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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1689662 No.1689662 [Reply] [Original]

In the past few years, just about everyone who talks about video games have transitioned to almost exclusively do it though 4chan, Twitter, or Tumblr. Do you find yourself happy that you can get get everything in one place and reach a greater number of people, or sad that all the small communities with their own identities have died out?

Even if it's nostalgia, it's still a valid feeling.

>> No.1689748

I don't think that's really true. There's a lot of sites that are very specific to a particular retro game, or family of related games. For example, the SCUMMVM site forums, the Vogons forums (dosbox, so anything DOS-based), a number of FRPG sites including some specific to one game (like dmweb.free.fr and dungeon-master.com, a number of sites dedicated to a specific platoform (Amiga has several forums with lots of activity), places like doomworld.com and such, etc.

Btw what's that cool background from?

>> No.1689853

There was always more popular boards, like the various GameSpy forums. Nothing really changed at the core.

>> No.1690313
File: 26 KB, 694x697, tumblr_mkn0xxpejt1qmf2zwo1_r2_1280[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried googling it, which led me to this other image. It was posted in this great forum thread: http://fourms.hipinion.com/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=60140&start=90
The image source points to tumblr, but you can't extract an user profile out of an image URL, so I had to guess it was noirlac. Then I browsed all of the noirlacsourced images in hope to find a match. And then a second time to make sure I didn't miss it. All in all, I sadly didn't find the source.

>> No.1690321 [DELETED] 


play longplays of video game

>> No.1691257

I use to live on snesorama as a teen. That was so fucking long ago.

Smaller communities come and go. Nothing lasts forever. They definitely haven't all died out though.

>> No.1691583

I miss those times. I feel pretty lost and alone in the internet nowadays.

I used to frequent many forums when I was in my early teen years. Anime and games, frequently about a specific series. They offered downloads and were the gateway to the fansubs and community. Met many people there.

Eventually they all apparently died. In-fighting between members, drama, splitting, just general lack of interest and content, lowering of the SNR. It was basically a social hangout for many of us, and with the members gone, it all died.

I moved to gamefaqs, but all the games I care about have mostly dead boards today and it seems there is nothing left to discuss. Didn't make quite as many friends. The few people I knew there have probably forgotten about me by now.

At some point I just ended up here... Don't know if I will ever leave. Added some people on Steam, but eventually lost contact with them as well.

I feel sad and empty and alone. Whenever I look at my early forum days, filled with friends and society, I feel nostalgic and can't help but wonder where I went wrong.

>> No.1691597
File: 222 KB, 500x687, 1376779051949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What game is that from? I have this and some others saved just because I thought they looked nice. Looks like it could be the same game

>> No.1691606
File: 208 KB, 500x449, 1376778276647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this as well

>> No.1691625

Realistically theres not much to talk about for games anymore.

Any question can be answered with a quick google search, or with a quick trip to the gamefaqs faq page of your game, and seeing there are 15+ different walkthroughs and in depth faqs already.

I could see it for the subs for animu in the early stages, but now its literally the same, you search for anime, you find it already subbed, theres nothing to discuss.

Even on /vr/ its almost always just circle jerking a game for awhile, then the thread dies. A flea market/find threads which usually have a dude throwing in a copy of PDS to keep everyone thinking you can find gems out in rural america, the occasional hardware mod thread, and the constant "recommend me games for X platform" threads, and of course, the Chrono Cross/Chrono Trigger threads which seem to be the most active threads on the board.

/vr/ would actually benefit from being a more traditional message board imo.

>> No.1691647
File: 44 KB, 251x231, sad-lain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It makes me sad. Especially given how much I like dead franchises like Mega Man.

/v/ of all places manages to have good Mega Man and even Battle Network discussion from time to time. Every time I spot one, I get filled to the brim with nostalgia. I get the feeling /co/ is also a good place.

All the other places on the internet where discussion still happens, like technology, hate new people asking questions which translates to high barrier to entry, so there's not much point in attempting to discuss anything. There's no way to get a more experienced hacker to take a chunk out of his extremely busy life in order to talk to you about programming in a way that you will learn; you just get told to RTFM unless you're doing something so incredibly specific, people will get curious enough to talk to you about it.

