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File: 406 KB, 1007x859, Nice_Profeel_Presentation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1603495 No.1603495 [Reply] [Original]

The previous thread is here >>1557127

>> No.1603514

Just got a secondhand Sony BVM-1415P 14" for $27.
I hope you guys weren't lying about these things having fantastic picture.

>> No.1603521


These monitors usually run for more than 100 bucks, so getting one for 27 is a pretty good deal. About the Fantastic picture, they have a higher quality tube than many monitor out there, and you have all the options you need to calibrate it properly.

>> No.1603552

Thanks for the reassurance.
Might sound like a dumb question, but what's the best way of getting audio out when using RGB?

>> No.1603568

Where the fuck did you get it for that cheap I'm jealous!

>> No.1603574
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31 inches of fury just bought yesterday.

Did I do okay?

>> No.1603582
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>> No.1603591


Your SCART to BNC cable or whatever also need to have RCA audio output, in order to let you plug it on your HI-FI system (if you have one) or with an adapter on your PC speaker. The Hifi system will reward you with godlike sound when you play on a console that use an FM synth chip

>> No.1603632


A local broadcast station just upgraded all their gear, and a lot of their redundant stock hadn't moved so I put in a lowball offer and they accepted for whatever reason.

>> No.1603674

Christ, do they have anymore??

>> No.1603681
File: 615 KB, 1750x960, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does composite + scart convertor with all the pins = the same signal an actual scart cable would put out ?
it's for my dreamcast if that helps

>> No.1603684

fuck no, can you into rgb?

>> No.1603689
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if i could into rgb i wouldn't be asking

>> No.1603693
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In addition to composite video, SCART also carries pins for RGB video.

If your SCART adapter only has a composite input, then it will only be outputting composite. Ideally, you'd use a Dreamcast SCART cable that outputs RGB instead, or a Dreamcast VGA cable if you're connecting to a monitor.

Try this:

>> No.1603694

well think of it this way that scart plug works by sending each bit of information on a seperate pin. The component cable sends everything though one cable. If a console outputs RGB and you cram that signal through a composite converter its not going to magically become RGB again through that little dohicky

>> No.1603696

All SCART does is carry a signal. If you give it a composite signal through RCA, then you'll get a composite signal out of the SCART

>> No.1603697
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wow, I never knew about this site, thanks anon.

>> No.1603701

I understand now, I thought it might actually be converting the signal rather than just carrying it.

>> No.1603713 [DELETED] 
File: 226 KB, 1277x717, WP_20140425_14_41_03_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like you're doing better than I am, especially if you enjoy it.

I've got major convergence issues, and a good bit of weird geometry also.

At least it was free...

>> No.1603714

De nada, friend.

>> No.1603726
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If you enjoy it, yes.

You could be doing worse, I've got some major convergence issues here.

Though, the TV was free so I can't complain really.

>> No.1603729

my crt tv has some weird porblem where only the extreme left of the screen looks fine and then the rest has a some kind of interference making everything slightly lighter. You dont notice when bright colours are on screen but when the colour black is one its noticeable, what the hell is it?

>> No.1603750

A couple 9" yes, but I'm an Ausfag so it may not be wholly convenient.

>> No.1603764
File: 427 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_20140507_051117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a heads up. Those guys don't ground Pins 5 (blue ground), 9 (green ground), and 13 (red ground) like they're supposed to in RGB SCART cables. They only ground Pins 4 (sound ground), 17 (composite video/sync ground), 18 (blanking signal ground), and 21 (chassis ground). Not having those pins grounded sometimes can give you issues on certain CRT's.


>> No.1603840

Is there a guide to optimal CRT setups? I have a big panasonic tube TV which is pretty cool and looks alright to me (I just played Donkey Kong Country and Returns and it looked nice) but then I research up on retro gaming CRTs and find videos of people's setups where they say the best way to game in 240p is to have a bunch of fancy wires, I've heard the terms
-Arcade style connectors

Then there's adapters, splitters, arcade cables that connect into other cables to make "RGB," and certain monitors only do certain inputs. How do I have a truCRT?

This makes my head hurt.

>> No.1603874

Just got my CRT, however there's a tiny tiny problem.

I've noticed that there are two very feint black lines (almost like dead pixels) on the monitor.
Is this a fixable issue? I bought the monitor on eBay, so I'm not a 100% sure about getting a refund/partial refund.

>> No.1603882

At about 1/3 and 2/3 of the screen's height, horizontal?
Could be the damper wires.

Also possibly burn-in.

>> No.1603885

Yup, Trinitron, exactly as you described.
I'm guessing this is normal for them then? I'll see if I can live with it. should be okay as long as it's not a solid light colour.

>> No.1603891

>I'm guessing this is normal for them then?
Yes. Your not going to find a Trinitron that doesn't have them, it's part of their design.

After a while, they tend to just blend in. They only pop out for me anymore when I'm trying to take photos(i.e focusing on a still image).

>> No.1603897

This pretty neat. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NwMPcYH71g

>> No.1603904

Those fucking wires.

I almost never noticed them on a TV, but they really stand out on sony computer monitors.

>> No.1603913


>> No.1603937


Nooo! Poor PC monitors!

>> No.1603941
File: 471 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_20140507_075451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few months ago I picked up this Sony HD Triniton KV-HS420 Model for only $30 from an old co-worker.

Been lurking on this thread for a couple of weeks now, and have been wondering if anybody has any suggestions or recommendations on what I could do or should be doing to get the most/enhanced experienced out of this thing?

>> No.1603943

Forgot to mention, it's a 32 inch

>> No.1603954
File: 1.92 MB, 3648x2736, DSCN0886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is borderline off-topic, but I've got this weird ass "stain" on my old arcade cabinet CRT...

Any tips to remove this?
So far I've only dared to try acetone, and it does nothing...

>> No.1603959


Have you tried some windex sprayed on a smooth piece of cloth? Not directly on the screen.

>> No.1603964


Since I'm not from the USA, do you mean some generic window cleaning spray, or is there something special with that brand?

>> No.1603969

Are CRT obscure or something?

The only TV I use is my 20' - 30' Triniton from the 90s. I don't know when it's from, my parents probably had it from before I was born. I use it for my N64, SNES, PS3, Wii, NGC..

>> No.1603984


Yup, I'm not an USbro either.

>> No.1603989

So, What's the best way to connect Playstation 3 to a VGA CRT?
I'm guessing Component is the way to go, since I've not seen any VGA cables, is it possible to use BNC/Component through a converter with little lag?

>> No.1604003

Is there a lag free way to connect my consoles to a CRT monitor via VGA? I'm looking to connect my SNES, N64, PS1 and GC, PS2 and Wii.

>> No.1604024


It does nothing at all, sorry.

>> No.1604032


Eh, now that sucks. Any idea of How it could have been done?
Maybe a sponge and some soap will make it go away??

>> No.1604074
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No idea how it got there, but it must be pretty bad since the bezel (the glass in front of the screen) has the same kind of mark on its inner side, nearly on the same spot.

Pic related, those #@$% stains combined :(

>> No.1604171
File: 88 KB, 621x908, Mia_Ausa_Bromide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought a few PVM 1910 monitors. Is there any advantage to using the Japanese RGB21 over Euro SCART? All my consoles are NTSC, either Japanese or North American. Currently deciding which RGB to BNA breakout I want to buy.

>> No.1604192


I don't know any.

>> No.1604254

Even if it converted it it to RGB, It would look the same as composite. A converter doesn't know what the missing details are. It's like converting mp3 to FLAC. Nothing changes.

>> No.1604264

Multisync CRTs are magical. Been watching classic anime on one, and I have custom resolutions to match the resolutions of each video. All set at multiples of 24hz. No scaling or stutter, just pixel perfect video.

>> No.1604280


see if this:

>> No.1604753

I'd use the component input instead of the composite that you've got the Wii connected to in front.

I don't know what else... Don't use the silly Vivid color mode?

Have fun

>> No.1604992

Anyone have experience with HDMI to VGA converters?
Been considering getting one for my VGA monitor, but not sure how they are with HDCP devices like the Playstation 3.
Is a HDCP stripper usually needed?

>> No.1605042

>not sure how they are with HDCP devices like the Playstation 3
I *think* (and someone please correct me if I'm wrong), HDCP only applies to Blu-Ray movies on the PS3. Games don't use the protected path, as far as I know.

>> No.1605101

Thanks, Anon.

What about older consoles? Should I be using S-Video, RGB Connectors or VGA?

>> No.1605217

You should be using a non-HD tv for older consoles.

But if you insist, just use s-video.

>> No.1605230
File: 23 KB, 327x327, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh, any chance someone can identify the model of this? Or at least a stab at what kind of inputs it has?

>> No.1605351


No clue. Have you tried asking the seller?

>> No.1605361

Sony Trinitron
Are you in yurop?

>> No.1605365

Found a mint condition JVC TV from 1985. My neighbor is storing it at their house. Has a neat remote, too. Don't have a model number, but is this TV of any use?

>> No.1605369


Does it have good inputs (preferably S-video and better)? Have you gotten a chance to test it?

>> No.1605382

Nah I barely looked at it.. sometime I will and post back in this thread.

>> No.1605396

1985 will not have S-Video. JVC are all right

>> No.1605421

Yeah, from yurop. After some searching I'm thinking it could be a KV-14M1U, or it's at least very similar to it. Can't find any documentation though.

>> No.1605453

>any suggestions or recommendations on what I could do or should be doing to get the most/enhanced experienced out of this thing
Just the same stuff you've probably already read over the past couple weeks about Sonys: reset all presets, use Pro preset, color temp Warm, VM off, turn off red push, don't abuse "Sharpness" (if anything, turn it down as needed), etc. The other recommendation to avoid SD inputs for ED/HD sources is a good one.

>> No.1605491

Windex is less of a solvent than acetone. You shouldn't be using acetone or undiluted Windex on screens anyway, since you can damage screen coatings with them. Since you've already gone that far though, may as well go for the big guns and see if an orange oil solvent (meh) or xylene (nuOOHHHHHH) will take care of it.

BTW, if it's a raised bump, it could be melted wax or even melted plastic, in which case you might be able to melt it off or gently chisel it off. Otherwise, if the "stain" can't be removed, it may be physical damage to a screen coating or even a chip in the glass.

>> No.1605497

>Are CRT obscure or something?
increasingly so, sadly

>The only TV I use is my 20' - 30' Triniton from the 90s. I don't know when it's from, my parents probably had it from before I was born. I use it for my N64, SNES, PS3, Wii, NGC..
Sounds close to ideal, actually.

>> No.1605516

>lag free
no, you can only limit the lag

>> No.1605527

That's not the bezel. And that inner mark may just be the shadow of the outer "stain."

>> No.1605532

Just compatibility with Japanese equipment (like Micomsoft stuff) and first-party console cables made for use in Japan.

>> No.1605641


it will if you use RGB.

>> No.1605654

>Sony BVM-1415P
>Old BVM nomenclature
>local broadcast station
>redundant stock

Enjoy your burned-out piece of shit.

>> No.1606103

How much worst is S-Video compared to RGB? Is it significant?

I thought about just buying an S-Video switch box to hook up all my systems and playing from there, setting up RGB for american tubes sounds like too much of a hassle and moneysink.

>> No.1606112

Multiples of 24000/1001 Hz because of the offset for the chroma signal. 23.976 or thereabouts. Unless it's encoded from PAL, then you can pull an even 24 Hz multiple.

>> No.1606168


It's pretty significant, but S-Video is "good enough" for most people. Just go with that if you don't to spend the time/money for a full RGB setup.

>> No.1606254

Alright. I'll take that into consideration. Thanks again, Anon

>> No.1606313



I have a KV-14M1B, and the service manual list the KV-14M1U as a concerned model, so here it is anon:

>> No.1606436
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KV-32FS120, manufactured in 2005.

