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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 37 KB, 350x336, mike-tysons-punch-out-21-article_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1755914 No.1755914 [Reply] [Original]

I want to know what kind of drugs Mario is on to allow fucking magic to be used in a boxing match? I mean I need like fucking Harry Potter or some shit to come and and beat him.

>> No.1755928

Mario doesn't know what the fuck he's doing, thats why.

The dudes a professional plumber,racer,detective,golfer, WHO knows what else.

He just applies for jobs and hopes he gets it.
Dude is shit tier.

>> No.1755939

I feel like there must be some sort of conspiracy in his hiring, I mean he IS Italian, maybe he's getting some help from The Family...

Think about it, if he fixes the fights from the beginning then he can help rake in the cash for the people who got him that job.

>> No.1755945

I'm now picturing luigi as Fredo.

>> No.1755951

I wonder if they're all in on this, or if any of the Mario characters are oblivious?

Luigi: we gotta save your dame again, Bowser "captured" her again, how long you gonna let this sham play out? Ain't it enough you saved her once before?

Mario: *lights up a cigarette* Just shut up and start the car.

Luigi: Alright, alright, let's get movin'

Mario: Let's a go

>> No.1755963


I'd watch this flash movie.
Heck, there probably is a mafia related one already.

>> No.1755976

You're complaining about ref Mario? What about the Wii ref who allows magic, gloves on sticks and lets you fight a fucking gorilla? Or the SNES ref who allows kicks and staves and toxic goobers?

Ref Mario is downright strict by comparison.

>> No.1756003

By then the referees were so bought out by the opposition that the only thing they DIDN'T allow was guns (they found the fights ended too quickly when they did)

>> No.1756034


>> No.1756042


>I want to know what kind of drugs Mario is on

Mushrooms, obviously.

>> No.1756076

And those pills he prescribed for himself in Dr. Mario...

>> No.1756116

He's obviously being paid off. Notice how he counts faster for Mac, doesn't stop when he tries to get up (which he does for everyone else), and some fighters can't lose by decision.

>> No.1756131

Also the fucking decision system in Punch-Out is fucking crazy. Oh yeah I put him on the mat five times and he never even touched me but I didn't score enough points so I lose.

Who the fuck are these judges?

>> No.1756149

Glass Jose, Glass John, and either ozzy ozbourne /glass Joe(after you fight him).

>> No.1756169

Yeah, if you hit the amt you should lose the point, but those judges seem to always turn a blind eye. I wouldn't be surprised if They were all in the Mob's pocket, and Mario was the ring leader.

>> No.1756172

It is a video game.
Video games don't have to be realistic.
When making a video game, you can let your imagination go wild and do anything you want.

>> No.1756179

Didn't know you posted on /vr/ molyneux.

>> No.1756189

>It is a video game.
>Implying video games aren't real
>Implying this game didn't make me a boxer by playing it

>> No.1756195

You must be real fun at parties.

Who am I kidding? No one invites you to parties.

>> No.1756202

Why would he want to go to parties? Most parties don't have video games...

>> No.1756256

>on 4chan
>talking about going to parties
what the fuck are you even doing?

>> No.1756285

>video games are different from the real world
>wow you must be fun at parties

What the flying shit is wrong with you? How do you even make such a retarded as fuck connection as that?

>> No.1756383

great tiger is fucking easy, i don't know why you're complaining.

>> No.1756423


Shhh, let the lil' letsplayer project himself

>> No.1756543

>absolutely nothing relating to Let's Plays
>accusing them of projecting


>> No.1756658

>I feel like there must be some sort of conspiracy in his hiring, I mean he IS Italian, maybe he's getting some help from The Family...

Maybe he goes to the same temp agency as Barbie.

>> No.1756669



>> No.1756702

Welcome, my friend, to 4chan, where you can't make jokes, because no one knows what context is and fun is not allowed

>> No.1756731

To be fair Mac can get up in one second flat if you mash well, 3 if you don't. Also every boxer can lose by decision, at least the end ones can. The only way I can beat Super Macho Man and Tyson is by decision.

>> No.1756895
File: 124 KB, 338x254, SuperPunchout0641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not actual magic, just a few optical tricks. It's not like he throws fireballs or shoots death rays.
Also, in Super Punch Out the opponents could kick, spit, hit you with hair, throw balls at you and even beat you with a fucking staff.

>> No.1756904

Well in real life, evander holyfield was headbutting mike tyson over and over and the ref didn't do shit.

so ol' mike bit his ear off.

seems not that far off.

>> No.1756938

>yfw when super punch out is no dq mma
>implying Batman could beat this man without weapons or other performance enhancers.

>> No.1756939

There Will Be Brawl was a decent dark take on Nintendo characters. Luigi is a drug dealer.

>> No.1757042
File: 17 KB, 275x224, Soda_popinski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And let's not forget this asshole staggering around the ring.

>> No.1757087

he's easy c'mon, just block that barrage he does and you can ko him instantly.
i never got why people say soda is hard, his sprite is kinda weird but his attacks arent hard to dodge especially compared to sandman and macho man

>> No.1757094

Drunks, kicking, weapons in the ring, people teleporting. Just shoddy, shoddy reffing all around.

>> No.1757139

there's no rule that says you can't use magic

>> No.1757157

Dude Punch Out is what I use to train before my boxing matches, so I need for my foes in the game to match the ones in real life, because of that game I expect every indian I fight to use magic on me.

>> No.1757165
File: 32 KB, 227x400, Soda-Popinski-(Laughing)-03.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We haven't even touched on the sportsmanship on display in Mario's ring.

>> No.1757196

Wasn't his name Vodka Drunkinski in the arcade release?

