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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 236 KB, 500x748, tumblr_n4n7fwCpp01rnq9bio1_500[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1576807 No.1576807 [Reply] [Original]

DOOM THREAD (Last thread >>1570913 - Sorry for the confusion, THIS is the actual *new* thread)
(other retro FPS games also welcome, chances are we played 'em too)

FAQ/Pastebin, still updated semi-frequently


##Our WADs can be found here!##

Steam Group:

IRC (The password is in the FAQ.)
Channel: #vr


Wanna learn how to...

Create maps?

Open/Edit WAD/PK3/etc to make 'em compatible with other mods?
http://slade.mancubus.net/index.php?page=downloads (download 3.0.2)

Load multiple WADS and mods at the same time? - ZDL (v3.2.2.2)

/vr/ torrent (12 GBs of wads, 18 years worth of user-made content!)

Vanilla/Boom related projects can be found here

ZDoom mods/projects can be found here

>> No.1576809
File: 84 KB, 720x960, tumblr_n4gs9bOHFb1rnowgvo1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


-DOOM X IS BACK EHRMAGEHRD!!! http://www.doomx.net/

-John Romero was present at GDC and a kind anon set him up a LAN in Zandronum. Here are the demos https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/88787354/MADE%20at%20GDC%20Zandronum%20demos.zip and these are some of the matches! http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXkipPv0b4KMKE7z3WwlYYUCDLACNoYfE

-Romero was also present at the NYU Game Center to discuss, along with Rand Miller (MYST) about their games, their legacies, and the current status of game developing. You can rewatch said event here http://vimeo.com/92838909

-Switcheroom is out now (and it is STILL being updated as we speak)! Go check this little baddy here! http://www.doomworld.com/vb/post/1230811

-The past Awesome Games Done Quick featured a playthrough of Plutonia (Go 2 It included) and also a Doom 2 race which was a result of a bid war between that game and Ultimate Doom. To rewatch the Doom speedruns, go follow this link http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQcxg3SUqlYBoSYrpNJVu58GsoCXMREa1

-Guess who received an update? OBLIGE! Now it's in version number 6, and oh man things surely have improved; go check it here! http://oblige.sourceforge.net/forum/index.php?topic=307.0

-ChocoDoom got updated in the 20th anniversary. Now you can play Heretic, Hexen and Strife too! Go grab each version of them here! http://www.chocolate-doom.org/wiki/index.php/Downloads

-HDoom has its fourth techdemo! happy now? http://static.best-ever.org/wads/m12-hdoom-techdemo4.pk3

-Help us test this new mod by Terminus: Metroid Dreadnought (http://zandronum.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=4561&pid=61847#pid61847))

-Dakka by ijon tichy is also getting tons of updated. Get it here ijontichy.lostsig.com/wads/dakka-0.051.pk3

ATTENTION! If you know about something news-worthy, reply to this post and mention it so everyone can see it

>> No.1576818


>> No.1576820

from now on let's stick delegate the new thread making to the people at IRC, to avoid more confusions

>> No.1576823 [DELETED] 

There's already a thread up and you made another?

Fuck off you attention whore.

>> No.1576827

>let's stick delegate

yayyyyy hungovers are fun!

>> No.1576843 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 604x604, 1394980540061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1576850 [DELETED] 

epik picture :^)

>> No.1576853 [DELETED] 

Report and ignore

>> No.1576859


When being on multiplayer, what color skin do you use? Romero uses black, how 'bout you?

>> No.1576861

Usually white or blue.

>> No.1576867

Dark red.

>> No.1576875

Sounds edgy

>> No.1576878

nah it's just dark red like burnt pizza tomato sauce crust

>> No.1576880

Bright red, so the evil demons can see Action Batard coming.

>> No.1576881

Brown or gray so I blend in, depending on the map.

>> No.1576886

Romero is a beast man
I wonder how he's managed to stay so good at the game

>> No.1576887


Pizza Elemental

>> No.1576897

Cyan blue.

>> No.1576907

Royale with Cheese.

>> No.1576914


How am i supposed to connect to IRC? Only Mibbit somehow works, but I cant get on the #vr.

I need a step-by-fucking-step tutorial, as I never used IRC before.

>> No.1576920

have you read the pastebin?

>> No.1576930

IRC has been around forever man. You could have just googled it and found tons of answers. You're lucky I love you.

>> No.1576931

You can use Internet Doom Explorer to connect to the Zandronum IRC. From there, join the #vr channel. The password for the channel is in the website, in the FAQ.
Oh, and if you don't want to use IDE and want to know a good IRC client, check out Hexchat.

>> No.1576938

I cant connect to #vr specifically, says that nick is not registered. I have no fucking clue where I can do so.

>> No.1576987

Dear /vr/.

The first WAD I've downloaded after a long time of not having played Doom was Suspended in Dusk

I have played many highly regarded WADs since, but very few indeed have even come close to giving me the same enjoyment.
For a large part, it's a style thing I guess.

Are there any other WADs that look, feel and play a lot like SiD?

>> No.1577005
File: 92 KB, 1680x1050, watdo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It goes like this forever. Wat do? Firewall related? Port-related? country related?

>> No.1577015 [DELETED] 

You are swooned by the game called doom, but /vr/ is simply running out of room.
Your threads are damning, and info cramming filing the thread like cheese in the moon.
This thread is more active than /po/ for certain I learned that much from simply lurkin.
I only wish doom could have its own home bc /vr/ should be where nintenerds roam.

>> No.1577020


Next time ask the devs to make your favorite game to be moddable, because this is what happens when the devs listen to their fans, the industry ends up with a game that will never die because of the modding crowd


>> No.1577063


>> No.1577075

you can tell a lot about a player from his suit color

- green: i am new and haven't found out how to change this yet
- some disgusting bright colour: i have played for a while and found out how to make myself look spiffy
- black or dark grey or something: i care deeply about winning and beating people so i'm going to carefully set a color that makes me hard to see. if i lose i'm going to whine about it and make excuses or accuse you of cheating
- green: i don't even care what my suit color is, i've been playing forever and can wipe the floor with you without having to change my color like an edgemaster.

>> No.1577085

I pick random suit colors to fuck with people like this

>> No.1577089 [DELETED] 

You didn't have to bring me to tears, I am simply stating that PC modding or PC retro deserves its board.
#feels hurt #silent crying

>> No.1577098

>i've been playing forever and can wipe the floor with you without having to change my color like an edgemaster.
I imagine these people aren't fun to be around.

>> No.1577130
File: 314 KB, 600x577, Mancubus-WIP-close.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup OP, I'm the drawfag responsible for the mancubus in your post, glad you dug it enough to save a copy. Pic related, it's a crop from the original scale WIP.

Also, hi Val.

>> No.1577137 [DELETED] 
File: 513 KB, 640x400, 1398416983749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Player has joined the game
>"Player" is in cyan or something

>> No.1577163
File: 9 KB, 302x252, arachnotron_by_nuggbrownie-d7ew7we[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1577164

I use bright colors like cyan to stay identifiable in co-op. I could imagine not resetting it out of laziness or just forgetting. That handle, though.

>be me
>sees default handle login, fucked up colors
>not sure if noob or pro
>gettin rekt, def not a noob
>turn headset on
>it's fucking Carmack
>he calls me a nerd
>his color starts cycling rapidly
>have a seizure

>> No.1577170


>> No.1577173

Man, I hate it when that happens.

>> No.1577191

>p-please dont k-kill me
>pew pew pew...I hope t-thats ok

>> No.1577203

Just watched a vid of that, looks pretty cool. I've otherwise mostly been watching the Romero anniversary co-op vid from IGN, moving on to the GDC 2011 post mortem, now.

>> No.1577206
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>> No.1577210


>> No.1577232 [DELETED] 

Don't worry Scroton, its over.
Sean, you're next.

>> No.1577234
File: 143 KB, 916x1080, doomguy_by_crankd-d7flq7a[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

adde a burger :DDDD

>> No.1577245


>> No.1577258

That reminds me, do you guys think it would be possible to have voice chat in Zandronum? I know ZDaemon has it.

>> No.1577260
File: 400 KB, 916x1080, burgerdoom1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1577262


Built in? No.

>> No.1577282

I think some are calling for Mumble integration in some way? I haven't actually looked into it much:


>> No.1577290

Are there any mods that make items Hexen/Heretic style where they go to your inventory?

>> No.1577298

I think I saw something about a mod like that recently, don't recall where. Brings one to mind, though:

>> No.1577301

Samsara, using Corvus or Parias

>> No.1577318


Mutiny does it, but if you play it, good luck surviving Hitscan hell.

>> No.1577324
File: 158 KB, 640x480, yaygamma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1577406

In DoomRL Arsenal, is the Battle Rifle or the Chaingun stronger? Battle Rifle doesn't seem to do much compared for the ammo consumed.

>> No.1577451

Chaingun hits harder, BR is WAY more precise and fires faster. Chaingun's for large targets, BR is for picking off zombies from across the map.

>> No.1577459

Rifle is much more accurate but has slower ROF. It's better to pick off distant enemies, but the chaingun is better to sweep a room clean (expecially if you turn it into a gatling or bulletstorm).

>> No.1577461

Pretty sure damage is equal, the Battle Rifle is just way more accurate but has a smaller mag.

>> No.1577503

Sometimes I match up the color to the boots and helmet, feels kind of uniform that way.

>> No.1577506
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>> No.1577548

If I remember correctly, its already been integrated.. quite nicely in fact.

>> No.1577664
File: 2.58 MB, 1543x2898, SoYouWantToPlaySomeFuckingDoom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Updated the image.

Fixed some typos, repaired the dead iwad link with the link in the FAQ, corrected the name of the Doom 64 port (I kept thinking Absolution was EX and vice-versa, HURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR), updated some screenshots, and added a blurb about Oblige.

>> No.1577678 [DELETED] 


Right, so.

DOOM: Wrath
H-Mod: Lust
Guess we need a wad themed around gluttony.

You there. These monsters. For gluttony thematic. Go.

>> No.1577703

>still no brutal doom

>> No.1577705 [DELETED] 
File: 2.01 MB, 1920x1080, jaysee dantan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1577709



Replace RGA2 with something else.

Get that COD outta my doom.

>> No.1577715

>wasting space on a mod everyone already knows about

>> No.1577720

I think Terrorists should replace Nazis, but I'll leave that up to you. RGA2 should definitely get out, though. Possibly replace it with Hideous Destructor?

>> No.1577730 [DELETED] 


I'm surprised old JC Denton hasnt got his proper rip and tear edit yet.

>> No.1577740 [DELETED] 


"My vision is augmented.

He was a good man, what a rotten way to die.

What a shame."

>> No.1577745

If you started playing Doom again and you got as far as this thread chances are you have already tried Brutal Doom.

>> No.1577747 [DELETED] 


>> No.1577763


Hideous Destructor would be good.

>> No.1577780 [DELETED] 

>Guess we need a wad themed around gluttony
What is 32 maps in 24 2013?

>> No.1577781

Sunday Shenanigans gonna go up in 15-ish minutes, and it'll be running Speed of Doom as the map pack and Oneshot on Realistic difficulty (2x damage done, 10x damage taken) with random damage off.

The test runs have been surprisingly fun, and unsurprisingly brutal. It's about as vanilla as you can get while keeping Hideous Destructor-style gameplay.

Who would've guessed making the player take 10 times as much damage would do that.

>> No.1577785
File: 508 KB, 1221x800, 1396476200143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your favourite "enhancement" wad, anons?
I've tried Particle Fire Enhancer (which enhances other things too), Polished Skull, Smooth Doom and Beautiful Doom. Out of them all I think Polished Skull and PFE are my favourites.

>> No.1577787

i use some dark toned cyan and i dont fall in either category

>> No.1577794

>What's your favourite "enhancement" wad, anons
My own.

>> No.1577798


First off, Brutal Doom is way overrated. See, other than the blood and the teenage tryhard edgy bullshit, it just makes Doom play like a shitty modern FPS. If I wanted to play a modern FPS, I would. There are a lot of them.

Second, the creator is a racist, sexist, whiny piece of shit who literally acts like a 5 year old and throws a tantrum at anyone who disagrees with him or says they don't like BD, so I have no interest in anything made by that horrible manchild. Real talk, if that guy is a day over 19 then I pity him.

>> No.1577801

share it fgt

>> No.1577808


Does Lasting Light count as an enhancement wad?

>> No.1577813 [DELETED] 




Fix that to doomguy being a skeleton (After 40,000 years, you WOULD look like the emprah) and you have a proper image.

I acctually sort of want to see a dialogue/serious DOOM/40K Crossover of this.

Probably them having a fight with eachother beaten to a pulp before calling eachother demons or someshit

>> No.1577816

I'm a noobish fella, you guys know how to get an Oblige wad to work in BrutalDoom? I tried dropping the wad onto the BrutalDoom exe but it just goes to regular Doom 2.

>> No.1577818




>> No.1577821 [DELETED] 

Every map in 32in24-13 is food-themed, anon.