>> No.1606438
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The scanlines are outstanding

>> No.1606440
File: 2.86 MB, 1280x720, scanliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiines.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And a flickery ass panorama

>> No.1606542

can you post some pics of you playing more modern stuff on it?

>> No.1606561

What's a good set of S-Video cables for the Wii? Component lags up Brawl but I would like something decent looking.

>> No.1606676

The funny thing about living in Europe is that you can find a bunch of crts with RF and SCART only. Now it just blew my mind when I think about that. It's such a great gap in image quality. Till this day I have not seen a CRT with s-video, RF+SCART and maybe composite sometimes

>> No.1607223


Get some component cables on your Wii before you get too proud.

>> No.1607262

is component better than rgb for sd resolutions?

>> No.1607285

Theoretically worse, in practice identical.

>> No.1607851


Usually the only difference that I can spot is that component will appear ever so slightly more bright than RGB, which can be corrected by turning your contrast down a bit on component.

>> No.1607854

Before I waste any money on cables;

I modded my SNES for RGB as per: http://retrorgb.com/snesminirgb.html
And my CRT accepts input via BNC.

If I wanted to connect the SNES, all I need is a SNES SCART cable like:
Connecting to a breakout cable like:


>> No.1607949

Looks good, but that colour palette is wrong FYI.

>> No.1608006
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>> No.1608389

I just bought a cheap S-video cable for my SNES, and it doesn't seem all that good. Is it possible that cheap S-video cables just carry a composite signal? It does have a male composite lead by the way.

>> No.1608426

As long as your CRT can sync 15khz.

I have a CRT monitor with BNC but the lowest signal it accepts is 31khz.

>> No.1608490

That probably is the case. You have to be careful with cheap s-video cables because that's exactly what they do with them.

>> No.1608508

What's a good way to properly calibrate my PVM 1910? Is there a DVD or reference I can use for colors and other settings? I realize a lot of it is personal preference but there has to be some kind of standard.

>> No.1608530


Search 240p Test Suite. You'll need either a Sega Genesis/Mega Drive with a flash cart, a Dreamcast capable of running burned CDs (i.e. almost all of them), or a softmodded Wii with a Genesis emulator.

>> No.1608540

Thanks, I'll look into that.

>> No.1608603

Mine's an old endoscopy monitor I picked up from a hospital. Why would a CRT have BNC/RGB input, without the capacity to sync 15KHz signals? That's like half the point of RGB.

>> No.1608612

>Why would a CRT have BNC/RGB input, without the capacity to sync 15KHz signals?

BNC is just the physical interface, and 15kHz is just the scanrate. BNC can be used for VGA.

>That's like half the point of RGB.
You think they made your endoscopy monitor to play video games?

>> No.1608623

I'm aware of that, it just surprised me that a monitor capable of receiving RGB lacked that capacity.

>> No.1608637

VGA is just 31 kHz RGB that uses the extra bandwidth to carry 480p instead of 240p or 480i,

>> No.1609219
File: 767 KB, 1383x1037, IMG_0042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Wii's hooked up through a Psyclone brand component cable. I've also got a Gamestop brand s-video cable, with godawful fake-snakeskin cable and workmanship as shoddy as that provided in their stores.

The PS2 is hooked up through a Sony brand component cable, and a similar Sony s-video for it.

The SNES/GC/N64 s-video is by Innovation. It's wired right, but the wires are pretty thin and not really shielded.

>> No.1609235
File: 1.54 MB, 2304x1728, IMG_0051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my vidya nook with itty bitty Insignia. Should probably put up a poster or something.

>> No.1609240

looks neat.

>> No.1609242

I'm looking for good quality SCART male to male cables. The shitty one I have right now causes diagonal line interference with my set up. Are there any brands or online stores to get good quality male to male SCART cables shipped to North America?

>> No.1609316

That's kinda off-topic unless it's a CRT-specific issue, but how do you know it's the cable?

>> No.1609384

I use my DVD copy of Akira for its THX optimizer feature that has different picture tests that guide you on setting calibrations. I don't know any other DVD that has one.

>> No.1609397

It puzzled me for a while why there was a _minimum_ horizontal scan rate on most multisync monitors. I still don't have a good answer - but as far as I can tell, the design of the flyback transformer is tied to the horizontal oscillation, so that might be why there's a minimum scan rate.

>> No.1609580

i found my old black and white tv that has an rf input, its british so its proably going to be 50hz given how old it must be and i cant get it to run dreamcast games through the dreamcast rf, why could this be?

>> No.1609878
File: 1.09 MB, 2048x1536, IMG_0075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a Sony KV-27FS12 off of craigslist today and stupidly only brought my Dreamcast with composite to test it out. There's something wrong with the component inputs. It's quite strange. On the component input with nothing powered on, it displays a solid blue screen. When powered on it has a lot of trouble displaying anything component related. For example, here is the boot screen you get when you turn on a softmodded wii. Everything is still blue. After you get past the boot screen, things get even worse.

>> No.1609884
File: 1.20 MB, 2048x1536, IMG_0076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


(cont) everything was blue at the bootscreen but you could make stuff out. Here on the main wii menu it's just a mess. You can hear sound perfectly, and everything works fine on composite, but the component is all fucked up. Does anyone with experience with component or who has had this issue know what's going on.

>> No.1609948


I should add that I also tried my PS2 with component cables and had the same issue, ruling out the console or the cables.

>> No.1609968

Is Sony KV-29CL10E decent? Because I stumbled upon it for free, by some dumb luck.

>> No.1609986

You guys and your popularizing of Sony pro monitors. Two popped up on eBay where I could pick them up and avoid shipping and both went higher than I wanted to pay.


I would have gone a bit higher on that BVM if it had an Svideo board.

If I didn't already have a 20M2MDU I'd be pretty upset right now.

>> No.1609992

It's in RGB mode you gotta manually switch to YPbPr

>> No.1609995


Wow, the first is at a pretty good price, while the second is way overpriced. Too bad you didn't take the first.

>> No.1610083
File: 2.05 MB, 3264x2448, 20140509_140847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys.

so I finally caved and got a CRT from a friend who had it in his garage. now, right off the bat, I KNOW it's not good. YES, I'm using Coaxial, but in all honesty, I'm perfectly okay with that because that's what I used when growing up, so, it really replicates the feel nicely. When i was a kid, i didn't have any component s-video high quality stuff, so, yeah. i like having it though, and it's nice playing these games the way I played them as a kid.

I plan on upgrading eventually, so, I'll probably start frequenting these threads to learn all the hip lingo and with-it words.

>> No.1610101

good, you are now walking the path of righteousness

>> No.1610106


As long as you like it, the it's good.

>> No.1610151


First off, the wii has no option for changing it from RGB to YPbPr, and I tried that on the PS2, which didn't work. Unless the TV itself has an option for it, in which case please explain how I might do this.

>> No.1610171

colour me jealous

>> No.1610194


I was bidding on this fucker and I got blown out of the water in the last few hours...

>> No.1610536
File: 1.50 MB, 2048x1536, IMG_0078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>1609884 here again. I blew compressed air into the component inputs and managed to make small improvements. The problem now seems to be that there is a lack of green in the image, as seen in the picture I've attacked. Also, the screen is constantly becoming distorted. I'd like to emphasize that a) this is something that's been happening to both my Wii and PS2, so it isn't an issue with them or their cables, and b) this doesn't happen on anything other than component. Composite and svid are fine.

I'm considering trying to open up the TV to see if there's anything wrong with the component inputs on the inside.

>> No.1610662

>That's kinda off-topic unless it's a CRT-specific issue
Well, it involves setting up a SCART switch with my PVM-20M2MDU, so I assume it's related because it's about RGB on a CRT monitor.

>how do you know it's the cable?
Well, I need good cables to eliminate the possibility that the SCART switch might be the problem, but it's a Bandridge SCART switch which was recommended by a few places on the net, and I suspect the cable because the individual wires aren't shielded from each other and my multimeter shows some of the wires have fluctuating resistances that bounce between 20 to 100 Ohm. The main SCART chassis for ground also sometimes drops connectivity.

I know it's not the console SCART cables or the SCART to BNC ones because directly connecting them

Console > Console SCART cable > SCART to BNC > PVM-20M2MDU

gives me great picture quality without any interference problems. I only get interference when I introduce the Bandridge switch and the male to male SCART cable. This stays true no matter which console I hook up; 1CHIP SNES, Genesis 2, or 7001 PSX.

>> No.1610678

Are you sure you don't have the green plug in the blue socket?

>> No.1610740


>> No.1610752


>> No.1610839


Yeah, I double checked several times.

>> No.1610897

I don't know what I'm looking for.
What are the properties that you want in a good CRT

>> No.1610941

What do you plan to use the CRT for? I assume some /vr/ consoles, so which ones are you going to use on it? Any modern consoles? Those are the first important things you need to know to figure out what you're looking for and what kind of video inputs you need.

Also, are you in Eastern Europe? I'm getting a lot of Cyrillic and Slavic looking language looking up that model.

>> No.1610987


Go into the menu and turn the blue down?

>> No.1610991

Nice, you isolated everything you could.

As a North American, looks like you can get an Acoustic Research (just Recoton's "high end") 6' SCART cable on Amazon for ~$18 shipped. The AR of today isn't the same as the one from decades ago, but Best Buy still carries the brand if that's a valid endorsement to you. Unfortunately I haven't used them myself but it looks like the deal I might go for without searching deeper into generic cables and the best sources for them.

>> No.1611002

I'm Australian so we get grouped with pal users. I'll be using stuff from the 3rd to 6th Gen

>> No.1611018

Do you guys know why CRT monitors look so much better at lower resolutions than an LCD?

I just recently got a couple of nice CRT monitors and have been playing around with the resolution and refresh rates.

It was fun seeing some newer games running at 120-160hz refresh. But it was really surprising seeing how good the games look at lower resolutions.

>> No.1611030


Native resolution. All other factors aside, an LCD only really looks okay at its native resolution. CRTs accept various resolutions.

>> No.1611595

Guy with the blue-picture component here again. What are other good places on the internet to ask about stuff like this if no one on /crt/ can help you? Places like avsforum? I'm also considering calling a TV repair surface, not to have it fixed but to ask them if they know what's wrong with it.

>> No.1611613

I bid $41 - Like I said, it didn't have an S-Video card. I probably should have looked up whether or not that model does 1080i. If it did I probably would have bid a little higher.

Yeah I was very surprised that it went so high.

>> No.1611831

>What are other good places on the internet to ask about stuff like this if no one on /crt/ can help you?
call your mom like everyone else does

>not to have it fixed but to ask them if they know what's wrong with it
protip: repair shops are not in the business of training their potential customers, but your mom is

>> No.1612254

So 15khz CRTs are best for real hardware, and 31khz CRTs are best for emulation on PC?

>> No.1612273


>31khz CRTs are best for emulation on PC

No, it's good for playing PC Games. Having a 15khz display is better even for emulation.

>> No.1612274


CRTs don't scale anything. In fact, you can display non 4:3 resolutions like 320x480 (or even 3200x400) as 4:3, since only vertical resolution is important to them. You can take advantage of that in emulators to make a single superwide mode that displays all games upscaled horizontally with nearest neighbor, so you don't have to deal with switching modes for each game and without any ugly scaling artifacts due to the horizontal resolution being so high that it hides any non-integer scaling issues.

>> No.1612280


15khz is a pain in the ass to connect to a PC, while PCs natively output 31khz, and there are methods to output to a CRT monitor to get it to look like a 15khz display.

>> No.1613651
File: 69 KB, 720x960, 10171044_696013067127651_8333866408807873979_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1614294

We meet again, picture of blue screen with controller cables hanging down over the image.

>> No.1614346


The first time I saw it, I though it was a shot of the Amiga Workbench Operating system displayed on a TV.

