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File: 73 KB, 512x480, 49-SLPS_017.70_22072011_020938_0175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1632291 No.1632291 [Reply] [Original]

Pic related. When I was a child, Midgard looked impressively big.

>> No.1632298

>Tales of Phantasia
>When I was a child

>> No.1632312

What ? The game was released in 95, so I was a child

>> No.1632318

and the first english release was in 2006. Do you speak moon?

>> No.1632341

2006 was eight years ago.

>> No.1632359

there was a translation patch for the SNES one before that

>> No.1632360

I've always loved the Castle Town in OoT.

>> No.1632369

Still, that was in 2001. OP is implying he played the game in '95 >>1632312

...or he knows japanese.

>> No.1632373

Just tell us the truth, man.
You played the PS1 version with the patch a couple days ago, reached the city of Midgard, and made this topic because you though the city looked nice.

>> No.1632582


>> No.1632601
File: 307 KB, 1031x993, Britainu7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ultima, particularly 7. Each town has dozens of inhabitants each with his own dialog tree and daily schedule plus guards that patrol the streets.
There may be cities with more buildings and generic characters but in terms of complexity it seems unmatched.

>> No.1632613
File: 64 KB, 500x307, mizzurna falls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mizzurna Falls.

Doki Doki Poyatchio comes close too, but it's a really small town.

>> No.1632621

why is it so hard to believe someone is bilingual?

>> No.1632624

Op here I'm Eurasian, my mother is Japanese and my father American, suck it

>> No.1632628
File: 25 KB, 480x272, newstart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Havana in Driver 2 always looked very well represented. Rio de Janeiro was surprinsigly well depicted, except by a few details like the monkeys on the trees or the car models in the city (a Thunderbird, Fleetstar or a Dodge C in Brazil is surreal).

>> No.1632634

GTA1 is kinda like this. The city is big enough to imagine that people actually live there.

Has a ton of streets, working trains, plenty of space, etc.

>> No.1632641
File: 9 KB, 320x288, Pokemon_RBY_PalletTown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always hated the fact that towns in Pokemon had like 3 houses

>> No.1632643

Driver cities always felt... weird; lifeless, I guess.

>> No.1632647

This is why Goldenrod is my favorite city.

It's actually big enough for people to live in.

>> No.1632649

Pokemon Crystal's towns felt very much like people could actually live there. Game Freak cared for a lot of detail at the time too; for example the kerosene lamps.

Towns that evolved like for example how FFIX's NPCs changed dialog over time really made things feel a little more real.

>> No.1632660 [DELETED] 

Haha I know what you mean. When I was about 7 or so my dad would always show me his dick because he liked how fascinated I was by it's size. How disillusioned i was 18 years later when the tables turned and I realised the cock from my imagination wasnt nearly as impressive as I had constantly imagined

>> No.1632668


In the first 2 games I always liked NY for the first one, Rio and Havana for the second one. The casino area for Vegas in 2 seems nice to me too, but you have a point. The architeture of the cities is very good, but there's nothing happening at all, except by the slow traffic. I can't blame they for it, it is awesome how they put those great areas in a PS1 game.

>> No.1632681

I also really like FF9's towns and cities. They were very interesting, I actually wanted to talk to all the NPC's. Playing cards with them was a fun little way to pass some time or just relax.

Zozo from FF6 was always a favourite of mine. Just something about that place, I dunno lol.
Guess if I lived in an RPG world that's where i'd be hanging out, drunk and giving people the wrong time of day.

>> No.1632684

My cousin lives in a town with only three houses.

>> No.1632686
File: 17 KB, 300x225, yu_gi_oh38_by_tennosei_no_hime-d662nhi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this whole post

>> No.1632706 [DELETED] 

While extremely awkward, your post is true.

I'd see my dad naked as a kid and now that I'm an adult with probably a bigger and thicker dick, the dick I saw back then looks bigger than mine in my memories.

People don't notice themselves changing that much.

>> No.1632708 [DELETED] 

Dad dicks man. Fucking giant.

>> No.1632767

Uncle Josef's happy rape cellar?

>> No.1633048
File: 60 KB, 640x480, Suikoden2tradepost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Castle HQ in Suikoden 2 really felt like a living, breathing town. It has to be one of my favorite game towns ever, and the fact that is actually grows and expands due to your actions makes it even better.

>> No.1633057

I'm not him, but I played a lot of japanese games in the mid 90's. At the time I didn't know either english or japanese. So, be happy to have games in your language.

>> No.1633060

Baldur's Gate blew me away. Of course it took 50 hours of gameplay before they let you in the city, so it was hyped.

