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File: 100 KB, 940x520, et-atari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1573891 No.1573891 [Reply] [Original]

Anybody watching the xbox live stream of ET atari dig?

I do not have an xbox.

>> No.1573907

Anybody at all?

>> No.1573936

Why is this the only thread?

Why does nobody care about this historical moment?

>> No.1573942

Link to a quality stream please?

I guess it is interesting, but for me personally I was never too intrigued by it I guess.

>> No.1573946

They will likely just find shattered electronic garbage if they find anything at all

Pretty sure Atari did not dump perfect mint carts in full packaging

>> No.1573958


The landfill in question crushes all their garbage before burying it. But they don't incinerate, so there will be enough to prove the legend.

>> No.1573978

No, why would I? Fuck Microsoft. This is just a disgusting publicity stunt.

>> No.1573979

Pfft, the Irate Gamer already busted this myth with just his trusty shovel.


>> No.1573981

Lurk before posting on another board.

>> No.1573989

Where can I watch this bullshit at?

>> No.1573991

Why do people care about this?

>> No.1573997

Because it's an interesting piece of gaming history.

>> No.1574008

Yes, being manipulated by Microsoft for a fucking Xbox advertisement.

>> No.1574019

digging up garbage is gaming history?

>> No.1574021

This ET dig has been known about for months...and really has nothing to do with MS.

>> No.1574025

It's funded by Microsoft and they're using it to make some shitty biased "documentary" that can only be viewed on 360 and XBone.

>> No.1574137

>getting pissed that a company would want to secure rights to something this silly
>calling something that isn't even made yet biased and shitty
>blind negativity just because Microsoft is attached

I'm fairly certain you don't know what biased means.

>> No.1574143

I've noticed a lot of our /vr/others here use words and phrases they don't know the meaning of. More than other boards, it seems.

>> No.1574159

>confirmed for hipster

>> No.1574196

That's right, companies do not deserve the rights to historical artifacts. This is utterly tasteless and exploitative.

>> No.1574306


>> No.1574318

Do you care to explain how, or are you going full contrarian and pretending that no one has ever been fascinated with ET?

>> No.1574324

A landfill that no one gave a shit about until a month ago is now a historical artifact. Nice.

When did Microsoft buy the landfill itself?

>> No.1574331
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IGN says they found intact copies.

>> No.1574334
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>> No.1574335

I wouldn't say that "no one gave a shit" about it until a month ago because the story's always been pretty infamous in gaming circles.

That being said, I'm with you for the rest of your post, because that guy's acting as if they're defacing the Mona Lisa here.

>> No.1574336


Well that's surprising. I thought they just steamrolled carts, not entire boxes.

>> No.1574337

how long before I can buy these games?

>> No.1574345


>> No.1574346


Bigger than that.

They busted the myth that Atari documented it was all sealed with concrete to deter scavengers and completely unsalvageable (It was just steamrolled to compact it. And half assed at that) and on top of that, they found other games like Centipede there that actually were supposedly selling fine. That's a big new twist in the tale and now there's more questions to be asked on what killed Atari than just ET and Pac-Man.

This story used to appear in EGM all the time and they would always say "Buried in concrete in New Mexico. We're not going down there to find out". It's not earth shattering but it's interesting to find out. No matter who is funding the documentary (Get over yourselves you 'tards)

>> No.1574351


>> No.1574352

as long as we get in before the scalpers do then it shouldn't get that bad

>> No.1574353

I want to hear the full story behind this burial because there are other games there.

Like, we all heard about ET, but never about the other games.

>> No.1574358

>as long as we get in before the scalpers do

Who among us is at the landfill right now?

>> No.1574360

I guarantee if they get a complete 2600 down there it will power up. Games probably would work too. (Maybe a run over with a hairdryer first). Off topic..should i watch jurassic park or start ogf luigi's mansion before bed?

>> No.1574368

You should play the Dreamcast version of Mars Matrix.

>> No.1574375
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>actually live in the shithole Alamogordo
>out of town in El Paso this weekend

Of course.

>> No.1574382 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 300x400, into the trash it goes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only viewable on Xbone

>> No.1574385


You do realize downloads are going to be up on the internet within the hour it drops, right?

