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1713736 No.1713736[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I love the Quake modding scene. They're still churning out incredible maps and mods to this day, and the level of quality is arguably the greatest in any game, these people have been working on content for nearly 20 years and it shows.

A lot of the newest releases show a brilliant level of creativity, exploring new game play concepts and ideas left and right, as if the game came out yesterday. I want to start talking about Quake with you lot on /vr/, give it the same treatment DOOM gets, or at least, a fraction of that reception.

I just played a bit of Sock's newest release, Metal Monstrosity, which is a crazy day-time void map which has you navigating a deadly floating runic-techno sky fortress, scaling to the top and destroying wave after wave of enemies. It used the Quoth enemies, and mostly the human/military ones, making for some really tough battles, a lot of the grunts are nothing to scoff at, they will tear you up in no time. Simon's mastery of Quake's aesthetics really shine here, and the level is incredibly challenging, but all the while extremely fair. I love the light bridge mechanic, dropping the pictured grunt to his death is just the icing on the cake, it makes for some really tense fights when you don't know which bridges are out, and you're being swarmed by Bob's.

You can give this map a try here,
You'll also need Quoth2 and a BSP2 engine...Quoth is here,
And a BSP2 engine,

try finding the hidden Nightmare difficulty, it'll do you in pretty hard. I recommend using the Quakespasm engine, you can download it here. What's your favorite Quake maps? Do you only play the official ones? Interested in the amazing SP maps and mods like I am?

>> No.1713764
File: 214 KB, 1024x768, nyarlathotep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought Quakespasm couldn't do BSP2.
I had to switch to directq when I played nyarlthotep

>> No.1713783

I don't like Quake at all.

The main problem is how un-fun gameplay is. The game tries does to everything it can to ruin any fun you may be having. It's like the enemies are specifically designed to piss you off; most notably the ones jumping or rushing at you, and the game makes damn sure to use those enemies in a way which makes their already painful attack patterns MORE painful, like using those rushing enemies in cramped spaces with little to no way to backtrack. This is just an example, it's like this with every enemy except the basic grunt.

Add to this the countless death traps, enemies spawning in your face, and a set of weapons that doesn't feel like anything special when you use them (even the rocket launcher).

On top of that, the art direction is as bland as you can get (in b4 someone saying quake-brown was new in 1996; that doesn't make it any less bland).

That leaves 2 good things about the game : its musics, and its 3D level design which is pretty interesting. Indeed, Quake has Doom-like unrealistic conceptual level design except making use of the full 3D engine. That is actually worth noting considering how quickly 3D FPS shifted to more realistic level design (even Quake2 was shifting in that direction already). However, since like I said the gameplay is shit, you can't really get any profit of that interesting level design.

Which leaves the music.

In conclusion I believe Quake is a good example of how, for many people, 'technical aspects' of a game is what matters the most, over its actual content. People got blinded by the full 3D engine and its polygon based models, thinking the Build engine games released after Quake were 'outdated', while they were better crafted in every single way.
Just look at what this guy says to claim Quake is better than DN3D, he only names technical 'qualities' >>1712765

>> No.1713807

I think Something Wicked/Nyarlathotep have issues with Quakespasm, because Metmon is a BSP2 map, and Quakespasm runs it.

Quake is a game about hostility, and never letting the player feel safe. This has been the design mantra of all of its maps, enemies, sound, weapons, music, and aesthetics. It's supposed to be inherently inhuman and horrifying.

I really do not know what you mean by un-fun game play. The only legitimately bad enemy, now delegated as a joke enemy by the community - the spawn, is so rarely used it's a nonissue. The enemies are difficult and dangerous, making combat an exercise in navigation, dodging and faking out (as the enemies can lead their shots). There are two enemies in the game that actively jump around, and that's the fiend and the spawn. The spawn is rarely used as it is, and the fiend is an extremely tough enemy to fight against, with brutal attacks, but all the more satisfying to conquer when you can stop it mid-air with a well placed shot, pepper the area so it lands in an explosive soup.

I don't know how you can say the weapons don't feel special, when they all have a unique feeling of kickback, visual feedback (grenade snaking trails, smoke of the shotgun, sparks of the nail, the trail of lightning, the sparks and smoke of the rocket) as well as the marvelous sound design thanks to Reznor's input on the game. That and coupled with the gorgeous gibbing effects with blood trails and the smacking of meaty giblets flying everywhere provides a uniquely sadistic appeal to its combat. I'd go as far to call it inherently satisfying.

The aesthetic is gorgeous and unique. I do not know what you dislike about it. Calling it bland and failing to back it up is your own issue. Clarify what you mean.

The game is built around the 3D environments, with enemies that can be triggered to jump around, snipe, spawn in spaces, fall, all with the physics of the game and the projectile weaponry suit it superbly.

>> No.1713828

kinda off-topic but still related to Quake, I played the dos Quake alot back in the day, however it plays way too fast in dosbox at varying framerates no matter what i've tried. I'm not crazy about source-ports. What do?

