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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1699725 No.1699725 [Reply] [Original]

Can we get a classic RE thread? Discuss your favorite title, characters, soundtrack, etc.

Now with some news

The Resident Evil 2 HD remake project might be getting a release this year

If someone doesn't know, the playable build of Resident Evil 1.5 was released a year ago and is available for download

Not retro but well, the RE Outbreak multiplayer is back online and playable since a couple of months ago

>> No.1699738

Any news on the people working on making a playable version of that RE1.5?


>check the video on their site
Holy shit this looks terrible.

>> No.1699741

recently flew overseas and thought RE directors cut on my psp could make a 7 hour flight pass quickly.

I was about an hour and a half into the game when I turned to cough and realized a few people were religiously engaged in my screen.

felt like a pimp headshotting zambis with an audience.

>> No.1699761
File: 199 KB, 381x396, 1397248674245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this past weekend i thought i'd give the 1st Resident Evil game a try and HOLY SHIT THAT GODAWFUL VOICE ACTING!!!

>> No.1699859

That fucking RE2 HD remake looks like absolute ass. Why do people think we all just want RE4 gameplay shoved up classic RE's ass? I'd rather play something more along the lines of REmake, with animated HD pre-rendered backgrounds and really good looking models and classic gameplay elements.

The problem is that both fans and Capcom themselves would do it in the RE4 style, because it's ":more fun". The problem with THAT, being that survival horror isn't supposed to be an engaging action game. It's supposed to be an adventure game with survival elements. The differences in combat are my main issue.

Let's say in a classic RE you enter a hallway with a shotgun, 1 shell, a handgun, 10 bullets and one green herb.

Inside the door, you can see 3 feet in any direction with no visible enemies, but you can hear several zombies shuffling and moaning. When you move a bit, you can see the door you need to get to, but there's also 3 zombies between you and that door. now you get to decide:

>do I try to kill all of them?
>can I take out one and run by the others?
>can I run by all of them?
>should I try kneecapping them, then running by?
>is there another route I can take?
>could I let one of them attack me, then knock the others back when I push him off?
>should I group them together, then try to use the one shell to blow all their heads off?
>do I really have the ammo for any of those options?

On the other hand, a similar situation in RE4-6 looks like this:

Enter an area with a shotgun and 30 shells and a machinegun with 80 bullets, see 10 baddies right in front of you. Decision time:

>kill them all
>kill them all
>kill them all
>or should I just kill them all?

And where's the fun in that? It's just a braindead action game at that point. Why not just play CoD and call it a fucking day?

>> No.1699921

The RE 4-6 gameplay style is better suited to Dino Crisis imo.

>> No.1699963

RE1 has so bad its good voice acting.

RE2 is significantly better, but holy shit RE1 gets me everytime.

>> No.1699971

If you really can't get past it, just play REmake.

>> No.1700061

It's just a fan project, get that sand out of your vagina.

>> No.1700071

Where is Barry Burton? I always wanted him to make it into another Resident Evil title.

In my magical dream world he would get his own title.....

>> No.1700103


He saves Jill at the end of RE3:

>> No.1700115


I prefer classic RE as well, but RE2 gives you more than enough ammo to massacre everything in the game anyway. Past the streets intro, there's no real reason to ever run from anything.

Resident Evil 1 is the only game in the series where a lot of thought goes into how you do things.

>> No.1700128

I never played the Nightmare mode in RE2, but don't the enemies take a ridiculous amount of ammo to die?

>> No.1700148

Yeah I know but hardly worth a mention when compared to his key role in the Jill scenario of Resident Evil 1.

>> No.1700324

The voice acting was very much intentional. The intro should have gave you a clue. Apparently it was lost on too many people so they tried making improvements in time. RE2 VA isn't great either. Although not as bad/campy as RE1.

I like the RE1 VA because the game probably has the most memorable and funny lines in all of games for me.

>> No.1700335

>That fucking RE2 HD remake looks like absolute ass. Why do people think we all just want RE4 gameplay shoved up classic RE's ass?

You better get used to it. If the game ever gets officially remade it's not only a high chance it will be done in this way but it's also a high chance the majority of fans want it this way. I see it all the time. Which I don't understand since it would make an already easy game even more easy. Plus the world is too small for the remake to go with an RE camera. They would need to do too much of an overhaul or simply reboot the series imo.

>> No.1700339

The original Resident Evil was 5spooky4ne. During that cutscene where the zombie is eating Kenneth and looks over it's shoulder at you, I nearly messed my underwear trying to reach the power button in time to turn it off.

