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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 40 KB, 500x353, tumblr_n4gmse9ZK01szcxzqo1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1566475 No.1566475[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

DOOM THREAD (Last thread >>1563230)
(other retro FPS games welcome too, chances are we played 'em too)

FAQ/Pastebin, still updated semi-frequently


##Our WADs can be found here!##

Steam Group:

IRC (The password is in the FAQ.)
Channel: #vr


Wanna learn how to...

Create maps?

Open/Edit WAD/PK3/etc to make 'em compatible with other mods?
http://slade.mancubus.net/index.php?page=downloads (download 3.0.2)

Load multiple WADS and mods at the same time? - ZDL (v3.2.2.2)

/vr/ torrent (12 GBs of wads, 18 years worth of user-made content!)

Vanilla/Boom related projects can be found here

ZDoom mods/projects can be found here

>> No.1566476


-Switcheroom is out now (and it is STILL being updated as we speak)! Go check this little baddy here! http://www.doomworld.com/vb/post/1230811

-The past Awesome Games Done Quick featured a playthrough of Plutonia (Go 2 It included) and also a Doom 2 race which was a result of a bid war between that game and Ultimate Doom. To rewatch the Doom speedruns, go follow this link http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQcxg3SUqlYBoSYrpNJVu58GsoCXMREa1

-Guess who received an update? OBLIGE! Now it's in version number 6, and oh man things surely have improved; go check it here! http://oblige.sourceforge.net/forum/index.php?topic=307.0

-ChocoDoom got updated in the 20th anniversary. Now you can play Heretic, Hexen and Strife too! Go grab each version of them here! http://www.chocolate-doom.org/wiki/index.php/Downloads

-HDoom has its third techdemo! happy now? (No link in this post since I've heard a new version is on the verge of being put to test)

-Help us test Terminus new mod: Metroid Dreadnought (http://zandronum.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=4561&pid=61847#pid61847))

-Dakka by ijon tichy is also getting tons of updated. Get it here ijontichy.lostsig.com/wads/dakka-0.051.pk3

ATTENTION! If you know about something news-worthy, reply to this post and mention it so everyone can see it

>> No.1566482
File: 1.18 MB, 640x360, berserkerpacksson.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1st for berserk packs

>> No.1566483

Where the /vr/ servers at?

>> No.1566493


They live inside you.

>> No.1566504

So Red Orchestra is going to be free starting at noon, and it got me thinking:

How many WW2 weapon mods do we have? I know about Nazis! and RGAWW2, and that's about it.

>> No.1566507
File: 96 KB, 475x582, BENELLUS, THE GOD OF SHOTGUNS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Benellus bless you.

>> No.1566525
File: 45 KB, 362x296, pingas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 picoseconds in MS Paint

>> No.1566530


>> No.1566539


>> No.1566546
File: 5 KB, 101x185, bjhead3-Copy_zpse793e59b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1566552

Mark's new rocket launcher looks more like a 'nade launcher. Please add it as such, and dont touch the rocket launcher.

>> No.1566584
File: 1.93 MB, 2600x2150, RIP AND TEAR BY ∕ vr∕ .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OC counter increased by: 2

Protip: Removed the pony one due to massive shitstorm. The brony one is still in there, fits pretty well. Probably need new quotes for Bond.

>> No.1566589

>completely ignored the criticisms of the Metroid one

Just as expected.

>> No.1566592

>Playing doom 3
>Normal is too easy and hard yoo hard
>Jumpscares that don't scare me
>Suddendly this child-like voice starts saying "memes, memes"
>Evil kids start coming out of nowhere
>The memes thing somehow scares me
>The kids creep me out
>Half a level later
>Kids stop appearing
>Return to boring gameplay
I think than it was because I was being attacked by 13 yo trying to be cool.
And they had fly wings. But mostly the 13 yo thing.
But I have to admit, the cacodemons are pretty cool.

>> No.1566594

There was criticism?
Why? Should I remove it / change the quote?
I dislike her face. Doesnt look angry enough

>> No.1566601

>hard is too hard
You mean nightmare? Hard is pretty OK.
But they're the worst redesign...

>> No.1566602
File: 619 KB, 1426x1101, MetroidHasNoMemeText2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1: "Spam and try me" is a terrible quote.
2: Even if you disagree and think it's fine for some reason, the T after the exclamation point in the first bubble is a glaring, glaring typo.

Here's a few alternatives.

>> No.1566608

They are cool by themselves, unlike the rest of the enemies.

>> No.1566610

Did Minigunner mention at all if he rebalanced the shotguns for the newest version of Polished Skull?

>> No.1566617
File: 2.26 MB, 1606x2425, Doomposter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've had a cleaned version for some time now.

>> No.1566619
File: 21 KB, 250x315, Doom 3 caco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmm? You mean, combat-wise? They look goofy IMO, I think the exposed brain is really out of place. Hand is kinda cool, though.

>> No.1566625

Tough choice.
Top-right is more reminiscent of the RIP AND TEAR meme.
Bottom-left is a more recognizable Metroid quote.
Bottom-right uses the better manga quotes but who the fuck recognizes Metroid manga quotes.