>> No.1574391


minutes, i say

>> No.1574393

Story from local news station with City Officials confirming that it was true back in 1983.


So if an official says it wasn't fully crushed or burned in '83. Wonder if Atari and the local officials told the media it was completely destroyed to deter scavengers because they found Missile Command and Centipede copies as well. Who knows what else is down there


It will be pirated. Shut up about the goddamn xbone on /vr/

>> No.1574396

That's what I am waiting for.

>> No.1574397

>Who knows what else is down there

They should stop digging in case they find Rita Repulsa down there. I ain't ready for that shit.

>> No.1574414

There might be bad things in there i'm sure, some even worse than ET...

>> No.1574431


When can I buy these on eBay for the low low price of $3,000?

>> No.1574432

So the fuck what? As if any other company funding this wouldn't have their logo plastered everywhere for the sake of advertising themselves.

Another stupid excuse to shit on MS. I know it's fashionable to do so, but you morons are *really* scraping the bottom of the bucket for this shit.

>> No.1574438

Is this better than James Cameron shit?

>> No.1574445

inb4 they find Jimmy Hoffa in there too

>> No.1574531

polite age
also why is MS doing this shit? they do know there's more than ET there, if not.. well, it's just MS being MS.

>> No.1574538

cool i'm going to put mine on craigslist for $50 i bet someone will buy it, and quickly

>> No.1574556

I'm awaiting the fully functional mindlink, dig faster.

shit, I've got like five of them.
should I smash some of them and sell them a month from now claiming they're from the landfill?

>> No.1574560

Rip the box apart a little, pour some dirt on it, and say it came from landfill. Easy money!

>> No.1574561

>should I smash some of them and sell them a month from now claiming they're from the landfill?
oh dude I should fucking do that too! 10/10 best idea

>> No.1574564


I imagine some entity will claim ownership over all of the landfill carts.

>> No.1574568


Making some documentaries for their upcoming original series stuff.

FYI anyone wondering what James Rolfe's reaction is. It will be soon, apparently.


>> No.1574575

Hammers and a screwdriver for dings and shit. Drag them across your driveway too, for good measure.

>> No.1574582


Town officials say it's property of the town but they will be likely donating them to museums, charities (To be auctioned) and other institutes depending on the scale of the haul.

>> No.1574583

Who owns the land where they are located?

>> No.1574587


Oh interesting. Thanks.

>> No.1574592

Probably the town and/or the landfill company.
It'll be interesting seeing where these things go.

>> No.1574596

If it wasn't the desert I would say all of these pix show items in way too good shape for the time they were in the ground.

Also, I imagine if someone tried this today the EPA would fucking rape them.

>> No.1574630
File: 97 KB, 1024x768, ET Shipping Box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twitter now saying they are finding the shipping crates in the trash and there is literally tons of Atari material

Chris Kohler just posted this on twitter.

No doubt it's real now.

>> No.1574652
File: 102 KB, 960x815, They fucking did it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1574658
File: 28 KB, 599x337, ET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1574696


Eco disaster.

srsly though this was always known to be real except among the GAY AND FAKE!!11 crowd.

>> No.1574697


>> No.1574708

I don't think anyone really doubted that it was real. All this is just evidence to something everyone already knew. It's pretty unnecessary really.

>> No.1574710

I wish James Rolfe was the one to find them

>> No.1574735

ITT no one has an Xbox with a live account?

>> No.1574738

Unless we see thousands of them it's more likely just planted by the film makers.

>> No.1574742
File: 153 KB, 825x957, Dont Respond To Bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1574783


And rated it 10/10, GOTY

>> No.1574795

He was invited, but it was his daughter's first birthday today and he didn't want to go.

There's a little thing on the cinemassecre site that the spam filter won't let me post.

>> No.1574852

Well, the idea of spending the money to have all the carts buried instead of liquidating them always seemed really silly. I mean, now that there's film of it, it's a little easier to accept, but it's totally reasonable to have been skeptical.

>> No.1574876

>instead of liquidating them
And just who would buy 3 million copies of Atari games right after the industry crashed and died?

>> No.1574882

Is anybody re-streaming the Xbox LIVE stream? I want to see the video of the games being dug up.

>> No.1574884

>tfw AVGN has had his movie shat on by MS

>> No.1574892

Actually, he feels the exact opposite about it.

