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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1628398 No.1628398 [Reply] [Original]

a game like lufia (2) for snes ? i don't like crap like secret of mana.

any other good games for snes ?

>> No.1628408

> are there any other jrpgs for the snes?

>> No.1628498 [DELETED] 

Not retro, but Golden Sun is basically GBA's Lufia 2.

>> No.1630405
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>Secret of Mana

>> No.1630419

>crap like secret of mana

Ya blew it.

>> No.1630498

Honestly if you want something like Lufia 2, look to games similar to Zelda (such as say, Neutopia) instead of an JRPG.

You may like the Breath of Fire series though.

>> No.1630503


>> No.1630512 [DELETED] 

How is it a JRPG instead of an JRPG? By rule of thumb acronyms use "an"

>> No.1630592

Say "a JRPG" and "an JRPG" out loud. One of them goes against the rules. You use "an" when the word starts with a vowel sound, like in MMO, which would be sounded "em-em-oo". JRPG starts with a "jay" sound, a consonant sound, so "an" would be incorrect.

>> No.1630593

You are right. I stand corrected here


>> No.1630625
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>By rule of thumb acronyms use "an"

>> No.1630630
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Five characters, 4 PCs, one boss, one lefty... what are the odds? If you're going to make all the good guys righty then go all the fucking way and make the bad guys righties too.

>> No.1630636

No they don't. I've never seen An Laser fired before

>> No.1630641

Ignoring all the shit in this thread...

... what exactly about Lufia and Lufia 2 do you like?

Is it the presentation? The first-person battles? The puzzles? The big dungeons?

In asking a question, especially a recommendation question, you CAN add quality to the board overall. You just have to get us discussing the things that are unique and enjoyable about a particular game.

Instead, you have asked a vague question coupled with an inflammatory statement about another game held in high regard.

>any other good games for snes ?
Secret of Mana.

>> No.1630665

Did you start that thread about Chrono Cross the other day?

Do you think there's some kind of modern anti-lefty conspiracy? I don't think anyone has been persecuted for left-handedness in centuries, except perhaps in writing classes taught by nuns.

Also, you're forgetting something. The bad guys in Lufia are called the Sinistrals. From "sinister." Which is from Old French for "left." Of course the Sinistrals will be left-handed.

>> No.1630730

No but it is kind of annoying when the token lefty, if there is one, is always a bad guy. Some games even go out of their way by penalizing you for equipping a weapon on your left like Final Fantasy IV. At least there's Kain and Palom to make up for that.

>> No.1630747

Wasn't only one of them left-handed?

>> No.1630751

>token lefty
Fucking hell these tumblrites will latch onto fucking anything, wont they?

>> No.1630768


Oh, wait, I get it. You're one of those people so unfamiliar with the English language that you see certain words and think a website that hasn't even been around for 10 years created it.

>> No.1630772

>if there is one, is always a bad guy
Link, Cid Highwind, Freya Crescent, Luke from Tales of the Abyss, the entire cast of Lucky Star, Zero, Nero in Devil May Cry 4, four people from Final Fantasy 2, the boomerang girl from Skies of Arcadia...

What's your antagonist list? Sephiroth and Lashiec?

>> No.1630790

Plus Reno and the guy in the OP.

>> No.1630802
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Oi'm sneaking up on the rare Western Confirmation Boias. I gots to be coiful or else he'll start ranting that the doice roller on 4chan is rigged in favor of the OP.

>> No.1630837

Link and Sephiroth are ambidextrous so... they half count? The FFII ones can't really be confirmed they may have orientated it that way for convenience. Not familiar with most of your list. I read Tifa somewhere but can't really confirm it.

>> No.1630839

You're fucking weird but simultaneously really cool for knowing that.

>> No.1630847
File: 148 KB, 500x713, riven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


in the EU only lufia 2 was sold.
i like the turn based battles, the secrets and puzzles.
i still not tried ff6.

i dislike "action rpgs" like secret of mana.

if my english were better i could add qualitiy to this board, but my english is too bad.

