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1714150 No.1714150[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Sonic CD's stage design and physics engine were shit . people think its the greatest game ever why is that

>> No.1714159
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>> No.1714162

never heard of it

>> No.1714165
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>> No.1714169

because it was one of the better Sega CD games at the time besides Snatcher, Lunar, Popful Mail, and Robo Aleste. The Sega CD was plagued with Shit FMV games. Also it was the "black sheep" of the original Sonic games feeling more like the original than Sonic 2 or 3 because it was developed by Naoto Oshima instead of Yuji Naka. The two were similar at one point but then became totally different things. I like the game as I grew up with it as a kid but looking back one issue I have is the Time travel. It slows you down as the point of Sonic is the see how fast you can beat the zone and with you trying to find the metal sonic projectors and other machine it wastes time. But overall a great game.

>> No.1714170

Because it's cool to like games no one else likes.

>> No.1714172
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>> No.1714173
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>> No.1714180
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>> No.1714181

i see . and agree .

>> No.1714189

ah mice trolling

>> No.1714198
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the sheer number of rodents in this one is way over the top

>> No.1714276

Yeh Sanic CD was an abortion. You couldn't complete Metallic Madness Act 2 if you were in the future and couldn't use any more signposts, forcing you to either reset the game or wait for the timer to hit 9:99. Not only that, but Stardust, Tidal, and especially Workbench have some pretty horrible and lazy designs in general. It was really obvious the game was lacking the talent of Yuji Naka behind it. Its only redeeming aspect was the art and music.

>> No.1714345

I like Sonic CD. I like the exploration stuff, it's not the best Sega CD game, or even the best Sonic game, it just gets the kneejerks from two camps of people: Those who over exaggerate it's fun-factor due to its "hidden gem" status, and those who over exaggerate the bad aspects in response to the other camp's exaggerated opinions.

It's a fun game, not amazing and not horrible.

>> No.1714367

Sonic CD is probably over rated. I can't even say its the best Sonic game even, but not to say it isn't fun in its own right. It just wasnt phenomenal.

>> No.1714390

It amazes me how people can be so wrong about the best Sonic game by far.

And what really gets me is that the same people that call CD broken and lazy love fucking 3/S&K which is so much more broken and lazy than CD that it's pathetic.

>> No.1714417
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>> No.1714445

How about instead of spouting nonsense like a retard you give us some hard facts with proof?

>> No.1714448

Really? Sonic CD is "overrated"? Most people I've heard talk about hates it. I think the stage design was odd, but more imaginative than Sonic 2 had to offer. Actually, I like that it was different. I feel the same about Rondo of Blood in relation to the early Castlevania games.

Also, I'm not understanding the term "overrated". Is it that everyone else likes something more than you do? Wouldn't that just simply make it your opinion? I don't get why it would get a label like "overrated" as if it's a fact rather than just your opinion.

Not trying to start a fight, but this term just doesn't make sense to me.

>> No.1714452

Instead of just angrily calling people "retard", take your own advice and refute his statement with your own "proof".

>> No.1714460

I'm not him, but tedious/bad level design is a fact for Sonic CD.

>> No.1714474

overrated, underrated and obscure have become meaningless /vr/ buzzwords that simply mean "I like/dislike this game"

>> No.1714553


>physics engine were shit

The physics? what's wrong with th physics in Sonic CD?

Question: which version of it have you played? original Sega CD, Gems collection, PC version, HD re-release?

>> No.1714560

lol i get it

>> No.1714571

Not sure about the physics, but the stage design was a clusterfuck. Sonic is about speed, not tapping the D-pad trying to find a past sign.

>> No.1714647


this better be a joke about the rats.

>> No.1714658

I am a huge classic RPG fan but I could never enjoy Fallout 1 and 2 for some reason.

Based Bethesda and Obsidian. Fallout 3 and NV are amazing.

>> No.1714664

I think it's a radiation joke.

>> No.1714665

>call a popular game bad so you can sound cool: the thread

>> No.1714669

But he's right though, it's not like others haven't been pointing out it's faults for years

>> No.1714679

>Sonic CD's stage design and physics engine were shit
> people think its the greatest game ever why is that
because it's Sonic exploration x10.

>> No.1714839

3 > 2 > CD > 1

>> No.1714842

My only problem with Sonic CD is the music.
I'm not into that kind of music, I just found it didn't fit at all.
Aside from that I think it's a solid Sonic game.
Too bad about the final boss fight though...what a joke.

>> No.1714847

>people think its the greatest game ever why is that

For years Sonic CD was borderline obscure due to the fact that hardly anyone had a SegaCD and those who did overcompensated for the mass of mediocre games by touting SCD as the best thing ever.
Now that it's widely available through emulation and re release the vocal majority are seeing it for the eye-bleeding clusterfuck that it truly is.

>> No.1714872

We've had this discussion a thousand times already.
It's neither the holy grail of Sonic games, nor a "clusterfuck with awful level design" as many people parrot.

The truth is that, while it's not the best Sonic game (that's reserved to personal and subjective opinion), it's known that it takes a different direction than the other games and has more emphasis on exploration, while still maintaining platforming elements of Sonic.
The physics are exactly the same as Sonic 1 with the only exception being the new addition of the super peel out and the spindash (which is different than the spindash from Sonic 2, this one takes a little bit more to charge up because the super peel out is also there if you want a quicker launch).

