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1679126 No.1679126[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are the best multiplayer beat 'em ups

>> No.1679132

Battle toads, if you love fucking your friend over

>> No.1679149

The Final Fight with Guy.

>> No.1679153

SNES Final Fight was single player one, though.

>> No.1679157

Outside of arcade there is Sega CD, which actually has a damn good soundtrack.

>> No.1679162

Damn, I'll check that out, the synth from final fight is one my favorite osts.

OP, if you can get mame check out mystara, knights of the round, x-men, simpsons or anything that supported 3 players+.

>> No.1679165

Isn't River City Ransom multiplayer? That was pretty fun.

>> No.1679170

It is!

>> No.1679268

I've pumped enough quarters into simpsons to buy the damn machine

>> No.1679296
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Two Crude Dudes? AKA Crude Buster from Data east.

>> No.1679458
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TMNT III: Manhattan Project

>> No.1679462

Heh, I've got the arcade pcb. Pretty gud game.

>> No.1679531

that game is an awesome game. me and a friend once got close to the end of the game.

>> No.1679680

X-Men Arcade

>> No.1679684

Simpsons Arcade

>> No.1679687
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>Haven't played streets of rage in what must be 15 years
>Playing coop with a buddy
>Get to last boss
>Choose the wrong dialogue
>Go back like 4 levels
>Not enough lives or time to make it back
>So close but so far

>> No.1679978

Any Golden Axe game

>> No.1680314

Vendetta/arcade, Growl/arcade, CrimeFighters/arcade

>> No.1680478


>> No.1680509
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Always have been a favorite of mine.
I just realized that there was an option to make the turtles look like their comic counterparts.
Lost my shit.

>> No.1680532

Was the PS2 streets of rage a part of the same series? I don't think I'm seeing any familiar characters there.

>> No.1680547

The only name i can ever remember off the top of my head is axel

>> No.1681515

Streets of Rage 3 is horrible. The game is just cheap. Here's the thing. I can beat it without using any continues, but I can't beat it without losing lives. I really don't want to lose lives to cheap ass shit, because I enjoy my 3 star blitz attacks.

Tip: Get 3 stars with Zan, remain on the bottom of the screen and spam the shit out of his 3-stars-blitz. You will destroy everything.

Zan > Blaze > Axel > Skate > Roo
(Of course, Shiva > all)

>> No.1681580

Streets of Rage 3 might be garbage, but the Japanese version is alright.

The problem with the US version is that they upped the difficulty of all the difficulty levels, and then made it so you can't get the true ending unless you play on Hard. Which is the equivalent of the hardest difficulty in the Japanese version. It's complete bullshit.

>> No.1681584
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Because they knew americans are better

>> No.1681592
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I love these kind of box arts

>> No.1681783

Not actually their comic counterparts, where they all had red bandanas and were the same skin tone, but actually the original toys.

>> No.1681789

Final Fight 3 on the SNES is pretty sweet. Four different characters, lots of neat combos and special moves, Haggar's back, and it's got a boss-ass soundtrack.

Level 5 is literally just as long as the entire game up to that point though

>> No.1681796

I remember getting shit faced hammered on whisky with a negro playing it until we passed out. He may have raped me, he may have stole my stuff. Hell he may have did both.

Moral of the story, don't pick the girl. She sucks.

>> No.1681957
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Final Fight (arcade)
Final Fight CD
Golden Axe (arcade/Genesis)
Altered Beast
Captain Commando (arcade)
Aliens vs. Predator (arcade)
Streets of Rage
Streets of Rage 2
Bare Knuckle III
X-Men (arcade)
any TMNT game done by Konami
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie (seriously, this game is damn good)
I couldn't agree more.


>> No.1681965

Newb. Blaze is the absolute best character in SOR1.

Blaze > Axel > Adam
Blaze is the fastest movement and the longest jab. The fastest movement gives obvious benefits but also lets her do grapple infinites the best, and the longest jab allows her to do infinite jabs the best. She also has a better jump kick than Axel and a better back attack than Adam. She's completely and utterly the best character in the game.