>> No.1566645

>>Jumpscares that don't scare me
I took them as the classic Doom traps/monster closets. Not scary, but somewhat challengin.

>> No.1566653

But they aren't. Just one or two monsters at a time, and almost everything dies in a single shotgun shot.

>> No.1566662


They look more than Octobrains from Douk than Cacodemon

Also plasma gun best weapond DOOM3

>> No.1566675

I like the top right, personally.

>> No.1566680

Most personal satisfying weapon from Samsara, go!

>dat devastator devastating urrthang with those satisfying thunk sounds
>2nd place for pineapple launcher

>> No.1566683

>Also plasma gun best weapond DOOM3
That we can agree on.

>> No.1566684


Wave Motion Cannon.
Nothing like unleashing a full level-three charge and clearing out an entire fucking room.

>> No.1566703

>Explosive shotgun
Everything else is shit

>> No.1566706
File: 44 KB, 881x682, 1351371351560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Explosive Shotgun from Douk

>> No.1566718

I'm pretty new to Wolfenstein, is there any good tactic to taking on Mutants in the second act? Most room have at least two of them in each corner, but it seems to be pretty difficult to bait them out without getting hit.

Also the chain gun in Wolf is MUCH more satisfying than in Doom, at least in my opinion.

>> No.1566734

All of Duke's weapons except the Freezethrower. It's weak and the firing sound is pathetic.
>tfw no Shrink ray and Microwave expander

>> No.1566736


why didn't you add to the one with like 31 rips-and-tears at >>1565076

>> No.1566737

Trying to download that 12gb doom package but it's halfway stuck right now

Is Russian overkill included in this one?

>> No.1566739

>12gb doom package

>> No.1566745


If Zandronum had the features, I would've definitely wanted to put in the Expander over the Freezethrower. Being able to inflate up enemies and turn them into an explosion fits his playstyle perfectly.

>> No.1566751

Reading the OP

>> No.1566764

Because they did not use the template. And some of them were saved as JPEG, MOTHERFUCKING JPEG with 75% quality. There are already some in there, and they look horrible. Thats why I asked several times if someone could redo all of them.

>> No.1566769

Yeah, I was pretty sure those two weapons just weren't possible. They'd be absolutely hilarious to use on players too.

>> No.1566773

Not many seeders, which sucks.

>> No.1566786
File: 41 KB, 342x285, hugeWads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1566790

I'm playing Brutal Doom right now but it feels kinda shameful to use the ironsights, don't feel like they belong in Doom.
The "new" violence is awesome though, so are the sound effects.

What I don't like however is how having the kick completely voids the pink demons threat, you just shotgun them, kick them and shotgun them again.
Somehow the biggest threat comes from the beginner zombies because they can actually shoot this time.

>> No.1566801

I didn't realize brutal doom had controls other then the regular doom controls until about a month ago and I've been using it over a year. You don't have to use those features you know. Doom is a lot about making your own enjoyment.

>> No.1566812

Fun fact, dude who made Brutal Doom is a raging racist.

>> No.1566816

>What I don't like however is how having the kick completely voids the pink demons threat, you just shotgun them, kick them and shotgun them again.

I thought pinkies were always harmless because of their attack range that's tinier than their wieners.

>> No.1566818


>> No.1566828
File: 91 KB, 375x360, sticker,375x360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1566831

>Fun fact, dude who made Brutal Doom is a raging racist.

Don't care(it's not like I paid for it), I always laughed at the /pol/ .wad for example even if I don't share their views.
Some things in BD I like, like the curbstomp animation and the beginning machinegun(it makes higher difficulties fair).

Sure but they're there...

True that but when you get surrounded because of a little error they were deadly.

>> No.1566834 [DELETED] 

Remember: Report and ignore.
Reporting IMX right now

>> No.1566836

Ok, I reported you. What now? Oh wait, don't tell me. I am ignoring you, too!

>> No.1566840
File: 274 KB, 640x480, spa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking demons is cool but this spa room is where the real fun is ins HDoom

>> No.1566845

and the dude who made samsara is a feminist

so what

>> No.1566846 [SPOILER] 
File: 97 KB, 640x480, 1398288210417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also managed to clone myself and fuck two imps at once

>> No.1566848

There's also all the shitty changes he made.
>Assault rifle is a shittier, less accurate chaingun
>Shotgun isn't sniper anymore
>Minigun wind p is slow as fuck
>Can kill yourself with BFG
>All bosses are pathetic now
>Anytime anything hits you COD blood covers screen and ensures you can't see fucking anything
Complaining about Ironsights is stupid since you can just ignore it, but there's a whole lot of other shitty things about BD.

>> No.1566851

oh shit I forgot to say the one thing I like about BD is how the freelook doesn't look fucking nasty with it. I wish ZDoom could look that good in freelook.

>> No.1566852 [DELETED] 

Shut up you fucking autist. gb2/v/

>> No.1566856 [DELETED] 


>> No.1566860

Yes, vanilla Doom was renown for its highly challeninging bosses.

Uh, just use GZDoom.

>> No.1566862
File: 428 KB, 200x183, 7aXqN4N.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am?
Huh. Never knew.

>> No.1566865

HUD Doomguy's like, "Da fuck's goin' on up there?"

