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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1670123 No.1670123[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some retro games / characters / settings / etc. you'd like to see them dust off brought into the modern age?

What are some that were brought back that should have been left in the past?

Kid Icarus was one of my favorite games, and I'd love to see it brought back.
A new game starring Pit or even a reimagining of the series would be cool.

What about you?

>> No.1670130

You seriously weren't aware of Kid Icarus Uprising OP?

>> No.1670139

I've always wanted a new Lunar, with the Grandia combat system.

>> No.1670141

Honestly, just star tropics. I feel the original two were that well designed zelda like that almost none have matched.

Let it be done by retro studios too to again get that western perspective.

>> No.1670153
File: 550 KB, 1024x768, Rayman Over the Edge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All of the retro games, characters or settings either simply don't belong in this age of gaming or would be "reimagined" into edgy, gimmicky disasters. Look at Sonic, Crash, Spyro, Final Fantasy, countless other classic franchises. More or less faithful remakes of classical games on modern hardware could be a different story, but I really don't want any of my childhood favorites to be "reimagined" into picrelateds.

>> No.1670156


No, no I wasn't. Now I feel kinda dumb...

Looks pretty cool, just on a cursory Googling.
I've never really given much credence to the 3DS, though, just because it seemed kinda gimmicky to me
(although I'll be the first to admit that my opinion is based on nothing, I've never played a 3DS/DS, and I could be totally wrong.)

I was imagining something like Nintendo presents God of War -- characters from Greek mythology, epic battles, a complex protagonist, Biblical imagery -- but with the fun and lovability of a Nintendo game.

Oh well! My questions still stand, though. :)

>> No.1670303

I think the Ice Climbers, for as much love as they get in Smash Bros., need a game that's actually good to star in.

Nintendo should do that with a lot of their dead IPs. You know, make good games out of them!

>> No.1670317

They need to make a new Glover. it was so fucking good i dont care

>> No.1670319

I was glad that with Metroid they skipped over the N64 and went to the GameCube with Metroid Prime.

What's wrong, Anon?

Don't you want to see all your favorite childhood memories turned into 2edgy grimdark black-like-my-soul Anime characters?

>> No.1670334

Was Legends not good or something?

>> No.1670337


Kid Icarus: Uprising is an amazing game.

>Fast paced action
>Plenty of weapons
>Has a 1-10 difficult slider with 10 being crazy difficult
>Good multiplayer
>Funny writing

>I've never really given much credence to the 3DS, though, just because it seemed kinda gimmicky to me

The 3D is indeed a gimmick but when you get beyond that it has a great library.

>> No.1670341

I wish it would get ported to the Wii or Wii U already. The game is physically impossible for me to play comfortably, being left-handed. I either have to awkwardly use my right hand with the stylus or even more awkwardly hold my 3DS with that bulky circle pad pro attachment with one hand. I couldn't play it for more than an hour.

>> No.1670373

Take your shit controls game back to /v/.

>> No.1670628
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>> No.1670657

I feel like Next Level Games could do it better than Retro. They can be wacky like that.

I'm a southpaw as well, but I don't have any trouble. You just gotta learn how to use your right hand. Alternatively, you could use the thumb pad wrist strap from the original DS, I did that for a while and thought it was pretty good. Ultimately not as good as the stylus though.

>> No.1670660

Be careful what you wish for:

>> No.1670665

I'd go for a new 4-player Balloon Fight, but after Tingle no Balloon Fight, I don't think they could get the feel of the game down correctly. A romhack would suit my wants better honestly.

>> No.1670686

>OP wants a new Kid Icarus game
>Anon delivers info about the new game
>You bring some toxicity to the table that belongs on /v/
>You then tell someone to go back to /v/
go away, please

>> No.1670712


Legends is damn good, that guy is just bitter.

Also the Duck Tales and Double Dragon remakes are great too.

>> No.1670729

I dunno about Legends, personally I thought it and Origins were both all flash, no substance. There were some novel gamepad uses on Legends, but nothing else about the game impressed me as being anything beyond a typical indie platformer with a budget.

>> No.1670738

Well, the point of the game WAS to go back to the origins. And the original rayman was just like that.

The GBA games used the same engine as Rayman 1 and guess what, nobody gave a shit about them either.


>> No.1670742

Uprising reminds me too much of Air Fortress with it's 1-2 shmup and boss/core destroying sequences. I would like it to become a platformer again though.

>> No.1670752


Battletoads 2 for Wii is an awesome game, I'm very anxious for the release of the third game on WiiU.

>> No.1670754

I guess it's because I only ever played Rayman 2 before they went into the Rabbids dark ages. Not that I went in thinking it should be a 3D platformer or something, but I don't really understand why some people liked it so much when it was really dull aside from the graphics. If anything I thought the new Rayman games were the modern-day equivalent of Donkey Kong Country.

>> No.1670763

Har har har.

