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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1615098 No.1615098[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So /vr/ I'm a Gameboy Collector. I collect everything having to do with Gameboy's (games, accessories, systems). I need your help. I want to know what games I should get for it? I have all the pokemon games, all the Zelda games, both Fire Emblems, and almost done with Mario. Any other games you guys think I should get?

>> No.1615107

But I do watch porn for the story. If the context for why they are doing the things they do ain't good then I ain't gonna fiddle with my diddle over it.

>> No.1615110

If you're a Gameboy Collector then why don't you know what games are out for it? Shouldn't you have a, umm, collection?

Snark aside just go look up Racketboy or something. Come back here when you're looking for something obscure.

>> No.1615118

I do have a collection and have all the main games that every Gameboy Collector should have. I'm just looking for the fun, less-popular ones that are worth it to get

>> No.1615684

There are several games I've played just because they have pretty graphics. Video games are a visual medium, graphics matter.

>> No.1616002

micro machines was pretty fun

and evel knievel.

>> No.1616040

I watch Queen's Blade for the plot myself.

>> No.1616043


Alfred Chicken.

It's fun.

>> No.1616047


Donkey Kong Land games, Shantae (good luck getting that cheap), Wendy every witch way

>> No.1616060

game boy camera

>> No.1616765

For the Frog The Bell Tolls

Also known as Kaeru no Tame ni Kane wa Naru

>> No.1616796

So much this!

Also, no self respecting GB collection is complete without these 3 games:-

>a. Pokemon Pinball
>2. Shadowgate Classic
>d. Star Trek TNG

>> No.1616809

I guess it's now more about playing video games for the story being like watching porn for the story.

There's a few games I've enjoyed on it.

You should look into the Kirby games, Wario games and the Dragon Warrior games.

Shadowgate, Metal Gear Solid, Batman TAS, Elevator Action, Kid Dracula and Star Wars were the best ones I had when I was younger.

>> No.1616816

Gargoyle's Quest
Mole Mania
The Game and Watch games, if you don't have them already.
Metal Gear Solid is commonly recommended, too, but I wasn't a huge fan of it.
Donkey Kong '94
Donkey Kong Land I-III is pretty good as well.

Can't really think of anything else at the moment

>> No.1616941
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Don't forget about the printer. Printer Compatible Games might be a a good choice too.

>> No.1616947

motocross maniacs

>> No.1616951


To wit: this game's engine was later repurposed and expanded for The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening. The character Ralph in LA is a direct reference to the major character Ralph in For The Frog The Bell Tolls (and the frogs in Ralph's Villa are also references to his original game)

>> No.1616961
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>> No.1616965

>try to use this argument for why paying attention to the plot of a game is important and that it makes sense to criticize a poorly written game plot
>get blown off


>> No.1616980

What about porn games? Should I play them for gameplay or porn?

>> No.1616998

Why not both?

>> No.1617308


I've got that on a 32-in-1 (that was only actually 10) cart. Awesome game. Only play that and Super Mario 4 from the whole cart.

Although I'm learning to like Dr Mario

>> No.1617747

The difference is that worse graphics (video quality) can make some porn better, since some of those bitches are fucking gross close up.

>> No.1617901

>I'm a Gameboy Collector
>I have you know, Mario, Pokemon, Zelda

Is this a joke?

Be a little honest and just ask for obscure games that aren't readily listed in the 1st page of Google results for must have GB games

>> No.1618031
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You'd be surprised

>> No.1618826
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This is the hardest thing I have ever thought about in my entire life. This requires Bill Nye, Carl Sagan, that fat guy who made linux, Ghondi, Jesus, that evil computer AI from System Shock, and Gilbert Godfry to figure this out

>> No.1619014


Really? Just play it for the porn till you splurge, then play it for the game until you're horny. Rinse, lather, repeat. Hygiene is essential.

>> No.1619047

Then you're the cancer killing gaming.

If all you care about is things looking pretty then go to an art museum. Video games are for the gameplay and I'm sick of companies sacrificing that in favor of pandering to autistic children who can't bear to see a visible polygon or two.

>> No.1619061

If by "porn game" you mean something like Zone's, then there is no gameplay, just "click an option and wait for the bar to reach 100%, then click a different button".

>> No.1619067

>fat guy who made linux

None of the people who made Linux are fat, perhaps you're talking about Richard Stalman, aka "Install Gentoo guy"?

>that evil computer AI from System Shock


>> No.1619156

Same here. I sometimes grow attached to the characters and I end up loving it as a series (hentai).

>> No.1619168

What are those?

>> No.1619223


But some games can be art. Not all. But I agree with the guy, some games I chose to play due to the visuals over the gameplay - Rez & LSD Dream Emulator for example. There are also many games i play for gameplay over graphics - classic infocom text adventures, roguelikes, etc.

Dont be so binary dude, there is space for many types of games, gamers, art, artists and everything inbetween in this world.

>> No.1619239

Playing video games for graphics is like watching porn for hot chicks getting fucked.

Playing video games for the story is like watching porn for the story.

>> No.1619241

Alan Cox is pretty fat.

>> No.1619724

Playing video games for the gameplay (conventional games anyway, not the artsy stuff) is like watching porn to jack off to hot chicks getting fucked in order to orgasm

>> No.1619821

I question your sexuality.

>> No.1621009

Minecraft has horrible gameplay and graphics though.

>> No.1621098

The story in a video game would be a lot more meaningful than the story of porn since you're the one guiding the protagonist through the game (presumably).

I'd say that's a good reason to get more vested in the plot than the excuse they cook up to give context for why some chick is getting boned from behind and in the mouth.

>> No.1622630
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>> No.1622701

What a fucking retard. What's the definition of looking good to you? I have the same opinion as the guy you quoted and I did play quite a few games just because I thought they looked gorgeous from a screenshot or whatever.

These include Shantae, and Bucky O' Hare on the NES to name a few. Fucking beautiful sprites.

>> No.1622713

Do you collect loose cib or both? I can't ever find cib I have a large loose cart gb, gba and gba collection

>> No.1623175

Great Greed.
Obscure Rpg with a different control style.

>> No.1623182

Never saw myself bothering with shadowgate until I borrowed this from a friend.

>> No.1623446

Wasn't it "playing videogames for the story is like watching porn for the story"? And didn't Carmack love nice grafix? What a strange image.

>> No.1623594

I get where you're coming from. I recently watched a movie because I'm a fan of the actor in it. But when I talked to my friends after the movie, they didn't all talk about how great this actor is, they talked about the plot and other things I don't care about. It's really frustrating when I see people who are so autistic that they can't share the same the exact motives as me.

>> No.1626052

Is pokemon pinball my friend dislikes it, so much that he bought it and gave it to me