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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1642502 No.1642502 [Reply] [Original]

What are ya scoring in, /vr/?

>> No.1642524

trying to clear gradius 2

this shit is bananas

>> No.1642536

Trying to one-credit Cannon Spike. Don't think it's going to happen in this lifetime.

>> No.1642660 [DELETED] 


>> No.1642927

I'm still looking for a game to suit my tastes

>> No.1642975
File: 19 KB, 320x224, blaz0004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started playing Blazing Star because it's easy and I need get used to shootan again after playing a through a bunch of interactive movies.

The girls are kawaii too.

>> No.1643075

>Blazing Star
Funny how the ship from Pulstar is in there as well if you scroll down far enough. it's crap compared to the other ships

>> No.1643078

>Blazing Star is easy

A-am I a casual or doing something wrong? I always thought the game was hard as balls, and it's not like I never managed to 1cc some other games.

>> No.1643089

I don't know, I got through the first three stages without breaking a sweat after a few tries, and stage four doesn't look like it's going to take long to finish without losing a life. Seems pretty easy so far. Does it get more difficult later on?

>> No.1643237

I'm hooked on Battle Garegga. The soundtrack rocks my socks. Are there any other shmups with similar soundtracks?

>> No.1643257

Sengoku Blade.

Tried Sengoku Cannon but didn't really dig the 3D backgrounds. Gameplay is good tho.

>> No.1643298

I just started playing Ikaruga for the first time. I put in about 30 minutes into it last night, and can finally clear stage one without dying. I'll be playing again in a short while. It's great,and it's the first STG I'm playing in TATE.

>> No.1643337

Had a break thru last night. Found out that the final form of the last boss can be stun-locked by punching it continuously. With that knowledge, I should get a one-credit any day now.

>> No.1643354


Namiki outdid himself

>> No.1643359
File: 38 KB, 500x335, hector87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was playing some games on my Famicom earlier today. Starship Hector, Salamander and Dragon Spirit.

Dragon Spirit is probably the easiest, the other two keep kicking my ass hard.

>> No.1643424 [DELETED] 

I'm trying to set a good score on Danmaku Unlimited 2's Classical mode (Extreme).

It's not hard at all. It's just very tedious. If you get hit once or twice, before stage 5, you might as well just restart.

>> No.1643434

FINALLY! After weeks of playing I finally get the one-credit on Normal difficulty! Finished with a score of 1,427,400 on level 9 of the second loop. I think I could make it to the 3rd loop with some practice and luck. Feels good!

>> No.1643438


>> No.1643537

Nice job. That game has some serious balls to it. I haven't practiced much, but by stage 1-5 I usually get my shit rocked.

Small request:
Does anyone have a good quality download link to the Thunder Force IV soundtrack (not remixes or anything)? I don't feel like wading through khinsider or galbadia's b.s.

In return, I have my personal rip of the Sega Saturn version of Thunder Force V's OST (richer sound than the PSX version):

TFV pisses me off. It's super-easy (on normal) right up until the final boss, at which if lose free-range, you can't win. It's why I still haven't beaten it, or at least gotten the good ending. It's a pain in the ass to go through 30 minutes of game to try, try again.

>> No.1643931


Congrats on the 1cc!

I'm trying to work my way through Raiden Fighters atm, but I'm finding it brutally difficult. Even if you know what's coming, it can still be very tricky, and the final stage is just ridiculous.

>> No.1643976

Thanks! Mega Man was the man. Don't think I could've done it with any other character. Most others are too slow. Maybe Cammy could, but she takes so much damage if hit.

>> No.1644567

I'm playing a lot of shmups these days, it's become one of my favorite genres. Right now I'm playing Jamestown and Ikaruga. I also have Radiant Silvergun set up on my PC via Saturn emulation, although I wish they would bring the XBLA version to Steam.

>> No.1644645

Nice. Stage 2 of Ikaruga Is kicking my ass. This is the first stg I've ever played that really makes me have to think. I'm not sure how to feel about that I'll have to try Radiant Silvergun one day.

>> No.1644658

Retro shooter I've still been playing recently is Dogyuun. It is so much fun, has such awesome weapons, music, and cool, large sprites, that it is quickly rising to the top of my favorite shooters. Everything about it is awesome and I was really bummed that I hadn't discovered it sooner until I read that it wasn't even emulated properly until a few years ago. So I didn't really miss anything and am enjoying the hell out of it now. I seriously doubt I'll ever be able to beat it on one credit though. 10 stages without making stupid mistakes is way too much for me. 5 stages without stupid mistakes is usually too much.

>> No.1645504

Could I get some recommendations for shmup games? pc or console. I'm a noob, and anytime I play I just get wrecked.

>> No.1645528
File: 959 KB, 500x375, dt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

classic dodonpachi in mame

>> No.1645541

doodoopoo - every shmup fag 2014

>> No.1645551

dodoopoo a great game

every single shmup thread until you like it

>> No.1645824

DaiOuJou is still Cave's best, though. Hands down.

My personal favorite is Deathsmiles though. That game sure gets a lot of hate.

>> No.1645835

here's a list of random suggestions!

galaga arrange on namco classics collection volume 1 (mame)
strikers 19xx (mame)
cho-ren-sha-68k (pc or x68k)
tyrian 2000 (dos)
raiden II (mame)
dangun feveron (mame)
mars matrix (mame or dc)

gradius 1-3
salamander/life force (mame)
progear (mame)
einhander (ps1)
g-darius (mame or sega saturn)

>> No.1645839

well technically salamander is a hybrid hori/vert but w/e

>> No.1645843

also make sure you play Gradius V at some point

>> No.1645868

Been playing Tyrian 2000 again.
The difficulty jump from Episode 1 to 2 is pretty ridiculous. The challenge is nice though. Once I finish it i'll try to do it all on Arcade mode...that'll be one long playthrough.

>> No.1645884

>Hard in any way, shape, or form
I hope you're playing on Suicide or something, because the game is a walk in the park on anything less than the secret difficulties.

>> No.1645956

No,its not
-game is ugly as shit even by pgm standards
-hyper on the same button as bomb
-odd enemy design, stage 3 midboss in particular makes me want to puke
-type b ship useless
-SHOTIA underpowered and useless
-LEINYAN underpowered and useless
-"white label" completely unbalanced

>> No.1645972

I forget the biggest offence of them all

-NO HELI??????

fuck you too Cave

>> No.1645998

I haven't played Tyrian since the 90's.
Or shmups at all, in a long time. So honestly i'm not that great. I forgot what each power-up did. I can't even remember how to get the OP lasers power or what it is. When I was younger I was fucking awesome at it, it was a cakewalk. Now it's just like "what the fuck am I doing". I still really like it though, it's fun and very enjoyable.

>> No.1646096


If you're still here, get it off Project2612.org.

Came here to comment I was playing precisely that.

>> No.1646195

I usually recommend the Twinbee or Fantasy Zone games to beginners. Very slow paced and not particularly frantic

>> No.1646232


>> No.1646349


Raiden II is currently unemulated in MAME, due to the bespoke copy protection FPGA.

There is however, a pretty good port for the Playstation under Raiden Project, as well as the psx version of Raiden DX.

>> No.1646414

It's an arcade game, that's a /vr/-allowed platform.

>> No.1647051

It works now. Raiden fighters too. At least with my romsets

>> No.1647056

I don't like how Raiden 2 doesn't hand out extends like Raiden 1 does. But it is my favorite shooter and the PSX version is awesome. I wish I had a stick for my PS2, though.

>> No.1647062

Aye watching that purple laser in the arcades when I was little was my first sexual experience

>> No.1647091

No, the correct reason it's allowed on /vr/ is because the PGM hardware is from 1997.

>> No.1647098

Espgaluda is one of the easiest Cave shmups (except for the difficult final boss). Don't rely on the autobomb, manual bombing is much more efficient.

DoDonPachi (first loop) isn't too hard either if you completely ignore scoring and make full use of the very generous bomb supply.

>> No.1647108

Easy shooters for noobs:

MUSHA (Genesis)
Fireshark (Genesis)
Battle Mania (2) (Genesis)
Lords of Thunder (Turbo CD, Sega CD)
Touhou 4 (PC98)

Source: I can 1cc them, some of them on hard. I am not good at shooters.