>> No.1614371
File: 53 KB, 480x600, hurt eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wires hanging from the top of the tv

>> No.1614503

>inb4 it doesn't really bother me

>> No.1614538

try mr clean magic eraser if available in your country

>> No.1614547

These are just the name brand for common melamine microporous sponges. You can get these at Japanese stores for cheap.

>> No.1614615

I don't know why, but that looks comfy as fuck. I suppose I like compact spaces with all the video game stuff close together, but still neatly assembled.

>> No.1614649

>Having a 15khz display is better even for emulation

Only if you go through the trouble of setting up a dedicated Windows XP rig with an old video card, CRT_Emudriver, and GroovyMAME/UME. Meanwhile, a CRT monitor with the superwide 480p with scanlines method will work on ANY PC, and only CRT TV purists or the hardcore OCD will notice any issues with this method.

>> No.1614704


>> No.1614771

More compatible than CRT_Emudriver, but still has issues with newer hardware and OSes from the looks of it. And you still need to be able to connect the computer to a TV.

The CRT monitor route is still far easier and more accessible, and if you're on Nvidia, you don't even need to use any third-party tools to create the superwide resolution.

>> No.1614978

TV will still look better running in RGB though. Monitors are way too fucking sharp, and won't be able to display the crazy refresh rates required by many arcade games.

>> No.1615041

>Monitors are way too fucking sharp

This is a bad thing now? That said, it's nothing a bit of horizontal-only bilinear filtering cannot fix. I can understand if you don't like pronounced scanlines, though.

>crazy refresh rates

Most CRT monitors can sync all the way down to 50Hz.

>> No.1615053

>Monitors are way too fucking sharp

Use some horizontal blurring then. Just a little bit keeps it from looking oversharp.

>won't be able to display the crazy refresh rates required by many arcade games.

Incorrect. CRT monitors can run far more refresh rates than TVs can. You just need to set a mode with whatever refresh rate.

I have both a CRT TV and a CRT monitor and the monitor is much better looking when set up to display emulated games correctly.

>> No.1615431

Hey /vr/, is this a really good deal? I live about 1.5 hours from there, but if it's worth, it's worth.
For those who don't want to click the link: Sony PVM - 14L1 Color Video Monitor - $50

>> No.1615597


No RBG, if that bothers you. Still has two S-Video inputs, though, so that's good. $50 seems reasonable.

>> No.1616172
File: 3.00 MB, 4272x2848, IMG_4889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1616187

Well, I just got a free CRT TV from my friend, but every time I play on it for a long enough time, I get motion sickness. Is that normal? I don't remember that shit from when I was a kid.

>> No.1616323

Its cursed, soon there will be tapping at the window at night.

>> No.1616325
File: 2.70 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20140512_141440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of input is this? It isnt even mentioned in the manual.

>> No.1616773


I have the same kind of output on my Sony FM/AM radio, it seems it's called Eon control. I have no idea of what it could do, I'll have to search for my radio documentation to find out.

>> No.1616890

It's a dust input, apparently.

>> No.1617185
File: 19 KB, 570x468, 3097361938[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is JVC TM-H1900 any good? Can buy it cheep (composite and s-video only)

>> No.1617232

>It isnt even mentioned in the manual.
Which implies that it's not intended for the average consumer.
I think it might be used in the factory for programming. It could be a I2C port, judging from the fact that it has 3 pins.

>> No.1617240

Yeah, does anyone here have experience with this type of monitor?

I've been wondering about hi-res JVC monitors as well, they look quite tempting.

But I really like the shape of Sony's aperture grille tubes though...

>> No.1617242

/x/ pls

>> No.1617475
File: 25 KB, 440x270, they're heeeeeeere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1617708

>Uh, any chance someone can identify the model of this?

I can, I just bought one! It's a Sony Trinitron KV-14T1U -- I haven't hooked mine up yet; are they any good?

>> No.1618229
File: 1.47 MB, 2592x1456, WP_20140512_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this one for free, in mint condition. Any good?

>> No.1618254


Well done anon, getting a free, mint monitor isn't something that happens everyday.

>> No.1618302

Which of these should I buy at Goodwill?

>> No.1618303
File: 33 KB, 645x484, CRT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic.

>> No.1618307

The flat one at the bottom right corner looks nice, though it would be smart to get the model.

>> No.1618309

I know it's a Sony Trinitron, but I can't recall the specifics. It's the only one on the rack that I recall the model of.

>> No.1618324

Then jump on that one, unless it has some outstanding issues.

>> No.1618328

Goodwill is jewing it at $70 though. Is it this reasonable? Or a bit much?

>> No.1618338


Too much for a non-PVM.

>> No.1618342

I know I can likely bargain with Goodwill. What's a reasonable price?

>> No.1618347


Between 10 and 25 bucks.

>> No.1618374

$30 is the very top of what I would pay for one.

>> No.1618380
File: 163 KB, 1024x768, trinitron test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I got a 27" Trinitron from a Salvation Army for $20 a year ago, and I had the option to get a 32" one from a Value Village for $35. Would have gone for it too but even the 27"-er just barely fit the space I had available for it.

>> No.1618431
File: 3.32 MB, 4272x2848, IMG_4908c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw playing this game with true blacks

>> No.1618587
File: 781 KB, 1024x685, DSC_0027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this isn't strictly CRT related but maybe someone here could help.
I pulled this out of an old media pc rig [the fucker even had a tv tuner and rf output] that didn't have a processor or HDD in it from my garage and I was wondering if there was any way I could throw it in my current rig alongside with the card I'm using at the moment [plebby hd 4800], until I get another old rig sorted out.
I've never seen a card with a scart attachment.
Eurofig, obviously.

>> No.1618595

you can use crossfire

>> No.1618602

are you sure this card supports it ?, its about 10 years old.
looked it up and its a Geforce 6610 XL, even If I cant hook it up to my current pc I'm thorwing it in an old rig that I'm going to use for /vr/ stuff.

>> No.1618610

Is that a bad thing? I just like to re-post this now and then, idk why the screen is blue. maybe from the sun reflection. :/

>> No.1618619


>>1617185 here

Only game related review of TM series I found
Looks nice, but buying s-video cables for my consoles gonna be a hassle since im eurofag and I have SCART for almost anything. Still considering this TM series though...

>> No.1618621

I posted a reply and I don't mind. Just noticing it.

>> No.1618648
File: 652 KB, 2570x980, Blue Push.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>idk why the screen is blue
I think it might have to do with the brightness and light sensitivity of the camera.

Until I started manually setting a low ISO and/or cranking the brightness down, SNES games tended to come out too bright/with weird intensity issues.

Had some X1 photos that showed it, but I guess I deleted them. Have something similar happening with X6.

Would calling this a problem with gamma be accurate?

>> No.1618719


I've always found anything over 27" to be overkill, since you can sit a decent distance away and still make everything out fine. Plus 27 is about the last size where anyone is likely to be able to move it around on their own.

>> No.1618898

My CRT TV makes a loud, annoying buzzing noise every time I play some games on it.

Is there any way to fix this?

>> No.1619278

>This guy talking

Thanks for putting this up here. I'm in the US and I just recently picked up a consumer grade Trinitron.
I think I'll just wait for RGB compatible equipment before I make the upgrade to pro level stuff.

>> No.1619282


And if they won't be nice about the price of the silver one, the one to the left will probably treat you well also.

>> No.1619328
File: 59 KB, 697x355, ScreenShot001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem. I also found this
It can 15kHz which is good since Im more 5gen guy.
trio-dot sounds cool. I hope its like in my Trinitron crt monitor
also can someone tell me what "more than 750 TV lines" means?

>> No.1619389

how do sony pvm series and other such monitors compare to, for example, an amiga monitor?

>> No.1619394

Trio-dot/tri-dot isn't going to resemble Trinitrion (aperture grille) up close at all, but that doesn't mean it will look bad. It may well look amazing.

TV lines just refer to physical horizontal resolution (vertical lines). The more TV lines, the sharper the picture. Don't worry about analog video sources like game consoles matching that resolution or scaling or any of that; they aren't a concern at all. Over 750 on S-video means that display is quite sharp.

>> No.1619508

>Graphics card with SCART
Oh man, you have to let us know if that SCART connector supports RGB.

>> No.1619549


I have both a PVM and a Commodore 1085S, and the Amiga monitor is inferior. They're still pretty good however.

>> No.1619552


Seeing How many wires there are connected to the socket, it look like it does support RGB.

>> No.1619573

I use a Commodore monitor for my retro vidya. Recently it's started "flickering", the brightness will get a bit dimmer and the picture gets a bit fuzzy every few seconds then goes back to normal. What do I do?

>> No.1619765


The two in the middle, bottom row. Check to see what inputs they have.

>> No.1620005

Sorry that this isn't specif to CRTs, but I figured you guys would know best.

Anyway, I've been having an issue with the video output of my SNES. The problem is that the video has some weird blue/green discoloration over everything, which sometimes comes in the form of slightly visible scrolling horizontal bars. Can anyone guess what the issue is? I'm hoping it isn't a problem with the internal circuits that produce the video.

>> No.1620038
File: 16 KB, 135x124, gtw_logo_small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guy who runs the repair/mod wiki here. Since you guys know so much about displays, would any of you be interested in adding information about CRTs and video connections to the wiki? The only article on the site about displays so far is this one on video signals, which needs some work:


If any of you add an article, let me know either here or on my talk page on the wiki (I'm ITEM-3) so I can make it accessible from the main page.

>> No.1620064

The emulation wiki has some info on displays


>> No.1620080

I didn't realize that. It seems more appropriate for GTW since it's hardware-focused, but at least the info is somewhere.

>> No.1620180
File: 1.37 MB, 2560x1920, Scrooge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retrorgb.com has the info right and organized into articles it's probably the go to source. I've never really looked at your wiki but are you looking for a mod focus? Really the mod you end up doing is a cable mod for your display. Maybe you need a page covering various wacky monitors' inputs, their frequencies, line counts, 240p performance and shit like that? Seems like that's more an article on displays

>> No.1620272

>are you looking for a mod focus?
It's broader than that. The intention is to fill it with mods, repairs, and all other kinds of technical info for all gaming hardware and related tech (like displays), but there's a dearth of info on it at the moment. That looks like a good site, so I've added a link to it on the Display FAQ.

>> No.1620429

Are you using RF or composite?

>> No.1620515


At 165lbs the 36" set would have been doable with a strap but I'd be paying for it for a couple days.

The 27" was 99lbs and still pretty much a bitch.

>> No.1620516
File: 66 KB, 640x480, 1273937356220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been looking around town for a CRT monitor to use on my computer when emulating older games but I can't find one. This is starting to make me feel really old, not even shit like goodwill just has a few lying around anymore.

I've got an old CRT TV lying around that works perfectly fine but I wouldn't even begin to know how to hook that into my computer, if that's even possible.

>> No.1620527

Not even on craigslist? Do you live in bumfuckville?

And yes, it is possible to connect a CRT TV. Doing so optimally, however, is a difficult endeavor. I do not recommend it unless you are determined to spend some time reading up on the necessary steps, as well as potentially some dough.

>> No.1620536
File: 178 KB, 450x238, shadowmask vs appgrille.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trio-dot sounds cool

That's shadow mask.

>> No.1620538

>I wouldn't even begin to know how to hook that into my computer, if that's even possible.

You'd need a video card with TV-out. This is usually in the form of S-Video.

>> No.1620574

>Do you live in bumfuckville?


>Doing so optimally, however, is a difficult endeavor. I do not recommend it unless you are determined to spend some time reading up on the necessary steps, as well as potentially some dough.

>You'd need a video card with TV-out. This is usually in the form of S-Video.

I think I'll just keep trying my luck with finding an old monitor.

>> No.1620578
File: 1.66 MB, 2448x3264, photo (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got this jvc I'art 22" for free from a friend, did I do good ?

>> No.1620589
File: 1.74 MB, 2448x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1620595

Pretty good. Seems like a nice set.

