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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1643294 No.1643294[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How powerful was the 32x?
What could it have been capable of with proper support and better games?

>> No.1646001

Could probably handle Chrono Trigger with ok sound quality.

>> No.1646023

Well, it has more colors than the genesis, a faster processor and can handle basic 3D polygons.

Not very powerful, but it's like something in the middle of a SNES/Genesis and a Saturn.

>> No.1646029


>> No.1646034

It could render Virtua Fighter 1 level 3D polygon graphics and blend them with the traditional sprite based graphics of the Genesis, as well as FMV style graphics from the Sega CD. Forget Chrono Trigger, it could have done something like Final Fantasy 7 with a few alterations here and there.

Tom Kalinske, the guy who brought Sega to the height of its glory really really believed in it as a platform and insists that the only thing that killed it was SoJ refusing to put development into it and putting all their eggs into Saturn's basket. He felt the Neptune should have been the console to go up against Playstation and it was the Saturn that should have dried up and blown away and since I have great respect for Tom Kalinske I have to wonder myself.

>> No.1646060

The Genesis besides its processer was pretty weak. The SNES+Super FX is stronger then the 32X but can't handel 3D as well.

Now the Sega 32x is way more powerful the SNES without the Super FX.

From the system alone the 32x is barely more powerful then the SNES besides its polygon rendering.

>> No.1646072 [DELETED] 

>The Genesis besides its processer was pretty weak.
Compared to what?, the only thing SNES did better is more colors. The genesis has better resolution and of course, processor.

>The SNES+Super FX is stronger then the 32X but can't handel 3D as well.

>> No.1646076

>The Genesis besides its processer was pretty weak.
Compared to what?, the only thing SNES did better is more colors. The genesis has better resolution and of course, processor, which actually matter.

>The SNES+Super FX is stronger then the 32X but can't handel 3D as well.

>> No.1646080

I doubt that, the 32x's soundchip was leagues behind the SNES' and only allowed for high quality audio samples but didn't improve the genesis' range of sounds and tones much.

The gameplay would be fine however, though it might include loading.

>> No.1646101

>snes only did more colours
Nigga, double the RAM, double on screen planes, more sprites on screen, not sure what your smoking but the SNES had a much high top resolution, and faaaar superior sound qualities.
The Genesis' processer was barley even better, RAM is more important in retro.

I was talking SNES vs. Genesis, the 32x and SNES are matched almost equally but the 32x does 3d better.

I doubt any 32x could run Yoshi's island

>> No.1646114


The Genesis alone was better than the SNES when it came to audio.




>> No.1646116

Then why the SNES doesn't have games so crazy like SoR2/3 or Gunstar Heroes?

Yeah sure, theoretically the SNES could handle more sprites on screen (theoretically like 120), but with games like final fight it could barely manage 3 enemies on screen with slowdowns, while the genesis in games like SoR2/3 has up to 6 enemies on screen, with, bigger resolution, parallax scrolling backgrounds and little slowdown.

And no, the SNES doesn't have better resolution, the hi RES mode in the SNES was only for menu because it is limited to 16 colors, the standard resolution in games is 256x224, while in genesis most games are 320x224

>> No.1646137


No. The Genesis only had a faster processor.

>> No.1646141
File: 52 KB, 203x209, smiley.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys... It looks like you're trying to engage in what we call a "console war" thread. You see, here at /vr/ we don't encourage that sort of thing, but we have a great board dedicated to it...


I hope this clears up any confusion for you, and helps improve everybody's browsing experience.

>> No.1646157
File: 835 KB, 766x3326, sooperneentendoyunohighres.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put 120 sprites on screen on maximum resolution and see how well your machine handles it. Most SNES games ran at a lower resolution than Genesis games pleb.

>> No.1646161


If you think that this is a console war thread, then maybe you should take your own advice and go to /v/ to see what a real console war thread looks like.

This is just a discussion about the specs, you immense faggot.

>> No.1646163

Come to think of it, SNES processor was still better.

>> No.1646167


>> No.1646170

Not even we big nerds are crazy enough to start console wars for 20 years old consoles.


>> No.1646174


Both consoles had slowdown. Fuck, Streets of Rage 1 has slow down in the third stage whenever it 'rains'

And to respond to your SoR2/3 comparing to Final Fight, I've got to ask, 'Why?' Why be such an immense faggot? Seriously? Final Fight for SNES was bad. It was a bad port, it was a bad game. Final Fight Guy was just another slap in the face. When you look at how King of Dragons, and Knights of the Round were handled, you can only see Final Fight for SNES as an insult. SNES got shafted hard for Final Fight. If you want to compare SoR 2/3 then compare them to Final Fight 2 and 3, you ass.

>> No.1646178


It probably was. We've learned a long time ago that Megahurtz are just bullshit.

>> No.1646181

I'm not sure what your trying to proove, all of those SNES games have high quality and look less 'bitty'
Either way the SNES could run any Genesis game, but you couldn't play SNES games on genesis

You can't compare two different beasts, Final Fight also had much bigger sprites and many more colours.

But it still means the SNES has a better resolution, even if it can't be applied to games making the SNES, to have a better resolution capabilities.

>> No.1646185

Of course both have slowdown, but genesis has less slowdowns and is generally faster because of the processor.

And i meant the entire Final Fight series, faggot, none of the have more than 3 enemies on screen and still have more slowdowns than SoR2/3.

>> No.1646184

knights of the round and king of dragons are both shit tier arcade ports as well. The sprites are scaled down to look like shit and the background are boring as shit too compared to the arcade games. Also its only made to compare resolutions you fucking retard because we all know the SNES runs a higher res according to all you goys.

>> No.1646189

The Genesis still had a better processer. Not that it really mattered, the SNES was superior in everything else and can run Sonic, but I doubt a genesis could run Chrono Trigger, Super Mario World or F-Zero.

In the end, RAM and colours are far more important for retro.

>> No.1646190

The plural of goy is goyim, you retard.