>> No.1647469

Well, fuck me, it looks like the game has a rank system that affects the difficulty. And the difficulty doesn't drop that quickly when you lose a life. So yeah, it's not as easy as I thought at first.

>> No.1647696

What's a good shmup for Saturn that won't rape my wallet, Radient Silvergun, Hyper Duel and even Cotton 2 go for triple digits. I'm looking at either Gunbird, Dondopachi or Sexy Parodius.

>> No.1647705

I always thought the first gunbird was kinda meh, especially compared to 2. Sexy Parodius is great.

>> No.1647878

Any good shmups available on the PSN for ps3?

>> No.1649105

I just played Zero Wing and All your base are belong to us fad,the game has excellent music and it's a cool R-type clone

The meme song is catchy though

>> No.1649110

besides the All your base are belond to us fad****

>> No.1649247
File: 121 KB, 600x594, Einhander.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can 1cc Touhou games just fine, but I'm still stuck on level 4 Normal difficulty on this game.

Is it supposed to be this hard or I just suck?

>> No.1649696


I haven't played it in years but I remember it being very difficult and requiring lots of strategizing.

Basically keeping the right gunpods in stock is key, try to build up lots of wasp and cannon because they're good in every situation, and play very aggressively. Try to control the space instead of navigate bullet mazes.

>> No.1649720

man, I can't get past stage 4 or go over 80 million points in Ketsui. Seriously, fuck that stage.

>> No.1649726

Thought so. I'm too used to the "Grazing" concept of Touhou games I forgot that you aren't supposed to do that on regular shmups.

>> No.1649827

The sixth one, the one with the big battleship and lots of obstacles, is difficult and excruciatingly long. And the last boss is a real clusterfuck.

>> No.1649862

don't feel bad

ketsui's a hard game

>> No.1650043

feel bad

ketsui's an easy game

>> No.1650073


>> No.1650078

Tempest 2000

>> No.1650085

Ketsui is for a platform released in 1997.

>> No.1650090

Too bad, that shit doesn't apply for arcade games. Ketsui is not retro.

>> No.1650092

Guise you got anything along the lines of Gynoug? with the grotesque/fucked up sprites and preferably with a metal soundtrack

Hell, i'll take anything with a metal soundtrack

>> No.1650341


Y'know what? I'm gonna talk about Ketsui just to make you mad.

Is it just me or are the bullets in Ketsui faster than most Cave games?

Ketsui Ketsui Ketsui Ketsui Ketsui Ketsui Ketsui Ketsui Ketsui Ketsui Ketsui Ketsui Ketsui Ketsui Ketsui Ketsui Ketsui Ketsui Ketsui Ketsui Ketsui Ketsui Ketsui Ketsui Ketsui Ketsui Ketsui Ketsui Ketsui Ketsui Ketsui Ketsui Ketsui Ketsui Ketsui Ketsui Ketsui Ketsui Ketsui Ketsui Ketsui Ketsui Ketsui Ketsui Ketsui Ketsui Ketsui Ketsui Ketsui Ketsui

>> No.1650380

>Cave's magnum opus
>anything but Donpachi-HK
You wot

>> No.1650403


>> No.1650408

"Platform" applies for everything except PCs, where platform doesn't have a clear definition. Polygame Master is very clearly a 1997 platform.

>> No.1650415

Still working on 1cc-ing R-Type. I always get fucking grazed by some stray bullet in level 4 or 5. 5 would be piss-easy if I could hold on to blue, but I need red for the boss.

>> No.1650421
File: 124 KB, 849x849, laughing good girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you nerds can't even 1-ALL the US version.

>> No.1650631 [DELETED] 

prv it
u cant
i win

>> No.1652229

Hey guys, I'm looking for a good 2 player shmup I can play on my shitty laptop. Do you have any good recommendations?

>> No.1652267
File: 233 KB, 850x1207, 60490801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like the visual style and detail in this. What are some /stg/-approved Toaplan games?

>> No.1652287

Anything Darius. Konami's stuff is usually multiplayer too.

>> No.1652326

Thanks, I'll check it out.

>> No.1652363

batsugun because its like my favorite game doodoopoo

>> No.1652526

No way, most Darius games are very unbalanced around two players at once. They usually contain just barely enough power-ups for the one player to get full power near the end. G-Darius is really the only exception I think, because all power-ups appear in pairs when playing with two players.

>> No.1652572

Speaking of doodoopoo, just had my two best runs back to back. The first run, I went into the 3rd boss with 4 lives for the first time, and the second run I almost beat the level 5 boss (if I had saved one more bomb...). The last half of level 5 is very difficult for me still, I bomb frequently.

>> No.1653025

That's balanced by the fact that there are two people shooting.

>> No.1653213


man, you aren't getting paid for this shit, why do you care so much? and to add insult to injury, you're not even fucking right.

>> No.1653726

I assume you've already played Lightening Force, which is one of the most heavy metal Genesis games out there.

If not, play Lightening Force.

Also, Bio Hazard Battle.

>> No.1654403

will give it ago just now thanks mate, i've got a thing for the really weird sprites just now, i don't know why lol

>> No.1654821

Wow so I just learned you can pass most of level 5 by just parking yourself in the top left corner.

Level 6 isn't too bad but it ends my run every so often if I'm not paying attention. Level 7 a fuck tho.

>> No.1656983

I really like the shmup, "star prince" in arino no chosenjou
are there any big proper shmups that are this fun and free of bullshit?
most I've played had too much of stupidly-hard bosses, sections where you absolutely can't avoid all of the bullets, &c.

>> No.1657012
File: 462 KB, 1024x611, 1401126928179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two questions.

What the hell is this image from? I think I got it from another Shump thread but I'm not sure. Sorry if it isn't /vr/.

Are there any good shumps for the SEGA Master System? Only games I have for it are R-Type and the Fantasy Zone games.

>> No.1657024
File: 38 KB, 606x608, 1400334566095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What the hell is this image from?

Wings of Wor

>> No.1657035
File: 27 KB, 240x320, Battle Garegga 11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I hate to say it, but almost all of this genre is about taking on an insane challenge. Difficult bosses and being under constant threat is the raison d'etre for many of these games. It seems silly and masochistic, but there's a real pleasure to be found at slowly chipping away at the games, coming up with strategies and getting further and with higher scores each time.

>> No.1657046

try the Thunder Force games. Lots of fun, not too difficult, and only a few spots where you can die if you don't know what's coming.

I recently ordered myself a copy of Lightening Force, so I'm looking to rocking out to some heavy metal FM synth.

>> No.1657047

Star Prince is directly based on the Star Soldier games by Hudson. Soldier Blade is my favorite of those.

>> No.1658738

Discussion topic time:

The best shooting available on the PS1 (US-releases only).

I have not played all the US releases - I know if I'm patient I can find a decently-priced Einhander, eventually. But as it stands, here's how I'd rank the PS1 shmups (that I've played):

-Raiden Project - 9/10
-RayCrisis: Series Termination - 8/10
-R-Type Delta - 8/10
-Thunder Force V - 7/10
-RayStorm - 7/10
-G-Darius - 6/10
-R-Types - 6/10
-Starfighter Sanvein - 5/10

Einhander would probably be up near the top, based on what I've seen. Strikers 1945 (2) would probably be in a respectable spot. G-Darius on the PS1 is cool, but totally outclassed by the non-slowdown PS2 port.

Raiden Project is an awesome port, even without "true tate" (which I don't have the means to do anyway). Solid Seibu shooting action. Turning off checkpoints is a huge plus, and the games remain extremely playable.

RayCrisis might turn some heads. I think it's actually a solid and interesting game, and the Encroachment gimmick keeps things interesting. I know it's a glorified speed-kill system, but unlike TFV, which has the same system in place, it actually forces some semblance of strategy from time to time to maximize your returns.

R-Type Delta is the best R-Type, imo.
TFV is good, but not great (I don't dislike it though).
RayStorm is solid, if clumsy with its 3D perspective (so is RayCrisis, but gets an extra point for shaking things up with the Encroachment thing and feeling a little bit tighter in the gameplay dept.).
Sanvein is kinda shitty, but I actually like it. It's really weird and worth a few runs.

>> No.1658780

Why is Delta the best R-Type?