>> No.1691654

Not really, Stack Overflow is usually insanely helpful.

>> No.1691660

I participate on Stack Overflow. It's not about discussion. Sometimes you want to solve a problem, Stack Exchange is amazingly helpful with that. However, other times you want help understanding a concept or want someone's opinion on infrastructure or want to test the limits on what's possible or have any other kind of discussion-heavy conversation. Nowadays, the only place that kind of thing seems possible is IRC.

If you look at the meta, even though the site's designed from the ground up to avoid the pitfalls of discussion forums, they are still struggling massively with question quality and getting highly skilled people to find interesting questions to answer.

>> No.1691939

>/vr/ would actually benefit from being a more traditional message board imo.

Something akin to the old text boards would be ideal really, or a traditional internet forum.

But that leads to how things would be organised. By system? Genre?

But I do think this place will benefit from something more permanent, so it's not "Oh boy, another discussion about the best Final Fantasy where I have to type what I did last time."

But this thread got me thinking of some old forums I used to go on to.

>> No.1693576
File: 8 KB, 259x194, 1402355563802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to forum that used to have lots of life
>last post 2013 "anyone still here?"
>post before that 2011 "hello?"
>that feeling of sadness and nostalgia

Who was she, /vr/?

>> No.1694708
File: 64 KB, 1278x720, ddvsv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else notice how the cloud in the background is giving us a thumbs up?

>> No.1694724

I miss fansites.

Though to be fair, there are a number of game series wikis that serve much of the same purpose. If you've ever been to the Final Fantasy Wikia, there's a ton of good information there if you want to reference the beastiary or weapon lists.

Also, I think you're overplaying the popularity of those three places. There are still a number of popular boards on the internet.

>> No.1696259
File: 18 KB, 275x246, 1359459346382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



It was a community formed around the idea that we could find some mod for the Microsoft Zune. Since it was pretty apparent that hardware mods went out the window, it was mainly a small community joking with and trolling each other, only mentioning the Zune a few times a week to keep things relevant. After the Zune was incorporated into Microsoft's XNA platform, it became a giant software and game swap. I still have some of the project files, The mod team (including me) were some of the worst mods on the internet, and that made the place awesome. We only deleted the spam, anything politically incorrect was allowed.

>my last post was in 2010
>the last post ever made was in early 2012
>the admin shut the place down and sold the domain in fall 2013

>> No.1696265

I feel pretty similar, bro. I used to meet people everywhere, add them on MSN, and hsve dozens of dudes to chat regularly with. Now I don't even know how to go about doing this anymore. I visit some steam threads and add people, and no ody talksmto me. I visit some forums but after 4chan I'm just tired of building a reputation and post count before people even start noticing what you have to say. Things seemed a lot friendlier when I was 15 for some reason, I don't know.

>> No.1696276
File: 159 KB, 1600x1000, fantastic-mr-fox-wild-wolf-fist-raised[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long live dextrose.com

I honestly wish I knew about a lot of the scene sites back in the day of their prime. So much exciting stuff was happening around then, you don't get the same buzz like that anymore (or maybe I'm just being ignorant).

assemblergames is a really great website filled with people who really know what they're talking about in terms of retro gaming. I recommend checking it out, lot's of cool people and lot's of cool things.

>> No.1699178


Those were the days.

>Things seemed a lot friendlier when I was 15 for some reason, I don't know.

I'm at a loss for what happened, man. It's just not the same anymore.

>> No.1699196

As someone who grew up on NES sites in middle school until 11th grade. I miss those sites

>> No.1699213

i discovered a graphic adventure forum thats 15 years old last month and had a blast reading the old threads. They argued about emule and how it is supperior and will never change to bittorrent.
I feel like if i want to go someplace to learn about retro games i have nowhere to go. Its really shitty because i grew up in third world south america not being able to speak english so i missed out on a lot of videogames

>> No.1699345

>i grew up in third world south america not being able to speak english

y-you too

>> No.1699376

It's actually still pretty active, but I fell out of the community so long ago that there's really no going back for on smwcentral.

>> No.1700719

The Seriously! forums. I haven't been there in almost a decade but I'm sure it's still kicking.

>> No.1705293


>> No.1705434

It is, there's new stuffs like that serious sam mod which it recreates the original and lost alpha version.