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File: 48 KB, 650x419, mastergearconverter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1621693 No.1621693 [Reply] [Original]

So I'm confused. People say GG is pretty much a portable SMS, but since it's portable does that make it inferior in terms of hardware capability? According to Wikipedia, GG has a larger color palette; what does that matter?

Is the Game Gear technically more powerful than an SMS? I have a GG and a flashcart, but am wondering if I should just play all SMS games on the Game Gear instead of emulating them on the PC.


>> No.1621698

The Game Gear displays at a smaller resolution.

>> No.1621706

...but it displays more colors.

>> No.1621742

Play Dragon's Trap on both of them. You'll notice the play area on the Game Gear is much smaller. I find this annoying.

>> No.1621754

The GG is an SMS with a shitty screen that eats its own weight in batteries every hour. Play on whatever you want.

>> No.1621898
File: 35 KB, 624x352, Undertaken Therapy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The GG is an SMS with a shitty screen that eats its own weight in batteries every hour
This so much. GG's infamous for being a battery eater.

>> No.1621940

The battery isn't an issue since I use an AC adapter, and I grew up with the Game Gear so the screen doesn't bother me.

>> No.1621942


Because color portables were so known for efficiency back then, right? People who owned those systems and didn't like the battery life would nab AC adapters.

>> No.1621982

In Sega's defense, it does say portable video game SYSTEM and not handheld

>> No.1622042

>I didn't read the thread because I have fewer pubes than brain cells.

>> No.1622182

If they ditched the bulb lighting up the screen, the battery life wouldn't be so bad.

>> No.1622195

That was pretty much the single thing that set it apart and made it way more playable then the Gameboy.

Of course, the battery was murdered because of it.

>> No.1622206

This is actually really relevant, especially for Sonic 2 SMS/GG. Sonic 2 on the GG is a fucking painful experience because you can't see half of the shit coming your way while the same game on the SMS is noticeably easier because you're playing the game in the correct resolution

>> No.1622332
File: 36 KB, 450x464, nintendo_gameboy2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pros: Color screen, great color pallette, nice games and PORTABILITY.

Cons: Shitty screen that gave you near zero visibility unless you played in a dark room, reduced resolution that gave you very little room to move and nearly no time to react, shoddy materials and worse construction (capacitors dying after it's first year were a thing, today's original game Gears are preactically all dead) and the absurdly short bettery life (6 batteries gave you 3 hours, tops) foring you to buy an AC adaptor and thus, removing the PORTABILITY aspect that was the entire point of a handheld.

There's a reason this bad Boy trampled over the Game Gear despite it's inferior screen: lower cost, better games, longer battery life and a sturdy as dicks build, as even after 2 decades a Game Boy would work just fine.

>> No.1622443

Alright you fuckers, I can tell none of you actually owned one of these bad boys. I had one as a kid and so help me god I still wish I had it today.

Now I hear a lot of you bitching about the battery and how it ate AAs. This is true, but if any of you ever saw the back of an original GameGear you'd notice this weird hole that had threads... like a screw went into them. The Sega GameGear had an attachment called a POWER BASIC, which was essentially a car battery with a screw in the middle. When that bastard was fully charged you could get 16 straight hours of gameplay out of it. It was also really, really good for beating the shit out of bullies at your middle school.

Now I hope you tween faggots learned something.

>> No.1622464
File: 413 KB, 608x457, bulky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah thats what i wanted; a bulky accessory to go with the already enormously bulky game gear

>> No.1622479


We learned that the Game gear was a clunky, heavy and unconfortable money sink.

>> No.1622684

Master System games can be played directly on a Game Gear with an adapter and this leads me to say that the Game Gear is clearly the more powerful system. Now why Game Gear games can't be played on a Genesis eludes me to this day.

>> No.1622707

The SMS and GG have the same hardware, the GG just supports more colors.