>> No.1630849

Your post is gonna get deleted, just a heads up :(

>> No.1630850

Maybe the mod or whoever will just delete the porn and keep the post. They do that sometimes.

And if you haven't played FF6, get on it. Probably Chrono Trigger, too.

>> No.1630852
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didn't know about this rule ...

i already have chrono trigger, i have to get into it, i dislike the map a little bit.

>> No.1630913
File: 4 KB, 240x224, ff2_stats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The FFII ones can't really be confirmed they may have orientated it that way for convenience
Nigga you just went hyperdimensional retard.

>> No.1630958

>what exactly about Lufia and Lufia 2 do you like?
Good god, the first game is awful, just awful. As for the sequel...
>The puzzles
>No random encounters - you can see every enemy walking around
>All dem items with unique LP skill, so you really have to think on which item to wear if you want to wreck shit and survive
>Dat OST, especially that kick-ass music that plays when you're fighting one of the Sinistrals
>The characters and their personalities
>That story
>That ending

>> No.1630972

Is that on the DS version? So yeah, FFII confirmed. Hitting yourself to gain HP is a dumb mechanic anyway.

>> No.1630998


>That ending

That you see in right in the beginning of the first game. :/

>> No.1631014

I just checked and it is on the FF Origins version too. Just seems a bit odd that games really go out of their way to establish handedness. At least there's still Kain.

>> No.1631017
File: 47 KB, 554x400, seppuku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is that on the DS version?
FF2 was never released on the DS. Commit seppuku.

>> No.1631050

Dude I spent very little time on II, making your characters hit each other just gets mad boring after awhile. Besides it came out with 1 on the Gameboy Advance so it counts. Really, why not just make every character ambidextrous and leave it at that?

I don't mean making everyone dual wielders like Edge either since it would break many installments (dual wielding Ragnarok and Excalibur anyone?) but to really bring home the point of handedness being the non-issue it is and equipping a weapon in the left with no damage penalty.

>> No.1631090

You really should kill yourself if you think you can practice using only your right hand and then switch to your left hand effortlessly without being ambidextrous.

Just try writing. Let us know how much blood you lose.

>> No.1631131

They're video game characters, they aren't real. Seems odd programers would go out of their way to penalize equipping lefty (unless the character is going to betray you at some point).

>> No.1631174

Because there are set left-handed characters in the series, including FF2. Dragoons would become a staple left-handed class after FF4.

>> No.1631810


first time i saw the ending there were tears in my eyes.

>> No.1631946

>The bad guys in Lufia are called the Sinistrals. From "sinister." Which is from Old French for "left." Of course the Sinistrals will be left-handed.

That's some nice trivia. Thanks.

>> No.1632158


Unfortunately on SNES Lufia 2 itself is a unique blend. GBA had a couple like this, but on SNES about the only things with the combination are BoF, Super Mario RPG to an extent, and Zelda/the games like it.

If you're looking for something like the Ancient Cave however, Shiren The Wanderer: Mysterious Dungeon 2 will be perfect.

>> No.1632636

Yeah maybe one in every few games. The number of righties in games (especially PCs) is far higher than chance would permit. I don't care about real world statistics

Here's a tier list I just made up (doesn't necessarily correlate with gameplay, Phantasy Star 1 is shit tier handedness wise but mid tier gameplay wise):

God Tier: Everyone is ambidextrous. If something is in the right hand in a cutscene it's for aesthetics and would use it in the left in other scenes for the same reasons. A single wielder in combat could be righty or lefty just because their handedness is completely open to the player to customize, all PCs are right handed because he chooses so, or anoint a token lefty if he wants. The less a game establishes about a character in general the better so we can make up most of their backstory and qualities. Legend of Dragoon's artwork has Dart holding weapons in his left but actually uses his right in gameplay so this would qualify... but so do all other protags, bumping the game down to low-tier (is good tier gameplay wise)

Good Tier: Most people are still right handed, but at least one permanent party member is a lefty (or at least 3 with loads and loads of characters trope.) Villain can be left handed too since the PC representation is there. An Ambi like Edge, Zidane, or Sazh might be there too.

