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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 167 KB, 795x446, Falling Stars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1735525 No.1735525 [Reply] [Original]

Awesome retro games that only you seem to have played.

Pic related is "Faling Stars". It's a fan-made scenario for Jeff Vogel's Blades of Exile program, which is basically a massive custom RPG generator.

I'm not entirely sure it's the best RPG I've ever played, but Falling Stars is certainly up there. It's one of the few games I've played where your actions have serious and immediate consequences. YOu're told that your reputation will go down if you break into peoples homes: Reputation is a hidden stat that affects virtually every conversation in the game, and if it drops low, NPCs won't join you, people won't give you quests, and your job is made a lot harder. You miss out on some pretty decent loot at times, but you actually have to think whether or not this steal is worth it.

And there's a time limit. A rather unforgiving one. You're at war, and you're getting your asses kicked, but unlike most RPGs where that's just something that goes on in the background, the longer you dawdle, the further the enemy advances, destroying towns and killing your quest givers, and making your life harder. Eventually, you get yanked into the endgame, ready or not. The main part of the game is basically a frantic sidequest rush, trying to build up as much power as you can to survive the end sequence, which is nastily hard.

It starts getting you into this frantic, frenzied mode of play, trying to plot out your routes so you have the least amount of resting time necessary, and that some of the quests, like finding books in a library (takes a while, but easy, nothing attacks you), are done in between quests that knacker you, so you can heal and restore mana while you're rummaging through the shelves. And not wanting to give away spoilers, but it fits in well to the plot and theme of the game, which mostly is about what people do when they don't have perfect information or time to think through the consequences of their actions.

It's really, really, fucking amazing.

>> No.1735538


That actually sounds pretty good

>> No.1735539

I dunno, I tried to play one of that author's Blades of Exile scenarios before (might have even been that one), and I just didn't dig the way it started. Seemed too restrictive and guide-y; exactly the opposite of what I love about the Exile series in the first place.

>> No.1735542

Plus I hope that isn't one of those scenarios that expects you to have some vaguely already-powered-up party to start off with it. I really hate that.

>> No.1735560


It does/doesn't. What you're supposed to do (which I did not in my screenshot because I was a lazy fucker and just grabbed the first party I loaded and shoved it into the scenario) is start at level one, and then use the training dungeon it appends. If you don't want to do it, I believe he recommends level 23 party.

But if you go through the training dungeon you'll be strong enough that you won't get blown away, but you'll still have to be clever and efficient to beat a bunch of the monsters you'll run into.


You have a point there, the game is not like exile's open world exploration. Don't get me wrong, I liked wandering the caves and finding things, but this is not that sort of a game.

>> No.1735569

Thanks for this, OP. I haven't played BoE in over a decade though I went through the new Avernum remake about a year ago and was itching for something new. Downloaded and will give it a shot.

>> No.1735578

Well... All right then. I think I remember the one I tried and it was called "An Apology". I hope this isn't as restrictive as that one or I'll probably just lose interest near the beginning again.

Personally I think the ability to transfer parties is probably one of the worst features of Blades of Exile. All it really does is encourage authors to put no thought into difficulty balancing/progression.

>> No.1735629


It's the same guy who did An Apology, same ultimate plot arc, in fact.

It is not however, as completely linear, (although it does railroad you in a few instances) and it's somewhat more forgiving combat wise: I had enormous trouble with that first fight as the guy is trying to summon that demon.

>> No.1735907

What's the best 'classic' styled scenarios for Blades of Exile? (IE like Exile\Avernum 1-2-3)

>> No.1736249


If you want a huge world, open adventure, start from nothing sort of experience?

I'd recommend Adventurer's club 1 and 3. (2 is a super-linear puzzle game, which is somewhat necessary if you want to play 3 for story value, although it's not like the original exiles at all)

There's also Masks (which is a weird little scenario set in what seems to be a place inspired by circa 1600 sub-saharan Africa), Islands of the Wheel, (Which I found bland, but other people liked a lot) and uhm, there was this three part series, Riddle of the Spheres, Quest of the Spheres, and Destiny of the spheres. I forget which one went first, but the first one is a very exileish experience, before branching off into its own sort of weirdness.