>> No.1713853

Fiends are easy as hell to dodge, just sidestep when they jump at you. The only genuinely shit enemy I can think of is the spawn. I don't really see how you can fault a game for positioning the enemies in places that make good use of their abilities. I'll admit that some of the traps are obnoxious and feel really out of place in a game that is mostly about going fast and dodging enemies.

If lowering the cycles didn't help I'd suggest just using a sourceport.
If your reservations about sourceports come from hearing about darkplaces fucking with the physics then use quakespasm or directq

>> No.1713970

Different anon here, I'm not as negative as that first post but there is something about Quake that feels tiring to me in a way that other old FPSes to me. Maybe it's the constant hostility and not feeling safe like you said. I think it's also because of how damage common enemies take, the endless boom-shucklack and dancing around grenades or fiends kinda wears on me.

I really respect what people like the modder in the OP do, though. Maybe I should just play on easier difficulties and appreciate custom levels that way.

>> No.1713972
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hey guys, what's going on in this thread

>> No.1713973

can someone recommend a good gunplay mod?something that make it feel about as good as Doom vanilla guns at least? it's very hard to tell where my shots are going and everything sounds like it has a suppressor on it. using the darkplaces all in one pack from vrdoom.weebly.com

>> No.1713980

Totally new anon to the conversation here.

Hot damn, I thought I was the only one. Quake totally wears on me. I can't do it in on quick go like I can Doom. I have to take some long breaks, simply because Quake sort of wears on you with how it tends to play.

>> No.1713983
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>there will never be a modern Tribes 1 or 2

>> No.1713987

>tiring to me in a way that other old FPSes to me
Sorry, I meant "tiring to me in a way that other old FPSes don't". I still fire up Quake now and then and enjoy the deathtrap dungeon atmosphere anyway. Maybe I need to get gud, as they say.

>> No.1714004

What was the name of that one map that was being touted as the single best map ever created?

>> No.1714005

Some map-packs make the shotguns deal double damage, which really makes them feal a lot better, the only example i can think of would be something wicked

>> No.1714015
File: 23 KB, 500x461, get over here bro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No more 64/128/256 player maps. No more big maps. No more jet packs. Vengeance isn't even close

Torque engine is still the best engine, they've kept it up to date. No one uses it because it's not Unity or UT. 256 player support, better netcode than anything, destructible buildings.

>> No.1714018

I remember a thread a while back where someone was hyping Horde of Zendar, so maybe that's the one you mean:

>> No.1714021

the horde of zendar by Sock

fyi Sock is one of the lead designers on Mirror's Edge. It has the highest user rating on Quaddicted.

>> No.1714024

Yes, that one, thanks guys

>> No.1714042

Why doesn't /vr/ have a Tribes server?

>> No.1714081

ehh. I think most Tribes players don't have time to play anymore (thus the death of the game, I know I would never play, even if we had the best server ever), and newbs don't have any way to get gud. Some oldfag would get on and plow everyone's ass so hard they would never want to play. Experience/skill is ridiculous in T1. You could go 10-0 in a duel vs one guy, hit up another guy and he'll go 10-0 on you. You could go 5vs1 and still get reckt.

>> No.1714336

>give it the same treatment DOOM gets, or at least, a fraction of that reception
Seeing as some people on /vr/ vocally complain about Doom generals, I can't see Quake generals happening. But any Quake discussion is worthwhile, especially when it comes to custom content. That Sock map looks great...he's really made himself the community's hero after presumably leaving/getting laid off from Raven Software. I've been playing through Februuus Depths and Beyond Belief recently: the former's a really good catacomb crawl and the latter basically the Fava Beans (E1 replacement) of Quake.

Fiends ain't that difficult to deal with. You have to mess with their pathfinding and keep your distance at all times; they're tough to fight initially, but they keep you runnin', which is important in a game like this. Fighting an enemy like the Fiend in Doom would feel far worse, since you can stop on a dime in Quake and control how fast you want to run with strafe-running. Other enemies aren't much trouble, and even the Shambler can be interrupted for no damage penalty at all. Spawns were always dumb, though; traps are usually benign.

Like the other anon said, weapons largely feel great. There's more overlap for function here than in Doom, but being able to rocket-jump, lead with grenades, and casually manage how much ammo you use (two variations for the shotgun/nailgun) is always great. Most importantly, the interplay between weapons' effects and dodging monsters' attacks makes Quake highly satisfying in a way similar to Doom's game experience. Trading out raw speed for slower agility, Quake's maps are based around constant movement, attrition, and really using your freelook ability to corner your foes and stay out of trouble. It's a natural transition from 2D space to 3D, and having to worry about a vertical dimension while fighting horizontally mobile mooks is fun, if at times brutal. Great audiovisuals, too, just the right level of moody and eerie.

>> No.1714480

For what it's worth, I can't seem to agree that any of what you said is true beyond the overuse of brown. And even then, while I wish the color palette was more varied and vibrant, I think the actual art direction beyone that easily makes up for it.