Mid Tier: There's a lefty in the team, but he betrays you later. May or may not rejoin your team and/or be "redeemed".

Low +1 but still solidly low tier: Everyone is right handed except for a token Ambi. Only counts if the Ambi duel wields (is usually the case)

Low Tier: Everyone is right handed.

Shit Tier: All PCs are right handed The token lefty in the game is a villain.

>> No.1632638


>> No.1632663

Yep. Catholic teaching dictated (dictates still?) that left-handedness is a sign of evil.

My mother and aunts and uncles were raised Catholic, and one of them is left-handed. The nuns forced him to write with his right hand. Many left hands, my family tells me, were slapped with rulers.

Here's another fun vact: 'villain' and 'village' are from the same root word. 'Villain' was interchangeable with 'villager.' Since the noble class saw 'villains' as being base, crude, treacherous, and given to pagan superstitions (all true, but the nobles were hardly saints), a connotation of evil began to surround the word.

Now, whenever you play a game and the bad guy attacks some helpless villagers, you can sit back and enjoy the irony of calling him a 'villain.'

>> No.1632678


>old french
>sinister means left in Latin

>> No.1632680

Are you ok?

>> No.1632690

It does mean that in Latin, but as far as I know, it meaning evil or malicious did not come into use until the medieval period, when it emerged from France and entered the English lexicon. I may very well be wrong.

>> No.1632701

Ironic considering how the best villains are either royalty or top level corporate CEOs. Tony Stark would so be the perfect villain considering his resume and social standing... but they made him the hero instead.

Everyone back then was superstitious, Christians just prayed to different forms of wood and stone than the Pagans. Instead of a little Odin Carving they'd be praying to a crude cross or a cross with the little fella on it.

>> No.1632703

So they'd look down on other people for being superstitious but be superstitious themselves by believing in the Devil or Left-Handedness being a sign of evil? No hypocrisy there...

>> No.1632719

Tony Stark was created specifically to be everything that a Marvel superhero wasn't supposed to be, which at the time meant he was supposed to represent the interests of the rich and conservative. Characters like Spidey and the Hulk were hugely popular as counter-culture figures because they were poor and outcasts and hated for fighting against a system that favored the corrupt and warmongers. Stan Lee ordered his writers and artists to develop a character who was wealthy and privileged and deeply entrenched in military operations, as sort of a dare. To see if the Marvel magic could work both ways.

And now we're way off topic.

>> No.1632738

X-Men are still best. The Marvel Universe is never, ever off topic, anywhere. Can we all agree on this rule?

>> No.1632739

'Villain' and 'vile' share a root. Whether 'vile' and 'villager' share one, I can't say for sure, but I am absolutely certain that 'villain' and 'vile' are linked etymologically. I would assume that no, 'villain' and 'villager' do not share a root.

'Vile' is from Latin 'vilis.' Note the single 'L.'
'Ville' in French means 'city' or 'village' which comes from Latin 'villa' meaning 'country manor.' Note the double L in both 'ville' and 'villa.'
English 'villain' supposedly entered Middle English from French, yeah? Then why is the word in Old French onward spelt with only a single L (vilain) rather than double? I posit that it's descended from single L'ed 'vilis' rather than double L'ed 'villa.'
'Vilis' in Latin means 'base,' 'poor of character' and 'immoral,' things that the word has in common with both 'villain' and 'vile.' It has taken an additional meaning in modern Italian where 'vile' more commonly means 'coward' but can also be used to mean 'villain.' Unlike English, 'vile' in Italian is a noun.

>> No.1632740

Hypocrisy was how things got done in the middle ages.