>> No.1646191

>32x and SNES are matched almost equally
Do you just not understand what the 32 in 32x stood for? You are comparing a 32 bit system to a 16 bit system unfairly by saying it couldn't run x game when it is impossible to even find out if that was true. The 32x was designed to utilize the Genesis's power while distributing it's own power, and has it's own share of eyecandy, arguably more intense than Yoshi's Island.

That said, I doubt any SNES could run Kolibri

>> No.1646194

>more colors
that looked like washed out shit.

>> No.1646198

Nigga for the last time, the Genesis processor is on par with the SNES'.

Any lag from games created equal from a dev is due to the dev's fault for not using the hardware better.

The genesis had a lot of worse ports then the SNES'

>> No.1646201


Listen you ass for brains. Knights of the Round and King of Dragons supported 2 players and all the selectable fighters, whereas Final Fight and Final Fight Guy did not.


If you meant the entire Final Fight series then you should have fucking said you, you mongoloid. You were specific with Streets of Rage so it's only fair to assume you were doing so with Final Fight as well.

Fucking jackoff.

>> No.1646202

>Either way the SNES could run any Genesis game
Try porting Alien Soldier, Thunder Force 4, Gunstar Heroes, Hard Corps and SoR2/3 then, have fun!
>Final Fight also had much bigger sprites
They are barely bigger, but SoR2 and 3 have bigger resolution and more effects, like Parallax or rotations.
>But it still means the SNES has a better resolution
Stop being silly, just look at the image of the guy above.

>> No.1646205

The genesis was darker graphics because less colours.

Theres no 'washout' only colour.

>> No.1646209

Hows about this, something that could actually be compared. Which one has the worst version of Doom? SNES or 32x?

What are you talking about? In that picture, almost every Genesis game was brighter than their SNES counterparts.

>> No.1646210

Those games wouldn't be hard at all, just change it to SNES friendly format.

It was a shitty port anyways, I don't claim how big Chrono Trigger was and compare it to fucking Sonic. If it was dev'd by nintendo I could understand.

A large resolution still means a large resolution

>> No.1646212


>32x was a 32 bit system!

My aching ass. It couldn't run without the Genesis handling some of the load. So whatever strengths it had, it was still limited by the Genesis.

We'll never really know what it was capable of, because thankfully it died. It deserved to die.

>> No.1646217

please don't talk about things you don't understand

>> No.1646219


Shut the fuck up, niggerfaggot. If I'm wrong, prove me wrong, or fuck off.

>> No.1646226

This is a discussion thread not /v/

He may be a dickhead but atleast don't shitpost him on it

>> No.1646229

I gotta disagree with him there. The 32X would have just got shit on more than the Saturn for being weaker than the Playstation if it actually lived long enough. The only way I could see the 32X being successful was if they released it in like 92 where it wouldn't be stuck in this middle ground between being more powerful than the Genesis and SNES but not being powerful enough to convince people it's worth getting instead of just waiting for a Saturn or Playstation to arrive.

>> No.1646231


This thread blows and should be deleted. It started off as a discussion about the 32x and quickly degraded into a shit-flinging console war.

Now you fuck off, too, you testicle-shitting rectal wart.

>> No.1646236

SNES Doom had good music and more content, but it ran at a low framerate, looked awful, and just wasn't fun to play.

32X Doom ran and looked far better, and it was much better from a gameplay perspective. The music is so bad that you may as well turn it off, and due to rushed development, only 15 levels were included.

I would choose... the PlayStation version.

>> No.1646237


If the 32x would have been a stand-alone console, it probably would have been better. Having to piggyback off of the Genesis probably hurt it's graphical capabilities.

I've heard that it has Q-Sound support, but no games ever used it, as far as I know.

>> No.1646243 [DELETED] 

Give some examples then, because i can give you some ports in the SNES that suffered because of its slower processor.

Thunder Force 3 (heavy slowdowns)
WWF Arcade Game (only 2 enemies on screen unlike the genesis version which had 3, and more slowdowns)
Mickey Mania (poor animation, lacks parallax, load times)
Flashback (slowdowns, load times)
Super Ghouls n Ghosts (not a port, but some heavy slowdown at times)

But leaving ports alone, genesis action games exclusives were more impressive, fluid and had more shit on screen than action exclusives from the SNES (excluding some games with enhancement chips)

>> No.1646249

Give some examples then, because i can give you some ports in the SNES that suffered because of its slower processor.

Thunder Force 3 (heavy slowdowns)
WWF Arcade Game (only 2 enemies on screen unlike the genesis version which had 3, and less slowdowns)
Mickey Mania (poor animation, lacks parallax, load times)
Flashback (slowdowns, load times)
Super Ghouls n Ghosts (not a port, but some heavy slowdown at times)

But leaving ports alone, genesis action games exclusives were more impressive, fluid and had more shit on screen than action exclusives from the SNES (excluding some games with enhancement chips)

>> No.1646264


>Genesis unable to run any of those three games

Hey, hey.
Did you know that an amateur ported the first stage of Starfox to the Genesis without even optimizing the code and it runs without any extra chips?


Also please show me a game like Red Zone/Hardwired on SNES.

I'd love to see the SNES running Alien Soldier, Thunder Force IV, Adventures of Batman and Robin too.

Or, go ahead, use those chips.
Virtua Racing could never run on Nintendo's machine.

>> No.1646274

>In the end, RAM and colours are far more important for retro.
You're a complete moron. All those special effects the SNES had were able to be recreated with DMA on the Genesis because its processor was so much faster (And I have to note the SNES could only do them because it could perform DMA during H-Blank). The SNES was so bogged down, it almost completely negated any advantage it may have had.

And the games you mentioned:
>I doubt a genesis could run Chrono Trigger, Super Mario World or F-Zero.

Why? Of all the games you could have picked, these are three I can tell you the Genesis would have no problem whatsoever running. Especially Chrono Trigger, why would any console have issues running an RPG? Unless you're talking specifically about colors, but that does not keep a game from running.