Personally, I like it. Not my favorite Sonic game, but among my favorites in the series.

However, let me point out that it took me some time to appreciate this game, mainly because of how fucked up most ports of Sonic CD are. The PC port from the mid-90s has an insane amount of loading screens, and clunky controls (might be because I was playing with a keyboard at the time), and the Gems Collection on the Sega CD had some graphical glitches and I felt the physics in the game felt heavier, slower, and had some sort of input lag.
Finally, when I played the original Sega CD version, I enjoyed it a lot. Great controls, no glitches, no loading screens (although I assume playing on a real Sega CD would get some loading times, I played it on Kega Fusion emulator and a USB pad, works perfectly).

>> No.1714879

USA had different BGMs to Japan and Europe.

>> No.1714881

I know. I really care for either of them. Just weren't catchy like all the other Sonic themes.
Well, I guess I liked the special stage theme. That bass beat gets stuck in my head.

>> No.1714895

Ghosts n Goblins and its successors are easily one of the most overrated retro games of all time. The level design was mediocre at best. And the controls were stiff and unintuitive i.e. you can't change mid air jump direction. What kind of 2D platformer doesn't allow you do change mid air jump direction? I can't believe people call Ghosts n Goblins a classic side scroller when it is mediocre at best.

>> No.1714957


git gud.

>> No.1714958

>Just weren't catchy like all the other Sonic themes

Are you serious.

>> No.1714969 [DELETED] 

lel totaly rekt that fag

>> No.1715045

It's not.

>> No.1715051
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>can't play games where you're committed to your jumps.

Son, you need to >>1714957

also, suck it up and stop being such a little bitch. Lots of platformers had that mechanic, you're just showing your casual level.

>> No.1715446

Final Fantasy VI. The fans have such bad autism and jump on you if you begin to criticize their beluved gaem.

>> No.1715459

total plebian-scrub tier achieved

>> No.1715461

I don't know when Sonic CD became so polarizing. Sonic CD has been out for over 20 years and NOW people complain about the level design? Even if you didn't have a Sega CD, there were emulators and PC ports that let you play the game. These people parrot how bad the level design is, yet very rarely do they ever elaborate. Are they just trying to fit in?

>> No.1716037

I elaborated here >>1714276 on why the level design was shoddy. Try reading the thread next time instead of whining that your favorite Sonic game sucks dick.

>> No.1716046
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>> No.1716334


Sonic CD is not my favorite Sonic (that'd be 3&K), but the only concise complaint you've made is the MM Act 2 thing, the others are just your opinion (which I respect, but don't agree) and that "it's an abortion" (really, man? Sonic Blast for the Game Gear exist, that is an abortion).
I never noticed that issue with the MM Act 2 you've mentioned, I believe I've never ran out of time posts, but I'll give it a shot next time I play the game, if anything, it's a curiosity.

>> No.1716360

>Sonic Blast for the Game Gear exist

*Sonic Blast for the Game Gear exists

>> No.1716361

I don't like the art or level design. All the stages are very...vertical. Tall.

And the music isn't that great either, but then again I didn't like Ecco the Dolphin so I'm clearly some kind of weirdo.

>> No.1716409

Pretty sure none of the sonic games were lazily done. Those games were made on insane schedules.

>> No.1716470

>Stardust, Tidal, and especially Workbench have some pretty horrible and lazy designs in general
What was wrong with them, especially Tidal Tempest?

>> No.1716485

I loved Sonic 2 but I just don't get Sonic CD with its "FUTURE" "PAST" stuff going on... Sonic seems a little slippery compared to Sonic 2 as well.

Not a bad game, it definitely reeks of love, it's just not a perfect Sonic game.

>> No.1716503

Stardust had no platforming at all, it was basically just a nausea-inducing roller-coaster ride of curves and boosters.
Tidal was like Labyrinth, except with even more water and bullshit thrown in. Somehow only Hydrocity got water zones right.
Workbench you couldn't even walk on the floor, and the upper level had paths that would just end abruptly for no reason.

>> No.1716538


But I remember Stardust having platforming, although it's true its got the trademark "rollercoaster" thing, it also has its platforming sections, I remember very vividly that one part where you have to jump over platforms on the Robotnik-shaped place, among other places. Also the Metal Sonic race.

Tidal was like Labyrinth except way less frustrating. You really had any problem with it? IMO the easiest level on Sonic CD apart from Palmtree.
Workbench I know it's the most hated level on the game, but I honestly liked it. If you don't fuck up, you can breeze through it. it's hard not to fuck it up though, most likely you'll bounce in the floor at least once.

Yeah, I especially like that about Sonic CD, how vertical the levels are, you keep going up and up, down and down, and there always seems to bemore. Sonic CD might be the Sonic game with the least amount of botomless pits in Sonic games.

>> No.1716658
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>> No.1716686

>It's so weird to be talking about old games on a retro game board!

>> No.1716705

wanna expand on that?

>> No.1716709

In nerd circles often toted as one of the (if not THE) best games ever made. And it simply isn't. The actual "game" part is at best subpar, at worst absolute garbage. I'm sure the story is great and all, but if a game hinges only on story (in copious amounts of text) then it might just be better off as a book.

>> No.1716738

i find that treating it like a point and click adventure rather than an rpg puts it into a much better perspective

>> No.1717369
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