>> No.1622741
File: 387 KB, 2830x1472, Sega Game Gear front angle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already mentioned it. The Game Gear's palette. The SMS cannot display the games properly, though there have been some hack jobs that made it semi-possible. I'd still be more interested in getting an FM sound board for my Master System, and building a WORKING s-video board, since the last one I built was based on the schematics made by a retard who cannot into long division.

>> No.1622863

Yeah but it would have seemed like they'd have included the extended palette in the Genesis's hardware. I guess the Game Gear did come out after the Mega Drive but you'd have thought they'd have changed the Model 2 to support that. I guess there must not have been enough people using the backward compatibility for it to matter, or at least Sega believed that to be the case.

I feel like a lot of decisions in Sega were made by executive's instincts that could have benefited a lot more from market research and/or developers' input.

>> No.1623397

>tfw no Game Gear Powerpak

>> No.1623473

the point of later models was always production cost reduction, for any consoles (still today)
redesigning the Genesis Video Chip with larger Color Palette RAM and the I/O chip to simulate Game Gear START button would have cost way too much money for too little benefits, and would not have made much sense commercially speaking considering all existing Mega Drive games would have been incompatible with this new model

>> No.1623531

sms = 256x224, 64 colors, mono sound.
gg = sms compatible + 160x144, 4096 colors, stereo sound

a few games ran in sms mode on the gg, castle of illusion and predator 2 come to mind

>> No.1623536
File: 63 KB, 600x600, everdrive-gamegear-incl-shell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you want an Everdrive instead?

>> No.1623541

my bad
sms = 256x192

>> No.1623739

Uhhh no. Mega Drives have the master system chips in them already if they'd have just switched that out for Game Gear chips they still would have been able to run Master System games on it.

I guess that really the problem was Sega just got ahead of themselves as they always did. They were so wrapped up in the "our handheld is going to be COLOR" that they put too much emphasis on that, between the palette and the power hungry RGB screen THAT was the root of their fuckups with GG.

>> No.1623797

>all this bashin' on the poor game gear

Man, come on, it wasn't *that* bad. Yeah, the battery life and requirements were god awful, but all the people complaining about it being clunky and uncomfortable have clearly never held one; it was quite comfortable, and filled your hands nicely. Sure, it didn't really fit into your pocket, but the Game Boy was kind of a brick in that respect, too. I had both, and if I took them with me somewhere, I would put them into a backpack or some sort of carrying case. At any rate, the poor battery life never really bothered me since I preferred to use my handhelds as handheld consoles (that is, I wouldn't really play them on the go. I got car sickness when I played games in the car, anyway). I typically brought an AC adapter with me, and there WERE rechargeable battery packs released by Sega for the GG.

Really, if anything, my biggest complaint with the GG was those shitty capacitors that offed themselves and made all GG's these days toast. I know it's a simple enough job to replace them, but still.

>> No.1623861

sorry but you don't know what you are talking about

master system chips are not in the megadrive, the video and io chips were designed from the start with master system compatibility mode which was automatically switched when a PBC with a master system game was connected

adding support for game gear would have meant designing NEW versions of those chips, which cost lot of money, you can't just "add" things in, shake it and call it a day, lol, who still think this nowadays ?

>> No.1623875

what is a z80?

>> No.1623956

>fewer pubes than brain cells
>implying that doesn't describe everyone in the entire world

>> No.1624079

I don't know what you're talking about. Back in the day I played Game Gear games on my Mega Drive. I'm not sure exactly how I did it but it had something to do with the gold wires on the boards and it's all the same cartridge based technology the laser could data. A lot of people don't believe me because I don't remember so good but my father is electronics I put the cartridge in and like legos.

>> No.1624163

>my father is electronics
>I put the cartridge in and like legos.
is that some kind of meme or are you horrible at english.

it is possible to play GG games on a Genesis, though it requires building your own converter, which is a pain in the ass to make. Not really worth it since the cost of construction is higher than the cost of a gamegear. Also the lack of instructions on how to build said converter makes it even more complicated, you have to trailblaze on a project that several of people have already done. Also you have to cannibalize a gamegear in order to even make the thing.

Its far easier to just have a GG modded to display onto a TV.