>> No.1620603

>I'd be paying for it for a couple days
If you're talking about your back, then unless you're conditioned like a weightlifter, the toll would be long term even if you felt fine after. Don't ever fuck around when it comes to your back, I'm serious.

BTW 165 lbs. for a 36" is quite light for that size. I would question the build quality of such a TV.

>> No.1620610

I like that very much, actually.

Please post model number if you can.

>> No.1620620

jvc AV-27FA44

>> No.1620637

Neat, I like everything about it.

>> No.1620743
File: 3.01 MB, 4912x3264, DSC00235-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LG RT-32FZ11RX 31 inch
Has component and s-video and a 4:3 option
It also has a "turbo" picture option which only seems to make the screen uncomfortably bright. I'm pretty happy with it's condition and price (free) even if it weighs more than my car...

On another note is it ideal to have sharpness at max? I read somewhere it can wear the screen out

>> No.1620875
File: 38 KB, 800x600, dell-optiplex-gx280-1g7t-800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

throwing it in one of these bastards after i have my coffee

>> No.1621103

>infamous Korean nation-wide epidemic-scale dependence on Internet Explorer
>TV manual on LG's site not available as a PDF
>"You can open the DjVu file only on Internet Explorer. Please try it again on Internet Explorer."
das it mane

>On another note is it ideal to have sharpness at max?
It is never, ever ideal to max the sharpness setting. You are only adding noise and grain to the image, you aren't really making it sharper.

In the home cinema world (film/video), you tend to want to turn sharpness down from default more often than most people realize. It's not even uncommon for the best setting on some displays to be completely zeroed out, depending on source image type and quality.

>I read somewhere it can wear the screen out
Not at all, but to prevent that you do want to avoid making the overall light output too high (through contrast/brightness settings).

>> No.1621168
File: 922 KB, 1284x800, DSC_0065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw no trinitron

>> No.1621179


I just got rid of a 32" JVC I'art because I didn't have room for it and needed to upgrade to an HDTV. It was a fucking excellent set, despite the lack of RGB inputs. Most systems looked great with component cables. It should serve you well, enjoy!

>> No.1621184

those 14" are pretty good. I don't see any problem

>> No.1621205

>go to LG website
>enter model number from back of TV into search
>comes up with a model released in 2012 that isn't a CRT
>google image search shows multiple different CRTs apparently with the same number
>none of them are mine
This TV is a mystery to me

>> No.1621234
File: 406 KB, 773x717, Netee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this baby months ago, but can't find any info about it. It seems to be pretty good, but i feel uneasy not knowing anything about this TV. Is a LG Netee

>> No.1621241

Aaaah fuck. I wanted to ask also if there's any chance to connect my PC to this TV via VGA to RGB cable. I use a HD5570. Emulation in this thing must be a godsend

>> No.1621259

Good luck. There's some LG discussion right above your posts about how confusing it is to find info about their products. (I think that the fact that they never really sold too many CRT products in the USA may be part of the reason for this.)

I looked up "LG Netee" and found this:

Could be a product line or name of a feature instead of an actual name for only one product. Wish I knew more.

You're looking for a downscan converter like an Extron Emotia. There are cheaper ones but they aren't very good (lag, quality).

>> No.1621306

Well, that'll make it pretty hard :/ LG is more or less big name here in Europe, or at least in Spain (not like Samsung and the likes, but is still everywhere) but i an't seem to find anything about their CRTs no matter what.

I gess i'll have to try :/ Wasting money seems mandatory in these cases.

>> No.1621337

I haven't checked for a model number but this has been in my house since the late 80's i think, pretty cool how it still works as one of our LCD HDTV's has been fucked up for a while now and we got it in 2008

>> No.1622010


For some reason that picture is crashing my browser every time I try to open it.

>> No.1622254


165 Lbs is the weight of a standard 36" SD Sony Trinitron. It's a good set. Some models are 175 lbs but not the one I saw that day.

Hauling a 165lb set just once wouldn't throw my back out, it'd just leave me sore for a couple days. I worked warehouse for years. I know to put my legs triceps and abs into the lift (though not too hard on the abs or else hernia...)

>> No.1622774

>165 Lbs is the weight of a standard 36" SD Sony Trinitron.
Well if you've looked up that particular model that's fine, but I've never owned a light Sony other than in the mid-'90s when the cases they used on some of them were so chintzy you could buckle them with a light press of your finger. I briefly owned a 20" that was so light it felt *cheaper* than a plastic toy from a dollar store. But before and after that early transition to Mexican assembly, Sony is known for their heavier TVs.

I've owned two large Sonys and both were 200+ lbs. at least. But I guess I'll also admit that I've owned very nice non-Sonys that were much lighter despite a large tube.

Not to challenge you (or open myself up to embarrassment), but what is the model number of that 36" Sony?

>> No.1622840
File: 1.23 MB, 2048x1536, IMG_0078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna try asking about this again since there seem to be more people posting now.

I picked up a 27 inch FD Trinitron recently and while it's quite nice the component does not seem to be working at all.

First off, when you switch to the component input (even without any device plugged in and powered on), the whole screen is a solid blue instead of the usual black. Everything remains blue even with something plugged and turned on, and the image seems to have trouble staying focused - it often gets distorted and seems to "jump" before returning to normal, if that makes any sense. It seems that there is a lack of green coloring in the picture - there is red and blue but no green. See the attached image - the letters are red but everything else is blue.

I tried using both my PS2 and my Wii. Both of them work fine on the same TV's composite. I tried using them with component on another TV - again, fine. Someone nearby does TV repairs and told me that he does service CRTs, but I'd like to know if this is something I can conceivably fix myself before I spend money on it, especially since it seems to be an issue solely with the component inputs and not anything else about the TV.

>> No.1622847

You have a broken or shorting out Luminance signal. It's the green plug. Does the jack itself feel kinda wiggy? Chances are you can just crack it open and resolder the connections on the jack and it'll fix it.just don't touch any big scary looking coils or the anode.

>> No.1622853


Jack doesn't feel all that wiggly. I'm probably going to have a look at it tomorrow.

>> No.1622858


I've still got the notes I made over a year ago. It was a KD-36FS170.

The one I settled on is a KV-27FS100.

Not terribly concerned about the chassis. It stays in one piece and the tube is great.

>> No.1622918

>Pick up redundant 14" BVM from broadcasting centre cheap
>Thing weights fucking 40kg
Jesus Christ

I can't even test it because it only has BNC input.

>> No.1622930

That model's not 165 lbs., it's 216 lbs. unpacked.

>> No.1622936

I picked up a 32fs100 about a week ago from a garage sale for 15 bucks. This one any good ? I played some ps1 through component and genesis briefly but haven't had enough time to truly test it. They looked great. I managed to pick the thing up by myself, any1 know how much it weighs?

>> No.1622950


It's the 32" models that run 165lb. You may not want a KD set for /vr/ anyway. They're digital. Don't know if they display analog natively or run it through an ADC though.


Yeah, that's a great set. Weighs 165lb 6oz.

>> No.1623018

>You may not want a KD set for /vr/ anyway. They're digital.
KD only refers to them having digital tuners, meaning they can legally be sold as HDTVs instead of "HD Ready" in the U.S.

>> No.1623039
File: 17 KB, 337x450, 00P0P_hIV8O9EwfDD_600x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorta related, but god damn I love entertainment centers that were made for CRTs. They're so classic looking and just made to have a ton of video games consoles or something.

>> No.1623103

I've seen some horrible ones in my day, but the simple and clean ones are very comfy (not to mention increasingly nostalgic).

>> No.1623108

I had that exact cabinet.

NES games would go in the bottom. Parents stuff in the top. VHS tapes on the left. Cat always shitting behind the tv to the right

>> No.1623339

I've used both composite and s-video, got the same problem.

>> No.1623781

What do you guys think about bubble screen vs flat screen CRTs? I found a good Trinitron but it's flat screen and I'm not sure if there are any differences or if one is better. I just feel like bubble screens have more of that retro feel.

>> No.1623789

I'm running a Sega Genesis 1 (High Definition Graphics model) through SCART to a SCART to BNC cable. It looks great, but the picture is positioned more towards the left side of the screen and it leaves some weird overscan. There's also sometimes visual garbage on the bottom of the screen. Any ideas how I can get rid of that?

>> No.1623794

Forgot to mention, it's a PVM 1910.

>> No.1624242

And I'm going to guess you've tried it on multiple displays?

Pictures are also helpful.

>> No.1624334

No CRT has 100% geometry, so the argument just boils down to preference. Yours is as valid as any other in that regard, but it also means that you're pretty much only looking at older displays from before the time flat became the standard.

>> No.1624595

LoL I think you jumped a step in explaining to him what you're talking about

The thing about a "bubble" versus a so-called "flat" CRT is the geometry, as was alluded to. Visualize the Cathode firing its Rays at the surface of the Tube. It's located in the center of the back of the tube and they fire from a fixed point (slightly different for each color, R, G & B)

Now that we're visualizing it think about how much more of an angle the rays are firing at towards the extreme corners of the tube. When the front of the tube is perfectly flat, those rays are firing a significantly longer distance and at an appreciable angle compared to the center of the screen. That's why it's always only been rational for tubes to be curved. Flat CRTs were a fad, albeit a dying fad, to compare to the look of them new fangled panel TVs for a fraction of the then-cost.

Unfortunately, all decent consumer tube TVs from that era are going to be flat. I have a 13" WEGA that balances a 1987 13" 'Tron to flank my HDTV in the living room. My wife tolerates 13" CRTs in normal areas of the house. Even on such a small flat screen, the distortion at the corners is noticeable and irritating to me, though the guts of the thing are exemplary.

That brings me to yet another reason why so many of us love 90s PVMs. They have all the bells and whistles that wouldn't appear on consumer TVs until the flat screen fad (plus a lot more obv) but they are curved. Also it's one of the reasons a lot of us consider 20 inch to be the sweet spot because when you get much bigger than that, besides using different parts in PVMs you just can't get perfect corner geometry without the tube's end literally turning into a bulb shape, which no TVs in 50 years have done and probably would look shitty anyway.

>> No.1624609

That's not the only geometric concern. You aren't going to get straight lines on a curved screen unless you calibrate it for one sweet spot and never move from that one spot. It is physically impossible.

I prefer flat CRTs but not by much.

>> No.1624931
File: 17 KB, 450x450, 1954q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /vr/, I have a quick question and hopefully someone will have some insight.

I'm meeting someone tomorrow to take a look at two pvm's he has for sale, apparently both in great condition.

They're both sony, one is the pvm-1954Q (pictured), the other is a pvm-20m4u.

One has a 19" screen and the other is 20", but I'm wondering if there are any glaring differences between these two models that I should be aware of.

I'm going to be able to test them both out, so if I see one has a clearly better picture I will definitely be taking that, but if everything else is equal will one of these models be significantly better?

I've searched around a bit and they both seem to be pretty good models and do exactly what I need (rgb and s-video), any feedback is greatly appreciated.

>> No.1624946

Pick up the 20m4u 800 lines of scanline bliss and not to mention you can do 480p.

>> No.1624978


Ok I will definitely keep that in mind, I was not aware that the 1954 model would not be able to do 480p, would that make 6th gen consoles (and some 5th gen) unplayable or suffer visually?

Anyway, thanks for the heads up.

>> No.1625497

>Want to play old PC RPGs
>Don't because I don't want to play on a widescreen LCD
I need to find a good monitor but I don't even have space on my desk.

>> No.1625518

So is "Schneider" good CRT brand for retro gaming? More specific the model STV 5186.

>> No.1625562


If you're into Amstrad CPC monitors? Yes. If you want a TV? I don't know.

>> No.1625568

ah sorry, I meant CRT TV.
Anyone have any information? Seems like can't find any..

>> No.1625586

Pretty certain the 20M4U can only go up to 480i and the only PVMs that support 480p and higher are in the L series from the mid-2000s.

>> No.1625687

How can I adjust the picture position on a PVM? It's too much to the left by about an inch.

