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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 106 KB, 1024x768, atari7800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1580030 No.1580030[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Just what went wrong?? It's probably the only post-2600 home console that neither sucked nor belongs on a worst consoles of all time list. plus, it was going to have a keyboard add-on!!

>> No.1580036


>> No.1580042
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>> No.1580048

It came out at the wrong time and then Atari foolishly stuck with it instead of taking Nintendo's offer to be the American distributor of the Famicom, which might have been known as the Atari 9900 or something instead of the NES.

Old school Atari thought the money was to be madeon hardware, not software. They were wrong.

>> No.1580050

no games

>> No.1580083

>No games
Food fight, Pac-man, Ms.Pacman, Pole position 2, ninja golf, Xenophobe, Ballblazer, Planet smashers, sentinel(Europe only release), Mario Bros, Joust, Donkey Kong, Robotron 2084, Impossible mission( European Version has less glitches) double dragon, Asteroids, plus unreleased games like Plutos, Sirius, Skyfox, Commando, klax, and

>> No.1580085

*Forgot to remove the and at the end

>> No.1580087

>plus unreleased games like Plutos, Sirius, Skyfox, Commando, klax
unreleased games almost surely do not count

>> No.1580109

>b-b-but they're like released games except nobody every played them c'mon anon please!

My favorite unreleased Atari 2600 game is Red Dead Revolver.

>> No.1580138

The 7800 would have fared better had Atari not focused both in it and the XE. Also, Nintendo should have been sued by Activision or some other 3rd party for its Draconian policies earlier on, rather than just passively taking the oppressive policies in like wimps and waiting for 1990/1991 when the US Gov't stepped in and put their feet down on some of the policies.

>> No.1580140

It had a lot of great, better versions of 2600 games but up against Nintendo it was a goner. Also the controller sucked

>> No.1580149

While it was roughly on par with the NES and exceeded in a few areas (you can use any of the 8 3-color palettes anywhere as opposed to the NES 4 for BG 4 for sprites and relatively no flicker), but it had some obvious flaws. Programming was barely a step up from the 2600, they still needed to use mid-scanline tricks to do anything, and the sound is identical to the 2600. It was just too unimpressive.

>> No.1580168

Not all games. Some games used the Pokey sound chip. Example: Ballblazer. Also, they should have put a bit more time perfecting the available colors preferably

>> No.1580204


>> No.1580221

There was also another game called Time Lords that was unreleased. It was 144KB in size.

>> No.1580329


>> No.1580579

and how many of those had ports on other platforms or were dated re-releases? no games

>> No.1580673

Ballblazer's Nes port SUCKED.

>> No.1580840
File: 68 KB, 600x1004, m_TankCommand_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tank Command is another game for the 7800.

>> No.1581113
File: 2.32 MB, 3600x3600, Atari_7800_with_cartridge_and_controller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1581316

What are the other games?

>> No.1582256

Mine was Halo. Wait didn't they...

>> No.1582307
File: 32 KB, 450x282, atari_7800pal_controller_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>controller sucked

This controller was sturdy as fuck, the American joystick-buttons on the side controller sucked.

Ahhh, the 7800. My first console. Mario Bros, Donkey Kong and Jnr. 2600 compatible. Loved the shit out of it.
If only Atari had not let it sit on the shelf for 2 years and released it when they first intended it it could have stood a chance. It really had the best 80's arcade ports of the time.

>> No.1582820

If only Tengen sued nintendo about their asshat draconian policies concerning 3rd parties, then the playing field would have been made more fair for the 7800 and the master system.

>> No.1582848
File: 53 KB, 600x851, Mario_Bros-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't blame it all on Nintendo. If it had been released as originally planned in 1984 it would've made a larger impact. The delayed and eventual subdued re-release 2 years later was a major blow. And by then the games on home consoles and home computers were moving away from dependence on arcade ports, what the 7800 was really designed for and excelled at.

>> No.1582851

meant to reply to

>> No.1582861

I just really would have loved to see more 3rd parties to have made games for the 7800. Would have LOVED to see what ninja Gaiden and R-type would have been like on the 7800.

>> No.1582865

>Sue another company
Wasn't Tengen that made many unlicensed games and made Tetris for arcades without the creator's permission?

>> No.1583108

How in the would could they contact the creator if he was on the other side of the iron curtain!?