Axel > Max > Skate > Blaze
Blaze is now the worst character in the game. Every other character can easily out-damage her. Axel's Grand Upper is one of the most overpowered moves in beat'em up history. Max is one of the most powerful "big guys" in beat'em up history. Skate is much weaker than the above two, but is still better than Blaze thanks to his awesome throws; you have to play him as a speedy grapple character. For instance, don't finish off his combo, instead jab once to stun an enemy then dash and grab and finish off with a damaging throw. Blaze is a very well-rounded character, but compared to the other three she's the worst.

SOR3 (this game is irrelevant, but whatever-)
Just look at my previous post>>1681515
for character rankings.

>> No.1681972


Power tier of SoR2 chars depends on how many players. If going solo Max rules, due to his back/reverse throw doing the same amount of damage to not only the enemy you grab but also anyone in the way. Kills most grunts instantly.

>> No.1682021

Oh, yeah, seconding this, Final Fight 3 was great. I've only played it once or twice, though. Might be time to bust it out again. Thanks for the reminder.

>> No.1682094

Yeah I agree, FF3 is my favourite FF. I love how the moves work, more like a fighting game rather than your typical beat em up. I also like the running, and the different paths in levels.

>> No.1682116

You know what you're talking about, but you forgot that Axel is the only character in the game with standing infinites. There are characters with wall infinites, however.

I don't think there's a 2D brawler of similar quality to this day, especially when you look for one that rivals the number of two-player tricks SoR2 had.

>> No.1682119 [DELETED] 

Note that I'm talking about SoR2 in this post.

>> No.1682121

>Axel is the only character in the game with standing infinites. There are characters with wall infinites, however.

Care to elaborate on those?

>> No.1682124



Here are six videos that should give you an idea of why Bare Knuckle 2 is the single deepest retro 2D brawler. You won't have any questions after that.

>> No.1682129

Can you summarize it? Because it just looks like a couple of fat nerds letsplaying.

>> No.1682148

I can try. Axel has a jab infinite that allows him to slowly overtake anything in front of him. If he has health to burn he can accomplish a toward-special infinite so long as someone is standing by to consistently jab him out of it. Jet and Shiva, when fought alone, can be AI-looped by hugging the edge, and on higher difficulties you can stop enemies from spawning by hugging the left edge during boss fights or storming ahead of a crowd during the levels. Max, Axel, and I think Blaze have wall grapple infinites. Two players can grab the same enemy and simultaneously throw him for huge damage. The hardest parts of the game to survive are the elevators, not any of the bosses. Every character does the same damage with weapons but Max has added utility to compensate for not getting significant boost in power from them. You can tech throws by holding up and jump. Skate can moonwalk.

>> No.1682389

you posted it.
Also, Streets of Rage Remake
And Asterix & Obelix.

>> No.1682394

Not multiplayer, but you guys should check out Death and Return of Superman for Genesis.
It's pretty difficult for a beat em' up, and it changes things up by giving you a different character every couple of levels.

>> No.1682404

>Also, Streets of Rage Remake

Far from it. Unless they've improved it since then (haven't played in at least 1 or 2 years), but last time I checked the enemy AI was awful; and their idea of 'challenge' and 'enemy placement' it throwins waves of DOZENS and DOZENS of the toughest bad guys at you at once during the last stages; forcing you to spam super and the cheapest tricks there is to survive

>> No.1682406

Also character balance is really bad

>> No.1682407

Dragons Crown

for vr, DnD SoM and ToD

>> No.1682870

Dragons Crown
That shit's awful

>> No.1682936

NI it wasn't that bad!

>> No.1683002

No, it is not.

>> No.1683005

fuck yo ass

>> No.1683013

dude, try SOR Remake v5.0

>> No.1683025

i think his opinion is already made up

>> No.1683060

Oh, I beat it on the hardest difficulty by myself when it was new. Saved the city from DEATH BY NUKE, and I was aware of how fucked the game was. Every magazine was all "What the hell, Yuzo?"

>> No.1683213


About what?

>> No.1683232

about sor remake being WEAK ass shit

>> No.1683243

Agreed. SoR2 is the greatest beater ever made, and with 2 players only gets better and better. The only beat-em-up that comes close is Alien vs Predator.

