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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1697026 No.1697026 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /vr/, I used to be a huge fan of playing RPGs. When I was younger I used to be able to sit down and sink hour upon hour into a RPG and enjoy myself thoroughly. That hasn't happened for years now. For one reason or another I just simply can't get into rpgs anymore. I don't know if that's because I've burnt myself out, or I can't find myself able to enjoy them. To be honest I would love to bury myself into a world like that right now. To be frank life has been shit, and I don't want to go on and on about it, but, I really really want some escapism in my life. The only RPG I find myself able to play repeatedly is Final Fantasy Tactics, however, I'm ears for any game you may suggest to help cure my inability to enjoy RPGs or any other games at the moment.

>> No.1697036


>> No.1698095

Thank you for the suggestion, I've actually tried Everquest in the past, however, I didn't really get into it that much. I've never been a fan of MMORPGs.

>> No.1698134

It's definitely a time sink
it's hard to get into though, i'd say most people quit before level 3

>> No.1698151

Yakuza. No seriously.

>> No.1698432

Isn't that a PS3 game? I appreciate it, and I'll take a look at it, but I was hoping for more /vr/ games. That's why I specifically posted here.
I'll still take suggestions that aren't /vr/ but please spoiler them if you're going to suggest them.

>> No.1698438
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>> No.1698451

>not the genesis version

>> No.1698460

What exactly do you look for in a RPG? All I got to go off of here is Tactics, so maybe looking the Ogre Battle series, Vagrant Story, Brigandine: The Legend of Forsena, or Kartia.

>> No.1698468

They are not even the same game, why should OP not play both? I just suggested the one I like best

>> No.1698470

To be honest I used to play everything. SRPGs have always been my favorite but I wouldn't mind a JRPG or WRPG right now. I just have hurdles trying to play them for whatever reason. I was hoping for something darker than usual, but, not to the extent where it's trying too hard to be gritty. I want what I do to actually feel like it matters on some level as well. I apologize if that doesn't help much, but to be frank I'm not even completely sure of what I want myself so I'll take just about anything and everything.

>> No.1698473
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Why not Tactics Ogre? You can get the SNES version fan translated or buy the PSP version. I would not recommend owning the PS1 port

>> No.1698493

I suppose I could try out Shadowrun again. I've heard a lot of good things about it. Every time I try to though I just sort of fall short a little bit after playing it and lose motivation to go on. That's what happens a lot of the time these days to be honest.

Actually, I did play Luct when it came out due to who was behind the game. I really did enjoy it, it was one of the last rpgs I actually did enjoy. I tried out the GBA game and didn't enjoy it that much. I could try replaying it again, I was kind of hoping for something new. I suppose by saying that I should give some games I've played.
I've played most of the Final Fantasy games, including spin offs, Chrono Trigger, Breath of Fire 1/2, Lufia 1/2, Skies of Arcadia, most of the Fire Emblem games, most of the Nintendo Wars series, Pokemon, and some of the SMT games to give a small list off the top of my head to help lower options. I don't mind what kind of RPG it is either, as long as it's just fun and engaging.

>> No.1698502

That's helpful, actually.

Koudelka on the PS1 is rough aroudn the edges mechanically but has a nice Gothic horror story

Legend of the Ghost Lion on the NES is a game that seems to have different interpretations on what it is and what it means depending on who plays it. For example, I saw it as a sorta of surreal fever dream coming of age fantasy a la Alice in Wonderland. My brother sees it as the story of a girl either in purgatory, and another friend of mine thinks it's about a drowning girl who's imagination has gone wild in her final moments, picturing a life of adventure she'll never have.

As I mentioned before, Vagrant Story might deserve a look also, plus it takes place in the same universe as Final Fantasy Tactics.

On to PC rpgs...

Planescape: Torment is known for having a very incredibly dark story a deeper one than most. It's also widely considered one of the better Western RPGs, so it is good to try this at some point or another eventually.

Vangers: One for the Road is a Russian (there's an English version) car combat rpg. I'd say it's nihilistic, but it has some pretty deep lore creative world building

>> No.1698506



>> No.1698507

*purgatory or hell.

>> No.1698521

Those sound like they might be interesting. I'll take a look at them. I've already played Vagrant Story and Planescape, but, I'd be more than willing to give an honest effort to the other ones.

>> No.1698724

I think I recall seeing a thread similar to this on /v/ a week or two back. Was that you? If so, have you tried any of the ones that were suggested in that thread?

