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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 6 KB, 256x240, Deadly_Towers_TC_Parallel_Shot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1627135 No.1627135 [Reply] [Original]

i really really really like deadly towers and i don't think its very hard to beat at all

>> No.1627137

I like Silver Surfer, it's not THAT hard like people say, the music is awesome, the level design is just maybe a bit bland, but still an enjoyable game.

Maybe not so unpopular.

>> No.1627163
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get a load of these guys

>> No.1627171
File: 65 KB, 460x322, chakan2_1205966991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Chakan is pretty fun, even though it can be frustrating sometimes. There's a lot of memorization involved, like Ninja Gaiden (although it doesn't play as fast). But I really like the game's otherwordly atmosphere...

>> No.1627219

Skate or Die is the best game ever

>> No.1627236
File: 174 KB, 638x349, Blellow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't played the PSP version, but man am I having fun playing the first Persona. Maybe it's being able to change everybody's Personae and not just MC, or the music or the translation goofs, but it's fun.

The elements are kinda crazy, though.

>> No.1627239

compared to other shmups its not very hard.

Anyone who says its hard is an idiot. You could compare its difficulty to gradius's nes port. You really have to be a fucking retard to think its unusual that a shmup doesnt give you health points.

>> No.1627247

Your first statement is correct, but Silver Surfer is still a hard game.
Somewhat easy by shmup standards is hard by general standards.

>> No.1627251

TMNT platformer is better than the TMNT arcade game

>> No.1627252

I think the Zelda games (all of them) have always been bad games, there just wasn't anything mainstream that competed with them. OoT is especially bad.

Megaman X6 isn't as bad as people say.

your favorite game is shit

>> No.1627254
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Castlevania 64 and LoD are my favorite Castlevania games.

>> No.1627257
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>> No.1627258

The 16-bit platform with the best games was the Amiga

>> No.1627259

I just replayed it so it's on my mind and I have to talk about it:
I find Super Castlevania IV dreadfully boring and uninspired. It is my least favorite major Classicvania game.

>> No.1627260

>your favorite game is shit
you favorite game is off the table

>> No.1627271

I prefer SoE to SoM.

>> No.1627303

I can understand liking Deadly Towers, but I don't see how anyone could honestly claim it isn't hard to beat. The later dungeons are ridiculously hard to navigate even if you try to map them out on graph paper due to their sheer size, identical-looking rooms, and the occasional looping corridor. Enemies are also occasionally impossible to avoid if you enter a room from the wrong direction, and they hit really hard unless you find upgrades that are hidden inside huge dungeons that are themselves hidden inside another huge dungeon. Said vital upgrades are also lost forever if you overcome the tower boss without havimg found them.

I did beat the game back in the day, but looking back I'm not entirely sure how or why.

>> No.1627325

Hyperstone Heist is better than Turtles in Time.

>> No.1627351

I find it hard to see anything positive about the Jagged Alliance games.

>> No.1627358

I like Zelda II a lot more than the original Zelda. I also don't really like LttP very much (but I understand why most people do, it's just an taste thing). I'd say Link's Awakening is probably tied my favourite with Zelda II, but either can be on top depending on my mood.

>> No.1627361

me again, I also like Mega Man 3 and 5 a lot more than Mega Man 2, and have trouble seeing how anyone could like X more than the classic series.

>> No.1627375
File: 38 KB, 400x293, alex feel ;_;.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alex Kidd in Miracle World is a very, very easy game, the major problem I had was find a paper and a pen to take notes of the scroll with the last stage sequence. Super Mario Bros has slippier controls than it, and it is harder to beat (even with warps).

>> No.1627614

Honestly, it's the other way around. Alex's slippery and less tight controls make the game much harder than it should have been.

And there's certainly harder games than SMB.

>> No.1627620

1, I can understand. 2, I can see its glaring flaws. 2 with the fan patch and alruco revisited, i wil fite u.

That said, I think Vectorman is trash. There's barely any room to see things, the pre-rendered graphics look terrible, and the bosses are complete jokes.

>> No.1627650

Symphony of the Night is a lackluster game. The english dub voice acting is awful too

>> No.1627663

>Metal Gear Snake's Revenge is ultra awesome
>Mario 2 is the best Mario on the nes
>Double Dragon 3 is better than the others
>Dash Galaxy is pretty good
>Final Fantasy 2 is totally rad

I might have weird taste in vidya but whatever...

>> No.1627667

>The english dub voice acting is awful too
PERHAPS THE SAME CAN BE SAID OF ALL RETRO DUBS. And the later ones jesus christ I muted the voices in Tales of Graces because they were fucking weak

>> No.1627671

I can't stand 1st person shooters. Its the main reason I haven't bought a newer system. 70%of games are call of duty!

>> No.1627674

Also the first TMNT game for the nes is actually pretty enjoyable, it's not as bad as everyone says.
The only crappy part is the water level.

>> No.1627676

Inversely, I prefer the older shooters. I consider Alien vs Predator 2 to be the best FPS I've played with XIII being a very close second.

>> No.1627680

I love that game.,its difficult but fun. I think most people think its because its a harder than a typical game.

>> No.1627684

The music was pretty awesome too. Mostly the bos battles.

>> No.1627693

Megaman 3 was my first Megaman, and is my favorite as well. After visiting TCRF I realized it was rushed to all fuck and could have been even better, so it adds a certain "it could have been" charm to me.

I lie a bit. My first Megaman was actually Megaman Soccer (which I actually like), but that doesn't really count. My first REAL MM was 3.

>> No.1627697

>Zelda II is my favorite game in the entire franchise
>Final Fantasy II was an improvement over the original game
>ActRaiser 2 was better than the first, and I never actually cared for the god simulation mechanics
>I prefer the original Dragon Warrior games over their remakes
>Ninja Gaiden isn't poorly balanced - it's *supposed* to be hard
>Tetris 2 (Tetris Flash) is better than the original generic Tetris formula
>I wish more games would include LGBT characters a la Fallout: New Vegas

>> No.1627729


Agreed, but what I meant to say was that SMB was specifically harder than AKMW, in my opinion. Blame my poor english for this misunderstood.

>> No.1627734
File: 29 KB, 246x314, bare knuckle Ash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I wish more games would include LGBT characters a la Fallout NV


>> No.1627738

I dunno about best ever but I sure found it fun in its day and played it a lot.

>> No.1627740


I never said I was a fan of Ash. It's like Sega set out to caricaturize homosexuality by rolling every negative stereotype into one massively flaming character.

Regardless, I would still prefer they didn't censor the game, even if Ash were likely to offend people on both sides of the spectrum.

>> No.1627745

I was just going to say something similar. I personally don't care if a character in a video game is having sex with someone of the same gender behind virtual closed doors. Personally, I'm completely uninterested in the subject of sex when it comes to vidya. That being said, I don't hope to see any category of people adhering to a perceived sexual orientation simply for the sake of it.

>> No.1627749

Super Mario Bros 3 was a step back from Super Mario Bros 2.

It only had one character instead of four, and the colors were faded-looking and less appealing. The worlds also had less vertical travel.

>> No.1627758
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I don't see this as a negative stereo type and that's my unpopular opinion of the day.

>> No.1627760

I don't really like MOO2, horribly unbalanced, the Antarans are more a source of awesome early game tech than cosmic menace, going first is a ridiculously colossal advantage late game, and once you've figured out what most of the applications do, there's really one preferred tech path that will serve you well throughout 85% of your games.

What's worse, it's become THE 4X, so other, quite good games, like Reach for the stars, get bad reviews and relegated to obscurity, not because they do anything wrong, but because they're not MOO2 clones.

And Baldur's gate is a shitty RPG. Any game where more than half the map has 0 need to go there, beyond 'Kill shit, take their stuff" is poorly designed, especially when it's not cast as an exploratory or a flight game. You do have some plot, but you can ignore it, and in fact really have to if you want to be strong enough to fight the main plot baddies, to go wander in forests for weeks on end.

>> No.1627765

Women were treated better as protagonists in retro as opposed to now.

Just look at Phantasy Star or FF6.

>> No.1627768


I honestly think the only reason Crono Trigger is so popular is because its fans are console players and don't realize how much the genre had moved beyond what CT offers in the PC world.

>> No.1627840


>> No.1627847

I like the NES port of Ultima IV even if its technically the worst version of it.

Super Mario Bros. 2 is my favorite Mario game on NES.

Zelda II has always been my favorite Zelda game.

I'm convinced that most people that whine about TMNT's water level or Battletoads' Turbo Tunnel being hard are just parroting AVGN and other internet memes/reviewers that and/or have never played the games more than few minutes. My reasoning for this is the fact everyone I knew who played these games back in the day easily got past those levels after few tries and that included people that weren't that good with video games. Everyone who has actually played those games knows that the real punches to dick comes in form of Technodrome and Terra Tube levels.

>> No.1627874

Absolutely. It ain't even limited to RPGs.