I then forced myself a few months later to man up and play it. Scary, but enjoyable.

Resident Evil 2 remains the perfect title in the franchise. It had a great cinematic intro, Raccoon city in chaos, "hold it right there!," awesome police station reminiscent of the Spencer mansion, new monsters, new weapons, TWO VERY DISTINCT CAMPAIGNS, New Game + from entirely new perspective!, Mr. X crashing through walls, great music, the list goes on.

The only thing I wasn't wild about was the forced Leon/Ada love subplot and how everything that has Leon now has that obnoxious Ada character shoehorned in. Is Leon that beta that he falls in love with a girl after talking to her for five seconds? If so, why didn't he fall for Claire, they shared a ride together.

Otherwise, best game in the series.

>> No.1700354

I feel an RE4 style RE game can be done right if they put serious thought into it. It has it's potential but the only decent RE4 style RE is basically RE4.

RE4 wasn't as great as I once remembered it though. Both styles can be done really good but the problem comes from Capcom believing that the majority want more action and less horror. I feel they are right in thinking that. Sure there may be a ton of fans that want more horror back but they also likely want newer fans buying the games. And horror games mostly never do to well besides the RE series. RE 4-6 still sold well. So basically Capcom feels they are proven right. So we are going to continue seeing this type of RE indefinitely. I just want it to be done right if it must stay this way. RE6 looked and played so damn horrible. Especially when you can't even shoot inactive zombies until they wake up. Screw that nonsense.

Honestly though the series is pretty much done. I don't know why a reboot isn't being considered yet DMC gets one when it didn't need one.

>> No.1700368

I was down to my fucking handgun against G4 Birkin on my first run so yeah you are definitely right about that. It really didn't help that shotgun shells were so scarce (what ammo wasn't) and zombies took up to 25 fucking shots. Bosses also took about a 3rd more damage than normal AT LEAST.

>> No.1700379

>I then forced myself a few months later to man up

I know that feel, I didn't play RE again for 6 months after seeing that scene, it was horrifying.

What I didn't like about RE2 is that the plot structure is too similar to RE1.. mansion/find the keys/underground lab/final boss/everything blows up. It's still the best RE2 though.

My fav cutscene is that one with Ben in the cell, when you hear Birkin screaming and you know that some heavy shit is going down closeby

>> No.1700386

>I don't know why a reboot isn't being considered

I can already imagine a Capcom board meeting about that
>"We need to reboot Resident Evil"
>"But we already remade it!"
>"Ok, then let's proceed with Resident Evil 7"

>> No.1700387

You should've mentioned this OP.

>> No.1700393

>Discuss your favorite title, characters
1. 2
2. 5
3. Code veronica
Leon Kennedy

>> No.1700428

REmake and RE2 on N64 are the best ones, and Barry is the best RE character of all time.

>> No.1700456

REmake looks pretty and everything, but was the body burning mechanic really necessary? I had a hard time managing my already limited resources and inventory space, and now I have to account for this as well? And don't say you can just ignore it because those revived zombies are the worst.

>> No.1700463

Flat out avoiding the zombies in the first place helps.

>> No.1700481

Holy shit this looks cool as fuck. This guy is seriously dedicated to do something like this. I'm definitely keeping my eye on this.

>> No.1700491


I loved the familiarity in 2. By the time Nemesis and Code Veronica came around, it was stale. That's not to say I didn't like those two as well, the formula was just getting old.

>> No.1700508

Never played Code Veronica or RE0, how good are they?

>> No.1700526



>> No.1700556

I loved code veronica on dreamcast

>> No.1700564

Code Veronica is a mess and was the beginning of pretty much everything wrong with the RE series, but despite that it plays like an RE game and is solid. RE0 is pretty good but the partner system takes some getting used to.

>> No.1700614

let's get this shit started, /vr/

Elder GOD Tier:
Resident Evil 2

High Tier:
Resident Evil

Mid Tier:
Resident Evil 3: Nemesis
Resident Evil Outbreak
Resident Evil Revelations
Resident Evil: Code Veronica
Resident Evil Zero

Low Tier:
Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil 5

Shit Tier:
Resident Evil 6
Resident Evil Gaiden
Resident Evil ORC

>> No.1700632


I thought that link was going to be this:


>> No.1700694

I loved Code Veronica. It was the last RE game made that made me feel like I was playing a horror game and not Tomb Raider: Green Herb edition

>> No.1700729
File: 110 KB, 800x716, ResidentEvilDS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you like classic resi and haven't tried pic related yet i recommend you should.
Adds loads of new puzzles and changes some things around.
Has a Classic mode too if you don't enjoy the touch mini games and puzzles.
Coop is fun too.