>> No.1577825



>> No.1577831
File: 96 KB, 612x727, 137565016618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BrutalDoom exe
what? Just ctrl+click the brutal doom wad and your oblige wad and drag them onto g/zdoom

>> No.1577841

Battle rifle is more accurate but it's only useful[in terms of combat] only with Marine
It's better to scrap them as technician

>> No.1577850


>> No.1577853 [SPOILER] 
File: 67 KB, 1200x797, 1398632523107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not yet.

It's not done yet.

I managed to get the fist to work properly with the berserk pack, I made the saw work better, I made a functional fire-selector for the rifles, but I need to make new ammo types, I need to implement reloading, and put together a couple of new graphics.

I may or may not introduce pic related as a bonus weapon (you'd find it on the body of dead marines), using the 9x19mm submachinegun ammo, but I already have a fair share of weapons.

I also need to implement a subgun zombie, that has a random chance of replacing a shotgun trooper, or imp, so that you have a chance of getting the submachinegun in Doom 1, as well as having a mook with an automatic weapon in Doom 1. Perhaps a carbine trooper as well.

>> No.1577859

In his defense and before you sperg about we hate BD because it's cool
1)If you play Doom and know about the doom community,they will immediately say "Play Brutal doom"
2)People here actually like the mod and people here recommend the Sperglord edition
3)It's opinions and having a spot for BD is kinda useless when the mod is the most famous mod in the community

>> No.1577872

>Browning Hi-Power
Yes pls.

>> No.1577883

i heard someone here is making a WW2 themed wad in the vein of RGA2,i want to give an advice to the guy who's making the wad

>> No.1577885

>Particle Fire Enhancer
How do I remove the mugshot?

>> No.1577891

thanks anon!

>> No.1577907

[spoilerI MUST BE HEARING THINGS][/spoiler]

>> No.1577910

What mugshot? Mine doesn't even have the normal hud.

>> No.1577929
File: 465 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Doom_20140428_011336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess something went wrong then?

>> No.1577932
File: 160 KB, 640x640, 5fc4022cad5c11e3b2540eed5f71112a_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's truly the finest pistol of it's era.

Now, it'd have the magazine-disconnect removed, to make the trigger better and for ease of reloading (and it was some French idea that JMB never intended for originally), but I'm wondering about magazine capacity.
Should it have 13, like the original ones, 15, like current extended ones that are available, or should it hold 17, with an extended floorplate, to be more useful as a weapon, and to make it feel more modern in the setting it's in?

Also, I'm considering adding a quickbutton that will let you throw a grenade, because grenades are really useful and cool.

>> No.1577937

Jesus fucking christ.

I played Hideous Destructor for about a week, on/off, and only got to about level 16, but god damn I was doing it.

I swapped back to Doom and the change. Holy fuck running faster than a cheetah with pinpoint accuracy and basically never getting hit.

I recommend you guys try this, you'll feel like a god. Play HD for about a week and nothing else, and then go back to normal Doom.

>> No.1577950

Enable the alternate hud in the hud options.

>> No.1577953

17 bullets sounds nice, I guess.
I like grenade buttons in fast-paced games. Hm, if you are doing a tacticool game, what about adding a stun grenade? Frag, stun, maybe incendiary.

Thanks, will do.

>> No.1577963
File: 18 KB, 643x427, 1398577285565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does that mean I don't get the job?
>A bomb's a bad choice for close-range combat.
>A bomb!
More like it.

>> No.1577969
File: 12 KB, 476x411, doomguy arms crossed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rebounding sounds

>> No.1577979
File: 537 KB, 3150x1140, 1398632367791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone has the revenant version of this pic?

>> No.1577980
File: 28 KB, 500x356, senpai-will-never-notice-you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tacticool game
Whoa whoa, slow down there, I'm just adding some weapons I think are cool for Doom.

While I for an example don't have anything inherently against iron-sights, I'll not implement it, because that seems like a lot of work, and work is hard (also because I want to keep it relatively fast paced).

Also, don't expect to see it any time soon, I have a Masters Degree in Procrastinating.

>> No.1577987
File: 109 KB, 569x803, 1398632529408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1577992

>it just makes Doom play like a shitty modern FPS.

this is the only opinion anyone should have. Whether you like it or not, it's true.

>i love it

>> No.1578006
File: 122 KB, 400x378, Slaughterfest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1578007

Also, that fucking archvile. Evrytiem.

>> No.1578012

more like plutoniaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.1578016

This is going now!
:: [BE] SUNDAY SHENANIGANS #12 :: Speed of Doom w/ Oneshot - 2 Life Survival
IP is

Feel free to get angry at the idiots who run out and attract a ton of fire, then laugh as they predictably get killed.

>> No.1578048
File: 845 KB, 3150x1140, skeletonprincessbestprincess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1578054


>> No.1578080

not that dude but thanks.

>> No.1578093
File: 35 KB, 200x200, 1347363610203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>that one fucking archvile

It never stops being funny

>> No.1578094

Does anyone have a pic of the Serious Sam suicide bomber going AAA and then shutting the fuck up when he found a revenant?

>> No.1578097

>good luıck I'm behind 7000 skeletons.jpg

>> No.1578109

Rebounding sounds? Like bullet impact sounds?

>> No.1578115 [DELETED] 


Well what the fuck is that?

>> No.1578118

Particle Fire Enhancer is probably my favorite of the bunch, using it right now, actually. What I'd really like to see is PFE with Smooth Doom enemies.

>> No.1578119 [DELETED] 


>> No.1578123

Someone should Frankenstein the best parts of all the mods into one singular vanilla enhancement wad.

>> No.1578134

Yup. Beautiful Doom has them, and Particle Fire Enhancer does too. PFE also has a sound for bullet impact on flesh. It sounds kinda weird with the SSG.
Yeah, me too.
That would be nice, but I really can't into SLADE.

>> No.1578154

What would that be anyways?
In my opinion,
>PFE ambient sounds (torches and shit) and some of the new monster sounds, with the new particle effects (duh), maybe toggleable like in Beautiful Doom
>Polished Skull sounds, animations and weapon projectiles (that fucking rocket launcher and plasma gun, jesus). Except maybe for the PFE minigun tracers, they look neat
>either PFE or PS enemy projectiles (some of PS are pretty meh, and I dislike the lightning things some of the PFE ones have)
>if we want any gameplay changes at all we should have the ones from PS I think, not sure about the plasma gun cooling thing

What do you guys think?

>> No.1578170

>gameplay changes

>> No.1578172

>- black or dark grey or something: i care deeply about winning and beating people so i'm going to carefully set a color that makes me hard to see. if i lose i'm going to whine about it and make excuses or accuse you of cheating

Seriously? What if they just like dark colours?

>> No.1578174

pistol is shit, fist is too slow

>> No.1578178
File: 19 KB, 266x229, k98.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did find a mod with a decent stripper clip.

Also noticed the mod with the kar 98 cheated by covering the bolt when cambering the round lol.

hey Kar-98 bro, can you take pics in FPS perspective showing you pulling it back?

>> No.1578182

>no gameplay changes

Oh yeah, because useless pistols and shotguns that fit under "it'll do until super shotty" are such great gameplay features.

>> No.1578183

Most of Polished Skulls changes were fine cept the Archy buff and BFG nerf.

>> No.1578186

In that case they're goth 13 year olds and probably play like shit.

>> No.1578187

Purple master race

>> No.1578190

I still use SG after I have SSG for long-range fights and weaker enemies.

>> No.1578195

There are better weapons for both of those applications and shotgun ammo is common enough that there's no need to worry about conserving it in most WADs.

>> No.1578203

Why do blue doors appear green in the minimap in PFE?

>> No.1578229

For the longest time I used the SG for longer range fights.

After finding out about how good the chaingun secretly is I don't touch the SG anymore unless the SSG isn't an option and I don't have the Chaingun.

I had to change the Chaingun and Pistol sounds though.
I can't stand the vanilla sounds for it and that's what kept me from using the Chaingun for many years

>> No.1578231

SG is faster and more accurate than SSG. It's better against things like lost souls, close range arachnotrons, groups of weak enemies at long range, etc.

>> No.1578235

CG has awful sounds and you need to tap the fire button for it to be accurate, which is annoying.

>> No.1578240

It's fairly accurate at full auto provided you aren't trying to snipe some dudes.

I feel that it's better for rushing through zombies and imps than the regular shotgun too.

>> No.1578245

Yes, but it eats through ammo pretty fast.

>> No.1578254

I've noticed some other wads do this too, kinda odd.

>> No.1578260

Well what else are you going to use bullets for?

You certainly aren't saving it for the pistol.

>> No.1578268

>I feel that it's better for rushing through zombies and imps than the regular shotgun too.
It is. I like SSG better for groups of imps though, and CG sucks against almost everything else.
If anything you would think they would change the yellow one.

>> No.1578270

>added blood/gore and slightly different weapon mechanics
>modern fps
reloading doesnt make a game a modern fps. its not like bd puts in a two weapon limit or health regen.

>> No.1578284

dark blue

>> No.1578304

>it just makes Doom play like a shitty modern FPS. I

>non-regenerating health
>no weapon limit
>no cover system
>can run at ludicrous speed for as long as you want

Yeah, nah, you're a cunt.

>> No.1578315 [DELETED] 
File: 331 KB, 1214x1239, kHFnqfz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<SArais> Man the fuck up and stop acting like 5 year olds


>> No.1578320 [DELETED] 

Reminder: Do not respond to drama posts

>> No.1578321 [DELETED] 


You're implying you don't act like 5 year olds. Why do you assume I left and stopped making comics?

>> No.1578328 [DELETED] 

Because you're not Doombro

>> No.1578331 [DELETED] 

I sure wonder why the real doombro is offline.
2/5 troll, made me check

>> No.1578332 [DELETED] 


And your proof of this claim is?

>> No.1578335 [DELETED] 

Chex Quest is gluttony.

>cereal product placement EVERYWHERE
>health pickups are food
>E2M1 has a diner
>you wear food-shaped armor

>> No.1578338 [DELETED] 

Because you just -happen- to show up the minute a certain ass-blasted edgemaster gets booted from the channel.

>> No.1578339 [DELETED] 

>acting like 5 year olds
>get called out
actually I have no idea anyway

>> No.1578341 [DELETED] 

Because you don't have his trip.

>> No.1578343
File: 27 KB, 642x361, ryback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread theme:


real life Heavy Weapon Dude related.

>> No.1578347 [DELETED] 
File: 486 KB, 256x192, 6Mv1qfh5jj.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Implying I have to be on steam to be on the internet

You must be "Special"

>> No.1578348 [DELETED] 

Just stop giving him attention. No doubt it's everyone's favorite German having relapsed.

>> No.1578349 [DELETED] 

If you're REALLY Doombro, post in your Twitter about it, he uses it quite often

>> No.1578350 [DELETED] 


Coincidentally, SArais just HAPPENED to show up the last time SOMEONE was shitposting for his project!

>> No.1578357 [DELETED] 

>irc drama

>> No.1578358 [DELETED] 


SArais just got banned for being a faggot and now is crying about it.

And it's him shitposting too because <SArais> >Implying I'm DKG or BAWWWing

>> No.1578359 [DELETED] 


Whoa, hold on a sec, that asswit HAD a "project" ongoing? Last time someone replied HIS OWN REQUEST for someone to suggest him something to map, he never got his funky ass on it.

>> No.1578361 [DELETED] 

Well then stop replying to his posts and report them on sight.

>> No.1578378 [DELETED] 


>Assuming I'm SArais or DKG

Jesus, now you're reminding me of the sheer dribbling shitfest I uset to put up with.

>> No.1578379

I'm not in the mood for seeing more dumb ass drama posts. So help me decide the next thing I'll work on:

1) Boomerang item crash (A bunch of chakrams fly out in 8-ish directions all around Blaz, bounce around for a bit, then boomerang back to him)

2) Goddess bracelet item crash (I think I might make a breaker beam similar to what you see in Holy Diver, which kinda behaves like the laser from the original contra, a string of projectiles so close it's like one entity)

3) Come up with a new utility function for the unpowered wrist cannon (I need names for this fucking thing to prevent confusion in the future)

4) add a food barrel that you smash open like pinata, I'll have it randomly and rarely replace soul spheres and have it RARELY drop from some monsters

5) start working on new sub-shot projectile sprites and shiz

6) Start working on help screens

also I still need to find a new font for menu stuff

>> No.1578387 [DELETED] 


You must not know of the concept of "Lurking". People don't need to post to talk on IRC.

>> No.1578390


How about a release

Or failing that the boomerang item crash

>> No.1578391


You can get the food barrel from Realm 667

>> No.1578398
File: 71 KB, 426x341, 1359778995902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>how about a release


Actually Term's letting me use the barrel's he made from buttpain. I like how wood fragments and shit go flying after smashing it

>> No.1578401 [DELETED] 


As for being on the actual topic.

Traditionally, old medieval-themed video games had relics. I'd go more with spriting the soul-sphere to fit with the WAD.

>> No.1578409 [DELETED] 


There's a difference between "lurking" and "popping out of nowhere, using a name you don't use, to defend a person you don't know not five minutes after he was banned".