>> No.1633940

any fucking town in breath of fire IV is so awesome. the graphics and the music are mmmmm

>> No.1633941

ITT: OP is a silly motherfucker who gets caught in a lie, or at the very least gets exposed as an underage b&

>> No.1633961

>I'm too busy gobbling cocks to learn a second language, so it's impossible for anyone to have done so when they were young

>> No.1633968

I'm not OP but I'm 21 and ToP was one of my first RPG. I emulated the SNES game over 10 years ago. It was pretty impressive, considering I came from N64 and the games I had were pretty small scale. Well, there was Blast Corps, which I also thought was impressive.

>> No.1633989

I'd have to go with Ultima VII also, the interactivity just blew me away when it first came out.

But the true most realistic cities are in Daggerfall: huge, easy to get lost in without a map, can't tell people apart or pry into their personal lives, hundreds of buildings you'll never go into except for the "important" ones...

>> No.1633991

アーノンはうそつきじゃない。 それがあなたをだ。
Besides, my jap is terrible and even I could read that. Try harder.

>> No.1634070


>> No.1634168

I felt the opposite. The artwork was nice but I had a cramped feeling in every town I went to. Places such as Dalian with only a handful of houses to represent a whole village who were producing, ah well what they did there. I didn't buy it at all.

Not saying anything is badly designed, the art style is amazing. It just never could get the atmosphere of the size.

>> No.1634176

>50 hours of gameplay
Come on it's not even a fifth of that.

>> No.1634181
File: 98 KB, 550x418, 550px-Pokemon_RBY_CeladonCity[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It makes the bigger cities feel more impressive when you get to them, even if they're still not that big

>> No.1634307

> not knowing moon since the early days of emulation

>> No.1635441

it always bothered me a bit that there are some houses without doors, I'd have loved to be able to visit all of them even with pointless NPCs inside. I love exploring stuff this way.

>> No.1635756
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>> No.1637908
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>> No.1638056
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>> No.1638072
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This shit is shockingly plausible when you think about it.

>> No.1638125
File: 257 KB, 1856x1472, tokyo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1638141
File: 624 KB, 1500x1325, 1254109493956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zelda tends to have towns that seem like they could function.

>> No.1638176

Silent Hill has the most realistic town I've ever played in. It only amplified how creepy the game was. That sort of middle-america suburb is exactly where I've lived all my life, so SH could have easily taken place in my town.

>> No.1638189


>> No.1638193

someone should do a romhack that adds in stuff like this

it would be cool to see some "flavor" hacks like that, that just add neat/endearing stuff to the world instead of 50 NEW POKEMON, 10 NEW TYPES

>> No.1638460

Not him, but I was 8 years old in 2001, I'm legally old enough to drink in America now.

>> No.1638462

Look here autist-chan, what if played the Game Boy Advanced release when it came out in 2006?
I'm 21 right now.
Do you know how old I was in 2006?
13 years old.
Pretty sure that still would make me a kid.
Let's assume OP is 18 for the sake of this thread, then he would be 11 years old in 2006. That is definitely the age of a kid.
Go fuck yourself you autistic piece of shit.

>> No.1638659

I'd like to do and actually planned so once, also by adding new buildings in cities and routes I even edited all the maps but I know shit about assembly to further implement connections and warp points.

>> No.1638708
File: 37 KB, 360x199, 360px-Kakarikovillageoot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's something about Kakariko that I just always loved. It felt homely.

>> No.1638731
File: 435 KB, 800x400, Train[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always loved Tarant, but it was easy to get lost when you didn't know your way around and hard to find specific places even when you had the adress.

>> No.1638992
File: 81 KB, 760x752, North Alterone.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found the towns in Shining Force very believable, despite their small sizes. They had the right number of beds for their populations, and the numbers of people in the various NPC professions seemed about right.

>> No.1639007


>> No.1639025


Being one of the few Saturn children in the 90's, one of my favorites was always the opening town in Shining Force III. Aspinia.

I also think the towns in Super Mario RPG are very comfy, especially Marrymore.

>> No.1639728

The later games did more of this, especially gen 5, but it wasn't all a good thing. There are more buildings to go inside, but they're mostly pointless and it becomes tedious to go in every single identical building and talk to every person just because you know one of them might have a TM or an item or something.

>> No.1639828

I know but talking to NPCs in every house doesn't bothers me usually, especially now that buildings are a bit more different between each other and especially if I like the town and it great theme. Wandering around talking to NPCs in Village Bridge is absolutely beautiful.

>> No.1639860

What's really crazy is the entire Midgar is only a dozen or so screens.
The sense of scale though is amazing.

>> No.1639871

It IS at least 10 hours.

>> No.1640124

Baldur's Gate, I & II. BG and Amn made up a large portion of each game.

>> No.1640351
File: 27 KB, 281x211, ewok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agreed, probably my favorite

>> No.1640527

Not really retro but the last story had such a huge and realistic town

>> No.1640532

>played the Game Boy Advanced release
My condolences.