>> No.1670846

Uprising isn't really like a Kid Icarus game.

>> No.1670849

The closest you're gonna get is the game boy SEQUEL, that's right, not a port.

>> No.1670857

Gunpei had an anti-demake policy.
GB Kid Icarus is a sequel in the same vein of Metroid 2.

>> No.1670859

>The closest you're gonna get is the game boy SEQUEL

I've played the sequel.

I'd like a new Kid Icarus game that plays like a Kid Icarus game.

>> No.1670871

I meant the gb game in the video I linked above. Did you play it? It's an actual sequel made by gunpei yokoi himself

>> No.1670878

>I meant the gb game in the video I linked above.

That's exactly what I meant too.

Not everyone is a retard.

>> No.1670881

I didn't meant offense, I thought I thought my post was badly worded and people usually shrug off any gb games as an inferior port.
I know what you're getting at, what I really wanted was a Super Kid Icarus on SNES.

>> No.1671307

Legends is good. Lots of variety.
I like Origins better, though. Best Sonic game I ever played.

>> No.1671359
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>retro games
Kunio series games, the sports games in particular had lots of potential that was never fully realized.

Since Mario and Sonic still are getting new games why not give one of the other mascot/platformer characters of the 90s another change?

Ancient Greece, wild west

>> No.1671468


From OP's post:
>A new game starring Pit or even a reimagining of the series would be cool.

>> No.1671649

>I've never really given much credence to the 3DS, though, just because it seemed kinda gimmicky to me

3DS is packed with great games and is easily the best handheld on the market. The 3D effect is optional, since there is a slider that increases/decreases the 3D and even turns it off. Although there are a few games that make good use of the 3D.

>> No.1671657


Man, finding out what happened to Whoopee Camp, I almost feel like I was better off not knowing.

>> No.1671763
File: 200 KB, 1441x1081, 1323240248823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you just can't find that "the difference between Sonic and Crash Bandicoot is that Sonic always gets another change no matter how bad his last game was" image you wanted to post

Anyway some games I'd like to see to make a comeback are Actraiser, Startropics, Wizards & Warriors and real sequels to Breath of Fire and Suikoden games.

>> No.1671787

A reboot of Captain N

>> No.1671812


I know this is /vr/ and all but the 3DS is a piece of shit unless you absolutely love Nintendo and Capcom games.

You'd be better served by getting a cheap PSP and filling it with rom's.

>> No.1671965
File: 28 KB, 400x300, Conker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<--- This little guy.

>> No.1671974

>Uprising reminds me too much of Air Fortress with it's 1-2 shmup and boss/core destroying sequences.
It was originally going to be a Star Fox game until Sakurai said to himself; let me slap on Kid Icarus instead

There's tons of cut content and ideas on the drawing board he out right refuses to spill about

>> No.1671980

>Man, finding out what happened to Whoopee Camp, I almost feel like I was better off not knowing.

At least the creator of tomba/leader of whoopee ended up in Platinum. The problem is no gamer fucking knows who really owns the IP now. Must hurt like a bitch at your work of art being taken to the depths of hell

>> No.1671983

Supposedly Retro Studios are rebooting the Star Tropics series; from what I read on /v/

>> No.1672185
File: 4 KB, 256x240, Startropics (U) [!]-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I must have had bananas in my ears since I have never heard about this but unless someone other than /v/ confirms this I'm not believing this even if a quick google search did bring up some speculation that a StarTropics reboot might be Retro Studios current mystery project. It is much more likely that mystery project is a new Star Fox, F-Zero or a new Metroid game as those are popular franchises everyone want a sequel to compared to StarTropics which is relatively unknown even to people who grew up with NES.

>> No.1672195

Yeah, but the rest of the guys wound up in Cavia. Which is now something else entirely.

>> No.1672212

>That kid

>> No.1672236

I don't really think tomba needs a third game, and definitely not a reboot.
A release would be nice, though.

>> No.1672307

> uses Rayman as an example
> somehow is unaware of the two fantastic Rayman sidescrollers released this and last gen

Try harder faget

>> No.1673097

It was in an interview

Google "Sakurai star fox kid icarus"

>> No.1673113

>Tanabe is apparently tasked with recreating games made by Genyo Takeda; his first game was help create Punch out

>Genyo Takeda was Nintendo's very first Video Game Designer. (He's now focused on hardware only)

>Nintendo producer Kensuke Tanabe confirmed that Retro Studios is working on a new game with him

>this game has been in development for a few months now


The only games that are up in the air are:
>Star Tropics on the NES
>Sheriff, the arcade game
>Fire Bird, the arcade game (which is literally vertical gradius with a jump button)

Also, this happened a while ago


Seeing those two artists work with retro on a adventure game with this type of environment (90s themed, quirky and grim adventure game) sounds plausible. I just don't like it how this gets promoted over metroid

>> No.1673115
File: 87 KB, 785x541, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking captcha ate my pic