Probably my favorite version of resi1(classic)

>> No.1700832

Elder God Tier
Resident Evil 4

High Tier
Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 3

Mid Tier

Shit Tier
Resident Evil 6

>> No.1700839

>Elder God Tier
>High Tier
>Coop Tier
>It hurts to live Tier

>> No.1700849

Never played Resident Evil and I don't have a PS1, 2 or 3. Is REmake actually as good as people say it is, in the spirit of the original games?

>> No.1700893

Yes it is. Great game.
If you have a Wii/GC you should check it out.

>> No.1700981 [DELETED] 

I got chills playing RE2 and slowly making my way through that claustrophobic train marshalling yard where you have to operate the lift and take it down to the labs. One minute you're making your way through tight corridors where you can't just run around zombies, the next minute you're in a big round area just begging to be ambushed.



>> No.1700984

I got chills playing RE2 and slowly making my way through that claustrophobic train marshalling yard where you have to operate the lift and take it down to the labs. One minute you're making your way through tight corridors where you can't just run around zombies, the next minute you're in a big round area just begging to be ambushed.


>> No.1701129

Best port of RE1, being portable & able to play anywhere which is awesome. Also easier than playing with keyboard/PS1 controller in my opinion. Not a fan of the Rebirth mode though, was okay beating the game once with it

>> No.1701138

>Best port of RE1

That's arguable. The DS version is NOT the classic experience; even when you play the 'classic' mode that doesn't use the touchscreen nor the new gimmicky 'puzzles' etc ; even using that mod, you're playing the game with advanced controls, use of the knife RE4 style at all times without it taking place in the inventory, new more detailed 3D models for EVERYTHING, and new zombie AI which is a lot smarter. It really plays very differently than the original PS1/Saturn/PC version.

>I don't have a PS1,2 or 3
The best versions of RE2 and 3 are on PC and Dreamcast (for instance, anyone who hasn't played the Hard mode of RE2 exclusive to the DC and PC versions has no idea how good RE2 can be if you ask me). The GC ports are also very good.

>> No.1701145

What I meant was that the only reason I bought & prefer Deadly Silence over others is because of portability, nothing more, but you're right otherwise

>> No.1701160

>That's arguable.
You can argue with my opinion if you like.
Personally think its the best version. I feel those changes were made for the better. To me its a more enjoyable game overall esp with the zombie AI. They're actually a threat now.

I downloaded RE:Directors Cut for my PSP and didn't enjoy it as much as DS.

>> No.1701168
File: 39 KB, 500x500, 1374543224244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I often see people mention RE2 on the N64 on here. Was there something different/better about it from the PS1 version?

>> No.1701172

Someone post the RE2 comparison image

>> No.1701173

The only thing good about the N64 version is the exclusive item randomizer mode. Everthing else is worse.

>> No.1701175

Director's Cut is far less retro than DS, though

>> No.1701178


Please don't start this again NESfag.

>> No.1701186

in b4 that biased comparaison screenshot based on "facts" (facts they decided to pick over other facts; and "facts" that imply the sound quality of a game based on voice acting and CD music is better on N64 of all things)

>> No.1701189

Calm down. Take a breath.
We know RE fires you up.

>> No.1701193

Is the faggot not allowed to have a dissenting opinion?

>> No.1701195

I agree with you. RE2 doesn't need to be remade at all unless it was done exactly like REmake.

>> No.1701196

Yes ofc. Tho he thinks his opinions are facts.

This your first RE thread on /vr/?

Have a look at the archives.

>> No.1701197

This escalated quickly...

>> No.1701198

I think it works well. You decide which routes you want to clear and make sure are safe. I chose to make a completely clear route to a save room and there were a few rooms of zombies (that one on the second floor with like 10) that I just completely stayed clear of. It works as an extra element to inventory management.

>> No.1701205

when there are several zombies in the same room, try to make it so that they die just next to each other; like this they'll all catch fire by only using 1 unit of oil

And really imo it's only an issue if you play in real survival

>> No.1701209
File: 398 KB, 1326x2260, RE2Comp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1701214

My Dreamcast replacement AV cable is coming this week. Have the Discs for CV tho im going to download the RE2 discs.

Thank the lord for easy as dicks piracy on the DC.

>> No.1701224

>"First Person" Controls

Sounds cool. I'm guessing the quotes means it's not that great though.

