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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 424 KB, 1106x347, filter-masterrace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1594171 No.1594171 [Reply] [Original]

Which are you favourite filters/shaders when emulating retro systems?

>> No.1594174

I like HLSL in MAME, but I can never get it to look right. Copying and pasting other people's configs never looks like their screenshots, either. Sometimes I'm convinced it's broken somehow.

>> No.1594175
File: 23 KB, 173x278, filters2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1594186
File: 512 KB, 1280x960, RetroArch-0428-193124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1594192
File: 104 KB, 3840x480, retroarch 2014-05-01 22-01-55-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Output to a CRT monitor, of course.

>> No.1594401
File: 20 KB, 480x480, 1397435951861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1594403

What the heck?

>> No.1594407
File: 978 KB, 1280x960, RetroArch-0419-224734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the Halation CRT filter in Retroarch.

>> No.1594409

My favorite filter is the 4chan filter. Goodbye horrible filter threads!

>> No.1596497


>> No.1596526


Indeed. These emulation shill threads are getting out of control. Within just a few posts it's clearly someone spamming RetroArch again.

>> No.1596657

Why can't you people resize your images to the correct proportions? It's not difficult and it takes maybe five seconds.

>> No.1596708

None. They either make the image blurry or eye-strain inducing.

>> No.1596752

Well, it's what's being output to the screen.

>> No.1596757

480p with every other line blanked, to look like a (very sharp) television displaying 240p.

Large number of pixels/line with a high dotclock for emulating NTSC artifacts, I'd assume.

>> No.1596762

Nah, the high horizontal width is solely to hide scaling issues that would normally arise from correcting 8:7 to 4:3.

>> No.1596768

Get away from me, your autism might be contagious.
>implying the snes even outputs correct 4:3 anyway
>implying most games didn't have crazy inconsistent overscan

>> No.1596780

>hide scaling issues that would normally arise from correcting 8:7 to 4:3.
This doesn't make sense. If you send the 8:7 image to a 4:3 CRT monitor it will be displayed correctly.
I think the real reason is that the video adapter has some minimum fillrate that would not be achieved with real 240p.

>> No.1596794

Maybe he wants to play games of various widths without changing video modes.

>> No.1596810

When I said "correcting 8:7 to 4:3", I meant doing so within the emulator. You can, of course, adjust the image through the monitor controls to make it 4:3, but then you'd have to adjust it again for games that output 320x224 or whatever. With a superwide resolution, you don't need to do that. It works for every game and every horizontal resolution, without needing to adjust the monitor or make a bunch of separate modelines.

>> No.1596841

>I think the real reason is that the video adapter has some minimum fillrate that would not be achieved with real 240p.

"Real 240p" is achievable as long as you use a refresh rate of 120Hz. However, this method is flawed because you're then limited to only 240p, and if a game switches to 480i mid-game, it gets downscaled and you lose half the picture. Not to mention all the issues with frame-doubling, needing to use black frame insertion to compensate, etc.

This is why 480p plus a scanline/interlacing shader is superior. It can handle all these cases.

>> No.1596964

The ones that don't make my games look like fucking shit. In other words, none.

>> No.1597010
File: 882 KB, 1196x896, RetroArch-0504-174420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck the police, this makes games look better

>> No.1597024


So what do you do about games that were meant for 4:3 but had non square pixels due to being rendered at 8:7 or 10:7 or 12:7 ratios?

>> No.1597028

That ain't doing much for the HUD, but the sprites themselves look like cartoons, which is neat.

>> No.1597047


>Within just a few posts it's clearly someone spamming RetroArch again.

Where did this happen?

>> No.1597063

Well somone started posting shots from retroarch. I wouldn't really call it shilling though, unless you think that anyone mentioning what emulator they use is "shilling"

>> No.1597094

What the hell is frame doubling, anyone care to explain?

>> No.1597116

Repeating frames to display a 60hz game at a 120hz video mode. Ruins the low-persistence motion quality of CRTs.

>> No.1598117

What are some of the best emus for nes, snes, and genesis? Also, what's the best way to emulate those 3 on a dreamcast? I've seen some vids of other emus and the sound is off, and a few the colors are off.

>> No.1598129

That looks absolutely awful, do people actually use vilters like this seriously?

>> No.1598142
File: 16 KB, 262x237, moai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1598176

Damn you, now I want to play Another World again.