>> No.1658795

I dunno but I'm getting a little tired of reading that shitty opinion lately myself.

R-Type > II > Leo > III > Delta

Delta is very lacking in the trademark gameplay the series was known for and it's because IREM's main developers had already left them for Nazca Corporation. I'd call it a joke of an R-Type game if they hadn't managed to outdo themselves in that aspect with the next one.

>> No.1658798

>sections where you absolutely can't avoid all of the bullets
Uh... Do you only play crummy Euroshmups?

>> No.1658974

I may like R-Type, but they managed to improve a lot of the annoyances of R-Type in Delta.

R-Type II is too hard for its own good - it takes the memorizer quality of the first to an absurd degree, and ultimately makes the game unpleasant to play.

R-Type III I've never played enough to really get a feel for. Though my initial impressions are usually dampened by its slow stage 1.

Delta manages to keep things interesting, outside of some really slogging memorizer parts (the mech walker comes to mind), and plays excellent for a slow-paced shmup. Final is the real joke, of course, and putting the two games side by side you can see how R-Type Delta does the formula right (whereas Final doesn't).

R-Type is the second-best game in the series for me, and while it moves at a brisk pace, things tend to get unenjoyable by around stage 5 or 6, where one death locks you into a loop of no-return.

>> No.1659053

>Delta does the formula right
It doesn't do shit right. They somehow managed to fuck up one of the most crucial trademarks of the entire series: that of level design-based action. Because by making it so you don't crash when you touch walls, they removed a major part of the hazard of levels. I understand why they did it too. It's difficult to perceive where collision zones begin and end with the 3D perspective. But it wasn't a good idea; it's more like one flaw giving birth to another. By making the graphics look like piss to placate 3D fetishists of the time they managed to also hurt the gameplay. The game also feels really plodding compared to previous R-Type's. III's first stage is pretty slow to get going with its showy visual spectacle but Delta feels like that for almost the entire game; it feels like every stage is trying to say "look at me isn't this neat!" instead of being fun to play.

I frankly find it pretty insane how anyone can rate Delta as the best one and I've heard this around the internet so much lately that I question where it has something to do with Delta simple being a person's first R-type. It would make sense since the Playstation created such a large new base of players.

And R-Type II is hardly as difficult as it seems at first, you just have to give it the old college try. I don't think it's any more devious with its checkpoints than the original (if anything better since it doesn't have anything as nasty the original's mid-stage 7 point).

Stage 5 and 6 in the original are far from "loops of no return" as you put it. In fact I have a tendency to die in the middle of both of them all the time and I almost always manage to beat the stages anyway. The only checkpoint in R-Type that requires really extensive practice to learn how to recover at it is in the middle of stage 7.

>> No.1659271

I've been playing the Shmups that I own at the moment, but mostly focusing on Gradius III

Galaga NES
Gyruss NES
Gradius III
Lightening Force/Thunder Force IV

Gradius III is fun, but suffers from slowly quite regularly.

I had an opportunity to pick up R-Type III for $3, but I missed it. Kinda regret it.

And speaking of Gyruss for NES, is this the only port of an arcade Shmup where the port was superior to the arcade version, as far as content goes? I know the graphics are not as good, color-wise, but the game has a lot more going for it. Gyruss for arcade was samey as fuck, and really didn't offer much.

>> No.1659284




>> No.1659706

>And speaking of Gyruss for NES, is this the only port of an arcade Shmup where the port was superior to the arcade version, as far as content goes?
Nah, not at all. Ports are often better than their arcade versions, more and more over time as home hardware got on par with arcade hardware.

>> No.1659853

I prefer Leo the most myself. The OST is really smooth and the shot types are more interesting. Shame that it's kinda too easy.

>> No.1659883
File: 18 KB, 480x400, 1318306078116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm playing Gradius on the Famicom.

I have only made it as far as the 2nd stage. Or what I think is the second stage.

If I don't get certain weapons by the volcano or die before the 2nd stage, I restart.

>mfw this game is unforgiving

How many stages are there anyways?

>> No.1659909

too many my friend too many

>> No.1660001

first gradius is a cakewalk get ready for anal rape in 2 and 3

>> No.1660649

What are some good SNES shmups? I already own Super Aleste but don't know many others.

>> No.1660660

Axelay, both Parodius, Strike Shooter, Aero Wings, UN Squadron, Scrambled Valkyrie, Choplifter 3.

>> No.1660663

>Strike Gunner

>> No.1660665

None really remarkable. The Megadrive and PCE stole all the shmup thunder that gen, which is kinda ironic when NES had so many good shmups.

>> No.1660674


Cool, thanks. I'll check those out.


Well I have plenty of shmups for MD and PCE so that's why I thought it was about time I see what was on SNES. Is the selection really that thin?

>> No.1660789

R-Type III, Phalanx, Pop'n Twinbee

Don't fall for this myth >>1660665, the Genesis has just as much mediocrity in its shmup selection as the SNES.

>> No.1660839

Way are some shmups that are story driven and/or nit necessarily meant to be finished in one sitting. Only one I can think of s Macross Do You Remember Love.

>> No.1660884
File: 607 KB, 1024x768, 19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The most murderous part of Stage 4 IMO is the factory maze, since you'll need a Spreader on hand for that one. Good luck navigating tight corridors with the god damn Astraea (or if you have it, the red secret fighter). All the bosses on the same stage actually go down like chumps with the right gunpods (though admittedly, Sturmvogel is really fucking cool with its really fucking cool attacks).

>> No.1660885
File: 38 KB, 824x580, phalanx68k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


After some intense fighting with the emulator, I got Phalanx on the X68000 working.

Compared to the SNES, its like a completely different game! Not only is there an amazing intro, but it seems like there are tons of little graphical touches and details that were removed from the SNES version.

On top of that, there's many more bullets, larger sprites and no slowdown to be had anywhere. It's quite a bit more difficult but if you can get it working it's quite impressive and underrated.

the intro: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFEaYsCruRU

>> No.1660984

X68000 version is a fine game but I think they improved a several aspects of it for the SNES version. It's more challenging, the weapon mechanics are a bit tighter, and I like the changes to the soundtrack.

>> No.1660986

Oh yeah, and X68000 version doesn't have the kickass Funny difficulty mode.

>> No.1660995


While there are plenty of mediocre Genesis shooters (e.g., Arrow Flash, Twin Cobra, Steel Empire), there are a good deal more good shooters on the Genesis than on the SNES.

I think the best SNES shooters are, as people have mentioned, R-Type III, Bio Metal (for all that's good play the JPN version), Macross: Scrambled Valkyrie, Super Aleste/Space Megaforce, and Axelay.

I sorta like Phalanx, even if it can be a little bland.

>> No.1661034

Radiant Silvergun is pretty plot-heavy for a shmup. Also, Milestone's stuff has a lot of fun characters.

>> No.1661050

>there are a good deal more good shooters
Nah... There aren't.

>> No.1661076

care to share how you got it working, or any good links you found to help you?

Oldfag here, first stg was space invaders in the arcades.

When we lived in Sapporo, Japan there were 4 local game centres all with at least 2 stgs, and one huge one downtown which had half a large floor dedicated to old games.

Always loved the Parodius series, and had the PC Engine when it came out so many good stgs on that..Haven't seen the great Saturn version of Bells and whistles mentioned, really good stuff.

Also worked for Namco in London when they had the original Wonderpark, used to stay after hours into the night playing anything in the centre, wasn't many stgs though in that time, just things like Strikers series etc so mostly played fighting / driving or puzzle games.

>> No.1661083

Not that anon but I just use WinX68kHighSpeed for my X68000 games. It's not complicated.

>> No.1661143

Compared to like 5 on the SNES versus at least 12 on the Genesis - that's more than double!

>> No.1661150

thanks man, just couldn't justify the price of importing a system when it came out and only a couple of importers had games for it over here. Time to find a romset and have some fun, and probably pester wifey to translate some menus no doubt. Much obliged.

>> No.1661345
File: 64 KB, 397x473, 1453479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any recs for a beginner? Something that'll help me improve my reflexes and quick pattern recognition rather than memorization.

Only shmups I've 1cc'd are MUSHA and Blazing Lazers

>> No.1661413

>at least 12 on the Genesis
You better get naming these 12 Genesis shmups you think are worth a shit.