>> No.1627881 [DELETED] 

Chaos Wars, enough said

>> No.1627920

Seriously? Terra and Celes both suffer from acute cases of "JRPG heroine" syndrome.
Terra's story arc revolves around coming to terms with her own identity, however throughout the plot she undergoes decidedly little development as a character. It's hard to belive that a magic-flinging, flying, human/phantom beast hybid with the power to change the course of a war could act like such a mawkish little titmouse out of battle, requiring the emotional support of markedly less powerful men (politically and in-battle) to function, and constantly soliloquizes about how she is too different to ever find true love. Her mental state throughout is fragile, and she suffers a mental breakdown when the group is divided (See: Mobliz arc. Not that female characters shouldn't ever be allowed to express emotion or vulnerability, but this particular female character is a demihuman sorceress with extensive military training; not a damn schoolgirl). Ditto for Celes. She's admittedly made of much tougher stuff than Terra, but you do have to wonder why a battle-hardened femme fatale military officer would abide some candy-ass thief insisting that she needs his protection. (No less strange is the fact that Locke keeps insisting he's the one doing the protecting, even though the Figaro escape sequence makes pretty clear that she's more often the one taking care of them both).
The portrayal of women has changed very little throughout the years. They just wear less clothes now.

>> No.1627937

>they wear less clothes
Fewer clothes, Anon. They wear fewer clothes. I blame the grocery express lanes for the decline of proper English-language grammar.
"10 items or less," indeed. 10 ITEMS OR FEWER, GODFUCKIT! FEWER!

>> No.1627950


>constituting a more limited number or amount
>of reduced size, extent, or degree
>more limited in quantity

>a smaller number of persons or things

I'm sorry, what's the problem? ...aside from your raging autism, I mean.

>> No.1627992

'Less' is used for uncountable/collective amounts. 'Fewer' is for countable nouns.
>Use /less dough/ to yield /fewer cookies./
'Dough' in this context is uncountable. 'Cookie' is countable.

>Eat grilled chicken instead; is has /less fat/ and /fewer calories/ than fried chicken.

It doesn't have to apply exclusively to tangible nouns, either.

>/Fewer distractions/ will cause you /less aggravation./
'Distractions' is a countable noun. 'Aggravation' is not.

>> No.1627995


How does this correlate with character gender? What you're describing is common among all kinds of JRPG protagonists, especially those in Final Fantasy.

Cloud is a whiny emo kid with an inferiority complex and he has a mental breakdown in the middle of the game. Squall is a recluse because his "big sis" abandoned him at the orphanage, and he begins to transfer these feelings onto Rinoa causing him to have a mental breakdown when he becomes separated from her. Tidus... Tidus doesn't even need explaining. I lost count of how many times he cried during the story.

>> No.1628003

How is clothes countable? No one is talking about any specific characters, and the amount of skin shown is much more important here than the amount of articles of clothing involved.

>> No.1628013

>Cloud is a whiny emo kid with an inferiority complex
Didn't play the game.

>> No.1628026

>I lost count of how many times he cried during the story.
Only time he came close to crying was when he found out that the final summoning would kill Yuna once Yu Yevon takes over the Aeon, and considering all the things he said prior to that to her along with living in a utopia as a sports star, it was a major reality slap to the face to his own ignorance and all the foreshadowing going over his head.

He didn't even twitch when his entire life was destroyed, or when he found out that he's no different from the Aeons, just a dream of the fayth and he didn't bat an eye when he told everyone that he was going to disappear for good when they kill Yu Yevon.

FF characters suffering identity issues seems to be a common theme.

>> No.1628032

Stop posting this bullshit about how Cloud was different in FFVII than he is now, it's true that he wasn't as bad in the original game he was in but don't pretend for a second that those traits weren't there.

>> No.1628035

>has a mental breakdown in the middle of the game
When an alien terror taking the form of your hero starts to fuck with your head and tear your mind apart to show you that your entire past memories are complete lies, you're entitled to have a mental breakdown.

Be honest, did you even play these games?

>> No.1628039

I wasn't aware that being snide and sarcastic were emofag traits.

>> No.1628048

So much this. Cloud was more a cocky dick. Clouds mental break downs have in-game science explanations. Jenova interactions, plunging into the lifestream, etc. he gets his confident cocky bastard self back by the end if the game. However, by Advent Children he looks like he's on the verge of tears the whole flick.

>> No.1628056


If you think Silver Surfer is hard, try Starship Hector.


>> No.1628073

The camera in Mario 64 really isn't bad at all. The camera in Banjo-Kazooie is a lot worse.

>> No.1628085

one of my favorite genesis games, the atmosphere is godly, and it has one of the best intros in video games ever.

>> No.1628178

>Be honest, did you even play these games?

Finished each game several times. I didn't say the characters' emotions were unjustified. The point is, it has nothing to do with gender. Final Fantasy protagonists are just emotional overall, or are placed in situations that would duly conjure emotional reactions. Terra is no different.

>> No.1628194
File: 251 KB, 1620x946, 1287324210414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cloud unknowingly holds a fake persona created by the Jenova cells mixing his memories of Zack's personality with the somewhat cocky and selfish attitude he believes a SOLDIER 1st Class would have. However, during the game events he eventually restores his original personality, and shows genuine concern for the Planet's fate, a sharp contrast to his persona at the start of the game where he claimed he didn't care about the Planet and only agreed to help AVALANCHE for the right price.

Tl;dr: Badass Cloud you see at the beginning wasn't the real Cloud. However I agree about the "emo" thing being ridiculously exaggerated.

>> No.1628205

I agree 100% with this chart and this post.

>> No.1628332

thanks doc

>> No.1628597

I beat The Amazing SpiderMan for Gameboy like 10 times when I was 9, and I liked it a lot.

According to the AVGN that game is unplayable.

>> No.1628608

Theme B is the best Tetris Theme

>> No.1629141

I also really liked Deadly Towers. It was the Dark Souls of its time. It was so labyrinthine and perplexing it really evoked a feeling of being lost in a deep, horrifying hell-castle

>> No.1629467
File: 61 KB, 1280x720, 1400321215502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back when I was a kid I thought Pokemon was uninteresting turtle-speed borefest rehashes

I still do.

>> No.1629572

Not really an opinion but I often feel like I'm the only person in the world whose childhood didn't resolve around Pokemon, especially here on 4chan. To be bit more specific the Pokemon games and TV show came out were I live sometime in 1999 and being 17 year old at the time I really could give a slightest fuck about cute electric squirrels or the other cute animals the series apparently was about and not having Game Boy to actually try out the games at the time didn't exactly help understand the craze Pokemon caused in younger kids either. Now 15 years later it's fucking annoying how everyone seems to assume everyone grew up with Pokemon especially on video game related sites.

As for unpopular opinions:
I know many people say that Midgar is the best part of FFVII and while I agree that it was a great experience when playing the game for the first time but I really can't stand it when trying to replay the game for the umpteenth time and often end up giving up before leaving Midgar as the 3 hour long forced tutorial level which I consider Midgar to be simply bores me to dead.

I prefer Castlevania and Castlevania III to Super Castlevania IV due to their higher difficulty level and sub-weapons actually being worthwhile in them. The whip in Castlevania IV simply is too long and powerful and makes the subweapons worthless. I have through this way for almost 20 years but apparently some youtube celebrity have recently made a video where he says similar things so naturally everyone always assumes I'm just parroting him.

>> No.1629578

im glad im not the only one who likes zelda ii the best

>> No.1629579

i agree on the most part but i also don't think the subweapons are quite as worthless as they're made out to be in that egoraptor video. there are still occasions where they're good, they're just rare.
1 and 3 obviously handle it way better though.

>> No.1629604

>Symphony of the Night is a lackluster game
This seems to be a pretty popular opinion on /vr/.

>> No.1629608

Because we've outgrown the fanbase and understand things for what they are. SotN is too dull in it's level design and has too low of a difficulty curve to be enjoyable as a game.

We all loved it for the aesthetica and we still do, but we are able to not confuse our love for the soundtrack and the visuals with our experiences from actual gameplay.

>> No.1629682

>How does this correlate with character gender?
The two playable characters in FFVI who attempt suicide are female.
Let that sink in.

For some strange reason little girls are usually portrayed as stronger emotionally than adult women. Possibly because they're uninvested in the plot and ultimately give no fucks (see: Relm, Yuffie and to a lesser extent Rydia).

>> No.1629704

I don't remember anyone but Celes attempting suicide.

>> No.1629705

This. The game is beautiful and sounds great, but the gameplay is horribly lacking.
It's real annoying to me that no Classicvania ever got that level of presentation.

>> No.1629718

I liked FFVII.

Secret of Evermore is better than Mana, CT, Gaia, et al.

Crash Team Racing is the best kart racer of all time, including modern games.

The controls in SMW are directly superior to previous installments in the franchise, however All-Stars handles like shit.

The N64 controller doesn't feel poorly designed.

Link to the Past is better than Ocarina of Time in soundtrack, gameplay, and balance.

It's not cheating if it's programmed into the game (see: Konami Kode, passwords, any button cheats ever used ever).

>> No.1629719


I have absolutely no desire to mouse over any of this shit. Fuck off, attention whore.