But surely you would know nothing about that

>> No.1578416 [DELETED] 


Why is it that you sound and act nothing like Doombro and also make grammatical fuck-ups very similar to a certain edgemaster-delux shitdick who just got ass-pulverized?

>> No.1578418



>> No.1578419 [DELETED] 



>> No.1578428 [DELETED] 


Picking at straws again, are we?

Anyone with a degree of intelligence would think about this reasonably.

Of course, since you just want to jump onto and shit upon people for being the slightest bit different in thought, you immediately jump to conclusions

Hilarious, really.


I don't use a trip.


>Misusing the word "edgy"

You make me sick.

>> No.1578434 [DELETED] 

OK. Go on steam, message marrub.
It's really the only way to fully confirm.
Otherwise you're a lying sack o shit.

>> No.1578435
File: 37 KB, 400x400, Only the dead can know peace from this sweating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1578436 [DELETED] 

>typing and sentence structure exactly like Sarais
>word usage exactly like Sarais

>> No.1578438 [DELETED] 
File: 66 KB, 923x414, doomguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I don't use a trip.

Apparently you don't use Doombro, either. You were Doomguy two days ago.

>> No.1578439 [DELETED] 


Go to your room, Ijon.

Or roman, or whoever that is.


>Typos don't exist
>Sound and act

How does text make a sound?

>> No.1578440 [DELETED] 
File: 3 KB, 126x135, 2014-04-27 19_48_19-(0) _vr_ - FEED ME MORE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do this and move on. No use trying to reason with trolls

>> No.1578441 [DELETED] 

Also, don't make up some bullshit excuse. Just do it.
But I'm having so much fun!

>> No.1578446 [DELETED] 

>but muh fun

Is it really worth potentially destroying these threads over?

>> No.1578448 [DELETED] 

People can often be identified through typing, word usage, and actions. It's not rocket science.

>> No.1578451 [DELETED] 


>Implying those aren't commonly used names on the threads.

Seriously now?


>Using proper grammar and sentences
>Somehow sarais




I will promptly refuse on both counts. Why should I bother? You'll continue to vomit upon each other either way.

I somewhat expect the doom community to tear itself apart.

>> No.1578453 [DELETED] 

Mods will clean it up nig.

>> No.1578460 [DELETED] 


It was already over when you all decided to praise RGA2 and Project MSX, continued to re-use the old "rip and tear", attacked each other for being Sgt. Mark/DKG/Whoever, and stifled possible original WADs.

>> No.1578462 [DELETED] 

Good fucking jpb confirming you're SArais. If you want to fuck with the Doom community, you're fucking with the wrong part of it.

>> No.1578469 [DELETED] 

You're really a dense motherfucker, you know. You'd have to be to try and don someone else's name and shitpost.

Oh, and
>"using proper grammar and sentences"
>grammatical fuckups like 'uset', which Sarais has been known to do
>popping up right after Sarais gets banned

And you call us spineless? You can't even try and defend yourself under your actual name - not that I'd expect something like that. You're just a good ol' fashioned coward.

>> No.1578471 [DELETED] 


>> No.1578472 [DELETED] 


And good fucking "jpb" confirming your lack of intelligence and continuing to jump upon the case of this sarais individual.

You're all really dissapointing, you know.

And don't even get me started on HMOD.

>> No.1578474 [DELETED] 


>implying that you're good at making wads

>> No.1578478 [DELETED] 

>this guy

>> No.1578480
File: 55 KB, 500x281, 43525234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1578481 [DELETED] 

>Implying those aren't commonly used names on the threads.

They aren't.
The only results for Doomguy on the foolz archive are...surprise, SArais.

>> No.1578483 [DELETED] 


>Implying I've made WADs

Are you serious with me, right now?

I make the comics. That's my entire Shtick.

>> No.1578485 [DELETED] 
File: 307 KB, 747x497, asparagus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1578489 [DELETED] 


Who's this SArais and why is he so mad?

>> No.1578493 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 343x268, IDidntExpectToUseThisAgainSoSoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He was banned for being an edgy fuck.
So rather than admit "Maybe I made a mistake and messed up, maybe I should look at what I did wrong and work not to do it again", he's trying to shitpost.

>> No.1578495 [DELETED] 

Oh yeah, I remember people bitching about it at you because you wouldn't put it on the "So You Wanna Play Some Doom", which you kept saving as ,jpg because "le epic troll"

Figured you'd still probably have some hard feelings about that. Look on the bright side -It's probably not as hard of a feeling as the dick you get up your ass every night for being a whiny little bitch

>> No.1578496 [DELETED] 


>Actually believing this shit.

Incredible. It's not like I can't change my name to GMOTA_Guy and suddenly He's sarais.

If anything, the people blaming sarais are likely sarais.

Know what, Fuck it.

Everyone is sarais.

>> No.1578502 [DELETED] 


I can't be saris because I'm not a whiny kid

>> No.1578509 [DELETED] 

>Incredible. It's not like I can't change my name to GMOTA_Guy and suddenly He's sarais.
>If anything, the people blaming sarais are likely sarais



>> No.1578516 [DELETED] 


Well, let's see the logs then.

I'll assume your ability to jump to conclusions is the real culprit here.

And you misuse "edgy" again.

I'm not surprised.


Of which, he was correct on. The original image was meant to be sent from person to person, people adding one wad of his/her choice, and sending it to the next person.

Understandably, he dicked with it because people refused to stick to tradition.

>> No.1578519 [DELETED] 

>arguing about stupid community drama, despite it being completely irrelevant to you
>refusing to prove your identity when "you" (the person you're pretending to be) have so many means of doing so (tripcode, comics, twitter, steam)
You are literally the worst imposter I've ever seen, and I think this is probably the pettiest thing you've ever done. You acted like a faggot, you got banned for it, accept it and move on with your pathetic life. Shitting up this thread is hardly going to make anyone want you back, and if you're so delusional that you think you've actually doing some sort of damage to these threads by shitposting in them, let me remind you that /vr/'s mods are the best on the site, and that this thread has survived far worse than the wrath of one buttblasted kid. So go now, before the mods get here.

>> No.1578528 [DELETED] 


Expanding a little about what >>1578493 said, he got banned from the SS server >>1578016 for rambling in the chat and acting like a maleducated child with "natural selection" and neo-nazi oriented jokes and whatnot; and THEN minutes after he gets on the IRC (please note: last time he was around: 3 weeks ago) and bitches endlessly about him being banned

We're all willing to bet he's the one impersonating Doombro because the moment he gets banned and sent to "#rekt", drama ensues here.

>> No.1578529
File: 2 KB, 283x68, HSqKub1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are these and what do they do?

>> No.1578530 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 135x176, loboheavy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>Doesn't go past the first page

How incredibly retarded.

Shit, let me just change my name to GMOTA_Guy next post and suddenly add some shitty tripcode. THAT'LL TOTALLY MAKE KEGAN BE SARAIS, RIGHT GUYS?

>> No.1578532 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 1007x301, visual pun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1578535 [DELETED] 

>Of which, he was correct on.
>The original image was meant to
>Understandably, he dicked with it because

You know what he did, you know why he did it, and you know how he responded, why he responded, and agree with it?

Fucking hell you are the worst imposter.

>> No.1578536


what mod?

>> No.1578537

would like to know too

>> No.1578540 [DELETED] 

You're never going to be able to pass as someone else if you can't even pretend to not be a faggot.

>> No.1578543

DoomRL: Arsenal.

>> No.1578545

/Doom/ pictures folder in a couple of minutes now. Get hype, and if you want to post more pics before I finish up the pack do it nao

>> No.1578546 [DELETED] 

>You're all really dissappointing[sic], you know.
>needlessly bringing up hmod
Sounds exactly like SArais: a condescending little asswipe who keeps stirring up drama.

>bringing up irrelevant shit to insult /doom/ as a whole
Sounds exactly like SArais: a condescending little asswipe who keeps stirring up drama.

>refuses to give proof
>You'll continue to vomit upon each other either way.
>I somewhat expect the doom community to tear itself apart.
Sounds exactly like SArais: a condescending little asswipe who keeps stirring up drama AND doesn't give proper justification for himself.

>Go to your room, Ijon.
>Or roman, or whoever that is.
Sounds exactly like SArais: a condescending little asswipe who keeps stirring up drama and believes anyone who takes action against is 5 years old.
ALSO is referring to the two people have rcon on the on the server you were just banned from! WHAT A COINCIDENCE.

>Of course, since you just want to jump onto and shit upon people for being the slightest bit different in thought, you immediately jump to conclusions
>>Misusing the word "edgy"
>You make me sick.

Sounds exactly like SArais: a condescending little asswipe who keeps stirring up drama.
ALSO is bringing up shit that wasn't even mentioned!
ALSO is bringing up how the word "edgy" makes him sick, just like on IRC! What a coincidence!

>And you misuse "edgy" again.
Apparently the word edgy is really serious business to you, just like a *certain someone who got banned from the channel*.

>Jesus, now you're reminding me of the sheer dribbling shitfest I uset to put up with.
You get the point.

Stop slandering Doombro's good name already. Seriously, this is why we hate you.

>> No.1578547

Those are Stat Cap tokens. Each one raises the stat cap by one.

Doomrpg. Easy find on the Zdoom forums.

>> No.1578549 [DELETED] 


Right, because being in the thread that he was in and seeing the image in development makes me sarais. Incredible logic you have there.


Again, I'll need logs to make my opinion. Until then, kindly refrain from drooling upon eachother and assuming I'm some person who you all guide your rage towards.

>> No.1578551 [DELETED] 
File: 889 KB, 250x192, swimming pools.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl+f [deleted]
>0 results

>> No.1578558


You already get the "NEAT" one, the old version of the "NEAT" one where someone renamed the filename to "Let go of my camera you son of a bitch", the new marines on block one, what about [AGITATION INTENSIFIES]?

>> No.1578559 [DELETED] 

>Doesn't go past the first page

Okay, let's see what's past the first page.

>crying about SPC which only Sarais did
>couldnt get into the IRC and when he succeeded is around the same time in #vr when Sarais did


>> No.1578563 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 500x375, 1372274075348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1578568 [DELETED] 
File: 432 KB, 500x394, AAAAAAAAAAA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Using my name and some fucking trip

Now you got me agitated, buddy. Would you please just fuck off back to /v/ where your kind belongs? I've been fairly patient with your stupidity up until this point, don't fucking drag me along for your fucking ride, you put yourself in this hole, grow a pair and take your punishment like a man you cocksnot.

>> No.1578570 [DELETED] 


I must be dreaming.

You're implicating that roman and ijon don't frequent the threads. I'm appalled by the ridiculous level of unrelenting meritocracy here. If you want me to belive a word any of you are saying, then atleast make it sound possible.

Naturally, you won't do this, and so will further fail to meet the standards, further failing to be of any reliable information.

None of you have provided logs, so I'm doubting any of this even happened.

>> No.1578575 [DELETED] 

hey guys what's going on in this thr

holy shit

>> No.1578576 [DELETED] 

just report and ignore for fucks sake

>> No.1578579 [DELETED] 

You're only digging yourself a deeper hole. Seriously, step away from the keyboard.

>> No.1578585 [DELETED] 


I'll sum it up for you as quickly as possible:

SArias acted like a jackass for the final time, got banned from the IRC, and now he's easing his stretched anus by shitposting here and apparently impersonating me, now he's just going into a full rectal meltdown.

>> No.1578589 [DELETED] 


I'm making a point here, Kegan. See >>1578530
Don't squander your reputation over something small children are arguing over.

Also yeah, GMOTA is pretty decent.

"take your punishment like a man"

What punishment?

None of you have supplied logs, so, again, hard to make a final decision on the matter.

>> No.1578590 [DELETED] 

Now you're slandering GMOTA Guy, and constantly making yourself sound more and more desperate to try to convince yourself that you're not wrong. And what the *fuck* is this meritocracy bullshit you're going on about?

This is why we hate you. This is why you need to get the fuck out and take your drama-mongering ass out of here forever. Literally *everyone* in this thread hates you now. Go.

>> No.1578593 [DELETED] 

>You're implicating that roman and ijon don't frequent the threads

Roman is Venezuelan and can't because his country is banned

>unrelenting meritocracy
I like the crying about this
the idea that people should be respected based off their merits

oh man
how horrible

>> No.1578595

It's not true at all you faggot.
The only 'modern FPS' element it has is reloading (even though that's not really all that 'modern' as that's been arond for ages).
>abloobloo iron-sights
Utterly pointless and you don't need to use them at all in BD. In fact using them puts you at a disadvantage as it takes a moment to aim. You have pinpoint accuracy as it is with the free aim. Iron sights in BD is just for aesthetic. If somebody needs it to aim better he plain sucks ass. Besides, you can play with classic auto-aim enabled anyway.

seriously fuck off

>> No.1578596 [DELETED] 


I must admit that I am appalled at your incapability to read.

I am not slandering Kegan. See >>1578530

Shit, let me just change my name to GMOTA_Guy next post and suddenly add some shitty tripcode. THAT'LL TOTALLY MAKE KEGAN BE SARAIS, RIGHT GUYS?