>> No.1661449

google "detroit techno"

>> No.1661478 [DELETED] 

>comparing a shitty port of Twin Cobra and Arrow Flash to steel empire.

It might be standard, but had some nice steampunk style, nice music and you can shoot behind.

Not him but...

Aero Blaster
Thunder Force 2, 3 and 4
Elemental Master
Battle Mania 1 and 2
Biohazard Battle.
Super Fantasy Zone
Undead Line
Steel Empire
Fire Shark
Eliminate Down
Sol Feace
SlapFight MD arrange

Too bad there isn't any Konami shooter though.

>> No.1661481

>comparing a shitty port of Twin Cobra and Arrow Flash to steel empire.

It might be standard, but had some nice steampunk style, nice music and you can shoot behind.

Not him but...

Aero Blaster
Thunder Force 2, 3 and 4
Elemental Master
Battle Mania 1 and 2
Biohazard Battle.
Super Fantasy Zone
Undead Line
Steel Empire
Fire Shark
Eliminate Down
Sol Feace
Whip Rush
SlapFight MD arrange

Too bad there isn't any Konami shooter though.

>> No.1661657

There's an awful lot of garbage in that list, you're not helping their case at all.

>> No.1661703

>rather than memorization.
You're in the wrong genre. Even bullet hell experts have the standard "flow" of every pattern memorized.

>> No.1661704

Finally getting round to playing Radiant Silvergun properly on my Saturn. Some say it's overrated, but I don't think so. The polygonal artwork has held up well too.

>> No.1661713

You're not helping the shmup fan stereotype at all either. Go play more Cave games, it's the only thing that's good. CAVE, CAVE, CAVE.

>> No.1661767

I'm the guy you originally asked:

>Great Game
Thunder Force 2-4
Twinkle Tale

>Solid and Entertaining
Forgotten Worlds
Bio Hazard Battle

>Good, but not Outstanding
Elemental Master
BattleMania Daiginjou
Eliminate Down

Now, are all of these shmups worth playing in the large, generation-spanning scope of the genre? Not necessarily. But for the console itself, there are at least 6-7 games worth owning (at least released in the US), and all of these can be described from above-average to fantastic (TF4 - the best shooter on the system no doubt).

>> No.1661963

I never managed level 3

>> No.1661965

>I bomb frequently.
That's a good thing
Knowing when to bomb is very important, especially in games like DoDonPachi where you get fucking loads of bombs compared to lives

>> No.1661976 [DELETED] 
File: 48 KB, 451x600, gradius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's some really valuable tips that helped me a ton back when I was just getting into the genre:

Don't always look at the bullets, look at the space between the bullets. It makes it MUCH easier to find a path to escape.

If an enemy is the type that fires bullets directly at you instead of a set pattern it is a good idea to tap the movement keys to dodge

instead of holding it down since it will conserve precious screen space so you don't get stuck in the corner.

Take a quick look at the bullets to see which direction they are moving, then predict their course using this info and move accordingly.

A simple example is one bullet moving right and another moving left, the way they are moving means they are going to intersect, which

also means there will be an opening once they pass each other.

Target prioritization is pretty important. Some enemies have faster more deadly bullet patterns than others, some small enemies can

group up to overwhelm you, etc. Examine your enemies, find out which ones do what and be sure to kill the most troublesome ones first.

Don't ever be afraid to use bombs. They're there for a reason. Unless you're credit feeding, in which case you'll just end up bombing

everything at the slightest hint of difficulty and you won't learn a goddamn thing.

Don't stick to the bottom of the screen. Being able to back up to dodge bullets has saved me countless times.

Don't credit feed.

>> No.1661983
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Here's some really valuable tips that helped me a ton back when I was just getting into the genre:

Don't always look at the bullets, look at the space between the bullets. It makes it MUCH easier to find a path to escape.

If an enemy is the type that fires bullets directly at you instead of a set pattern it is a good idea to tap the movement keys to dodge instead of holding it down since it will conserve precious screen space so you don't get stuck in the corner.

Take a quick look at the bullets to see which direction they are moving, then predict their course using this info and move accordingly. A simple example is one bullet moving right and another moving left, the way they are moving means they are going to intersect, which also means there will be an opening once they pass each other.

Target prioritization is pretty important. Some enemies have faster more deadly bullet patterns than others, some small enemies can group up to overwhelm you, etc. Examine your enemies, find out which ones do what and be sure to kill the most troublesome ones first.

Don't ever be afraid to use bombs. They're there for a reason. Unless you're credit feeding, in which case you'll just end up bombing everything at the slightest hint of difficulty and you won't learn a goddamn thing.

Don't stick to the bottom of the screen. Being able to back up to dodge bullets has saved me countless times.

Don't credit feed.

>> No.1662143

Why are SNES shmupfags so pretentious? Is it because they got a couple R-Types and a shitty Gradius port? Nobody wants to play your slow, boring, 3.58MHz shmups, get over it.

>> No.1662146 [DELETED] 
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Just pulled this off in MAME. I don't know why, but I'm almost positive the default for Deathsmiles in MAME is set to easy since it gave me 5 lives....I can't remember how to change it though. I thought you press F2 to customize stuff like that?

Anyway it's interesting to play this vs the localized Xbobx360 version. You only get to use a difficult level 1-3 which makes it much more interesting.

>> No.1662239

Tab is generally the menu.

>> No.1662246

Hold 0 for service mode I think.
The upper keys not the numpad.

>> No.1662259 [DELETED] 

>if i don't like it's garbage
What game is garbage? i didn't say all of them are masterpieces, but all of them are enjoyable games IMO.

>> No.1662260

>if i don't like it's garbage
What game is garbage? i didn't say all of them are masterpieces, but all of them are enjoyable games IMO. You are not helping with your shitposting.

>> No.1662314

All of them for not being my favorite game doodoopoo

>> No.1662620

Gleylancer and M.U.S.H.A. both suck ass.

>> No.1663114 [DELETED] 

Umm, may I ask how you managed to get Deathsmiles to work in MAME?

>> No.1663129

Gunhed/Blazing Lazers is kicking my ass. Well since the bosses are starting reappearing I assume I'm slowly getting to the end, but still. Out of the games I've tried this one seemed most noob-friendly and it still feels plenty challenging. I guess there's no hope for me in this genre.

>> No.1663145

Space Megaforce for the SNES is fucking easy, you should try that.

>> No.1663221

MUSHA is no masterpiece, but it is still a good, though not great, shooter. It suffers the usual Compile problem of taking 40 hours to finish the game, but it's fun enough for a run.

GleyLancer is super easy, but it still is better than most Genesis shooters.

>> No.1663238


>> No.1663458 [DELETED] 
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>implying I give a modicum of a fuck about your category autism



I got a decent new laptop recently, 64-bit HP ProBook 450 G1.

I'm using the most recent version of MAME that just came out recently, 0.153.

I'm actually more excited about the fact that I got Mushihimesama Futari going. Save states are a wonderful practice aid. It's so nice being able to loop the second half of stage three.

Also, I did purchase all of Cave's localized stuff for 360. It's the ideal way to go and they're not doing great right now financially so it's good to support them. On MAME, the slow-down is not as good so it's actually a bit harder. For an average joe like me just trying to get a 1cc on normal it's not a big deal but if you wanna go full shmup and aim for a counter-stop on Ultra mode it's unplayable.

>> No.1663498

I've been using shmupMAME v4.2, but I'll go try the latest MAME and see how that goes. Is the SH3 driver in there by default or something?
Also, If I had a 360, I wouldn't even bother with MAME and go for the ports, but I sadly do not have one.

>> No.1663573
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>Is the SH3 driver in there by default or something?

You can find more technical info here: http://shmups.system11.org/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=49887

Also, POST your scores in here on whatever you're playing guys. Let's get a little friendly competition going.

Any love for Raiden Fighters 2?

>> No.1663617
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This game is so mean

>> No.1663701

MUSHA at least deserves some credit for inventing the Garegga-style options. And the soundtrack is KICKASS.

>> No.1663803
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They both have kickass soundtracks.

>> No.1663848

Too bad, get the fuck back to /v/ if talking about RETRO GAMES is really so fucking hard for you.

>> No.1664004

Dedicate at least 60 hours per game before you give up.

