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1661523 No.1661523 [Reply] [Original]

Was anyone else put off by this ending when playing Simon's Quest?

It's kind of a slap in the face to the player - the whole game is about Simon trying to lift the curse from his battle with Dracula in the first game, and even though he kills Dracula in this ending, he still succumbs to the curse and dies anyway. At least the bad ending implies Simon died in this game's Dracula battle.

Considering all the bullshit the game puts you through at certain points, that makes it adding insult to injury.

>> No.1661528

Everybody dies, kiddo.

>> No.1661573

He died, but he died a hero's death ensuring Dracula would remain dead longer.

>taking CV's plot seriously

>> No.1662165

>not liking bittersweet endings

I was more pissed off CV3 was a prequel and never cared for the "Vampire Hunter Family" concept tacked onto the Belmont clan. I always imagined Simon's pursuit of Dracula to be self-motivated as opposed to "I gotta do this because my ancestors did".

But seriously, Castlevania has never been a game driven by story.

>> No.1662169

>waaaaaaaahhhhhh all endings should be happy because i don't like to be saaaaad
Grow up.

>> No.1662178

Wait, you completed Simon's quest and THAT is what pissed you off the most?

It was an enjoyable game but there are plenty of bigger train-wreck moments along the way.

>> No.1662187


If you want feels with your ending go watch a Disney movie.

>> No.1662189

I think I misspoke. If you're gonna kill the main character, you have to do it right. Castlevania II does not handle that concept very well.

>> No.1662204

Feels is a krautchan meme, newfag.

>> No.1662240

>Was anyone else put off by this ending when playing Simon's Quest?
Yeah, back when I was a kid and finished the game for the first time. I had absolutely no idea that there are three different endings, and that you had to finish the game as fast as possible in order to get the best one. So, obviously, I got the worst ending and thought "That's it? What. The. FUCK?!". Didn't find out about the different endings until years later.

>> No.1662370

Castlevania's first 3 games have a really heavy jojo vibe to them.

It's a similar ending to the first part of jojo where jojo/simon defeats the evil vampire but dies anyway.

The goal of the belmonts of castlevania has always been to kill Dracula. Many games end with Dracula's final words being something to the effect "I will be revived someday but you are mortal"

>> No.1662639

I liked it better that way too, where Simon was just some badass who one day decided he'd had enough of Drac's shit and went to go shut him up.

Richter had a good motive at least, not because of his heritage, but because Drac snatched his bitch and he wasn't gonna have none of that.

>> No.1664257
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>> No.1664338

>At least the bad ending implies Simon died in this game's Dracula battle.
That always seemed odd to me. It's like they accidentally switched the text for the bad ending with the normal ending.

>> No.1667063
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>> No.1667092 [DELETED] 

What does it say? I can't read nazi.

>> No.1667116

You know there's three different endings, right?

>> No.1667176

>implying Soma getting killed by J isn't the true ending of Aria of Sorrow
>implying you getting sent back to the start isn't the true ending of Gimmick
>implying having a Q-tip inserted into your dick and dying from orgasmic pressure-rupture isn't the true ending of Bible Black

It's people like you, who refuse to accept defeat, that made Battlestar Galactica keep going past season 2.

>> No.1669028


>> No.1669036

>Complaining about spoilers in a 25-years old NES game.
Did you know Aerith dies in Final Fantasy VII?

>> No.1669042

I was doing fine in this game until that fuckin tornado. I didn't find out what I was supposed to do at that wall until years later.

>> No.1669070

To be fair, not everyone here grew up in the 80s/90s. Spoiler alerts should be used for the teens and 20-somethings who are playing these games for the first time.

>> No.1669083

they've had their whole lives to play
bruce willis was dead the whole time

>> No.1669087

>spoiler alerts
>simon's quest
are you guys just full autards or what?

>> No.1669117

There are no spoilers in retro action games, shitheads. Story is irrelevant in those games. Also, that guy who started this "discussion" was obviously kidding.

>> No.1669141

I don't remember any Aerith in FFVIII.

>> No.1669143

It's probably the name of the planet.

>> No.1669976

>I don't remember any Aerith in FFVIII.

>> No.1669984
File: 25 KB, 800x600, castlevania-haunted-castle-image_2012-02-26_000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's that shitty infinity sign on its side? Lol have some cool pictures sucker.

>> No.1669987
File: 17 KB, 407x279, castlevania32397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1669994

I find it stranger than in the bad ending, Simon does not die, he does in the neutral one, and he doesn't in the good one, but Dracula seemingly returns from the grave.