>> No.1683581

SOR2 is the greatest console beat'em up ever created, but I rank several arcade beat'em ups above it - which isn't really fair considering the differences in hardware.

Beat'em ups are traditionally an arcade genre, just like shmups or fighting games; while, say, platformers and RPGs are console genres. Arcade games are designed to be fast and initially-difficult. I would say that up till SOR2, most console beat'em ups merely emulated the arcade-style of beat'em ups - enemies deal high damage, short game length, "cheap", etc. So the typical console gamer, who never played arcade games and thus doesn't understand the genre and arcade culture, would easily dismiss beat'em ups as shallow - many would merely use their continues to reach the end of the game, and never play it again. That's why so many people dismiss beat'em ups as a shallow genre, when in fact it's the opposite. Beat'em ups, originally a purely arcade genre, are like shmups with punches. Beat'em ups were highly respected in Asian countries, where arcades were often the primary choice for gaming, while being looked down on by the Western console crowd.

Anyway, SOR2 was probably the first beat'em up that actually played and felt like a console game. Methodical slow-paced gameplay, initially very easy (although mania mode is extremely difficult) allowing console gamers to become immersed into the game (as opposed to "frustrating" arcade-style beat'em ups where the beginning player may have to use a continue by the second stage), and the game takes its time with things and unfolds things gradually, while providing great music, atmosphere, etc. Most importantly, the gameplay is strictly UN-ARCADE-LIKE. Enemies do pitiful damage and the playable characters do ridiculously high damage, which enhances the FUN and reduces the initial frustration. And then you have mania mode for replayability. So it's no wonder why SOR2 is so loved by primarily console gamers.

>> No.1683609
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I believe that someday a brave man will appear, he'll defeat the monsters. He'll ride up to me on a white house, and stretch out his hand. Then he'll kiss me and ..... What's the matter? Am I boring you?

>> No.1683615

naw. I'd say best beat em up ever made. Wish it had more content though.

>> No.1683620

thoughts on SoR3 and Final Fight CD

>> No.1683651

D&D Tower of Doom power rankings:
Cleric > Fighter > Dwarf > Elf

not a big difference in the first three but the Cleric has a slightly better block. Elf is super fragile and sucks.

D&D Shadow Over Mystara power rankings:
Mage > Thief > Dwarf > Fighter > Cleric > Elf (if Mage/Thief get their Infinite Life Hats)
Mage > Dwarf > Fighter > Cleric > Thief > Elf (not using the hat exploit)

Mage's forward+attack special is lightning fast and has a super high crit rate and his kick attack is also stupid-fast and stuns, so... you can spend most of the game shoulder-checking guys and stabbing the shit out of them. any time that doesn't work, you have all that magic. Dwarf is better than Fighter now because of his down->up+attack special, which hits bosses like eight times for obscene damage, and you get a much faster dash/dodge ability now too. even with Fighter this game is still easy though. Thief is a little on the fragile side and Elf still sucks, although at least now you get infinite arrows. but Thief gets infinite sling stones and they're better. Cleric sucks for most of the game but has two very cool optional weapons about 2/3rds in.

>> No.1683654

I really don't like SOR3. There isn't a single arcade beat'em up that I haven't one-coined at one time or another. I consider all of them to have fair gameplay.

SOR3 (USA version) just gets on my nerves. The enemies fight like ice-skating Muhammad Ali clones - they slide all over the screen at triple your speed and pepper you with jabs, forcing you to abuse wavy jump kicks. Here's the thing, if the game didn't have the SOR name, then I would consider it to be a damn fine game, but it differentiated itself from what made SOR2 so damn fun: 1) extremely high damage 2) sense of satisfaction and IMPACT with your attacks 3) great music, atmosphere, enemies 4) all four characters play very differently. There may be more, but I'm typing this on the fly, and haven't played either game in years.