>> No.1583245

They were Atari's software arcade division that split off from Atari Corp, who made their systems. Atari Corp would become JTS Inc. and then bought by Hasbro in the '90s, while Tengen would become Time Warner Interactive and then absorbed by Midway Games. I dunno why Atari had such a hard history for being one of the greatest console-makers of all time.

>> No.1583312

Atari should have cut off support for the XE in 1987 or 1988(At least in NTSC regions) to focus more on the 7800 library.

>> No.1583631

Almost NONE of the games you just mentioned could hold a candle to the best of the NES library. Trust me, I had a 7800; I know this pain firsthand. Also:
>no save or password system
>That comfy controller that OP posted wasn't packaged was only release after the system was a confirmed failure
>did anyone mention the shitty game library? Granted, you could play the whole 2600/Colecovision/Intellivision library on it, but collectively, that amounts to ~300 unique games, and about 2700 Combat/Space Invaders/Pac-man clones.

>> No.1583726


How do you play the Colecovision and Intellivision library on the 7800?

>> No.1583745

No games, shitty joystick, games looked worse than the NES despite a better chip, shitty sound, Atari's bad reputation.
It's one of my favorite consoles, though.

>> No.1584116

Joystick is NOWHERE NEAR AS BAD as the 5200 joystick!!

>> No.1584312

The 5200 joystick had analog, extra buttons, and usable side buttons.
The 7800 had a mushy as fuck digital joystick and just two terrible buttons.
I'd rather use the 5200 joystick any day, regardless of its durability.

>> No.1584331

Why is there this sudden influx of Atari threads? Not that it matters. It just seems so out of the blue.

I missed out on the Atari generation, but as I understand, 7800 didn't actually get that many (decent) games. The only Atari game I could get into was Yars' Revenge, and I'm sure that's from an earlier Atari console.

>> No.1584342

Yars' Revenge is my favorite 2600 game.
I don't think Atari gets enough love on /vr/ in general. I tried to start a Jag thread a while back, and it only got a few replies. Ditto someone's 5200 thread.

>> No.1585845


>> No.1586039

If only they didn't have BOTH the 7800 and the XE out in North America at the SAME DAMN TIME, Atari could have focused more on making a bigger variety of games for the 7800, as well as Activision maybe.

>> No.1586168


>> No.1586193
File: 3 KB, 320x200, ng-c64-c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Would have LOVED to see what ninja Gaiden and R-type would have been like on the 7800
Probably similar what Ninja Gaiden and Katakis were like on the Commodore 64

>> No.1586520

Yar's Revenge is poopy. Warlords, Pitfall, Crystal Castles, Gravitar, Battlezone, Combat, Adventure, Joust, Pole Position, and River Raid are way better.

>> No.1588339

Just an opinion.

>> No.1588615

Hopefully there will be more homebrew 7800 games.

>> No.1588616

I disagree with your opinion.

>> No.1588690

Atari 7800 always seemed to have two issues to me.

One it was too little too late after the 5200.
And two it still seemed a piece of hardware designed for the previous time of home consoles, ie cut down versions of arcade games and home computer games. Where as say the NES started that way too with simple games, but rapidly saw a leap in how games were designed.

>> No.1588752

If only Sirius got finished...

>> No.1588865

You have to do some unspeakable things to the cartridges, but I remember seeing my uncle play some Sears' games and Intellivision games on his 7800. Retro console purists would rage uncontrollably if they saw his butter-knife mod tactis, though.

>> No.1589525

They should have released a 7800 advantage controller with turbo switches.

>> No.1590664


>> No.1590683



>> No.1590690

Question for 7800 owners: Does the 7800 Prosystem have region lockout??

>> No.1590793


>> No.1590843
File: 9 KB, 138x138, Atari Commando.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes and no (mostly yes). The boot ROM has two available play modes: "7800 mode" and "2600 mode". When an unauthorized cartridge attemts to boot (PAL, NTSC, bootleg), the NTSC 7800 reverts to "2600 mode", assuming that the cart must be a 2600 game. The PAL 7800 used a different type of region detection, so the two versions don't play nice with each other's catridges. There is a mod floating around that allows you to install th EU BIOS, however.

>> No.1590925

Atariage needs to make a region converter for the 7800. That would be great.