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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1602408 No.1602408 [Reply] [Original]

Post about Rollercoaster Tycoon here!

Awesome Downloads:

RCT1 recreations - updated and meticulously crafted in 2013 by Crappage for near-perfect accuracy, right down to available rides and research order (contains "Real" parks and gaming magazine parks):

/v/ pack - updated to include the latest scenarios and tracks made by 4chan users and some other communities (We're updating this file as more stuff is created, currently has 96 scenarios and 126 tracks, includes sandboxes):

UCES - includes all objdata files already extracted from each scenario upon loading, and includes tracks:

RCT2 Extras - includes the official remade RCT1 scenarios and Panda World created by Chris Sawyer/Atari, as well as different color waters and paths, the Windowed mode hack, RCT1 menu music, and some modified .exes if you need them:

Trainers - includes 8cars, ParkDat, TRG, and Save Game Modifier:

Amazing Earl stuff - adds some custom-made rides and scenery:


Helpful Resources:

RCT wiki


Knowledge Base

RCT1 Manual

>> No.1602417

first 4 OpenRCT

>> No.1602418
File: 1.04 MB, 504x447, SUPERFAST JELLYFISH.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other stuff:


-/vr/ Collab Parks- (2x2, 3x3, 4x4 and No Borders)

Burstintotreats is dead, and with it, the link for a few resources from the last OP, including the GOG download.



A free and open source game

An HTML5 driven game


(+ mirror links)

RCT2 addons from the original website (which is now dead)

Original Mr. Bones save
YOU CAN NOW RIDE IT YOURSELF: youtu.be/s78DeYIAyu4 [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]

The Time Machine and Katy's Dreamworld (User Created Expansion Sets)
More info: http://www.rct2uces.com/
Having loading issues? http://www.jumpjet.info/Classic-Games/Windows/RCT2/UCES/Avoiding_Loading_Issues.txt

New Element Designs (RCT fansite where people upload crazy looking parks)

Lunatim's Loopy Land (a small collection of downloadable rides and parks made by a talented mind)

A website made by a fellow /vr/other where you can find everything that's on this list and more:


>> No.1602424
File: 251 KB, 1280x720, p8I2tk1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fourth for collab parks

>> No.1602427

>superfast jellyfish
Good taste

>> No.1602428

Looks great. Is that an old one?

>> No.1602436

Yep. I can't remember the name off the top of my head.

>> No.1602449

I really would have liked to mirror the steep to flat piece on the lift hill. That's something for OpenRCT to fix, along with enabling a second incline lift hill on the backside like a real boomerang so that it could take the cobra roll a little slower on the forward pass. I've been playing around with various hacked shuttle coasters and the lack of a second lift hill really makes it a bitch to get the fucking train back into the station without ruining the ride. I used 8cars for the hacking.

The stats are still good nonetheless, and I really really like the loop over the station. In another design using a powered launch, I put the loop lower than the cobra roll so that the top of the loop was really close over the station, which is a bit cooler yet.

>> No.1602451

I might rerecord that gif/webm sometime this week. The shitty fps makes it seem a lot slower than it is.

>> No.1602463
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Quick, everyone make kiddie parks.

>> No.1602464
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>mfw Rollercoaster Tycoon

>> No.1602476

Is there a way to get the tree scatter function outside the scenario editor? I don't see anything in 8cars. I really don't want to place hundreds of trees individually.

>> No.1602481

...that's fucking adorable.

>> No.1602515

What's the ideal path placement? After expanding my park, guests get stuck in big crowds trying to find X ride. Same for mechanics.

>> No.1602530

what the hell?! You can have monkeybars in your park?

>> No.1602537

Scenery magic. He stacked fence pieces and then threw some support structures on top.

>> No.1602541

How do you make those fence supports on the wodden roller coaster? Any way to tilt them in mid air?

>> No.1602551

The tops of those supports are probably custom scenery pieces.

>> No.1602553

it's a very fun idea

>> No.1602554

Long time TTD player here playing RCT for the first time. These threads just make it look like so much fun... so, what exactly do I do? I downloaded the scenario packs from the OP and loaded them into RCT2, but how do y'all get started on a park? When I try to jump right into making roller coasters, I spend all my money and don't make any.

What about the game mechanics? What controls park attendance, just park rating and admission fee? What about coaster ratings: what controls the "excitement" factor? "Intensity" and "Nausea" seem to just be functions of the g forces.

>> No.1602563

The knowledge Base link in the OP has some good articles about the internal mechanics of the game.

>> No.1602568

Don't think so. Another request for the OpenRCT Wishlist™

I don't have the link handy on the guide to the ai pathfinding (maybe somebody else can post it, don't have time to search for it), but a quick and easy fix is to make an underground path network that connects points where guests get stuck

It's a really tedious process. He used the same low fences that he used on the monkey bars. For each tile, he raised the land up and placed the fences so they would be at an angle. Then use 8 cars to zero clearances and lower the land tiles. Annoying process but the results are nice.

If you want to build coasters right away, pick a scenario that doesn't use money. Otherwise you'll need to balance your budget and add smaller rides so you can afford building big coasters (or just spam a bunch of scam coasters).
Park rating, ride selection, and advertising campaigns mainly bring in attendance.

>> No.1602574

My guess would be raising the terrain so you can build them like that, then using 8cars magic to lower the land without deleting the scenery.

>> No.1602575

Post screenshots.
Basically, build in a grid pattern or branch off of a single path. Guests ALWAYS try to head directly towards something in a straight line, which means they can get stuck in dead ends a lot.
This is really cliff-notes stuff, but here we go:
Don't start out building a giant coaster. There's no shame in small beginnings. You need to build up guests and money before you can really get into the big rides. Park attendance is generally built up over time, but you will get more people when you build rides. Each and every coaster type has its own perks for excitement. Some coasters need lots of twists and turns, while others benefit from large drops. You'll start to get the hang of it with practice.

>> No.1602593

So I take it that scenery and such is totally up to me, i.e., it doesn't in any way factor into the game mechanic?

>> No.1602597

Scenery can have a really big impact on excitement, as well as coasters being intertwined with each other.

>> No.1602598
File: 125 KB, 795x641, l.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I initially was going to make an olympia-inspired thing, but couldnt get the loops to look good. I then set to work on interlocking pairs of loops, with this result. I wanted to put the mid course block section on top of a sort of mini tophat, but couldnt fit it in anywhere nicely.

>> No.1602603

Right. It's just for show. Lengths like those are for the truly obsessive.

>> No.1602606

How does the game know how to evaluate scenery that you put around your coasters though? Does it just say "if you have a scenery item really close to the track, that's a plus", or does it take theming into account etc.?

>> No.1602610

Scenery is optional, but it adds to ride excitement and sometimes guests will admire it.
Check out some of the websites in the OP. Some of them go into detail about scenery mechanics.

>> No.1602613

Proximity of objects to the ride. Specific themes/mixing themed objects makes no difference. Works for every kind of ride, so even adding greenery around your ferris wheels and little coverings over the queue will raise excitement by a bit. You'll start to notice how the ratings are generated when you play.

>> No.1602621
File: 105 KB, 800x533, enigma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It saddens me that delightful smooth twisty rides like this arent possible in RCT, and will probably require ridiculous effort to make in OpenRCT.

>> No.1602628

They are indeed custom scenery pieces, they have to be manually included in a scenario though.

>> No.1602663
File: 584 KB, 1280x720, SCR2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know there are a few extra wooden custom scenery pieces that let you add supports that normally wouldn't be possible (like steep corner supports and such) but it's possible to do those ones with ncso

>> No.1602669

Oh, huh... that's really cool.

>> No.1602673

zero clearances and MOM let you do a lot of awesome stuff but the error trappers make you want to kill yourself

>> No.1602841
File: 339 KB, 1280x768, Failure.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, against my rage-induced hypothesis it turns out the slide was in fact not keeping me from unlocking the completion for this scenario. I remade the scenario without the slide initially in it and built it in later, as evidenced by the filled in trash can button.

My second theory is that it's the water coaster. IIRC, it was listed solely as a water ride in RCT1, which makes me wonder if that has a negative effect for finish 5 scenarios, rendering them unbeatable.

Is there a way to force completion onto a scenario with 8cars or another trainer? I beat the damn thing fair and square, the least I want is to put my name under it on the selection screen.

>> No.1602907

stealing idea

>> No.1602954

I think we should have a roller coaster building competition or something.

Like make it 48 hours or something to build the most exciting coaster in X Category.

Have things like
>Cant go over certain intensity
>Cant use scenery
>Can only use 1 car

Might keep the threads flowing

>> No.1602976
File: 263 KB, 1280x768, SCR8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For le ebig parks
I'm not continuing this

>> No.1602980

That might be interesting. We'd need to set some kind of no trainer/hack/zero clearance rule too, though.

>> No.1603024

The twist is that it'll have to be an obscure coaster type, like suspended. Everyone can make a good giga, but when was the last time you saw a great suspended swinging coaster?

>> No.1603032

I would be down for that. I dont want to push the burden to you, but you seem to be the most organized, so would you be interested in running it?

If not and no one else wants to I can give it a shot

>> No.1603036

What kind of deadline are we looking at?