Hope those help.

>> No.1736258
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>> No.1736675
File: 13 KB, 204x204, War wind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm always surprised to hear people not having played this. This was the breakout RTS, not starcraft, that invented things like dynamically balanced but very different races.

Plus, you could keep some of your units over from mission to mission, which was damn cool.

>> No.1736682
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Dink Smallwood. But it may be because I'm European.

>> No.1736691


>I'm from Hue Land btw.

>> No.1736695


I tried that too, but it seemed horribly retarded.

Never made it past the first village though mind

>> No.1736724

thanks! saved your recommendations.

>> No.1736825

i thought this game was great, came free with the PC we bought at the time, the sound track was really odd in that it was just generic metal, if you eject the disc though there is properly placed ambient you wouldn't otherwise hear.


>> No.1736850
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>> No.1736927


But everyone's played that.

>> No.1737170

Is there any way to mod food requirements into avernum 1-2-3?

>> No.1737551


Presumably: but honestly, the way they've shrunk down the world in the Avernums, I'm not sure it goes with the new system, if that makes sense.

>> No.1737570

The horrible retardation was why it was so great

>> No.1737584

Holy shit I just realized Ellen's cage looks like an old-fashioned elevator.

>> No.1740440


>> No.1740510


Big exile fan. Playing Avernum and Geneforge now

>> No.1740758
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>> No.1740762

Saying everyone has played something is a big logical fallacy because not everyone here has access to the same games at the same time when they have been released. The game was fairly obscure at the year of its release, most people who played it were either already well read about the author or got lucky to know of the game through a magazine

>> No.1742389
File: 42 KB, 651x489, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shivers. I'm not the only one who's played it, but sometimes it feels like it.

The plot is you're a teenager who was dared by his friends to spend the night on the grounds of an allegedly haunted museum, Professor Windlenot's Museum of the Strange and Unusual. It's locked, but you find your way in and discover it really is haunted and the professor was killed by the ghosts called Ixupi. They hide in objects of certain elements (like fire, water, wood, etc) and they're hidden all throughout the museum. Their placement isn't fixed and changes as you go through the museum (ie, you might encounter the water Ixupi in either a fountain or even a toilet). There's also a plot involving two teenagers who snuck in the museum 10 years prior, but what happened to them is a mystery.

The goal of the game is to trap all ten Ixupi ghosts in the (enchanted? not sure) clay pots that match each Ixupi's element. Each pot is made of two parts, a base and a lid, and finding them is the fun part. See, Windlenot's museum is full of fucked up shit, with exhibits based on mythical creatures, tribal culture, even man's tendency to kill each other. It's kinda creepy, so to make his museum more fun and interactive, he included puzzles all over that, when solved, allow access to other parts of the museum as well as other prizes. That makes the game non-linear and you can solve puzzles at your own pace, which is neat. Puzzles range from logic puzzles to puzzles that require information found elsewhere to solve.

As for playing it, it's for Windows, but you can't play it on 64-bit OSs. 32-bit runs it fine though, even Windows 8. It's also on Mac but fuck if I know about compatibility.

>> No.1742745


Any idea where you can get it? Sounds pretty neat.

>> No.1742775

Ebay, Piratebay, some kind of bay

>> No.1742803
File: 41 KB, 640x480, 020294094.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fire & Ice. Great Amiga platformer, the DOS port is quite good as well. It's very hard as well, hours of frustration to be had with this one. Very solid overall though.

>> No.1742814

It also had a Brazilian exclusive Master System port but it may have been released abroad

>> No.1743034

Yeah... but now it's on Steam and receiving updates so while not "everyone" has played it, there's a much wider audience.

Also I collect old obscure games. Thanks for the thread, OP. I'll pull something to contribute later

>> No.1743936
File: 47 KB, 336x425, (bladerunner).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1744773

Seems pretty nice.
Anons confirm?

>> No.1746910

Downloaded this.

The training grounds only raised my characters to like level 5. Am I missing something?

>> No.1746931
File: 35 KB, 200x150, the-incredible-hulk-ss01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Incredible Hulk on the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive is incredibly underrated.