>> No.1566867

I thought GZdoom was like, just a shitty abandoned zdoom

>> No.1566871

>Janitor removes my post
>doesn't remove spoilered porn as well
Huh. Odd.

>> No.1566874
File: 194 KB, 800x1188, 1294529603641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>James Bond one

>> No.1566876

No, it's an engine based on ZDoom with OpenGL and some neat graphical stuff. And it has normal freelook.

>> No.1566881

I like Brutal Doom sperglord's edition a bit more if I'm honest, but BD it's pretty nice too.
Protip: Jump and headshot barons of hell with the SSG. They go down with just one shot.
Who cares about the creator? Just enjoy his creation or don't.

>> No.1566883


Thanks /vr/ getting GZDoom now.

Cyberdemon lasted over a minute in vanilla at least

>> No.1566885

>Cyberdemon lasted over a minute in vanilla at least
But the fight wasn't hard, so time is not very relevant. With a lot of open space you can just strafe it.

Probably brutal Cyber should get some more attacks. Maybe it even does have. I never got far enough in BD to fight one.

>> No.1566896

oh my god I just ran e1m1 with freelook and it's delicious

>captcha was lng earfail

>> No.1566898

iirc it can instakill stomp you when you get close, but that p much already happened in vanilla. Other than that it still just waddles around and shoots rockets

>> No.1566904

doom bosses are shit because they don't have attack patterns, high mobility or actually pose serious threat to the player (ignoring the IoS for this one)

It's pretty much just sticking an enemy with loads of HP into a map and calling it a "boss".

Sgt. Mark should give that specific cyberdemon special behaviour. Possibly actually having to use jumping and crouching to avoid some attacks.

>> No.1566907

Okay since GZDoom is just ZDoom with better freelook, is there any reason for me to keep ZDoom?

>> No.1566908

I think the thing that made the cyberdemon harder in the actual vanilla Doom was the lack o mouselook.
Strafing wasn't nearly as fluid as it is now, you had to hold alt, and then you still had press the turning buttom as shoot at the same time. It was a pain in the ass basically.

>> No.1566914

>>Assault rifle is a shittier, less accurate chaingun
No it isn't.
>Shotgun isn't sniper anymore
It's still pretty effective at long ranges, I haven't had any problems with it.
>minigun windup is slow as fuck
Wut? It's pretty fast. Not instant, but really, it's like half a second long. Also, the secondary makes it fire instantly.
>Can kill yourself with BFG
No you can't.
>All bosses are pathetic now
You haven't played vanilla in a while have you? Spider mastermind goes down in two BFG shots, and the cyberdemon, while harder, it's still not that hard to avoid and kill. The only hard fight is the Icon of Sin, really. And Mark made it harder with that mod that changes everything about the fight.
I dislike some things about BD but your complaints about it are pretty silly.
GZDoom m8.

>> No.1566918

Mod compatability.

>> No.1566920

some older mods may not work with gzdoom since its bound to do some things different to zdoom, that sorta thing

just keep both :3

>> No.1566921

yeah read the rest of the thread, I already got GZDoom.

>> No.1566923

>you had to hold alt
Don't know what version you played, but I booted up Doom on DOSbox right now and it has left and right strafe keys.

>> No.1566927

I was thinking more like barons/knights act in BD, they occasionally fire three plasma balls in spread pattern, make just holding A+M1 less effective.
I don;t like the idea of making jump/duck mandatory on vanilla maps.
I played Doom without mlook (mouse was broken), but I believe even Doom Alpha has options for mouse, and Romero playtested Doom with a mouse. Was I misled?

>> No.1566932

Has anyone here played REELism? It's a pretty great score attack/horde mode sort of deal. Each wave of enemies and the weapons you get are randomly decided via slot reel.


>> No.1566934

You couldn't look up and down with the mouse in Vanilla Doom, but you could use the mouse to look around.
And I beat Doom in a keyboard only, UV run a while earlier. The cyberdemon was still pretty easy.
No unless you use the dev-builds (which you should, don't use stable versions) because ZDoom updates mroe frequently. So yeah, not really. You can even turn GZDoom into ZDoom via doing a command in the console. vid_renderer 0 I think it was.

>> No.1566936

wjhat's the most atmospheric doom wad?

>> No.1566937

nope he played doom with a mouse in his left hand and all that, i think we discuss it in every thread going so im sure someone will post a screenshot of it


check this out if you havent, skip to like 10 minutes in for doomage, pretty cool

>> No.1566939


>> No.1566942
File: 432 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_Doom_20140423_174957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And Mark made the Icon of Sin harder with that mod that changes everything about the fight.
You mean this? It's fucking awesome even though he's still immobile.

>> No.1566945

Doom 64

>> No.1566946

Doom 64

>> No.1566948


Buttpain, Dissolution, Unloved, Doom64.

>> No.1566949

oh god why did I double post aaaaaa

>> No.1566952

because Doom 65

>> No.1566953

omg i need to play dooms 4-63 now

>> No.1566963

Is there any ZDL alternative for linux?
inb4 copypasta about kernel.

>> No.1566969

instl gntu
ZDL works natively on Linux.
I'm pretty sure it has precompiled binaries.
Or compile it yourself nerd.