>> No.1574898

>yfw MS does Golden poo's of delight
I just read his blog post.

>> No.1574903

Guys who could use the plastic.

>> No.1574906


Yeah. MS even contacted him and invited him to the dig but it was his daughters 1st birthday and he felt that much more important

>> No.1574910

Perish the thought a man should raise his children instead of playing video games!

Don't tell Steve Weibe...

>> No.1574924

I have to poop!

>> No.1575007
File: 525 KB, 1024x768, balrog7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What have we done?!

"The Dwarves tell no tale; but even as mithril was the foundation of their wealth, so also it was their destruction: they delved too greedily and too deep."

>> No.1575013

I'm gettin' a bad feeling about this, guys.

Now watch as they dig too deep and they end up unearthing an actual face-melting alien from underneath the tons of ancient vidya, and it begins to cause chaos and havok on Nevada. I'd both be sad, yet also laugh hard if it did happen.

>> No.1575032

Tax write offs due to destruction and disposal isn't silly.

>> No.1575039
File: 6 KB, 259x194, 1395634120094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Another grand mystery of my childhood is no more.

>> No.1575053

Maybe they'll unearth something terrifying. I recall hearing that Atari used to cooperate with the US government to produce who knows what.

Maybe they'll find the real Polybius.

>> No.1575073

You should feel happy,man

>> No.1575087

Because it's dumb. All the carts were crushed and covered in cement so it's not like you're gonna see anything interesting. I would have preferred them to just leave it alone to keep the legend going.

>> No.1575094

AVGN is a day late and a buck short with his movie.

>> No.1575098

I didn't actually know it was supposed to be an urban legend. I'd somehow always gotten the idea that it had been presented as fact.

>> No.1575105

I'll accept it's an interesting piece of gaming history, but watching a live stream of people digging isn't digging. I'll have a google in a day or two to see if they found anything interesting.

>> No.1575115

>but watching a live stream of people digging isn't digging
*isn't interesting

>> No.1575143
File: 19 KB, 400x400, a52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose you could say you don't dig it.

>> No.1575164

>mfw it gets a 95 grade

>> No.1575181

where's Ultros

>> No.1575272

carlos was doing puns long before Ultros

>> No.1575290

>Maybe they'll find the real Polybius.

I'm about to hide under my bed.

>> No.1575348


He's actually happy because now the movie will have more interest.


The local press are starting to uncover that Atari and the City denied it existed after 1983 despite Atari originally confirming it. Also they found lots more games including Space Invaders carts. They found something a lot more interesting than just "What happened to the ET carts". It was possibly Atari trying to bury the entire operation, literally.

>> No.1575685


>> No.1575780

>The game's finding came as no surprise to James Heller, a former Atari manager who was invited by the production to the dig site. He says in 1983 the company tasked him with finding an inexpensive way to dispose of 728,000 cartridges they had in a warehouse in El Paso, Texas. After a few local kids ran into trouble for scavenging and the media started calling him about it, he decided to pour a layer of concrete over the games.
I'm sure that means a few hundred thousand cartridges still in good working order. Somehow this is not as big an issue on /vr/ as whether or not the dreamcast should be considered retro..

>> No.1575795

lets hope they're in good working order
I got an 2600 with some life in it

>> No.1575798

>tfw 2600 games are now even cheaper

>Somehow this is not as big an issue on /vr/ as whether or not the dreamcast should be considered retro.
lets fix that.

>> No.1575816
File: 14 KB, 640x480, balanceofpower.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now i wonder what atari did with the thousands of video game coders

>> No.1575867

They're with the games, taken out.

>> No.1575870
File: 110 KB, 400x400, 49060660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1575990

Probably were just laid off to find better paying jobs lol.

>> No.1576009

What an oddly specific image macro

>> No.1576439
File: 100 KB, 600x720, TheExtraTerrestrialInTheDark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like the dwarves finding the Balrog, some things are best left slumbering in the dark.

>> No.1576489

This is a sign, an omen. Conditions are ripe for another industry crash.

>> No.1577120


>> No.1577157


>> No.1577308
File: 21 KB, 317x321, 5d058bfff1b0b3a378c8288ae74449e15793c742e9f2923dba1f5397a57961c0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1577398

Wouldn't it be neat if they found something like a prototype in there?