>> No.1664045

I still haven't gotten any better at Ikaruga. I got a 34 chain and scored a B+ rating in stage 1. Confident in my ability to finally get an A rating next time, I managed to go up to a 50 chain. I was cockblocked by the shit-eating grin of a B++ rating.

>> No.1664212


I can't stand Ikaruga for shit like that. I know that to git gud at any shmup you have to have a plan and kill things in a certain order but the polarity in Ikaruga feels so rigid and annoying.

>> No.1664467


>> No.1664475


It was released on Dreamcast originally which is officially recognized as retro as per the sticky on page 1 of this board.

Suck a cock.

>> No.1664573

Ikaruga's a pretty good puzzle game.

>> No.1664841
File: 148 KB, 332x450, sadbear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never get a hex value score in Garegga or Batrider
I don't get how the superplayers can do it....

>> No.1664915
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You gotta milk those boss fights

>> No.1665920


I was going to suggest this.

Also, Image Fight.

>> No.1665943


Grind Stormer and Zero Wing too!

>> No.1665973
File: 75 KB, 650x531, t2k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

d-does tempest count /vr/?

>> No.1666421

He might mean that he cornered himself. A lot of shmups have aimed patterns which can trap you if you are shit. This is never a flaw though. Just means one can't backpedal on dumb mistakes.

>> No.1666970

That's what bombs are for!

>> No.1667149

I'm so glad every game is doodoopoo

>> No.1667263

Huh? Only CAVE games have bombs now?

>> No.1667586

Will xoxak ever make another video?

>> No.1670197

Requesting the bonus music pack for the cho ren sha 68k windows release. I know how to install the remixes I just need the files if someone has them.

>> No.1672339


>> No.1672370
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Guess what? The same developers also made this game.

>> No.1672387

Master System Fantasy Zone is really neat, better than the genesis counterpart imo.
If you really want to be blown away, try out GG Aleste 2, it's a whole new game from the master system games. Fucking awesome!

>> No.1672404


Sagaia on SMS is my favourite. There's also Aerial Assault, is a nice game. Power Strike I and II are games I remember for having some good variety of power ups.


>> No.1672412

If you count run and guns, there's also Gunstar Heroes, Alien Soldier, Contra Hard Corps, and Mega Turrican. Obviously they aren't shmups, but the genres were similar enough to create a lot of cross-appeal for arcade fans back in the day.

>> No.1672797

>tfw CRT TV died and desktop LCD is too laggy to play shmups on

>> No.1672869

>LCD is too laggy to play shmups on

Emulate. PC output isn't as laggy and it'll tide you over.

>> No.1672916

>desktop LCD is too laggy to play shmups on
You must have quite a bad LCD. I kick ass in scrolling shooters just fine on mine, no shitmupmame required.

>> No.1672956
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Just in case anyone cares, the very latest version of mednafen has fixed a small issue that has plagued Einhander in emulators for years; the water effect on stage 4 now renders correctly.

Looks beautiful, and now instead of ugly scrolling lines you have water ripples.

>> No.1672971

What's the most brutal shooter you've ever tried to beat, /vr/?

>> No.1672982

your mom

>> No.1673225

I didn't count run-n-guns, cuz this is a shmup thread. ;^)

Of course though, Contra HC is a fantastic game, and Mega Turrican is really good too. Gunstar Heroes is good too, though I'm not crazy for it.

I've never been able to play Alien Soldier on a proper setup (only on Wii VC), so I can't really assess it properly.

>> No.1673243
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shmup casualfag reporting in. how dod i [spoilers]git gud[spoilers] at these games? I mean Dark Souls and Ghosts n Goblins are ok with me, but shmups are just beyond me.

>> No.1673258


1) Pick a game you like.
2) Play it until you can beat it in one credit.

>> No.1673267
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...einhander in 1 credit?

>> No.1673272

Target Earth and Ranger X are also pretty good, and they felt like shmups in some parts.

>> No.1673318

Top ten methods on how to become skilled at shmups:

1) Play them a lot and pay attention to patterns
2) Watch replays of better people playing them
3) Don't credit feed; restart when all lives lost
4) Try different controls, like sticks or a kb
5) If in emu, savestate at practice spots
6) Always TATE your monitor for verts
7) Drink tea to enhance reflexes
8) Read about the shmup's mechanics/system
9) Don't OCD over 1 shmup (to prevent burnout)
10) Be praying

>> No.1673478 [DELETED] 
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I've spent some time playing Mushihime-sama Futari today, and damn I can't get passed stage 3 without dying. I will be practicing this game exclusively in the next few days.

>> No.1673504

What mode? Ultra?

>> No.1673515

Ha! No way, man. I'm playing maniac.

>> No.1673531



I still get my ass kicked on arcade mode but on normal mode for Raiden Fighters Aces I had a great fucking night. I 1cc'd RF1 on easy for the first time which was neat and good practice. Got an achievement for playing 24 hours total too.

Then, on a whim I played RF2 on live, normal difficulty. I topped my previous rank of 28th...and got 8th as my new rank. I was fucking stoked...there's only 158 uploaded scores though which makes me sad. Wish more people played. I also used the Slave ship. Idk, I just feel like it's so overpowered. The vast majority of the high scores use he Slave. I really want to get one of the underdog ships in the top 10 like Beast Arrow or the Aegis. It's so tempting to use the Slave though...I mean, this was literally my first night using it and my rank on the leader boards went up 20 places. It's like steroids.

It was such a rush. I love the meat and potatoes simplicity of Raiden Fighters Aces. There's no fancy graphics, no cut scenes with celebrity voice overs, no gimmicks, just pure fucking game play. That feeling of "I probably won't make it, but maybe I'll get close" to "Oh, looks like I have all my lives and I'm having a good run" to "Oh, last stage and one life left...maybe...just maybe..." And then you finally fucking get it...a 1cc, a new rank on live, or just beating your own score by 10 little points. You fucking do it after dying so many times that your reflexes are molded to the game, your muscle memory takes over, you find you brain warning you of that sniper at the bottom right corner of the trees on that one level right after that big ship that always gets you, your mind goes into a meditative work to the point where you're no longer having "fun" but you're extremely satisfied--like when you're doing work or working out and you're in the zone and everything is clicking and your mind is going faster than your body....and you do this for 20 minutes straight.

Fucking video games man. Shit.

>> No.1673628


>> No.1673641

Find a game you really like and keep playing it. It really is that simple. Try not to obsess over the idea that it reduces the fun you're having.

Also ignore fags that tell you not to credit feed in order to get good--continuing in order to see something further in the game despite your failure is one of the fastest ways to learn it.

>> No.1673645

Japanese players don't credit feed. Japanese players are generally superior than the West at shmups. Therefore, credit feeding is detrimental to getting good. Also, how would bombing through a game and credit feeding make you suddenly become better? Your logic is shit.

>> No.1673657

Japanese arcades are also a much different beast than someone who plays at home or casually though. There are many ways to 'gitgud' but they all require practice, patience, and determination.

>> No.1673807

>those non sequiturs and false equivalences
>calling others shit at logic

>> No.1673813


Credit feed on your first run to get a feel for all the stages and be prepared for what's coming up. Every other playthrough you should try to 1CC.

>> No.1673818

Just try limiting and increasingly diminish your credits. Start with 9 credits in stock, then go down. If you can't even clear on 9 credits, use a lower difficulty, cheats and count your deaths, try to get under 10 deaths per run.

Put savestates before every stage and every boss so you can work on your sticking points.
If it stops being fun, take a break and play something else. Have fun.

>> No.1673821

>Credit feed on your first run to get a feel for all the stages and be prepared for what's coming up
There's no way you're going to memorize anything past the first few stages, so there's no point in palying this way unless you really hate surprises and want to spoil the entire game for yourself.

>> No.1673840


>Start with 9 credits in stock

That's a good way to make the game exciting and fun. Just start with 20+ lives! After all, the best motivation for practice is when failing has no consequences.

>> No.1673845

What part of
>then go down
You dumbfuck can't read. What's the matter, don't wanna spoil the final boss? I assure you it's a huge ship that floods the screen with shit and piss.

>> No.1673847

He didn't ask how to be motivated.