>> No.1629723


>I liked FFVII.

>Secret of Evermore is better than Mana, CT, Gaia, et al.

>Crash Team Racing is the best kart racer of all time, including modern games.

>The controls in SMW are directly superior to previous installments in the franchise, however All-Stars handles like shit.

>The N64 controller doesn't feel poorly designed.

>Link to the Past is better than Ocarina of Time in soundtrack, gameplay, and balance.

>It's not cheating if it's programmed into the game (see: Konami Kode, passwords, any button cheats ever used ever).

There you go babby. Can I wipe your ass too while I'm at it?

>> No.1629729

>doesn't CTRL+A to automatically unspoiler all spoilers

>> No.1629753

Guardian Legend anyone?

>> No.1629764

I don't think androids count as 'women.'
GL was one of my favourite games when I was a kid and continues to be one of my favourite games today, btw. :^)
Have ya played any romhacks for it? I know of only one but have yet to play it for some raisin.

And now, I am leaving Naju forever for no raisin.

>> No.1629847

But there are much better RPGs even on the same console.

You don't even need to delve into the unpopular ones, either.
Final Fantasy VI is a much better game.

>> No.1629848

>The controls in SMW are directly superior to previous installments in the franchise, however All-Stars handles like shit.
NES SMB3 handles better.

>> No.1629872

Terra does in an indirect way.
Her attempt to defend Mobliz from Humbaba solo, midst-emotional breakdown is a suicide-by-cop kinda deal.

>> No.1629875

Crash Bandicoot is an utterly mindless and uninteresting game in the extreme. I can't fathom why anyone enjoys it.

>> No.1629891

I didn't take that away from it at all. Why would she kill herself when she finally found 'love' caring for all dem orphan chirrinz? Nigga, you cray.

>> No.1629917

>found love
No she was frustrated with herself for failing to prevent the apocalypse. Helping the kids was all she could do, and she sought to die as a form of atonement.

>> No.1630117


This is seriously stupid and over autistic. If you want to get down to it- everything is quantifiable. Go bitch about grammar some more in a corner. Language is about communication, not making it a strict set of ambiguous rules.

>> No.1630120

The autism is strong with this one

>> No.1630134

>>Ninja Gaiden isn't poorly balanced - it's *supposed* to be hard

Saying something was not poorly balanced is a bad argument. You can argue that bad graphics or controls in any game are not shitty because they are made to be that way by the developer

>> No.1630139

>I prefer the original Dragon Warrior games over their remakes

Why? Unless you like grinding, the originals have nothing the remakes don't do any better

>> No.1630143

>I can't be bothered to get it right, so it must not be important

>> No.1630147

>The only crappy part is the water level.

You don't think having to go to a random sewer with a 1 out 4 chances of finding the boss you need to fight to go in the Technodrome, crappy?

>> No.1630148

>quantifiable means the same thing as countable now, cuz i said
You are everything wrong with the world.
You probably asked people to pass you "a scissors" then got pissy when they [rightfully] corrected you.
>it's a "pair of scissors," you half-witted mong!

>> No.1630149

>Double Dragon 3 is better than the others

How? Not trying to be contrarian here, but the NES and Arcade version are a huge step back. The levels are short except for the last one and the only thing it has over the previous games and Super Double Dragon is that you fight the enemies in mixed groups instead of packs. I liked that better than fighting the same kind

>> No.1630150

>It's not cheating if it's programmed into the game (see: Konami Kode, passwords, any button cheats ever used ever)
This is seriously the dumbest thing I've ever read. It's not CHEATING to use CHEATS like god mode, and a password that starts you on the last level? Come on man. You can't really be that retarded.

>> No.1630152

The English dub is too meme worthy for me to get mad at it. It is not like the game takes itself very seriously with some of the items and enemies

>> No.1630156

Yo. Answer the fucking question: >>1628003

>> No.1630157

>and have trouble seeing how anyone could like X more than the classic series

I like the X series more because the stage give you things to look for. Most of the good games in the classic series were made before they did the exploration aspect like in VI and onwards

>> No.1630161

I wish we had more Castlevania games in 3D with the same exploration as the 64 games instead of glorified beat 'em ups like the 3D PS2 games

>> No.1630162

I loved 2 with the fan patch, but it was astonishingly unstable and always crashed for me (this was about 2 years ago).

I should try running it in Wine now that I'm spending most of my time on Linux

>> No.1630165

Return of the Foot Clan and Radical Rescue are also better than the original NES game. I do like TMNT games with more platforming than beat 'em up but they are both good in different ways. It is dumb to compare them other than having the same license

>> No.1630182

Symphony of the Night would have been a god tier game if the difficulty curve weren't complete shit. It completely drops off after the first doppelganger fight. It feels like there's way too much variability in player strength for the game to be properly balanced, and there comes a point when bosses feel like they're primarily designed to be manageable for players who have less levels and less effective equipment. If the entire level system were stripped out and the game was rebalanced to accommodate, the game would be much better as a whole.

>> No.1630209
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The characters were unlikeable, the story way too preachy and the environments barely interactive. Lots of clunky exposition too.

>> No.1630240

It's a special case wherein 'clothes'' countability is lost in modern English but still behaves as a countable noun. Another example is 'poor' when used as a noun. Just as 'clothes' can be used as a third person present verb, 'poor' can be used in a manner other than a noun (as an adjective). In order to avoid ambiguity in speech, 'fewer' is used with the noun and 'less' with the other form.

>> No.1630794
File: 61 KB, 419x351, this shit's blowing me the wrong way.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mega Man 6 is the best Mega Man.
It also has the best musical design.

>> No.1630856

My favorite traditional Mega Man ain't retro.

>> No.1630881 [DELETED] 
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>objectively false retro statements

>> No.1630895

>Secret of Evermore is better than Mana, CT, Gaia, et al.
This is wrong, but the rest is pretty based.

>> No.1630901

>I liked FFVII.
>unpopular opinions

>> No.1630916
File: 27 KB, 400x256, no specials ninjas only final destination.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mortal Kombat only got popular because of shock value.

>> No.1630928 [DELETED] 

this is objectively true though

mortal kombat has nothing on any other fighter series but blood, fatalities and "edgy" "'tude"

>> No.1631847
File: 21 KB, 250x171, Secret_of_Mana_Box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Secret of Mana is clunky and boring.

I have to close my eyes every time I would summon Flammie because of how disgusting that scene is.

>> No.1631873

Streets of Rage 3 is the most fun Streets of Rage game

>> No.1631893

Every Sega game ever made is horribly unpolished and feels like a budget title.

>> No.1631901
File: 45 KB, 600x450, Tiger-DoubleDragonII.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some tiger games were surprisingly enjoyable considering how rudimentary they were

pic related
>I played the ever-living shit out of this thing as a kid

>> No.1631906

That makes sense, I guess we all just enjoy different aspects of games. For me the non-linearity in the stages took away from the game because I always felt like I should be going back to levels I'd already beaten to find stuff in case I missed a bunch of powerups and wound up too weak. I never had to worry about that in the classic series.

Not that it's a bad gameplay mechanic at all, I love metroidvanias, it's just not something I really like in Mega Man.

>> No.1631912

Eh what
You couldn't find a lot of special items and recruit certain NPCs if you didn't explore
Also you can just go through the main quests without doing any sidequests and you can still finish Baldur's Gate because it's easy
Even on Insane difficulty
Baldur's Gate 2 fixes your problem with the overworld by the way.

>> No.1631918

However as this chart and my experience shows he gets back up on his feet and goes back to being confident and strong.

Cloud is a good character. Or was anyway.

>> No.1631972
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I know this is only a borderline retro opinion and mostly comes up when discussing about modern JRPGs but I'll leave this here anyway:

The whole point of RPGs is exploring the game's world and not to tell a story via FMV cutscenes constantly forced down your throat (something that unfortunately got popularized as the main means of storytelling in various video game genres by the success of FFVII and MGS in the late 90s). A big part of this exploration should be finding more about the world and it's characters and locations by talking to NPCs, reading books in bookshelves and possible reading stuff under info sections that may be "buried" in menu-screens. Figuring out what to do next or where to go next should also be done this way and not by having the game telling it to you every 5 minutes. Games telling their stories this way also have two advantages over the ones with more linear cinematic experience way most newer games use:
1. You probably find more about the game's world and characters when playing the games again
2. You can skip learning about the stuff you already know when replaying them

Most WRPGs and early JPRGs like Final Fantasy 1 and Dragon W̶a̶r̶r̶i̶o̶r̶ Quest III used to do this right but most of the more modern ones (including many games that are within /vr/'s territory) already went with the cinematic experience route mostly taking the exploration aspect of RPGs away.

While pic is about FPS games it more than applies to RPGs as well.

>> No.1631975

Wasn't Crisis Core set before FF7?

>> No.1632002

Yet the price has exploded, nowadays games are 70 while in 93 it was 10-15.

That's the whole difference a passionate industry and a profit industry without any passionate leading.