I'd also second Koudelka, and if he likes that, while not exactly /vr/, Shadow Hearts as well, since they're technically from the same series, and share a rather dark style.

>> No.1698729

Shadow Hearts is pretty good, it is the only PS2 RPG I have ever beaten. I dropped Covenant by the time I got to the mines in Wales. OP might also like Anachronox, it reminds me of Sacnoth

>> No.1698736

What was the issue you had with Covenant? I generally hear people say they enjoy it, but that sacrificing some of the dark atmosphere Shadow Hearts had for humor can be a turn off to some.

>> No.1698771

The constant battles and unlike Shadow Hearts which had pre rendered 3D, it was too easy to get lost playing Covenant

>> No.1698783

focus on improving your life, not escaping it.

>> No.1698796

I don't think so. I don't recall making a thread like that on /v/, and if I did I completely forgot about it. Sorry, if you remember any of the suggestions in that I'd be keen to hear them though.

Get out of here Marche, I want to play in my Ivalice still.

>> No.1698818


Shining Force III
Albert Odyssey
Magic Knight Rayearth
Blazing Heroes (Mystaria: The Realms of Lore)


Evolution: The World of Sacred Device
EGG: Eternal Gimmick Gear
Skies of Arcadia
Grandia II

>> No.1698829

Lololol. Elemental. Not eternal...

>> No.1698902

>if you remember any of the suggestions in that I'd be keen to hear them though
Well, you might always try doing something a bit different, and see if you can get a friend to sit down and play some of the few co-op JRPGs there are (and it does take someone with a good tolerance at least for JRPGs for it to be an enjoyable co-op experience in most cases). You might find it adds a new, enjoyable dimension to the games than playing them alone.

Of note, some of the older Mana series games allow for co-op, as do most console Tales games (even continuing into the present; they've been one of the few JRPG series to feature a co-op option for the games starting early on, and even carrying it forward to the modern games, and I suppose it helps that the combat is generally fun, with a variety of characters to choose from). There's also a few stand alone co-op RPGs here and there, but sadly they're not all that common.

Another idea I suppose would be to try playing an old favorite of yours and see if that helps. Sometimes when I'm feeling unable to play much for a while, I'll play something I really enjoyed when I was younger and it helps get me out of that rut.

>> No.1698907

If you really want to play in Ivalice, drop some acid. But otherwise, I think you need to focus on other things right now if you can't enjoy games atm. I'm taking a break right now and focusing on other hobbies, there's alot more to do than games bru.

>> No.1698919

Dude, don't suggest acid, even as a joke. Something soft like weed, but OP is probably depressed already, giving them PTSD on top of that isn't gonna help...

>> No.1698934

Tripping out can help depression alot, just need to REALLY control the circumstances. They used the stuff for curing alch addiction back at it's inception. Weed actually is far worse for depression for me, makes me feel like a complete degenerate.

>> No.1698978


I didn't see Xenosaga on that list. I'm finding it to be pretty engaging at the moment. I suffer sort've what you're going through. Xenosaga is the most recent thing I've been able to sit down and play for over an hour before getting bored or sick of it.

>> No.1698980
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>I suffer sort've what you're

What am I reading?

>> No.1698990
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I just woke up. Also I recommend Vanguard Bandits for some cheesy 90's anime SRPG mech goodness.

>> No.1698997

Sounds like you're mostly burnt out on JRPGs. Try some CRPGs.

If you didn't beat PS:T I highly suggest you do. Ultima V is another good "dark" RPG that isnt edgy.

>> No.1699001

If you can read moon this game is SO much better - the translation is fucking awful, easily the worst commercially released localization.

>> No.1699008

"Classic" RPG???

>> No.1699010


I think it just makes it more charming but that's my awful opinion.

>> No.1699019

>easily the worst commercially released localization

Is it worse than Breath of Fire II?

>> No.1699041
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OP. Final Fantasy Tactics if my favorite RPG of all time.

My second favorite is Star Ocean 2. Instead of turn based tactical combat, it's live action.
Together the two of them satisfy every RPG itch I ever get. If you haven't played it yet, I suggest you check it out.

I also really enjoy it and Star Ocean 1's remake on the PSP.