>> No.1598178
File: 259 KB, 640x480, hissmileandoptimismgone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1598186


No one has really made the perfect one yet. There just is not enough resolutions in our displays. Once we get high enough resolutions we can make shadowmask like shaders, which should be pretty awesome. Until then, we just have these sort of hacky half measure CRT shaders. But they really are taking so many shortcuts. They are not that good. And people are put off by them since they don't resemble the CRTs that they grew up with (shadowmasks) but instead apertrure grille displays.

So how much resolution is needed for shadowmask CRT shaders? Who knows. Maybe 4K isn't enough.

>> No.1598191

>What are some of the best emus for nes, snes, and genesis?



>3 on a dreamcast

I don't recommend that. The Wii is the go-to system for emulation of 8-16 bit consoles. It can do it very, very well and connect to a CRT display at 240p. It's really the best.

>> No.1598192

>do people actually use vilters like this seriously?

There is in fact a small subset who uses smoothing shaders. Most people dislike them though.


what game, what settings? that doesn't look like default.

>> No.1598205

>Ruins the low-persistence motion quality of CRTs.
You're supposed to use black frame insertion to preserve motion quality if you're frame doubling. The real drawback is the reduced brightness.

>> No.1598209
File: 1.03 MB, 1647x989, Zelda 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The ones that don't make my games look like fucking shit. In other words, none.

Nearest neighbor is a kind of filtering. It does alter how the game looks a lot.

Games on original hardware + CRT

Many, many, many people have grown up with emulation and think that nearest neighbor x4 is how old games "are supposed to look". I heard of someone's kid referring to SMB1 as "Lego mario" because Mario looks like he's made of legos. On a CRT and an NES that would look like a smooth sprite. Well, less blocky at least. But scaling with nearest neighbor on an LCD means old low resolution games look super blocky.

>inb4 people come in and say the shot on the right looks awful

It's blurry, but this is if you were to have your nose to the screen. The blur is only noticeable there. If you sit at a regular viewing distance it becomes sharp. So you get rounding of the sprites.

>> No.1598213

Or you can just use 480p with interlacing.cg. No need for 120Hz or black frame insertion then.

As for reduced brightness, find a monitor with a SuperBright mode.

>> No.1598217
File: 249 KB, 800x600, x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

filter my ass

>> No.1598218
File: 524 KB, 743x1155, mona lisa filtered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could not be more delusional if you tried. This air of "I know what the developers intended for the game to look like because I had a shitty CRT when I was little" has really gotten stale. Nearest neighbor is not a filter you lunatic.

>> No.1598225
File: 1.37 MB, 2800x2100, smet-12856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't use filters because I like my games to look how they were drawn.

>> No.1598232

See, the thing is, what many people refer to as "filters" are actually better known as "scaling algorithms" or "scalers". To give a few examples, nearest neighbor, bilinear, bicubic, lanczos, and yes, even "smoothing filters" like 2xSaI, HQ, xBR, etc. are all scaling algorithms of some sort. Only certain algorithms are solely intended to warp and modify the image to achieve some kind of visual effect. Most of these are pixel shaders.

>> No.1598236

>I don't use filters
>proceeds to post a screenshot using a bilinear/blur filter

Then again, bilinear filtering is so ubiquitous that rarely do you see any shitstorm arise over its use, to the point that I dare say most people do not even consider it a filter. I've seen countless people post screenshots using bilinear filtering, and no one ever goes apeshit over it despite it blurring the shit out of everything, especially at high resolution. But god help you if you post a screenshot using xBR.

>> No.1598247

That image has no filters you idiot. I don't even understand how one can make that mistake.

>> No.1598256
File: 9 KB, 256x224, RetroArch-0415-232104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is you definition of an "unfiltered" image? Because I see obvious blur around the pixels, which indicates to me that it is using at least bilinear interpolation. Or does bilinear/blurring not count as filtering?

In any case, it's a moot point. A truly unfiltered/unscaled image is as follows.

>> No.1598459
File: 11 KB, 512x480, Super Mario Bros. (JU) (PRG0) [!]_001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ideal filtering

>bilinear OFF
bilinear filtering = shit

>> No.1598675

Any upscaled image is filtered, period.

>> No.1598685

It's not unscaled, because you've changed the aspect ratio. Some filtering is unavoidable for NES/SNES games if you want to display them correctly on a modern LCD monitor.