>> No.1673848

Also, one thing that I like doing is beating the game with every shot type. Raizing games are specially built around this.
Faggots like >>1673840 are all about memorization and treating a fuckign videogame like it's your second job or something, I try to keep things interesting for the longest amount of time, you know. I admit I don't care about 1ccing, I'd rather just put over a 100 hours into a game and have fun. Unless you're going for the world record anyway you approach it is "wrong" and a "waste of time", so might as well do what you find entertaining.

To each its own, I guess.

>> No.1673854

>treating a fuckign videogame like it's your second job or something
What are you even implying? That they turn games into a chore? If they care enough to play untill they 1CC them then they hardly consider them tedious.

>I try to keep things interesting for the longest amount of time
By playing in a way that ruins the interesting parts in one run, rite? Makes a lot of sense.

>> No.1673858

How are you going to git gud without being motivated to play?

>> No.1673859

>unless you really hate surprises and want to spoil the game
Dude, it's a 20 minute game, it's designed to be repetitive by nature, if you really cared about graphic assets or story you should rather be playing an rpg or something.

>> No.1673861


To get my first 1cc in Deathsmiles, I would play through the game and if I lost a life during a level I'd reset that level until I got through it without losing a life.

>> No.1673864

So I guess you might as well make it more repetitive right away. Make the game feel repetitive faster and take some of the satisfaction out of reaching a new stage.

>> No.1673870


>> No.1673873

Well, some people don't find repeating the first three stages one million times over to be very interesting.

I like the way they handled it on the Dreamcast port of Mars Matrix, to unlock each stage on practice mode or extra credits you have to grind for those little collectible star things that drop off killed enemies. Each stage and additional credit costs increasingly more expensive, and if you use up one credit you lose it forever until you buy it again. This system works A LOT better at teaching you the game than making you get stuck in eacb stage for months until you can no bomb no miss everything.
Crimzon Clover used the same system.

>> No.1673882
File: 25 KB, 350x240, Einhander [NTSC-U] [SCUS-94243]-0000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Honestly, if you can get past stage 4, the rest of the game isn't that bad.

>> No.1673896

You're just wasting time untill you get serious. Why? To warm up or get used to the game? That's what stage 1 is for.

You're not achieveing anything with superficial 9 or 7 credit playthroughs, especially if you don't even care about what the final boss looks like. Your methods and reasoning are nonsense.

>> No.1673916

You're not achieving anything by 1ccing on an emulator either. Buy an actual PCB or go bust.

>> No.1673918

Also, every Doodoopoo final boss is hibachi, you should've known this by now.

>> No.1673938

>5) If in emu, savestate at practice spots

This helps massively for older games like R-Type that require positioning memorization.

>> No.1673940

>There's no way you're going to memorize anything past the first few stage

If a shmup doesn't have enough to make every stage memorable and unique then it's a shitty shmup not worth your time.

>> No.1673942

11) Be attitude for gains

>> No.1673946

>Well, some people don't find repeating the first three stages one million times over to be very interesting.

These people should stop being retarded, realize where they are fucking up and fix it then.

>> No.1673952

>You're not achieving anything by 1ccing on an emulator either. Buy an actual PCB or go bust.

Yeah... fuck that. I'm pretty sure the last thing shmups need is more elitism over silly shit.

>> No.1673957

I agree. I just think restarting after every death is unproductive, the least you could do is at least finish the stage you died on by credit feeding.

>> No.1673959

>I assure you it's a huge ship that floods the screen with shit and piss.

I would love for this to be a final boss in a shmup. Like after shooting at you for a while it finally runs out of ammo so it has to resort to just dumping out the feces and trash of the crew members in a desperate attempt to get you to fuck off.

>> No.1673970


He most likely doesn't play shmups. The shmup community is good and constructive bro, always ready to help.

>> No.1674075

If anyone has shit logic it's you. I assure you I have many, many respectable high scores in addition to single-credit clears of a vast number of arcade games and I didn't get them by denying myself practice of later things every time I died.

The real reason Japan has so many world record holders is because arcades didn't mostly die there in the early '90s like they did in the rest of the world, so they simply have a much larger player base who still care about them. North Americans and players in other parts of the world still hold many world records in games from the early '80s.

Continue denial will undoubtably make a clear when you finally get it much more satisfying, but it's also going to take more work because every time you make your way to new material in a game it's a surprise. And despite some silly ideal about reflexes or what the actual definition of skill is certain elitists try to preach to people, the majority of getting really good at -any- sort of game always involves a high amount of memorization or knowledge about what's coming next.

>> No.1674146


I'm just gonna quote an interview with Yusemi-SWY, about practicing Futari Ultra 1.5:

—On 12/18/2006, Mushihimesama Futari ver. 1.5 was installed in arcades, and one week later, on 12/24, you reached the stage 5 boss. Then, six days later on 12/30, you reached the second form of Larsa. Please tell us about that experience.

Yusemi: Each time I practiced, I would continue after dying and play through to the end. During each session I spent about 2000 yen (1 play is 50 yen, so ~40 credits worth). I spent most of the time refining my patterns, and I would also practice just dodging (without firing) boss patterns that I still felt unsure about or wanted to increase my experience with. The most I ever spent in a single day practicing was 20000 yen (~400 credits). Normally you feel really bad continuing that much and occupying a single cab for so long when other players are waiting, but the game center I go to, Goody 21, is almost all regulars who understood. Being able to practice to my heart’s content like that was a big advantage.

>> No.1674179





>> No.1674192

Keep trying to justify your shitty skills at shmups because you have to credit feed to even see more than half of the game.. There is no way that casually credit feeding through a shmup like an IGN reviewer makes you a better player. If you wanna be dishonorable and cheese your way through a game, that's your call. But don't go around and claim that's the way it should be done.

>> No.1674198

>reading comprehension

>> No.1674204

>muh greentext meme

>> No.1674220

Of course not, mang. My point is that if you are burned out, aiming for smaller goals is more sensible than shooting straight for a world record and failing at it.
I think if you're just starting out then should first aim for 9, 6 then 3 credit clears. But that was merely a suggestion in case you got burned out.

I think a 3 credit clear in factory settings is pretty damn impressive.

>> No.1674225


He literally just proved you wrong by posting that Japanese player's interview. Fuck you're stupid.

Also, now I know this may come as a shock, but different people git gud in different ways.

>muh shit-posting
>>>/r9k/ for your autism

>> No.1674227

Stop trolling man. Just because you don't understand how he practices his games doesn't make him wrong. He just saves more time than you do.

>> No.1674229

Another interesting short term goal, try scoring 75% of the world record in the first few stages.
I believe the japs call this a "grade c" score or something like that.

>> No.1674236

I managed to eventually 1cc R-Type thanks to practicing levels using save states. Don't see how it's a big deal.

>> No.1674248

Does 1ccs in R-type even matter? I thought dying at the check points made things harder.

>> No.1674252

Well yeah but it's still hard as shit to get through unless you know what you're doing since it's a positioning-based shmup.

>> No.1674265

Don't forget to eat rice and squint the Japanese do it so it must be the secret to shmups.

>> No.1674283

How could you idiots fuck up a shmup thread of all things? Christ.

>> No.1674304

This is 4chan, what did you even expect? They always manage to ruin everything.

>> No.1674358


Thanks for contributing and making it better, fellas.

Nice job dude. I was ranked 5th for awhile but they reset the scores for some dumb reason. I might start playing again.

>> No.1674809


Raiden Fighters Aces is cool, but "Arcade" should have been the default difficulty. What got set up as "normal" is actually much easier than default settings on the arcade.

Using the Slave ship of a fast ship like the Judge Spear also makes things considerably easier, given the powerful weapons and smaller hitbox. After using the slave ship for a while I decided to just spend some time seeing what I could do with the Aegis in RF1 and it's SIGNIFICANTLY harder.

>> No.1674853
File: 780 KB, 2048x1536, rf2hiscore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I pretty much agree with everything you said. Yeah, I find arcade brutal. I want to spend more time practicing in "Normal" before practicing it seriously. The Japs probably (rightly) figured that it would be too hard for most Western players and didn't want to hurt our self-esteems.

And yeah, the Judge Spear Slave is way overpowered...it's almost like going down one level of difficulty with whatever mode you're on. Kind of takes away from the fun/uniqueness factor if almost everyone doing well only uses that ship :\

You can always go onto the sub-leader boards for individual ships though so even if you can't get a great score overall you can still do relatively well with the more unique ships which is cool.