>> No.1699051

I actually really love CRPGs. Baldur's Gate, the earlier Elder Scroll games, Ultima, Planescape, Neverwinter Nights, Fallout, and Icewind Dale just to name a few of my previous loves. I had a huge fancy for all divisions of the RPG genre that just sort of 'stopped' if that makes sense. For the last few years now everything has just stop being enjoyable. All my hobbies just slowly lost the fun they once had one by one. I just want to regain some of the fun I once had and stop feeling miserable all the time.

I love narm. My favorite performance for in game acting is from Symphony of the Night, I embrace narm like it's cake. If it's just plain bad like BoF2 though i don't think I can enjoy it and I'll look for a translation patch.

I haven't played the Star Ocean besides the third game. I really did enjoy that game, does 2 do the combat better than 3?

>> No.1699440
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Shining Force 1 and/or 2.

2 is my favorite. They're both strategy RPGs in the same vein as FF Tactics, though not as deep.

>> No.1699443

I know how you feel bro, sounds like you might be going through some form of depression. Hope things get better for you soon.

>> No.1700919

OP here, I have a question, and I hope to god this doesn't make the thread go into shitpost central, however, my best friend has been recommending Chrono Cross to me saying it'd be something I'd like. Could anyone give me an honest opinion if that would be true or not?

>> No.1700931

OP here again, I've been diagnosed with depression and have been seeing doctors for the last few years. I've been doing my best to try and not really succumb to it, but it's incredibly difficult to just not want to lay down and try to sleep just to avoid the pain. I'm being an attention whore at this point though, I just want to try and ignore it and have fun with video games again. Sage for not retro or video games.

>> No.1701164

Dealing with the emotional issues is nearly impossible, but handling the physical ones isn't too bad. Eat healthy(fruits/veg/real home cooked shit), get at least an hour of body maintenance (walk/stretch/work out/hot bath/whatev), and get good sleep (lights out at bedtime, photons screw with sleep cycles). no you won't feel happy, but you will feel less like shit

>> No.1701191

dude, I went through that for a while. There is no other option than to just tackle your problem head on, make the changes necessary to succeed. Move, try something new, start an online business, do anything to make yourself productive. Prove to yourself that you're worth something instead of wallowing in shit. Don't think about it, just DO! Videogames aren't going to help unless you can make something productive out of it.

The more you do, the better you're going to feel. it's as simple as just stopping.

2 times attempted suicide, 5 year drug addict, now graduating engineering bachelors with professors asking ME to do a masters with them. I stopped by moving home with rents, starting multiple businesses one summer, being productive 24/7, greatest feeling

Liberate yourself dude

>> No.1701208

fallout 3 or mother 3 might be what you're looking for. both of those are non strategy/tactics style, but try shining force 2 if you want one of those. I always liked the fire emblem games, probably my favorite srpg series, but my favorite one isn't retro either

>> No.1701869

Try out Metal Max Returns, OP.

It's very refreshing as an RPG because there's just about no main story. Everything is open world and the setting itself is pretty cool.

It's one of the few games I've played where I really felt like I was on an adventure. Not an adventure laid out for me, but one where I went where the fuck I wanted, when I wanted. And hunted the bounty heads or customized my tanks when I wanted.

If you want escapism, this is a pretty damn good game to do it in. I wish there were more open world games like this.

>> No.1701882

As previous posters said, eat better. Maybe also start to exercise or something. Chamomile tea helps with depression, so you might consider drinking some.

And finally, play Adventures of Hourai High because it's a hilarious RPG that doesn't take itself seriously.


Just patch with Lunar IPS. If you have any issues getting the game to work, just ask.

>> No.1702160


>> No.1702449

Not OP, but wasn't there something about the English patch that caused some bugs in the game or something? Or have those kinks gotten worked out of it?

>> No.1702451

Never ran into them personally, but it would not surprise me.

>> No.1702462

Don't be a sarcastic underage asshole

>> No.1702468

Even /tg/ has regular mental threads and our hobby is even LESS social.

>> No.1702471

*mental health

>> No.1702514
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Suikoden? It's story and tone reminds me of FFT and TO:LUCT. It's a RPG with over 100 possible party members, and an SRPG element that comes out a lot. The SRPG element is shallow as fuck, but it's interesting none the less. Suikoden II is the best in the series.

Maybe also Der Langrisser. The story isn't amazing, but it's a real interesting game. It's mechanics are in between Fire Emblem and Advance Wars, with unique heroes on map each leading half a dozen generic soldier units all under their command.