>> No.1598689

Integer ratio nearest neighbor scaling is not filtering, it's simply changing the pixel size. There is no official standard for number of subpixels per pixel. On CRTs you even get different numbers of subpixels at different parts of the screen.

>> No.1598690

Then the solution is to use Gaussian blur and not sit close to the screen.

>> No.1598701

It is filtering as much as bilinear is filtering because you're increasing the number of pixels that make up the image, simple as that. And it does have an obvious effect on CRTs where upscaling 2x or more with nearest looks blockier than it does unscaled at native resolution

>> No.1598707

> it's simply changing the pixel size

By adding more pixels in a simplistic fashion, i.e being filtered.

>> No.1598715
File: 705 KB, 960x1200, big-beautiful-strider.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Filters forever. Eat it bishes.

Use the RetroArch

>> No.1598721

bilinear is good for post-filtering an already integer scaled image to a non-integer scale to reduce aliasing artifacts.

>> No.1598729

No, the pixels are literally bigger. Double the size and the pixel is made of 12 subpixels instead of 3.

>> No.1598732
File: 311 KB, 1600x1200, 19x6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After being a maximilist when it came to this kind of thing, I realize now the best way to filter things is to make them look like they would/could have at the time. The biggest piece of advice I can give is STEP BACK FROM THE GODDAMN MONITOR.

NES/Genesis/80's: composite+billinear
game boy: subtle grid
gbc: LCD filter
N64: render at 640x240, scale to 320x240 w/s-video
SNES/PS1/90's: simple2x+billinear (native res)

Scanlines optional, but should be subtle if present.

>> No.1598763

That's just the end effect, it is still a filter on a factual level

>> No.1598813

By your logic changing the resolution displayed on a CRT is applying a filter.

>> No.1598815

It looks like your scaling is broken anyway. It's hardly a fair comparison when it looks like you shit over the source.

>> No.1598823

He's just being an asshole troll. You are correct and that image is filtered.

>> No.1598824

It is if you're upscaling

>> No.1598831

You add more pixels to an image using a filter to upscale the image to fit a larger resolution, how hard is this to get?
Changing resolutions on a CRT has nothing to do with this

>> No.1598840

These sort of shitstorms are always stupid. Yes, playing the games with a filter looks better than pixelated upscaling, but no, filtering doesn't look even close to the real thing unless you go to extreme lengths like that ultrawide thing someone posted the other day.

>> No.1598843

And, I should add, if I read that thread right, they were using high resolution CRT monitors, not LCD screens. Which is definitely going to great lengths.

>> No.1598850

There is no rule saying a pixel has to be made of 3 subpixels. My phone has only 2 subpixels per pixel. If 12 subpixels are updated as one logical unit then they form a single pixel.

>> No.1598885
File: 710 KB, 1077x1005, RetroArch-0505-124509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use a CRT filter, but I don't remember which one is it. I use one for NES, then a different one for SNES. I haven't tried a Genesis game yet.

>> No.1598898

They're not "one single pixel", it's 12 pixels that are the same color reproduced from a single pixel using nearest neighbor interpolation. Stop talking about "sub-pixels", there's no such thing in a raw digital or analog images, that's an element of physical displays.

If it's being upscaled, some kind of interpolation filter is applied, and that's a simple fact.

>> No.1598905

Why do 2 subpixels make a single pixel, 3 subpixels make a single pixel, approximately 5 or whatever you get on a CRT make a pixel, but not 12?

And if I can't talk about subpixels then your argument is non-existent.

>> No.1598926

fuck CRT filters that doesnt look like a CRT at all. Those fake ass scanlines only darken the image and on an already darker LCD screen it looks like fucking shit.

>> No.1598963

Physical displays have different ways of representing a single pixel, doesn't mean nearest neighbor interpolation isn't a filter like you are claiming. I don't know why you keep insisting that, you must be associating "filter" with "horrible smudging of pixels" and hate the idea that "glorious pixel perfect nearest neighbor" is also in fact a "filter".

>> No.1598970

There's better ones that compensate by brightening and saturating colors and making brighter pixels bloom resulting in variable width scanlines

>> No.1598992

My physical display is representing a single pixel with 12 subpixels. There might have been nearest neighbor scaling involved, or maybe I hacked the display hardware to switch more subpixels from the same input. There's no way you can tell because they look literally identical.