>> No.1603046

I would say maybe one a week. It would be a pain to do more than that, and it gives everyone time to make submissions.

>One week to submit (Monday at 12:01am to Sunday at 23:59 4chan time)
>Winner announcer on Monday and new one starts

People can just namefag, tripfag, or just submit anon

>> No.1603063

>4chan time
I think we should agree on something a little more global, like UTC.

>> No.1603068

You speaking to an amurican mate, what is this gay utc shit

I agree, actually

>> No.1603078

4chan time is p. global m8y. I mean we all see it here.

>> No.1603085
File: 4 KB, 418x92, implying 4chin servers are in Switzerland.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? So 4chan time is UTC+1 then?

>> No.1603089

Not responsible for client side modifications :^) 4chan time is sent to your browser.

>> No.1603090


>> No.1603118
File: 223 KB, 400x283, goddamnitpeople.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

id totally submit a coaster, regardless of the time zone we go with

>> No.1603130

and looking at my pic more, its my fault for not having benches on two of those spaces

>> No.1603161

I'd be down for that. A good mini suspended coaster could be challenging.

>> No.1603379
File: 364 KB, 800x600, SCR6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got done making this bad boy. Odds names it.

>> No.1603385

Name it the "Odds named it"

>> No.1603387

This guy.

>> No.1603390
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>> No.1603401

How can you play at 800x600?

>> No.1603406
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>> No.1603413

I guess it's just a habit. Just made it a little bigger, I'll see how I feel about that.

>> No.1603437

So what do you guys do while waiting for the time to run out in a scenario? I have nearly 2 in-game years to wait in Aqua Park.

>> No.1603438

I just minimize it and do other things.

>> No.1603443

Assuming I'm rolling in monies at that point, build a nice giant landmark coaster that explores the park perimeter; interweaving through other rides.

>> No.1603454

Micromanaging, prettying up the park, landscaping, crashing coasters, etc

>> No.1603472

Cram as many rollercoasters into a park as you can, such as what I tried here >>1600009

>> No.1603503
File: 564 KB, 1024x768, SCR6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got done making this. First Looping coaster I've made that wasn't a scamcoaster in a LONG time. D-did I do good?
Also, evens gets to name it, as I'm absolutely horrible at naming.

>> No.1603508
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>Very high excitement > Intensity > Nausea

Super ultra comfy mang. The ideal stats of any coaster.

>> No.1603525
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>> No.1603571
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Just finished this up. Also the first time in awhile making a non-scam coaster of this type.

>> No.1603589

What are you favorite thrill rides?

>> No.1603597
File: 36 KB, 480x308, he.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Wooden Roller Coasters
2. "Power Surge" (Also known as the claw) Rides
3. Other coasters
4. Drop rides
Special Mention: Ride through Haunted Houses (not exactly thrilling but fun)

>> No.1603606

For as much as I play rct, I actually rarely go to parks...Sucks living so far away from any.

>> No.1603610

Roller coasters of all sizes. I can't think of a single type of roller coaster I wouldn't go on.

>> No.1603616

Any of you familiar with mine ride coasters? Their acceleration mechanic is funky as hell.

>> No.1603751
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I built the coaster and then sculpted the isle up to it, and I kinda goofed on the backside. I can't be bothered to shift the coaster away from the hill, so I'm just going to soften it a little more and shit trees to hide the cliff face.

Other than that, any thoughts before I start building other stuff?

>> No.1603757
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>a looping roller coaster with no loops
Oh the irony

>> No.1603761

I wanted to build a family coaster and every other type had some stupid fucking issue that made it shitty for the task. Junior coasters dont have banked spirals and the mine ride has retarded mechanics.

>> No.1603772

Fairly good stats, but that coaster looks really boring

>> No.1603778

There's really not a whole lot that can be done without pushing the intensity higher (I believe guests with a preference for gentle rides cap at 5 intensity, so that's the target). Family coasters get a few hills and a bunch of turns. The fact that it'll be sprawling amongst several other features should liven it up.

>> No.1603879
File: 590 KB, 1024x768, SCR6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish the nausea ratings for these things wasn't so high...At least the excitement is very high i guess.

>> No.1604017

That looks like Water Park from RCT1.
Shit, time to fire that scenario up again.

>> No.1604162

>tfw you are 20 years into your park and suddenly all appeal of expanding it further goes away

>> No.1604423

>browse /vr/ct threads every night after work
>desperate to play

great memories of this game as a kid. should i buy 1 or 2? i heard the scenarios are shit on 2

>> No.1604436

The scenarios are shit but all of the RCT1 scenarios have been remade for RCT2. If you're only getting one game, I suggest you snag 2 off GOG and get whatever else you need from the OP.

>> No.1604438



>> No.1604440

>the scenarios are shit
Some of them are decent, but yes the RCT1 parks are still much better.

>> No.1604456

Well yeah, I meant comparatively.

>> No.1604481

RCT2 because just an improved RCT1 with better roller coasters / ride elements. Just download the officially remade maps for RCT1 or the accurately made user ones.

>> No.1604598
File: 158 KB, 541x488, guests.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a sandbox and guests are coming but do not make it into the tunnel. They just turn back. Is something wrong here? I didn't want the paths on land as I wanted to build a coaster over that part.

>> No.1604614

I feel like they messed up the algorithm for suspended swinging coasters and there's absolutely, positively no way to get a good one without high nausea.
A bug in RCT2 makes it so that you can't have construction rights on paths that guests use to enter the park. Sorry bro, that will never work.

>> No.1604620

So, what would you say made RCT3 worse?
I hear always that rct2 is better, but i've never really heard why exactly, what makes rct2 superior and 3 a step down

>> No.1604629

Here's something we can debate.
RCT2 had more scenery options. RCT2 had better scenarios (which is saying a lot about RCT3's scenarios, I never played them). RCT3 was also poorly optimized, I remember it taking a few minutes to load parks when you had the expansion packs. RCT3 also had a funky camera that was a pain to control.

RCT3 did get a few things right: Riding things, testing while building, more ride types, but it just lacks the charm RCT1/2 have.

>> No.1604643

testing while building better be in OpenRCT, changing a beautiful rollercoaster because the train can't crest a hill is a goddamn nightmare.

>> No.1604649
File: 250 KB, 800x600, 1359686507769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hm, sounds like it's a matter of opinion and personality. I'll download both then.
I used to play RCT 2 and 3 as a kid all the time, haven't played them since. I'm pretty hype to play them all again.

>> No.1604654

Yeah, there's no reason to not get all three games.

>> No.1604714

How do I get the windowed mode file to work? It keeps telling me VCOMP100.ddl is missing.

>> No.1604725

Havent tried it extensively, so 3 might actually be decent, but given the fact that it was one of those
>??? What? How? Why? But, the previous game…?! Fuck that!!
games, i suppose it's probably not.

I couldn't even stand to finish the first scenario. The camera was fucked up, and the fact that it couldn'd do mulitple windows was just icing on the cake. Oh well, I bought it from some sale pile at MediaMarkt, so i did only waste 5€ or something (with the water addon).

>> No.1604728

That's an odd name for a roller coaster.

>> No.1604765

Actually, you can use 8cars to temporarily invert land ownership to place the track, the invert it again and restore park border fence.

>> No.1604768

RCT3 is only decent with Soaked expansion pack (also fixes numerous annoying bugs). It's really enjoyable watching many hundreds enter your big pool complex and going on all the water rides. Combine that with building roller coasters going over it and you have a pretty enjoyable experience. Day and night cycles are nice. Would've been good to see a night cycle in RCT2 with the street lights and ride lights coming on (I prefer RCT2's art style over that 3D stuff).

Building roller coasters is more a chore in RCT2 mainly because you can't test them until a circuit is completed (use powered launch during testing to override this in some roller coasters). RCT3's construction is more forgiving and I swear you can get away with some crazy g-forces. RCT2 is very strict with the g-force stuff.

Both games have their advantages and disadvantages. I'm always going back to RCT2 and that's because I just like the way it plays and the art style. RCT3 tends to slow down as the park expands and yet having thousands of guests in RCT2 and the game just runs as smooth as butter (even on an old system it just worked well). That's probably because most of it was coded in assembly.

>> No.1604787
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I've just scrapped it and decided instead of a sandbox, I'll actually put effort into making a 100x100 scenario a bit like my own Bumbly Beach. I'm kinda wanting to have guests come in on a single path and then have the entrance in front of a road. Peeps crossing over the road with a raised path and then into the park (the road will not be owned by the park). Think this is possible...seen it done in one of the official scenarios.

>> No.1604805
File: 342 KB, 475x720, Screen shot 2012-09-13 at 2.23.16 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well in a way, you actually did make a sandbox.

>> No.1604821

top kek

>> No.1604823
File: 38 KB, 550x413, mfw this entire fucking thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1604857
File: 150 KB, 800x600, SCR43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what should I build in the rest of the hilly area?

>> No.1604861

Chairlift, intertwining coasters. Why 800x600?

>> No.1604862

Small wooden coaster that conforms to the landscape.

>> No.1604864

Why not 800x600. I've gotten used to it.