>> No.1632018

>The portrayal of women has changed very little throughout the years. They just wear less clothes now.
I don't want to bring /v/ feminism into here, but IMHO this is pretty off base. More often you had stronger women characters then as opposed to now. It just happens in not-as-mainstream games so fewer people take notice.

FF was a bad example anyway, it's not like they don't recycle character types all the time anyway.

>> No.1632078

I agree, and I also think it has the best soundtrack in the series.

>> No.1632084

I dunno man... maybe it's just nostalgia googles.
I used to play that game a lot when I was 5 years old. It might also be because the music is pretty rad.

>> No.1632250

I share this opinion.
I loved the exploration and different weapons instead of just running straight and hitting everything in sight with your default weapon like in every other turtle game.

The dead ends were frustrating but challenging. The real world doesn't hold your hand when you're traveling somewhere, you're gonna get lost at times.

I also loved how the turtle weapons were so diverse from each other. No other turtle game did this except Turtles 3 the Manhattan Project to a degree. In every other turtle game their weapons all behave the same and have the same reach, which I also hate.

>> No.1632256

I share this opinion. There are some truly horrific set pieces, like when the angel cries blood.

I loved the part where you open the gate in the castle wall and Dracula comes down to taunt you.

I love the encounters you have with that vampire in the villa (he seems to be an injured villager... Until you notice he has no reflection in the mirror)

Definitely the most underrated and wrongfully hated Castlevania game

>> No.1632258

I share this opinion.

To me Bloodlines was worlds better. Better atmosphere and music to boot.

>dat fountain of blood

>> No.1632263

Sony opened Pandora's box with the PS1. Nothing vile came out of it at first, but as time went on, it started manifesting itself. Konami and Square evolved into vile corporations that buy out and kill smaller companies and only produce a handful of games anymore. Sony has copied everything that worked for MS, most notably paid online, when they used to have free online. I fear what the future holds for video games.

>> No.1632285

>while in 93 it was 10-15.

Nope. More like $40-55. $30 for 'budget titles.' $15 was a used game price.

There was actually a reduction in game prices in the Playstation era (especially the Greatest Hits, I know collectors these days hate them but I fricking loved getting copies of favorite games for $20) before it rose again to that current $55-70 level (I presume inflation/global weakening of the USD is at fault)

>> No.1632289

>FFVIII and FFIX are by far my favorite entries into the FF series.
>wild arms was a really boring game.
>chrono trigger was only above average.
>chrono cross was more enjoyable.
>SRPGs are much more enjoyable than RPGs for the most part
>speed running anything is absolutely retarded.

>> No.1632290

I hate Deus Ex. Shit fucking boring mechanics, disgusting clunky game it sucks dick. And its world looks like ass. I'm not a graphics whore by any means but jesus christ it has such a disgustingly drab looking world that looks like shit. Just looking at it makes me wanna puke. I've tried to play through that pile of shit at least four or five times in my life but I've never been able to give a shit about it. Shit game and easily the most overrated piece of shit in the entire history of video games as far as I'm concerned.

Fuck RPG in general. 99% of the time they come with terrible mechanics. I don't know how anybody can play games that come with shitty mechanics. Frankly RPG is just for losers who suck so much at life they need to play video games to immerse themselves in alternate worlds to 'roleplay' better lives for themselves. Fuck story in video games. If I wanted a story, I'd read a book or watch a film. I can't relate to stupidly written, pixelated characters with poor voice acting.

Every single RPG game I've ever played is shit, including Deus Ex and some Final Fantasy game I played a friend's house once. Turned based RPG is a pile of wank. Whoever plays this shit needs to get his head examined. What a pile of boredom. The only RPGs I've ever given a shit about are the Souls games, but they're action RPGs and more gameplay centric. They have GOOD gameplay which is why I like them. 99.99% of RPGs have shit gameplay and aren't worth my time.

>> No.1632296

>Konami and Square evolved into vile corporations that buy out and kill smaller companies and only produce a handful of games anymore
Sorry if I'm missing something here, but how exactly is this the PS1's fault? This started happening near the end of the PS1 era, but how is it linked there?

>> No.1632302

The souls games aren't even that good.
I play and enjoy them but combat patterns are stupid easy to figure out, especially if you just fast roll.
Also RPGs obviously aren't for you, if you displayed your opinion in a less inflammatory manner it'd be taken more seriously. But you are just shitposting about RPGs as it stands.

>> No.1632305

RPG a shit and is for losers. You know this deep inside, deal with it.

>> No.1632307

Zelda 2 is my favorite Zelda game followed by OOT, Majoras Mask, ALTTP, the gameboy games, and Zelda 1

The game just felt like a real adventure with enemies that really did want to see you dead.

In the newer Zelda games it felt like link was just an annoyance to the main villain yet link was overpowered against all his minions. Link easily takes out pretty much anything save for bosses in everything in twilight princess and after. This, to me, is a tragedy.

Gone are the days when I wondered into a place where I wasn't supposed to go yet and got wrecked by a Lyonel or iron knuckle, or a lizalfos

Zelda 2 really did seem like a challenging epic and when you got done you really did feel like you achieved something. There was no hand holding and your survival depended on your skill and experience

No other Zelda game since has given you this

>> No.1632314

This isn't a very unpopular opinion on /vr/ it seems. Many here jerk off over Zelda 2.

I'll have to check it out some time.

>> No.1632337


Hell, there's some posts earlier in this very thread of people loving Zelda II.

Zelda II is hip on /vr/. Threads about it are generally lovefests here.

>> No.1632340

I dislike Zelda and Metroid games. I always get hopelessly lost and then fed up.

>> No.1632361
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Being good at RPGs means player finding a combination of characters, skills and equipment that allows him/her to win and not just grinding for levels until you can simply overpower your opponents with your levels. The only exception to this are 8- and some early 16-bit RPGs.

Pic very related.

>> No.1632370

2D games are much more limited than 3D games when it comes to gameplay.

>> No.1632379

androids[or gynoids] count as woman

>> No.1632383

I really like Sonic 3D Blast, i've never found it very hard at all and never understood peoples problem with it.
I liked Earthworm Jim 2 a lot more than the first one.
I don't like Earthbound, but can understand why people do like it. Just not for me. My friends throw a shitfit over me not liking Earthbound.

>> No.1632389

ZSNES is great

>> No.1632391

In Wiegraf's case it's also AI exploitation.

>> No.1632393

Remember, please be civil. ;)

But seriously, IMO it has the best multiplayer going for it and some SMW hacks won't work right on anything but ZSNES.

>> No.1632395

I agree. I mean, I should try some other emulators I guess but ZNES is the only one I've downloaded so far and it runs any game I've tried just fine.

>> No.1632430

Yes, and that's exactly why 2D games are much more refined. It's so much easier to have precise controls and gameplay and timing and so on than it is in a 3D game.

>> No.1632434

The problem is just that video games got popular. No one company is to blame for that.

>> No.1632528

even great games likes gunstar heroes and the shining forces look kinda cheap. No class

>> No.1632531

> this guy
New games have always been 40-50 pounds

>> No.1632543


Holy shit, Nigel, that was our price in DOLLARS in the 90s.

But yeah, that guy who thought 1993 games were 10-15 (unspecified currency) must have been buying used games or maybe the luckiest of clearances of likely shitty games.

>> No.1632583

And I suppose you're just ignoring all those games like Ristar, Streets of Rage 2 and 3, Shinobi III, Ecco II, Comix Zone, Beyond Oasis, and Monster World IV?

>> No.1632595

Katt wasn't that great of a character in BoF2, and is actually named Lin as per the newer games.

>> No.1632598

You'll run into a brick wall eventually. It's always smart to at least have a copy of both ZSNES and SNES9x for your emulation purposes.

>> No.1632603

Why both? Whats wrong with just Snes9x?

>> No.1632605

Not him, but this is actually pretty simple.
>FMVs end up selling FFVII really good
>Square improves, putting major money into this
>Makes Spirits Within made completely with this technology, it bombs
>ultimately results in Square merging with Enix
>Square has gone downhill ever sense

>> No.1632610

Some romhacks require some of the inaccuracies in ZSNES in order to run.

>> No.1632612

Was already mentioned, the mutiplayer is still better and some SMW hacks don't work on any other emulator.

>> No.1632615

So if I don't care about outdated and mediocre SMW ROMhacks I'm in the clear. Got it.

>> No.1632617

Yep, pretty much.

>> No.1632619

Yeah pretty much, and if you want to play anything new you're just as fine.

Outside of "I like the asthetics" to which there is a modification of BSNES which is like that available, but to each their own it's literally one of the only reasons why it's still around.

>> No.1632623

I have never finished Super Mario Bros. before.

>> No.1632640
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Case in point.

>> No.1632648


That's not an opinion.

>> No.1632657

But it's unpopular. Right?

>> No.1632693

No, it's one of the most well known games of all time, but it's hard enough that I'm sure the majority of people who've played it haven't beaten it.

>> No.1632723

Speaking from experience, the GOG version of Jagged Alliance 2 works perfectly on my system, no fucking about, default wine config, just installs and plays. The GOG versions of most older games are the same case, for that matter, it's really the best way to get retro games for your Lunix machine.