>> No.1577704

This is what I'm looking forward to the most. It looks like a lot of the stuff has survived pretty well buried in the desert

>> No.1577754

How fucking new are you?

>> No.1577761

>Yeah. MS even contacted him and invited him to the dig but it was his daughters 1st birthday and he felt that much more important
AVGN confirmed for 11/10 dad

>> No.1578302

Wow, just found some respect for james

>> No.1578449

I laughed harder than I should have.

>> No.1578605

Or just a regular dad doing what is expected of him.

>> No.1579028

kinda out of the loop here, but what does AVGN have to do with this? last i heard he ran a kickstarter for some movie and it didnt go so well

>> No.1579035

The movie is in post-production right now, and part of it involves the whole ET and video game crash mess.

>> No.1579040

What if
What if they dig up Polybius?

>> No.1579059


Still hiding under my bed here.

>> No.1579070

What makes me laugh is the fact they still believe this as a "myth". It wasn't a myth, curious people got their games from there for crying out loud! Some of them sell those.

What i don't get were the centipede games found.

>> No.1579074


Just stop.

>> No.1579140


Polybius doens't exist, drop it.

>> No.1579145


>> No.1579149

you faggots have to be joking

>> No.1579179

No, it's the right amount. I was laughing just as hard.

>> No.1579206

>not old enough to have seen a polybius machine

>> No.1579265

If I were there, I'd have just faked the fuck out of that to stir the shitpot, and drive in attention.

>> No.1579301


>a machine that suddenly psychs up people dressed as vidya in the 80s

that sounds entirely /x/ and not plausible

>> No.1579308

Well, we knew it was ET and Pacman at the very least.

>> No.1579315

>Welp, we're fucked.
>What do we do with all this unsold stock
>Bury it

That's probably it.

>> No.1579317


I don't feel like turning on my Xbox right now for this shit.

>> No.1579318

LSD, nigga.

>> No.1579323

it was an entire warehouse full of unsold stock.
aka, a little bit of everything.

>> No.1579325
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>> No.1579698

No it actually went pretty well. He apparently surpassed his expected budget.

>> No.1579701

They did
Source: I am the Polybius machine and I gain sentience

>> No.1579751

I hope that's planted because holy fuck the world is in bad shape if cardboard can spend 30 years underground and not show any sign of decomposition

>> No.1579753

AVGN is a moron for not attending this. What the fuck does a 1 year old know about its birthday?

>> No.1579758

Its a desert. There is no moisture.
Cardboard does not deteriorate without moisture.
Didn't you learn about how litter reacts to the environment in boyscouts?

>> No.1579869
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>> No.1579890

We must dissent.

>> No.1579930

I'm no meteorologist but I'm pretty sure New Mexico has seen at least a few inches of rain in 30 something years

>> No.1579964

Yeah, only a loser would put his family before video games.

>> No.1579972

I'm no geologist but I'm pretty sure all that dirt and other shit might keep that rain from reaching those boxes.

>> No.1579984


Not watching as I truly do not care. I played ET when it came out. It was shit then, and is shit now. Everyone involved has a bad case of nostalgia goggles.

>> No.1579985

That's the point of the dig. They know it's a legendarily shit game and that the legend of Atari burying millions of unsold copies in that landfill has been part of the gaming culture for 30 years.

>> No.1580003

It's not even legendary as far as being shit goes. I'm not the guy you were arguing with, but it's more infamous for being infamous than it's infamous for being just terrible.

On the Atari alone, Pac-Man was a worse game. Not to say ET was fun, but it's really just warmed over shit.

Atari burying the carts in the landfill wasn't much of a legend since everyone and their grandma asked and had confirmed that the cartridges are out there for the last 30 years. It wouldn't surprise me that after all this bullshit someone is going to slap a [citation needed] on it on a wiki page in five years time.

The games being buried is only a new issue with casual hipsters. The rest of us got over this shit by 92. And you know why? Because we played the game.

Atari legally threw their trash. It'd be one thing if they did it illegally, but it was all legally done.