>> No.1604956

I'll get to you guys real quick with an update today, at least, I have to do some shit

>> No.1605043
File: 987 KB, 1152x720, SCR10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Built a woody on Alcatraz. For some reason they only give you backwards facing cars though...

>> No.1605057 [DELETED] 

I think it's to say America's crime system is pretty backwards.

>> No.1605061

I think it's to say America's crime system is pretty backwards.

>> No.1605079

Ain't going to happen mate. It takes just a few guys to make RCT and yet no one can make their own with different graphics and improvements?

>> No.1605085

but it is happening m8


>> No.1605095
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Executives at Atari have stated that Sawyer desperately wanted to make a sequel to the legendary franchise. The involuntary movements made during his coma expressed that RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 should be a microtransaction-filled mobile game. Furthermore, when staff members put up two signs asking if the in-game paid currency should be tickets or jewels, Sawyer eagerly pointed to tickets by twitching his left eye. All of this shows how deeply involved Sawyer was throughout the entire process.

“Development of the game was completed within a week,” said Atari CEO Frederic Chesnais in an interview, “He was making decisions so quickly even in his coma. It was amazing how he explained that Facebook should be deeply integrated into every facet of the game just through the trembling of his fingers. It was even more amazing to see him silently demand that we put in time restrictions on nearly everything from collecting money to building new rides. This is game development at its finest.”

A breakthrough occurred when doctors reported that Sawyer was coming out of his coma and started moaning "nooooo" for no apparent reason. It happened right after he said through interpretive breathing that the game should cost three dollars on top of already having microtransactions. While some staff at Atari panicked at this development, others viewed it as a way to release the game as fast as possible at the behest of Sawyer.

Chris Sawyer has reportedly fallen back into a coma after learning that RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 Mobile exists.

>> No.1605098
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>> No.1605116

If you've ever wondered where Chris has been all those years...well he's been riding roller coasters around the world it seems.


>> No.1605125

The cars symbolize that even if you try to escape, you'll only end up where you originally were.

>> No.1605147

Whoever made the scenario probably just selected it thinking it was the forward facing cars. Bush-league mistake. yes, I know it's an official park

>> No.1605162

Isn't that the whole point of a roller coaster, though?

>> No.1605173

Yes but this time it involves a jail

>> No.1605208

What shitty hills.

>> No.1605221


>"I wanted to have a gameworld on the screen with little vehicles all going about their business," Sawyer says, "something that was fun to watch as well as rewarding to play."

the quote refers to transport tycoon, but i think he nailed it in RCT as well. I love taking moments to just look at different areas of my park, seeing peeps run around, handymen cleaning puke, coasters flying by... maximum comfy for me

>> No.1605280

So I just spent an hour creating a scenario and at the last step pressing the save button does nothing. It just re-highlights the window

>> No.1605284

Maybe the resolution changed, try clicking around it

>> No.1605307


nope, won't even let me save the landscape. This is the worst

>> No.1605327


>> No.1605339
File: 744 KB, 1280x1024, SCR46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spend over an hour fixing problems with not making it over hills
>Finally test it
>See this

Fuck. Im gonna take a break

>> No.1605341

Does it let you use Save Landscape?

>> No.1605346


nope, same thing happens

>> No.1605349


8 inversions is a bit high for compact coaster, take out a few and make sure the trains don't go through them at high speeds

>> No.1605403
File: 484 KB, 800x600, Screen Shot 2014-05-07 at 9.10.32 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been a while since I built a coaster. The intensity is way higher than I wanted it to be.

>> No.1605405


>> No.1605406
File: 795 KB, 1280x1024, SCR47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally had time to finish this scenario

>> No.1605416

There's something nightmarish about that park. Dreamlike and terrifying. The big pair that look like a Fourier transform, maybe.

>> No.1605423
File: 714 KB, 1594x917, not from reddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could someone be so kind as to link me to some vanilla-esque scenery downloads? I want to make something like this.

>> No.1605435

Yeah I went for pure building and no aesthetics. But that water mang. It made life hell.

I may go back one day and empty the lake and do it again, this time pretty

>> No.1605468

[Comfort intensifies]

>> No.1605515

I really can't wait for the day Open RCT2 is complete. I dream of having 20-30K guests in a park that is 50x the size of today's limits. This was my largest problem with these games.

>> No.1605634

What is your favorite roller coaster? As in, do you have a favorite in real life? Do you have a favorite in-game?

>> No.1605637
File: 25 KB, 445x287, screenshot1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw it's easier to make curved land like this rather than drag each corner piece

just raise up land one square away and then down. it does two at a time vs. 4x dragging corners (always accidentally pull the whole square down).

If you're making scenario where you want a lot of the land to be equal all the way, you can start with a tiny map size and then expand it. It should make the rest of the land match (including water) with the adjacent tiles).

>> No.1605639

irl, my favorite wood coaster is El Toro and my favorite steel is Maverick.
In game, my favorite coasters to make are wooden coasters and steel looping coasters.

>> No.1605648
File: 68 KB, 500x500, WildWavesTPWood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have ridden three roller-coasters in my life. A tall woodie on a fairgrounds, Timberhawk at Wild Waves, and the Kiddie Coaster at Wild Waves as well. Not a big coaster person, but I did like the Kiddie Coaster. Maybe I'm just a giant pussy.

Here's Timberhawk.

>> No.1605652

My favorite in real life would be most wooden roller coasters. I don't go to very many parks, most being local fairs and boardwalks on vacation. Anyway, my favorite roller coaster is The Beast, from Kings Island.

In-game, my favorite would have to be the Twister Roller Coaster. Even if I make them look extremely intense, they always turn out smooth and have an excitement higher than intensity. A close second would obviously be the Giga, though.

>> No.1605675


>> No.1605683

IRL, I would have to say either Top Thrill Dragster at Cedar Point or Raging Bull at Six Flags Great America. Millennium Force at Cedar Point would go up there if my cousin hadn't ruined the ride for me.

In RCT I would say any twister variant or giga.

>> No.1605689

>Millennium Force at Cedar Point would go up there if my cousin hadn't ruined the ride for me.
This has to have a story.

>> No.1605697

It's nothing eventful, when going over an airtime hill she decided in a state of panic to reach over and grab my stomach, making me feel nauseous to the point of almost getting sick on the ride.

>> No.1605730
File: 32 KB, 500x375, Img_1225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wooden: The Phoenix @ Knoebels (Dat fucking airtime)
Steel:I donno, I REALLY REALLY enjoyed Skyrush (Those fucking wing seats at 10/10 fear factor)

>> No.1605731

Wait.... roller coasters are real?! I thought it was just for a game.

>> No.1605745
File: 25 KB, 399x299, dreamlandfiremargate1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no local theme parks anymore

pretty sure they burnt down the listed ride so they could build over the land. I need to recreate this in RCT. There's a good 80s video of this coaster somewhere on youtube.

>> No.1605746

I still remember my first ride on Phoenix. Probably the most I've ever laughed on a coaster.

>> No.1605760

You guys know /int/ is going to a European theme park (in Germany somewhere) based on various locations of the world? Think it's Europa-Park.

>> No.1605828

I know.

>Tfw you can't really remake it in RCT2 cause of the intensity

>> No.1605861

It's hard to say for me because I mainly go to Disney World. I've been to Universal's Islands of Adventure and Seaworld once.
Disney is great for aesthetics. Everything in their parks look great. Big Thunder Mountain and Space Mountain are fun.
Seaworld had some great coasters and when I went on a senior year field trip it was completely empty. My friend and I ended up riding Kraken and Manta about 8 times that day. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4jd5GshQa8

>> No.1605874

Kraken is awesome. What a view. I went on it ten years ago.

>> No.1605926

I like it.
I wish I was good at laying scenery out nicely.

>> No.1606061

I'm gonna hate myself for asking but does leddit have a decent RCT sub or do we do everything they do only better? I for one think we still need a master folder of /v/+/vg/+/vr/ custom scenery objects. I still can't find wood-dir anywhere.

>> No.1606075

Donno if its good or not but its r/rct

>> No.1606109
File: 272 KB, 592x398, holocauster tycoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey, found this in my 4chan folder.

>> No.1606116

Hahaha this is so good I wanted to send it to my friends... And then I remembered that probably would raise a few eyebrows.

>> No.1606126
File: 718 KB, 1024x767, RCT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Micro Park?

whats the max guests I can have in my park without computer crashing?

>> No.1606130

Trick question. I think the sprite limit keeps it below 7,000 though.

>> No.1606134

"It's too crowded here."
"I'm lost!"

>> No.1606138

It still amazes me a 1999 game could run so well with thousands of guests doing their own thing.

>> No.1606152

A while back I used 8cars to spawn as many guests as possible for the purpose of killing them. In an empty park, I hit the sprite limit at 9600 guests.

They obliterated my framerate, and my cpu is at 3.8GHz.

>> No.1606162

Was the frame rate drop because they were all in one place? I feel like maybe if they were spread out it wouldn't hurt your frame rate so much.

>> No.1606174

That's likely.

>> No.1606185
File: 151 KB, 897x582, twister.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a compact twister. Crammed a loop, immelman, sea serpent roll, corkscrew and barrel roll along with some turns in there. I'm guessing the stats are a bit lackluster because it's short. I did what g-force tuning I could with a couple trim brakes.