>> No.1632783


Every character in any FF game is whiny and delusional not just the females, you should be able to relate to them well

>> No.1632787

You haven't played anything but VII and VIII have you

>> No.1634276

Chiptune and Pixels =/= Retro

>> No.1634423 [DELETED] 

Anybody who can't beat SMB from start to finish without warp zones will always be a casual. Just sayin'

>> No.1634450

I am in such hard agreement with you, anon

>> No.1634454

I agree with this, but I don't agree on it being an unpopular opinion.

>> No.1634459

>A casual is someone that doesn't beat a game from 1985

So in order to not be a casual they have to beat a game they don't even like? Anyone that could not beat SMB1, did not do it not over skills but interest. I know this is hard to imagine now but just like there are people who has never beat or liked the first Sonic, there are people who don't care much for SMB1. That doesn't make them casual, last I checked SMB1 is a casual game, it is the kind of game most people who barely give a shit about games know and played like Pac-Man or Tetris

>> No.1634464
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>> No.1634468

I agree, but what exactly IS retro to you? Can any new game be "retro"?

>> No.1634472
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>Every Sega game ever made is horribly unpolished and feels like a budget title.

>> No.1634475 [DELETED] 

>not liking SMB1
top kek. you shouldn't be playing video games altogether faggot.

>> No.1634476
File: 1.08 MB, 480x270, faggot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have to close my eyes every time I would summon Flammie because of how disgusting that scene is.

>> No.1634478

I just don't see how sonic 1,2, and 3 are in any way unpolished

>> No.1634479 [DELETED] 

>Being this elitist

I bet you there are plenty of kids who grew up with Sega consoles that not only they don't like SMB1 but has never played it

>> No.1634484

Nope. Retro isn't a style. Retro refers to a period in time, otherwise a lot of those shovel ware and casual games styled after classic games would also be /vr/

>> No.1634486 [DELETED] 
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>liking SMB1 makes you elitist
ahahaha the keks keep getting topped

>> No.1634489

That's not what he said.

>> No.1634494

Are you illiterate, sir? Retro is a term used to describe newly-fashioned things that were made in the styles of the past. Classic is a term for things that ARE from the past, or have not changed from the past if they are still being produced. Antique is a term for things that are genuinely old.

>> No.1634495

both of you faggots should just stfu and stop arguing over technical terms. take your autism elsewhere. seriously get some pussy, too, it might help you out.

>> No.1634498

>It's not cheating if it's programmed into the game (see: Konami Kode, passwords, any button cheats ever used ever).

This isn't an unpopular opinion it's just outright wrong.

>> No.1634501


Makes me think of the "chiptune artists" these days who make 5-10 minute long rythymless masturbationpieces because it's hip and 'retro', but they completely miss what made the the original game music, 45-second loops with tight rhythms and simple, effective lines of melody, so great.

And that's been an unpopular opinion of mine on /vr/ before. Sometimes it's even janitor'd.

>> No.1634510

Woah. I've never thought about the possibility of this. I'd but that for a dollar.

>> No.1634517

The point is not that liking makes you an elitist, the point is that thinking you are better than any gamer who did not like SMB1 makes you a snob

>> No.1634519

If that is the case, how come we can't discuss GBA games here? A lot of them were made in styles from SNES and even Mega Drive games.

>> No.1634527
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>not liking SMB
Get out.

>> No.1634530

oh god this I fucking hate when I say I like that stuff then some moron brings up trash like anamanaguchi like its somehow relevent.

>> No.1634541

i dislike anamanaguchi because it feels to processed and too overly mastered, it just ends up feeling like 'generic music with a square wave or two in the background to appease the hipsters'.

there are a lot of great 'chiptune' artists today who do understand why the game music and keygen tunes of the 80s and 90s were so good, but i feel like a lot of them don't get enough attention

>> No.1634549
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>Stop hating what I like

>> No.1634557

yep 100% agreed.

>> No.1634568 [DELETED] 

I'm not even the same guy but you really have to be a humongous retard not to like NES Super Mario Brothers. It's a flawless game. I can't imagine how much of a faggot you are and you don't have any place on this board.

Really, I simply can't understand how any real gamer could dislike Super Mario Brothers. You are actually a twat.

>> No.1634572
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>Forces opinion on someone
>Calls the other person a twat

>> No.1634583

>that reaction image
confirmed for 15 year old
makes sense

>> No.1634589

>5-10 minute long
>45-second loops
I don't understand your issue with length.
Some retro games had songs in the 5-10 minute range:
And shitloads of them had songs longer than a minute or so. So many in fact that I won't even bother with examples, because seriously, you should just know better.

>> No.1634595
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>Not liking Courage the Cowardly Dog

>> No.1634608

SMB is a pile of shit almost as huge as Sonic.

>> No.1634610


Nothing memorable there, hell the c64 stuff isn't even part of my retro experience.

A good game music loop is- and, all of the truly memorable, well known ones of the original chip game music era are- 30s to 2m in length in my opinion. (and opinions are what this thread is about.)

>> No.1634614

pretty edgy bro

>> No.1634617
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Megaman > Megaman X

Suck it faggots.

>> No.1634623

>she suffers a mental breakdown when the group is divided
That never happened.

>> No.1634626

He's right, though. It's not a matter of opinion. SMB is a rare example of a game that truly is near-flawless. Not accepting that is a sing of very unconventional taste, i.e. having bad taste in relation to most people.

>> No.1634634

Games are always a matter of opinions as this thread proves. No game is a holy cow. Bitching at someone that does not care about SMB1 is like bitching at people that didn't like Defender or Joust or any games they didn't grow up with. I can see where the anon is coming from, if you have played other platformers and didn't grow up with SMB1 like a lot of NES kids, you may not find it appealing in relation to the games you grew up with (Sega or PC stuff).

>> No.1634636

I don't particularly care for it.
The physics are kind of awkward with how Mario will just suddenly shift gears after he's run for exactly so many frames, there aren't that many enemies and only hammer bros. and lakitu do anything interesting, there's only one boss which you fight a bunch of times and you can beat it every time with no effort by simply having a power-up, a large handful of levels are repeated iirc, and most levels just aren't very interesting to me.

>> No.1634647

so you have problems controlling mario 'cause you suck balls
top kek

>> No.1634652

I understand the physics just fine and have no problem controlling Mario.
I just don't like it. At all. It feels awful to me.

Please try to come up with a more substantive argument than "LOL U MUST SUCK".

>> No.1634661

>hell the c64 stuff isn't even part of my retro experience
Doesn't mean it didn't exist.
Another C64 tune for the road:

>all of the truly memorable, well known ones of the original chip game music era are- 30s to 2m in length in my opinion
2 minutes is a bit more reasonable, but, still...

>> No.1634662

> in 93 it was 10-15.
I'm guessing you were born in 94.

>> No.1634715


I'd say this would be a great track up until around 2:35, but then an unnecessary 'solo' begins. Let that loop back at two minutes like it seemed like it was going to, and you'd have a fine piece of game music.


Well I guess you kinda got me there as I'd play Space Harrier in the arcade in the day and thought/think that was great music. Sega's arcade music was generally very, very good.

Generally a piece of videogame music is best kept concise, though. When shit noodles off into solos or, god forbid, the awful abstract composition that a lot of modern 'chiptune' shit attempts, it loses what makes game music work.

>> No.1634830

I like the Castlevania III's bgms better than the "superior" ones in it's Japanese version.

>> No.1634865

That's not really unpopular in the slightest, especially when familiarity helps in making people enjoy things.

>> No.1634972

>Theme B is the best Tetris Theme

I always thought this was the best theme by far...

>> No.1635120

Sega was for niggers.

>> No.1635635

Well, duh, that is why we got Toejam & Earl. A game that was inspired by hip-hop culture

>> No.1635703


I actually enjoyed the Mega Man 2 handheld game. Surprisingly it played a lot like the NES game despite the technical limitations.

>> No.1635707

Except for the running out "buster" part

>> No.1635716

This is more unpopular in the context of this board

Link's Awakening is bland as hell and the only quirky charm is in some of the dialouge, the pictures, and the scenes with Marin. The actual game is boring and equipping the shield+power bracelet is stupid

>> No.1635717



>> No.1635993

>equipping the shield+power bracelet is stupid
I like the game, but I can definitely agree with this. I don't know if anyone would actually disagree with that point.

>> No.1636214

yep, it's basically the most clunky fighting game. using a high/low control theme is dumb as fuck in a 2d game

>> No.1636248

I read/thought that the NES code was used for the All Stars versions. It should in theory handle the same. Both the NES and SNES have 6502 based CPU's.

>> No.1636313

Streets of Rage 3 is the best.