Some more thoughs:

>the game is fun as fuck, merely moving and jumping around is a pleasure
>the enemies never pissed me off, though they did kill me, which is good. however you're playing clearly isn't adequate if you're complaining about the point where you're already backed up against the wall and deserve to take damage
>traps are cool, enemies spawning right in front of you when you walk in a certain area is a doom thing and is down well here

>> No.1714481

Forgot to add:

>the weapons feel very special and are all very purposeful and powerful/satisfying feeling with making the game too easy

>> No.1715146

Crazy thought: Sandy Petersen knew certain player techniques would become more relevant over time. Notice how many players learn to bunny-hop in The Elder God World in episode 4? It's not like the whole episode is that flat, either, even if he never got around to more verticality the way his co-workers did. One secret in Azure Agony requires that you do something you'd never every try in Doom: shoot an explosive through a seemingly vestigial crack in the wall. Doom used those only to leak sound to other rooms, but this secret actually rewarded players for not playing through the game with a Doom mindset. Now consider how often Sandy's secrets rely on grenade-jumping; you don't get the rockets until way late in the Elder World! He might not have been able to articulate it at the time, but Sandy was thinking about the future of people playing Quake back then.

Next BSP for me will be Armagon. Too good to pass up on a Ritual map pack.

>> No.1715153

I just remembered where I've already seen that location. Jedi Knight's Cloud City map shares a similar design.

>> No.1715162

quakespasm > > darkplaces

>> No.1715182

Scourge of Armagon is some good shit, honestly I think it's better than vanilla.

>> No.1715349

Is there a "So you want to play some Quake" image with recommended maps and mods anywhere?
If there isn't does anyone feel up to making one?

>> No.1715391

I'm currently playing the vanilla SP campaign in Nightmare with my Logitech Rumblepad 2 configured with xpadder.

I've scripted my own joystick.cfg with the correct mapping of the left analog stick, lowered the friction so the player stops properly when i pull off the stick.

Aand i made a FOV animation so when i hold the L1 button it lowers the fov and sensibility a bit to emulate aiming...
Gotta say i FUKING LOVE this game and the possibilities :)

>> No.1715404

It also kind of looks like that one bridge in Half-Life 2.

>> No.1715436

I think Sandy's "dungeon master" style of mapping and enemy/trap placement lent itself better to Quake than it did to Doom (plus he was more experienced by then). Since Quake isn't suited for all-out combat with lots of enemies, maps live or die by interesting architecture setups and careful spawns in tricky situations. Sandy's maps have a lot of cool moments like that--I still remember the first time I fell through the water in E4M2 into the room with all the wooden crossbeam and a shambler in the darkness.

>> No.1715484
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Quake's levels honestly remind me of the dungeon design you see in newer titles like OoT, Majora's Mask, Thief 1, and even the Souls games. Playing through Sen's fortress brought back memories of Quake on the spot. It's that kind of hostility in level design I love. Levels that aren't afraid to make the player feel terrified of what lie around the next corner. Confidence shattering is how you ultimately build satisfying game play, or at least, one of the finest ways of doing it.

It was inspired by a different, recent Quake release called Kleins Bottle.

This was also an experimental void release, with a really solid effort put into creative use of lighting and fog. It's a clever work.

>> No.1716057

I think I saw an image once, I'll search for it.

>> No.1716072

quake a shit

>> No.1716104
File: 625 KB, 2048x1028, tb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there isn't, I'd do it but at the same time, I don't care to - too busy making my own quake levels (pic related)

Generally, use the engines quakespam, RMQ, or DirectQ - darkplaces is very unoptimized and framerate drops cause issues with sound and physics, making the game play poorly because of how physics are affected - but it looks pretty at least, and has the best support for graphics mods. I do not like graphics mods, Quake is a gorgeous game as it is when you play it faithfully. Sharp, unfiltered textures look best in the game. Blurring that ruins the detail intended to be seen. see more about it here, https://www.quaddicted.com/engines/software_vs_glquake

generally look at the top maps on quaddicted to see which ones are the best. New ones come out a few times a month - and they are pretty much ALL worth giving a shot. Quake modders have been doing this longer than some of you have been alive, and it shows, the level of quality of the maps is unparalleled pretty much everywhere. Many of the people working on maps are industry vets who are either ex-looking glass, or ex-industry players, namely Simon OC, aka Sock, Tronyn, Thane, MFX, etc.

>> No.1716167

I think you just don't have an appreciation for a game that doesn't make you feel powerful. Most of the stuff you listed(especially about the gameplay and enemies) as bad is a deliberate design choice and generally considered to be good things.

The constant death traps, overpowered enemies and punishing level design is supposed to keep you on your toes. It's exciting in a way that experienced FPS players can't get from games that are more forgiving and empowering toward the player.

You kind of missed the point of the game.