>> No.1606194

Cozy. Would ride.

>> No.1606205

It needs a name.

>> No.1606212

I suck at names. I dont study literature sufficiently for some reference to its size to come to mind, and most other names are just goofy arbitrary themes.

>> No.1606213

Color it brown and give it a candy bar name, in that case.

>> No.1606224

u wot

Maybe I'll pick some nice adjectives and throw them at that snickers site.

>> No.1606238

Call it Finnegans Wake because it's dense and too intense for some people.

>> No.1606239

It's compact and oval-shaped in layout. Like a candy bar.

>> No.1606241

Color track brown and make the train white. Call it it Turd Worm.

>> No.1606303

I've been there a few times. The Park has different scenery-areas based on european coutrys. Beware of the indor coaster eurosat. It used to be a lot smoother than it is now.

>> No.1606306

yeah...that's why the park choice was quite fitting for /int/. I'm not going anyway as I have social anxiety.

>> No.1606352

That's perfect.

One of my English professors, a guy with his doctorate and years of teaching experience, even had trouble trudging through that.

Then I tried it at some point and cried long before finishing.

>> No.1606429
File: 208 KB, 800x600, botanic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup /vr/
I want to share this beta autismal scenario.
Is unfinished by myself beacuse school etc...
But I want to see how do you develope it along the botanical theme.


>Things to add next:
>More area size
>Finish desert
>Sand houses
>Sequoya forest.
>Ocean cliffs
>Lost aztec/tribal temple region

>> No.1606439

Damn, that's a pretty park. I'll dick around later on it, I too have finals well into next week.

>> No.1606515
File: 407 KB, 2142x712, w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't handle how delightful these side-by-side 45 degree tracks and automatic support tunnels are. The stats are a bit shit though. Any idea why? Do I just need to reign in the vertical gs?

>> No.1606560

>not r/ct
Reddit unquestionably confirmed pleb.

>> No.1606580
File: 359 KB, 2150x500, w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright; I deem it finished. Someone name it.

>> No.1606587

But I thought he started drawing furry porn

>> No.1606591

never heard this, sauce?

>> No.1606597

Look up Chris Sawyer on deviantart. Different Chris

>> No.1606598

Back about a week or so ago, someone googled "Chris Sawyer" in Google Images, and found a ton of furry porn

>> No.1606881

I tried that the other day and got the same shit.

>> No.1606882

Little Big Dipper

>> No.1606942

Anyone here good / great with mine trains coasters?

The collab park needs somebody who's good at them, to finish off the remainder of this train through some cliffs. Please contact me by email or skype.

>> No.1606983
File: 839 KB, 450x402, 1368481976250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>starting new park, been working on it for a day
>doing nothing, waiting for new ride to finish being invented or whatever
>suddenly my park plummets to 0
>look around at park
>there's a regular section of trail that was never a problem before, that suddenly now everyone is getting stuck in

fuck this shit

>> No.1607032

The furry Chris Sawyer is American. RCT Chris Sawyer is from the UK.

>> No.1607241

Finally got around to filling in part of my hilly area. First odd gets to name it something serious

>> No.1607254

Hilly billy

>> No.1607260
File: 237 KB, 800x600, SCR45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit forgot screenie

>> No.1607297

Tree on the Hill.

>> No.1607314

Got it

>> No.1607379

How do I make my guests ride the fucking trains i set up?

>> No.1607487

Miniature railroad, or what?

>> No.1607525

I tried monorail and trains, both do not satisfy my guests unquenchable thirst for blood

>> No.1607529

They're popular with everyone when it rains, but on fair weather days, only guests who enjoy low-thrill rides will actually go on them. You can always try marketing.

>> No.1607567

>Tfw I have completed all the Pay per Ride scenarios ;_;

How do I even go about the Pay per Entrance ones? They seem way harder

>> No.1607582

There's a few strategies we've talked about. Some are reasonable and some are absurd. You can close the park every now and then and force people to leave with no-entry signs, then re-open the park, you can avoid building cash machines, or if you're a real asshole, you can avoid building bathrooms.

>> No.1607610

Make it easy for guests to enter, have fun, and get the fuck out. The more amenities you provide (food, restrooms, ATMs) the longer they'll stick around, which means more guests can't enter. You want to put a bunch of exciting rides in as little space as possible so the guests get happy and leave before their happiness decreases.

>> No.1607616

Cool thanks. Is there a way on 8cars to switch them to pay per ride? (I never used it)

>> No.1607619

You can do it in the scenario editor. This won't work in scenarios that already have rides.

>> No.1607820
File: 292 KB, 1030x796, the good end.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well this was a fun map.

>> No.1607830

Oh shit i'm doing that one now, those fucking guests are bloodthirsty, only want intense as fuck coasters. they fucking love those ones that launch straight up though. Also i deleted the hanako coaster for cash cuz nobody used the fucking thing

>> No.1607836

I just added a ton more turns on it. Also watch out, Rin's ride crashes. You gotta change the thing so the chain lift isn't at the end.

>> No.1607849
File: 158 KB, 513x572, 2492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? I never had a problem with Rin's ride. Only on year 3 now, my strategy is just fucking LIM or whatever coasters.

Only coaster I modified was Misha's, since nobody gave a fuck about that one either. Added some loops to the end and now everyone is all over it's dick.
Also i thought it was pretty funny for awhile how everyone lines up for blocks to ride emi. it's just fitting

>> No.1607857

I tried to do a little bit of everything: Giant hyper-twisters, godly gigas, large twisters, a few inverted coasters here and there, and the occasional vertical coaster.

>> No.1607859

I'd do gigas but oh god the money, i'm still new to rct

>> No.1607864

8 years is a long time in-game, you should be rolling in cash by the end.

>> No.1607873

The Squid

>> No.1607929

One thing I like to do for rollercoasters that don't really interact with the terrain is to design them exclusively in the designer. That way you don't waste ingame months on a coaster that turns out has crap stats, and have more time to build comfy scenery.

Also helps flesh out the rollercoaster premade design menu with your personal designs.

>> No.1607960

yeah i really need to do that, thanks anon.

i haven't played this game since i was like 9 so i'm sure i'm fucking everything up

>> No.1608056

This is sensible advice.

>> No.1608060

The comfortable squares collab is still mostly empty, now's the time to claim a spot.

>> No.1608073

I wish I actually had the time to do a collab, but with classes, I don't really want to hold on to a segment for a long time.

>> No.1608076

>implying Amplify is done with his part

>> No.1608081

Is he that one person that is currently holding on it for almost a year or however long it was.

>> No.1608082

No, that's a few others. We cleared the front page, it's all current stuff. Amplify is working on three slots until someone else signs up.

>> No.1608096

Would you ride /rctg/?

What should I name her?

>> No.1608104
File: 161 KB, 648x445, boner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1608105

i wouldn't ride it because it doesn't exist

i'm sorry

>> No.1608106
File: 537 KB, 1280x1024, SCR48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my pic

>> No.1608107

name it "I can't upload files on 4chan"

>> No.1608108

Stimulus Package

>> No.1608112

Ah, okay.
I don't even think I would be extremely great at it because aesthetics isn't my strongpoint.

>> No.1608119

i'd want to, but i'm still new to the game so mine would turn out terribly

>> No.1608129
File: 598 KB, 1280x1024, SCR50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I kind of like that name. Added Green for obvious reasons.

Practice on sandbox, its not hard to gitgud

>> No.1608137

oh I thought the red white and blue was like an america theme

>> No.1608141

Making a new scenario. Yeah, I know, this fag making another.
Was thinking of more of a coastal rainforest type map. Any theme requests? Landscape ideas?

>> No.1608143

Nah, but it kind of makes sense cause Amurica=Money and the Stimulus Package fucked the economy

IMO a dense forest with a big ol river with a few islands might be fun

>> No.1608152
File: 7 KB, 206x144, MURRICA FUCK YEAH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1608157
File: 613 KB, 1280x1024, SCR51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1608190
File: 54 KB, 1280x800, SCR2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did what you said, played around in the sandbox, and I made THIS


I'm not very good at this. I didn't know having such a low excitement yet such a high intensity was even possible.

>> No.1608204

no turns at bottoms oh hills

>> No.1608206
File: 603 KB, 1280x1024, SCR23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, its cause people are literally dying on your coasters.

A few tips (Im sure someone has better ones)
>Only use big drops on coasters with a specific steep to flat transition (you will know it has this, cause when your building steep you can select flat)
>Only go around curves banked if >20mph. Furthermore after about 35mph try to use the least sharp curve

Your curve is killing you at the bottom of that drop

Pic related, its a twister of mine.

It took me a bit to figure everything out, dont be discouraged. I had many a coasters like that

>> No.1608212

Be honest with yourself, when building a ride, ask yourself one questions, "Would I ride this in real life?"
And Jeezus Christ a Lateral Gs of 4.35.

Also, I found a guest that can watch an entirely above ground roller coaster, from beneath the ground.

>> No.1608217
File: 244 KB, 800x600, SCR46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep forgetting screenshot like a fucking retard

>> No.1608221

He's superman

>> No.1608223

Your problem is the tight turn at the bottom of the vertical hill. Bank that motherfucker.