>> No.1701232

It just means you're not actually playing in first person. Though they can be hard to get used to because of the constantly changing camera angles.

>> No.1701243

Had a hard time finding a video.
Check the 11:33 mark he shows and explains the extra unique control setting.


The video shows off enough of the N64 stuff. Have to say tho the Graphics look great. Less "flickering" on the character models. Looks weird as fuck in just a cartridge. Impressive achievement.

The start of the video shows the extra options too like blood and violence.

>> No.1701253

Wow, that seems like it makes the game easy mode. Well, even easier than it already is. It still seems pretty nice though and I'll have to try it out myself.

>> No.1701262

>press left to go leftwards
>suddenly camera changes and left now means backwards for the character
>so you still have your finger pressing the button, character goes backwards, runs directly into a zombie even though it's not where you wanted to go and get hit

Those kind of controls mean that each time there is a camera angle change, you have to wait without pressing anything and think for a second to know what button to press in order to even JUST continue walking into the same direction.

Anyone who says "tank controls" suck should try this shit. "Tank controls" were made EXACTLY to avoid this kind of issues. They're a step backwards and definitlly not convenient for a game with this kind of camera system.

>> No.1701267

The guy in the video doesn't seem to be struggling. At first it might throw you off tho i'm sure you would get used to it.

I personally love the tank controls so id doubt id ever use the control scheme.

Interesting non the less. id love to try it out for myself.

Do you own RE2 on the N64?

>> No.1701481

"1st person" controls worked fine on Final Fantasy VII-IX, with fixed camera angles (the most memorable part of the 5th gen)
I guess I'll have to try it to find out, but I don't see that much of a problem with it in theory

>> No.1701483

Wow, get fucking hype

RE Survivor is up there with RE2 for me, I can't believe so many people hated it when it came out

>> No.1701558

FF games have much wieder cameras angles, which means not as many camera angle changes constantly like RE games where it can literaly be every 2 seconds.
Also, there is no action during those moments in FF games.
That's why it's not a problem, it's the same concept but it's done very differently. I'm just saying it's not adapted for the kind of cameras RE games have.

I love RE survivor. It's fan service done right and it's a fun game with good atmosphere. I even own a copy of the shitty bugged chinese PC version.

I don't own it but i've played every version of RE2, i even have the game.com version

>> No.1701851

Hey NESfag, do you still stream RE speedruns?

>> No.1701857

How world has code veronica held up? I got to disc 2 when I was younger but never finished it and was considering emulating it now.

>> No.1701868

If you're going to emulate it, you might as well just give it a shot.

CV is the only main series classic RE that I haven't played/owned. I heard it's bad (and not just from /vr/) but I feel the need to give it a shot.

>> No.1701883

cv is hit or miss. don't let steve annoy you.

>> No.1701898

I think RE0 is damn good but I'm in the minority

>> No.1701909

0 is good but past the train section it's "Been there, done that" all the way through.
Also the new mechanics are good ideas on paper, but terribly executed. Basically you have no reason to use Rebecca over Billy; and the item drop system, which is supposed to "fix" the (actually not broken) safebox system, ends up being more annoying then the safebox system in every way.

Code Veronica is a piece of shit in every single aspect. There is absolutely NOTHING good about it, it ranges from "absolute garbage" to "painfully average"

>> No.1701923

>someone is working on a Resident Evil: Survivor remake in classic style


This Gemini guy worked on the Symphony of the Night, Persona 2 - Innocent Sin and Tales of Phantasia translations and Soul Hackers, that was never finished. Might be good.

>> No.1701987


>> No.1702003


>dat resi 2 throughout this episode

>> No.1702263

Wow, rev up that Dreamcast emulator

>> No.1702301
File: 185 KB, 500x541, elza-walker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Elza Walker's concept art. I wish they had changed the name to Claire but kept the design.

>> No.1702608



>> No.1702681

Any time the camera changes and the game pauses to load, just stop moving. Do you not already do that? What if there are enemies?

>> No.1702682

Wesker went full on cartoon villain tier in the more recent releases. It makes me really mad to see what they're doing to the franchise.

>> No.1702684

I don't stop running when I've already cleared an area and am just backtracking to another spot.

>> No.1702687

>Wesker went full on cartoon villain tier

Wesker has been cartoon villain tier since the 90s.

>> No.1702691

compared to

>> No.1703245

> Do you not already do that? What if there are enemies?