>> No.1566981

ZDLsharpvertec is ded

>> No.1566984

>it feels kinda shameful to use the ironsights,
Don't see the problem myself, they make sense to me at longer ranges.
They're also pretty much optional, there's nothing that stops you from firing from the hip.

>don't feel like they belong in Doom
Well, Brutal Doom isn't Vanilla Doom, the quick-kick doesn't belong in Doom either, neither does the taunt.

I'll say the Zombies are too accurate though, I feel that they should be brain-dead mooks who just barely level their guns at the direction you're at, and lets off a round without thinking, only a shotgunner up close, chaingunner, or large groups of them should be a considerable threat, and even then you should be able to start infighting.

So what? He's a jerk, and possibly a racist, but who cares? I'm interested in his .wad, not his political opinions. I'm not voting for the fucker.
By the logic I feel you're trying to peddle, I couldn't enjoy old German or Russian weapons because of Nazism and Communism.

>> No.1566990

Here, I found it!


Video of some old alpha version, and there are options for mouse (and joystick).

>> No.1566991

So, No one I guess?

>> No.1566996

It's different than that. Hitler himself didn't design the Ruger. You are not endorsing hitler by shooting one.

>> No.1567000

You're also not endorsing Mark by playing his mod.

>> No.1567005

You pretty much are though

>> No.1567014

How am I declaring public support of Mark by playing what he makes?

>> No.1567015

I did, I like the MP.

>> No.1567016

Kinda answered your own question there

>> No.1567026

Is it fun in MP? I haven't gotten the chance to play it with any of my buddies.

>> No.1567028

Marathon's dual shotguns are the best

>> No.1567030

MP is like the foundation of Reelism.
It can be a bit laggy if your PC isn't that good though.

>> No.1567031

If I told more people to play Brutal Doom, that would be endorsing. If I gave money to Mark, that would be endorsing. And it still wouldn't be supporting his views.

>> No.1567034


hi i just downloaded reelism since it looks cool, how do i play it with my friends

>> No.1567038

What are some good DOOM RPG wads/tc's? Basically wanna play Deus Ex on the Doom engine. Already tried that one game that starts with an S btw.

>> No.1567049


>made it harder

So I can add full-volume screams to the cacodemons that always deal damage and can call it a day?

Cacowards, here I go!

>> No.1567053 [DELETED] 

I like to eat fuck-all spicy food while I play doom, adds to the manliness.

>> No.1567058
File: 156 KB, 508x721, Drive Me Closer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open Brutal Doom Sperglord's Edition so I can make it so that blood dissappears as quickly as it touches the ground
>find a DONOTLOOKHERE folder
>it has an animation for Doomguy riding a cacodemon
what the fug

>> No.1567061

wtf is sperglord edition

>> No.1567072

A metamod for Brutal Doom. It adds a good amount of new content: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=37889&sid=41f03c4aaa476b096b1f114ee653e5a5

>> No.1567074

>Hitler himself didn't design the Ruger
You mean the Luger? Which was around since 1908 (in 9mm, 7.65mm pistols existed as far back as 1896), decades before WW2.

Again, I'm not fucking voting for him, or giving him any money, I don't care about who he is as a person. Yeah, he's done and said stuff I think he shouldn't have, but it hasn't always been fully relevant to the mod itself.

>> No.1567083

Post the animation you fag

>> No.1567093 [DELETED] 

Where the hell is the "Find and Replace" tool in SLADE?

>> No.1567104

>Redid my Robotnik edit

>> No.1567108
File: 62 KB, 1172x726, Untitled-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It is a mystery.

>> No.1567115

Hey /vr/ Doom Troopers. Remember I said ya'll had helped us out with our Romero deathmatch? And how I said we had the replays for 3 days of him doing 1-on-1 fights? Well, here's the replays:

>> No.1567116

Pariah's mace.


>> No.1567120

Anyone have cool visor mods? The classic hud is nice and all but I love helmet huds.

>> No.1567125


Excellent. Thanks a ton!

>> No.1567126





Also, how's Romero? Does he like to talk about Doom mods or what?

>> No.1567128

Oh, awesome. Thanks anon.

>> No.1567134

He's good. Life is treating him well, and he still is able to pwn newbs like nobody's business.

>> No.1567138

Crack-Doomguy here. I've changed the Cyberdemon's sounds. http://youtu.be/iFa_SAl5KZE

>> No.1567139
File: 16 KB, 85x93, cutie icon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is too cute. The hud should have orgasm faces if you're fucking tho, maybe even an ahegao.

>> No.1567143


>> No.1567145
File: 90 KB, 1009x407, HDoom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we go.

Thanks, /d/.

>> No.1567148
File: 2.89 MB, 2500x2150, Rip &amp; Tear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Added new ones
Needs transparency because mspaint a shit.

Please only add to this one, also needs more space for new additions.

>> No.1567149
File: 506 KB, 1920x1080, OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1567154


b-b-back that gamma up

>> No.1567156

/d/mod already? That was quick

>> No.1567158
File: 419 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_Doom_20140423_164424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, got bored of And The Bloodshed Began partway through, the maps just started turning into pure monster closets, and just rooms jam packed with enemies. Not very exciting. Sick of all the samey looking maps too. It did have a few okayish looking ones though.