>> No.1578598 [DELETED] 

We have all already established that you are, in fact, SArias. You're not fucking fooling anyone.
It's time to go back to your fucking quarantine zone.

>> No.1578607 [DELETED] 


>> No.1578608 [DELETED] 
File: 2.43 MB, 262x192, VQuvfLH2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mrw seeing this many shitposters in /doom/

>> No.1578610 [DELETED] 


Oh, look. you're still attempting to "convince" and "establish" I am "sarais", and that I'm trying to "Fool" anyone.

You're using non-evidence and claiming I am someone who I am not.

I'm looking for something valid here, you know. And you continue to fail to supply it.

And the lack of logs don't change anything.

>> No.1578614
File: 318 KB, 516x811, dJ6BNVt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh well, he's a faggot

here, have some tits

>> No.1578615



>> No.1578616 [DELETED] 


>Misusing "shitposters"

>What is "shitposting"?

Shitposting is "knowingly contributing low quality, off-topic, or ill intentioned posts."

>> No.1578617 [DELETED] 



>> No.1578620
File: 116 KB, 1280x720, 1398135528556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1578621 [DELETED] 

Responding to obvious shitposts and bait posts IS shitposting. If you faggots didn't respond to the original faggot this wouldn't have blown up.

>> No.1578623

Whoa! Fantastic artwork! Did you make that? If so, really amazing, quality works. Outstanding boobies.

>> No.1578624 [DELETED] 

Logs, logs, logs...
You are trying so fucking hard that I almost feel bad for you. Never before have I seen someone who's been this assblasted in /doom/.
What's the matter? Your internet friend didn't want to ERP with you in a Megaman 8-bit deathmatch Roleplay server?

>> No.1578625 [DELETED] 


I don't use IRC.


When did /doom/ become Furries?

>> No.1578627

mystical did
he's a bro

>> No.1578629 [DELETED] 

Actually, when it got here it was already blowing up, so.

And this is SArais. He will take any opportunity to shit whatever medium he's in up. That's why he got banned in the first place!

>> No.1578631 [DELETED] 

>Someone post Monstergirl
>Complains about furries
>3/10 my friend

>> No.1578634


>> No.1578637

Mystical gets a 10 out of 7.6 for that. He has a really good style.

>> No.1578639

sup /vr/
what are some WADs with hub maps like stronghold and the doom RPG?

>> No.1578640 [DELETED] 

but it has goat legs!1!1!

>> No.1578646

Unloved, but it's not in the same style as Stronghold.

>> No.1578647


Everyone should focus on this.

>> No.1578648


mystical's art can only get me so hard before my dick erupts.

>> No.1578649


Shit, no idea man. I wish I could've played that many wads in my lifetime to help, sorry

>> No.1578653 [DELETED] 

This is the worst thread. Just the worst thread.

>> No.1578657 [DELETED] 

If you mean /doom/ in general, you were just here at a very bad time.
If you just mean this thread only, then you're probably right.

>> No.1578661 [DELETED] 
File: 2 KB, 224x191, lfe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sarais is best poster what are you talking about

>> No.1578663 [DELETED] 
File: 3 KB, 362x84, swan fax.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1578670 [DELETED] 

Let's all be chaps, chaps.

>> No.1578676 [DELETED] 

Enough shitposting. There's already enough of it in the other thread I go to on /vg/.

>> No.1578680 [DELETED] 
File: 2 KB, 57x86, 00000000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just a wave after a severe case of butt devastation, it should be over soon enough.

>> No.1578686 [DELETED] 
File: 203 KB, 400x324, 3254236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all them cleared out posts

To the Janitor(s): Thanks dude(s)

>> No.1578704

So! I'll be working on the boomerang item crash first seeing as I haven't had any other suggestions on what I should be working on next.

I hope I can make a decent looking animation, I'm gonna try my hand at taking the baratus gauntlets and make it look like his arms are going outwards from a folded position. If that makes sense.

>> No.1578713 [DELETED] 

Okay, look. Everyone is being a faggot.

Why did none of you just start up a game of LMS and killed him? Honestly this whole ordeal, from the perspective of an outsider, looks to be ridiculous.

I don't care who was being a faggot. You're all shit-posters for bringing pointless drama into the thread.

Find SArais, play a game, calm down, and get along kids.

It's what ID would do.

We're all here for a similar purpose. And I'm certain he is as well. To play DOOM.

Now, I'm going to return to my code. Play nice.

On the topic moreso, however. Aside from the obvious (HMOD, Metrood, GMOTA, etc etc), what's everyone working on, and what's their favorite wads?

>> No.1578714
File: 1.90 MB, 200x150, and_is_w searches the kemohomo tag on pixiv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you mods

Weren't you doing Engrishy quit messages or something? Stuff like "This story not yet end" or something?

>> No.1578724


Oh shit, right I was working on those too, I still need a few more as well.

>> No.1578725 [DELETED] 

>what's everyone working on
Well I'm currently making some code in
>aside from the obvious

>> No.1578730 [DELETED] 


Sorry sweetie.

Does anyone know if that project got off the ground? I can't remember the name of it, but it had a boatload of custom monsters and weapons. Not sure if it had its own maps and textures. Distant memory to me.

>> No.1578732
File: 534 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20140427_195622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>On the topic moreso, however. Aside from the obvious (HMOD, Metrood, GMOTA, etc etc), what's everyone working on, and what's their favorite wads?


>> No.1578734

Gonna have to be a little more specific than that!

>> No.1578742
File: 326 KB, 1020x562, 1381004280884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobody thought of just playing nice and having a DM session with eachother

Really, guys?

>> No.1578743
File: 1.46 MB, 1280x1024, Screenshot_Doom_20130413_051244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually mix it up. Tan is one that I like for this skin.

>> No.1578748

We were playing Oneshot, though. :(

>> No.1578751

Ok, so the cap to each skill is 100, this increases it by 1-100 based on how many you have which can increase all skills up to 200 luck OP as shit

>> No.1578760
File: 364 KB, 900x1758, 1332063177525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And one person's actions stopped you from having fun with it?

It's a game, guys. I could care less of what he said, but, honestly. We're /doom/ not Call of Duty. Just laugh it off with eachother and play together.

And yes, I'm saying with the perpetrator.

I'll be talking with them as well.

Have a wallpaper. I don't know if the image is the proper resolutions or not

>> No.1578763

Wh-what is that model supposed to be?

>> No.1578764

I think I just found my intermission music, or whatever it's called when you hit those screens where the text scrolls and they tell you brief "story" elements


That or I could use it as the new title theme, choices.

>> No.1578765
File: 1.52 MB, 1920x1080, 1331040508728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And I just realized I clicked on the wrong image. Please berate me.

>> No.1578767
File: 221 KB, 400x324, Let go of my camera you son of a bitch!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cant wait for Bark Blast

>> No.1578769


I was hoping someone would post that one. Thank you. That was one my better mistakes I think.

>> No.1578774

You're welcome

>> No.1578785

It's the Purgatori skin, it's in the vrskins pack (grab over at best-ever.org), you can throw the vr_skins3.3r file into a folder in the zandronum directory called skins and then use and see the skins online.

>> No.1578802 [DELETED] 

So, I'm checking back into the thread and will ask this.

Have you all calmed down and forgiven each other? If so, please setup a server and play.

I want to jump into IRC and see everyone talking normally like friends. We're a community. so let's not be at each others throats.

This includes SArais.

>> No.1578807 [DELETED] 

>If so, please setup a server and play.

I DO need to do some testing for some new Metroid features...
Who wants to be the first to see the new Doom Cannon Charge Combo?

>> No.1578808 [DELETED] 

Well, besides SArais being ostracised forever, yeah shit's back to normal.

>> No.1578814

First one reminded me of the Heretic skellingtons.

>> No.1578818 [DELETED] 


I could care less if he's ostracised, Infact. I'd like you to forget this entire ordeal happened. Play a game with him and get along.

>> No.1578821 [DELETED] 

How about we all shut the hell up about pointless drama and just accept that faggots be faggots?

>> No.1578823 [DELETED] 

Unrelated to everything but I think it is "I couldn't care less". I blowed a friends mind with that a while ago and I wanted to share

>> No.1578824

That thing would fit right in with the other Raven enemies if it were sprited properly

>> No.1578842 [DELETED] 


Yeah. I kind of want to see it done.

I hope you guys know that SArais was the one who started the benellus gig, and quite a few other ideas in the thread that others thought were pretty good?

>> No.1578850 [DELETED] 

>I hope you guys know that SArais was the one who

Just...shut up.

>> No.1578853

>not using this skin with bittersweet.wad
Try it bro.
I wish lilwhitemouse put some more thought and work on bittersweet, it could be a really awesome wad when completed. Aside from angels and sadistic latex nuns there could be sadistic nazis she wolfs!

>> No.1578854 [DELETED] 


About what?

I'm pointing out what he did that everyone seems to overlook.

>> No.1578863

>I hope you guys know that SArais was the one who started the benellus gig

Terminus did.

>> No.1578869 [DELETED] 
File: 96 KB, 475x582, LORD BELLENUS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm certain the mods are getting tired of having to deal with this single thread, everyone. Cut it out and contribute to the thread or go back to playing Doom. Drop the arguments, go find you-know-who, and forgive each other. We don't need this toxicity in the threads.

Yeah, it would acctually. Kind of want to see it now.

I kind of miss when they were working on the WAD with the hammer hound/hell's battery/berserkers/etc

>> No.1578902
File: 21 KB, 350x233, GeorgeClooneyLaughing[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh dear, what a jolly fellow...

ANYWAY, HERE is the /doom/ images folders I've been promising since forever


Not that big of a change since the v4 version of the original one; I rearranged some folders and changed the name and contents of others. As always, if you want to contribute to this thing fuggen post more pics

>> No.1578905

has anyone made a grenade/orb that creates a vortex (pulls thing into a fixed radius)?

>> No.1578913

finally helldame art w/o the gross-ass cowface

>> No.1578919 [DELETED] 
File: 412 KB, 480x530, yeargh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long post ahead. Shield thine eyes and block this post.


Maybe in name, but for the images, it was SArais. Infact, let me compile a list of all his posts in this thread.

SArais did that image
And this post
This one as well
This too.
And this one
Take a guess.

The data matches on these posts.

>> No.1578925 [DELETED] 
File: 72 KB, 200x200, 114.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still talking about S'Arais

>> No.1578927

>Maybe in name, but for the images, it was SArais.

Terminus just provided the originals of them.

>The data matches on these posts.

And who the hell are you with this "data"?

>> No.1578929 [DELETED] 


>> No.1578997 [DELETED] 


Ah, Didn't know that.

I'll talk with you-know-who and sort his shit out. He won't be causing this again.

He does this sometimes in spurts. Pay no mind to it.

Is anyone working on some new sprites? I can't wait to introduce new enemys to my SSG.

>> No.1579051

Alright, what are people working on?

Sorry, GMOTA, HMOD, Metrood. You don't count. We already know about you.

>> No.1579060
File: 465 KB, 1280x720, gzdoom 2014-04-27 22-53-25-386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HD model rips without hands. Because fuck hands.

>> No.1579068


Ehh. I'm not one for models in my doom. but it does look good, although not in my prefrence.

Can't please everyone though.

>> No.1579073 [DELETED] 

We still know it's you.

>> No.1579075

technically they aren't models, they're models I animated and took shots of in HD and scaled down via TEXTURES
but that's ok

>> No.1579081
File: 2 KB, 100x114, dentonandtheaugmentfactory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh, what?

They do look like models.

I am fooled. Good illusion. Keep at it.

>> No.1579098

Alright. We can all agree on one thing. AEOD is terrible.

How can we make it not terrible? as laughable as that is.

I'm serious here. What would you do?

I'd scrap the entire project and start over. try to enforce some coherancy, and not make the rips be eyesores, or sprite over the rips.

>> No.1579114
File: 37 KB, 640x480, 1282758181601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>play brootal doom for the sake of it
>hey it's pretty cool
>play around in ultra-violence
>do some complex and hectic motherlovin' levels like Dead Simple and Living End
>I think I can get hold of it
>Start a "12 on a scaled of 10 Bad" run
>run forward and try to kick a mutilated shotgun guy with boosted strength
>at the last picosecond it felt like it hit the wall just behind him
>instantly blow up to pieces
>blood everywhere on my screen
mfw spaghetti coding

>> No.1579119


>> No.1579128


well the gravity swirl spell for the Ruby Wand in GMOTA yanks enemies inwards. It's pretty cool

>> No.1579130


Make it like Samsara.
Specific types of weapons sorted in different categories.

>> No.1579131


The file doesn't seem to work.

>> No.1579268

i need to download that shit

does it work on Zandronum

>> No.1579281
File: 600 KB, 1600x900, Screenshot_Doom_20140427_212013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never thought this combination would work out well.

>> No.1579287


It does not.

Honestly I'm not sure if Zambooper has the support for reverse velocity thrusts, it's so limited and shitty.

>> No.1579310
File: 259 KB, 1280x987, Image1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you go into player setup and check what skins were available?

>> No.1579350


Thanks, it works now.