>> No.1746936


One of the best adventure games of all time.

>> No.1746943


in the training dungeon, over to the right of where you enter, there's a store and some chests with goodies and a lever. Pulling the lever sets it to "easy", "medium" or "hard". That's not the dungeon level, that's how hard you want the game to be. I just set it to medium, and toasting my first two goblins leveled everyone up to 3, but I don't have time for a proper test at the moment and it's been a while since I used the training dungeon.

>> No.1746951

Well, what I was saying was that... the cockroach tells me that the scenario is created for characters with an "average level of 23-27" and since I said I'm not experienced (with a fresh party) it teleports me to the training dungeon...

But after exploring the whole thing, my party only ends up with an average of level 5 for everyone. Unless the creator had a loose grasp on English and really meant like level 23-27 combined for all party members but then I start the scenario proper and can't even get out of the starting intro fort without half of my party dying so I'm probably wrong.

>> No.1746970


Something's definitely going wrong. At a guess, if you don't pull the lever, maybe something's not spawning the monsters, but I hit it to "medium", and I'm a third of the way through the training dungeon, tops, and already everyone's 12th level.

>> No.1746993
File: 41 KB, 476x241, 1399437698000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably everyone's played that by now thanks to gog

Am I the only one who thought this game was overrated? Maybe all the hype about how deep it supposedly was worsened it for me or something

>> No.1747025
File: 19 KB, 320x193, invataxi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inva-taxi (MsDOS)

You play as a taxi driver who has to drive people with intellectual disabilities to various locations. The trick is that you have guess what they are saying because they all speak with very heavy speech impediment, wrong locations will take away your money (life).
The devs of this game were probably like 14-17 year olds and I heard they got in some legal trouble after including some contact information of one of their classmates in one of their other games.

The game is spoken in Finnish.

>> No.1750469

I liked it a lot, but I never got any far thanks to it crashing all the time

>> No.1751893
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>> No.1751919
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>dat graphics

>> No.1752180

that's an interesting concept.

>> No.1752250

Avernum is great, the first three are good, 4 is nice, 5 is ok-ish, and 6 is fucking great.

Avadon, on the other hand, seems nasty, a real step backward.

>> No.1752407

I've never been able to get into the Avernum series. The perspective and annoying navigation just turn me off too much. They all feel like a major step back from the Exile games to a more constrained experience.

>> No.1752501

There are LOADS of great Finnish share/freeware games made in the late 90's and early 00's. Some of them are more or less famous (like Liero and Death Rally), but there are so many hidden games among them.
My personal recommendations are Operation Cleaner, Assault Trooper, Slick 'n Slide and I've Got Some Balls!

>> No.1752507

yeah i hear that. I made the switch, but i wasn't terribly happy about it until i played Avernum 6. That one is *really* good.

>> No.1754846

I'm wondering if I can get some help finding a game I played as a kid. It was mid 90's or so, played it at my grammas house between sessions of commander keen and duke nukem.

>shit graphics, even for DOS
>based on greek mythology
>focus seemed to be puzzle based (defeat enemy/get past room by solving like, a math problem or trivia or something)

Any help is appreciated.
Other than that, I'm sure all the old games I played. Hell, I grew up on Spiderweb Software shit (and still have my Geneforge CD kicking around)

>> No.1754859

I stopped halfway through avernum 3 and never bought any of the games but Geneforge.

Is 6 really that good?

>> No.1755008

OP, I haven't seen this game in almost 20 years. I could never remember what it was called nor could I remember enough to describe it. I thank you for posting this, now I know.

>> No.1755410

I reckon so. It just all comes together nicely. You're never walled in too much, there are always places that will kick your ass, but also ways to think around puzzles and tons of stuff to do. Lots of hard fights, and the combat is actually balanced this time. Not so many of the spastic spike-plant/pillar fields that ruined 5 (or was that 4?)
Story is good, capitalising on the previous titles.

TBH i reckon it's Vogel's best work.

>> No.1755414

well, you *are* walled in, but there's always options. It never felt like i was grinding.

>> No.1755446

Clean up your goddamn desktop.