>> No.1567163

Not a /d/mod, I just played the H-Mod with the Chex 3 IWAD instead of one of the Doom ones.

>> No.1567168

Chex Quest H-mod with goo girls when

>> No.1567175


that wouldn't take effort like, AT ALL. Even a random anon who hasn't sprited in his life can get the Chex sprite style easily.

>> No.1567186

samsara hmod when?

>> No.1567190

The BD Cyberdemon fires 4 shots instead of 3, and two of them are fired in a spread pattern just like the Mancubus. It's pretty easy to avoid on E2M8, but when placed on user-made maps with less room, they become one of the hardest enemies I have faced in a Doom mod.

>> No.1567191

He was trying to make a joke anon.

>> No.1567192

>Even a random anon who hasn't sprited in his life can get the Chex sprite style easily.

There are people who genuinely believe this.
These people popular this page: http://chexquest.wikia.com/wiki/User_Created_Flemoids

>> No.1567194

probably will have another release tonight

at least, once mike wakes up
someone stole his alarm i guess

>> No.1567196

They're downright impossible to beat on certain maps, like that one part in Hell Revealed that traps you in a room five feet from a Mastermind.

>> No.1567197
File: 20 KB, 178x179, disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, they're awful

>> No.1567204

Double or even tripley so after flipping the bird at them

>> No.1567216
File: 478 KB, 1006x1280, cyber_demon_by_4hoursleep-d7fnzdx[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so since we're finally back to post allow me to put my request here.

I've seen a lot of anons having interest for yet another folder with Doom pics, so what I have planned is that every single one of you should upload your own batch of Doom pics you may have sitting in your computers. You can use this very thread or...

Use this if you want to upload a fuckton of images at the same time (also it'll allow me to download 'em all easily since I can download albums in zip format with no efforts thanks to how imgur works)

I'll use the old and latest version of the Doom images folder ("4DoomV8") made by DoctorAmazing as a base. I'll try my best at sorting 'em out before going to sleep and I'll post the result. Also praise Lord Jeebuz for CloneSpy since it'll help me big time to remove any duplicates that will surely pop out


>> No.1567218
File: 19 KB, 290x705, Allow me to introduce myself.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1567223
File: 123 KB, 1360x768, Screenshot_Doom_20140423_192422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got links to the wads this requires? I can find Dwango 5 and Judas23 easily enough, but I've looked all over for the SSL series to no avail.

>> No.1567228

Easy way:
>approach to the altar
>icon of sin starts to rise
>jump over altar and drop down to the floor
>get close
>spam BFG to its guts until it runs out
>run around and grab cell packs
>get in the same position and repeat

Hard way:
>spend your time hitting him from the head with rocket launcher
>defend yourself with super shotgun
>hide in the small gate under the altar against his lightning attack
>be on the move against his fiery spit and fireballs or hide in the small gate again
>take cover or hide in the small gate when he decides to shout or send hellish misilles
>when he started to send hellish missiles that means he's close to death, take the invulnerability sphere to the right and blast the BFG off from up close until its duration is over.

>> No.1567229

are they using duel 32? that wad contains judas23 maps, dwango 5 and ssl maps

>> No.1567232
File: 972 KB, 1039x734, 1394061945447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C-can you fuck Revenants?

>> No.1567237


>> No.1567239

It would say that I need duel32 if they were using it.

>> No.1567240

workin on it

>> No.1567249
File: 951 KB, 555x900, b25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1567256
File: 638 KB, 597x575, Tom and Jay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1567267

but why would you want to fuck gaku

>> No.1567269


i'll keep my eyes open so i can update the server to the release, if it comes out tonight, that is.

>> No.1567271
File: 653 KB, 320x240, tom hall busting some sweet moves.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1567272
File: 25 KB, 320x318, 91725721565125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>made a joke about black people.
>is a raging racist.

>whining about it on 4chan.

>> No.1567276
File: 529 KB, 750x1200, 1390084294311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skelingtons give me a boner.

>> No.1567278



>> No.1567291

just one thing im confused about.
are people some how being forced to play brutal doom?
if you dont like any part of it, dont download it, load it and play it.

like did all the doom servers switch over to brutal doom servers or something? it's not like it even just came out.

there are people literally begging for comments and criticism and people waste time playing mods they dont like and complaining about it.

>> No.1567302

>Brutal Doom review
>just points out the shit Mark did
>when it talks about the mod itself it's only a couple words, with no argument behind them
>author shitposts in the comments
Yeah, nah. At least Mark created something worth shit.
Isn't he a brazillian or mexican or some shit like that? Aren't they mixed as fuck?
But still, I'd rather leave the whole edgy on /b/ and /pol/.

>> No.1567303

I could see that, Doomdickgirl fighting tentacle imps

>> No.1567312

I cannot roll my eyes any harder.

Brutal Doom is just another fucking mod. And like any other mod, people have shit they like and shit they don't like.

So when you want to make your mod of choice immune to criticism by whimpering "i-if you d-don't like it j-just don't p-play it!" like some /a/ reject who wants to pretend we're loading it up and playing a mod we hate for 12 hours a day simply to find shit we complain about, kindly make like the taunt key and fuck yourself.

