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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 3 KB, 175x90, icon_5200.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1737179 No.1737179[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

An atari 5200 thread!

The ballad of the 5200 owner, in vocaroo form:


>> No.1737194


>> No.1737402


>> No.1737423

LoL I do like my 5200 and I even have a Coin Controls Competition Pro digital joystick for it but I would trade my whole collection for more XE stuff.

>> No.1737472

>The atari XE
Its Okay, but...


>> No.1737554
File: 92 KB, 600x797, b_RealsportsFootball_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only seventy games released, nearly ALL of which were Atari 2600 rehashes with sight graphical upticks

>One of the WORST bundled controllers in the history of console gaming (they even decided that this design was cool, and made it even WORSE for the 7800)

>Did I mention it had no gaems?

No amount of nostalgiafeels can make me shower praise on this system, Anon, and I play the Realsports games and Xevious under emulation all the time.

>> No.1737613

>Worse for the 7800
7800 had no keypad, and the buttons were not as mushy as the 5200's. The proline Joystick also didn't break as much as the 5200 stock controllers.

>> No.1737649

umm at least you can kill people with it

>> No.1737736


>only seventy games released, nearly ALL of which were Atari 2600 rehashes with sight graphical upticks
The games released for 5200 were not slight upgrades. They were, for the most part, far and away better than the 2600 and, I would argue, better than any Colecovision or Intellivision port of the same game.

>One of the WORST bundled controllers in the history of console gaming (they even decided that this design was cool, and made it even WORSE for the 7800)
I bought my 5200 with two controllers and have never had a problem with them. Also, there are plenty of alternatives to them out there nowadays.

>Did I mention it had no gaems?
Yes, the number of games released was comparatively small compared to the 2600, but the general quality was much, much higher.

From what I'm guessing, I'm assuming you've never actually played a 5200 and are just repeating what AVGN has said about the console. Nonetheless, it's not the greatest console ever, but if you are a fan of Atari then it's well worth having. I think it's a pretty cool niche myself.

>> No.1737773

>Also, there are plenty of alternatives to them out there nowadays.
Unless you're talking about emulation there are exactly two aftermarket 5200 controllers, the Coin Controls Competition Pro I prefer precisely because it's digital and the more popular Wico Command Controller.

>> No.1737809

Exactly, you have options. It's the year 2014, not 1984. We need to stop bitching about the controllers.

>> No.1737827


I'm thirty-four years old. IThe only thing worse than visiting Reddit/watching AVGN and all those other talkingheads with videologs, is using them as buzzwords. I've never watched that nonsense or any other ones. I can actually form my own opinion. Please stop pretending this wasn't an awful system, period. I appreciate your love for all things /retro/, ut trying to force these twenty posts threads daily will not up the value of your stuff in /B/S/T/

>> No.1737847
File: 1.46 MB, 2320x2540, Atari-5200-Controller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The games released for 5200 were not slight upgrades. They were, for the most part, far and away better than the 2600

Now I know you are just bored/trying to keep a thread alive.

Try playing a button-masher like Kung-Fu Master, or Xevious, for longer than 15 minutes. We called it the Pain-Line controller for a reason.

Carry on, /vr/ro. I just didn't like the system. The NES & SMS were leagues ahead of it in nearly every way, and the 7800 (Damn you, Santa!) was no better.

Except for Ninja Golf. I love me some Ninja Golf.

>> No.1738725

>what are ball blazer, Xenophobe, commando, Sentinel, Midnight mutants, and scrapyard dog

>> No.1738732

Oh, and other games like meltdown, food fight, alien brigade, rampage, double dragon, tank command, and fatal run.

>> No.1739338


>> No.1739701

If only the 5200 had more games compatible with the trakball.

>> No.1740320


>> No.1741304

Also would have been great had atari finished their own self-centering controller.

>> No.1741592


>> No.1741670


>> No.1742005
File: 240 KB, 1600x1200, image378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own two 5200 systems, but the one I have that's in good shape fucking disappeared. Probably stolen. Here's a picture taken with a potato.

I don't care about the system at all, though. I've never hooked it up or played any 5200 games. It means nothing to me, so this is all I can say about it.

>> No.1742216

alright then.

>> No.1742331


>> No.1742453

Most games for the 5200 weren't that bad, even fewer were actual travesties. If only they realized their mistake with weak rubber boots for the stock joystick sooner before it was decided that the system be unplugged.

>> No.1742489

>that size comparison
holy mother of fuck, i didn't know it was that big

>> No.1742578

The part behind the cart slot is empty space for controllers or something. I've never put it to use, and I'm pretty sure controllers fit for shit in it.

>> No.1743031

Games for the 5200 weren't just superior graphically, they also had superior sound thanks to a POKEY chip built inside the console. POKEY is the same type of chip used in the A400 and A800 computers.

>> No.1743421


...twenty years before the meme was created. What in the actual hell. It was as big as a damn laserdisc player.

>> No.1743840 [DELETED] 


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>> No.1743965

Anybody willing to come and join in?

>> No.1744026


>> No.1744134
File: 6 KB, 259x194, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BUMPING with picture of 5200 supersystem trakball controller.

>> No.1744676
File: 92 KB, 850x751, wicoStick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wicostick, from Wico corp. The most common of all the 3rd party 5200 joysticks. There is even a harder to find keypad also from Wico that could be used with it.

>> No.1745004

Bumping BUMPO!!

>> No.1745795


>> No.1747096


>> No.1747337


There is also a fully equppied super rare controller for the 5200 called the Starcon from REI. Its both cool, and has a built-in keypad.

>> No.1747680

Bumping with Atari XEGS, which what the 5200 should have been.

>> No.1747687
File: 33 KB, 443x287, AtariXEbrazilad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OOPS! Forgot the XE picture! Dammit.

>> No.1748197
File: 15 KB, 291x286, 5200starcon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1748324
File: 60 KB, 341x240, Atari_super_pong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1748371

Your thread is dead.
You have nothing to talk about.
Stop bumping.

>> No.1748398

OFF TO >>>/vg/ NOW! rilopa carpet

>> No.1748423

I would so love to get >>1748197 in my hands once I get a 5200 next year.

>> No.1748498

Did the 5200 not sell well in the UK or something? I cant find many for sale at all.

>> No.1748579

I'm sorry but you have way too many empty bump posts vs the average thread.


>Two of those are from the very beginning of the thread
top kek

>> No.1750484

Hmmm.... You do have a point.