Now when it comes to SOR3. 1) your characters do pitiful damage compared to SOR2 (2) your punches feel and sound like slaps, and lack any "oomph" (compare hitting someone with a pipe in SOR2 and 3 and you'll know what I mean) (btw, IMPACT is one of the most important aspects of beat'em ups, just like explosions and sound effects can make or break a shmup) (3) shitty music, forgettable stages and enemies, and bland graphics (4) you can play all the characters in the same exact manner (just switch jump kick with shoulder with Zan) with a high focus on throws, and wavy jump kicks on bosses

Funny enough, if SOR3 wasn't called SOR then I would consider it a damn fine game. But it differentiated itself from SOR2 (and 1) in just too many ways.

never played final fight cd

>> No.1683659


this guy's dash->attack->forward+attack combos with mage make the game look like a joke

>> No.1683671

Sorry, dude. I have to disagree with your rankings.

Just some background info before I get into my reasons. TOD I can one-coin with only the Fighter. Admittedly, I haven't put that much time into this game. But I think it's generally agreed on the Asian web (where exists the most beat'em up enthusiasts in the world, and thus the most experts in the genre) the Fighter is unanimously agreed upon to be the best character, while the Dwarf is considered to be the most difficult (not necessarily weakest) character. The other two are somewhere in-between.

Okay, now about SOM. I know that game like the back of my hand. I've literally one-coined that game over 300 times over the years, ever since CPS2 emulation was cracked. I can one-coin the game with every character.

My rankings are for solo play.

When it comes to speedruns, the Dwarf and Elf are supreme. Both have shortcuts (esp. Dwarf who can skip Nagpa). Dwarf does shit-ton of damage. Elf can wipe out first two bosses the fastest thanks to early access to earrings (to perform lightning bolt criticals) and many other bosses with lightning criticals or infinite leaves on grounded bosses. (ALL characters can do lightning criticals, but the elf can do them earlier).

High score run: Thief. No discussion necessary.

No-damage run: Magic-user.

(continued with "normal" runs and detailed summaries of characters)

>> No.1683676
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>> No.1683680

Even though that's a TAS video, really good magic-users can do similar tricks, albeit less consistently and at a slightly slower speed. And yeah, even without TAS, the magic-user DOES make the game look like a joke.

Okay, character rankings for normal runs...

1) Magic-user. He's the easiest character to beat the game with. Just watch a few youtube one-coin runs to learn which spells to save and use on which bosses. And make sure you pick up the infinite-quantity lightning wand at the gnome village. As long as you get past the lich you HAVE NO EXCUSE not to one-coin the game. Not only are the spells ridiculously powerful, plus access to infinite lightning wand, the mage is actually a pretty decent melee fighter too.

2) Cleric: MANY players in Asia consider the cleric better than the mage. He's one of the best melee fighters in the game. Stick with forward-attack --> qcf+atk (repeat). That's IT. don't use his damn combo until you've become used to the timing of the game (don't mash in this game lest you want kicks to come out. and don't use turbo-keys like a cheater). One tip: STICK with his default weapon (the mace). It's his best weapon. It's his only weapon that does full damage with special attacks and can gain the full buffs (ALL non-default weapons except for the Sword of Legend do less than full damage with special attacks and do not receive FULL buffs. Keep that in mind. Even though that bastard sword may LOOK cool, your regular longsword is actually better. ALSO keep in mind that (except for 2h-sword and battle axe with dwarf) longer weapons do NOT increase your hitbox. Therefore, the ELF in particular (due to her shitty reach) will NEVER EVER improve her weapons reach despite using the Sword of Legend or the bastard sword). Anyway, the cleric has so many heals (PLUS HEAL RINGS), amazing melee capabilities (STICK WITH HIS QCF+ATK and never look back) and self-buffing. Seriously, this guy is godly. Comparing the magic-user (cont)

>> No.1683690


So it's the classic "It's not a bad game, it's a bad ________ game" opinion. Fair enough. I think the Japanese version is solid since it halves the amount of, well, bullshit.

SoR3 had some decent music. Reflected the darker/grittier/whatever tone of the game well.

>> No.1683692


damn! I didn't even know about the critical lightning bolt trick. I dumped mad quarters into SOM at the arcade when I was young and emulated it a bit, but I have only one-quartered it with mage, fighter, and dwarf. did not know that about the non-default weapons either, that's a pain. cleric's big ball and chain is so fun.