>> No.1716728

It's why I really love Quake. In all its attempts to stifle and stunt the player, the truly capable push through and overcome the challenges and trials. The game is actively trying to grab you by the ghoulies and it presses hard when it's got 'em. You feel it hard, going in unprepared you will lose a massive chunk of your health. Something like DOOM on the other hand whittles away what, 8 damage from a fireball? 14 from a hk blast? And these projectiles are easily dodged. Compare it to an ogre who fires a grenade every few seconds, eventually filling an area with grenades. This would be impossible if they were down in 2 ssg shots or 4 sg shots. They need to be this deadly. The grenades alone build up in damage dealing about 20 something on an unarmored player, that's a tier 2 enemy dealing damage that high end enemies in DOOM deal on the first stage. These guys mean their shit. They illustrate this so perfectly in difficulty, which isn't some mediocre damage scaler or HP scaler (enemies always have the same HP and always deal the same damage) but enemy density, placement, and most importantly, speed. Enemies in Quake are fast as hell on skill 4, nightmare. They will tear you apart fast, and hard.

And when ultimately, after all the dread and despair of even low level encounters in Quake? There's a powerful sense of triumph there. The game never celebrates you until the very end, but plays and tugs at you in much the same way the Souls' game today are praised for. You have those brief glimpses of power and superiority, but never outright domain over your opponents. You get the quads, you land the parries, you get the pentagrams, you nail the backstabs...the parallels are there and are stark to me, it's a design philosophy that's universal.

Which ultimately brings it to the universal language of communication through design. And to me, that language is clear as day in Quake.

>> No.1716821

Christ you guys are so shit at video games.

For all of /vr/'s hard sucking of Quake SP, I decided to replay it on the coveted 'Nightmare' mode and blew through that fucker in three days (and I played it after work, too, not like I was constantly playing it).

Not only was it easy, it was short. How much of a gimp do you have to be to find this challenging?

I will give credit where credit is due; it was certainly a fun experience. I've always said Quake shines in its verticality and level design in terms of layout and for these matters the game does not disappoint. Movement is also nice and fast and the weapons have good functionality.


The actual gunplay itself is pretty much a snorefest and this is where the game lets itself down the most. There's just no satisfaction in the shooting. When you gib fuckers with Quad Damage that feels fucking good, but apart from that it feels like shooting BB Guns at claymotion monsters.

The other problem is this game has a serious lack of variation. It's ALL one big mesh of greys and browns. All in all, when it's all said and done, you're left with a fairly uninspired experience as far as the SP goes.

Seriously though, if you find this game difficult, holy shit you really fucking SUCK at video games. Just stop playing and stop spouting your shitty opinions already.

>> No.1716824

*nail guns are nice tho

>> No.1716848

Bespin lol.

Correct. It's just a bit more strict with timing jumps, something DarkPlaces makes more lenient. And full compatibility matters more than modding.

E4M2 in both Ultimate Doom and Quake is generally meant to mess with players. Going from a standard Base map to a curious little drop into the Elder World was a great idea, more economic and immediately threatening than the opening to Doom's E3M1. Too bad Sandy used so many Spawns later on...his episode is surprisingly tricky, even coming from the trick meister himself (who else would give players a free healing pool in Palace of Hate?).

Both void maps have amazing skyboxes, at least for the engine/QuakeSpasm.

Standard Nailgun's underrated for sure.

>> No.1716875

>DOOM on the other hand whittles away what, 8 damage from a fireball? 14 from a hk blast?
Imp fireballs deal 3-24, mean 13.5. Hellknight shots deal 8-64, mean 36.
The only way you could get 3 and 14 out of that as perceived averages is if you were playing on the easiest difficulty setting AND were ignoring your armor count when checking damage taken.

>isn't some mediocre damage scaler or HP scaler
Only damage/hp scaler in DOOM is player taking 1/2 damage on easiest difficulty setting.

>Enemies in Quake are fast as hell on skill 4, nightmare
Enemies in DOOM are terrifying on NM too. Hell, they're worse in that hitscanners are the real DPS threats and in NM there is no safe way to handle them due to lack of enemy response times.

>> No.1716895

Quake on Nightmare isn't as hard as Plutonia on UV. When people whine about traps in Quake, I can only think back to the really hard chaingunner ambushes the Casalis designed. But I still think Quake's a good challenge, roughly as difficult as Blood (which, once you get the tools necessary to stun cult members, loses its early edge).

>> No.1716909 [DELETED] 

I bet you suck balls at every video game you play. Take your fucking trip off already you pretentious shitheap. Your opinion is far from fact so stop acting like it is.

>> No.1716910

Quake's single player is a joke on any difficulty in comparison to Doom's. If you play uv-fast or even nightmare you'll quickly change your opinion on this.

>> No.1716916

Look at the damage figures in >>1716875, >>1716728 was playing on ITYTD.

>> No.1717067
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>> No.1717074

I'm like these guys... but for Duke Nukem instead of Quake. I can not enjoy that game no matter what, it just doesn't feel fun to me. And I LOVED Blood.

>> No.1717117

> The game tries does to everything it can to ruin any fun you may be having. It's like the enemies are specifically designed to piss you off; most notably the ones jumping or rushing at you, and the game makes damn sure to use those enemies in a way which makes their already painful attack patterns MORE painful, like using those rushing enemies in cramped spaces with little to no way to backtrack. This is just an example, it's like this with every enemy except the basic grunt.

Another classic case of /vr/ blaming the game's design instead of its lack of ability to play it. Get good you fucking faggot.

>> No.1717140

This is so true.