Surprise, people are allowed to say why they don't like what they like, just like people are allowed to say why they like what they like.
Double surprise, people are allowed to try out a mod to see if they like it or to see if what they didn't like was changed.
Triple surprise...sometimes they don't like it still.

>> No.1567315

>like did all the doom servers switch over to brutal doom servers or something?

Uhhh yes that's what actually happened. That's literally half of what killed Skulltag multiplayer, since the other half was murdered by MM8BDM

>> No.1567314

I'd rather a petite qt Doomgirl fucking big muscular monsters, such as Barons, and getting tentacled.

>> No.1567323

Doom II is all that's needed. If it's another map, it's not Romero playing in that demo.

>> No.1567327

So I know that Skulltag was killed off because of Multiplayer drama. But is there an image someone made somewhere that explains it, shows images of posts, etc.?

>> No.1567330
File: 52 KB, 1074x280, BasedModsEtc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I do have this image, though.

Unless you meant the drama with Carnevil and etc.

>> No.1567332

>because of Multiplayer drama

No multiplayer drama was born, it was DEVELOPMENT drama. GYFS. Back in the Skulltag days there was literally NOTHING but MM8BDM and BD servers.

>> No.1567337

Brutal Doom never got big enough servers to have more players than GvH, AOW2, or MM8DM. And actually I would rather still play Brutal Doom. At least it still is about killing demons with shotguns, and that's what Doom is about according to Carmack.

>> No.1567340

Carmack, as awesome as he is at coding, has no idea what Doom is really about. He hasn't played it since 1993.

>> No.1567342

>and that's what Doom is about according to Carmack.
There was at least one demon and one shotgun in Doom 3, and, well...

But yeah, I still like your mod better. GvH is hilarious with friends though.
On an unrelated note, I did the thing with Find and Replace to make blood decals dissappear faster and it didn't work. Any tips?

>> No.1567343

It was killed off due to Carn nuking the forums then picking up his copyright and going home.

>> No.1567349


Sjas x Revenant OTP

>> No.1567354

That list came from the very first demo in the "romero" folder.

>> No.1567357

Dunno about you but I enjoyed the fuck outa Brutal Doom: Beyond Hell and Earth.
Some seriously good levels in there, making use of a lot of more modern features (well, almost Build-engine like ones anyway so more like 1996 features) available to spice up the usual blasting away and key finding. Also that context was given in the form of story segments for each level was nice.

>> No.1567361

That was just an example, I didn't mean exactly that. But take a look at the popular mods at the time: Megaman mod, Call of Duty mod, C&C Red Alert mod, and weird random 2pooky2me stuff mod. By doing something that was about being a "spesh marine that must kill the demons" I tought I was doing some kind of favor to the community :P

>> No.1567365

>playing a mod we hate for 12 hours a day simply to find shit we complain about

are you sure?

>> No.1567369
File: 68 KB, 338x319, 1368673656143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Out of pure curiosity sake, what do you think of the modding scene now?
What are some others that you like to play with, when you're not working on Bootal Drum? Any that you're looking forward to?

>> No.1567371

Is it bad if I use Resurrect instead of loading from a save file?

>> No.1567372
File: 3.23 MB, 360x198, kane.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1567374

Insult Cyberdemo by pressing "F" for a cheesy surprise
Cyberdemo looks at you confused, lets out a roar then start to shoot 6-8 rockets at once in a rapid succession, until he erases you from the existence.
It's recommended to start charging your BFG as you insult him because he'll stop there for a good sec or two.

>> No.1567376

It's very bad anon.

You could at least just put a save in the middle of the level instead of flat out cheating.

>> No.1567384

DooM general
ANything todo with Duke an shotguns

>> No.1567385

I'm back. Giving the build a quick lookover then it should be ready for release.

>> No.1567386


>Gravelord Nito and Sir Dan

This makes me so happy

Also fellas? Should I keep the current title theme for GMOTA as is, or should I switch over to Synchronicity from Brandish?


I'm definitely gonna use a few tracks from Brandish for Blaz though.

>> No.1567387





>> No.1567389
File: 5 KB, 188x248, OOO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to suggest the same thing. But ... with this face.

>> No.1567393

He's been in the Samsara servers several times

and last I checked Terminus and Mark worked together on Samsara Ketchup so they're probably on friendly terms too
Brutal Samsara plz

>> No.1567401

I'm 100% sure this works, and you are something wrong. But that's ok, if you are having problems to do edit the decorate, you can go to the sprites folder, and start deleting all the gib sprites you don't want to see. By deleting the blood pool sprites will also remove their vertical decals. You can delete the wall blood splatters by deleting stuff from the GRAPHICS folder.

I don't know about the scene. I wasn't following anything even months before my bans. I was really looking forward to Doom Evil Unleashed, but that guy was taking so many years to release it, I gave up on waiting, and lost any interest on it. However Mike's retro sci-fi map was looking promising.

Today I don't play much Doom anymore. I just show up on FNF and once and a while I play Samsara.

>> No.1567404

The retro sci-fi mod is still being worked on, actually - though a bit on-and-off since the guy helping with the mapping has been pretty busy lately.