>> No.1646282

mode 7

checkmate genesists

>> No.1646287 [DELETED] 

>Mario World
Nigga for real?
>Chrono Trigger
It would have been different of course, but it could still be ported with slightly worse colors.
Genesis can emulate "muh mode 7" by software, so yeah it's not impossible.


>> No.1646289

That video looks like a loop of the same scenario over and over again in order; two small clusters of buildings, two robots and one flying robot, five rings, repeat. Still very impressive, and that fucking music is fantastic. Wish it saw an official port too, as that game looks even smoother.

>> No.1646291

Super Nintendo fucking sucks and has always been a kiddy shit console

>> No.1646293



Checkmate? Where?

>> No.1646294

>Mario World
Nigga for real?
>Chrono Trigger
It would have been different of course, but it could still be ported with slightly worse colors.
Genesis can emulate "muh mode 7" by software, so yeah it's not impossible.


>> No.1646297


Let's be fair, post only Genesis games.

Like Panorama Cotton, and Lawnmower Man's special stage, for example.

>> No.1646302


SNES did run Adventures of Batman and Robin.

>> No.1646304

Okay, although the only difference with the Sega CD is SLIGHTLY better processor

>> No.1646305

Funny how Genesis has less usable colors but the games were still much more vibrant and that art was much better
Available colors don't mean shit if the devs keep using the same few colors instead of branching out

>> No.1646307

The SNES one is an entirely different game.

>> No.1646308


Yeah. The SNES had the real game, and the Genesis had a shitty low-quality port so the ancient Genesis hardware could display it. :^)

>> No.1646316

>le epik maymay face
>underage nintendo fanboy shitposter
Stay there and don't come back, fuckhead. Summer sure did come early.

>> No.1646342


Nice asspained response, fucker. Stop bumping this shit thread while telling other people they are shit posters.

>> No.1646363

The 32x is a complete computer system, with 2 CPUs, scratchpad RAM, a ROM bootloader, and audio/video outputs. It doesn't "need" the Genesis to do anything besides read the controllers, but you've already got the 68000 and VDP so most games will use them to show background layers.

>> No.1646370

>projecting this fucking hard


>> No.1646391

I'm not 100% sure about this, but I believe After Burner and Space Harrier only used the Genesis for the HUD, while the main game was done by the 32X.

>> No.1646396

its a shit

>> No.1646406

>The Genesis besides its processer was pretty weak

The VDP was also way faster and could process way more sprites than the SNES graphics chip. SNES had the advantage of some higher quality graphics modes and a PCM chip for sound and that was that. It needed extra in-cart processors to push its own video chipset.

>I doubt that, the 32x's soundchip was leagues behind the SNES' and only allowed for high quality audio samples

The SNES SPC was based on sample playback, so the 32x doing higher quality samples meant that it could outshine the SNES. Which it did in real life.

>the SNES had a much high top resolution
In theory, yes, but in practice hi-res modes were used in maybe 1 SNES and 2 Genesis games.
In practice, all SNES games used lower resolutions than the Genesis.

>> No.1646423

The Genesis still lost to Nintendo and Sega still ended up dying as a console gaming company.
> Whiteknighting Sega for free.

>> No.1646426

>So whatever strengths it had, it was still limited by the Genesis.

The 32x literally overlaid it's own graphics on top of the Genesis with an analog rgb mixer due to the genny having no video input feature. About the only "limitation" the Genesis gave the 32x was limiting the CPU speed to 23mhz (3x genesis clock), despite the SH2s being good up to 28mhz.

But in terms of raw power the 32x shits all over the SNES, including all of its on-cart chips, and all of its colour modes. I think the only thing the SNES does better is having more PCM sound channels (and supporting audio compression to save memory), but the 32x can dedicate an entire cpu to do software audio mixing so that's kind of a moot point.

>> No.1646429

>So whatever strengths it had, it was still limited by the Genesis.
To be honest, whatever strenghts it had, it was still limited by the programmer's lack of care.
The Genesis could run incredible games when a competent team worked on it (Treasure for example) but let's be frank: most of the Genesis's third party companies were incompetent bastards.

>> No.1646436

How Genesis lost when they fucked Nintendo's monopoly everywhere except in Japan?

>Whiteknighting Nintendo for free.

>> No.1646437

>But in terms of raw power the 32x shits all over the SNES
So did the Genesis and the Snes still had better games then it.

Being "superior" based on specs alone means shit- just remember the Sega Saturn and how it ended up being absolutely buttfucked by the Playstation.

>> No.1646442

>So did the Genesis and the Snes still had better games then it.

OP asked
>How powerful was the 32x?

>How many good games the 32x have?

>> No.1646443

But the PS1 was more powerful (3D-wise) than the Saturn, dumbfuck. The n64 is the most powerful of the three, and ended up being the shittier.

>> No.1646447

Probably at the part where Nintnedo is still fondly remembered even by people who don't care about video games while Sega is only known for Sonic who just gets shit on constantly.

>> No.1646450

>post attempting to explain why you were wrong

you must be joking

>> No.1646452
File: 246 KB, 475x360, 1277237594774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Sega Genesis/Mega Drive: aprox. 40 million units sold
> Master System: approx. 13 million units sold
> Game Gear: approx. 11 million units sold
> Sega Saturn: approx. 9.5 million units sold
> Sega Dreamcast: approx 10.6 million units sold

> Super Nes/Super Famicom: approx. 49.10 million units sold
> NES/Famicom: approx. 61.91 million units sold
> Game Boy: approx. 118.69 million units sold.
> Nintendo 64: approx 32.93 million units sold
> Game Cube:approx 21.74 million units sold
> Game Boy Advanced: approx. 81.51 million units sold
> DS: approx. 153.98 million units sold

> NEC PC-Engine: approx 10 million units sold
> NEC Turboexpress: approx 1.5 million units sold.

> Sony Playstation: approx. 102.49 million units sold.
> Sony PSP: approx. 80 million units sold
> PSP Vita: approx. 4 million units sold
> Total sales of ALL of Sega's consoles combined: 84.1 million
> Sega CD sales: 6 million
> 32 X sales: 665,000 units.
> Final Sega count: 90,7 million sales

> Game Boy sales: 118.69

> MFW the Game Boy alone sold more units than Sega did during all of it's life in the console gaming scene.