Back in the day if a game was hard, we'd just say it was hard. Nowadays when kids find a game difficult they decide to blame the game's design itself and call it flawed.

>I'm not bad, the game's bad!
it's a bad joke

>> No.1717251
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>all this Quake hate

I'm opposed to this. I can't play pre Quake FPS. I can't play any pseudo 3D FPS. Everything feels off. All too awkward indeed. I love Quake and Quake engine games. I'm rambling. Nice game though. 18 years old now.

>> No.1717260

holy shit was bryan cranston always old?

>> No.1717271

and is that hillary clinton? LOL

>> No.1717275
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>> No.1717293

I am surprised people are picking sides.

I like all these old FPS.
They're all good.

>> No.1717316
File: 31 KB, 320x200, tbomb1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes they are good.

If only more Quake mods improved the weaponry.

>> No.1717549

The thing I don't like about Quake is that the shotguns feel terrible.
And the standard Nailgun.

Everything past that is fucking great though.

>> No.1717635

Quoth and Drake both add in new weapons.

>> No.1717654

Anyone got a download link to Quake 1? Every torrent I find it's bundled with some port, or it's the shareware version, or doesn't have the music.

>> No.1717734

you shouldn't take it personally.

there is never a consensus on /vr/.

any thread for an FPS, no matter how good, will have people shitting on it, excluding the Doom generals.

I don't know why people who don't like a game have to jump into the game's thread just to smack about it. If you don't like a game, great, but why you gotta go into the thread and shit on it?

thats 4chan for ya. People thrive on negativity here.

>> No.1717748

I think it creates discussion, and as the OP of the thread I fully welcome different perspectives and opinions. I think these are opportunities for growth.

Love the Drake weapons, the chainsaw and plasma gun are marvelous.

>> No.1717768

Is there something like gzdoom for quake?

I tried it once but i downloaded an ISO and it was shit trying to pick it up and run it

>> No.1717790

There's lots of sourceports for Quake, I'd personally recommend Quakespasm.

>> No.1717792

how does quake organise game files? it wouldn't be as simple as wads or pk3's, right?

>> No.1717802

Just stick your ID1 folder inside the quakespasm folder and run quakespasm.exe.

>> No.1717867

I liked all these FPS, but I only want the vanilla versions, just like they were back in the day. So I got Chocolate Doom and that's great but there's nothing like it for Duke3D or Quake. The various ports all change stuff to some degree. Actually Duke3D hasn't got much except that eduke3d thing, so dosbox is the only other option. For Quake I use QuakeForge and it feels fairly close to the original but not entirely. I want to move that status bar to bottom of screen like original game, and get some screen resolutions like I used to play on my old Pentium 120. Back then they old a bunch of screen choices in between 320x200 and 640x480, but my LCD only goes as low as 640x480. I don't know if there's any port like Chocolate Doom that takes say 320x200 and stretches it to bigger size by doubling or trippling individual pixels and also fixing aspect ratio on modern screens.

>> No.1717870

>Actually Duke3D hasn't got much except that eduke3d thing

False, there's xDuke, which is not really vanilla, but comes closer to it than EDuke32. I don't know about Icculus, but you should also check that.

I'm curious though, what vanilla experience are you looking for? Duke3D could mouseaim and all that, but only with reverse axis. When a port lets me choose the axis I don't care for it not being 100% vanilla.

>> No.1717873

Quake sucks dick for single player why bother?

>> No.1717883

why do you think that? The SP is really good.

>> No.1718003

>On top of that, the art direction is as bland as you can get (in b4 someone saying quake-brown was new in 1996; that doesn't make it any less bland).

Sounds like someone never played any episodes past the first one.

Quake's dominant colour themes are brown/green, brown/yellow, black/grey, blue/green, and orange respectively for the five episodes.

>> No.1718012

Because it doesn't to a lot of people.

Glad you hate it, but not everyone is you.

>> No.1718016

>I'm curious though, what vanilla experience are you looking for? Duke3D could mouseaim and all that, but only with reverse axis.

Not true. You could reverse the axis in the setup.

>> No.1718024

You can play Duke3D just fine in Dosbox; or you can use xDuke

> I want to move that status bar to bottom of screen like original game,
You can do that in EDuke32, you can disable the new status bar and it will show the original one.

>Back then they old a bunch of screen choices in between 320x200 and 640x480
You could go up to 800*600 in the setup; and actually, even back in the day you could manually edit the resolutiosn in .cfg file of the game to MUCH bigger resolutions, and if your screen supported that resolution the game would run. The Build engine natively supported really high resolution (even if they weren't shown in the setup).

Basically you're complaining about things, while if you had taken the time to actually look around before whining online you'd have nothing to complain about.

>> No.1718049

The status bar was for Quake, not Duke3D. I don't know if QuakeForge lets you change it somehow, but Id didn't see any settings for that. I think it may be hardcoded in that port.

Anyway I don't think xduke will compile on OPenBSD (not without tons of code refactoring) so I just use the vanilla DOS program in dosbox and that's the best way. The only other port I could find was eduke3d and it's waaaay too different to even consider.