>> No.1608248

Would banking that shit even help when its going 66mph?

Also I am going to try and do a 420themed park in the Woodstock scenario as my first Pay per Entrance scenario

>> No.1608253

I made a eugenics coaster? That's... pretty metal actually.

Thanks for the tips anyway, i'll try making coasters that don't blow ass and break everyones necks.

>> No.1608258

Euthanasia, not eugenics, i'm retarded

>> No.1608272

Yes, it would help.
Sure, if you consider 4.35 lateral G's of whiplash to be euthanasia.

>> No.1608278

No. That would be very uncomfortable, though. It takes a few seconds of sustained 5-6g to knock a person unconscious, and 10+ seconds of sustained 10g (to fully force blood out of the brain) to kill a person.

>> No.1608281
File: 1.56 MB, 1440x900, darksouls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, well then I will repost this, a true Euthanasia coaster

>> No.1608282

>10+ seconds of sustained 10g (to fully force blood out of the brain) to kill a person.
i'll take that as a challenge.

>> No.1608289
File: 6 KB, 311x208, Euthanasia_Coaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"realistic" RCT where peeps can get complications from g-forces and sickness, etc

>> No.1608293

from the image title I almost thought this was going to be a WIP of a recreation of the dark souls map in rct and I was kind of excited for a second

>> No.1608353
File: 39 KB, 1280x768, implying this isn't the greatest ride ever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>62.95 intensity
Every time.

>> No.1608364
File: 13 KB, 202x184, 1380598156687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>excitement rating

>> No.1608367
File: 233 KB, 1149x865, GOTTA GO FAST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1608370
File: 1.72 MB, 1440x900, magneto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Average speed

>> No.1608382
File: 330 KB, 1158x890, bored.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And now time to figure out which of these things should be researched and in what order.

>> No.1608395


how do you decide that, is it by the peeps that enter and their tastes or what?

>> No.1608412
File: 1.71 MB, 400x239, Sandow-Magneto.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is making a custom scenario.

If you put things in order thats the order it is researched it.

Also my internet is slow as fuck
>not this gif

>> No.1608416

I usually keep the research tree rewarding so there's reason to invest in it.

>> No.1608434
File: 862 KB, 1280x1024, SCR52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this scenario

>No one will ride fucking anything, no matter how intense

>> No.1608452
File: 354 KB, 1088x588, how to ruin a map with one click.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, loan size. What do you guys think?

>> No.1608463
File: 117 KB, 1280x1024, euthenasia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10 of 10.

>> No.1608464


Sell the cars.

>> No.1608484
File: 163 KB, 1280x768, Thanks Doc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1608497

Damn, what are the stats on that thing, if it even finishes the ride?

>> No.1608514
File: 12 KB, 320x207, eu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1608516

New scenario. Hope you guys like this. https://www.dropbox.com/s/gppmn8rs8yp4zle/Raindrop%20River.SC6

>> No.1608527

Looks cozy. Gonna give it a shot after exams probably when I have more free time. I've been thinking about making a scenario pack, I'll probably do that after exams as well.

>> No.1608552

God damn, would the train even be able to stay apart during all that?

>> No.1608571

Probably. I imagine they leave a lot of room for safety tolerance when designing the wheel housing.

>> No.1608579

They could probably design something that's able to withstand that I don't know why they would, but the wheels would be worn down so quickly they'd probably have to replace them every few hours.

>> No.1608581

Ughhh I see why people always bitch about this scenario. It looks so shit without the cars.

Fuck mang
>Doing RCT2 scenarios

>> No.1608592

If you set a coaster to launch for over that kind of speed, it ends up breaking down after almost every single launch.

>> No.1608606

I'm quite fond of wild mouse coasters, even if they can give me whiplash at times.

>> No.1608620
File: 14 KB, 225x300, ps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These fucking rides. They are so fun. Also Haunted Houses


Offtopic: Why does my firefox sometimes set my cursor to the address bar, and the address bar disappears. Any idea whty?

>> No.1608641

Holy fuck that makes me sick in my stomach

>> No.1608659

Its pretty intense, but its fun as fuck.

I also love Knoebels Hautned House

Fun Fact: I am somewhere in this video, though you cant really see me, cause I work there

>> No.1608669

/vr/ct Knoebels meetup when

>> No.1608674

That's a little outside of my comfortable driving distance.

>> No.1608681

I mean I would be down, but I've been lurking and Knoebels posting for a bit so I am unsure if there are more than two of us (I figured I'd be a faggot and trip)

Knoebels is about 45mins from me, and I go to camp twice a year, nad visit like 6 times

Mate we can camp and everything, make smores, have a campfire, fish, sleep in tents no gay stuff

>> No.1608703
File: 862 KB, 1280x1024, SCR53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also I judged these admittance scenarios too quickly. They are harder, but the cash comes faster.

I just opened this 2nd coaster so I am sure I can get close to the goal already

Still dont like how this looks without cars though

>> No.1608738

I genuinely liked playing that park.

>> No.1608745
File: 888 KB, 1280x1024, SCR54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im warming up to it, but its a shame the only real way to get the park going is to delete all that pretty shit.

Pic related, by far the best Steeplechase (or variant) I've ever made

Also I regret the 420 theme cause I cant think of any more weed references (and i dont smoke)

>> No.1608746

Do I spy a corner piece on that mini golf?

>> No.1608751

Yes, I built that shit in the time it took this Steeplechase to test. I didn't want it to be long (or good) cause Pay per Admission and all.

Plus I wanted to fit it in that gap or my autism would erupt

>> No.1608756
File: 793 KB, 1158x892, woodstock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1608760

Jelly. I maxed my loan to build an 8 Excitement/5.5 intensity Giga and no one would ride it, instead they looked at those cars.

>> No.1608768

>Kush Run
>not Kush Rush

>> No.1608773

But they are riding Motorcycles, so they are obviously out of Kush m8

>> No.1608787
File: 592 KB, 1158x891, hyper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second-to-last rollercoaster on the research tree is the hyper-twister. We're making bank.

>> No.1608835
File: 600 KB, 1280x768, Woodstock Complete.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The trick is to build a lot of small and exciting rides quickly to justify a $40 admittance fee right off the bat.

Also I made a scenario, give me a few and I'll upload it.

>> No.1608848

Noted, though I may need a second shot at this one

>Took out tons of loans for air powered
>Soon as its done I unlock Hyper Twister
>Too late to delete a coaster

>> No.1608851
File: 886 KB, 1280x1024, SCR55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.1608852

Is that a 45ft cable lift hill?

>> No.1608867

I failed by 300 people. Going to sell all the shit scenery and build a giga off the bat

>> No.1608869

I've also found that advertising really helps. Once I got the dosh I pretty much ran constant ad campaigns.

>> No.1608872
File: 108 KB, 1280x768, Watermarks remind me of deviantArt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time doing Dropbox, let's hope this works.

Are you a bad enough dude to finish all these coasters?


>> No.1608878

I had park advertising the whole time, and advertsing for each new coaster.

>> No.1608886

Also, scam coasters at the start if you need. While they won't generate income directly, they attract more guests to your park, generating passive income.

>> No.1608897

How exactly do you make scam coaster again?

>> No.1608904
File: 448 KB, 1280x768, kek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Half loop immediately out of a power launched corkscrew coaster. Several are depicted here. Never underestimate the power of scams, especially in a tight pinch.

>> No.1608924
File: 826 KB, 1280x1024, SCR56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whelp I've entered the dark-side

I want to go to bed, but I have a bar crawl I legit have to go to (I am a sponsor), and I am expected to get wasted (for free), but I have to be up at 7am the following morning, so I am trying to stay up as long as possible

>> No.1608927

Godspeed, that scenario isn't so bad once the dosh starts rolling in.

Also advertising my scenario here>>1608872, did I make it too hard or is it actually doable?

>> No.1608939

I found this funnier than I should have

>> No.1608941

It literally prints money, I had <$10k at the start of that month.

>> No.1608942

That sort of spam is pretty much the only way to win that map. It's a REALLY shitty map.

>> No.1608950

I've been meaning to ask about those scam mice. Mind giving me a closer look?

>> No.1608952
File: 879 KB, 1280x1024, SCR57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't actually try it, but it seems doable

>Decide to make 3 sets of 2 synchro'ed scam coasters cause it looks nice
>Accidentally set a pair to launch too fast
>Kill 24 people

W-w-w-w-will my park rating recover 0_0

>> No.1608956
File: 198 KB, 1280x768, little boxes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go, all four variants

Give it time, guests may be more averse to riding them but they'll get over it eventually.

>> No.1608968

I just rebuilt them

Their ghosts will haunt me 5ever

>> No.1608976


I made an addendum, download this link instead


>> No.1608980
File: 912 KB, 1280x1024, SCR58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On one hand I feel dirty, on the other, JESUS FUCKING CHRIST THESE SCAMSTERS

>0 loans
>all advertising maxed since day 1

You guys are Lucifer and I am Eve

>Tfw I just realized I could drag and drop from my files onto the quick reply, thus saving time

>> No.1608983

Don't rely on them too much, it's good to know what you're doing so you aren't fucking lost when you play a level without that coaster type.