>> No.1625702

You have to go into the service menu. Each one has a specific button combination. Google your model number.

>> No.1625708

PVM 1910. I can't seem to find the specific combination on Google. Would it be in the service manual? I would probably have to shell out a few bucks for it online, but I don't mind as long as I know it's in there.

>> No.1625773

I went ahead and bought the service manual, but I can't seem to find anything useful. I tried to post it here, but 4chan thinks it's spam.

>> No.1625926

bump for schneitser

>> No.1625928

oops schneider I meant

>> No.1626191

Is daewoo good crt tv brand?

>> No.1626206
File: 16 KB, 600x400, 00v0v_6vhWBedJtTF_600x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know anything about the thin flatscreen CRTs that were being made right before LCDs completely took the market?

Pic-related looks pretty nice and probably isn't as much of a bitch to move around as conventional CRTs. I want to know how they measure up compared to older CRTs though.

>> No.1626215

I've heard those had a lot of issues with geometry. I would stay away.

>> No.1626242

Korean brand that didn't market in the U.S. I wouldn't place them on a list of well-regarded CE manufacturers.

Bad geometry and poor QC.

>> No.1626271


I'll pass on it in that case.

>> No.1626279
File: 1.18 MB, 2304x1728, 100_0874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Some Daewoo monitors made it to the US market, disguised as Commodore monitors likes the 1085S. I have one and I have nothing to say against it. Also, they're better than the Toshiba-made Commodore 1081 monitors.
However, I don't know shit about their TVs.

>> No.1626294

I think most people sit in the same spot when they look at their screen for really long periods.

>> No.1626297

Yeah, they released a few products here, including some self-branded TVs, but they never did any real marketing. Kinda like Sampo and countless other budget manufacturers.

Korean CRT TVs are to be avoided if possible, frankly. Before the mid-2000s, Korean CE manufacturers had some of the lousiest QC of all brands and were completely unconcerned by their international reputation. After they started gaining esteem in LCD and mobile, their QC picked up and now they stand among world leaders and surpass Japan on the cutting edge of quite a few things shipped in volume. In the midst of that change, they released garbage like SlimFits. >>1626206

But are they sitting in the sweet spot where they calibrated their CRTs to have straight lines? Did you think I was talking about Wii users or DDR players or what?

>> No.1626524

How would SEDs compare to CRT if they had ever actually hit the market?

>> No.1626537


SED doesn't use flicker to display a picture, so the motion quality wouldn't be as good as the CRT's.

>> No.1626540

Still fixed-resolution, would still need scaling for non-native resolutions.

>> No.1626551
File: 592 KB, 2048x1752, ckRCn4C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sony triniton xbr is by far the best crt I've ever found. I got payed to haul it from a friends apartment too.

>> No.1626558
File: 259 KB, 1151x860, by562hR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1626581


Isn't that HD though? I could imagine it being good with anything with component output (i.e. sixth gen and Wii) but anything before that.

>> No.1626593

I found a CRT deep in a closet we rarely use anymore and my dad says it was having some issues but I forget exactly what he said. He may have said something about "sparking".

Could it be a fire hazard or something if I plugged it in and tried to see if it works? Should I look around and see if there's a place I can get it checked out before I do anything with it?

>> No.1626601


Depends what kind of sparking.

He might of heard popping noises that occur after it was turned of; mine does this and apparently it's completely normal (as long as it stops doing it after a minute or two). On the other hand if there were actual, visible sparks, then it's a problem.

>> No.1626605
File: 210 KB, 1125x960, JRZ2yhI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it's an SD t.v, its a sony trinitron FD kvxbr200 made in the late 90's as it does have one component input. It has 3 s-video inputs but I have everything hooked up via a 4-switch s-video box.

>> No.1626612


That's pretty cool then. Was the XBR just meant to signify it was higher end in that case?

>> No.1626616


I asked him to clarify and he said that it sparks around the plug when it's plugged in.

>> No.1626628


Sounds like a bad power cable more than anything wrong with the TV, or maybe something wrong with the outlet.

>> No.1626634


Should I try plugging it in somewhere to see if it's the cable? And if it is, how difficult is it to replace?

>> No.1626639

XBRs are usually higher end, and some have a higher line res than a typical Trinitron, similar to a PVM.

>> No.1626642


Do try plugging it somewhere else - try a newer outlet if you can, and avoid using a power strip.

>> No.1626656

One of my neighbors throw out a Sony Trinitron KV-20V50 this morning. It's still fully functional despite having been manufactured in 1993. Couldn't find my camera so I found these stock images.

>> No.1626660
File: 149 KB, 1281x480, KV-20V50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my image

>> No.1626668


Noice, did you take it?

>> No.1626690

Yup. Already have a Sony Trinitron KV-27KS13 but I'm sure I can give both of them some love.

>> No.1626694

>Was the XBR just meant to signify it was higher end in that case?
That's always what it means. Every other explanation is just backronym'd in.

Oh God. OH GOD.

I bought this TV back in the day and I tried to make do with it while I left my 20" ProScan in another home. See >>1622774.

It's made in Mexico, yes? And if you press on the side, it feels like you could crumple or puncture it very easily, yes?

That thing went right back to the store. Should work okay if you're lucky, but those were dark days for Sony. I've mentioned this a few times in these threads before, but I never thought I'd see anyone ever post a V50.

>> No.1626707


Alright. I'll get it out of there tomorrow, test the plug, and come back if there's any problems.

>> No.1626717

>It's made in Mexico, yes? And if you press on the side, it feels like you could crumple or puncture it very easily, yes?

Yup lol. It's working fine for now though and as mentioned earlier I still have Sony Trinitron KV-27KS13 fully setup in the living room.

>> No.1626774


Yep, it was the complete lack of features, the so-so image (for a Trinitron), and the cheap construction that made me realize I could be spending my money on a better TV from a different brand instead and have enough left over for games. But as a free secondary TV for retro vidya these days, I'd keep it too.

(For anyone who doesn't know, the V50s were considered the best of the basic models and their biggest distinguishing feature from the lower models IIRC was that they had S-video.)

>> No.1628108

opinions on B&O tv?

>> No.1628247


Generally pretty good and on the higher end. Some of the TVs they made towards the end of the CRT era are amazing.


That said, like with any brand, the quality of an individual model is much more important that the brand as a whole.

>> No.1628257

My TV only supports PAL60 and my GPU only has HDMI/VGA/DVI outputs so I'm pretty much fucked. The Wii seems like a pretty decent emulation machine, but I just wish it supported different gamepads.

>> No.1628308

You can get a playstation to wii controller adapter.
and there's a fuckton of adapters to playstation.
so potentially you could even go saturn -> playstation -> wii.

>> No.1628808 [SPOILER] 
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Okay, so I got it out and right when my dad saw it he said it was the one that was having the problem and he didn't want to risk plugging it in. How much does it usually cost to fix one of these things? Not even sure if there are any places around me that would do it.

If only he were real...

>> No.1628859


Apparently there are more CRTs in this house than I thought cause I found another. However, when I plugged it in, I saw a little spark. Guess I shouldn't use this one either?

>> No.1628929

I have a JVC Master Command III. It's shit, and it only takes coax. What do I do with it?

>> No.1628967


>How much does it usually cost to fix one of these things?

Enough that you'd be better off finding one off of craiglist. Although it depends what brand and model it is I guess.

>> No.1628971


And would it be better not to risk it with the second CRT? It was just a little spark but I'd rather not have a fire hazard.

>> No.1629040


I really doubt it would just suddenly start burning. If it was sparking a lot it could be a fire hazard at least in that it could ignite something, but it's not going to just suddenly combust. Keep an extinguisher nearby if it makes you feel safer.

>> No.1629247

Friendly reminder that Ninja Gaiden is a hell of a lot easier without input lag.

Been emulating on a portable and I figured input lag wouldn't be a problem since there's no resolution scaling bullshit.

That frame or two difference that it takes for the lcd to update is the difference between maybe beating the last boss and consistently winning.

>> No.1629332


All power connectors will arc when plugged in. It's that brief instant before contact when the prongs and outlet are close enough to be a spark gap.

Usually this arc is too low energy to be seen, but for something high draw like a CRT TV or major appliance it's not unusual for the arc to be visible.

>> No.1629343

As long as it works, put it on Craigslist for free and advertise it as working and ideal for pre-crash systems, Atari 2600, etc.

I picked up a handy little coax-only Magnavox for that.

>> No.1629346

Minor arcs like that are often insignificant.

If you like, you can just put them on a surge protector with a switch. Turn off protector, plug everything in, turn on protector, turn on TV.

>> No.1629350

That's probably a bad board, depending on the use of that specific board, or failing caps.

If you don't mind opening up a crt you can generally figure it out from there ;)

>> No.1629361


This. Getting a PVM/BVM or a shinny WEGA isn't the best way to play with these consoles, but getting a good old 70s and early 80s TV with coax input only will be perfect.

>> No.1629475


>avoid using a power strip.
>put them on a surge protector

I'm confused. Is there a difference?

Also, sorry if I'm asking dumb questions, but would it be a bad idea to put it on carpet? I don't really have much to put it on at the moment.

>> No.1629523

Well a surge protector will have overvoltage protection but I'm not of the same opinion as the other anon who said to avoid even regular power strips. My advice was just to allay your fears of sparking as you plug in the TV, since the surge protector will have a switch on it. IMO, chances are that the TV has no problems if all you're complaining about is sparks as you plug it in.

Curious, what country do you live in (to determine the local electrical standard)? Do you have proper electrical wiring including circuit breakers (fuse box)?

BTW, don't put major electronics that get warm on carpet full-time. You might be fine, but if electronics manufacturers are always recommending against it to reduce their liability, you should probably follow that advice yourself.

>> No.1629942


I live in the US and yeah, I do have a fuse box. Guess I'll have to find a surge protector and something to put it on.

>> No.1629952


I'm going to open it up right now to check it out. It's had about two days unplugged to discharge so it should be pretty safe. What should I look for once it's open?

>> No.1630453
File: 41 KB, 640x480, HNI_0089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sylvania CRT
I think it's the same as one of the two I have in this pic, right?
Does yours say something like "Manufactured: June 2002" or something like that?

I might use mine for NES/SNES if I get the chance.

Also, sorry about the pic's slightly shitty quality, the only camera I had with me is the 3DS camera.

>> No.1631617

You could always plug it into a gfci outlet if you're really concerned about it.

That should protect you and the rest of the house if there is a problem. Aren't they code for garages and outdoor plugs now?

>> No.1631782
File: 163 KB, 1115x836, unnamed1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine is a SHARP brand crt, what's your opinion?

>> No.1631784
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>> No.1631872

Picture looks a bit too soft, and there's color bleeding.

That's actual SNES, right? What kind of connection are you using?

>> No.1631905


Turn off this lamp please, its light is spoiling you pics anon.

>> No.1631913
File: 39 KB, 604x453, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RCA. I think the tv's dirty is why looked soft, and I just noticed the color bleeding. :/

Sorry anon.

>> No.1631914
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>> No.1631917


Thanks anon, now that's pretty nice.

>> No.1631920
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>> No.1631969
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master race


>> No.1632408
File: 45 KB, 350x350, ohh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Grandad says he has a 14-16" CRT that he bought new about 4 years ago. I know when he worked he used to do analog stuff, so is this likely to be a high quality professional model? I won't be able to visit him for a while to check it out.

>> No.1632464
File: 111 KB, 366x459, 942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there even such thing as 16" tvs?

>> No.1632474

There are more things in heaven and earth, Anon, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

>> No.1632478
File: 64 KB, 600x672, lg_serie_1_retro_crt_tv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is he Korean?

>> No.1632508


It could be a professional at that size. Alternatively it might be a portable or a shitty one with a VCR/DVD player build in. Like idk ask him about it.


That thing is adorable.