Same deal with screen resolutions. In dosbox I play Duke3D in its default resolution, whatever that may be. ACtually I'm not even sure what that is, might even be identical to Doom's, never bothered or cared enough to check. ;-)

I play all these games only with the keyboard, so don't even care about mouse aiming or whatever. Did play quake with mouse+keyboard back in the day for DM/CTF games, but I don't even care about that anymore and only play in SP mode now, so keyboard is good enough.

Anyway I'm not whining about anything, I'm getting along pretty well with the way I got these games setup. Was just wondering if there was anything similar to Chocolate Doom for the other games. I guess XDuke would be one option, but I'm not about to try and update the code so it works on my OS, not really worth the effort, since dosbox does the trick. I was under the impression that XDuke was largely abandonned since everyone only talks about eduke3d these days, and since the code doesn't appear to build on anything except maybe Linux or Windows, and possibly very specific environments. Oh well, don't worry about it just wanted to post that I really loved these old games back in the day and wanted to keep the same experience and not something different even if some people consider those changes for the better.. For me, it's kinda like if you changed Mario or Zelda 1 and "enchanced" them, but by doing so you get a different experience altogether and it's not really the one I want.

>> No.1718065

Okay, sorry about the misunderstanding.

As for xDuke, dunno if you can call it "abandonned", it's just pretty much done and there is nothing to add since it's meant to be as close to vanilla as possible (i think it doesn't even supports maps that break the old mapping limit) and you can even use it for multiplayer; while the majority of the Duke3D community uses EDuke32, which keeps getting updates constantly; so they can use all the new tricks of EDuke32 (there really isn't even ONE mapper in the Duke3D community which sticks to 100% vanilla; even if the map doesn't use any new big feature of eduke32 it generally still uses a couple of small features that help mappers especially regarding sprite constructions)

BTW it's EDuke32, not eduke3D

>> No.1718108

Love those meatchunk hands. That's Quake alright.

>> No.1718117

Bowing down to Duke3D's superiority I see?

>I ain't afraid of no Quake! Down on your knee and beg for my superior weaponry

I'm joking.

>> No.1718594

Just download the music separately anon.

>> No.1719086

You cannot imagine how hard you just made at least a couple of autists spergrage m8. Thank god for the spoiler.

>> No.1719137

Anyone using field of view mods here?

>> No.1719185


Quakespasm can do BSP2 if you download the newest test version, forget where it is. Was on sourceforge or github or some shit.


Thank you for making this thread OP. I recently tried completing that map on Nightmare and it whooped my ass. Could do it with savewhoring but who wants to do that. Might start limiting myself to like 3 saves a map if it is large like that one.


I disagree with pretty much everything you said. Every enemy is easy to take on alone, the game gets real interesting when they are mashed together.
For example, in a room with a couple fiends and ogres lobbing grenades from above. I would use a seperate weapon for each enemy. Break out the nailgun to kill the ogres quickly first, while dodging the fiends. Then use the ssg on fiends if low on ammo, or something more powerful if it is a small room.
As much as i love Doom or any other demon killing fps, i never find myself switching weapons as much as i do. I like quake for that reason.
The art direction is also awesome in my opinion. I feel like a lot of people short-change it because of how the game was slapped together at the end in development. But honestly nothing is more badass than a cyber-medival mixture. It feels like it flows well, you start off an episode in sort of the outer-tech base and as you go deeper into the shit you get lava, metals, castles and magical-esqe stuff. I have never seen a game that makes a chainsaw/grenade launcher wielding enemy look so medieval.
Just felt like sharing my opinions, not trying to shit on you man.

>> No.1719386
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Other than the OP and a couple offhand mentions, I don't see too many map recommendations in this thread. I've played the originals, Scourge of Armagon, Beyond Belief, and Horde of Zendar. Can anyone recommend some maps to me that are more like the vanilla dungeon/maze style? Not so interested in impressive architecture as much as good layouts.

>> No.1719859

We're not bad at video games you fucktard, stop trying to be an elitist. We were appreciating the fact that it didn't pull punches and that this really fit with the atmosphere and direction of the game. It builds tension.

Seriously, it took you three days to beat the game, holy shit! Nobody cares. That's not even quick, you should be able to beat it in two sit downs easily. Stop being an egoistical asshole.

>> No.1720212

CVG maps work with the base id1 stuff for a good mix of old and new play styles. I played through the Februus Depths recently, reminded me both of Petersen and McGee's campaign maps.

>> No.1720217

>not beating Scourge in 666 seconds
>Being good.

>> No.1720642
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>Thank you for making this thread OP. I recently tried completing that map on Nightmare and it whooped my ass. Could do it with savewhoring but who wants to do that. Might start limiting myself to like 3 saves a map if it is large like that one.
metal monstrosity isn't that big, try playing through it on hard, should be much more manageable. I got to the third stage of the final encounter before my shit got slapped in at my latest go.

I like all of sock's maps, but here's some cool maps for you


now get quakin', punk!!!!

>> No.1722479

Romero found increasingly ridiculous uses for telefragging in his games; first he let players kill a Cyberdemon in Ultimate Doom's E4M2 with it, now an Elder God!

