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1655194 No.1655194[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So i want to pick up a 6 button Genesis controller and keep seeing these online. Id prefer to get an official Sega one but ill take what I can get.
Are these even worth it?
Are there any 3rd party ones that are as good as the official or should I just stick with the Sega ones?

i know a lot of people hate on madcatz and the like but ive used some pretty good 3rd party stuff before but im still a bit weary on this

>> No.1655203

They're junk. The manufacturing quality is extremely shoddy, and the controls break within a few hours of normal use. Check the reviews. Most anyone who has actually bought one will tell you the same thing.

>> No.1655208

Don't take too many chances with 3rd-party controllers, the problem usually isn't the looks but rather the awful quality of the parts. There are some exceptional 3rd party manufacturers like Hori out there, but that generic controller in your image is almost guaranteed to be shit.

Just pay the extra money for a real Sega controller, the vastly superior quality is worth it.

>> No.1655212

the SG ones are good quality,
Avoid the clone ones on Ebay, they quality is cheap and the cable is very short

>> No.1655240

ok pretty much confirms what i was thinking

>SG ones
what brand is that?

>> No.1655361

this. 3rd party 6button genny controllers are AWFUL. stick with the official Sega ones

>> No.1655373
File: 791 KB, 1753x988, Image4_50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe all the original Sega pads will have little "sega" engraving on the connector. Been a while since I checked, though.

Bootleg 6-button pads were incredibly common even back when they came out... they even bootlegged the box of it!

>> No.1655457

I got one from Hong Kong and it worked great....
...for about a week.

>> No.1655469
File: 3.75 MB, 1296x1936, mystery_controller.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know how good the ones with the Turbo buttons work? I just bought the one pictured a couple weeks ago for $5 and haven't had the chance to sit down and use it.

>> No.1655563
File: 118 KB, 480x180, 1391251171035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how lazy are you?
you have the controllers right there to test but youd rather some random anon tell you instead

fucking american as fuck

>> No.1655568

They were a godsend for Mortal Kombat and Eternal Champions.

>> No.1655574


I have that exact controller and it's pretty solid.

D-pad squeaks a bit.

>> No.1655595

6 button controllers are garbage in general.

Which games even use all 6 on the genesis? Just street fighter comes to mind.

>> No.1655605

most fighting games do
Street Fighter
Yu Yu Hakusho

>> No.1655606

Oh wow its fucking nothing. You should be playing that shit on MAME anyway

>> No.1655629


quite a few

>> No.1655654
File: 156 KB, 550x280, ranger-x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's plenty of fun games that aren't fightans actually use it, nevermind that there's Genesis exclusive fightans like Eternal Champions and console exclusive ones like Weaponlord, which is more suited to the Genesis controller than the SNES one. For example...
>Lost Vikings
>Turrican 3
>Zombies Ate My Neighbors
>Streets of Rage 3
>Comix Zone
>and most importantly
>Ranger x
>RANGER MOTHER FUCKING X, one the best games on the system.

>> No.1655665

>RANGER MOTHER FUCKING X, one the best games on the system.

Watch out, this guy thinks that 6-button pads are garbage in general, so he might condemn Ranger X as a joke forever because it runs at 30fps.

>> No.1655675


Where did you even pull that from? We're talking about consoles. You know, the ones that follow the NTSC and PAL standards.

>> No.1655681
File: 74 KB, 800x648, propad 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ISS Deluxe and the later FIFA games do, lots of six-button functions on those. Also Comix Zone.

But you don't have to just take my word for it.


As for OP - look for the SG ProPad 2 (pic related). It is built very robustly, great d-pad and also has remapping and turbo functions. This company also made the GameShark IIRC.

>> No.1655714

Oh yeah, I know of that controller, it gets a lot of respect on Sega 16, that big Genesis forum. I'm considering getting one myself.

>> No.1655731

>it runs at 30fps

frames don't matter before '00, son

only bits do

>> No.1655740

No, we are talking about consoles that output a RGB signal at a horizontal sync of 15khz and a vertical sync of 50 or 60. Which are hooked up to an encoder chip that converts this signal to PAL/NTSC composite.

Either way: Ranger X only updates the screen at every other frame. It is such a smooth game in every single way though (controls, animations, graphical effects, gameplay), that I didn't even notice this until someone explicitly pointed it out.

I mean on the first boss fight you have people running around the size of your leg, and then the entire screen is engulfed in a flurry of fireballs, and then a full-screen sized four legged walking tank comes in. It's legs are separate sprites so the walking animation is infinitely smoother than if it was hand-drawn, and its spewing at you bullets and rockets and shooting you with a machine gun twice your size and it also shoots at you bullets that break down into more rockets.

It was awesome.

>> No.1655742

are the saturn versions of those any good? I actually see them on ebay for cheap all the time and was thinking about getting some as replacements.

>> No.1655743

A LOT of people made an enormous deal about framerate for N64 games and STILL DO. It's sad, really.

>> No.1656327

I ordered one last week, I hope it isn't too cheap.

>> No.1656578

I only buy them when I have Genesis 2's to sell.