>> No.1646453

>i can't read

>> No.1646457

>mode 7checkmate genesists


>> No.1646458

> Moving the goalposts.

> Sega Saturn: approx. 9.5 million units sold
> Nintendo 64: approx 32.93 million units sold

I don't know, bro. That doesn't look like shit sales to me.

>> No.1646460

>i can't read
Where i said sales?

>> No.1646461

Well, if you can't read then you should go back to school.

>> No.1646469

> N64: Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, Star Fox 64, Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask.
> Those games marked a new revolution for the still primitive 3d gaming.
> Those franchises are still around.
> Calling the N64 shitty.

Dude, being a fanboy is cool and all, but the moment where your fanboyism makes touy spew out shit out of your piehole so you could "win" is when you should turn off the computer and reponder what are you doing with your life.

I will agree the Saturn had good games like Shenmue, but I barely saw any game than could show the power of that machine, even third party devs hated it and said that both the machine and Sega's dev tools were pure shit to work with.

>> No.1646474

>I will agree the Saturn had good games like Shenmue
Confirmed for not knowing shit.

Call me when you turn 18.

>> No.1646476
File: 6 KB, 194x160, 1349564459509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to have a Sega thread these days without it turning into a pissing contest with Nintendo fans?

>> No.1646482


But, wouldn't there be a huge difference between the PS1 and the 32x in terms of nearly everything?

Sure, the 32x is impressive, but could it run most of the PS1 games, if not, compete with the competition in the 5th gen?

>> No.1646486

Ok, can you list some good Saturn games without taking the obvious bait?

>> No.1646489

>The VDP was also way faster and could process way more sprites than the SNES graphics chip
SNES PPU could display 32 sprites/line, 128 in total. Genesis VDP could display 20 sprites/line, 80 in total.

>> No.1646491

It depends of if you can round up and lock all those Sega fanboys who always drop by to turn any Sega thread into an excuse to shit on Nintendo.

>> No.1646502

To be fair, it seems like the only reason Nintendo succeeded at all was because the competition was incompetent.

>> No.1646503

Nintendo fans are almost always the ones who start this shit.

>> No.1646510

What did that prove other than exactly what the person you quoted said retard?

>> No.1646519


>Dude, being a fanboy is cool and all, but the moment where your fanboyism makes touy spew out shit out of your piehole so you could "win" is when you should turn off the computer and reponder what are you doing with your life.

>I will agree the Saturn had good games like SHENMUE


>> No.1646531

Wasn't Shenmue originally a Saturn game?
I think that was what Anon was trying to say.

>> No.1646543

What is wrong with you people? Start reading what the fuck you are quoting. First off, he said absolutely NOTHING about sales. Literally nothing. He was asking why the other guy referenced sales. Now you are quoting some fuck and going off with three paragraphs of off topic information. Did you fail fucking English or some shit? Forget that in an argument, you are supposed to understand both sides? And all of those IPs were on Nintendo's previous consoles. Saturn had some good games too, such as Panzer Dragoon Saga (I and II), Saturn Bomberman (considered the best by many), Guardian Heroes, NiGHTS, Sega Rally, Astal, and others, but I still don't fucking understand why you are comparing the Saturn to the Nintendo 64, OR EVEN FUCKING WHY ANYBODY IS TALKING ABOUT EITHER AT ALL


>> No.1646559

This thread was doomed from the start.

>> No.1646560

More than we got, Anon...

More than we got...

>> No.1646581

Shouldn't that be adressed as well to the Sega fanboys who began shitting on Nintendo?

Or is this another derailment where the point of the complainments is to see if they can turn this thread into another Nintendo bashing circlejerk?
Equality, dude. If it doesn't applies for both sides then it doesn't applies to none.

>> No.1646605

Okay, then let me answer OP's question.

32X's specs:
Media Cartridge,
CD-ROM (with Sega CD)
CPU 2 × SH-2 32-bit RISC (23 MHz)
Memory 2Mbit RAM
Display 320 × 240 resolution, 32,768 on-screen colors

So yes, it was more powerful than the Genesis and Snes indeed. Not as powerful as a 486-powered computer, but VERY close.

>> No.1646608

Panzer Dragoon 1 and 2
Cyber On
Guardian Heroes
Radiant Silvergun
Saturn Bomberman
Die Hard arcade
Virtua Cop 1 and 2
House of the Dead
Shining Force 3
X-Men vs Street Fighter
Thunder Force 5
Fighters Megamix
Marvel vs Street Fighter
Sega Rally
Daytona USA CCU
Galactic Attack
Fatal Fury Real Bout Special
Virtua Fighter 2
Battle Garegga

Sure, 64 have some nice games, but i like the saturn library a lot more. I had a 64 as a kid and never liked OoT.

>> No.1646614

Do you like NiGHTS and Burning Rangers? The Saturn had many more good shoot-em-ups, too.

>> No.1646627

Still haven't tried those games. And yeah, there are a ton more good shooters (i didn't even mention Batsugun or Hyper Duel)

>> No.1646632

Did the N64 even have any shmups? The only one I can think of is Bangai-O, which was Japan-only, and not even a shmup in the traditional sense.

>> No.1646634

Star Soldier, a port of an 2.5D arcade game, it's shit though.

>> No.1646637

You should definitely try "Nights."

I love that game.

>> No.1646642


>The SNES SPC was based on sample playback, so the 32x doing higher quality samples meant that it could outshine the SNES. Which it did in real life.

I'm going to need proof of this.

>> No.1646643

Are there any good homebrews that show what the 32x can do ?

>> No.1646651

Muteki Bangai-O
Programmed by TREASURE
That's a good example.

>> No.1646652


Better question: did it have any good games.

Is "Knuckles Chaotix" the only answer?

>> No.1646656

NBA Jam, WWF Arcade game, Blackthorne, Virtua Racing Deluxe, Kolibri.

That's about it a think.