>> No.1632526
File: 42 KB, 600x327, lg_retro_serie_tv_color_modes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reason I asked about anon's grandpa is because that CRT TV is 14" and was released new in Korea/Asia in 2010. Only mono sound and composite input supposedly, but it has a digital tuner and wireless remote, plus it's color with extra black & white and sepia modes.

>> No.1632829

Do PAL Sega Master Systems natively output RGB? Because I connected my SMS to my PVM via my Mega Drive's scart cable and got a really fucked up picture and no sound. Just loud buzzing.

>> No.1632873

>Do PAL Sega Master Systems natively output RGB?
Model I's can, Model II's cant.
>Because I connected my SMS to my PVM via my Mega Drive's scart cable
Mega Drive 1 uses a different RGB cable to the Mega Drive 2, so you might want to check that out. A Mega Drive 2 cable wont work with a Master System I. Alternatively, the SMS could be the problem.

>> No.1632881


It's a model 1 SMS and a model 1 MD cable. I knew that the first models of those two systems shared the same AV ports so I figured if the SMS output RGB that using the MD's scart cable shouldn't be a problem. It is modded and running in 60hz though. Would that affect it?

>> No.1633171
File: 205 KB, 1600x1200, sony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone is selling pic related (Sony KV-13FS110) near me for $40. 13'' is exactly what I was looking for but the price seems a little steep. Is it worth it?

Pic is from Google but you get the idea.

>> No.1633197

A little high, but I'm using to getting these for free.

>> No.1633205

Fair enough. How's the quality compared to something like a PVM?

>> No.1633214

Flat screens typically have minor, unsolvable geometry issues, but at that small size it won't be a problem.

PVMs will accept higher quality input, although that TV might have component in, which is very nice.

>> No.1633223

Yeah, it has component in, that's what drew me to it initially. Sounds like it's not bad. Gonna see if I can haggle for a bit lower. Thanks anon.

>> No.1633446
File: 42 KB, 100x178, an_spinning_flaming_skull.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a component to RGB SCART adapter?

>> No.1633481

Yes. Google "component rgb transcoder".

>> No.1633849

Is your PVM European? It might be using Japanese 21-pin RGB instead of SCART.

>> No.1633885


I'm not sure if it's European but it doesn't actually have a scart input. I'm using a breakout cable. Every other console I connect to the monitor via scart works perfectly too, and that's about 6 of them.

>> No.1633893
File: 97 KB, 1000x784, 1393556185765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the RGB cable for your Master System SCART? If so, it might be wired for Japanese RGB-21 instead of EuroSCART. You'd either need to find a cable wired for EuroSCART or buy a RGB-21 to EuroSCART cable.

>> No.1633936


>Is the RGB cable for your Master System SCART?

The eBay listing for it where I bought it from says it is.


>> No.1634085

>Flat screens typically have minor, unsolvable geometry issues
All CRTs do, and curved screens have their own unique issues that are also alleviated on smaller screen sizes.

>> No.1634236
File: 15 KB, 600x400, 00606_jo5QFl5odSV_600x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the Dynex DX-R24TV any good? It looks pretty nice, plus I'm looking for a mid-size TV since I have trouble lifting larger TVs.

>> No.1634247

I manage to lift and move my 29" samsung, which is 105lbs, while my weight is ~125 lbs.
But it's shitty TV because of big flat screen and geometry issues. You should think only about image quality.

>> No.1634412

The problem is even worse on flat screen CRT's, especially low profile ones where they try to get the electron gun as close to the screen as possible. There's a reason why PVM's and other many other high quality monitors are deeper than they are tall or wide.

>> No.1634442

>especially low profile ones where they try to get the electron gun as close to the screen as possible
Yep, I've posted things about SlimFits and similar designs before. Like said above, small tube size alleviates many geometric issues displayed by both round and flat tubes.

I only mean to say that round tubes are not free of their own unique issues. "Flat" doesn't automatically mean "bad" or even "worse" compared to round tubes for games or any other application. They have unique characteristics. I like deep flat tubes.

That's one of Best Buy's house brands. That TV is almost guaranteed to be a rebadge of some base model that is also sold under many other brands.

Looks like a 24" round tube SDTV with component and S-video inputs and an ATSC tuner so it can be used with broadcast TV in the U.S. even today without a decoder box. It looks like it has no comb filter, so composite might look mediocre on it. Component and S-video should definitely be used instead for improved quality.

The most important thing, actual image quality, is something I can't describe without having watched something on one in person. I'd expect something in line with any other no-name Chinese tube, but I can also tell you that I've been surprised by the quality of such things before.

>> No.1636032

Any luck with this, anon?

>> No.1637675
File: 89 KB, 800x600, 4534254354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a PVM 2030 for 30 bucks, how do I RGB?
What are all these weird connectors?

...how did I do?

>> No.1637746

I'm not seeing SCART or BNC connectors for RGB. Maybe you can push an RGB signal over that "CMPTR" connector?

>> No.1637771

those funny connectors are 'BNC'. Because you've only got one BNC per input you've essentially got the equivalent of composite input. For RGB you would need three of those BNC ports per input, one for each video channel. That scart-looking connector on the left definitely has enough pins for RGB but i'm not sure if it's meant for that. It might be for a wired remote?

This was still a great deal for $30 i'd say though

>> No.1637786


CMPTR = Computer

It'll accept an analog RGB signal, and it'll accept sync on a separate pin despite what the label says.

There's SCART adapters made specifically for these things:

>> No.1637819

>it'll accept sync on a separate pin despite what the label says
That's a SoG switch, not just an informative little label.

>> No.1637842

I know CMPTR = Computer, it's was just a funny abbreviation to me for some reason.

>> No.1637873
File: 429 KB, 1501x997, IMGP4330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This boss fight is DICKS. He has so much health and I keep running out of MP before I can kill him. Guess I'll have to farm MP items or something.

>> No.1637874

Vwls r nncssry.

>> No.1637915
File: 8 KB, 228x221, Too+deep+for+me+_c99a13d7cc30be63dc2599ef12a15a63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone help for a Second?

Just had a Sony Titantron come into the Store I work at.

Its a KV-20TS32 Model made back from Sept 1994.

AV Front and Back and Also S-Video. I have a Newer Toshiba but this Sony just has a hellva good picture.

Only going for $6

>> No.1637925

I'd buy it if it has good picture. Sony seems to have a pdf scan of the manual on their site.


>> No.1637952


Sounds pretty good to me.

>> No.1638103
File: 17 KB, 338x450, 00R0R_3WnaLYHYIS3_600x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is apparently Sony's top of the line XBR? Damn, this thing looks strange. I kinda want it though. 10 dollar on craigslist.

>> No.1638118

Who told you that? The seller, by any chance?

>> No.1638136


XBR according to the seller, yeah. I thought it was a little weird too since most XBRs I've seen have said "Trinitron XBR", but I asked for a model number, so hopefully he'll get back to me with that.

>> No.1638161


I just looked into a bit more and apparently what that is is the first of the XBR line, from back in 1985. I usually try to avoid TVs that are over 24" but it's nearby and ffs, it's the original XBR. I'm gonna be all over that shit if it has S-Video.

>> No.1638175
File: 30 KB, 800x600, amiga1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Five of these and a Sony PVR I got for $10.
I have options.

>> No.1638256


Noice anon. Do you have an Amiga too?

>> No.1638871

ok I'm gonna get that cable, also is this cable good for my ps1?


>> No.1639123

>I'm gonna be all over that shit if it has S-Video.

If that's an actual 20XBR or 25XBR, it doesn't. It does have a proprietary Sony RGB input though. You'd have to custom craft your own cable to use it.

>> No.1639470

My old CRT just stopped working. It served me well for ~10 years. That feels.. weird.

>> No.1639483

The AV breakouts are nice, but I'd be a bit weary about something so cheap. Such a low price would make me question whether the RGB leads are actually wired, and about how well shielded the wires are, if at all.

>> No.1639552


Any good resources for how I would go about doing this?

>> No.1639570
File: 422 KB, 1296x728, WP_20140522_16_35_04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grabbing the last few TVs I need for a game room at an upcoming convention.
Picked up the pair for $15.

>> No.1639771

The guy with the XBR got back to me, and it is indeed the original 25XBR. I think I may have figured out a solution to the weird proprietary Sony RGB input:

So there's this, which is a 34-pin RGB to CMPTR (i.e. the thing on a lot of PVMs) converter http://www.ebay.com/itm/BRAND-NEW-SONY-RGB-MULTI-CABLE-MULTICABLE-RVB-VMC-3425-/220812662361?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item336975d659

And then CMPTR to SCART. http://www.retrogamingcables.com/sony-pvm-scart-converter.html

I'd just need a male-to-male CMPTR cable and then it should - in theory - work, right?

>> No.1639774
File: 650 KB, 1632x1224, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also, here's the back of the TV.

>> No.1639823

I don't know much about CRTs, but i saw a lot of mentions of a Sony Trinitron in this thread. I went to a thrift store, and i wound up finding one for $5. its model number is "KV-13FS100". Did i do good, /vr/?

>> No.1639830


For that price you did pretty well.

>> No.1639840 [DELETED] 

How about this one?


>> No.1639849

That's a lot of money for a lot of cables you're going to be connecting inline to a 31yo TV. Make sure you like the picture before spending a single penny.

It's $5 and that's a great TV in its size class. You did great, obviously.

>> No.1639851

Oh Jesus. 29. I'm sleepy.

>> No.1639873
File: 56 KB, 303x605, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How hard would it be to just whip up some kind of cable that'll directly convert from SCART to the weird 34-pin then? I'd imagine it'd at least be cheaper.

Here's a listing of what each pin is for from a service manual I found.

>> No.1639903

They do but you have to sit real close and squint.

>> No.1639916

Personally, that looks a bit rich for my blood, but that's just me.

I'd just contact the first seller and ask directly whether it's actually wired for RGB(despite it being in the listing name). Worse comes to worst, and the one sent isn't, just get a refund on it.

As for shielding, so long as its not being run 20 feet, wrapped around 10 other unshielded cables, or used next to a microwave, it shouldn't be too big of a deal.

If you can come up with a connector that would fit in that slot, you could probably put something together with an old ribbon cable. Hell, depending on the spacing, a dremel might even be enough to get it to fit.

>> No.1639950

Sorry I deleted the post because I was going to ask for this one instead


So many different cables and no way to know if they're good, also I'm new with all this rgb and pvm thing

>> No.1639962

Considering it's so explicitly stated in the description, I'd take their word on being wired for RGB. What I said above for shielding still stands.

If I weren't running component from a PS2, I'd be willing to drop the money on it.

>> No.1640095


It's 34-pin, so an IDE ribbon cable should work then, right?

>> No.1640126

If it fits, and you're able to wire up the other end correctly, I can't see why not.

>> No.1640234

IDE is 40-pin
Floppy is 34-pin
you can try one of those, but watch out for the twist

>> No.1640359


Cable's definitely too thin to carry all the signal wires and shielding. I guarantee that thing only pushes composite+stereo to the SCART lead.

>> No.1640371


That looks exactly like the header on a floppy controller. If the connector on a floppy ribbon cable fits in there, then you need only wire the other end up to a female SCART header.

>> No.1640379


Yeah, that's what I was thinking. I didn't think it would be possible to get RGB for so cheap (10 dollars for the TV plus whatever I need for cables).

>> No.1640473
File: 499 KB, 600x900, BVM20F1U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can get a Sony BVM 20F1U for pretty much nothing around my area. Any experience with this model?
I always wanted a 20" tube. My KV-1450D is also slowly dying so I need a new one anyway.
Only downside is that the BVM has almost 30k hours of operation time. Is that a problem at all?

>> No.1640497


It depends. Just ask for a picture of the beast working, and see if the picture has any problem.

>> No.1640502
File: 82 KB, 530x584, dededeface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I recognize that collection.

>> No.1641225
File: 398 KB, 728x1296, trinitrons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picked up another one today.