>> No.1683701

Comparing the magic-user and cleric is like arguing who is better: Mustapha or Mess. Both are DAMN good and are practically interchangeable in the rankings. What is for sure is that they're superior to the rest of the cast.

3) Fighter: Always consistent. Appears balanced and rudimentary at first. But especially with back-jump combos, he can do some damn elaborate combos. He's excellent to learn the game with because he can destroy the harpy for free (who is usually the WALL that beginning players aiming to one-coin the game run into). He's just too damn solid with his defense and high health. As if he isn't good enough, he gets the most lightning bolt rings (chests give out different items depending on which class opens them).

TIED) Dwarf and Elf: Both require more skill than the above classes to reach the same level of performance. Dwarf can out-damage practically everyone, but is the worst user of single-use-items. LOL but a good dwarf doesn't really need to use them. But still, the fighter is much more versatile and consistent which is why I ranked him higher.

The elf is one of those characters that look like a piece of turd at first, but you can find a diamond in that turd if you take the time to learn her. She has access to the most one-hit-kill glitches against bosses (the thing is that - the bosses aren't that difficult, so it's like being the best at a specific event at the special Olympics). She's a glass cannon. If you play her well according to PLAN (the elf REQUIRES planning just like the magic-user) then she is awesome, but mess up and LOL say goodbye to your health. The fact that she requires extremely good execution and lack of errors, while everyone above her can mess up and still be okay, puts her below them IMO.

Last) Thief. SOrry, thief-fans, but she's unanimously considered the most difficult character to use. It's not that she's bad - she's awesome, it's just that the rest of the cast are just that much better. (cont)

>> No.1683708

the biggest negative is that the thief is the only character that cannot uncurse the Sword of Legend using the jump-attack-animation exploit.

One other thing about the ELF. Her weapon reach will NEVER improve. If you think your bastard sword is making your reach longer, you're imagining things. I can provide proof with screens of hitboxes, or you can just test it out yourself by hitting a metal chest with her default weapon then a "longer" weapon. This applies to all the other characters too. Furthermore, all characters have the same walking speed. For some strange reason, some people think the elf is faster than the other characters *shrugs*

Okay, best weapons if you're not going to bother getting the Sword of Legend:

Fighter: normal sword
Dwarf: bastard sword
Elf: bastard sword
Thief: normal sword

Cleric: normal mace (it's way better than the morning star. I'll prove it. BRB)

>> No.1683721

Morning Star
- - - - - - - - - -
Normal Damage: 22
Maximum Damage (with buffs): 28
Increased damage with special attacks: multiply by 1.25
Increased damage with Striking: multiply by 1.25
Increased damage with Bless: mult by 1.25
Inc. damage with Striking + Bless: mult by 1.25 (serious. I'm not making this up.)

Normal mace (level 4)
- - - - - - - - - -
Maximum damage: 20
Inc. damage when using special attacks: mult. by 1.5
Inc. dam. with Striking: mult by 1.5
Inc. dam. with Bless: mult by 1.25
Inc. damage with Striking AND Bless: 1.75

So against bosses, you should always cast bless and striking. With your normal mace you will do 35 damage. With the morning star you will do 28 damage. Stick with the mace.

>> No.1683731

BTW, sorry if my post sounded like I was attacking you, such as:
>>Her weapon reach will NEVER improve. If you think your bastard sword is making your reach longer, you're imagining things

My posts weren't directed at anyone specific.

>> No.1683917

good god, what a sperglord.
Streets of Rage Remake was fucking awesome.

>> No.1683936

and of course your solid argument against the flaws I've pointed out are "sperglord"

>> No.1684157

What about the combination of every good aspect of SOR, the soundtrack, the level design, the possibilities, the details, the unlock, the playbable characters ?
Ho right, just gonna slap some buzzword shit in you argumentation
>Mu AI in SOR
good god. Can you tell me where SoR do that in a bad way ?

>> No.1684181

Ninja Baseball Bat Man
Undercover Cops
Dungeon Magic

>> No.1684186

cadillacs and dinosaurs all day every day