>> No.1636425

Dungeon Keeper 2 > Dungeon Keeper
Twisted Metal 4 > Twisted Metal 2
Tomb Raider 4 is best TR game
Commandos Behind Enemy Lines > Commandos 2
Mega Man 3 is awful game

>> No.1636438

I don't remember any summoning. Never got very far in this game. I ended up selling it, along with Actraiser and the SNES that I bought because I found the games boring. I also wasn't impressed with the Mario games and other stuff I saw other people playing. I said fuck it and went back to my Sega Genesis and Amiga. Now 20 years later I hear everyone saying people are jacking up the SNES prices and I still don't get what the big deal is. Oh, and I also think most SNES RPGs are overhyped and have too much in-game drama. Even playing old DOS games like Wasteland feels more satisfying. If someone gave me a SNES today, I'd just sell it on ebay or trade for something cool like a Sega Master System.

tl;dr : SNES = meh

>> No.1636449

E.V.O. is dogshit.

Illusion of Gaia is only okay.

There are less than ten Sega Genesis games I would call masterpieces.

>> No.1636451

Which ones?

>> No.1636453
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>I'd just sell it on ebay or trade for something cool like a Sega Master System.

>> No.1636454
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I believe that Panic On Funkotron is a better game in every way than Toejam & Earl, which I find boring.

>> No.1636457


Gunstar Heroes
Sonic 3 & Knuckles

Fuck I can't even think of anything else that would deserve that title, at least not any exclusives.

>> No.1636473

Comix zone, Shining force, some Streets of rage.
Maybe Landstalker, Ecco, MUSHA, Beyond oasis, also not-exclusives like Jim, Zombies ate my neighbors, Blizzard games.

>> No.1636489

The Power Bracelet is stupid no matter how you slice it.

The shield idea however was much better used in Minish Cap since you can actually use it.

>> No.1636507

Secret of Evermore > Secret of Mana (I rather like both, mind)

Donkey Kong Country 3 > Donkey Kong Country 2 (But again, I like both)

>> No.1636527


>> No.1636547

>that silver surfer reference in Stick It To the Man
It was funny the first time.

>> No.1636549

Comix Zone isn't hard at all. and it is far too short and only has 3 bosses what the fuck.

>> No.1636785

Being ignorant isn't an opinion.

>> No.1637417

GBA soundtrack for DKC3>SNES

>> No.1638014

Gunstar Heroes is sort of a mixed bag imo. The bosses are mostly great and the co-op is fun, but the levels are mostly shit and the balance is totally fucked. Some weapons are way OP and some bosses die so fast they don't even get a chance to fight back. I'm thinking of you, pseudo-3D cube man.

>> No.1638321

>maximum overpleb

>> No.1638330

Of the like six "Classic" Castlevania games I've played, I can definitely say that Super IV was the most boring.
Simon's sprite looks like Fabio put on some leather for an Old Spice shoot and the camera was too damn close to him. As much as an fagit that Egoraptor is, he's right, the subweapons are fucking useless in Super IV, save for *maybe* the boomerang if you have a double-shot. The platforming was also really bizarre; some jumps looked impossible, but when you tried to make them, Simon seemed to magnetically attach to the very last pixel in the platform's hitbox.

Also it was some bullshit that he could jump on stairs but not off.

Dracula X is my favorite by far.

>> No.1638337

Why the FUCK is Link's Awakening so revered on this board?
It's ALttP 2: Now With Shittier Item Management and A Bland Overworld
>but muh cartoony and "quirky" photos and marin relationship
Fuck's sake, it's like people here are actually judging a fucking adventure/puzzle game on its story.
The actual swordplay is boring (It is in ALttP too) and it's some bullshit that the Power Glove and the Shield have to be equipped. Plus, don't forget, if you walk into a barrel or a stone or something else, the game will waste 30 seconds of your time to tell you that you need an item to lift it! Oh, but you've gone through that text box, surely it won't happen again until you restart?
Every time the screen transitions, it resets, and I SWEAR that I sank at least 10 minutes just going through that fucking text box

Also I hear a lot of praise for the soundtrack, but other than the Ballad of the Wind Fish, every track is like a 15-second loop!
LA isn't that bad of a game, but holy shit it's nowhere near perfect

>> No.1638340

>Dracula X is my favorite by far.
By that, you mean Rondo of Blood, right?

>> No.1638343

>The actual swordplay is boring (It is in ALttP too)
It's boring in every Zelda that isn't Zelda II.
The 3D games have somewhat decent combat mechanics, but they're all so easy that those mechanics rarely have any chance to shine.

>> No.1638353

Okay, then
>Sound effects were high-pitched as fuck, all the way into SMB3
>Shit was painful with headphones
>Running was slippery
>Jumping either made you, well, jump, or do this weird momentary float thing. Hard to explain, but once you've experienced it, you'll know what I mean
>Springs are broken as hell
>The game's environment sprites (the blocks, the ground, etc) were drab as hell

Every Mario game after Lost Levels (Mario USA not really included) that was a platformer was superior to SMB, and judging someone's taste as "bad" because they have an unpopular opinion is shitty

>> No.1638356

I don't remember; the one that got the PSP remake
Never played the SNES "remake" so I can't say anything about it

>> No.1638360

Yeah, that one's Rondo of Blood. The SNES game is almost entirely different aside from sharing some sprites and using the same music compositions, so I don't really understand why people call it a port or a remake or whatever.

>> No.1638375
File: 27 KB, 400x358, seanbaby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss the old Internet...

>> No.1639762

Tourian aside, Metroid 1 is the best game in the series. One of the best examples of emergent gameplay too.
SMB 1 and 3 are the easiest and worst of the old Mario games.

>> No.1639912

Seanbaby still might be my favorite satirical game reviewer from the days of olde EGM.

>> No.1640132


Came here to say these things.

>> No.1640135

I think GnG is a mediocre game that's only considered difficult because of the terrible platforming controls

>> No.1640139


PS1 was cheap for its time.

N64 was $60-80 a game.

>> No.1640147

Sonic games are tedious and unremarkable outside of their music and art detail.

>> No.1640150

Do you mean Ghosts 'n Goblins, or Ghouls 'n Ghosts?
If you mean Ghouls 'n Ghosts, I will fight you.

>> No.1640152

The one without the double jump. Forget which one that is.

>> No.1640157

It's both of the ones I mentioned.

>> No.1640158

Megaman X5 and X6 are better than any other Megaman game.

>> No.1640159

The NES one didn't have a double jump

>> No.1640162

Neither did Ghouls 'n Ghosts.

>> No.1640168


Proofread your posts asterisk Anon.

>> No.1640174

2>3>1 for me. And I hate DK64 more than anything in the world.

>> No.1640181

Is this some kind of trick?

>> No.1640198

I've never understood the shit that game gets.

>> No.1640225
File: 57 KB, 480x542, sf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Star Fox 2 > Star Fox >> Star Fox 64

>> No.1640229

I can understand liking the game, but not understanding why other people dislike it?

>> No.1640237

I enjoy that the game is well enough written that this is ambiguous.

I wish I had the ROM for ff6 but it was always $$$

>> No.1640240

I'll agree to that. I'd swap SF and 64 but that could go either way. The original's music is just way too nostalgia.

>> No.1640254

There's really not much of a difference. Konami beat-'em-ups are pretty mediocre outside of Vendetta and Violent Storm.

>> No.1640257

>and have trouble seeing how anyone could like X more than the classic series.
I feel the other way around. The Mega Man X is the natural evolution of the original series and all the classic-era games after the NES ones feel like cashgrabs to me.

>> No.1640485

>I don't like Earthbound, but can understand why people do like it. Just not for me. My friends throw a shitfit over me not liking Earthbound.
Earthbound is the only game with a cult following which fits the definition of the "cult." I've never met an Earthbound fan who wasn't totally insane.

To me, it's a functional (if not above-average) JRPG with a quirky setting, but hardly the "true work of videogame art" that its hipster-like following make it out to be.

>> No.1640486

Sonic 2 > Sonic Spinball > S3&K

>> No.1640715

Agree with everything you said. Good points.

>> No.1641080

Not totally a retro opinion, but most people seem to prefer Sin and Punishment: Star Successor to the original Sin and Punishment, and to me it's nowhere near as good.

>> No.1641118

I beat the Karate kid for NES multiple times as an elementary grade kid and I thought it was one of the easiest games.

>> No.1641198

I think Stret Fighter 2, in all its incarnations, is unbalanced, clunky and has a whole lotta inconsistencies that are only accepted because of the grandfather rule.

Third Srike is leagues better. There. Said it.

>> No.1641276

>Sound effects were high-pitched as fuck, all the way into SMB3

Why would anyone play SMB with headphones on?

>Running was slippery

No it wasn't.

>Jumping either made you, well, jump, or do this weird momentary float thing. Hard to explain, but once you've experienced it, you'll know what I mean


>Springs broken as hell

Ok. But there are only 2 or 3 in the entire game. You're not even required to use them.

>The game's environment sprites (the blocks, the ground, etc) were drab as hell

True, but Miyamoto stated he wanted the game to look simplistic or "easy on the eyes".

>> No.1641338

Action RPGs > RPGs
Run and gun > FPS games
Beat 'em ups > Fighting games

To add to the last one am I the only one who NEVER gave a fuck about fighting games, not even about Street Fighter II when it was new and everyone was all over it?