>> No.1642367

How are HD CRTs for playing 6th/7th Gen Consoles (i.e. anything with component or HDMI)? I've heard people say that they have some of the same weaknesses as LCDs/other digital displays, what are these weaknesses?

>> No.1642681


Input lag.

When you feed them an SD signal, they digitally process and scale the picture up. Given how old these sets are, the scaler is sure to be slow as shit and this means several frames of latency.

>> No.1642718

>Given how old these sets are, the scaler is sure to be slow as shit and this means several frames of latency.
Sony WEGA sets have around a frame of latency.

>> No.1642874

>anything with component or HDMI
It can arguably be the best way to play 7th gen as long as you are feeding your CRT HDTV a proper native res (most often 1080i). PS2 and Xbox had almost no 1080i support, GameCube had none. CRT EDTVs are universally ideal for all 6th gen consoles.

(Ugh, I HATE "generation" assignments)

Yes, for SD resolutions on HD displays. For 6th gen, there are caveats because they are transitional technology. For 7th gen, no.

>> No.1643235


7th Gen with component should be fine with EDTVs too then, right?

>> No.1643415


Pretty sure there's no such thing. My Sony WEGA HDTV can display 480p from my Wii just fine although from what I understand, to display 480p it pretty much just goes down to 540p (same frequency as 1080i), then overscans 30 lines from the top and bottom.

>> No.1643508
File: 15 KB, 480x256, 911help.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My trinitron isn't working, every time i turn it on the standby light keeps flashing continuously. The audio still plays though.

I've read that when this happens, you're supposed to count how many times the standby light flashes, and that will troubleshoot what's wrong with it, but it just keeps flashing.

Is it garbage or can i fix it?

>> No.1643945

You're right about the way WEGAs run 480p, but there are CRT EDTVs. They're just not exactly common.

>> No.1643950

Does the tube energize? Any chance it has that problem with the power ICs? I had to replace mine, works fine now.

>> No.1643962

This isn't a CRT question, so I apologize in advance, but I feel like you guys are the best people on the internet to ask:

A friend of mine has this HDTV which is the only display at his house for a PC, and I bring over a laptop a lot and play emus and old PC games. The TV has this weird rectangle in the bottom left that updates several frames later than the rest of the screen. It's maybe 1/8 of the screen high and 1/3 of the screen wide, originating in the bottom left corner, and it usually displays what should have been in that corner roughly one second earlier. It appears to be a consistent framerate with the rest of the screen; it moves just as fluidly, but everything happens slightly later in that corner than on the rest of the screen. This happens regardless of source or input format; any PC or console does this on the TV over HDMI, VGA, composite and RF. Any idea what causes this and if there's a way to fix it? (Besides getting a CRT. He actually has a bigger CRT than the HDTV, and we play SNES on it all the time, but for obvious reasons there's no reasonable way for people who aren't filthy rich to plug a computer into an American CRT TV.)

>> No.1644068
File: 18 KB, 250x300, P124463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got a Toshiba 20AF42 for $10 from Goodwill
I realized it didn't have an input button on the front and it didnt come with the remote.
I'm having troubles wrestling with the universal remote to get it to set up and I can't get it to play vidya otherwise

Is the final product worth trying to get it working and potentially buy the remote, or should I take it back and get another?

The thing is, I'm not looking for a high tier crt, I just need something other than the digital tv I have to play retro vidya on for my battlestation without breaking the bank

>> No.1644182

Leave it unplugged from power (or switch off your surge protector) for ~10-20 minutes then try it again. Still the same problem?

>> No.1644219

I got it working I just needed to fiddle around with different universal remotes, I used a better one than the two shitty Phillips remotes I was trying.
Probably helped that the other remote was older too.

>> No.1644270

Very good retro vidya TV on paper and based on what I know of early 2000s Toshibas. Enjoy!

>> No.1644295
File: 486 KB, 409x578, Embedded File.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've a CRT on my CRT desk, does that count? it gets used to play pokemon stadium by a kid lately.

>> No.1644308


What! Why is there a CRT under your desk? Is it dead?

>> No.1644316

wasn't working too well, figured it was make a better desk stand

>> No.1644329

it would*

>> No.1644334

>box of canned sodas right next to computer

>> No.1644338

haven't seen my battlestation?

>> No.1644339

I don't know but that sounds pretty funny.

>for obvious reasons there's no reasonable way for people who aren't filthy rich to plug a computer into an American CRT TV
There are cheap ways, depending on the source and the TV. But the best ways do cost more, yep.

>> No.1644374
File: 1.47 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, /vr/. Abouy to get a toshiba MD20P1 for free from my grandmother (who's fucking awesome). Before officially taking it off her hands, is there anything I need to know about it? Is it any good?

>> No.1644428

>argue with someone about CRT vs LCD
>"yeah well enjoy your radiation"

Every time

>> No.1644441

Yeah, you'll just top out at 480p.

There were 480p-only TVs, but I've never seen one branded with the EDTV logo, yeah. Plus at least some of them didn't accept 480p input signals over component, only 480i which would be line-doubled internally (but you could use their VGA inputs to bypass the internal line doubler and send the display native 640x480ni).

Multiscan CRT HDTVs that actually switch into a native 480p mode are great for both 6th gen and 7th gen, except for 6th gen games that are not 480p (which on PS2 is the majority).

>> No.1644457

From what I see, there's only one set of inputs, composite + stereo only, and those jacks are on the front. No advanced image specs available that I can find. Pretty basic.

You might want a composite switch just so you don't wear that one input down with repeated cable swapping.

>> No.1644463

Nope, i'm starting to think that's what it is though.
yeah, i've been trying that too, i've unplugged/plugged it for 1 minute, 20 minutes, and 4 hours. and it still is in standby mode. I tried the service mode trick (display, 5, volume down, power) and now it flashes in pairs of three.

>> No.1644467


>> No.1644473

Repeated cable swapping isn't an issue. A friend and I were considering using it as the monitor for an NES-based cabinet. A significantly modified NES board will be the only thing hooked up to it. My main concern is what to do with the DVD player. The only reason I'm doing it the way is because I'm cheap and don't want to spend the money on an RGB monitor and PPU.

>> No.1644574

At least on my Sony, 480i looks and plays alright. It's 240p that has issues.

>> No.1645005

Is there any input delay when it comes to CRTs with composite being the only input option? Just got a Dreamcast from this "segunda" store here in my neighborhood which is where I'm also potentially buying the CRT from. I used the monitor tuning option in Resident Evil 2 to get my colors correct on my LCD. I was able to get the color bars to look right without the last two bars looking way brighter than the others but the blacks still look grey no matter what I change on my LCD.

I know this is a CRT thread, but are there any other color tuning methods for Dreamcast aside from the in-game tool provided by Resident Evil?

>> No.1645009


>I know this is a CRT thread, but are there any other color tuning methods for Dreamcast aside from the in-game tool provided by Resident Evil?

240p test suite.

>> No.1645026

Thanks a bunch, anon!

>> No.1645037

my master system 2 outputs rgb just fine
just look at service manuals made recently available

>> No.1646089


Don't forget to follow the instructions on the xrgb wiki. It's one of the first results when you search for 240p test suite on google.

>> No.1646748

Hey anons.
I bought a CRT with SCART following the RGB wagon guys.

It has a speaker that emits distortioned bass. Could I fix it? Do you have any ideasof how could I get a generic replacement?
The TV is about as, if not older than, I am, so getting the speaker off of another TV of the same model is unlikely.

The image is amazingly good, and being an audiophile I can't stand the white noise.
Any help would be appreciated...

>> No.1646784

Honestly you're gonna be way better off just running the sound to an external setup, especially if you're an audiophile.

You won't find much that fits into a tv cab that will put out great sound. Even when you do, it will be a project to get it all set up right.

A decent set of monitors can be had for <$200, will give you completely transparent audio reproduction that will blow away tv/computer speakers.

>> No.1646787

Not that anon, but do you have any suggestions for a good pair/brand?

>> No.1646838

The M-Audio AV40 can be found for 100-150 for a pair. They're not up to the level of the pro stuff, but for enjoying games/music you cant get much better for the price.

Studio monitors aim to deliver as flat or even a sound as possible, so you get a really clear representation of the system's sound chip. Some people are after that, but if you want something really bassy or punchy you may want to look into a set with a suboofer.

>> No.1646930

If all you really want to do is replace the speaker in your old TV for cheap instead of jumping headfirst down the long flight of stairs known as audiofaggotry, you can get generic drivers anywhere, like from a broken set of PC speakers or a boombox/bookshelf speaker that normally sounds ok (if it isn't too large). Just pick something that matches up impedance-wise with the original (4, 6, 8, 16 Ohms, etc.).


>> No.1647014

I also have a question related to this particular model, I have a set of two 6 ohm speakers, can I use them on this monitor? I know it says 8 - 16...but is it dangerous if I connect these two 6 ohm speakers?

>> No.1647464

I'm not a speaker expert at all, but it shouldn't necessarily be dangerous. If you hook those up be sure not to overdrive them. It's a monitor, not a stereo amp, so the power supply might be at risk of overheating easily from the extra voltage.

>> No.1647474

You can blow a fuse or burn some amp part if you try to drive speakers with less impedance.

>> No.1647486

Thanks for posting that. Reason I posted >>1647464 is because I was once able to use some 6 Ohm outdoor speakers on a stereo amp that was marked for 8 Oh speakers as long as I kept the volume low. I figured the amp's PS was beefy enough to take it without overheating. A PVM would have to be treated more carefully I think.

>> No.1648280

My CRT has these "arches" on the side that curve the picture in a little bet. It's worse on the right. And now recently there's been these horizontal fuzzy lines in the picture. Can anything be done to fix this?

>> No.1648306

Is it normal for a 19-inch Dell M992 to be blurry as crap at 1024x768?

By comparison, my 17-inch Dell E771p is pretty sharp even at 1400x1050.

>> No.1648549

I had a similar monitor that was like that. Try using it for retro at 240p or 480p. The blur can compliment very low res things pretty well.

>> No.1648581

>Is it normal for a 19-inch Dell M992 to be blurry as crap at 1024x768?
Are you living 4 years in the past?

>> No.1648609


Aren't we all? Look at what board this is

>> No.1648623
File: 112 KB, 500x375, 6591879795_71164863b1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I connect a VGA source to my PVM with just an RGB interface? If not, why not?

>> No.1648683

I picked up a nice looking Trinitron today at the goodwill for $10, but I'm starting to think it isn't right for me.

Everything looks too sharp like when I hook up my consoles to my flatscreen. Did I accidentally get an HD model (it has an HDMI port), or is this just how Trinitrons look?

>> No.1648697

Strictly speaking, no. "VGA" signals are 31KHz or above (480p60, etc) while the PVM expects a 15KHz television signal (480i60). Most video cards can be fiddled to output a 15KHz signal on their VGA connector, though.

>> No.1648705

>Did I accidentally get an HD model (it has an HDMI port)

It's not going to display SD sources natively, but it's got a pretty good upscaler and doesn't introduce much lag. They look godly with 480p sources (Dreamcast, Xbox, Wii) though.

>> No.1648742

Sounds like the VM setting is on. Buried in the settings there is a Velocity Modulation. Turn that off. It sharpens everything and makes vidya look like ass.

Turn it off.

>> No.1648753

I'll try finding it and changing the setting. If it still doesn't look right, I'll have to decide if I want to look for a non-HD one or live without muh scanline-based-effects (Sonic 1 waterfalls look like ass, I checked).

>> No.1649006
File: 401 KB, 838x564, vr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /vr/; I'm new and can't into CRTs; should I go for this one? Theres a pic of a manual but the text is small so I can only make out trinitron wega kv-36 of the first part of the model number.


>> No.1649030

I don't believe that is an HD model, so you would be good on that point.

If you were to get it, be prepared to bring 3 people to help move it, and know where you'll want it to stay for the next 100 years.