>> No.1608987

I wont, I just want to have this scenario completed

>> No.1608991

Dumb question. How do I get a cable lift hill to work on a Giga? It alwaysw points down

>> No.1608996

Cable lifts must be built at the top of the lift hill immediately after the station with no turns in between. They will always point in a steep slope downward as they literally throw the train over the crest of the hill.

To work with such an example, my scenario features a giga with a built in cable lift hill

>> No.1609007
File: 1.59 MB, 600x400, sundaru_dorufin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thunder Dolphin in Tokyo. A crazy fast giga on a house, good stuff.

>> No.1609014
File: 507 KB, 1600x1112, SkyrushOpen19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neat, I've been on one of those (It might not be a giga, but it has to use a cable cause it climbs the hill at like 30mph) at Hershey (Skyrush)

For whatever reason I figured it was a fast chain -_-

>> No.1609016
File: 581 KB, 1280x720, SCR3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably the most annoying coaster I've made. Fits in a 7x8 grid. Going to mess around with ways to theme it well.

>> No.1609023
File: 419 KB, 1280x720, SCR4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Underground view. Spent a good 45 minutes or so rebuilding, deleting, changing land height, etc.

Skyrush is one of very few rides to actually scare me. Those outside seats, man...

>> No.1609025

I love it.

>> No.1609034

Thats awesome

And I agree. Those outer seats are fucking something man. Your body fucking flops so freely you would sear you can see under the track on those turns.

>> No.1609072

It's been a bad time of the week for me, either my family has been sapping my time or I've had something I do during the time.

Saturday I have free and I can either put it all into the collab part or play Dark Souls 2 which I just got. I'll choose the park because I love you guys. but if one of you want to tell me how I can fix that coaster without turning it into two coasters or anything drastic like "rebuild half of it all over again" then that'd massively help and I'd use the rest of the time for scenery and shit.

>> No.1609089
File: 915 KB, 1280x1024, SCR59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this scenario im done. I managed to hit a point where my park couldn't sustain itself without a fuckload of workers, but the profits were nil.

Good night and fuck Woodstock

>> No.1609132

>them giant rollercoasters by year 2
You went too big too soon. In a pay per ride park you probably would be in better shape though. Fuck pay at gate levels.

>> No.1609138

Shit your right, I have to pay to operate still huh?

Oh well, when I get some sleep I am gonna start again without scamsters

>> No.1609146

>tfw LIM coasters
that intensity mang

>> No.1609158
File: 299 KB, 1024x768, SCR48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1609161
File: 203 KB, 1024x768, SCR42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buttery smooth those Hyper Twisters

>> No.1609168
File: 1.00 MB, 1024x768, 1399628625965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you possibly lower that intensity with some brakes by extending this area a bit more to allow brakes?

>> No.1609173

I'll try

>> No.1609179

If that doesn't work, then try before that Twist

>> No.1609186

nope, no chance, seems like the high intensity comes from the beginning, and there is no room for brakes because it barely makes it through that half sea serpent.

>> No.1609202

>wooden wild mine ride
>has no block sectioning
>doesnt even have brakes

>> No.1609205
File: 308 KB, 1024x768, SCR50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any scenery ideas?

>> No.1609257

God damn I'm getting sick of trying to make one of these fuckers. I'm at 3.50 intensity trying to coax it up without shooting up to 7 and it wont fucking budge.

>> No.1609293
File: 174 KB, 1024x768, SCR53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol 8cars. the game runs at about 2 FPS, and I bet my Pentuim 4 glows red hot.

>> No.1609341

Now make a webm of them all drowning

>> No.1609354

>Also I regret the 420 theme cause I cant think of any more weed references (and i dont smoke)

Just look up strain names, makes it too easy
>White Lightning
>Sour Diesel
>Alaskan Thunderfuck
>Sensi Star

>> No.1609356
File: 111 KB, 1024x768, test.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would, but my system can't handle it. It locks up when I switch to RCT

>> No.1609375

To this day I wonder why RCT2 has no fucking WIndowed mode like the first.

>> No.1609469

>no banner saying THIS IS HOW WE DEW IT
Fucking dropped.

>> No.1609607

Wow, Roller Coaster Tycoon. I haven't played that since the Win2000 era. Reading this thread really makes me want to play it again and actually learn how to not suck at it. What are you guys using to play it?

>> No.1609624

>What are you guys using to play it?
A computer.

>> No.1609660

What if you're playing the Xbox version?
I mean, sure it's shit, but still.

>> No.1609665

I mean are you emulating it, using an actual ancient computer to play it, virtual OS, or what?

>> No.1609668

No but seriously the GoG version, no emulator or anything.

>> No.1609678

RCT2 even runs fine on Windows 8.1, why would you use ancient hardware when you also can play this on the newest hardware and actually have a performance gain because of the godly ASM programming?

>> No.1609737

>performance gain
Bitch it runs flawlessly on my twelve year old laptop, there IS nothing to gain.

>> No.1609749
File: 361 KB, 1280x800, SCR85.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold, I have a thing. And I hope BlueBalled doesn't kill me for this.


>> No.1609880

It might be....
In my experience, wild mouse coasters are either below 4 intensity with low excitement or above 6.5 with good excitement. There's no middle ground, and if you find it, post screens.
That's really cool.
Hardware does not matter. You can play RCT2 on anything above the minimum requirements.
A giant sign that says DO THE DEW

>> No.1609892

>no money
>good coaster types
>9.5 excitement
This is going to be a challenge, but a fun one at that. Thanks for not choosing riff raff coasters.
I'll give this a try, too.

>> No.1609979

Xbox Huge

>> No.1610019
File: 173 KB, 800x600, SCR47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I building within this area?

>> No.1610047

Late grammar edit.

>> No.1610071
File: 841 KB, 1923x1086, Little Park.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to put the foodstuffs in little shacks, but I couldnt be fucked to fuck with MOM. I also wanted the mouse to be more compact - a smaller, lighter twin to the big one, but mice are a bitch. On to another project.

>> No.1610075

Suspended/inverted coaster.

>> No.1610076

I'm kinda bad at them, but I'll try.

>> No.1610140

Nice. I love that first drop

>> No.1610147
File: 711 KB, 1280x720, really easy scenario.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1610225

Fuck. Not building Suspended or Inverted Coasters there. Too hard to get them right with good ratings

>> No.1610292

wait until you have a full grown park with 5000+ guests

>> No.1610304
File: 85 KB, 657x542, CHRIS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's no middle ground
I was fooling around with a shuttle mouse (I have a huge hardon for hacking shuttles for some reason) and this happened.

>> No.1610306

See what I meant?

>> No.1610379

Will anyone actually ride that thing?

>> No.1610418
File: 593 KB, 1157x891, profits r us.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So uh...
Is this the highest profit-per-hour you've ever seen?

>> No.1610423
File: 356 KB, 1055x546, higher.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, wait, it went up again.

>> No.1610426
File: 121 KB, 409x290, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to see stats for this please.

>> No.1610428
File: 347 KB, 1038x625, gigaprofits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4 trains on 7 block sections for maximum efficiency.

>> No.1610435



>> No.1610439
File: 248 KB, 790x530, cascadia2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's fantastic. I've never really built an actual Giga coaster, mostly because I'm not really sure what they should end up looking like. I rarely ever end up build a coaster I'm aesthetically happy with.

>> No.1610443

Big drops. Curves. Speed. Sort of like a hyper-twister.

>> No.1610489
File: 555 KB, 1159x891, surprise nigga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no idea when I last saved

>> No.1610529
File: 982 KB, 320x287, 1364779866335.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>last save: April, Year 1

>> No.1610582


OpenRCT needs an autosave feature.

>> No.1610585

Blueballed needs a "don't be a dumbass" feature.

>> No.1610591
File: 451 KB, 1024x768, screen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you build decent buildings?

>> No.1610636

The Phoenix might be my favorite, too (you're barely strapped in, which is why you fly)

>> No.1610656
File: 426 KB, 1024x768, screen1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess this works.

>> No.1610660

That's a cute little courtyard.

>> No.1610663

What is this scenery from? Is it in an expansion pack?

>> No.1610664

Why did I create this xbox huge map? ;_;

>> No.1610669

It's in the European scenery set, which I assume is introduced in Wacky Worlds.

>> No.1610679

They give you over 9000 objects and make you choose just 256 of them to use.

>> No.1610685

Yes, that does suck. You can't have all the different world objects in one scenario (like a Europa park or something).

>> No.1610750

Alright guys I'm trying to make a tall ass building, is there any way to repeatedly build up a wall faster instead of just clicking a billion times? Is there a feature in one of them hacktools, like 8cars or whatever the shit it's called?

>> No.1610774
File: 27 KB, 1042x521, you have fucked up now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1610778

Holding CTRL while mousing over a piece of scenery will let you build on the same level. But other than that, I don't know.

>> No.1610794

i will never forget when i discovered what CTRL did in game.

fucking life changing.

>> No.1610801

I know, right? There's a command for closing all windows too. Shift+Backspace.

>> No.1610806


how did i miss this stuff? is this all from the tutorials that im not sure my 10 year old self ever did?

>> No.1610810

The keyboard commands were definitely in the RCT manual. But I never bothered with them when I was younger.