>> No.1567408

>I'm 100% sure this works, and you are something wrong. But that's ok, if you are having problems to do edit the decorate, you can go to the sprites folder, and start deleting all the gib sprites you don't want to see. By deleting the blood pool sprites will also remove their vertical decals. You can delete the wall blood splatters by deleting stuff from the GRAPHICS folder.
Ya, I probably fucked something up, I'm new to SLADE, never messed around with a mod's files before. I'll try again tomorrow, thanks!

>> No.1567414

You guys like it?

>> No.1567419


Samsara Ketchup was BlackFish, I didn't have much of a hand in that. Probably the most I've done is bloodyhell 2, which is directly inspired by earlier Brutal Doom builds but with original resources.

But yeah, every time Mark's been on the servers he's been cool.
Brutal Samsara probably won't ever happen, though, since the design directions for the two mods are at complete opposites. Sorry.
Not to mention considering how long it's taken to do the total overhaul of Doom, it'd be forever and a half to do the same for other characters--and Doom is the one with the most resources out and about there.
Can you imagine trying to get more resources for the SO or Ranger?

>> No.1567432

I actually like BD for deathmatch. Since the weps are evened out there's less imbalance. It's less about simply knowing the map/spawn locations when even the pistol(rifle) is a real threat.

>> No.1567439

the closest (and viable) thing of a Brutal Samsara would be a compatible Brutal Doom Lite, with things like replacing Doomguy with the Brutal Doomguy, adding weapon effect compatibility (making Duke Explosive Shotgun blast enemies like nearby explosions, Ranger's Axe cutting enemies, etc.) and adding particle effect compatibility (explosive weapons would share a similar pattern instead having completely diferent graphics, all weapons would leave decals on floor and ceilings, etc). As I said, it's viable, but everyone would need to keep in mind that only Doomguy would able to perform fatalities. And Brutal Baratus, using Brutal HeXen weapons

>> No.1567440

Didn't like >>1566786?

>> No.1567445

At this point, bloodyhell cvar options fill the gore criteria already anyways - trying to do an actual 'brutal' add-on to any sense of actual completeness would be an assload of effort given the character elements and differences in code foundation.

>> No.1567446

attention hq, this is agent stapler
i repeat, this is agent stapler

we are good to go
the package is being delivered
hang on to your dicks

>> No.1567452


my dick already fell off

>> No.1567459
File: 464 KB, 1364x768, Stronghold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking finally!

>> No.1567469
File: 137 KB, 720x1470, a74f2011d25314222760b8d0535df3dc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


techdemo 4 is up and ready

* new scene for hell dame
* polished blowjobs for imps
* new blowjob part for imps
* fixed a fuckton of bugs
* should no longer cause crashes online
* zombie-replacing imps drop ammo
* zombie-replacing imps attacks are weaker and look more visually distinct
* weapon replacements for chainsaw, fist, pistol, shotgun, super shotgun
* sprite tweaks for chaingun and rocket launcher
* temporary life's a beach weapon replacements for plasma rifle and bfg9000
* snarkier comments in the code
* this girl in lingerie in the release post

>> No.1567472

Not sure what to tell ya. Try some of the other demos. The early ones would be non-Doom 2 potentially. Try from Tuesday on.

>> No.1567473
File: 11 KB, 229x220, the_time_has_come.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1567480
File: 33 KB, 500x465, 1367960381656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that fucking chainsaw

>> No.1567481
File: 38 KB, 640x360, 1390943979268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weapon replacements for chainsaw, fist, pistol, shotgun, super shotgun

I know what I'm gonna do tonight

>> No.1567485

Here's the BestEver link as a mirror (and for server-running folks)


>> No.1567492

I got the supershotgun
My fucking sides

>> No.1567493

>super shotgun

>> No.1567519

Server is up, for those interested

>> No.1567525



>> No.1567534
File: 429 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Doom_20140424_003035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1567538

Hey, a question, when was Noah's Ark released?

>> No.1567541

>that Arachnotron
>B-But Doom-kun, I th-thought we had something special... ;_;

>> No.1567543


*Super Noah's Ark 3D

>> No.1567548

>arachnotron of disapproval

super noah's arc 3D? google it, takes 5 secs 1994, according to wikipedia, lazy ass

>> No.1567549

Oh, forgot that one

>> No.1567557


I can google it. Now, check the date again. And put a mark on your calendar.

>> No.1567569
File: 2.95 MB, 2500x2150, Rip &amp; Tear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Added. I also resized "Deny & Detain!"

>> No.1567572
File: 923 KB, 660x420, 1394055441607.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit, I've been waiting for this

>> No.1567589
File: 293 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_Doom_20140423_204436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuckin nice. Good detail on the imp-job. Are all the demons planned to be finished? Cacodemon too?

Also the water balloons made for a funny cyberdemon fight.

>> No.1567596

What... what's happening on that day?
I'm not good at building boats anon

>> No.1567624
File: 89 KB, 330x328, 1368531551331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this should be fun
>load it with brutal doom


>> No.1567629


>> No.1567640


so, the rumors were true!


>> No.1567651

Wait, what version of BD?