I tried online with Zandronum and offline with gzdoom and it didn't work. But it worked when I tried using Zandronum offline.

>> No.1579360

Some mods use custom classes with extra animations or different characters (Metroid, Brutal Doom, Samsara) so custom skins won't work on them.

>> No.1579364
File: 8 KB, 230x150, clipsandchips4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put together something on a whim just now, I was the guy who posted the video and stuff, not the guy with the K98k (regrettably).

It'll probably look mismatched as fuck on the gun, I don't know, maybe someone else can use it later, maybe I can use it later, maybe nobody will.

Hope you know how to use .png and shit.

I put a little bit of effort into making the clip look a bit like the actual brass clips they used.

>> No.1579421

You see that mancubus is a fat-ass,right?
Well, here's the deal
remove the cannons and make it muscular and beefed up

>> No.1579424

I think i can work with that.

The thing is it happens so fast you don't see the little hiccups lots of mod rely on this.

I'll take anything more sprite the better i might make one for the K98

>> No.1579447

Well alright then, if you have the tools and the knowhow, it'd be interesting to see it in a .gif, webm or video.

>> No.1579465

I go green cause every other color looks terrible In the doom palate

>> No.1579467

>Projectile enemies change the direction of their shoots if the player is strafing right/left on them
>Imp's projectile is slightly faster
>Pinkies zig zag if they are alone
>Zombie soldiers shot faster depending on the distance and shotgunners move faster and move and shot at the same time if needed
>Barons of hell are smarter than Hell Knights[i.e. they can dodge missiles] and have the same attacks from MSX Barons
>BFG9000 is weak to the Spidermastermind and this guy can reflect it
>Cyberdemon shots in different patterns and shot different projectiles[i.e. 3 way Mancubus blasts]

Or in general,just make enemies to do the first option

>> No.1579479 [DELETED] 

These doom threads are filled with nothing but bandwagon jumping faggots.

>> No.1579486 [DELETED] 

I blame the fag enablers

>> No.1579489

they let you put up to 100 yang in your wang

>> No.1579493


>> No.1579515
File: 42 KB, 1030x1462, what i expected and got template hueg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let us fill out these, PWAD/Total Conversion Edition

>> No.1579526
File: 126 KB, 860x891, bluh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew her again. I don't know why. Enjoy, I guess.

>> No.1579530

and what

and when
I must know

>> No.1579531

2)H-mod concept?
3)(C) Soon

>> No.1579537

no I meant when did you first post stimpack grill
muh dick

>> No.1579540
File: 781 KB, 1030x1462, Corsairs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Still one of my favorite TCs of all time

>> No.1579542

im not him,sorry

>> No.1579547

someone made a joking remark about how h-mod was going to start turning items, weapons, everything into girls as well.

http://archive.foolz.us/vr/thread/1559127/#1563030 there it is, along with the thread

>> No.1579558
File: 549 KB, 1030x1462, Shotguns.wad.png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1579561

please draw more

>> No.1579563

Anyone got a mirror for Pirate Doom? Links over at ZDF are down and everywhere else I look has the same links.

>> No.1579581
File: 987 KB, 1030x1462, reelism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An example of a mod you can't exactly judge by looking at screenshots alone

>> No.1579584


I'd enjoy reelism a hell of lot more if the weapons weren't such ass, particularly your starter weapons.

Yes I know they're starter weapons but ammo can get scarce and RNG can dick you.

>> No.1579585
File: 70 KB, 578x904, Chaingun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reelism is great but the idea of multiplayer Reelism is just... oh man. Though ammo will run out even faster, I bet.

Have a chaingun girl. Well more of a mini-chaingun. A minigun.

>> No.1579596

I found Reelism tough initially, but as with all things it gets easier when you learn the core mechanics behind the mod. All you really need to do is find a balance between running away and fighting; enemies always drop ammo, and go for the ones that would be safe to collect from as well as those that are in your way.

Keep on doing this whilst collecting weapons and you're golden.

Somebody found a way to get it working on Zandronum in a few maps supposedly.

>> No.1579597
File: 95 KB, 640x480, 1398667708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1579603


I can't find weapons, I usually get shit like famine and rapid imp spawns.

Is it so much to ask for a half-decent starter weapon with infinite ammo? It doesn't have to be capable of slaughtering masses but the pistol struggles with zombiemen and imps, and fists are out of the question with the number of projectiles coming for your ass at any given point.

>> No.1579605

Would you or anyone else happen to know if there is a transparent version of "Go ahead and leave, see if I care" from the previous thread?


>> No.1579626
File: 38 KB, 572x846, plas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plasma rifle with hoverboots go

>> No.1579628

it's beautiful

>> No.1579630
File: 176 KB, 1030x1462, 374437156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1579638

The next release of the Space Pirate, woo

>> No.1579641

something not doom related

>> No.1579642


please draw them naked
please respond

>> No.1579646
File: 142 KB, 613x3180, 2009-12-25-telefrag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1579648


Welcome to whose doom is it anyway?

The game where all the monsters are naked, and the frag counts don't matter

>> No.1579661

You could try to hit and run with the melee's alt attack, but it isn't that viable on multiple targets because of the cooldown between attacks.

Just straferun until you find weapons

>> No.1579662
File: 32 KB, 1008x405, what i expected and got template.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another for those who wish to keep it simple

>> No.1579664

How do you make the UI in general bigger on Zdoom/Gzdoom?
I've been having that issue for awhile, alot of mods make the UI so tiny you can't see it.

>> No.1579670 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 548x700, your ded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1579678 [SPOILER] 
File: 49 KB, 548x700, 1398671657980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1579676

who is the guy who is not quentin tarantino

>> No.1579683

>.gif, webm or video.

making gif idk how
webm idk either

i like to post PNGs

>> No.1579686

I think it's under HUD options. It kinda sucks as it makes it look as you if were playing on a 320x200 screen.

>> No.1579691

Haha I have no idea what to say about this. Cute style though!

>> No.1579692
File: 2.11 MB, 533x300, metroiddoom.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google up WebM for Retards for a tool to assist you

>> No.1579729
File: 772 KB, 240x180, loading-mosin-with-stripper-clip-o.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd just like to see how the animation turns out, you could always ask someone who knows.

Hypercam, fraps, or whatever, any similar recording software, should be simple enough to use to record a couple of seconds of video demonstrating the animation, which you should be able to convert into a .webm file with that Webm For Retards program (I've used this program, it's actually very simple and straightforward, every function is clearly labeled and explained).

>> No.1579764


>> No.1579768

You okay there?

>> No.1579769


>> No.1579773

What's going on man?

>> No.1579775

your gonna make me lose a bet

>> No.1579776

I am to displease. Unless it's a bedroom situation, which as far as I know this isn't...yet.

What was the bet?

>> No.1579778
File: 635 KB, 200x145, 1355777229286.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i aint tellin

>> No.1579792
File: 65 KB, 750x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi guys, I have a rather odd question about goldsrc games like HL or TFC.
For Source games, my mouse sensitivity is 5.32 and I'd like to know what the exact equivalent of that is for goldsrc. An answer would be very much appreciated!

>> No.1579806


I love this guy. He looks so fucking smug.

>> No.1579813


>> No.1579815

>>Projectile enemies change the direction of their shoots if the player is strafing right/left on them
>>Imp's projectile is slightly faster
I'm okay with this
>>Pinkies zig zag if they are alone
Sort of okay with this. Would rather them get some smart logic, but that'd be really hard to program
>>Zombie soldiers shot faster depending on the distance and shotgunners move faster and move and shot at the same time if needed
I'm okay with this, if we can take out the hitscan and just make relatively fast projectiles
>>Barons of hell are smarter than Hell Knights[i.e. they can dodge missiles] and have the same attacks from MSX Barons
I'm okay with this
>>BFG9000 is weak to the Spidermastermind
sort of okay with this, not one for forcing any weapon
>and this guy can reflect it
No no no no, and no
>>Cyberdemon shots in different patterns and shot different projectiles[i.e. 3 way Mancubus blasts]
I'm all for him getting new abilities, a charge, stomp, a leap, more than one projectile, yeah, circlestrafing is too easy
>Or in general,just make enemies to do the first option
I don't understand this

>> No.1579820
File: 398 KB, 535x800, memento_marty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1579848


Michael Bay.

Pretty accurate !

>> No.1579853

The filename is the cherry on top.

>> No.1579871

This is the greatest, I love you guys.

>> No.1579873

Has there ever been a mod that makes all damage values more consistent than vanilla Doom?

>> No.1579876


If there hasn't one been made yet, I can't imagine it being too difficult to just take damage values for most projectiles and surround them with parentheses

>> No.1579881

Well yeah, I guess I could take the median or highest possible damage per shot/pellet and apply it to all weapons easily, but I'm not sure if somebody has actually made something like it yet.

>> No.1579891
File: 19 KB, 140x139, p51conceptbase.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For maximum fun, today I'm gonna show you a plan document for a version 3 of WildWeasel and I's mod, "Agent Diaz". Everything, mainly the combo system, became the Space Pirate after Weas didn't seem too interested in the idea. Which is perfectly fine, as Diaz v3 was mostly about me trying to get back into Doom modding. Take a gander here!: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JWXCA3um5Ch2lvXddAztC0JSDdhLH0-IIniPWiRmi_8/edit?usp=sharing

>> No.1579926


That's one sleek pistol.

>> No.1579939
File: 180 KB, 491x404, 1381904146582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will we be seeing anything else today marty?

>> No.1579943

I can't really confirm anything, but I can vaguely promise something "soon". I have to do these animations and they're proving challenging, so...I hope something comes out soon!

>> No.1579951

AtM with...?

>> No.1579954
File: 38 KB, 400x400, 1390807963825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1579956

But as a minor follow up, Scroton helped me out a ton (i.e. doing the weapons from the ground up) on the two new weapons for the next version of TSP, so these animations are literally the final component before the weapons are finished. Woo!

>> No.1579957
File: 45 KB, 565x600, If I see that fucking smiley one more time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Courtesy of Starbound General last year

>> No.1579961
File: 118 KB, 692x768, 1390809147651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these animations are literally the final component before the weapons are finished.

>> No.1579963

You have no idea how long I've been looking for this picture!

But yes, believe. Or don't and get pleasantly surprised!

>> No.1579965
File: 276 KB, 579x3017, 1395412721035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got a mirror to Pirate Doom?
The one in the official thread is dead.

>> No.1579969

That reminds me

>Starbound gets an update through Steam today
>Check game changelog through launcher
>They still haven't changed it since February
>Check site
>Just bug fixes

I'm losing faith in that game every time I glance at whatever progress they're making. While they hope to change combat for the better this thing is going to take fucking ages to actually get a proper release if not at all due to potential feature creep

Polite sage for not Doom or retro

>> No.1579973

I'm a dumb fuck, whos Marty?

>> No.1579975

The Space Pirate dev.

>> No.1579976 [DELETED] 
File: 53 KB, 450x450, 1395208519730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a dumb fuck
and >>1579638, the post that >>1579820 replied to

>> No.1579978


that guy >>1579943

>> No.1580062

Depends on color depth.
Dodgerblue if 32 bits.
Relatively light shade of pure blue if 8 bits.

>> No.1580093

Hey /vr/, anyone here can lecture me about fontdefs, menudefs and how to make some cool custom menus with them?

>> No.1580112


>> No.1580119


The funny thing is, i'm actually considering it for some of the rarer/secret item stuff.

>> No.1580159
File: 311 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Doom_Base_Ganymede.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1580160

Brown because I have two older brothers and they were always players 1 and 2.

>> No.1580183
File: 889 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Doom_Threshold_of_Pain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1580193

ToPII looks so promising, I can't wait for scalliano to finish it.

>> No.1580201
File: 46 KB, 400x438, mmmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1580309



>> No.1580345


>> No.1580412

Why is the ZDoom forums populated with so many retards?

>> No.1580498
File: 282 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_Doom_20140428_114147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally got around to playing D2TWID and it's okay for the most part (though some level design feels like Doom 1.5 instead).

But this fucking room in map09... What the hell is the deal with this. If you bring up that lift and miss the jump you're just stuck in a damn room, since you can't bring the lift up in half-steps. The door you come through doesn't open. It's pretty terrible.

>> No.1580521

you raise the lift twice (to the level of the floor you're on) then start it rising a third time and run across it while it's still moving.

>> No.1580531

then the button on the ledge opens a door on the other side of the room with a switch and a pool of slime disguising a teleporter. you press the switch then bomb it into the teleporter. on teleporting immediately run backwards to catch another lift as it goes up. if you miss it the button in the alcove on the left lowers the lift again.

>> No.1580545

I can see that. It's still a huge clusterfuck. Certainly not "the way id did"
Yeah, I got that far, but I went back and reloaded a save to do it.

>> No.1580562

Huge clusterfuck? Nah, it's just a bit of challenge.

>> No.1580567

i didn't think it was out of place. there are vaguely similar raising/lowering platform puzzles in doom2.

>> No.1580659

Minor clusterfuck.

Only one I can think of is the icon of sin elevator, and that's just a timed shot.