>> No.1610825

I figured I'd throw you guys a bone since the excitement requirement is so high. I thought about making it 10.0 until I remembered I've never built a hypercoaster to break 9.5 to begin with.

Do you know what you did wrong?

>> No.1610827

I used to get it on my laptop when I changed the volume, but I haven't seen this error in YEARS. I suppose I deserved it though, because I usually save after every big coaster, but this time I didn't. And I made 3 big coasters.

>> No.1610834

Strange. I got it when testing out the Joker/Harley Quinn coasters from my Extreme heights save numerous times for inexplicable reasons. I usually only get it when messing around with 8cars.

>> No.1610836

If it helps, I got it when I tabbed over from Chrome.

>> No.1610853

I got it once the other day but i play it on Linux.

>> No.1610964


>> No.1611064

Good calls. Will DEW

>> No.1611069
File: 211 KB, 1024x768, giga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to go to a real Park asap

>> No.1611086

>That little maze
How comfy.

>> No.1611113


Why didn't I think of making one like that?

>> No.1611116

The ones I mainly use are P, G, R, backspace and shift+backspace. I really need to start using the ones for hiding scenery, underground etc.

>> No.1611118

...and I thought shift+return works for rotating the other way but not in RCT2.

>> No.1611132

For similarity:

Anyone else have the feeling of banked drops and hills beeing less intensive than straight ones IRL?

>> No.1611138

So if I want to practice messing with intensity:nausea:excitement ratios seriously for the first time in the coaster designer, what kind of coasters should I start with? also I know about banking turns and making sure the drops are eased out of, but are there any other coaster making tips that might be a bit obscure that I should know?

>> No.1611145

The family of twisters are best. It's all in the gs. Watch the graphs and fix problem spots, building segment by segment. As far as good ratings go, I'd suggest keeping a tighter tolerance on the gs and make the ride longer.

>> No.1611313

Looks comfy as fuck.

>> No.1611494
File: 738 KB, 1291x833, Current coaster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I now have time to work on the collab park again so I'm just trying to fix this coaster. Changed things around and managed to chop another 0.09 intensity off it, it's getting harder and harder to do.

Another 0.45 / 0.46 to go.

>> No.1611498

Is there ANY way to remove the number of available attractions in a scenario in RCT2?

That shit bugs me to no end.

>> No.1611501

Good to see there is progress. I'd realy like to see how you can make it look good with scenery. Because I have no idea how I would go about it.

>> No.1611512

It is entirely possible that it won't turn out at all like my imagination is going for, but damnit I'm gonna try anyway.

Art ain't easy.

>> No.1611552
File: 742 KB, 1291x833, Current coaster 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another 0.12 taken off, shortening the coaster does seem to be the solution. I've almost no idea where I'm gonna shave more off, though.

>> No.1611575
File: 877 KB, 1291x833, Current coaster 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just for reference, chopping the coaster in half and running only one of the tracks puts the stats into a pretty reasonable range suddenly. Catch is, that's pretty much right at the top of the list of "things I don't wanna change about this coaster".

>> No.1611597

Thanks for trying it out. So my best guess is shortening it overall.
Makes me wonder how they made the minetrain at Lucky Lake work. 4.48 isn't much excitement though.

>> No.1611685

Nope, that shit's coded into the game. blah blah openRCT blah blah

>> No.1611749
File: 579 KB, 1291x833, Current coaster 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and all I had to do was everything ever that I definitely did not want to do.

>> No.1611871

Odd question: is there any way to repaint a waterfall a different colour?

This wasn't my original idea but I've a fantastic idea I'm now looking in to.

>> No.1611887

There is a repaintable waterfall in the custom scenery of the no borders collab park.

>> No.1611890

I think there are some objects for waterfalls that you can color in the /v/ pack. I know I saw some in my object files.

>> No.1611931
File: 425 KB, 1291x833, Waterfall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True enough there is, but it's not also in the collab park.

Where? Unless you mean custom scenery in which case how could I go about getting it into the regular collab park?

>> No.1612286

Progress on the park is going well, I've a good idea of what I'm doing and all is proceeding to plan.

The only thing I'm missing and I'd like to have is the ability to colour a waterfall, still looking for a solution to that.

>> No.1612508
File: 54 KB, 779x571, colored water.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1612532
File: 736 KB, 1294x835, Collab triple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's no good to me with the scenario in progress.

Well, night /vr/. I leave you with the following teaser image that gives very little away.

>> No.1612534

You can use ParkDat to add and remove objects from an existing park (as well as rides and stalls etc)

>> No.1612556


>> No.1612635
File: 16 KB, 217x303, Its_Always_Sunny_Frank_Troll_Toll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not wanting to get inside the boy's hole

>> No.1612660

>Holocaust themed scenario
>make it into a happy park
How do I get creative guys? Anyone tried this scenario and kept the Holocaust motif?

>> No.1612671

Jew jokes. Nazi jokes. War crime jokes.

>> No.1612747

>them queue line tvs on every square

>> No.1612748

I made this scenario when the /vr/ct threads were dying out so I don't think a whole lot of people played it. It doesn't seem to be in the vpack either. Scenario number 28.


>> No.1612750

Oh yeah, I think i remember that one!

>> No.1612751
File: 776 KB, 1280x960, SCR29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Queue TVs freezes the guests happiness and stops it from dropping when they're in line for something. There's a reason they're $15 each.

>> No.1612762

They're seriously underpriced even at 15 per, to be honest.

>> No.1612771

Seeing as how some rollercoaster track pieces are like $35... well, I guess it scales to the costs. That many pieces is going to add up, too.

>> No.1612790

>I beat the damn thin fair and square
>Altering the scenario to edit protected rides

Yeah, nah.

>> No.1613016
File: 613 KB, 1280x1024, SCR61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Had to shut our internet off for the semester early
>No internet
>Spend hours fucking with random Roller Coasters I don't usually use
>They all suck
>Only good one I made was this Reverser
>Decide to try and make a not intense of as fuck LIM
>Still no

>> No.1613023

LIMs are total shit for no fucking reason. Just use 8cars to force powered launch on a twister.

>> No.1613094
File: 165 KB, 780x537, evergreen dinghies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hooray for dinghies.

>> No.1613132

What can I do about shitloads of lost people?

My pathing sucks, and now my park rating is tanking alarmingly fast.

I already tried tons of free maps

>> No.1613136

Screenshot of park layout, please.

>> No.1613139
File: 904 KB, 1280x1024, SCR62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was kinda drunk so pls dont judge. (Also Aqua Park has a pretty fucked layout to begin with)

Is there an easy to to make those collage pictures people sometimes post without photoshop?

>> No.1613147

I just stitch them together manually. I'd like to know what nedesigns posters use to make theirs though, as the trimming to relevant tiles is neat. I tried reproducing it in gimp by lowering all excess terrain, but I couldnt get the fuzzy selection tool to grab the excess terrain without cutting into the dirt sides.

>> No.1613183
File: 874 KB, 1280x1024, corrections.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The circles in red are the most likely problem areas. The lines that connect them are also guesses of fuzzy trajectories your peeps could be trying to get to, but can't.

Either connect the pathways, or start using "Do not enter" signs to reroute them, along with ride entrances.

A helpful tool is also the grouped hivemind window that shows the responses "I'm lost!", "I can't find 'ride x'/'stall y'." or "I can't find the park exit." Clicking on the map icon in the window will show a small map with flashing dots that will pinpoint problem areas via looking for cluster populations.

>> No.1613229

Neat, I knew about hivemind, and I knew about the map, but I never knew you could use them together together like that

>> No.1613232
File: 877 KB, 1280x1024, SCR63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lel I found the problem

>> No.1613268

Why did you build that fence to begin with?

>> No.1613309

holy crap

>> No.1613357

Does 8cars also work with RCT1?

>> No.1613463

How can I open the .PCX screenshots on RCT1?

>> No.1613467
File: 734 KB, 1024x768, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice how it can be flawlessly opened on linux.
>dat go karts bug to get karts with extreme excitement

>> No.1613468

There's a bug?

>> No.1613475

It feels like it. You can get crazy excitement it you build a xboxhueg track. I bet you'll get a rating of 20 when you build a 2km track. Wait, I'll try it.

>> No.1613476

That's not a bug. Go Karts excitement scales with it's length. Race mode adds another ~0.5

>> No.1613478
File: 219 KB, 1280x1024, breaking my balls, chris.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 feet.

>> No.1613482
File: 345 KB, 1024x768, SCR4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bit shouldn't there be a limit? I mean if you have a 10km track shouldn't the guests want to leave because it's so long?

>> No.1613483

The guests are in control. Wouldnt you love several kilometers of go-karting?

>> No.1613484

Naw man, not 10km on a slow go-kart, but yeah the track should be reasonably long.

>> No.1613486

How many laps?

>> No.1613489

I've set it to 1.

>> No.1613519
File: 347 KB, 1152x720, SCR14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfy little woodie on Woodworm park.

>> No.1613520

10km in a 200cc kart would be the best day ever for me.

>> No.1613550

Well, a 200cc Kart isn't exactly slow.

>> No.1613564

Ofc not, fuck slow karts. Go big or go home.
If I could have one self indulgent wish that didn't directly affect me, I'd wish for cross country Go-Karting in extremely high powered karts to become the new national sport.