>> No.1641339
File: 1 KB, 256x240, SMB5-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that guy, but the game isn't "easy on the eyes", it's just plain ugly.

>> No.1641345

I agree with all of that stuff you're saying, and while I give a little bit of a fuck about fighting games, I've never given enough of a fuck to try to learn even just a few combos. I do enjoy stuff like Power Stone or Smash Bros. though.

>> No.1641442

I wish Retro gaming was more inclusive, I feel like there was a lack of strong protagonists of color and women. I agree with other anons who say it is even worse today.

I like a lot of Japanese games, but I hate Otaku and Weaboos who act like the Japanese invented gaming and that Japs were the only ones making games until the late 90s. I feel like a lot of Japanese culture is shit and regressive, and gamers defend that shit out of their Otaku nature.

The N64 had a smaller library than the PS, but it is the better console because it really got behind multiplayer gaming (PS had multi tap, but it seemed almost every major N64 release save a few had multiplayer functionality)

Retro Sports games don't get enough credit, and I'd pay good money for retro sports games with a franchise mode.

JRPGs mostly suck to me because they rail road you and give you little real character options. I respect that it isn't my cup of tea, and I wouldn't say all JRPG suck objectively, but to me they are just interactive Anime.

As much as my post seems to be anti Japanese, I'm actually a big Nintendo and Sega fan, even if Nintendo can be real bastards with their business practices (and Sega just goes full retard with theirs)

Sega CD was a good add on.

>> No.1641536

Tails in Sonic 2 is really well-programmed and helpful, especially in the special stages.

I dislike Dobutsu no Mori. Any game that punishes you for not playing it regularly is like a selfish cat; I want a loyal dog, who's happy to see me no matter how long I've been out.

Mega Man 5 is the best NES Mega Man game.

The sidescroller Duke Nukems were superior to the 3D games, both in terms of gameplay, level design, aesthetics, and characterization.

Wolfenstein 3D should have been a stealth game.

>> No.1641538

>strong protagonists of color and women

That's their own fault or yours.

>> No.1641548


>> No.1641559

I don't understand this post. This is the keep it civil edition, and the retro edition.

>> No.1641689


Even games that allow gender choice (like Survival Kids didn't allow race picking.

>> No.1641726

>Tails in Sonic 2 is really well-programmed and helpful, especially in the special stages.
He just copies you but with like a third of a second delay that makes the timing for avoiding bombs with both Sonic and Tails absurdly strict, and having Tails along for the ride raises the ring requirements in the special stages significantly, because the game assumes a human second player is helping you out.
There is absolutely nothing good about having Tails with you in the special stages. It's nothing but a huge burden. At best you just grab all the rings you can and try to avoid bombs with Sonic, and not worry about Tails, and maybe in the end Tails chips in an extra 5 or 6 rings, but the increased ring requirements which can be as dramatic as needing 20 or 40 extra rings, totally invalidates this.

>> No.1641742

I was honestly surprised at the difference it made, and how easy Tails was to control; but fair enough. If you've beaten all the special stages playing as Sonic alone, or Tails alone, then you probably have a point.

>> No.1641754

Yeah, it's easy to control Tails in the special stages and get the timing for him down pat, but the special stages are already terrible enough with having shit just suddenly appear from around a corner giving you almost no time to react, and the extra delay with Tails just makes it that much worse.
I do find the special stages much easier with Sonic alone.

>> No.1641803

Perhaps you didn't understand what I was getting at. If people of colour and women want representation, they have to make their own video games. And since video games were the final crowning achievement of European males, you're not going to find that in golden age games.

All that said, there are quite a few WRPGs from the late 1980s to early 1990s that let you play as whatever gender or colour suits you.

>> No.1642105

>>Running was slippery
>>Jumping either made you, well, jump, or do this weird momentary float thing. Hard to explain, but once you've experienced it, you'll know what I mean
>>Springs are broken as hell

>He had trouble controlling SMB.
Wow. You are actually complete shit. Another classic case of /vr/ blaming game mechanics instead of his own shortcomings. Get good you fucking loser.

>>The game's environment sprites (the blocks, the ground, etc) were drab as hell
>>Sound effects were high-pitched as fuck, all the way into SMB3
kek. '90s babbies actually hate on SMB sounds and the look of the world? That shit is iconic you fucking faggot.

Stop blaming mechanics just because you're too shit to play it you gimp nozzle.

>> No.1642257

>if you don't like it you must be bad at it
This shit seriously needs to stop.
I'm not even the guy you're replying to, but fuck, that "argument" is so fucking stupid I can't help but jump right in.

Also, really?
>SMB doesn't look or sound bad because it's really popular
Fuck off retard.

>> No.1642261

Yeah, maybe you should read his post you fruitcake fuck. He was complaining about how Mario controls in SMB. Have you ever fucking heard that before? How bad do you have to be Jesus Christ. Piss off kid.

>> No.1642280

Whether or not he is correct is irrelevant to what I'm saying. He at least has arguments, YOU have fucking nothing. All you're doing is throwing shitty fallacies and childish insults everywhere. Cut it out.

>> No.1642295

I have made an argument you gigantic homo. Mario SMB is one of the most tightly controlled platformers ever made. I have never heard somebody complain about how it controls in my life. You have to be complete shit to be complaining about its mechanics. So really, his 'argument' boils down to my word against his, there's nothing else to say. The fact that I never had problems controlling this game when I was six years old speaks volumes about his gaming competency however.

>Cut it out.
Make me you fucking dweeb.

>> No.1642363
File: 12 KB, 237x287, 1352705823449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mario controls worse than later games
>Sound effects are really high pitched and the game doesn't look that great

You could always go to /v/ to talk about games and be a shithead about it

>> No.1642370

Mario controls fine. I'm sorry that you suck so bad. Maybe you should stick to modern games kid so I'll help you >>>/v/

>> No.1642373

>I have made an argument you gigantic homo. Mario SMB is one of the most tightly controlled platformers ever made.
You didn't say anything like that until just now, dude.

>You have to be complete shit to be complaining about its mechanics

>So really, his 'argument' boils down to my word against his, there's nothing else to say
He made multiple specific points. All you've said is "LOL YOU'RE JUST BAD," "LOL NO THE GAME IS POPULAR SO THAT CAN'T BE," and "LOL NO THE GAME IS BASICALLY PERFECT."
If you made even the slightest effort you could say something with some amount of substance that actually refutes a point, like "Slippery running? That's just momentum, you fuck. The game has some basic physics and the game is designed around it, it's not a flaw."

>The fact that I never had problems controlling this game when I was six years old speaks volumes about his gaming competency however.
He never said or implied that he struggled to control the game or that he found the game at all difficult. All anyone can tell from what he's said is that he doesn't like the way the game controls.
And besides that, even if he were bad at the game, that wouldn't really invalidate any of his claims.

>> No.1642397

kek. You want me to reply to his 'specific points'. Alright here we go you fucking faggot.

>Sound effects were high-pitched as fuck, all the way into SMB3
I enjoyed the sound effects so I disagree.

>>Shit was painful with headphones
I've never played the game with headphones who the fuck cares anyway?

>>Running was slippery
I disagree. Seeing as I never had problems controlling this game even when I was 6 I have a feeling you're bad at the game.

>>Jumping either made you, well, jump, or do this weird momentary float thing. Hard to explain, but once you've experienced it, you'll know what I mean
See the point I made above.

>>Springs are broken as hell
Not if you know how to use them. I don't have a problem, you do. So I logically deduct that you're bad at the game.

>>The game's environment sprites (the blocks, the ground, etc) were drab as hell
Matter of opinion. I love the look of SMB. I like its minimalist approach while harboring vibrant colours at the same time.

It seems to me you're terrible at the game. Not liking the artstyle is purely subjective. Thanks :)

There you go you fucking fruitcake hahaha.
Also you can stop samefagging now you gimpwad fuck.

>> No.1642410 [DELETED] 

>invalidate any of his claims.
His games are his subjective feelings towards the game's mechanics. Mechanics he fails to understand and is thus bad at them. If Mario SMB had these so called 'slippery' mechanics then nobody would be able to control it with precision meaning nobody could perfect it via speedrunning etc. Nobody would be able to have complete control of Mario. This is of course all bullshit.

Failing to understand how to control Mario does not mean the mechanics are bad. It means that he is a bad player at Mario. Get it through your head.

>> No.1642424 [DELETED] 

*his 'claims'

>> No.1642432 [DELETED] 

>invalidate any of his claims.
His 'claims' are his subjective feelings towards the game's mechanics; mechanics he fails to understand and is thus bad at them. If Mario SMB had these so called 'slippery' and 'weird momentary float thing' mechanics then nobody would be able to control Mario with absolute precision. This is of course bullshit.

Failing to understand how to control Mario does not mean the mechanics are bad. It means that he is a bad player at Mario. Get it through your head.

>> No.1642443

>invalidate any of his claims.
His 'claims' are his subjective feelings towards the game's mechanics; mechanics he fails to understand and is thus bad at them. If Mario SMB had these so called 'slippery' and 'weird momentary float thing' mechanics then nobody would be able to control Mario with absolute precision. This is of course bullshit.