>> No.1599009

integer scaling is not merging or altering pixels, only doubling / tripling / etc them

it is not filtering

>> No.1599038

>nearest neighbor: add pixels to image to make it bigger
>other filters: add pixels to image to make it bigger

What's the difference?

>> No.1599046

Nearest neighbor produces a result visually identical to replacing the display hardware with something with a lower resolution.

>> No.1599053

Some "filters" aren't there to scale the image, though. For instance, there's various shaders whose whole purpose is to achieve some kind of post-processing effect, such as color or gamma correction, adding bloom, anti-aliasing, etc. It's why the word "filter" is kind of useless and undescriptive.

Nearest neighbor is a scaling algorithm, just like bilinear. Meanwhile, FXAA is a post-processing effect. You don't use the latter to scale an image, but rather you use it AFTER scaling to achieve some kind of result to be output to the display. The distinction has to be made, and the usage of "filter" as a catch-all term needs to stop, as it just confuses people.

>> No.1599064

Until non-square pixels are involved then it becomes an aliased uneven mess. Best upscaling is one that does minimal blurring to hide unevenness due to non-integer scale factors

>> No.1600190
File: 597 KB, 830x751, Gb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what looks better, your black and white flat gameboy emulator, or this shader thats a hell of a lot closer to a real gameboy?

>> No.1600210

The green looks like complete shit, give me monochrome.

>> No.1600214

Super Game Boy looks better.

>> No.1600307
File: 12 KB, 640x576, Kirby of the Stars (U) [!].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1600347

C.) Game Boy Pocket shader

>> No.1600360

>filter my ass
wish I could


>> No.1600368
File: 454 KB, 990x753, as the creators intended.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing it without filters

Glorious filter race incoming!

>> No.1600376
File: 55 KB, 990x141, 72Y23g8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your aspect radio is all wrong.

>> No.1600392

jesus, I've been working my ass off the past few days to improve the clarity of captured SNES video and you guys are actively trying to make it blurrier

>> No.1600401

I posted this on Emulation General earlier, I'm going to go ahead and repost this here.

I made some cg presets for RetroArch with the NTSC shader combined with a CRT shader:


And one for real CRT monitors:


>> No.1600402

I forgot about the radio, I'm sorry.

>> No.1600406


Well emulators already have perfect clarity by default so it's kind of boring really, you actually have to work in reverse to get convincing composite video artifacts.

>> No.1600602


>what game, what settings? that doesn't look like default.

Game is Strider 2. The settings are default, except I removed the curvature. I'd remove the black border too if I could figure out how.

>> No.1600609
File: 943 KB, 1024x1022, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mine looks better.

>> No.1600624

>what looks better, your black and white flat gameboy emulator, or this shader thats a hell of a lot closer to a real gameboy?
the emulator, since the real gameboy screen was ugly as sin

>> No.1600804


>> No.1600872

Shaders are controversial becuase there is no perfect crt shader. If they made one that was just like an actual CRT (shadowmask) then everyone would use it and no one would complain.

>> No.1601403

lol, no

I happen to like using LCDs. It's really nice not having to deal with the fuzzy garbage of a CRT anymore.

>> No.1602128

Yours looks more like GBC, his looks more like GB.

>> No.1602131
File: 71 KB, 600x1065, 1375611644216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1602139

>have perfect clarity by default so it's kind of boring really,
You mean it's kind of displayed incorrectly.

This is kind of like trying to replicate an artists work. Anti-filter fags are bitching to print it poster paper it's clear and it let's you see all the edges clearly which is how it should be. Filter fags are suggesting we should put it on canvas using actual paint because that's what the original was.

It's not an issue of boring it's an issue of not replicating what the image was and making it look worse for it.

>> No.1602142

>It's really nice not having to deal with the fuzzy garbage
>uses fuzzy garbage of an LCD

>> No.1602146

No, filter fags still print it on paper, they just shit all over the paper in an attempt to make it look older.
It's like removing grain from movies because they weren't present in the studio. They may be an artifact but you aren't going to get rid of them without sacrificing intended details.

>> No.1602148

its like those little faggots who burned the edges of their projects to make them look old.
what kind of a fuckin paper burns perfectly around the edges

>> No.1602193

No, that looks like a Game Boy Pocket. I should know, I have one, along with an original Game Boy. The Pocket is superior in every way.