Read: It's going to be one heavy motherfucker

>> No.1649056

Holy mother of God, that's a KV-25XBR (or a KV-20XBR) WITH the foot pedestal! The ORIGINAL XBR TVs from 1985! I wonder if the original speakers work? Those XBRs used external speakers that were connected via speaker wire (red/black like you'd see on home theaters), but the original external APM speakers are known to go bad. Thankfully, you can use standard stereo speakers with them.
There's no S-Video, but there are multiple RF and composite inputs, plus a proprietary 34-pin RGB connector which is found on a few other high-end sony TVs and monitors from the era (even a few PVMs if I'm not mistaken)
This link might be useful for the RGB connector:

Side note: I once came across a PINK 25XBR (Very rare version, most 25XBRs are gray) at goodwill with no speakers. It originally worked, but when I came back to buy it, it wouldn't turn on properly and there was BAD smell around it. I guess I lucked out there!

>> No.1649058


>> No.1649119
File: 37 KB, 1364x769, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is this one? using it for my Sega CD and SNES concurrently, until I get my AV Famicom

>> No.1649134

Last comment

>> No.1649150

Trinitrons were god tier, about as good as you can get with a composite connection.

>> No.1649184

>arches" on the side that curve the picture in a little bet
check pincushion controls

>horizontal fuzzy lines in the picture
dunno, possible sync problems? interference?

>> No.1649217

thanks man

>> No.1649230

I would still ask for the model number to be completely sure.

And of course you'll want to inspect it before buying.

>> No.1649667

Thanks for clarifying that.

>> No.1651482

CRT TVs are garbage. My Nintendo 64 games look better than ever on my HDTV.

>> No.1651513

Would it be worthwhile to pick up a VGA CRT monitor (20" or bigger) for playing old emulated games?

I'm especially interested in running N64 (and SNES) games near native resolution since the blurry or pixelated textures and limited polygons look extremely shitty on my 1080p LCDs.

Any suggestions for around $50? I see a bunch of cheap ones on eBay but I have no idea what's good or blurry/flickery/warped.

>> No.1651586
File: 2.86 MB, 4128x3096, IMG_20140525_012109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, PC CRT monitors are great for emulation. Some purists swear by 15KHz TVs and PVMs, but PC CRTs are far easier to set up, and still look amazing in their own right, even at 480p. You can even throw in some software scanlines to make them look like PVMs.

Some good brands to choose from would be NEC, Mitsubishi, Viewsonic, Samsung, Sony, and even some Dells.

>> No.1651676

PAL user here. How many of old CRT's are capable of displaying 60hz? I was thinking of getting into NTSC gaming to play the games at proper speed and sound. I'd get a free 21" Philips plus the shipping, but I don't know the exact model number.

>> No.1651692


Most will accept 60Hz if you feed it RGB signals, as there's no NTSC or PAL standards in RGB. However, if you feed it an RF signal, composite signal or S-Video, you'll need to find either a multi-standard monitor, or a late 90s, 00s TV. Many consoles have a Euro SCART cable, so making them output RGB won't be hard.

>> No.1651712


Well fuck, correct me if I'm wrong but I think you need to mod NES in order to get it to feed RGB and I was mainly thinking of NES. Sega Genesis is one option though. Thanks a bunch for the answer.

>> No.1651714


This is the one I have for the Mega Drive so it'd be Genesis ready as well:


Here's the NES AV Scart:


>> No.1651721


Yup, the NES need a mod to output RGB.


>Unfortunately, access to this particular item has been blocked due to legal restrictions in some countries.


>> No.1651731


That's weird. How about this one:


>> No.1651738

Bullshit. Stop lying.

>> No.1651742


Same message.

>> No.1652091
File: 2.87 MB, 4928x3264, DSC_0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is about as good as a CRT is gonna look, ever.

>> No.1652094


>> No.1652162


Man, that stuff is GORGEOUS! Which model is it?

>> No.1652163


Also I just saw the price
That's a really nice grab anon, congrat!

>> No.1652206
File: 2.83 MB, 4928x3264, DSC_0014_17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It says it's 1712B. And just so that no one misunderstands, that is not a TV nor an interlaced amiga monitor or anything, that is a regular VGA monitor from the late 90s. I'm running ZSNES escalated to 1600x1200 (I know, lol) with a scanlines filter at 100%.

>> No.1652213

>had 22" flat screen CRT
>gave it to ex-gf who moved away for uni
>we break up
>don't want it back
>she gave it to one of her roomies
>mfw I play my emulators on a 40" LCD
>I actually like playing them on a huge screen like I dreamed of back then

>> No.1652219 [DELETED] 

>with a scanlines filter at 100%.

wow, i guess a real CRT isn't good enough for you, is it, faggot

>> No.1652231


Oh, I'm a fairly disapointed.

>> No.1652260

Thought it was a real SNES on a TV?

I don't really understand what you mean here, could you elaborate?

>> No.1652296


Yup, if it was a filthy filter, then it would have been pretty cool. i mean, I should have saw that it was too sharp to be a 15kHz monitor/TV.

>> No.1652309

Or you could have just looked at the styling of the bezel and known right away.

>> No.1652564

>omg that looks amazing
>its a monitor with scanlines
>nvm then it's shit

15khz purists, everyone.

>> No.1652586

I do something similar except at 480p with a large horizontal resolution. I also add some gaussian blur to horizontal axis to keep it from being oversharp and a gamma ramp to the colors.

>> No.1652694

Why would a CRT be any less "cool" when using filters?

>> No.1652713


Because it's not it's real aspect, it's just trying to make it look like something it isn't.

>> No.1652716

I fail to see the issue. A CRT with generated scanlines looks basically the same as a PVM, which are lauded to hell and back here.

>> No.1652727

Oh, so it's placebo. Ok.

For what it's worth I do have a real SNES and several TVs. Here's what it looks like on my 15"ish Sony Trinitron through RGB.

>> No.1652730
File: 2.36 MB, 4320x3240, DSCN3175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I forgot to upload the picture because sometimes I'm retarded like that. Nevermind, here it is.

>> No.1652748
File: 2.86 MB, 4320x3240, DSCN3167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some more. Yes I do like my japanese RPGs.

>> No.1652751

>Because it's not it's real aspect,

Are you one of those "muh authenticity" people? Because who really cares about that when it looks good.

>> No.1652820

I have the choice between a gateway model number u7003-01 and a samsung model number csn5987. What should i choose? Gateway is a little bigger.

>> No.1653013

Gross, way too sharp.

>> No.1653017


>> No.1653021

Nah as dumb as PVM's are coz they're so tiny, they do look a shitload better than a CRT monitor with a scanline effect overlay.

>> No.1653032
File: 237 KB, 1024x926, mariotest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What way would you go about to get RGB through a u.s trinition? I don't believe my t.v has an RGB input, they're more common in U.K t.vs correct?

>> No.1653053

I think it depends on the monitor and the exact method. My setup is exactly like >>1652586, only my monitor has a mode to increase the brightness without fucking with the black level, which makes the raster lines bloom more and look very much like a TV's. Adding scanlines at a high resolution like the Toshiba guy up there on my monitor results in it pretty much looking like nearest neighbor with black lines on an LCD, which I agree is kinda crap. Keeping the resolution low has much better results IMO.

>> No.1653064

>they're more common in U.K t.vs correct?
You're not going to find RGB SCART on any US TV, with the exception of a few Dimensia console TVs from the mid-80s.

The easiest way to go about getting RGB fed to Trinitron like that is to buy a RGB to Component transcoder (about $50 on amazon); Or at least it was. I can't seem to find it at the moment.

>> No.1653124

I didn't really care until you said ZSNES. Get the fuck out of here.

>> No.1653241

What are CRT computer monitors good for? They wouldn't be the same as a TV, would they?

>> No.1653293

Bump. Also what do i look for in a crt when i turn them on? Should i compare colors with the same content on different displays? Obviously defects in the picture would make for an obvious choice, but is there anything i could use to discern which display is better that isnt immediately apparent?

>> No.1653325
File: 2.86 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20140528_192822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh really now?

This. If you know what you're doing, 31khz CRTs are just as good as 15khz CRTs for old games, probably even better due to finer dot pitch.

Pic related, it's some Dell CRT some people would consider junk.

>> No.1653369

Older PC games and emulation.

>> No.1653380

Is it possible to make old console games look as good as they would on a TV?

>> No.1653390




>> No.1653458


Yes, see


That image was produced by

1.Creating an ultrawide 480p custom resolution (3840x480 in this case) to prevent uglyness from scaling games that have different native resolutions and to eliminate the need for multiple custom resolution modes (at least until a different refresh rate is needed)

2. Using RetroArch and getting it to use that display mode by editing config file and setting video_fullscreen_x and y and adding video_windowed_fullscreen to false, and setting video_aspect_ratio to 8.0 (which is 8:1 aspect ratio).

3. Using this shader chain to add horziontal gaussian blur, color correction, and 100% black lines that will interlace 480 line content : http://pastebin.com/TYqJ61xM - the three shaders used in that preset are in https://github.com/libretro/common-shaders

4. Increase brightness on the monitor to counteract the brightness loss from black lines. On mine, I maxed out color intensity to make it very vibrant even with the black lines, with deep blacks, though it made the color temperature around 9300K. It also made it bloom more so it looks even more natural. The brightness setting didn't really have an effect and just washed out the blacks.

>> No.1653868
File: 47 KB, 1022x766, $_57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VR I need help,

guy is offering this Sony Trinitron PVM-14M2U 14" (is this a good one)

for $85

he says it works fine,I really want one.

what should I do?

he needs an answer in 45 minutes, (some other jack ass wants to use it for an "art" project)


>> No.1653872

I know it has RGB/component, composite and it might have s-video (not sure) (also mono sound)

>> No.1653902


I want it to replace my Sony KV-13FS100

13FS100 has strange faint dark line running down the middle horizontally, also I can't really see any scanlines, just the aperture grille (even in 240p mode)

So I thought it would be neat to try out a pvm (also, how hard are they to repair?)

>> No.1653912

and I also want to buy an Extron DVS-204
good idea, or bad idea? (also for $80)

>> No.1654078

The dark line is a part of aperture grille displays. It's a dampening wire meant to stabilize the grille. As for scanlines, it doesn't surprise me you can hardly see any when the tube is such a small size.

>> No.1654095

so, would it be foolish to buy the PVM-14M2U?

is it still better then the KV-13FS100 for gaming?

>> No.1654107

Given it's an inch bigger AND it's a PVM with all the good hook-ups, yes, it is a worthwhile pickup, so long as the picture quality is good.

>> No.1654132
File: 16 KB, 640x448, Color-Genesis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope so, because I just bought it. ($40 for the unit, and $40 for shipping)

if something goes wrong, do they still have places that can repair CRTs?

also, on the KV-13FS100 I did the 240p test suite and the blue color bar is kind of messed up. is that normal?

(why is blue so much darker)

>> No.1654140
File: 17 KB, 640x448, Color-Genesis on LCD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is how it looks on my LCD

>> No.1654614

Any information is the brand Schneider good for retro CRT TV? Sure sound like German.

>> No.1654817
File: 1.03 MB, 1280x448, lol wut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should also point out that i'm using a Wii with component cables for the test.

if I do all the adjustments according to the tests it makes the picture kind of dim and dull.

>> No.1654824

does it have component/RGB?

>> No.1655048
File: 68 KB, 500x500, airplane_robert_hays_ted_striker_sweating_profusely.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go pick up trinitron from seller
>greeted by gorgeous milf with a great ass

>> No.1655163
File: 12 KB, 225x224, o real.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do tell

>> No.1655206
File: 2.68 MB, 300x206, 1396032716114.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's it.

>> No.1655381

it's sold here in EU so I guess it pretty much has 2 scarts like all here. And other one is probably RGB wired and other composite. Why? Something to do with models? It's STV 5186. I would just like to know if they're generally reliable and what's their overall quality.