The genuine controllers cost $10 here and since i can only get $30 for the consoles I don't like spending too much and the casuals who buy the model 2 won't really care if the controller is shit since they will likely just play sonic for a few minutes to relive their childhood.

>> No.1656785

Not necessarily, they actually have a use in speedrunning - specifically the Sonic games because it's easier to roll your fingers to get as many Spin Dash taps as possible. Useful in general? No. But a use nonetheless.

I personally think the 3-button controller market is more dicey than the 6 because only 1 model out of the 3 official ones is any good and sellers will hardly ever open one up to show you which one it is.

>> No.1656836

which are the good 3 button ones?

>> No.1656894

>I personally think the 3-button controller market is more dicey than the 6 because only 1 model out of the 3 official ones is any good

Actually, aren't there like a dozen different ones?

>> No.1657034

This one is great indeed.
I got two recently, got them used but a quick cleaning job made them pretty much work as new again.

>> No.1657045

how did you clean them>?
i have 2 3-buttons that are kinda sticky on some of the keys (not like jizz sticky, but the button sticks when you press it a certain way, dpad in certain directions)

>> No.1657048

Try playing Bad Dudes on NES and tell me it doesn't have an fps issue.

>> No.1657050

I have an original one I got used, works reliably and I even hook it up to the computer via USB for games like Re-Volt.

I personally think the Saturn's controllers are better though, it's basically the 6-button but better and with more buttons.

>> No.1657051

I usually unscrew the cover, remove the buttons/dpad and scrub them down using a toothbrush and dish soap around the edges.

>> No.1657053

Just noticed that I put a 2 in the name field before instead of the captcha box.

Just grab a philips screwdriver, open it up and check the rubber circles that reside below the buttons. They will most likely be sticky and full of grime. Clean that up with a moist cotton swab. A brush can help too.
Get some isopropyl alcohol to rub the contacts in the controller's board.
Take out the plastics for the buttons and clean them too, if the edges are dirty that can also cause sticky behavior.

Then close up again and see how it works out.

>> No.1658047

do saturn controllers work on genesis?

>> No.1658079

so is the Sega Genesis Control Pad (v2) (MK-1650) the best iteration of the 3 button controllers? are the 6 button better than those?

>> No.1660174

They are awful. I would have been better off buying a used on, and cleaning it.

>> No.1660191
File: 441 KB, 1600x1200, 2014-05-31 14.17.22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got two of them today
Not tiny, not cheap feeling, decent Dpad, not OMG BUTTONS!!,

>> No.1662284
File: 58 KB, 600x600, m07016_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this model any good, or is it shitty like those other third-party models you can get off Amazon?

>> No.1662865

oh look it's this faggot again

>> No.1662869

different connector

>> No.1662927

Why would you even want a six-face-button Genesis controller? Just get an SNES adapter or something.

>> No.1662940

I use the 6 button controller all the time. I feels better than the 3 button controller. I dont care if half the buttons are useless on most games.

>> No.1662958

The 1650 D-Pads came in 3 versions. The first one was just your regular rubber pad that was alright, but deteriorated just like all pads do either over time or through over-use. The second one was the same pad, but it has this small metal ball bearing in it that works really well in preserving the pad and keeping the directions fluid and imo it's the best pad for a 1650. The third version is an absolute joke - it's a ball hinge held together by a tiny plastic X that is really fluid new but eventually breaks down so bad that you can press down on the D-Pad and it will register as pressing all directions down as once. It's complete junk.

Yes, the 1650 v2 is the best whether you're playing casually or for more serious things. 3 button vs 6 button, I find, is completely up to taste and I respect everyone's opinions to like one or the other (or both)

>> No.1663012

You are definitely missing one version there: the one that had the pad go through a hole in the PCB and have all the connectors on the back, with the d-pad putting inverse motion on the rubber membrane.

I'm sure there are more versions too. All the 3-button pads I remember opening are different. I'll need to take pictures of them eventually.

>> No.1663060

outside of 2d fighters & beyond the oasis, there is no point to owning one

>> No.1663063

i wouldn't say they're that bad. i bought one for 6 bucks new and its held up for months and months, feels better to play on then some 3 button sega controllers i have. my only complaint is mine has a really short chord

>> No.1663438

I'd recommend just sticking with official Genesis six button pads released at the time. I bought some recent unofficial one and the pad was so stiff I couldn't even pull off special moves in Mortal Kombat which doesn't even require much input for most of the specials.

>> No.1663442

That's because the framerate on the N64 was shit even for its time.

>> No.1663443

The buttons are nice but the pad is really stiff.

>> No.1663471

Disagree. They're pretty nice if you have a 32X; a lot of 32X games are much better with the 6-button.

Y'know, if you care about the 32X.

>> No.1665805

>Ranger X

I love that game but it barely uses the six button pad. The only function it adds is being able to move the motorcycle while you are using the jet pack which you rarely ever have to do.

>> No.1666081
File: 97 KB, 800x877, Majesco 6 button.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Majesco 6 buttons are great if you can find one.

>> No.1666092

Are there any the size of 3-button controllers to appease my mighty ogre hands.

>> No.1666603

I find it difficult to play a lot of N64 games because it's so uncomfortably slow.