>> No.1757205


>> No.1757224

Soda Popinski is a way better name, even if it's more tame.

>> No.1757390

not drugs man... he has to allow it because he needs the money.

stupid bitch Peach spends all his money on shit... and she has to pay child support for all those koopa kids. Not to mention shes been kidnapped and her kingdom has been destroyed about 21 times now. Taxes are probably through the roof.

see here

>> No.1757404

And how about how Mario always stops counting for the other guy the instant he's no longer flat on the mat?

Yet there Mac is, clearly on his feet, and Mario just keeps on going until the kid raises his gloves.

>> No.1757413

>this thread


>> No.1757512

He's hard because he's the first real challenge in the game. After you fight him the game stops being nice and playing hard ball.

>> No.1757527

but he isnt really a real challenge. the only move of his thats hard to dodge is that three jab thing he does but it doesnt even matter since its easy to dodge afterwards

>> No.1757572

The W.V.B.A.-The most corrupt league EVER.

>> No.1757679

Holy fuck I left for work hours ago and this thread is still alive? I'm gonna love it here in /vr/

>> No.1757687

/vr/ is the best board.

>> No.1757716

It makes me happy that my new-found interest in "retro games" has a board for it!

>> No.1757731

it's one of the only boards on 4chan where people are generally pleasant and not retarded

i love it

>> No.1757745

Sometimes turns into a massive circle jerk. Better than the usual consol war shit on /v/ tho

>> No.1757761

I could see circle jerks being rampant, but that happens on many boards

>> No.1757847
File: 21 KB, 1209x815, 1356064192909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw that blindfolded dude who beat that

>> No.1757853
File: 50 KB, 576x463, asfd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This one?

>> No.1758409

>>absolutely nothing relating to Let's Plays

it's the kind of bullshit that no-one gives a fuck about that you often hear in that kind of videos. Stop lying to yourself

>> No.1758428

that video is rather impressive

>> No.1758563

>it's one of the only boards on 4chan where people are generally pleasant

Well, that's only because the janitors delete ANYTHING that looks even slightly confrontational. Seriously.

I get about 5 posts delete per day, and they really aren't even that bad. You can't even call someone a tard in most cases, even if in the same sentence you're giving them useful help.

/vr/ is a hugbox.

>> No.1759540

There were a thread about earthbound carts that was suddenly gone and another one about emus on dreamcast. Maybe OP deleted them, still strange.

>> No.1759564


I'm friends with the guy, it was one hell of a moment when he friggin beat the entire game blindfolded.

>I accidentally did a frame perfect counter

Also the reason he stops calling the times after the minor circuit is because the minor circuit has no randomness to it, from major and on, its anyone's guess what happens, Bob can waste time dancing, Dragon Chan can kick or heal, etc etc.

Special circuit is the worse, all runs live or die depending on the special circuit.

>> No.1760819


You guys are the reason I keep coming back to this board. Please, don't stop with this.

>> No.1761179

Ehh, there's still trolling, albeit slightly more subtle. I passed by a Dreamcast thread in which OP mentioned he didn't care for it, though he enjoyed Crazy Taxi. Pretty sure it has way too many replies. It almost rustled my jimbobs, but I decided to just ignore it.

>> No.1762057
File: 16 KB, 480x360, 1291592188503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy knows what's up.

>read Super Mario Bros manual
>manual tells me "You Are Mario!"

>> No.1764294


at least this is the last bastion of free speech

>> No.1764717 [DELETED] 
File: 63 KB, 1059x437, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly the last bastion of free speech. ;^)

>> No.1764726


Yeah, you deserved it.

>> No.1764729 [DELETED] 

So did your mom when I railed her throat last night. ;^)

>> No.1764730

>trying this hard to defend shitposting

>> No.1764732 [DELETED] 


It's the principle.
Imagine If I had really been serious. I would have been banned for my opinion.

This place is a shit.

>> No.1764734

Obviously shit was going down we weren't aware of.

>> No.1764736

>at least this is the last bastion of free speech

Hahaha. Whoever is modding this place is hellbent on it becoming a Reddit/NeoGAF style hugbox where dissenting opinions are shadow deleted and shadow banned.

>> No.1764737
File: 194 KB, 724x965, 1405114454994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bet you banepost on a daily basis

>> No.1764738

>a Reddit/NeoGAF style hugbox
You mean a nice place for discussion? Fuck off with your board culture /v/.

>> No.1764743 [DELETED] 

>us oldfags remember when 4chan was a sweet place for all anons to be nice to eachother

>/v/ went and ruined it

>> No.1764745

If you think those are nice places for discussion why aren't you there?

>> No.1764748

Like all good magicians, the Great Tiger is great at not revealing his trick. Mario can't call foul if he doesn't know what was done, or how.

>> No.1764751
File: 471 KB, 480x864, 1405120120021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try and talk about photography on /p/. You don't get baneposting and greentext and shit when you go against the norm.

Shit layout.

>> No.1764763

And this thread became the reason you should report Meta shit.

[spoilers]and why /q/ should come back[/spoilers]

>> No.1764769

>Shit layout

Seems a bit weak a reason to me. The real problem is that moderation seems to be done with little consistency or guidelines. Things that probably shouldn't be deleted are, and things that almost certainly should be deleted aren't. It's causing a chilling effect on free discussion of retro games here and is probably why this board is so dead. In the mod's defense, it's understandable to go a little overboard to prevent this place from becoming another /v/, but I think it's gone too far.

>> No.1764781 [DELETED] 
File: 63 KB, 1059x437, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly the last bastion of free speech ;^)

>> No.1764789 [DELETED] 

Just accept it, anon. Stop resisting.

>> No.1764794 [DELETED] 