What pisses me off the most is that this is the original "Did you know...?" Gaming meme. This shit has been circulating since 85. Every couple of years some half-assed columnist working for a tech or gaming rag would pull this 'gem' and Doki Doki Panic out of the 'reliable bullshit' pile and make an article about it.

Hopefully, with this, we can finally bury this dead issue.

>> No.1580389

>On the Atari alone, Pac-Man was a worse game. Not to say ET was fun, but it's really just warmed over shit.

Pacman was a poor port of the arcade, but it was still playable and was a decent enough game for the Atari. It was definitely not fucking worse than ET at all.

But you are right that ET was not as terrible as it gets shit for. It just wasn't a good game though.

>> No.1580479


Pac-Man was a poor port, true. However ET was just garbage...only game that was worse IMHO was Raiders of the Lost Ark. Was TOTALLY not surprised it was made by the ET guy. Total CRAP.

>> No.1580489

>only game that was worse IMHO was Raiders of the Lost Ark.
Double Dragon
Tax Avoiders
Custer's Revenge

Just to name a few that were worse than E.T.

>> No.1580527

>Was TOTALLY not surprised it was made by the ET guy.
Did you ever see the early concept work for ET? It only ended up like it did because it got pushed out the door so fast.

>> No.1580535

So do we have a list of games that uncovered so far? I've read there's been as many as 30 different games dug up. We all know about ET and Pac-man of course. Judging from the pics there'/s also been Centipede and Indiana Jones. What else?

>> No.1580541

Given that people were digging up Ms Pac-Man and Berzerk in that landfill 30 years ago, my guess is that they've also found Ms Pac-Man and Berzerk.

>> No.1580569 [DELETED] 


Dafuq is "boyscouts"?

>> No.1580575

Much of what was buried was also capped with cement. Rain wouldn't easily soak through that.

>> No.1580609

NEWS FLASH: IGN digs up E.T. The Video Game; they instantly rate it 10/10, Game of the Year.

>> No.1580634

Wow. There's seriously something wrong with your brain if that threw you off.

>> No.1580645

•Raiders of the Lost Ark
•Yars' Revenge
•Pele's Soccer
•Human Cannonball
•Circus Atari
•Night Driver
•Haunted House
•Defender (Atari 2600)
•Defender (Atari 5200)
•Space Invaders
•Air-Sea Battle
•Missile Command
•Ms. Pac-Man
•Swordquest: Fireworld
•Star Raiders
•Real Sports: Football
•Super Breakout

>> No.1581257

According to the book "Atari: Business Is Fun," Atari stopped dumping in New Mexico after only "around 14 truckloads."

>Yes, this is the very happening that gave rise to the myth of the supposed dumping of almost 3.5 million E.T. cartridges in the Alamogordo dump. Most of the overstock of game cartridges languishing in warehouses around the U.S., comprised of a wide breadth of Atari's home titles, were indeed disposed of — that's where myth meets reality. But this occurred in a dump in Sunnyvale. And no, we’re not telling where — we made a promise and the last thing local businesses now there need is an onslaught of fans looking to dig things up!

>> No.1581972


>> No.1582058

>an onslaught of fans


>> No.1582090

a typo'd boy scouts.

>> No.1582098

>only game that was worse IMHO was Raiders of the Lost Ark
hey, I liked lost ark.

>> No.1582904

So what we're looking at is basically a dump of general stuff?

I was hoping we'd find something really neat by now.

>> No.1582935

Won't be surprised if I actually see that. People even buy Shiny Pokemon at eBay.

>> No.1582940

Wait. I thought Space Invaders was one of the most popular games for Atari 2600.

>> No.1582948

At least in Custer's Revenge it's easy to figure out how to play it and it's funny for a while. Most people talk crap about it because of its racist, sexist theme.

>> No.1582951

>Swordquest: Fireworld
I jumped in my seat a little when I read that.

>> No.1582967

I talk crap about it because after 15 seconds, you've seen/done all you can in the game.

>> No.1582974

It was. And so was E.T.

>> No.1583047 [DELETED] 
File: 436 KB, 245x175, tumblr_m4n4g0qjib1qf3j2j.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my dog! it really exist! those legends were true at last!


also this bread should be sticky end on front paeg

>> No.1583496

Thank you Microsoft! But our E.T. vault is in another landfill!