Nice. Yeah, I'm new to shmups so even this casual little victory of mine makes me happy for now. Sucks that they reset them though. Why do they do that?

>> No.1674862


Also--guys, I want to give a very hearty recommendation to anyone out there with a 360 who doesn't own Raiden Fighters Aces. It goes for $30ish now new but it is worth every penny. Incredibly fucking fun.

>> No.1674883


If you can't find a copy anywhere, it's also available on the games on demand store for $20 US. Not as nice as owning a physical copy, but unless you get lucky (like I did finding a used copy), most likely the cheapest/easiest way to play the game.

I also want to say that R-Type Dimensions still being $15 on xbla is fucking bullshit too. Just price it for $10 already!!

>> No.1674904

I just did this myself last week 1 lifed first loop then anal violation and game over by 2-2 ... great game i think its the most balanced gradius to.

>> No.1675074

>Crimzon Clover on Steam
Holy shit when did this happen

My boner is ready

>> No.1675102

Is Gradius a good game for someone who is absolute shit at shmups but wants to git gud at them?

>> No.1675109

Not really. The Hori genre is dead and Gradius is more or less memoshit with artificial difficulty deluxe.

>> No.1675242 [DELETED] 

Yes but not the early games, they have a lot of unfair aspects.

Start with Gradius V. Tiny hitbox, can adjust difficulty, and it'll get you plenty used to looking for the next bit of empty space.

>> No.1675256
File: 1.03 MB, 1280x768, 285440_2014-06-06_00001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Non /vr/ related PSA: it's out now and on sale for $7.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled dying in old games.

>> No.1675273

inb4 that one shitposter that always redirects us to /v/ when we talk about new-ish shooters

>> No.1675285

I've been a little Raiden kick lately; so far I've played both the SNES and Genesis versions of Raiden Trad (Raiden 1). I've heard that the Arcade, TG-16, and even the Jaguar(!) versions of Raiden 1 are superior to both of the "Trad" versions.

>> No.1675297

Or if you want to get used to big hitboxes right away, start with the SNES version of Gradius III, and set it on the "Easy" difficulty level. Seriously, the SNES version of Gradius III on "Easy" is of the absolute EASIEST shmups I've ever played. The "Arcade" difficulty level, on the other hand (and don't even get me started on the actual Arcade version of Gradius III...!)

A better shmup to start with IMO would be Thunder Force III or Thunder spirits-- Instant respawn after death, low death penalty (you only loose the weapon you were using & your CLAWs aka options), and stupidly easy bosses.

(For the record, the first shmup I really played was Phalanx. LOL)

>> No.1675308

Gradius V is fucking awesome. It's the best hori.

>> No.1675363

>Non /vr/ related
Then don't post.

>> No.1675368


Arcade Raiden is legendary.

TG-16 is a pretty great port, almost arcade perfect.
Raiden Trad on SNES is an abomination, on genesis it's decent.
Raiden Project on PSX is arcade perfect, haven't played the jaguar version in any capacity.

>> No.1675371

>(For the record, the first shmup I really played was Phalanx. LOL)
I don't see why you feel ashamed about that, Phalanx is a great game.

>> No.1675376

>Raiden Trad on SNES is an abomination, on genesis it's decent.
They're both awful.

>> No.1675383

The only "shitposters" here are the ones that continually and flagrantly disregard the rules and theme of the board in order to turn it into their own personal version of "/v/ but slower". Don't wanna talk about retro games? That's cool, I like newer games too myself, but you need to get the fuck out already.

>> No.1675384

derp, meant for

>> No.1675454

Except you do it about retro shmups like Ikaruga too, you fucking wannabe /vr/ janitor loser.

>> No.1675605

Uh, no?

>> No.1675643

Point is you should just report non-retro posts. When you do the redirection thing, at most you'll just encourage it thanks to spite and defiance, at worst you're just clogging the thread with spam.

>> No.1675667

Moderation is not just an official business. If undesirable behavior is not condemned by the community as well it simply creates a situation like on /v/ where so many new users come in constantly treating it like /b/ with video games on the side. Post deletion and banning are only one component of promoting healthy on-topic discussion. And especially on 4chan where so many users can get around bans easily, what matters most is them realizing from their peers that their behavior is not acceptable.

>> No.1675762


What are you, Judge Retro-Dredd?

Look, stupid, the majority of users on this board are okay if someone mentions Mushihimesama-Futari or the like. The very genre of shmups is inherently retro. It's a tiny, niche genre and has much more of an audience here than in /v/. This is obviously true considering that every time a shmup thread is posted a few anons happily discuss some random Cave game released almost a decade ago and then the autists like you come out of the woodwork and mewl about "HURRRRR MAH....MAH RETRO THO!!!!"

It's so much more obnoxious than a simple post in a large thread which may not be retro according to the slightly arbitrary and ambiguous guidelines posted which are supposed to be there FOR the users to begin with.

Now let's see your shit-post where you elide half the points made and misrepresent the points you do almost comprehend. Go ahead. Let's some typical 4channers shit-post away.

>> No.1675771

>The very genre of shmups is inherently retro.
Read the board rules.

>It's a tiny, niche genre and has much more of an audience here than in /v/.
Because you won't discuss many of the games where their discussion belongs.

>every time a shmup thread is posted a few anons happily discuss some random Cave game released almost a decade ago
/vr/ is not the place for discussing those games. Leave if you can't comply with such a simple rule. This logic is exactly the same as that used by those shitheads who proclaim that since nobody discusses Dragon Ball Z or Berzerk on /a/ it's all right to bring that off-topic crap to /v/.

>> No.1675776


Ah, there it is.


I'll bet you wouldn't J-walk across a country road in the middle of the night if no one else was around for miles.

>/vr/ is not the place for discussing those games

Sure is. That's why we keep/will keep doin' it there, genius.

>> No.1675783

And I will just have to continue doing my civic duty of reporting said off-topic posts and telling those such as yourself to fuck off back to /v/ where you belong.

>> No.1675787

>my civic duty

This is why you don't have friends.

>> No.1675914

"awful" is such a strong word. "Mediocre" sums up the genesis port more accurately.

Raiden Project is pretty ace though. The disc is pretty cheap (trust me the manual doesn't add to the package, lol), and it's bonafide good shooting on the PS1.

>> No.1676117
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>The very genre of shmups is inherently retro

>> No.1676150

Wow. Now Im wondering, why people like him don't buy the PCB?

>> No.1676714

>laggy LCD
>shit drivers tear horribly unless you enable vsync and add an extra frame or two of lag
Modern computers are really pathetic sometimes.

>> No.1676790

Maybe not enough space at his house. I like how Yagawa owns thousands of PCB's but never really plays them much these days, being a retired shmupper. I'd like to visit his shmup mansion.

>> No.1676807

Maybe the arcade is fun.

>> No.1676812


This looks pretty cool, it's like a Gameboy Gradius.

>> No.1677350
File: 73 KB, 320x224, DoDonPachi (J).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Other than Einhander and R-Type Dimensions, what else is worth looking out for on the PSX?

I know it's nothing compared to the Saturn's library, but it's also much easier to get a hold of the games.

>> No.1677372

Gradius Gaiden, G Darius, Salamander 1+2, ports of the three parodius games, Sexy, Oshaberi, Gokujyou, Raiden 2, Zanac x Zanac.

These games aren't really that different from their saturn counterparts afaik.

>> No.1677418

Did the N64 even have any shmups?

>> No.1677450

banjo kazooie

>> No.1677483

star wars episode one pod racer

>> No.1677552

Star Fox 64 nigger
Also Star Soldier: Vanishing Earth

>> No.1677570

>Star Fox 64
How good is this? I blew threw it when it first came out I remember it being super short and not liking it as much as the snes one. Should I give it another shot?

>> No.1677597

>confusing rail shooters for shmups

>> No.1677604

Go play Thunder Force V and Harmful Park.

>> No.1677752
File: 82 KB, 842x549, rail shooter vs. 3d shmup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>confusing shoot 'em ups for rail shooters

>> No.1677803


Sorry mate, but you're incorrect.

>> No.1677808

HotD is a lightgun shooter, not a rail shooter, you fucking mongoloid.