>> No.1646660

>Which it did in real life.

I will want some proof on that statement, please.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sySkD2Nfwok <-- Super Castlevania 4 sountrack- a good example of a Snes using samples.

Please provide a link backing up your statement, yes?

>> No.1646662

Oh i forgot After Burner and Space harrier

>> No.1646664

>Knuckles Chaotix
> Good game

Sega didn't put Sonic there for a reason.

Kolibri was a nice game though.

>> No.1646665


At least it did better than Virtua Boy?

Which is an achievement for flops.

>> No.1646667


No. Virtua Fighter, Virtua Racing, Star Wars Arcade, a few Genesis ports with better sound and color (Primal Rage and Pitfall, mainly), Tempo, Kolibri, Space Harrier...

>> No.1646670


Boco, if you were a chocobo, would you be a Bocobo? If so, how fast could you go?

>> No.1646672


I imagine I'd be like Boco from FFV, since its where I got the name.

>> No.1646673

> 32 X sales: 665,000 units
> Nintendo Virtual Boy sales: 770,000 units.


>> No.1646676

>But, wouldn't there be a huge difference between the PS1 and the 32x in terms of nearly everything?

There is, but Final Fantasy 7 doesn't really push the Playstation. If it was on the 32x, you'd be losing the FMVs and would need a lot of gfx downscaled - but it could run it.
Question is whether you could fit it in a cart because 32xCD was impossible to code for.

>> No.1646680


Wow. Thats embarassing.

>> No.1646681


Can you link me to a 32X sountrack that could outshine this one please?

You shouldn't have any probelm at all to find and link an awesome original 32X soundtrack if your claim is true.

>> No.1646682

Wow, it's worse than I thought.

>> No.1646685


I dunno, I just felt like rhyming.

>> No.1646691


I remember reading once that success is hard to measure, but that put things to perspective.

>> No.1646693


And did it very nicely.

>> No.1646710


Thank you.

>> No.1646715

Losing even to Nintendo's biggest failure CAN put things to perspective indeed.

>> No.1646717


And I think the 32X had, like, nearly twice as many games, too.

>> No.1646719

Man who wants sampled when you have FM instruments.


This song is only using genesis hardware though, not 32x

>> No.1646720

NBA Jam nigga.

>> No.1646740

Nope, he bragged about superior sampling and superior sampling is what he will provide to prove his point.

Moving the goalposts to avoid the issue = automatic defeat.

>> No.1646763

YOU are the nigger that spams Sega threads for no reason.

You always use the same style and talk about moving goalposts. What's more is you responded to the same post twice in a similar manner.

I'm honestly surprised you have so much free time, and a running grudge over a 20 year old console war.

Also don't bother responding to me with anything along the times of me "avoiding the topic", because this is my first post in this thread. Re-evaluate your life. You are the type of person that gives Nintendo fans a bad rep.

>> No.1646764 [DELETED] 

I don't even care about it, however, i think it's hard to find good use of sampling in a console with like 30 games vs +1000 games.

Which is kind of impressive.



>> No.1646765

I don't even care about it, however, i think it's hard to find good use of sampling in a console with like 30 games vs +1000 games.

There is Tempo though, which is kind of impressive.


>> No.1646767

That doesn't changes the fact he bragged about how the 32X could do better sampling that the snes and then he ran away when he was asked to provide an example.
>Also don't bother responding to me with anything along the times of me "avoiding the topic"

You are avoiding the topic. There, what are you going to do about that?
Probably spam posts saying that Sega destroyed Nintendo even if >>1646452 nombers prove the contrary.

>> No.1646769

Automatic defeat it is.

Tempo's soundtrack was very nice, though.

>> No.1646770

>muh automatic defeat
Like i give a fuck about muffled samples vs sweetass FM instruments.

>> No.1646773

>you'd be losing the FMVs
That's one thing you definitely wouldn't have been losing. By that time all the 32x games would have been 32x CD and FMVs are one thing it can do. 256 color like MCGA but FF7 uses a pretty limited palette just stylistically anyway.

>> No.1646786

I guess this was produced by the same team who went on to do the Hitman series. I wonder if the original Hitman game had come out on 32x in like 1994 if things would have been different.

>> No.1646793
File: 19 KB, 216x300, DraculaX2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder of what could've been:

>Alone in the Dark
>port of the AvP beat'em'up
>upscaled ports of Comix Zone, Road Rash 3 and Ecco the Dolphin

H-hold me, anon...

>> No.1646797

>>port of the AvP beat'em'up
Holy fucking shit.

I don't think the 32x could handle that, at least not perfectly.

>> No.1646802

>not perfectly
No port is perfect but I still think you're seriously underestimating the 32x.

>> No.1646803

the AVP game was a CPS2 game I'm sure the 32x could handle CPS2 games with no problem.

>> No.1646805

>road rash 3
oh god it could have been so great

>> No.1646807

I saw some imagen and i think it was the SNES Activision game, not the capcom game...

And no, the 32x is good at 2D, but AvP arcade from capcom is way too much for the 32x

>> No.1646808
File: 13 KB, 480x360, 0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's cool and I respect it, and wish sega had fared better, but that's like saying C64 games should all look like Second Reality C64 because 'it's possible'

Pic related, c64 screenshot.

>> No.1646813 [DELETED] 

You sure? PS1 barely handle Captain Commando, and the only limited it to 3 co-op instead of 4 like the arcade, and it's just a CPS1 game.

Beat em ups are very consuming because of all those sprites.

>> No.1646814

You sure? PS1 barely handled Captain Commando, and they limited it to only 3 players co-op instead of 4 like the arcade, and it's just a CPS1 game.

Beat em ups are very consuming because of all those sprites.

>> No.1646815

The damn Genesis is a BEAST at 2D what are you smoking? Bring in the 32x to improve the palette and scale some sprites and boom you got CPS2.

>> No.1646816 [DELETED] 

moot needs to make a /nin/tendo board
It would be like MLP and we could finally round up the underage Nintendo autist shitposters and have a proper containment for them. Just imagine how much better /vr/ would be!