>> No.1580718
File: 64 KB, 640x480, 1398717453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the thing i was thinking of was that part of map19 where i think the intention is you have to raise two floors the "right" number of times to reach a backpack and a teleporter to a soulsphere. it's easy to forget about because A it's optional and B you can trivially bypass it with straferunning, something they didn't know about and/or take into account in 1994

>> No.1580719


Surprise surprise, MAP09 kills any hype you had when playing D2TWID, just the way id software did with Doom 2!

>and it got a Cacoward for "meeting its purpose". Let that sink in

>> No.1580741

plus the whole level is kind of a mashup of sandy petersen's puzzle levels. a cross between map08, map09, various bits of others

i think there are some really great maps in d2twid, i agree i didn't think map09 was one of them though

i don't think you should care so much about caco awards either, they're just the opinion of a small number of people. vr could do its own awards and they'd be just as valid

>> No.1580749 [DELETED] 

>plus the whole level is kind of a mashup of sandy petersen's puzzle levels. a cross between map08, map09, various bits of others
(clarification: talking about d2twid map09, if it wasn't obvious)

>> No.1580761
File: 71 KB, 500x200, jKkeYXp[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm a big supporter of /doom/ as a whole, but I highly doubt we could ever replace something as the Cacowards. First of all, Doomworld is not just *~Vanilla Central~*, they cover every corner of the community (if they actually were VC they wouldn't had awarded Pirate Doom, Project MSX and even Samsara at all). Second, antiquity. Doomworld has been around since 2002 or so, we're only like 14 months old.

Also, it's not like we're the only corner in the community that showed small disgust over last year's Cacos; it's like when Crash won Best Picture at the Academy Awards, it just felt...off

>> No.1580764

>Map19 of TNT
If I recalled right is that, The Mill? I played the shit out of that map, and to my opinion it was the best map of the TNT Evilution.

>> No.1580765

Ugh fuck that movie. Typical exploitative liberal "cops are jerks" art-house trash.

>> No.1580767

(sorry, I messed up and posted a picture for a post that wasn't meant to be included)

>> No.1580786

/pol/ pls leave

>> No.1580806

You can make that jump straight running too. Just line up from one corner of the stairs to the other and you'll land it fine.

>> No.1580847 [DELETED] 

No, I wanna know how the fuck that movie won THREE Oscars. Especially when it was running against Brokeback Mountain.

Crash? More like Trash.

>> No.1580862

Brokeback Mountain was fucking awful. I say this as a gay man btw.

>> No.1580917
File: 205 KB, 961x915, classt barron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A mini-challenge to you, /vr/: Find something you don't like in your favourite mods. I'll start:
>GMOTA: Almost everything about the wand (thank god for the new arm cannon thing)
>Particle Fire Enhancer: The lightning effect on the projectiles look weird, the SSG sounds is pretty awful (firing sound too low pitched and quiet, the rebounding sounds and the sound of pellets entering flesh are louder)

>> No.1580919


I'm assuming you didn't like the fact that a BEEFY AND MANLY dude like Blaz was using a tiny wand, but what about in function? I'm hoping the charge shot, and thumpier sounds will make people like it more.

Also I hope people won't mind how the charge function works: Fire off 8 shots from holding the button, then you enter the charging states

>> No.1580923

>I'm assuming you didn't like the fact that a BEEFY AND MANLY dude like Blaz was using a tiny wand
Yup. The sounds were bretty bad too, imo.
>Fire off 8 shots from holding the button, then you enter the charging states
Seems a bit weird but I think I'll be fine with it.

>> No.1580926
File: 71 KB, 500x200, jKkeYXp[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>please don't become brutal doom

Too late, the dumbass already added unnecessary crap (just like BD did at the time) such as "ketchup" decal effects that fucking cripple the framerate (not even the original Ketchup did), of all things. Oh, and some monster's idle animation? Quite similar to BD

Also cacos tend to go up sometimes. And also this was the post I was meant to put with this picture.

>> No.1580930
File: 461 KB, 1920x1080, TBhKKS7[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not even regular Doom + Ketchup was this much slow

>> No.1580932

>such as "ketchup" decal effects that fucking cripple the framerate
Didn't he remove that? I played around a bit with it and the blood seemed like vanilla, but a bit better.

>> No.1580940


I just downloaded and played it to back my crap up before posting, and it is still there. Oh, and the crusher doesn't actually go down while killing the Mastermind (it still kills him tho) when playing with this.

>> No.1580946


What's wrong with the idle animation? the idle animations used in BD / Smooth doom are better than what Vanilla used

>> No.1580947

Wait, ketchup? I have the latest version, and there's like no ketchup at all, aside from some extra blood spatters when you shoot enemies.

>> No.1580948


I took a page from metroid prime hunters on how the power beam behaved there.

Though if people find it too awkward I'll switch it over to a more traditional megaman sorta thing.

>> No.1580953

I just did too and didn't see anything like >>1580930
Then I saw you were using ZDoom, so I tried that and blood started to pour out everywhere.
The blood doesn't work on GZDoom for some reason, so maybe try that?

>> No.1580959


THIS is the only link I ever saw of the project in the thread (it's in the OP) and the one I downloaded just a few minutes ago. And it has all I described



Okay, trying on GZDoom as we speak, posting results

>> No.1580964


Okay, now this is just dumb. GZDoom 1.9pre-327 and no ketchup at all. What is this shit?

>> No.1580973

Ha, I know right. When I tried it with GZDoom I was like "Hey, he removed the blood, that's great".
This is just ridiculously funny.

>> No.1580995


>I like jerking off to gay pokemon art

>> No.1581006

I've seen some people who didn't like brutal doom. What is so hated about this wad?

Personally I don't use half of the new features like the iron sights, or the taunts, or the finishing moves for that matter. But I cant put the wad down now that I've played with the localised damages and the ability to single shot the supershotgun.

Taking down a revenant with one single double shotgun blast after dancing between his projectiles is insanely satisfying and I can't bring myself to get back to vanilla doom now.

Also if its bad, what would be some good alternatives?

>> No.1581014

Every thread. God.
Some people like it, some don't. People generally dislike the headshots, the iron sights, te ear rape sounds, and the exagerated blood and gore.
>Also if it's bad, what would be some good alternatives?
Our opinion shouldn't affect what you enjoy or not, really. But I like Brutal Doom Sperglord's Edition more.
It depends on what you want, really. There's Project MSX, Accessories to Murder, Polished Skull, Particle Fire Enhancer, etc.

>> No.1581015

I'd try Sperglord Edition. It's a little better polished imo.

>> No.1581017

Also the chainsaw in it is far superior.

>> No.1581028

Oh god yes. It actually feels like it's cutting shit now.
Man, I would love if Mark implemented that instead of the one he made a video about recently. It looked really bad.

>> No.1581041

>First, I must correct you; I am not irrelevant to your community, YOUR community is irrelevant to me. - Sgt. Mark IV, March 1st, 2014
>Special Thanks to Revae, the creator of the base Chainsaw sprite and Sigfloyd for polishing it. - Sgt. Mark IV, April 18th, 2014
I kek everytiem

>> No.1581043

the BDSE chainsaw is pretty amazing
only thing that could make it better would be having some kind of dualshock-y feedback in my mouse

>> No.1581072

>mods that make the chaingun have windup times without making the pistol fire faster or replace it with something that does, and make the chaingun still fire slow as shit
Why. You either replace the chaingun with an assault rifle (which it pretty much is, the devs probably just thought it was cooler to call it a chaingun) or make it an actual minigun and add another fast fire, accurate, no windup weapon.

>> No.1581076
File: 139 KB, 792x300, SawAngles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like a few more slash angles myself. Maybe a "hold it down to multi-slash" sorta thing.

But SE has the best chainsaw I've used in a doom mod.

>> No.1581095

Would you really slash around a god damn chain saw though? If you have ever used a chain saw before you would know that it wouldn't be a good idea, it would be more thrusting based and more deliberate slower slashing. It wouldn't do much if you just swung it around like that.

>> No.1581101

Anyone got a mirror for Pirate Doom? The download link on the ZDoom forums is a 404.

>> No.1581109

I asked a while ago too and noone seems to have it ;_;

>> No.1581110

is the IRC ded?

>> No.1581117

It's more active than the thread is.

>> No.1581119
File: 6 KB, 732x117, It&#039;s dead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sorry dude

>> No.1581120

I have used a chainsaw before. Thrusting into anything is a terrible idea. Kickback could split your head in two. The only realistic way to use a chainsaw is deliberately sawing perpendicularly, just like a logger. Thank god Doom isn't a realistic game.

>> No.1581121

the server is refusing to log me in ;_;

>> No.1581126

Got a screenshot? I'd like to help but there's not much I can do with "it doesn't work"

>> No.1581132
File: 18 KB, 604x213, halp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here, i blocked out my ip for obvious reasons

>> No.1581135

i should clarify, it gets to that point, than just stops

>> No.1581141

i have it, but i think it's an old version
i could probably reupload it somewhere, i guess

>> No.1581147 [DELETED] 

Report and ignore

>> No.1581152 [DELETED] 


>> No.1581158 [DELETED] 

he's fucking around and trying to discredit people who encourage self-moderation

>> No.1581169

One of the three guys who wants it. That would be amazing if you uploaded it for us.

Thanks in advance if you do upload it.

>> No.1581185

there you go

>> No.1581192

Don't we all?

>> No.1581196
File: 83 KB, 620x620, 10250243_1441978252709334_2784130620144020861_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1581198

Thanks, bruh. Downloading right now.

>> No.1581213

>Project MSX
No v0.3 yet

>Accessories to Murder
Cool shotgun only holds 6 shells max
Sawed off shotgun is horribly weak
BFG replacement is terrible for bosses
Sawed off zombies never ever miss regardless of range

>> No.1581216

Why isn't there a Doom MMOFPS? With the improvements Quake brought to multiplayer, I'd have expected there to exist a virtual world where you can slaughter the hordes of Hell with your brothers in arms at your side.

>> No.1581218

Awesome, thanks!

>> No.1581223

This is the latest version right?

>> No.1581226

pretty sure it's not

>> No.1581227


Six is the perfect balance for the pump shotgun.

Sawed off shotgun's Niche is to keep the nastier mooks off of you via knockback.

The Minigun's the boss killer.

Just edit out the new enemies, that's what I do.

>> No.1581234


Does it have the dynamite launcher gun?

>> No.1581239

>Sawed off shotgun's Niche is to keep the nastier mooks off of you via knockback.
This actually isn't true because the pump shotgun also has knockback.

The sawed off is pretty worthless and I really want to like it because dem fucking sprites man.

>> No.1581254
File: 2.05 MB, 640x360, zandronum 2014-04-28 21-04-32-28.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like the concept of a chainsaw acting like a katana on BDSE. It's not just ultra-unrealistic, and (I mean beyond Brutal Doom's unrealism) but it also turns the chainsaw into a hit-and-run weapon, and makes the fists completely worthless. Also, I did some big changes on the animation since that video.

>> No.1581260


The pump shotgun's way too slow to handle 20 pinkies in your face

>> No.1581265


"The regular shotgun is now replaced with the sawed-off. Its main advantage over the pump shotgun is crowd control; it has a much wider spread and a high knockback, in addition to its quick reloading. However, due to the wide spread and comparative lack of damage, the sawed-off is not generally useful at longer ranges."

Just going by what WildWeasel said.

But my opinion is that the sawed off works well for what it does. Pump shotgun works better for when you need more firepower.

In that case (and if the map permits it) I usually whip out the sledge, because I generally feel suicidal at those points in time.

>> No.1581269
File: 1.27 MB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Doom_Threshold_of_Pain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1581270

To be honest, the fists are worthless to start with, despite the combo system in place. It's generally not worth losing health to get fatalities in with BD's upgraded mobs.

>> No.1581275


I tried the sledge and it's best used with dealing with a line of enemies approaching you

>> No.1581278

The sawed off shotgun is even slower than the pump shotgun outside of the initial burst. Also it takes 3-4 shells to kill one of them while the Pump Shotgun does it with 2 pretty consistently.
And considering shells aren't nearly as common in AtM that's pretty bad.

You should be using the GOD Sledge/revolver/Assault rifle/Minigun/BFG if you are surrounded by that many pinkies too.

I never ever go back to the sawed off shotgun once I have the pump shotgun.
The damage difference is pretty big and the lack of damage is very noticeable.

It just needs something more. Even if it's extreme knockback or slightly higher damage.

>> No.1581281

>But yes, believe. Or don't and get pleasantly surprised!

where is the space pirate marty

you said there would be space pirate

>> No.1581285

don't you ever use smash mode?

>> No.1581294


>> No.1581295

Not him but the problem is getting in close without damage.

Only thing I ever punch are Pinkies because most other things will get a hit on you if you go for it.
It's much better to jump kick if you're going in for melee because of how powerful berserk jump kicks are.

They can stunlock Mancubi too.

>> No.1581301


Basically what >>1581295 Said.
Smash mode is nice and all but gap closing is rather difficult, when I can just stand back and shotgun the monster in question.