>> No.1677814


>> No.1677816

It's about as good as the Saturn library, as far as I'm concerned, if we're weighing exclusives, plus stuff that is more accessible in MAME (ie, stuff that costs the triple digits).

The Raiden Project is a nice compilation that's pretty cheap too.
RayStorm is also a pretty solid shooter with good production and nice atmosphere.

>> No.1677824

Citing a wiki is already moronic but you've went and gone further and cited quite possibly the least consistent part of a wiki possible. Great work.

Most light gun shooters are in fact rail shooters. You fucking mongoloid.

>> No.1677831

So you're saying a random anon's misinformed 4chan image is more credible than Wikipedia? Right...

>> No.1677838

>Most light gun shooters are in fact rail shooters. You fucking mongoloid.
Not really. Lightgun games require a peripheral to play well, and restrict your movement. Rail shooters allow you to move around freely on an X/Y axis while moving forward constantly (most of the time), and have other gimmicks similar to a regular shmup. To place them on the same level, or to imply they're a subset of one or the other, is pants retarded.

>> No.1677886

>Not really.
Yes, really. Your definition of a rail shooter is in fact in correct. A rail shooter is a game in which, as its name quite clearly implies, runs literally "on rails". As such, there is no character control. You move in whatever direction the games moves you. Star Fox is simply another kind of shmup. By your retarded definition of a rail shooter you would have to include every single 2D shmup as well because they have the same play restrictions as Star Fox and then some.

>> No.1677895

Yes, because Wikipedia is not a source. A wiki is a collection of anonymous and sometimes named claims and opinions made at various points in time in the past, present, and future by people of questionable credibility, along with links to collections of sources. The wiki itself is not a source. It is not even good for gauging public opinion or general consensus. Anyone can very easily edit an article immediately after it’s posted in order to make the look like a total buffoon. Citing a wiki as a set of sources (which may or may not even support your argument), and then expecting the person you're trying to convince to sort through them themselves and pick out just which one you want to use which actually supports you--in other words, to construct your own argument for you--is extremely discourteous. Even more ridiculous is citing a CATEGORIES PAGE of all things. Things are categorized by users with almost never any form of citation to back them up. They are not even articles. Categories are simply tools to help organize access to articles. And in the case of video game genres wikipedia has been a very disorganized mess for ages. You are not helping any sort of argument you're attempting to make by citing it, unless your argument is simply that "some users who edited some edits believe that some games belong with some subset of other games for organization".

Please, stop citing wikis... Please. I'm begging you.

>> No.1677904

>Lightgun games require a peripheral to play well, and restrict your movement
Also just to clarify that is just a self-serving distinction and not at all intrinsic to what a lightgun shooter is. Is Sin and Punishment 2 not a light gun shooter now? No, a lightgun shooter is a game in which you shoot with a "lightgun" peripheral. That's it.

>> No.1677973

There are fundamental gameplay differences that separate a lightgun game from a rail shooter. If you can't observe them by just playing the games then that's your problem.

>> No.1677991

2D shmups can't be rail shooters because that means you're in a three-dimensional space, hence being attached to "rails". They require a totally different mindset to play where you have to focus on what's coming at you from the z-plane and actually emulating a flight craft's control. They may share some design patterns but they are not equivalent genres. In fact, I would say they have more in common with Ace Combat than shoot 'em ups.

By classic definition, shmup refers to 2D vertical, isometric, fixed, or horizontal shooting games. Not rail shooters. Star Fox and its ilk do not belong ITT.

>> No.1678004

No, there aren't. Because lightgun isn't really game genre. It just describes games that use one. Use some common sense for god sakes.

>> No.1678007

Star Fox is more like a 2D shmup than any true rail shooter. Calling it one is really dumb and dilutes the meaning of rail shooter that only ends up obfuscating discussion.

>By classic definition
And frankly you're going to have a very tough time finding a definition of shmup that everyone will agree on.

>> No.1678014

Rail shooter is almost but not quite synonymous with light gun shooter. Let me give you some examples to help clears things up.

Rail shooters:
-House of the Dead
-that silly roller coaster minigame in Final Fantasy VII

Light gun shooters:
-House of the Dead
-Duck Hunt
-Sin and Punishment 2

A light gun shooter can be a rail shooter and a rail shooter can use a light gun, but they don't necessarily have to be the same thing.

>> No.1678451
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>no mention of Omega Boost
Seriously, fuck all of you

>> No.1678459


You haven't lived if you haven't played Sol Feace on Sega CD.

>> No.1678470

this game is so fucking awesome. Got it when it came out and still have it.

>> No.1679882


>> No.1679897

>-Sin and Punishment 2
>lightgun shooter
stop trolling

>> No.1680098


>> No.1680764
File: 5 KB, 144x224, 269436-judgement-silversword-rebirth-edition-wonderswan-color-screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bought Eschatos because I've heard good things. I don't really care for it, but I'm really enjoying Judgement Silversword and Cardinal Sins (WonderSwan games that came with it).

>> No.1680867

Just because you can use waggle to aim does not a lightgun shooter make. Are Metroid Prime 3 and RE4 suddenly lightgun shooters now because you have to waggle to aim? Besides, in S&P2 you can disable the waggle and also move around, jump, roll, etc., unlike real lightgun shooters like Virtua Cop, Time Crisis, Umbrella Chronciles, or DS Extraction, where waves come in bursts of intervals and you only have control over pointing the crosshair which was designed around using an actual lightgun to play with. Please quit spouting nonsense and trying to act like an expert on videogames when you're obviously a retard.

>> No.1680868
File: 13 KB, 134x97, 88gfc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to act like an expert on videogames when you're obviously a retard.

>> No.1680879

>Just because you can use waggle to aim does not a lightgun shooter make. Are Metroid Prime 3 and RE4 suddenly lightgun shooters now because you have to waggle to aim?
"Waggle" is not how you aim in those games and yes they are.

>> No.1680892


this here is a good game

>> No.1680976

Because he asked for shootemups, not third-person shooters. It's like recommending Future Cop LAPD. Yeah, great game, but not the same type of playstyle.

>> No.1681028
File: 104 KB, 810x1080, Cyvern_-_1998_-_Kaneko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enough with the relentless shitposting.

Discuss Cybernetic Wyverns.

>> No.1681192

I bet you think Smash isn't a fighting game.

>> No.1681252

It's a pretty fun party game for casuals.

When you need to strip away several fundamental aspects of the game, like items or certain stages, before it can be considered a fighter, you know you've fucked up already.

>> No.1681545

My god I want to play Darius II on that super wide screen at the top of the E3 stage.

>> No.1681552

input lag

>> No.1681563

git gud

>> No.1681727
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>that stage 4 in donpachi

>> No.1682181

Been getting to level 5 in DDP consistently, but I've only seen the final boss once. That level is a cunt.

>> No.1682184

DDP has 6 stages

>> No.1682256

Yeah... the 6th level doesn't happen when you credit feed so I always forget about it.

>> No.1682262

Also, that 2nd loop looks hard as balls. Not going to aim for anything past 1-ALL anytime soon, I think.

>> No.1682268

Also also... are there any bee location maps online for DDP? All the links are broken in the shmups.com thread.

>> No.1683697

the frenchies probably have a guide for the bees

watch a run on youtube or something

>> No.1686257
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I'm just gonna leave these here:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3BdeK-6p7Y (volume warning)

>> No.1686310 [DELETED] 
File: 91 KB, 640x480, hell4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I figured this might be a good place to ask.

Does anyone know where I can find Hellsinker anymore? It seemed like a really cool game but I can't find any trace of the game to download. Do I have to order a disc from the creator via Amazon to get this game anymore?

>> No.1686314 [DELETED] 

I got my copy off of Amazon.co.jp. Now git back to /v/.

>> No.1686316


>> No.1686330 [DELETED] 

It's only available for import. It is inexpensive.

As if /v/ would shut up about squid lolis long enough to even notice a hellsinker question.

>> No.1686336

>It's only available for import. It is inexpensive.
I wish I knew about that Groupees bundle last october. Now I'm not sure about paying $30 for it when I could just get a decent CAVE game instead for that price.

>> No.1686945

wasnt there a shmup pack? pls help

>> No.1687119

put in google "mediafire mature dot eaters"