>> No.1624380

>According to Wikipedia, GG has a larger color palette; what does that matter?
That can matter lots. EG - the NES and the SNES had the same resolution but the SNES's palette was bigger....

In the case of the Gamegear and SMS though it doesn't really mean shit coz they didn't really write any software to take advantage of it.

>> No.1624383

Or Sonic 2, it's unplayable on the Gamegear because of the tiny screen size and they didn't correct it.

>> No.1624538

>comparing something made in the late eighties/early nineties to something made a decade later
The original Gameboy was clunky as fuck too, and more difficult to hold as well, with worse graphix. The Gamegear fit perfectly in your hands, with a bright and colorful screen, and fit in backpacks marvelously.

>> No.1624542
File: 22 KB, 640x480, Handy+Gear+y+Game+Gear[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a bulky accessory to go with the already enormously bulky game gear
No problem. You can buy fucking bulletproof, waterproof bodyarmor for game gear

>> No.1624645

I had that! It also magnified the screen; goddamn I loved that thing, you could toss it off a building and it'd be fine.

>> No.1625074

a CPU that both Master System and Genesis use

console hardware involves much more than the CPU alone so it would hardly define itself as "Master System chip" and saying Genesis has the Master System chips in them and that it's just a matter of adding the Game Gear ones is still plain ignorance

>> No.1625081 [DELETED] 


Genesis cannot be modded to play Game Gear games, a convecter will only allow you to fit Game Gear cartridges in, the palette and START button issues cannot be fixed in hardware, just like when you play a Game Gear ROM renamed as .sms through a flashcard on Master System

>> No.1625083

Genesis cannot be modded to play Game Gear games, a converter will only allow you to fit Game Gear cartridges in, the palette and START button issues cannot be fixed in hardware, just like when you play a Game Gear ROM renamed as .sms through a flashcard on Master System

>> No.1625157

Or you could just use a power adapter if you were setting near an outlet.

>> No.1625374

Alright okay. Just please believe me when I say I did manage to make something work like that. Maybe it was my snes cartridges with my 64.. yeah because I did have Centipede Guy and Earthworm Jim for the snes so tjat makes sense. They ere both made by nintendo except of course the 64 was more powerful so it run games at a higher fps. Its not like Im saying I ran ps1 games on a 64. Those are cds so it would be literally impossible considering the process of making a cd involves some sort of laser technology. But these are cartridges I was messing with. Im really not trying to lie to anyone. I did this.

>> No.1626010

>is that some kind of meme

Reference to an old thread where some retard was swearing up and down that SNES and MD were cross-compatible, and it got weirder and weirder as it went on.

Anyway, people are fucking stupid, and they think that science is magic, and electronics "just work"; that there is no math or hardware-specific coding behind it all.

>> No.1626019

>Its not like Im saying
*It's not like I'm saying

>> No.1626796

Shut up. Shut the fuck up because I am not lying. When I was younger I was capable of these things with my father. Dont think just because other peoplebyou knew grewing up were full of it that I am too. It wasnt that hard. Ever assemble legos? Consoles parts arent much different. Its allbasically the same technology. It has the same LOGIC. If you know how things snap together then there you have it. It may have been a hybrid system I created. IDONTREMEMBER. But I do know that I pulled it off. So shut up.

In all serious though I doubt it would have been prohibitively expensive for Sega to have swapped out Master System backward compatibility in the Mega Drive for Game Gear backward compatibility, but I guess expensive enough to not be worth a feature nearly no one was asking for (or that the execs were aware of anyway.

What would have been even LESS work would have been to just make the Game Gear exactly the same as a Master System. They probably could have gotten it way more competitive with Game Boy - releaed earlier and cheaper at retail.

>> No.1626976

>You can buy fucking bulletproof, waterproof bodyarmor for game gear
A weapon to surpass the game boy...

>> No.1627003

you and your electronics father also sold a psx for 10 grand right?

>> No.1627309


Please adopt a name so you can be more easily filtered. It's not funny, and it was getting old a long time ago.