>> No.1581303
File: 18 KB, 128x128, MartyKirra-IndigoSkyline-WarframeEmblem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Travel times through space are taking a bit more than expected, weapons are jamming and the starboard alpha reactor core is decreasing in polarity, thus a hyper space jump to get to our destination is highly volatile and could cause the ship to crash. Right now our estimated ETA is sometime in the nearest of futures, but we can't be too certain.


>> No.1581305

Fair enough I guess.

>> No.1581309

Is there a mod that turns all the sprites into 3D models?

>> No.1581312

What are the combos in Brutal Doom/SE? I only know about the chainsaw one in BDSE, I think it was M2 + Q + M2 + Q + M2

>> No.1581313

I think the issue with the animation is that the horizontal slash feels really light. There's no weight behind it so it looks like Brutal Doomguy is kind of just swinging it back and forth. The downwards slash also looks kind of choppy and could similarly use more weight in it's animation to make it more impactful, but otherwise it's looking promising.

>> No.1581321

Yup, agreed.
I don't think you can turn the weapon models in 3d. Marrub was working in some sprites that looked damn close though, there was a quake 2 resource pack that did too.
And yes, there are a few that replace monsters and shit with 3d stuff, but they don't look very good. I forgot the name, there were 2 projects I think.
Accessories to Murder uses voxels for most stuff on the ground though, it's pretty nice.
Hey Mark can you make it so that when you hare in ironsights mode the crosshair dissapears? Accessories to Murder does it and it's pretty nice.

>> No.1581335

If you are using melee, I already suppose that you are either all out of ammo, or saving it to kill something bigger. Fists can be useful if you are fighting against small groups of powerful melee foes like Barons or Cacodemons. You try to lure one out of the group, and attack him with a melee combo that will stun and deal a high damage, then you fall back, and wait for another opportunity to attack. Using a chainsaw to attack a couple of Hellknights would make you completely vulnerable when stunlocking one of them, and other one would come from behind and grab you. For v20 I will revise the melee combat to make sure these tactics can be used more often.

Would Zandronum support this?

Thanks for the advice, I'll see what I can do.

>> No.1581340


I usually just kick things apart. Kicking and jump kicking are the best things in Brutal Doom.

>> No.1581343
File: 14 KB, 800x452, chibi doom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Would Zandronum support this?
The dissapearing crosshairs? I have no idea, honestly, I hoped you would know.

>> No.1581358

there's a few 3D model packs, but they don't look good

now, i heard someone tried to do voxels... that'd be amazing

>> No.1581371

Fuck. /r/-ing "howiholdgaijinpiggugun.jpg'

>> No.1581375

goddamn we need the image folder update

>> No.1581378
File: 786 KB, 1010x720, how do I hold gaijin piggu gun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can post all the ones I've made as well as some others that I have that I didn't make if you want.

>> No.1581381

you never tried the voxels? they already replace 99% of the drops and decorations

>> No.1581383

I think he's talking about monster voxels

>> No.1581385

i was talking about the monsters
and 99%? i'm pretty sure there's still a lot of decorations missing

>> No.1581392

What do you guys like better, Particle Fire Enhancer or Polished Skull?
Also what's up with Minigunner no updating his post with the WIP5 version?

>> No.1581395

Speaking of, mind linking to the newest version.

>> No.1581401

fucking kek everytime. How did a model this bad come into existence? was this like from YPOD or something?

>> No.1581404

I like PFE because it keeps the gameplay vanilla while adding a bunch of neat graphical flair. I really dig Polished Skull too though. Those smooth as fuck weapons are really nice.

>> No.1581405
File: 483 KB, 956x638, doomworld_forums.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no idea

>> No.1581407
File: 65 KB, 234x303, tumblr_n4fq4zlCz71qdvhtvo1_250[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Duke Nukem was bound to have actual voxelized enemies in 1997
>It's 2014 and Doom STILL doesn't have any at all


>> No.1581420

because Ken Silverman can't into user friendliness

and magica voxel is still fairly new

>> No.1581424
File: 22 KB, 623x371, guessi&#039;vegotbrainproblems.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this remember me, I told you guys the voxel zombieman moonwalkin was funny but I never shared the file so you guys could laugh too
here it is http://www.mediafire.com/download/dbw3ab3fhowsjqn/vombieman.pk3
dunno if there is any way to fix it
(also I say 99% because I exclude the ones that wouldn't look good in voxels and nobody will do that goddamn tree)

>> No.1581425
File: 1.84 MB, 325x244, 1372927202359.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1581426

were you the one who had the voxelized projectiles wad that actually had the missles that fired correctly? I've been trying to find that wad.

>> No.1581428

voxelbro make a bolt voxel for marty's crossbow plox

>> No.1581429

VOXELBRO! I need your assistance for my mod, just a minor thing. Would you mind helping a brotha out?

>> No.1581430

Gah! Yes, this. It'd be fantastic if you can help out, it shouldn't be too big of a deal (I hope!)

>> No.1581431

There you go.
Ya, me too. Some of vanilla aspects are kind of bad (imo) though, the speed of fist and pistol for example.
The thing I like the most about Polished Skull is that Plasma Gun.
>dat sound
>those projectiles
>that animation
Maybe I would like a new sprite but goddamn does it feel powerful.

>> No.1581436

here http://www.mediafire.com/download/kbh2981u998374e/hellspawn+voxelbro1.2.zip
I usually wait until the sprites are final but I'll look into it. Where i can find the latest build?

>> No.1581442

>I usually wait until the sprites are final but I'll look into it. Where i can find the latest build?

Sprites are final AFAIK but marty gonna hafta send you the sprites, not saying anymore since I prolly already spoiled stuff by mentioning crossbow but replying anyway cause I like comment snipering marty

>> No.1581446

>tfw I still haven't finished that voxel car I was working on.
God, the fun things I'll get to get back to when finals are over.

>> No.1581447

Mark I have a bug to report here.
I was strength boosted and kicked the mutilated shotgun guy infront of a wall, I get instagibbed.
"Player died" was the message of the log.

>> No.1581449

http://www.mediafire.com/download/0m9b293ov28wqp1/TSP_Dahlia_Arrow_Sprites.zip Here they be! They are final, your help would be awesome.

Damn you Scroton >:C

>> No.1581453
File: 81 KB, 477x648, 1383107579198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Damn you Scroton >:C

u just mad cuz Im stylin on u

>> No.1581459
File: 57 KB, 724x630, itry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried making a voxel uzi using Voxelbro's tutorial. What do you think?

>> No.1581461

Word. I remember spending the second half of summer 2009 playing Skulltag. Fucking kick-ass times. I regret not starting earlier than that year though.

>> No.1581462
File: 10 KB, 477x269, tumblr_inline_n4rplzQmFm1sreg5n[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1581463
File: 203 KB, 400x324, 3254236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1581464

looks neat, but i think the trigger should be reversed

>> No.1581468


>> No.1581471

I have no practical skills to help with this, so.... I'm useless.

But DRPG + Doom RL + some features of Brutal + a little polish + persistent worlds and missions...

My dick gets hard just thinking about it

>> No.1581472
File: 1.81 MB, 640x361, RedDoor.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1581475


and I thought I was colorblind.

>> No.1581478



>> No.1581479

This is way beyond the scope of an individual modder or a small team, even of extremely talented individuals.

Not to mention it'd be using like 5 discrete team's already-established work.

>> No.1581492

Wow! Even better than Mama!
Is this what you wanted? There weren't much pixels to base on http://www.mediafire.com/download/ata9vn6frt15m3j/bolt1.kvx

>> No.1581493

I'm tired of hitscan. Are there any mods that replace zombieman attacks and guns with fast projectiles, other than brutal doom?

>> No.1581495

anyone got the Hmod webms?

>> No.1581504

ww-nazis and ww-terrorists both use projectile bullets instead of hitscan

>> No.1581506

I'll check it out, thanks a ton man!

>> No.1581507


I'm gonna make hitscanners into projectile shooters eventually, though I'm probably going to make their bullets more damaging as a trade off

>> No.1581515

I _think_ make it snappy does it.
Also, Action Doom.

>> No.1581519

I'd argue the fists are only worthwhile when you're berserked anyway. And since you're invulnerable during fatalities they're far from useless.

>> No.1581524

i googled it i have o download shit and convert some other shit fuck that noise

>> No.1581525

You also can't move or shoot during fatalities, and enemies don't stop attacking. I usually got hit 2-3 times the instant I left the fatality because I couldn't do anything to prevent getting swarmed.

>> No.1581528

Oh okay yeah I can make animation gifs. It might be stylized animation maybe.

>> No.1581530

It's best for swarms of mobs. If you time it right you can kill 10-20 imps/former humans and only get hit once or twice in the process. Saving ammo.

>> No.1581538

Oh one more tiny request! I have no idea how easy it would be to do, but could you also make a version of the arrow with a red band on it instead of a blue one? I can provide the sprites for that version if you need.

>> No.1581550
File: 27 KB, 300x304, cyberdemon shoot wall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doom Enhanced is shit
>Eric guns look cool but aren't smooth enough and still sound like Vanilla
>Beautiful Doom is customizable as hell but the sounds suck and the new plasma gun sprite is shitty
>Polished Skull is pretty alright but the blood decals look pretty shitty and can lag like a motherfucker on larger maps
>Smooth Doom added LOADSOGORE for no fucking reason
>can't get into BDSE

This is it, isn't it? I have to learn how to make my own shit. Goddamn.

>> No.1581554


Actually could you upscale that and make it less wide and round it out slightly? It doesn't have to be perfect and feel free to say no if it will take a while to do.

Also are you on irc?

>> No.1581560


Sounds like if you played Polished Skull or Smooth Doom and removed the fancy pants gore you'd be in the clear.

>> No.1581562

>Smooth Doom added LOADSOGORE
Not really.

>> No.1581567
File: 1.66 MB, 360x198, sVkwF8R.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What wad?

>> No.1581568

I'd also like to make a PS version without recoil because sometimes I like to roll without freelook.
Till then, rolling with perk's animations and sounds I guess.
I also forgot about Particle Fire Enhancer
Looks good, but the SSG sounds like if you were firing an harpoon or something, and it can get laggy on wads with many monsters.

>> No.1581571

yeah, I was thinking about doing what you suggested
red stripe done
I don't go to the irc often because the connection feels like the server is on Phobos

>> No.1581572

See >>1580930
It may not be much at first but it gets out of hand, and it looks pretty bad imo, both on the ground and when it's coming out of an enemy.

>> No.1581574

awesome! thanks a ton!

>the connection feels like the server is on Phobos

that's cause IT IS!

>> No.1581581
File: 2.54 MB, 640x360, zandronum 2014-04-28 23-21-37-59.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked now. It will only be supported on Zandro 2.0. Current version doesn't.

This issue was fixed on the first day of v20's development.

Check this. Now the saw only moves when the blade moves away from the target. Is it any better now?

>> No.1581586
File: 53 KB, 1001x781, snap0003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you prefer, like it is in the pic, rounder, or sharper?

>> No.1581587

Try moving it to the right instead of the left after the animation, kind of like a "cut-through" sorta thing. When I mime it with my hands that makes a lot more sense, but it definitely still looks better than before. Nice stuff!

>> No.1581589

>Checked now. It will only be supported on Zandro 2.0. Current version doesn't.
Aw man. Does the dev build support it?

>> No.1581598


>> No.1581601

The shaft looks perfect, maybe make the tip a bit more sharp but not down to a single voxel digit taper, maybe two wide.

>> No.1581604


>> No.1581607

also mebbe a bit longer, like 1.5-2x as long as it is now

you can just stretch it, it's gonna get scaled down

>> No.1581620

Thanks. Actually it swings to left or right randomly. For some reason it only went left while recording the video.

Yes, but I don't want to rely on a dev build. I will be relying in a feature that might not even make it to the official release, and also causing a lot of discomfort to the player base (most of BD players have found about sourceports just now, and will not understand why BD20 isn't loading up on Zandronum 1.2 even after following all tutorials). Too risky for a simple cosmetic feature.

>> No.1581631

Ok then.
So I guess it won't come for the GZDoom version either?

>> No.1581637
File: 44 KB, 1001x781, snap0005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the tip gets silly if I try to make it sharper, but a 1.5 size stretch is looking good
that's all for today. Anything else ask me tomorrow

>> No.1581639

Thanks a ton man! This is great.

>> No.1581640
File: 7 KB, 247x281, sweating_doomguy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /vr/, Doombro here!

Someone on Twitter told me that there was a guy in here impersonating me last night. Just wanted to drop by and say that I have no clue who that person was or what he did. In fact, I haven't been to /vr/ in months!

I'm going to be releasing a bunch of new comics soon since the new comic special is taking its sweet ass time (read: I'm slow as fuck).

Anyways, have a Doomguy! Happy rip and tearing!

>> No.1581645

Man, I don't know what the deal with PFE is. Some levels I can have tons of enemies on screen, with all the fancy particle effects streaming from props and projectiles and have the FPS be totally fine... and then I can be in a small room later on with a few enemies and have the FPS drop to totally unplayable. I might have to switch to a different mod or something. It's pretty annoying.