MAYBE I did that the very first time I played RE1, but I don't remember.
With tank controls, I'd always press the running forward buttons pressed, even if there is a camera angle change. You ALWAYS have enough time to realize what's going on and stop/turn around if needed, but most of the time you won't need to.

So in other words yes, with tank controls you don't HAVE to wait and see what's going on at every single camera angle change (= every 2 seconds), while with those "first person controls" you HAVE to stop to know what button to press to even just keep going into the same direction.

Also "first person controls", is that how they're called in N64? That really just shows how retarded the people who came up with that where. "tank controls" ARE first person controls, they're like FPS controls except you can't strafe, your controls are based on the FIRST PERSON, the character, (and the only thing that's different with FPS besisdes no strafing is the camera angle).

If anything those N64 controls are "2nd person controls", the controls are based on the point of the view of the camera, camera which looks at the player, and which is not the 1st person (the character)

>> No.1703264

>My Dreamcast replacement AV cable is coming this week
Just got them today.
Fired up RE:CV. Not having the run button on X has thrown me a little. Having to use controller setupC.
Forgot how great having your health monitor on the controllers VMU is. Saves constantly checking the inventory screen out.

Will be downloading RE2 later tonight.

>> No.1703597

Are the PC ports very outdated and incompatible?

I've been wanting to install them just to have them in hand when I want to play RE

>> No.1703618

The PC ports of RE2 and 3 are the best versions.

>> No.1703623


>> No.1703964

Alright, thanks

>> No.1705398

I think RE should stay in OTS view when aiming, and stay fixed when not.
I have the impressing RE4 alpha was like this.

But more importantly they need to focus on the setting and background music.
The setting needs to look really desolate. REmake had awesome backgrounds, the trees moved, the water had drop riples, the lighting was superb and it all mix well together.

They also need to make the level more interconnected, because I'd like to know wether I should go through a corridor I know has zombies I can kill, or an open space with fast mutated animals.

The combat should stay the same, but the ammo needs to be scarce. I want it the same because I prefer my shots placed and dependent on skill/aim rather than luck.

RE:Rev went in a good direction. It was great for what it was, but nowhere near what a RE needs to attain.

More than anything, I hope Capcom does Raid Mode in every RE from now on. It upped its replay value through the roof.

Play RE2 on a PS emulator, PC version is very problematic.
RE3 is fine on PC without any worries.

>> No.1705402

>because I'd like to know
because I'd like to choose between

>> No.1705407
File: 169 KB, 944x478, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not retro but well, the RE Outbreak multiplayer is back online and playable since a couple of months ago

Did anybody see the massive drama there? I stopped going there because of reasons. the only thing I heard about it was,

>Admin goes Full Nazi and starts to ban everyone.
>Everybody just ban evades and goes full T/K mode.
>Admin forced to realized he has become a monster unbans everyone.

And that's how Cirno the strongest Yoko in all of the RE world was revived.

>> No.1705435

>Play RE2 on a PS emulator, PC version is very problematic.

The time it takes to look on google how to properly run the game, and properly configure it, will actually make you save time; because you won't have to worry about PS1 version loading times. Also, playing is a lot more confortable without a loading time between every single camera angle.

Not to mention better graphcis, sound, Nightmare difficulty mode and other bonuses.

>> No.1705438

The pc port of re2 came with a windows 98 theme which was awesome back then and an entire new game mode.

>> No.1705638

Full sound acceleration mode causes problems for RE3 (my Win7 has no acceleration option but it plays fine on it), and full screen mode causes problems for Mercenaries.

>> No.1705652


Elder GOD Tier:

High Tier:

Mid Tier:

Don't care about any of the others.

>> No.1706448

Elder GOD Tier:

RE Zero

RE Code Veronica



I should really play 3 someday.

>> No.1706472

>I should really play 3 someday.
No shit. You have RE0 ranked the same as RE and REmake but haven't played 3? God damn...

>> No.1706484

I have a sentiment for 0, played it before REmake and enjoyed it very much, maxed out leech hunter and shit too.

>> No.1707104

>You have RE0 ranked the same as RE and REmake but haven't played 3?
So what? Not to mention that RE0 is better RE game than RE3.

>> No.1707183

>Not to mention that RE0 is better RE game than RE3.
If i wanted a cheap action spin off game i would've just played Dino crisis.

>> No.1707808

Resident Evil Zero felt like some lame-ass anime...RE3 definitely felt more like a Resident Evil game, even with the inclusion of Nemesis.

Also...Dino Crisis was fantastic.

>> No.1707862

>Resident Evil Zero felt like some lame-ass anime
lol. What.