>> No.1602294
File: 2.84 MB, 1535x2100, 6410-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I heard of someone's kid referring to SMB1 as "Lego mario" because Mario looks like he's made of legos.
That's how he looked in the box art.

>> No.1602334

Books that have been in a fire, but not wholly consumed.

>> No.1602349

I still think the left image looks better than the right image. It looks cleaner. I like cleaner. And I owned and played AoL back when it was first released.
The right side looks icky and bad.

>> No.1602509

>It's really nice not having to deal with the fuzzy garbage of a CRT anymore.
And yet you're using a flawed panel technology with a disgusting amount of motion blur and a fixed resolution + refresh rate.

>> No.1602695
File: 2.86 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20130420_034137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I remember helping the author of that shader extract the colors from some pictures of my Game Boy Pocket I took. One thing that's lacking from that shader is the "grainy" appearance of the reflective back layer, the author tried to replicate it with a background but it seems like you would need an insane resolution to make that look convincing.

>> No.1603569

I think you misunderstood me. You said there are better CRT filters. I was asking 'like' as in "like, which ones are you using that " brighten and saturate colors and makie brighter pixels bloom resulting in variable width scanlines". I don't know shit about retroarch.

>> No.1603741
File: 128 KB, 1094x943, fceux_shadow-warrior.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTSC_X2 or something for NES emulation.
Using the fceux emulator.

>> No.1604484

Hyllian's CRT shader is the best one. It is very easy to adjust to suit your tastes


>> No.1604529
File: 1.45 MB, 1709x1561, gbc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dot matrix master race

>> No.1604532

That looks like it has compression artifacts.

>> No.1604729

That's not a dot matrix. That's a regular old low-res LCD.

>> No.1606415 [DELETED] 

how did you achieved this? I want to play Mario Land 2 and Link's Awakening like this.

>> No.1607896
File: 208 KB, 1280x960, RetroArch-0508-183948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


NTSC needs horizontal linear filtering or else it looks badly aliased

>> No.1610046

>Filter fags are suggesting we should put it on canvas using actual paint because that's what the original was.

No, those are CRTfags.

Filterfags want to reproduce the painting on poster paper, after applying a canned 'brushstrokes' effect in Photoshop to make it look extra painterly.

>> No.1610058

>tfw when i spend far more time tinkering with filter stacks trying to make games look good than actually playing them

>> No.1610070


Idk what kind of shitty TV's you used to have, but no CRT will make mario look like a "smoothed sprite". I have a shitty CRT from the early 80s that still produces some surprisingly crisp sprites.

And all of that shit about the developer creating the sprites with the displacement of graphics from CRT's in mind only applies to some forms of fine ass texture dithering.


Jesus fucking christ how horrifying.

>> No.1610074


>Using filters
>Playing the worst SF3

Who'da thunk, huh?

>> No.1610082

>its like those little faggots who burned the edges of their projects to make them look old.


We actually had a project in high school where we were forced to write with a feather and shit; we also did that too.

Best analogy ever

>> No.1610087
File: 315 KB, 350x350, 1351481081012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was like this as well. Then I got a CRT monitor and discovered superwide 480p and interlacing.cg, and that put an end to that.

>tfw finally satisfied
>tfw actually playing games for once

>> No.1610098

and scaled to to 16:9. good job

>> No.1610165

Whats a good shader for higan on the snes? is there a pack?

>> No.1610186
File: 16 KB, 200x144, filters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1610190
File: 34 KB, 496x544, smw2_yoshi_02_super2xsai_16x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1610192
File: 56 KB, 288x464, sma_peach_02_ours_16x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1610201
File: 36 KB, 288x544, smb_jump_ours_16x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is real

>> No.1610224


>> No.1610229

My god that shit's ugly

>> No.1610237

Anything looks like dogshit zoomed in that close.

>> No.1610247

Is Peach having a gizgazm there?

>> No.1610917

Same, but I've been playing around with different horizontal filtering methods (240p xBR, NTSC, blend shaders)

Then again I play around with shaders because I'm interested in what it will look like, not because I'm "not satisfied" with what I'm using currently.

>> No.1611056

My final setup basically applies gamma correction first (from 2.2 to the 2.4 that TVs supposedly used), then prescales horizontally by 2x nearest, then applies linear horizontally the rest of the way. This way you get slightly rounded pixels, and it avoids the picture looking like nearest neighbor with black lines, without looking like blurry shit.