>> No.1646847

>the SNES version is so much better!
>go back to /nin/
It would be glorious.

>> No.1646848
File: 24 KB, 633x772, 1395671229058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Virtua Cop
>Sanic 4

>> No.1646865


Man, I would have loved to see what the Darkstalkers port would have been like.

>Primal Rage CD


>> No.1646875

why does the 32x look like the fucking antagonist from Aliens?

>> No.1646879
File: 3 KB, 150x91, images_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.1646882


The xenos were simply just trying to live and did nothin wrong.

>> No.1646894

yes you did

>> No.1646904

>moot needs to make a /nin/tendo board
Nah, it would be invaded by trolling faggots right off the bat.

>> No.1646908

There's a Genesis version of The Punisher's arcade game.

It's absolute garbage. Think of Snes's Captain Commando, port, but with even uglier graphics, clunkier music and lousier controls.

>> No.1646910
File: 2.70 MB, 328x190, 1400697035044.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god

Somebody needs to make shoop a Genesis with the 32X popping out of its ribcage like a chestburster.


>> No.1646918

But it was not developed by capcom...

Captain Command almost got a port for Sega CD, and i bet it would have been just as good as the Final Fight port.

>> No.1646925
File: 1.60 MB, 762x1000, The_Punisher_Art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lousier controls
>on the Genesis
>compared to a SNES beat'em up

best be trolling nigger

The Genesis Punisher may not look or sound quite as good as the arcade, but it controls like a dream. Such a shame that it's the only beat'em-up that those Capcom cunts ported over to the Genesis.

>> No.1646950

Problem these sort of systems have compared to the arcades is a combination of the large amounts of enemies and the very detailed animations. Look at how lame Tutles in time is on the SNES compared to the Arcade, for example. They removed like 3/4 of the animation frames and about 2/3 of the enemies on screen.

I'm not sure the 32x has enough RAM to do some of those arcade games justice.

I like how captchas are literally just garbage images now, by the way.

>> No.1646957

I would love an Arcade turtles in time with the SNES controls. The arcade version controls are so loose.

>> No.1646961

All Konami beat em ups seem to be like that.

>> No.1647151

I disagree. It's a pretty solid game.

>> No.1647180

Yeah maybe i exaggerated, it's playable enough, but i find it very boring and monotonous. The PCE games were much better

>> No.1647269
File: 74 KB, 799x1376, shitty console war baby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It would be like MLP and we could finally round up the underage Nintendo autist shitposters and have a proper containment for them. Just imagine how much better /vr/ would be!
Quit being an upset retard. I've seen Sega fans that knowingly start shit and then cry foul because there's more here that play Nintendo than anyone else. Now that's not to say I haven't seen Nintendo fans do it either because I've actually seen them do it more than anyone. As a fan of both consoles both sides should get their ideals together and be thoughtful. What would another board create? More segregation. Why should decent folk travel to two different boards to discuss one console and then come back for everything else? I'm an optimist who doesn't sit around yelling about video games all day. I PLAY them. I take them in and appreciate things that others don't even acknowledge or care about. I focus on the positives.

Nintendo fanboys need to play more stuff and see what they're missing out on. Pretty ignorant to talk about things you've never even played. Oh and color isn't everything. Synthesized music is great in the right hands.
Sega fanboys need to stop measuring specs and take competent developers/programmers into consideration. People who know what they're doing can make something good on any system. And hey, everything on the SNES isn't an muffled echo chamber of ADPCM or a slow buggy mess.

>If you think that this is a console war thread, then maybe you should take your own advice and go to /v/ to see what a real console war thread looks like.
>This is just a discussion about the specs, you immense faggot.
See this post guys? This is someone who has no idea that specs are frequently used to gain a temporary hand in these arguments. Specs are also unfortunately easily misconstrued and thrown around by people who have no idea what they even signify.

These arguments are the same every time and I'd love to keep others from falling victim to them.

>> No.1647361

>I guess this was produced by the same team who went on to do the Hitman series. I wonder if the original Hitman game had come out on 32x in like 1994 if things would have been different.

Back in 1994 they were busy working on Scorcher, Amok, and an X-Men game that went unreleased. Amok and the X-Men games engines are shown in that demo.

>> No.1647367

>That's one thing you definitely wouldn't have been losing. By that time all the 32x games would have been 32x CD and FMVs are one thing it can do. 256 color like MCGA but FF7 uses a pretty limited palette just stylistically anyway.

32x and Sega CD saturated the same bus, it was ridiculously difficult to get them working together, they simply just couldn't make both of them crunch data together.

The handful of 32xCD games were all FMV titles that did not require any data crunching, just streaming data from the cd to the 32x framebuffer. I don't think they even used any form of video compression.

>> No.1647457

you don't know what tour on about lol

>> No.1647468

>snes can run any genesis game

what are you smoking buddy snes is way too slow to run a sonic game it can't do enough sprites

on the other hand there is the demo of starfox running on stock megadrive

>> No.1647475

but your wrong the megadrive x68000 processor was nearly twice as powerful as the snes one, why do you think all the games have to piggyback extra chips in the cart (which made the games super expensive)

>> No.1647478

wow you just don't get it do you, you can't port a game like alien soldier to snes because the snes isn't fast enough to display all the shit going on without slowdown.

>> No.1647492

except it's general retro fans telling nintendo fanboys that the specs of there beloved system isn't as good as they think it is and it's in some ways a less capable machine than an older one built by an arcade company

>> No.1647508

>Implying FF7 does anything during its FMVs other than stream video

>> No.1647528

Nintendo fanboys are hillarious. I have an SNES. It can't handle more than like 3 sprites on screen without slowdown.

>> No.1647540

>What could it have been capable of with proper support and better games?

I'm super happy it wasn't successful because that would've set a fucking awful precedent.

xbone and ps4 are incredibly underwhelming consoles but imagine how shitty a 360+ or ps3+ would have been.

>> No.1647571

I still don't fully understand why we needed either. Isn't XBONE pretty much like a 360 with a better Kinect and PS4 pretty much like a PS3 with a touchpad?