>RE3 definitely felt more like a Resident Evil game
If a action shooter game is what you're after sure. RE:3 and CV were the start of RE's downfall.

>> No.1707870

I remember seeing a fangame being made on the RE2 engine (or was it RE3, or a homebrew one) that was new but in the style of the old ones. I think the name began with a D, anybody know what I'm talking about?

>> No.1707871

I watched Damnation a couple of weeks back, it was pretty neat. Starting bit was slow and pretty lame, but it got better as it went along. That Tyrant fight was pretty great as was seeing 2 of them get wrecked by A-10s

>> No.1707889
File: 470 KB, 1472x4000, RPG villain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol. What.
Exactly what I said. That main antagonist looked like he hopped out of a fucking Final Fantasy game or someshit. It just didn't feel like Resident Evil at all - unlike RE3.

>> No.1707894

Story started to go bad shit crazy after CV what did you expect.

Played and had a better classic RE atmosphere than Dino Evil 3

>> No.1707896

Amazing game. Speedrunning this version is so satisfying.

>> No.1707904

your arguments are falling apart and you're just cocksucking the games you played as a kid now

>> No.1707906

>had a better classic RE atmosphere
>classic RE atmosphere
Nope...like I just fucking said. Nothing about it felt like classic RE.

You're entitled to your shitty incorrect opinions though.

>> No.1707908


>> No.1707916

>You're entitled to your shitty incorrect opinions though.
Ditto, son.

>> No.1707918

This is amazing.

If he can successfully clone the classic RE engine then we'll be able to make our own fan games a lot easier.

>> No.1707921

>Wow this is amazing! Hopefully I can steal all his hard work!

>> No.1707972

You better not be talking about my comparison image. Angel Studios themselves said that they used higher quality midi samples for the N64 music. Obviously everything else had to be compressed though.

What exactly is biased about the comparisons?

>> No.1707975

can you post your image or is it this? >>1701209

>> No.1707978

>The Japanese Beethoven

>> No.1707993

I recommend the HD re-release for PS3/360. The real time lighting really improves the atmosphere.

>> No.1707996

Ya it's that one.

>> No.1708647

I quite liked it. Sure it's pretty meh compared to good titles like RE2 or Remake but if you play it after doing 4 and 5 then you should like it.

>> No.1709717

The one thing the series has gotten consistently right up until ditching the concept altogether was the save room music. Every single save room tune is perfect and it's nigh on impossible to pick the best one. (Though it's Code Veronica, it's always Code Veronica.)

>> No.1709762

>RE2 on N64
>Doesn't even have the Extreme Battle mode

>> No.1709930

I forgot how hilariously bad the director's cut music was holy shit i started laughing like a retard

>> No.1710003

building on other people's software is like... the entire way software is made. you're an idiot

>> No.1710403

>Not supporting free software

>> No.1710409

BioHazard 4best, couse never play 1 or two or even 3

>> No.1710418

I like Bio Hazard Battle more.

>> No.1710440
File: 1 KB, 97x59, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys i just made an expolit cheat engine with the project 64 is the slot item cheat i found this machine gun in particular, what does this mean?
P.D:can crash the rom/game

>> No.1710701

>Unable to connect
I tried dicking around with the Outbreak multiplayer some months ago and could not for the life of me figure that shit out.

>> No.1710871

>If someone doesn't know, the playable build of Resident Evil 1.5 was released a year ago and is available for download

Is it finally "playable" now? Last I checked I got stuck in the air the 2nd or 3rd room from the very start. Will someone bugfix is so we can actually beat those 70% or so of the game?

>> No.1710904

I'm playing REmake right now on the GC and it's hard as nails, but also very satisfying.

>> No.1711050

I've updated my RE2 EB3 LV3 No Weapon No Damage TAS I shared with /vr/ a few months ago. Some parts were also changed for the better like the 2 T-103's in the basements.

Also, I'm nearly finished with a more professional TAS of Director's Cut Chris' Arranged Mode which you guys will probably like it. Someone asked me to do a Mercenaries Nicholai S Rank on TAS format so I got this idea. Should be done in a week or so. Until then, I hope you enjoy this.


>> No.1712639

good skill

>> No.1712661


>> No.1712808

Read the description before saying this nonsense. That TAS is only using save state and load state usage between door loading animations.

You can also check my other videos before judging my skill.

>> No.1713868

RE Survivor looks really good in high res on ePSXe

sucks that all the other classic RE use pre-rendered backgrounds