>> No.1611067

Sometimes I use a CRT filter for the hell of it. Just for a bit of nostalgia. I give zero fucks about what the developer intented, because no one fucking knows what the developer intented. And if I contacted them about it, they'd probably say "just play the fucking game you pedantic asshole"

And honestly, if people want to use shit filters that make their games look like a mess, I don't care. I don't care if they fuck up the aspect ratio and stretch the emulator so it covers their whole widescreen monitor.

I don't see the point in getting anal about how another person plays video games.

>> No.1612185

>not using a dithering smoothing filter like mdapt as well
full pleb.

>> No.1612506

>vector art
>the filter

>> No.1612517
File: 278 KB, 1024x956, RetroArch-0624-193950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually thinking this looks good
nigga u dumb

>> No.1612535

How does that not look good?

>> No.1612632


>> No.1612656

We need a filter for handheld emulators that simulates dust particles that get between the screen and the glass over time, as well as dead pixels, dead rows, and dead sections.

>> No.1612716

are there filters for higan?

>> No.1612721

They were removed along with just about everything else back when it was called bsnes, use bsnes in RetroArch instead.

>> No.1612780

but inst the newer version better? also what is this RetroArch thing about about? can it play everything? does it have all the best emulators or something?

>> No.1612785
File: 383 KB, 1576x1044, 1396453191487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1612821

Its emulation has improved but the UI was drastically simplified, and now only offers a bare minimum of features. It also requires you to import ROMs into a weird folder setup that doesn't work with anything else. RetroArch is sort of a frontend for different emulation cores, including up-to-date bsnes ones. It sometimes works better than the original emulators (bsnes for example) but not always.

>> No.1612823

Higan has many cg filters and more are posted on byuu's forum. It's been that way for several versions now. Funny how he's gone completely 180 on that philosophy since bsnes.

>> No.1612835


No, it does not and cannot work better than the stand-alone emulators. It's simply a front-end. It does not change the code of the emulation cores, which is something that would be necessary to improve upon their performance in the first place. It's not a "sort of" front-end, it's a front-end. Period.

Don't waste your time with it. Just download and use the actual emulators. They all have their own native GUIs, and this often means you get more configuration options (and easier access to these options) than you would by using a front-end. Front-ends enforce their own configuration parameters. They don't always permit you access to everything in the emulation core that can actually be tweaked. RA is particularly bad about breaking things for this reason.

>also what is this RetroArch thing about about?

It's a front-end that sucks, and that RetroArch's developers keep spamming on /vr/ for some inexplicable reason. Ignore them.

>> No.1612889

I cannot say frontend because it's far too tightly connected for that, closer to a plugin interface. Also yes it can do better, and does in respects to syncing and netplay, and having a UI designed for controllers, and portability far better than many of the original emulators.

>> No.1614175


You have no idea what you're talking about, literally nothing you've said is true.

>doing this in every emulation thread

Holy shit just kill yourself already

>> No.1614240

>No, it does not and cannot work better than the stand-alone emulators.

Yes it can, when the standalone emulator's frontend is poorly coded and does things like vsync in a suboptimal manner. In the case of bsnes/higan it is objectively better with RetroArch than with standalone higan simply because it doesn't force game folders down your throat, and it also does syncing better (dynamically adjusting audio rate instead of statically like higan does). RetroArch has its own methods for blitting video so it definitely can perform better if the standalone frontend was unoptimized.

>It does not change the code of the emulation core

Often times they do make modifications. bsnes is modified to load normal ROMS, Mednafen cores have some modifications, Mupen64plus is a fork that has been modified extensively for portability, performance, and some extra accuracy in regards to texture filtering. Some emulator cores have a shitty internal API (which has a tendency to change every release and break ABI) that may need hacking or modification to make it work with libretro.

>and this often means you get more configuration options

9 times out of 10, most of these options are unnecessary or even detrimental cruft from older versions. Some of the options aren't even part of the emulator, just its frontend. The important options can be exposed in Core Options and everything else can be auto configured to best settings for a particular game.

>> No.1614242
File: 79 KB, 568x374, RA-vba-m VS vba-m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1614251


VBA-Next runs even faster and doesn't have that slightly annoying vertical pixel shift

>> No.1614253

>and that RetroArch's developers keep spamming on /vr/ for some inexplicable reason
