After everything that was written in this thread i really don't understand how you don't get it. I hate when people talk shit about PS2 and blindly praise DC, I hate when they recommend it to people over some other consoles, for games they can get on many other systems, but you are doing the exact opposite now, by not admitting the positives, which are numerous and already mentioned above several times.

>> No.1767348

REZ for PS2 wasn't a PS2 launch game though. Many of my launch titles for PS2 chugged along. Summoner comes to mind.

Though even at launch PS2 had stuff like Timesplitters that ran fast while looking good. And the Bouncer was out pretty quick. PS2 was definitely a more powerful system.

>> No.1767352

You forgot Evolution 1 and 2, my favorite dungeon crawling rpgs (actually the only dungeon crawling rpgs I like), which are STILL exclusives btw.

>> No.1767358

>tfw a lot of those games just got ported to PS2, Xbox or GC anyways
>tfw the Dreamcast was an utter failure
>people still defend its failure to this day
Imagine spending fucking what, 300 bucks on a console only to have it dead in a year? You can't justify that even if it had the best games ever on it.

Imagine if you dropped 599 US dollars on a ps3 only to have it dead a year later. You'd be fucking pissed.

>> No.1767360


Seriously, what were the map designers thinking? They were nice areas but they were huge and empty just like the average modern MMO

>> No.1767363

Well, it is a 3d game from 2000, what do you expect? Compare it to the N64, which was doing those sort of open world 3d games, not modern stuff. It seemed quite lifelike and full of character at the time in that context. Though it still ran and loaded slowly even for the time.

>> No.1767365

DC was 150$ in 2000.

>> No.1767372

Not really. The DC version is arcade perfect. All other versions have slight differences in either bugs or missing content.

>> No.1767379
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>> No.1767389

>All other versions have slight differences in either bugs or missing content.
[citation needed]

>> No.1767445

Cool, I didn't know this. Going to try it out on Dolphin later.

>> No.1767454


>> No.1767462



I guess

Don't be a dipshit, he asked you to provide facts to back up your argument.

>> No.1767586


No one disputes that. The relevant question is 'why?' Was it just a bad console with poor games, or was it terribly handled by Sega? Speaking as the OP, I certainly think it had potential. But it always felt cheap to me, from the controller to the games.

>> No.1767592

How do the GC and DC versions compare?
I'd really want a physical version.

>> No.1767624

>About a year after the Dreamcast release, Ikaruga was ported to the Nintendo Gamecube. Other than a few additional modes, like the ability to play chunks of the stages in slow motion, it's pretty much the same as the Dreamcast version.

I did google, all I got was people coming up with statements like "THE GAMECUBE VERSION HAS THINNER TEXTURES AND DOESN'T SLOW DOWN IN THIS SPECIFIC PART WHICH RUINS THE WHOLE GAME IF YOU'RE GOOD ENOUGH" that also had no valid proof.

>> No.1767649

I love my Dreamcast, had it since 9.9.99. but i will agree with the controller hate. Absolutely atrocious. They should have just repackaged the Saturn's 3D pad for the DC.

>> No.1767672


A lot of people don't seem to recognize this, but from the day the Dreamcast launched until the late-fall/winter of 2001 it was hands down the best system. Best fighters, a couple of the best rpgs, best sports games, best alternative games that dont fit a genre. We didnt even know about the shmups yet over hear.
It wasnt until MGS2, GTA3 and a few other A-list titles were released in the fall of 2001 that the PS2 actually overtook it.
Just saying, a lot of people tend to dismiss the DC as having a lackluster run in its heyday, and thats really not true.

>> No.1767915

I guess I'm in the minority, but I really like the Dreamcast controller, and have since I played Sonic Adventure at Babbage's.
The most comfortable controller, to me, was the original Xbox (hueg) controller. The Dreamcast is basically that with a not-shit dpad.

>> No.1767964

My main issue with the DC's controller is really the fact that a console with as many fighting games and arcade ports as it has, the official controller doesn't have the classic 6-button layout that is almost ubiquitous with the arcade. Not to mention, and this might be just me, but both the analog stick and d-pad felt kind of slippery, unlike the Genesis and Saturn's d-pad (which is imho the best d-pad) which felt pretty snug to the touch.

>> No.1770892
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It was basically SEGA's N64. Great first-party games like the Sonic Adventures and Crazy Taxi, but few good third-party titles, especially in the west (not counting the indie/unlicensed stuff). The Saturn was probably closer to the PS1 for obvious reasons. If Dreamcast was backwards compatible with Saturn, it would've been a lot better. I'm not sure what scared third parties away from the Dreamcast, possibly the failure of the Saturn and the onset of Sony made them shy away from doing business with SEGA.

>> No.1770898

More like the Saturn was Sega's N64. Dreamcast was extremely short lived, whereas the N64 did well enough in America to keep on going.

>> No.1770913

ew don't compare saturn to N64 please. I threw up a little.

>> No.1770917

>Was it impressive on the hardware end? I don't really know.
It was the first 6th gen system, so it was sort of like the Wii U of its time, really impressive for a while until the other 6th gen consoles came out. It was one of the first to really experiment with online outside of obscure services like X-Band, SEGA Channel, and Satellaview though. That was kind of a big step. VMU was also an... interesting experiment.