>> No.1613587
File: 169 KB, 1030x451, SCR1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm making a low dense family woodie and, while happy with the layout, I'd like to get the intensity between 4 and 5. It seems any change I make either negligibly changes the intensity or sends it over 6. I'm getting a bit annoyed; any suggestions?

Isn't one of those northern european countries renown for a culture that breeds good drivers? I imagine rallying is close enough to a national sport.

>> No.1613603

Sweeden or something, and I want go-karts through city centers and shit full on mario kart style. Rally is okay but it's no karting.

>> No.1613625

Holy shit that looks comfy
Maybe make the first drop a little higher?

>> No.1613630

You could probably unbank some of the corners?

>> No.1613639

The hills are as close to perfect airtime as the game allows, so I really dont want to. One thing I did do was lower the last segment (the part that isnt totally coiled around everything else) 5 feet and the intensity went up to fucking 6.

I think I already tuned them such that I can't without murdering the lateral gs. Those two banked small turns hanging out are taken at 30mph, for example.

I'll play with it a bit more. I'm getting big time satisfaction making twisting woodies. Steel coasters get little benefit aesthetically from being dense, but woodies get those delightful support tunnels. Another design I finished earlier has the station completely buried in supports so that I don't even need to make a station house.

>> No.1613640

6 intensity is actually pretty normal...
Almost anyone will ride a 6 except for extremely pussy guests

>> No.1613645

>any suggestions?
There is literally no middle ground with woodies.

>> No.1613646

But I want to cater to the pussies for this one. That's why its a family coaster. Guest preferences seem to be scattered such that theres effectively two classes: higher than 4 and less than 5. Getting the intensity between 4 and 5 is the sweet spot where almost everyone will ride it (there are still a few ultimate pussies who refuse to do anything involving g forces not belonging to gravity).

>> No.1613650

That was actually also me. There is still a vestige of that shuttle buried in the new one. I'm pretty sure I've managed middle ground on a woodie before, though. If I can't get any success then I guess I'll just leave it where it is and the non-pussy guests will ignore it.

>> No.1613667

Guys, I'm pretty new at this, and after reading OP's posts I'm still not sure what I should install and what not.

I'm looking for things that add content but I'm not very interested on prebuilt rides and such.
So, I'm installing RCT2 extras and UCES.

Anything more I should add?

>> No.1613672
File: 164 KB, 1398x779, tiny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A real coaster for the wusses.

>> No.1613685
File: 191 KB, 1080x1080, Is this mouse serious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Using languages other than English

>> No.1613687

>being retarded
You're the first one to complain.

>> No.1613692

For some people English is their second/third language and it's easier to read a game in their first language.

>> No.1613696

I love this.

>> No.1613718

>two car trains
>not a two tile station and block sectioning
Also a roof on angled support seems weird to me.

>> No.1613723

What would it look like with one layer of red base blocks and then the roof for that hill crest?

>> No.1613782

It really annoys me that chairlifts have no single column when going straight, it looks so damn unrealistic.

>> No.1613790
File: 261 KB, 700x742, MERCILESS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Am nearly done with the collab park
>99% terraforming done
>90% scenery done
>40% ride names done
>Am completely shit with names
>2 1/2 hours later, haven't thought up a single name
I want off Mr Bone's wild ride naming.

>> No.1613804

If all else fails, fall back to animals, mythology, or just adjectives.

>> No.1613816

I think it was there originally (The scenario had a bunch of shit in it to start)

>> No.1613821

I can't, that's the problem. The whole three areas have one single overarching theme to them and the naming needs to keep in theme with it.

I can ignore shops etc but I'm out of names for rides.

>> No.1613827

>What's the overall theme?

>> No.1613832

That would be telling. Not giving it away until I'm done, currently just YOLOing the names to get it over with.

>> No.1613837

If you need somewhat generic names for the roller coasters, for example, you could use phrases with numbers:

ZERO tolerance
ONE hell of a ride
A game TWO can play
THREE's a crowd
FOUR corners of the world
SIX on the beach
SEVEN Year Itch
Magic EIGHT-ball
Cloud NINE

and so on

>> No.1613862
File: 638 KB, 1280x720, SCR30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A similar thing happened to me on Crazy Castle. I had built a woodie near the castle's backside, when I realized that it had been about 60 minutes since maintainence had been done on the ride, despite being set for 10. I eventually found that the wall was separating the exit from the path. While guests could still exit, mechanics could not enter.

>> No.1613872

All right, what two tree types look good together?

I'm just gonna drop some trees and call it a day, I want to just get this done.

>> No.1613875

Do the painterly thing and start dropping trees in swatches and see what works.

>> No.1613878

No, fuck that. After staring at this scenario for hours just trying to get some names I'm about ready to pack it in. I need this done *now* so I can see the back of it and do something else for a bit.

>> No.1613880

>dat beautiful figure eight

>> No.1613881
File: 1.28 MB, 2026x1270, clusterfuck - the ride.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything in this image.

>> No.1613891
File: 560 KB, 1280x720, SCR53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some new coasters I made

>> No.1613894
File: 616 KB, 1280x720, SCR54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And a woodie

>> No.1613896
File: 611 KB, 1280x720, SCR31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1613897

C'mon anon, those aren't names.

There was some guy in the previous thread who mentioned two groups of two trees that looked great together but I've forgotten the names now.

>> No.1613907

>implying you can search the scenery page by name

>> No.1613913
File: 447 KB, 1280x720, fucking trees.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1613914

what's with the red parts?

>> No.1613918

Most of the trees have individual names if you select them.

Thank you.

>> No.1613921

Whatever it is, call it Splintervention.

Portmanteaus are great coaster names.

>> No.1613923

I was implying that you'll need to either search for their appearance or mouse over every fucking tree until you find the name.

>> No.1613924

Just extra track pieces I didn't wanna get rid of. Thought it'd be cool to colour them and have them stay above the path

>> No.1613931
File: 385 KB, 1280x720, more fucking trees.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or refer to this handy guide.
Red means they're my main trees.
Blue means I use them if I still need variety.
Green ones I'll use if I need to hide a ride.

>> No.1613940

Does that extra track count towards any of the stats? It'd probably bump up excitement a bit but does it affect intensity or track length?

>> No.1613948

I'm not entirely sure really. I'm guessing not. since it'd only record the track that the coaster train goes over?

>> No.1613981

And if there's a track of another Coaster near it also increases the excitement.

>> No.1613992
File: 1.08 MB, 1294x835, Collab part 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Presenting the battle for Castle Grayskull (or He-Man's wild ride.)

>> No.1613994
File: 406 KB, 1294x835, Collab part 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After exiting the castle, He-Man and Sketeor scale the Icy mountains.

>> No.1613998
File: 1.05 MB, 1294x835, Collab part 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Following that, the two of them duke it out in and around Snake Mountain.

>> No.1614002
File: 1.16 MB, 1294x835, Collab part 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally after crossing the sea, He-Man defends Eternos City while Skeletor tries different tricks to thwart He-Man, before the two of them finally race to reach Castle Grayskull first.

I have never actually watched more than 10 seconds of He-Man.

>> No.1614006

So, who's up for the next part?

Feel free to fix the trees or shops, they were a rush job and I just wanted it over with.

>> No.1614019

>go on to 4chan first thing in the afternoon
>71 new posts on /vr/ct
I'm proud of you fuckers.
Red Fir/Caucasian Fir go well together, and you can throw a Norway Spruce in here and there too.
Needs custom music.

>> No.1614071
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>not a single bench, staff member, or bin in sight

>> No.1614076

I'm actually kind of interested in another spot if no one is going to step up.

>> No.1614083

It's new Thread time

>> No.1614085

I realised that afterwards and fixed it 20 min ago. I was kind of frazzled and just wanted to get it over with.

>> No.1614120

OH SHI- coaster crash shortly before deadline. I hope the rating goes up again quickly and nobody misses the 36 people that died

>> No.1614185

Thoughts on the next thread?

Uh oh.

>> No.1614187

Sculpting landscapes is tedious.

>> No.1614209
File: 236 KB, 2129x1367, rct-zoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfy park general?

>> No.1614220
File: 20 KB, 559x568, 1361231937224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people get stuck in Maze
>yfw entrance and exit aren't connected

>> No.1614224
File: 221 KB, 254x135, Mask_Salesman_rage[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>highly compressed jpeg

>> No.1614407
File: 60 KB, 500x496, Я-надеюсь,-вы-не-сделаете-этого.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not 15

>> No.1614420

>people starving while go-karting
the ride never ends

>> No.1614434
File: 476 KB, 1280x960, Shot0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Downloaded RCT2 from burstintotreats
>Installed it
>Made empty sandbox scenario
>Get feeling to do it in RCT3 instead
>Then this.

This is what suffering is like, I guess.

>> No.1614440

I don't get it, what happened?

>> No.1614445

Nothing actually. Just that I had the feeling to get back into RCT2 but ended up playing RCT3 instead.

>> No.1614612

New thread when?

>> No.1614676

I'll make it.

>> No.1614697
File: 90 KB, 328x340, shirt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


New Thread.