Failing to understand how to control Mario does not mean the mechanics are bad. It means that he is a bad player at Mario. Get it through your head.

>> No.1642449

>OoT is awful
>FF7 is bad
>SotN aged like shit

im sry /vr/

>> No.1642481

>most responses are just variations on "LOL YOU'RE JUST BAD AT THE GAME"
/v/'s favorite fallacies just don't stop!!

>Mechanics he fails to understand and is thus bad at them
Wrong. Why do you think it is impossible to both be good at a game and also think the controls or physics are poor?
As an example, I think Super Metroid is a floaty and clunky piece of shit as far as control is concerned, but it's also one of the easier 16-bit games I've played. I honestly don't think I died even once playing it.

>If Mario SMB had these so called 'slippery' mechanics then nobody would be able to control it with precision meaning nobody could perfect it via speedrunning etc.
Wrong. Anyone can eventually learn to deal with subpar controls or physics and do precise movements regardless.
I know this isn't retro, but have you ever play Sonic 4: Episode I? That game has huge issues with its physics, like you have to fight against momentum to get moving, and you'll keep moving for a while when you let go of a direction, but in air you'll almost instantly lose all horizontal speed. It's completely fucking retarded. That doesn't mean you don't eventually start making a conscious effort to compensate for the garbage physics though.

>Failing to understand how to control Mario does not mean the mechanics are bad
There is nothing to indicate that the guy doesn't understand how Mario controls.

Also, git gud at posting, please.

>> No.1642485
File: 494 KB, 1280x489, shitniggawegottasplit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mega Man 3 feels really clunky and unfinished compared to the later installments in the series, and even compared to the earlier games it feels unfinished. The music is superb, but I don't know how anyone can seriously call it the best of the original six.
Mega Man 7 and 8 also weren't bad at all, they're still really fun to play.

>> No.1642519

tldr at this point it's pathetic

if I didn't have a problem at 6, why do you have one now? if people can control mario absolutely fine, why are you a piece of shit? get good kid.

>> No.1642538

>at this point it's pathetic
You know it's funny, I agree.
I really should have stopped replying long ago, since not once did you ever make anything so much as resembling a cogent point.

>> No.1642572 [DELETED] 

Git gud.

>> No.1642587


>> No.1642702


>> No.1642713

Fuck's sake I didn't mean slippery as Luigi, Mario's just more slippery in the first one than in later games
I'm not saying that the entire game is on ice
>I've never played the game with headphones who the fuck cares anyway?
>See the point I made above.
I really wish I could explain it better, you would get it
>Not if you know how to use them. I don't have a problem, you do. So I logically deduct that you're bad at the game.
Holy shit the springs have like a 60% chance of making your jump low even when you press A fuck off
> I like its minimalist approach
SMB doesn't have a minimalist approach you rose-tinted fuck, the graphics are simple and ugly cause it was an early NES game

>> No.1642716
File: 1.99 MB, 318x241, Bookbags.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so I logically deduct
>I logically deduct
>logically deduct

>> No.1642721

>complaining about an 8 bit NES game looking 'simple and ugly'
the keks keep getting topped with these '90sbabbies. obviously if you compare old 8 but NES games to games now they will look 'ugly'. if NES graphics bother you that much, stick to Halo kid.

>> No.1642725

Yes, you fucking retard, there's absolutely nothing wrong with the word's use there.

de•duct (dJˈdʌkt)

1. to take away from a total.
>2. to deduce; infer.
3. to detract.

Stay retarded.

>> No.1642727

>Holy shit the springs have like a 60% chance of making your jump low even when you press A fuck off
Keep A pressed down and release it at the right moment and it will work you fucking retard. You're too stupid to put it together because you're an asshat.

>> No.1642732

>the graphics are simple and ugly cause it was an early NES game
Well what do you expect? You want Super Mario Brothers to look like Crysis?

>> No.1642737

holy shit samefagging
>You want Super Mario Brothers to look like Crysis?
I like the way it looks, but there's no denying that it's ugly because it's an early NES game, shitlord

>> No.1642739

I think it's embarrassing that someone trying to defend NES games doesn't realize that some NES games look better than others.
It's like you're all (who am I kidding, it's one guy) literally retarded.

>> No.1642743

>I like the way it looks but it's ugly
You retard. If you're gonna shit on a NES game's graphics then you can only shit on it relative to other games on the NES. You are such a retard it's unfuckingbelievable.

>> No.1642747

>doesn't realize that some NES games look better than others.
kek. pull more shit out of your ass son.

>> No.1642756
File: 149 KB, 308x290, (((()))))(.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like X
>But X has flaws
>I recognize these flaws

>> No.1642760
File: 584 KB, 716x716, (())((.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like X
>But X has flaws
>I recognize these flaws

Lots of games on the Nes looked way better, fuckface. Any Megaman game past 1 looked amazingly better, Contra had vibrant colors that didn't look like ass, fucking duck tales had two pretty levels
Get your Mario dildo outta yer ass

>> No.1642761

I haven't recognised any flaws you've given retard. Keep trying though.

Mechanically SMB is perfect. Graphics are fine, sound design is fine. Unfortunately you're too retarded to play the game and are trying to blame its mechanics for your own shortcomings. It's quite pathetic kid. When are you gonna git gud?

>> No.1642764 [DELETED] 
File: 174 KB, 228x352, ((((d((.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no i fuggd up
>i don't like aspects of smb
>>Yeah well I'll just insult you so you feel bad kiddo

>> No.1642765 [DELETED] 

>implying I said Mario looks bad
Sorry, no flaws recognised fuckface ;)

>> No.1642768 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 180x233, 1365395782320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1642770 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 336x340, badasslighter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can't even comprehend that the double arrows were you and the single arrows were me

>> No.1642771

You didn't say 'you don't like aspects'. If you said that, that would be fine. You said that the game is mechanically bad; that the mechanics themselves are at fault (because you're too shit to play them). You were saying the mechanics are objectively bad. You see, that's a problem and it shows that you're a fucking retard. You are actually the first person I've ever heard in my life complaining about SMB's mechanics. You're beyond shit and I'd bet my nut you're terrible at every video game you play because SMB is pretty damn easy. Get good you fucking homo, and quit blaming games when you suck ass at them.

>> No.1642772 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 632 KB, 1074x498, 1400913861339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you totally understood that concept back in post >>1642363

>> No.1642774 [DELETED] 

lol what a fucking retard

>> No.1642775 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 212x219, 1355190193503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll make it easy for you: Every single maymay arrow is you this time
>You said the game is mechanically bad
>You are the first person I heard say that
>So I logically deduct that you are bad at the game homogay kiddo

>> No.1642778
File: 17 KB, 512x225, compare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think if he thinks SMB is an ugly game, then he must be comparing it to much newer games on more powerful hardware.
Both of your personalities said as much right here: >>1642721 >>1642732
This demonstrates a lack of awareness that some NES games look significantly better than others.
If you WERE aware of this fact, you'd realize that when he says SMB is an ugly game, it's entirely feasible that he means even by NES standards it's ugly.

>> No.1642779 [DELETED] 

Nigger implying I give a shit about whatever the fuck you're going on about. Quit tryna jump around the bush just because you've been owned like a little bitch.

>> No.1642780
File: 893 KB, 394x399, coSWAGSA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4Chan's reply system is slow lol
Now you are literally flinging shit, anon-kun

>> No.1642784

>This demonstrates a lack of awareness that some NES games look significantly better than others.
ahahahaha k. if it helps you sleep at night.
If you WERE aware of this fact, you'd realize that when he says SMB is an ugly game, it's entirely feasible that he means even by NES standards it's ugly.
who even cares? I don't think SMB is ugly thats the point. it's a stupid point.

>> No.1642785 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 129x111, Froggy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucking anonymous imageboard where your or my reputation mean nothing
Get a trip you gaylord
We killed the thread, you might as well put the cherry on top

>> No.1642786

>can't understand SMB mechanics
>can't even understand 4chan posting mechanics
welp, an actual retard

>> No.1642790

>(Keep it civil edition)
guess that didn't work out, did it?
Every day this place becomes a little more like /v/.
Oh well, the honeymoon period was nice while it lasted.

>> No.1642791 [DELETED] 

epin bro :^)

>> No.1642793 [DELETED] 
File: 2.88 MB, 240x180, garfielf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ah welp ah welp edgy ah welp retard ah welp autism ah welp ah welp welp welp

>> No.1642794 [DELETED] 

>muh epic reaction images
epin bro :^)

>> No.1642804

>ahahahaha k. if it helps you sleep at night.
Fair enough. It's true it isn't the only thing that it could possibly demonstrate. It's also possible, and probable, given the state of this thread, that you are a dipshit.
Rest easy knowing that you "trolled" people. 10/10. Good job. Tricked the heck outta me.
You may now take your leave.

>> No.1642805

I think you should take a break from 4chan for a few days son. Clear your head a little bit, get some fresh air, maybe ride a bike or something. Take care and god bless.