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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1621947 No.1621947[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk about older comics based games.

>> No.1621959
File: 22 KB, 225x223, 500full[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best retro Spider Man game. It's a contender for best Spider Man game ever, right next to the open world Spider Man 2 based on the Sam Raimi movie.

>> No.1621974
File: 32 KB, 225x346, maximum-carnage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's only one player, it's repetitive, the music in the sega version most people consider inferior to the SNES port. It was lambasted by most critics on release.

But we love it.

>> No.1621980
File: 71 KB, 640x640, 1333346-xmenmutantacademygbcus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was ass.

I still played it to death.

>> No.1621984

Have any of you guys ever read Maximum Carnage? I'm not into comics but my uncle is a massive collector and would occasionally give us comics as gifts. This was one of them. It's really fucking awesome. Not awesome enough to get me into comics but I reread it many times.

>> No.1621987

I don't remember an X-Men Mutant Academy comic.

>> No.1621995


One player?
Then I'm staying with muh Separation Anxiety

>> No.1621998

I don't remember a Superman 64 comic either.

>> No.1622017
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This is the only pre-PS1 capeshit game I played.
It was alright.

>> No.1622019
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>> No.1622049 [DELETED] 

Fuck off.

On every fucking board I go to, I have to see some nigger post this like it's the second coming of George Costanza.

Really, what is so goddamn funny about a bunch of retards on /tv/ not getting this dialogue?

You're a fucking tumour, you know that? Grade A cancer.

Only time this shit was ever even remotely relevant was when the movie came out, two goddamn years ago.

Unless you've been living under a rock since then, I don't understand how you can still laugh at this. Grow up, anon. You're a big guy.

>> No.1622076

One thing that's pretty cool is that superhero/comic based games in the 8-bit/16-bit era were often actually based around the comics, and not just the cartoon/movie. Even the movie based games took from the comics, too. Sunsoft Batman is loaded with comic batman villains who aren't as popular as the usually used villains, like KGBeast, Deadshot, KillerMoth, and even more obscure ones.

>> No.1622084
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>> No.1622086
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I dont have the cassette or C64 any more.

>> No.1622087

Someone get this hothead out of here

>> No.1622090
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>> No.1622094
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If you run out of karma Usagi commits seppukku.
You can restore it by giving monks money.

>> No.1622114
File: 46 KB, 296x536, spider-man lethal foes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game was great and had several different Spider-Man villains to fight. It was Japan-only, strangely enough,

>> No.1622397
File: 26 KB, 480x360, deathandreturnsuperman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Death and return of Superman.

>> No.1622676

Just checking, the only Sega-published Spidey games are the Arcade beat'emup, the side-scroller for Genesis/SMS/GG/SegaCD, and Web of Fire, correct?

>> No.1622695

>Grade A cancer.
That's not even how cancer is classified you fucking retard.

Also fuck you if you think Captain America and the Avengers is a bad game.

>> No.1622698

Mien neger

>> No.1622705

Shit is cash man

>> No.1622708
File: 17 KB, 498x600, 3e157fd846ab0ec4f4904d8a08d4b65e.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Mein Nigger

Nigger is a masculine noun in German and it should be capitalized and conjugated right

>> No.1622782

Thanks mein Nigger

>> No.1623443
File: 63 KB, 640x443, Justice_League_Task_Force_(Video_Game).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had fun with this

>> No.1623482

The Genesis Xmen game where you just jump in was good

>> No.1623498

>left column

>> No.1623508

>"Nigger" is a masculine noun in German, and it should be capitalized and conjugated properly.

FTFY, complete with the period at the end.

>> No.1623535

Don't mind me just posting the two most rocking soundtracks on the NES



>> No.1623563


There is a strange bug in Return of the Joker which I discovered a few years ago on an emulator. Basically the big and slow missile attack which explodes into four diagonally shooting balls. The projectile is insanely slow but does a fair amount of damage but recharge time is like a full second. Can't remember the actual letter of the weapon.

Anyway, basically the bug is that if you stand at the right most side of the screen and just fire into the wall, Batman hand should bw off screen you reduce the recharge time to zero and you get a shot going basically from the bottom right corner to the upper right . This is almost entirely useless other than in the final boss fight where you can use it to take out the joker in like five seconds. Its also useful in an elevator sequence where enemies drop from the open elevator shaft. You basically just huddle in a corner and kill.everything as it spawns or before it lands.

I discovered this on an emulator so its entirely possible it was just some glitch which isn't present in the actual game.

>> No.1623572

There's a Usagi Yojimbo video game? HOLY SHIT WHY DID I NEVER KNOW ABOUT THIS

>Samurai Warrior: The Battles of Usagi Yojimbo is a computer game released for the Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum and Amstrad CPC platforms in 1988

...oh. It was on the yuro platforms.

>> No.1623575
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>> No.1623605

That game was shit. Superman has to fly through circles? WTF?!

I liked it. But not as much as >>1621974. The commercial was nightmare-fuel.

>> No.1623624
File: 217 KB, 300x410, xmgenesisbox_053009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best (and hardest) X-Men console game. I spent an entire weekend with my buddy playing this so much I couldn't stand to look at a screen for a week.

>> No.1624451

Fuck I remember this...I hated it with a passion

>> No.1624470
File: 74 KB, 444x325, mutantapocalypse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Best X-Men console game


>> No.1624474
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Danke schön, mein Nigger

>> No.1624505

>Mojo's World
>Have no idea what to do
>In the last seconds, brother reaches out and hits the reset button
>Game goes black
>Green letters
>Advance to the next level
Blew my mind

Also, we only ever made it to Magneto once and he wrecked our shit. We had no idea how to fight him, and we never made it back

>Nightcrawler forever

>> No.1624512

I think I made it to one of the last levels in that game. I just remember trying to beat cyborg superman and him just destroying me each time.

>> No.1624516

I just apreciate how fucking close the game is to the comic.
I played the game as a kid and beat it somehow (I think we cheated to find out where the secret rooms were, or we actually got good enough to make it there.) Then I read the comic years later and was blown away how I remembered scenes from the game because they were picture for picture in the comic.

>Seperation Anxiety
I have no idea why, but I fucking hated that game. The shift from cartoon graphics to "3d" graphics made it look worse, the enemies were less inventive, and the cutscenes were absent/uninspired compared to 1.

If Maximum carnage had been 2 player, it would have been GOTYAY

>> No.1626473



I want it

>> No.1626474
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This technically counts

>> No.1626567

One thing I like about Superman 64 is the art on the cartridge. It doesn't need to tell you the name of the game, because just looking you already know it's fuckin' Superman.

Of course, that gets shot in the foot once the game starts, but whatever.

>> No.1626582
File: 1.53 MB, 762x1000, The_Punisher_Art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Punisher beat'em up was surprisingly awesome.

I need to play the PS2 game eventually.