>> No.1724593
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Any maps that feature large amounts of enemies at once?

>> No.1724710
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>finding out there are actually people who don't like quake

I think I need to go lie down for a bit

>> No.1724975

What do you call a sea of swords and plate armor?

A knight mare.

>> No.1726686

not that I know of....most good quake maps are more about careful strategic placement of enemies

>> No.1727798

Strongly disagree. The Quake rocket launcher is one of the greatest weapons of all time, and the game is fun to play. Yeah it's pretty hard and borderline cheap (especially on nightmare), but like a lot of old games, it pisses me off just enough that I still feel motivated to play it.

>> No.1727802

>(the enemies can lead their shots)
What seriously? I'm pretty sure that's not true. Not even Quake 2 enemies are that smart.

>> No.1727804

That's a fiendish pun anon.

>> No.1727819

Man, Quake was just incredible. To add onto the comments made about how the game is meant to be hostile, I have vivid memories of being a 9 year old playing the game. I'd stop in a corner in Quake every now and then just to gather my bearings after an intense firefight or something, and I'd hear that 'grunt nearby growl' sound. That fucking sound. I couldn't even take a minute to breathe without being somewhat terrified or enthralled in the hostility of it all. And as someone who generally dislikes FPS games (dislike Doom, and I hate every modern shooter to date), including the sequels, Quake has a special place for me. I didn't even like the sequels, just didn't like that they were 'less gritty' as such.

Axe > infinite ammo pistol

>> No.1727820

I'd hate to interrupt your great Quake modding thread with some vanilla... but The Crypt of Decay can go fuck itself.

Doing my first ever full-on Nightmare run.

Anyway uh back to the vertigo-inducing map amazity?

>> No.1727831
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This post would be much better with the intended image.

>> No.1728009

If anyone would actually use it, I'd totally host a server and keep it up.
I also have the server files for the Annihilation backed up, as well as the server+Client files for ModX, which, last I looked, can't be found anywhere online anymore.

Going off on my own thing here, but I miss Tribes.
Tribes is the first time that I've seen a gaming community that I love rust away and slowly die, and that experience was/is painful to think about.
Tribes was amazing. 50+ people on a single map. Even with such large amounts of people, everyone had to work with some kind of teamwork to win, for the most part. Everyone could also work specifically on things they like and actually contribute to their team.
Pretty much all the other online FPS games I've played (Only a few, I admit) don't have the same balance. Game starts, everyone goes for a specific overpowered and overused mechanic. Makes the games overall more boring.
The community was also amazing until it's decline. People were helpful and generally nice.
When it finally started to die, all that was left was the elitists and powerhungry types. Admins started to abuse alot more often, people would begin shitfests which would render the game unplayable at some times.

Tribes was also the game that ultimately got me into programming and scripting (Well, hacking OOT at the time also helped, but still).
Not many people seem to believe me, but I believe that the mod support helped the games lifespan quite abit.
Even after it's peak, there were so many servers that would play differently. Sometimes no two servers would be the same. It allowed for a ton of variation.

>> No.1728013


For the most part, Tribes was so balanced out that the difference between a 'pro' player and a newbie was huge. Assuming we're talking about Base, you could pick up and kill anyone efficiently with any weapon if you were good at it. Some better than others, but the difference isn't noticeable until you become really good at the game and even then, you could still work with any weapon if you had the skill for it.
And there were no shortcuts. You can't just pick up a Rocket Lawnchair and suddenly improve your K/D ratio like alot of other games. Truly, Tribes awarded true player skill.

To see the community die was possibly one of the most painful gaming experiences I've had, silly to say. Such a amazing game and amazing community. As the years chugged on, all that remained are the people who didn't welcome new players, those with large egos and enough rage to spend it on that single newbie.
I've never touched Ascend I don't ever plan to. I knew from the start it simply wouldn't be the same, the market and gaming community as a whole changed over the years as gaming become larger.
Even early on, the devs of Ascend gave out bits of information about the game. From what I was reading, they didn't quite grasp all of the beautiful and amazing little details that made Tribes as big as it was. From the Modding support, to some aspects of the game itself.
When PlayTribes was announced, I was excited to see how much life it would bring to the now dead community. Of course, as luck would have it, PlayTribes never became a thing. Pretty depressing time.

Tribes2 was pretty good, but I only tried to play it after the communities death. So I can't speak for how good it was in comparison.
The modibility seemed like it would be really fun to work with and the map editor got some neat improvements. I wish I was around when it was alive.

>> No.1728016


Tribes taought me basic scripting skills and hacking Ocarina of Time gave me basic "Computer Science" knowledge. As the years went on, I eventually evolved my scripting to Batch and Bash files(Even a small game in Bash, though largely unfinished), to eventually real programming (Java, C++) and more advanced game hacking (Assembly- I can work with it, but I STILL hate it).
I hope to one day make a Tribes-like clone. If I do, it'll have roughly the same physics, server-sided modibility, Base Weapons concept and overall idea. I've not yet started this project because, although I can program whatever I need to, I still have alot of learn and I would hate to make a Tribes-like clone that has a million holes in it's code and is unpolished due to my lack of experience.