Actually, I know that they're both really just PCs with some weird stuff slapped on them. I welcome the end of the console era.

>> No.1647769

Brand fanboys are pathetic in general.

>> No.1647789

How does the SNES have better colors? they seem pretty bleached out to me.

>> No.1647812

The 32x and the SNES colors are literally identical. 256 onscreen colors chosen from the 15-bit RGB palette. Any difference you see is a design choice

>> No.1647819

32x isn't something that "turns it into an SNES". Though it does give the Genesis the SNES' major technological advantage (more colors), it is on an entirely different level. The SNES itself has some tech advantage on the Genesis, being a newer console, but in practice is usually slower and relies heavily on addon chips. It is more like the 32x turns the Genesis into a weaker, clunkier Saturn.

>> No.1647825

> It is more like the 32x turns the Genesis into a weaker, clunkier Saturn.

This is what I was trying to get at.

I don't know why console warrior kiddies are talking about the SNES.

>> No.1647850

Sure is 90s schoolyard in here.

Sonic has blast processing, he could totally beat samus, it doesn't matter she's got those speed boot things, he's still faster cuz he's sanic

>> No.1647854

Because the SNES was one of the reasons Sega choose to use add-ons to keep up.

>> No.1647869

Not really. The 32x is kind of a response to the FX chip. But the Sega CD was a response to the PC-Engine CD.

>> No.1647876

The SVP is a response to the FX.

>> No.1647889

>Implying FF7 does anything during its FMVs other than stream video

It has a handful of scenes where it overlays polygon graphics with FMVs. Lot of scenes from Junon, mostly.

>> No.1647891

>The 32x and the SNES colors are literally identical. 256 onscreen colors chosen from the 15-bit RGB palette. Any difference you see is a design choice

iirc the 32x can use ANY 15bit rgb colour (but it is slower in that mode), but it is a simple framebuffer with minimal writing modes (and I think no transparency - not that it would matter if it had since it is so slow).
The SNES can crossfade backgrounds however.

>> No.1647923

>The SVP is a response to the FX.

Almost EVERYTHING Sega did in the early 90s was a knee jerk response to something or another.

Game boy -> Game gear.
PC-Engine Super CD -> Sega Mega CD
SNES has scaling and pcm audio -> extra scaling and pcm chip in the Mega CD
FX chip -> SVP
Snes games are more colourful! -> 32x
Megadrive sells like shit in Japan -> drop all support for it WORLDWIDE, and launch the Saturn with no games.
Neogeo MVS with cart switching -> Megatech, Megaplay, ST-V, all supported cart switching (ST-V only did in BIOS, no multicart boards ever came out)
BS Satellaview -> Sega Channel
SNES CD -> Saturn (the audio/video chipset in the Saturn is SO similar to the SNES, it's crazy).

They had literally no long term plans AT ALL.

>> No.1647936

No, the 32X was developed in response to the jaguar as a stop gap for the saturn to be released. But yes, everything SEGA did was as a reaction to other things going on in the market.

>> No.1647962

I'm honestly curious as to which is the more powerful platform. If I had to guess, I'd say the 32x is more powerful than the Jaguar, but I have no idea for sure .

>> No.1649370

Because Sega Japan were massive nationalistic cunts.

Sega Europe and Sega of America were doing great, then SoJ got butt-hurt and fucked everything up.

>> No.1649376

In the early 1990s Yu Suzuki is making revolutionary 3D games like Virtua Racing, Virtua Fighter, and Daytona. He says this will be the wave of the future.

Sega pretty much ignores him and makes the Saturn into a 2D machine, which I think reflected the backwards conservative thinking of Sega Japan, who wanted to roll the clock back to before those Americans and Europeans showed them.

>> No.1649380

The Saturn only did well in Japan because that's all SoJ cared about...they were fucking obsessed with the "home" market in Japan, even though, in terms of market share, Europe was actually Sega's home turf.

Sega and Nintendo are both basically racist companies whose disdain for non-Japanese led to them being bent over by Sony.

>> No.1649392

Sega/Mega CD was response to PC Engine CD
SVP was response to FX
32X was a response to the Jaguar.

Hayao Nakayama was behind the 32X, he wanted it to compete with the Atari Jaguar.

None of these add-ons were needed, they should have just used the SVP chip.

>> No.1649403

Sega America and Sega Europe were not much interested in any of these add-ons.

Sega Japan were making decisions based entirely on the Japanese market.

>> No.1649424

Animated backgrounds are not necessarily FMVs. 32x is definitely capable of putting sprites over FMVs though. Fahrenheit does it although the sprites are pretty simple. Corpse Killer does it but the FMV is pretty low frame rate and less than full screen. I'm sure better devs could have made better games but Playstation was SO simple to both program and publish for no fuddy-duddy 80s style video game company had a chance.

>> No.1649425

Dude 32x is as American as apple pie

>> No.1649498

Game Gear are color -> Game Boy color
Sega CD -> SNES CD
Sega meganet -> Satellaview
Genesis is 16 bit -> SNES
Star cruiser -> Star Fox
Virtua Racing -> Stunt race FX
and saturn isn't similar to SNES CD at all.
i hope you feel better, blind nintendo fanboy.

>> No.1649516

Galaxy Force -> Star Fox fits too

>> No.1649564 [DELETED] 

>Quit being an upset retard.
>proceeds to write a reddit-tier wall of text about why he's upset
Nintendo autists, everyone.

>> No.1649615

My post clearly states that most of the Nintendo fans start the shit flinging.

Your point?

>> No.1649630

Well here's a good tech demo that shows off some capability of the 32x


>> No.1652152

Well put. The Japanese nationalist mentality, half-assing international campaigns definitely fucked Sega in the short run, and we're seeing Nintendo fall as we speak.

>> No.1652249

That's not really all that impressive, considering it's using 100% of the machine's abilities and there's no actual game running there. Look at all that goddamn fog.

>> No.1652254

That demo just reeks of the 90's.