Christianity was absolutely true and rational and the Catholic church was absolutely infallible and had enormous power. (The church itself redefined hypocrisy.)

The old religions were superstitions at best and the work of Satan at the worst.

So, the beliefs of devout Christians weren't superstitions. They were Absolutely True.

Welcome to the insanity of the medieval world.

>> No.1632741

In medieval manuscripts, commoners are regularly called villains or villeins. Because they are from villages.

>> No.1632753
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>> No.1632758

Oh, and 'villano' is present in modern Italian (also descended of 'villa') where it means 'yokel' or 'country bumpkin.'
I've no idea why English would have two Ls in 'villain' where French has only one.
Perhaps it entered into English from old Spanish? Latin 'vilis' entered from the superlative form 'viliacus' (greatly immoral). The ILI sound is difficult for Spaniards. In Spanish, ILI is typically softened into LL (in proper Castilian Spanish, LL is a soft L, the same sound as GLI in Italian and LH in Portuguese).
In Old Spanish, 'viliacus' became 'vellaco' (cross reference Italian 'vigliacco'). 'Vellaco' itself became 'bellaco' in modern Spanish. 'Bellaco,' unlike it's Italian cognate ('vigliacco' in Italian means 'huge coward'), means 'wicked' or 'villain.' Spanish 'villano' which entered from French 'vilein' (similar to ILI, ILE is also difficult for Spaniards and often becomes LL) also means 'villain,' but is an exceedingly antiquated form in comparison to 'bellaco.'


>> No.1632760

We are approaching /tg/ levels of Off-Topic.

>> No.1632763

I guess this in a nutshell is why there's never any realistic medieval game. Or at least any I've come across. They all use magic, have mystical races, and have dragons, some even have good dragons. Meanwhile a Sci-Fi game/show/whatever can do just fine without magic (though things like Star Trek pretend to be realistic someday by assuming humanoids are everywhere in the universe and breaking the speed of light is possible). Sci-fi with fantasy mixed is God tier if done right, since there's no imperative to conform to physics as close as you can.

>> No.1632770

'Villeins' in old French does mean 'villager,' yes. 'Vilain,' however, means 'villain.' Perhaps the two merged in English for some silly reason. Like how 'colonel' comes from Latin 'columna' which originally meant 'a row' (as in 'have all your ducks in one'). It also became 'column' in English, but 'colonel' entered from a later form of 'columna,' 'colonna,' which came to mean 'a row of soldiers.' The 'colonnelus' was the head of that row. In old Italian, Latin 'colonnelus' became 'colonnello,' which became old French 'coronelle,' which became middle French 'colonelle' (which retained the silly R sound) which became Middle English 'coronel' and Modern English 'colonel,' thanks to Becket's insistence of spelling things according to the word's history rather than its pronunciation.
Scotsman ruin everything.

>> No.1632778

Soft sci-fi is just fantasy in disguise.

>> No.1632801

It is. Star Wars is a fantasy series.

>> No.1632816

I'd call it science fantasy. There's obvious magic and shit but it doesn't even pretend to be realistic, unlike Star Trek. Sci-Fi (especially Science Fantasy) has the greatest potential since they aren't limited to Earthly ecosystems, lifeforms, and architecture, yet shit all that potential up by making a desert planet, forest planet, snow planet, etc. Shit, why not a snow planet (in the habitable zone, with hot ice) with wild pink and purple vegetation? Okay, architecture I can somewhat understand since functional design has its limits but ecosystems?

>> No.1633786

stop the offtopic you fags.

i don't know any games like lufia 2.

>> No.1633796

What are you looking for in particular? Just any SNES JRPGs or specifically the ones that mix classic turn-based JRPG gameplay with Zelda-like dungeong crawling and puzzle-solving? If the latter, then it's difficult to say, because Lufia is a pretty unique mix of genres like that. The only other game I can think of currently that does both puzzles and turn-based combat is the Golden Sun series, but it isn't retro and is also terrible.