>> No.1581646

Awesome job! Highest of fives to you!

>> No.1581648


thank you so much, and sorry for the inconvenience, man!

>> No.1581651

Kinda late, but how about Demon Gauntlet for your wrist canon?

>> No.1581654

I know right? I had the same problem.
Maybe it's all the casings and shit, I don't know. I wish I could disable them like in Beautiful Doom.
No problem mate, we knew it wasn't you.

>> No.1581661

Better. The swinging left and right still seems to lack weight.

Might be better to have the grinding start from the left and slowly move to the right as it does damage. So the grinding effect seemed more like you were chopping through something as opposed to scraping the surface.

>> No.1581663
File: 5 KB, 386x378, a4c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>more Doombro comics

I want to believe.


Demon gauntlet? Whaddta mean?

>> No.1581667

Well, it's a gauntlet that looks demonical. Your wrist canon thing I mean.

>> No.1581671


Oh right, as a name suggestion? I dunno man, Blaz is a good guy so it has to be something ARCADEY and HEROIC and shit.

>> No.1581675
File: 73 KB, 464x677, youtube cricket fans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it was someone who got booted from the IRC for being an asswipe and produced extrordinary levels of bootyboom and decided to shit up the thread for like 2 hours until a mod cleaned everything up and hopefully permabanned his ass.

It sucks that this had to happen, but truth be told no one was fooled anyway.

Keep up the good work, bro.

>> No.1581685

Mystic Gauntlet
Glove of Love
The Fuck-you-upper

>> No.1581686

Actually, weirdest thing, minimize doom for a few minutes, go back, framerate is fine. Maybe it was just my pos laptop doing something demanding in the background.

>> No.1581690

It could be something he borrowed from his mage friend, but I'll try to think of a better name.

>Captcha: One dicnail

No captcha, that's just rude.

>> No.1581695


>> No.1581698

Something along those lines sounds kinda nice imo, cuz you know, Blaz.
Maybe actors dissappear while you're paused? I had the same thing happen with BDSE.

>> No.1581706
File: 2.07 MB, 640x360, 1394694083414.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NP, thanks for letting me know.


/vr/ confirmed for greatest mods.

>> No.1581707
File: 29 KB, 256x352, 01230142535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A few of those sound half decent, the rest, pic related


you keep brainstorming and I'll keep doing the same. Need to work on that boomerang crash, got the animation frames, hope they look presentable and shiz

>> No.1581718


>> No.1581752
File: 2.86 MB, 1536x864, how dog chase ball now.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1581759

is it safe to post about tits now


>> No.1581764


do it anyway

>> No.1581771

what are they used for?

>> No.1581786

This, anybody got a link?

>> No.1581796

They are bouncy squeaky balls that distract enemies.

The showcased behavior was an accident.

>> No.1581812

Oh hey you got your internet set up yet?

>> No.1581814

Okay, so I've made this, or a similar post every, oh I dunno, third thread...

I wanna get into making weaponry and such, but all people ever say is "GET SLADE", and, well, besides changing some fairly obvious stuff, I have no fucking idea where to start.

Like, how to make animations, how to create classes of objects, how to.... I don't know how to do anything. Is there an idiotproof tutorial somewheres?

>> No.1581821



>> No.1581825

Gunlabs has a lot of really helpful tutorials from one of the best weapon modders around.

>> No.1581830
File: 666 KB, 1050x1400, familyfriendlyboard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

basic status update as to what's going on

* we're currently moving towards doom 1 ep 1 compatibility and then will go on from there
* cacodemon, pinky, archvile, and cyberdemon designs are in accepted-concept stage, just need sprites for them now
* likely will prioritize caco and pinky because reasons, but no promises
* mystical and i have been (super very fucking slowly, blame me) working on something really neat
can't give details yet but it's something rarely done in doom modding and never done before in zan
really excited, but backporting the code has been a bitch
* what we did with brutal doom has opened up other possibilities for specific mod compatibility - been talking with another mod guy about specific compatibility with a certain other mod

quick question, tho
what would you guys prefer: more scenes, or more monsters?

>> No.1581834

>what would you guys prefer: more scenes, or more monsters?

>> No.1581837

u cheeky shit

>> No.1581845

>666 KB

>> No.1581850
File: 28 KB, 400x368, rather_e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more monsters
As amusing as it was to shoot into the monster closet after picking up the red key in The Underhalls with the double-soaker and seeing several imp-tans drop to their knees moaning while the pinky explodes into gore, it was a little immersion breaking.

Still giggled like an idiot.

>> No.1581857

>more monsters?

This one. I want qt fuccboi monsters. Failing that, slap some dicks on the women for futa

>> No.1581865

what if the spectre is a trap lookalike of the demon

>> No.1581868

This is perfect, and hilarious

>> No.1581882


Do you have plans on supporting deathmatch as well as coop?

>> No.1581902
File: 79 KB, 346x221, 751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably not yet

we played with ideas about a team fuckmatch where one team is girls and other team is guys and you gain points on making the other orgasm, and with a little tweaking it would be easy to make blue team full of doomguys and red team full of hellgrills
never progressed beyond vague ideas, so whether it will actually happen is up in the air
either way coop is the main priority now

>> No.1581904

>Do you have plans on supporting deathmatch
>Doomguys unfing each other for points

>> No.1581907

>red team full of hellgrills

Wouldn't it be better to have red team full of Crash/Illucia?

>> No.1581918

If the red team is full of Hellgirls would that mean playable Hellgirls for singleplayer?

That would be pretty spiffy.

>> No.1581920
File: 8 KB, 80x116, who will take home the golden boner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vr could do its own awards
Why don't we?

>> No.1581932

I needed that laugh.
Thank you anon.

>> No.1581939

"And the Golden Boner for most Agitating wad goes to..."

>> No.1581941
File: 34 KB, 332x448, confused boner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1581962


>> No.1581982

>I highly doubt we could ever replace something as the Cacowards

replacement doesn't really come into it. /vr could make something that is just as valid as the cacoawards because the cacoawards is ultimately the opinion of two or three people.

so if /vr did something that was the opinion of two or three people picking from a bunch of nominated wads, it would be just as valid as the cacoawards, because two or three people picking from a bunch of nominated wads is exactly what the cacoawards themselves are.

i get the impression there is a certain resentment towards d2twid for getting an award over certain other projects (hellbound?). my original post was in response to this: i'm just arguing one shouldn't care so much over what gets cacoawards.

>> No.1581985
File: 2.94 MB, 640x360, gzdoom 2014-04-29 00-44-46-909.avi.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait guys
what if possess me compatibility
>implying you don't want to be the little imp

>> No.1581990
File: 82 KB, 500x500, 1365518910.op2_beautiful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1581992

Just have the death match as a PG watergun/pillow fight fight.

>> No.1581994

Is Mystical uploading these somewhere? I can't find them anywhere except Paheal.

>> No.1582009

I'm down for this, honestly. How do we tally votes? IRC, or some vote tallying website?

>> No.1582010

There's that strawpoll site that seems to be all the rage these days.

>> No.1582013

maybe make a council for voting were you have to prove that you have played all of the candidates for the awards you are voting for. That way it wouldn't be just a giant circle jerk of whats the most popular.

>> No.1582014
File: 2.86 MB, 1536x864, paint the town balls.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1582015

IRC probably, could even make our own channel. #vrwards anyone?

>> No.1582016
File: 203 KB, 640x660, 1369429863008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


can metrood just be
released already

>> No.1582017

Not a bad way either. For MP wads there could be servers running to ensure this as well.

Otherwise it'd just have to be trust I imagine.

>> No.1582020

The only question that remains is that if our community is big enough to have awards.

>> No.1582023
File: 2.26 MB, 1606x2425, Doomposter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1582026
File: 1.02 MB, 640x320, Boomerang crash.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This came out cooler than I thought it would. I need to bring the further two chakrams closer but... very cool

>> No.1582032

does it have more than two or three people. then yes.

god this captcha bug is annoying. yes you're damn right i forgot to enter the captcha because the fucking thing doesn't appear in the quick reply box until i press post

>> No.1582034

Jesus FUCK

>> No.1582035


>> No.1582037


After I get the rest of my weapons done. I want to make sure everything is fun. I'm super pleased with how the boomerang crash is turning out, at least animation wise. I need to bring the furthest chakrams in closer, maybe make them linger around a little longer


Quiet you.

>> No.1582056

I really think it'd be cool if you got some custom enemies as well. Like little trolls, and goblins and shit. Maybe some heavily armored bird monsters or some shit.

>> No.1582064

/r/ing someone demoing the new weapons.

>> No.1582072


Vince is my monster maker, I'll ask him later when he's not busy being a sadistic fuck and making flying chaingunners that actually dodge your shit.

I'll be changing out hitscanners in favor of more projectile dudes though I was originally against changing out monsters because I wanted my weaponset to be compatible to with all kinds of other mods.

At this point I say fuck it, I need to get some monsters custom tailored for my weapons to keep shit challenging and fun.

>> No.1582079
File: 10 KB, 347x444, salami.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I move on Wednesday! It's not gonna be up until like... the 15th at least.

>> No.1582092



>> No.1582094
File: 2.86 MB, 512x384, webums.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1582101
File: 2.86 MB, 1152x720, dakkommandos.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-is there something wrong with my monsters?

>> No.1582183

I think GMOTA Guy said that line when it was first posted, and I just thought it was a perfect filename for it.

>> No.1582201
File: 35 KB, 794x330, melted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP in peace stimpack girl.

>> No.1582209




>> No.1582216

please my dick is going to explode

>> No.1582223

*mashes respawn key* ;-;

>> No.1582229

>Can't dodge chaingunners fire and they fly
Why yes there is something wrong with the monsters here.

>> No.1582237
File: 46 KB, 770x856, rad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Radsuit saw Stimpack making the moves on HER Doomguy and got super jealous. So she made alterations to that radiation-proof lab coat. Just as planned...

>> No.1582239

We are now playing CLUE with Doom item girls.

>> No.1582267

a radiation suit with cleavage and midriff windows, now i've seen everything

>> No.1582271

She's hoping for a breast mutation, obvs

>> No.1582273

>fast projectiles instead of instant-hit hitscans
>can't dodge

Wot r u talking about m8

>> No.1582278

Are there additional controls in HDoom to err... dick around while the sex animations are playing?

>> No.1582280
File: 53 KB, 640x480, 1398758669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is your opinion on putting shoutouts to your mates in hidden areas in wads

>> No.1582282

If the WAD intends to be immersive, fuck that shit.
If not, sure.

>> No.1582308

Went to download and try hideous destructor and apparently there's been an update. Just fyi for everyone.

>> No.1582341

From the looks of it their bullet pattern is just erratic and super quick.

It doesn't look dodgeable.

I wouldn't mind seeing a webm prove me wrong though because I like everything about them except for what looks like perfect accuracy

>> No.1582350

I never understand the injokes or references.
I'm fine with it regardless as long as there's a few goodies I can benefit from.

>> No.1582352

Another time, friend. I'm going to go to bed soon, and am working on DogDoom. ijon was worried about the same thing, but I believe it's something to do with a possible slightly skewed view angle from my flying that caused the bullets to look a shit. When I tested it later, on the ground, I did not notice any issues. I was IDDQD in that webm also, so there was no telling if they were or weren't hitting me.

There is a short pause before they attack, and they attack in bursts rather than standing their ground and attacking like vanilla chaingunners. They do have a small chance to attack all-out, though. There is actually an infighting advantage to having them around, besides the obvious: their jetpack flames deal damage. Hence, why I put all those imps there - to watch them get burnt alive.

Anyway, they would only be undodgeable if they had a chance to randomly lead you, but I don't think they reliably do all that often. There might be a "perfect range" where they have their best chance of hitting you, though, because their inaccuracy compounds with distance. I can imagine at a certain set of ranges their bullets might be a bit more leading. In this case the player might benefit if I actually made them MORE accurate, since they would always shoot where you WERE if you were on the move.

>> No.1582354

Making new thread

>> No.1582363


>> No.1582376


>> No.1582383
File: 2.86 MB, 1152x720, squeakyballs.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1582387

already? wow

>> No.1582406


>> No.1582452

>[01:24] <+IMX> So, if someone creates a new thread while I'm sleeping, ignore it completely. I'll be making the new one at 7AM central or so

>> No.1582468
File: 2.34 MB, 640x320, boomer ring-ranged.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This item crash isn't very good in open areas, but at least the boomerang is flexible

>> No.1582603
File: 49 KB, 1280x720, shitshon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What, is IMX the thread god or something?
If you were ignoring it like he said, you wouldn't have posted that.

>> No.1582623

[05:11] *** TerminusEst13 changed nick to TerminusEst13|Zzzz


>> No.1582637
File: 28 KB, 580x341, lion+king+scar+%22kill+him%22[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post in that thread

>> No.1582849

if there's even anyone wondering where the HDoom server is, i got it back up:

:: [BE] New York :: HDoom. team fuckmatch when?

keep the spirit of the helldame with you, /vr/

>> No.1583886


It's not that hard to make a frankenstein monster mod of shit you like from all the mods, just need to make sure that none of it clashes