>> No.1652541

Seems like one could play LSD on that bad boy. Similar fog/draw

>> No.1652614

Lots of n64 or psx games for that matter. but it's a demo so it's tweaked like fuck.

This was posted already too.

>> No.1652619

Superman 64 would def crank at max on the 32X. Just buzzin through those hoops.

>> No.1652846

Fuck you, my dad works for Microsoft and I will hack you for badmouthing Metroid, he's an awesome dude.

>> No.1652861

>Hayao Nakayama was behind the 32X, he wanted it to compete with the Atari Jaguar.

Where did you read that one?

In the last few interviews I read (Tom Kalinske, and one other SoA guy), I recall reading that they just wanted to expand the MD a bit, the hardware guys came up with something (I think it was the SVP lock-on cart), and then SoA said that they could do way better than this, add need to add more colours and such, and so they ended up with the 32x.

And they didn't even knew of the Saturn coming at that time...

>> No.1652885

>Animated backgrounds are not necessarily FMVs. 32x is definitely capable of putting sprites over FMVs though.

We aren't talking animations, we are talking full FMV scenes. At least a couple of storyline transitions have the entire scene go around, which was just an FMV playing and the characters getting repositioned. The ones I remember from the top of my head is when you first visit Bugenhagens observatory in Cosmo Canyon, some of the cutscenes in Junon (when you get the airship), and that elevator in Junon which leads you from the village to the army city.

That's full FMV streaming with polygonal characters moving around at the same time. The 32x can't work around while the Sega CD is sending data, since both are holding the 68k bus. A few simple sprites are possible because you just re-position a few tiles already in memory - only need a little bus bandwidth for that.

It sounds crazy that the SH2s can't work independently though. I may have read some docs wrong. My impression is that 68k and SH2s need to keep communicating together or things will go south.

>> No.1652991

I'm actually a Sega fanboy. I have like 18 saturns and 8 Megadrives.

>Game Gear are color -> Game Boy color
Game Boy Color came way, way after the Game Gear died.

>Sega CD -> SNES CD
SNES CD development started back in 1988, most likely inspired by the PC Engine CD. The Sega CD was first shown to the public in 1991.

>Sega meganet -> Satellaview
I'm actually not quite sure which machine had online first. I think even the NES had some third party online setups. But yeah, both the Meganet and the Sega Channel seems to predate the Satellaview.

>Genesis is 16 bit -> SNES
That was just a logical jump forward in technology, and bits don't really mean anything anyway.

>Star cruiser -> Star Fox
Star Cruiser was an obscure PC-88 game later ported to Megadrive. Starfox started out as a crude NES port of Starglider, and it was developed by the british company Argonaut, not Nintendo themselves.

>Virtua Racing -> Stunt race FX
This one sounds plausible, but keep in mind that 1. this one was also by Argonaut, and 2. polygonal racing games were more and more common at the time on the PC.

>and saturn isn't similar to SNES CD at all.

SNES has the Mode 7 floor trick, Saturn has an entire X/Y/Z rotatable and scalable background to mimic the SNES Mode 7 ground.
SNES has a transparencies specifically applied between background planes, Saturn does them that way too.
SNES has a heavily PCM sound chip, Saturn has one too.
SNES has heavy sprite scaling power, Saturn has too.
SNES is designed to be easily expanded with on-cart chips, Saturn was too (both cart ports have parallel RGB digital video input - you could hook up ANYTHING to it as long as the power supply can take it. MPEG card worked that way, and there were rumours of many other cpu expansions later on.).

There are probably more similarities too.

>> No.1653000

And as far as the SNES-CD goes:

Sega had both two machines in the pipeline using the exact same hardware audio/video/cpu setup, one using carts (Jupiter), the other using CD (Saturn) as its media. The Jupiter was shelved.

This possibly happened because of how many other CD based systems came out at the time (3DO chief amongst them, but also the CD32), pushing Sega to pick the CD platform. But their hardware was designed by a Japanese team, and Sega of Japan hated American stuff and had a HUGE envy for Nintendo. So I imagine that the second Nintendo announced the SNES-CD, their reaction was immediately to create something to one-up that (the same way the Sega CD got extra scaling and an 8 channel PCM sound chip because those were strengths of the SNES).

>> No.1653084

The Sega CD could handle mode 7 and scaling/rotation, but the stock Genesis didn't exactly handle it well.

>> No.1653086

The Sega Genesis could handle over 1,000 shades of each on-screen color (up to 64.) SNES only had 12 shades of each color, but 256 colors on-screen, 4 times as many as the Genesis.

>> No.1653132

I don't understand why this is funny. Nintendo's biggest failure edged out Sega's.

>> No.1653181

32X has Shadow Squadron/Stellar Assault.

That's all it needs to validate its existence.

>> No.1653193

>The Sega Genesis could handle over 1,000 shades of each on-screen color (up to 64.)

No, it could handle 4x16 colours from 512 plus shadow and highlight modes for each. Using each Shadow/highlight variant you had something like ~1000 colours in total (some of the shadow versions ended up with the same colour as other colours highlight versions).

However each sprite could only be 16 colours or 15 colours +1 transparent pixel. You had to multiplex sprites around to get more colours in a single character/background. Or have some sprites be part of a background, that kind of thing.

Shadow/Highlight was rarely used for extra colours, it was mostly just used for, well, shadows and highlights.

The problem was that you had to fix up your graphics so they use the proper palette "bank". So you couldn't have one sprite using 50 colours and the background using 14. You had to give one 16-colour palette to a sprite.
So for example for a fighting game, you had one palette for the backgrounds, one palette for each fighter, and one palette for the overly (health bar, score counter, etc).

I'm fairly sure the SNES did not have that limitation.

>> No.1653207

All older systems had limited palettes per sprite. Detailed sprites got around this by using transparency and overlaying 2 or more sprites on top of one another to give the illusion of a single sprite with a larger color palette.

>> No.1657001

Kalinske was and is a shithead.

>> No.1657003

No fucking way, just different. FM synth vs. samples with a wide variety of effects.