Overall, Tribes was one of the few FPS games I 'really' enjoyed. On topic, Quake is also pretty good, though obviously quite different.
It's been depressing watching Tribes slowly suffocate and die. Even if it was inevitable, I feel it deserves a little more attention nowdays.

Also, sorry about the large bit of text. Guess I felt like rambling.

>> No.1728268

I'm afraid of the day that the mapping communities for old games begin to go that way.
Doom has plenty of life left in it but sometimes I worry about the others.
Out of interest what did do with OoT?

>> No.1728285

*what did you do with OoT?
Holy shit I'm retarded.

>> No.1728756

ogres, scrags, death knights all lead their projectile attack.

>> No.1728964

Should we start a Friday night vr pub? We've got at least two old fags that could show the basics. I don't have any good routes I remember except maybe Stonehenge and and dustbowl.

I think you can still get the files for LT and those new shifter modules.

>> No.1728967

Derp. Not shifter. The no interpolate mod guy. Also added better HUD graphics and a minimap

>> No.1729047

I have personally never played Tribes before in my life, but if this kicks off I would definitely give it a go.

>> No.1729796

>I'm afraid of the day that the mapping communities for old games begin to go that way.
It'll happen eventually. Sadly, nothing lasts forever. Newer games today typically don't offer the same modding ability. Mapping, or otherwise.
I only played Halo occasionally with a friend of mine. I don't like it much myself, but he wanted my help for some achievements or something. When Reach came out, he was flipping his shit out of excitement for what new capabilities the 'map editor' would have. I saw it and I couldn't help but feel disappointed that people love such limited map editors, when we have alot of older games that allowed for far, far more flexibility. It's depressing.
Mods are amazing, but good map editing by itself will help the overall lifespan of a game and it's community. I wish more devs would allow for things like this.

>>Out of interest what did do with OoT?
There is a small group of Z64 hacking people. I've been off and on helping the community, even as ZSO(If you know about it) passed. I usually go around and document things that haven't been found yet so others could possibly use the information in a hack.
Even nowdays I go back and try to find something new, although most the game has already been ripped apart now. OOT was the first game I hacked, it's nice to occasionally go to my roots.
Other than helping out, I have my own experimental projects, mostly to expand my knowledge.
So far I've done smaller assembly things like making Bombchus hookshotable, which glitched the game up pretty badly when trying to go up walls. I've also done larger assembly things like making the D-pad function like the C-buttons, allowing you to put equipment on the D-pad so you can switch some armor and weapons on the fly.
I also do more normal things like making new maps and such to expand my 3D Modeling 'skills'.
I hope to apply all this knowledge to a Rom Hack someday, but for now, I have some larger projects I need to finish.

>> No.1729829

Here. /vr/ is slow, so I'm sure I have the time to wait, but when I get home later tonight I'll start work on making a base server(Or anything else you guys might want).
If people come in and I have the time to spare, I'll also join in and play. If some anons agree on a day to play together, I'd be up for joining the events.
If anyone wants to do some work on making a customized client for /vr/, anyone is free to make one and upload it somewhere, I'll 'advertise' it on our server, as well as rehost the files on my own home server for easier access.
My upload speed isn't the best in the world, but since Tribes is so old anyway, I 'imagine' it won't be a problem.

>> No.1730139

So there's these mother fuckers http://tribesone.com/smf/index.php?action=home

And they reminded me what the names are. 'LastHope' / 1.4 is what you want for the server, and I'd really recommend an 'LT' map rotation if you can get a hold of them or figure it out. LT is a lot more fun, especially for noobs up to probably 8v8. 10v10 gets really crazy and it might be time to switch to a base pickup at that point.

They've also got a download for tribes... reporting back after I check it out. (tfw you still have your config setup from 10+ years ago)

>> No.1730168

I made to try to get a headcount.

>> No.1730353
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Sorry to shit up the Quake thread, but a heads up on Tribes: we made an IRC so we can start getting a group and resources together.

Quakenet, #vrtribes

>> No.1730386

That level isn't too bad. Wait until you get to Ebon Fortress on nightmare before you start complaining...

>> No.1731378

the Ebon Fortress is so cool man. e4m6 has to be one of my favorite late game levels, purely for that quad spree they practically throw at you when you get the grenade launcher in that cemetary. A flood of easily gibbed zombies and mid-tier enemies, a grenade launcher you've been piling up ammo for, and the several seconds you have is just pure bliss. It's just one of those few moments where Quake says "alright take a breath, you've earned it" before getting ready to smack your shit in with a horde of Spawns.

>> No.1732986

Pain Maze is a good one, though Tower of Despair and Azure Agony are the standouts for me.

Just noticed the Quake challenge map being featured at QuakeCon this year is Gloom Keep. Oh come on, enough people have seen that already, stop pandering to the shareware nostalgia.

>> No.1733061

eh really? It's a classic, but I'm not surprised that most folks are oblivious to the community...hmm...I wonder if quakecon will be dying soon, id is a shadow of its former self, and with all the founders gone, who's to say if their convention will last?