>> No.1770936


OP here, I always thought the Saturn was far better than the Dreamcast. Been meaning to get one; I mentioned before how much I wanted one as a kid, seeing games like Nights Into Dreams and Panzer Dragoon.

Was there a Shining Force on there as well?

>> No.1770951

Nigga u dumb. The only issue with the Dreamcast outside the bad controller is unless you're a fighting or shmup fan then there is no point in buying one in 2014 because most of the noteworthy games outside of those two genres eventually got ported to other platforms.

>> No.1771057

Saturn has a huge library of high quality games. Tons of them are unknown as fuck.

start going through the list here:


IMO its library rivals SNES.

>> No.1772079

Seriously, why haven't most DC games been ported to Steam, XBLA or PSN?

Power Stone 1 / 2
Metropolis Street Racer

Why haven't these games been ported?

>> No.1772112

Off topic, but I don't really recall many PS2 games that gave me that wow factor of next gen. In fact at the present time I can only think of 2: Metal Gear Solid 2 (the first time I saw this I was seriously in awe) and God of War II towards the end of the gen. PS2 was a pretty meh looking console, but I appreciate that Dreamcast probably couldn't have had games like these or maybe something like GTA3. It just seemed incapable of having bigger games such as these.

But Idk. Dreamcast games just had some really nice looking games... nice how you'd look at arcade games for instance. They have that kind of eye-popping charm to them, they really look colourful, vibrant, sharper, more detailed textures in general. In that regard it just seemed to outshine the PS2 somehow.

>> No.1772114

*PS2 graphics always seemed kinda washed out and dull to me for the most part.

Damn I just remember the first time I played THPS3 on it though. That was certainly another 'wow' moment. It really felt like going up a gen from THPS2 on PSX to moving to PS2.

>> No.1772761

>Gamecube version
>rampant sound glitches
>music is also off-sync with the stages that were designed alongside the soundtrack (the director designed the stage layouts and the soundtrack; the OST was made to perfectly fit each moment of the game)
>Gamecube version has removed slowdown (for shmup noobs, all you need to know that this is a bad thing)

The only good thing about the GC version was the on-screen chain counter.

>> No.1772779

In terms of looks, I agree. I don't think anything before The Bouncer really showed off the PS2's power. And that was definitely a few months after launch.

But the Dreamcast didn't really have the sort of games the PS2 had, either. PS2, right off the bat had Timesplitters, an exclusive shooter, Summoner, a western style RPG (does the Dreamcast even have one of those?), and Dynasty Warriors 2, which while completely graphically overshadowed once 3 came out (and even 3 isn't the peak of the PS2's power. I can't picture the Dreamcast running Dynasty Warriors 5), was really impressive just for the sheer number of bad guys in a 3d environment.

On the other hand, everything on the Dreamcast looked super sharp and ran really well. PS2 looks muddy and many games run slow (for the same reason N64 games run slow, too much emphasis on technical shit at the expense of framerate).

>> No.1773035

What are the weirdest, abstract, and trippy games for the Dreamcast? stuff like Ecco the Dolphin.....games that feel 'vaporwave' if you're familiar with the term.

>> No.1773197

Seaman is pretty weird. For something a bit more artsy, you can try out Rez.

>> No.1773279

Seaman motherfuckers.

>> No.1773289

What's the best emu for Dolphin?
Thinking of trying Shenmue, are there any regional differences I should be aware of?

>> No.1773290
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>tfw you cant play it because you dont have a dreamcast mic

>> No.1773430


you're welcome.

>> No.1773514

Is it true that playing burned DC games on CD-Rs overworks the laser and shortens its lifespan? I always thought that was a myth.

>> No.1773607

It's not the discs themselves, but the file ordering. GDROMS were authored in such a way as to prevent undue strain on the laser assembly. On a CDR, the file order is different, and the system has to seek like crazy to find anything. More wear and tear. So if you're going to play burned games on DC, play the ones that are stupidly overpriced, because fuck resellers.

>> No.1773662

Gonna need some hard evidence.

>> No.1773709

different anon here

Cheers for the site. I've found what I'm going to be doing tomorrow...going through every single game on the site one by one and picking out things I'd like to try.

>> No.1773714

Prepare for endless amounts of fun . It's insane how many good quality, unknown games are on the saturn.

>> No.1773718

Oh I meant I'm going to go through ALL the systems. Not just the Saturn.

Unfortunately I don't own a Saturn and as an Ausfag I'm likely never going to either.

>> No.1773721

Me too.

>> No.1773723

your missing out dude. Saturn + SNES are the pinnacle of 2d home consoles for me. I guess you could throw neogeo + genesis in there for a close second.

>> No.1773726

Tell me about it. Can't even import one either because of the voltage mismatches with AU. Can't even use a stepdown converter.

>> No.1773732

dude i just checked and there are australian sega saturn models . get on that!!! It's so easy to modchip too

>> No.1773736

I know that there are Australian ones but they are obscenely expensive and rare. There's only one for sale on Ebay Australia and its $300+.

>> No.1773748


this site says it'll work with a travel adapter?

>> No.1773750

You can't use the power board from a UK Saturn? The UK operates at 240V, 50Hz, last I checked, same as Oz. All the SYSTEM cares about is getting its DC voltage from the power board.