>> No.1567653 [DELETED] 

bahahhaha omggg the horrorrrr

>> No.1567659

default 19v

>> No.1567660

Cleaned version, what do you mean by that?

>> No.1567661

>Loading Hmod with Brutal Doom
...But why?

>> No.1567668

Does not seem to be even close to the same size as the doomworld pic...

>> No.1567695
File: 845 KB, 3150x1140, skeletonprincessbestprincess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1567718

By the way, source for the voices please.

>> No.1567740 [DELETED] 

except nobody likes anime.

>> No.1567751
File: 341 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20140420_191651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1567757
File: 105 KB, 1280x720, 1371671887921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big words for a nerd on an anime image board

>> No.1567758
File: 48 KB, 1280x720, 1395111993292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>except nobody likes anime.
nice b8 m8

>> No.1567765

Are you agitated?

>> No.1567780
File: 741 KB, 1920x1080, hdoom-newfeature.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1567781
File: 193 KB, 1487x1111, 1397960412188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1567793


To be fair, trying to run the two mods together would leave you with a glitched, broken piece of shit anyways. But knowing that there are people who will try and combine BD with anything and everything, we figured this would be the more entertaining course of action.

>> No.1567802

>Playback error: MEDIA_ERR_DECODE

I keep getting this shit when I try to play WEBMs, what's the deal?

>> No.1567832
File: 50 KB, 187x136, misdreavus-mad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1567842

From a media player? From your browser? We need more info than that, man

>> No.1567843

Ah sorry, from the browser.

>> No.1567858


You using Chrome, Firefox or IE? IE's basically the only one that doesn't naturally support webm, and having Firefox 28.0 I'm not having problems like that.

>> No.1567867

brotip: Don't play online with gay friends, they just kill all the imps before you get to fuck them

>> No.1567869

oh oops

this was meant for


>> No.1567871

Chrome. Using Mayhem's version of 4Chan X.

>> No.1567885

i only do that when something super stupidly unfair happens[i.e. SPAWNING A DAMN CYBERDEMON IN A SHORT ROOM]

>> No.1567891

Huh. I'm using FF 28.0 with Mayhem's 4chanX too.

From looking around it seems to have to do with Chrome's built-in HTML5 player. See if enabling/disabling hardware acceleration will help.

Failing that, try a recent build of Chromium that may have the issue fixed, and get the Chromium Updater extension from the Google Store to keep up.

And if that don't work... guess there's other browsers. I used to stand by Chrome, but FF's improved over the years.

>> No.1567895

Tried disabling hardware acceleration, didn't work. What's Chromium, a Chrome extension?

>> No.1567905

Chromium is what Chrome is before Google makes it Google Chrome.

Google Chrome's basically what you can consider as "stable" releases of Chromium while Chromium's the daily dev builds. The Chromium Updater extension lets you quickly download the newest one at a whim.

Though that could've been pretty easy to learn though a google search. Either way, I can't find any more info on that specific error.

>> No.1567910

I did try googling it, but it sounds like its an entirely separate Browser.

>> No.1567918

if your friends are the type of person who would willingly get between a man and a hot lady
then you have shitty friends

>> No.1567931

http://www.doomx.net/ just posted an update, it's not dead, thank goodness

>> No.1567950

I don't get it ; ;

>> No.1567952
File: 612 KB, 208x219, 1394009201239.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw, kick ass! I was really looking forward to this project and I thought for sure it was ditched.

>> No.1567957

he middies like a god in Quake 3 so I can't hate him no matter how much I want to

I just wanted to fuck red head imp-chan 9-9

>> No.1567958

it makes squeeky sounds

>> No.1567961

I'd like to note that the barons in the "Tricks and Traps" level on Doom II don't get converted.

>> No.1567964

they should totally convert into traps

>> No.1567967
File: 201 KB, 233x321, 83b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1567975

Also, Revenants in "Refuelling Base". Assuming the first one in The Crusher was a placeholder for now.

>> No.1567979

Can I even post or is it just going to give me a fucking error message for everything I try

>> No.1567980


We need a cyberdemon one. Have it mirrored or something.


>> No.1567981

hi bae

>> No.1567982
File: 67 KB, 500x500, 1347976863401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh, Sure, let me post now but keep fucking saying my WEBM is corruped or unsupported. Jesus tapdancing christ.

I got the animation set up for the arm cannon but I can't post the shitting thing. Fuck everything

>> No.1567984


What happens?

>> No.1567985

Webm? It's been giving me a ton of shit lately, almost any webm file I try to play just gives me an error message.

>> No.1567990


>> No.1567998
File: 151 KB, 640x480, Screenshot_Doom_20140424_091321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women son, I tell you hwut.

>> No.1568010

>That single Archvile

>> No.1568054

Mix bag of questions.

Why does the rocket launcher in Buttal Doom not have the grenade function anymore.
Why does it seem like CyberDemons (and I guess all monsters) pain-stun more often when they're lower on health?
Should I be pistol-starting megawad levels?
How hard is it to make a map in regards to using the editor (not talking about balance or it actually being GOOD, just lumping shit into it) and what do I use.

>> No.1568059

>Should I be pistol-starting megawad levels?
Your choice. There's no real definite "should" or "should not" for Doom, aside from "don't let mods be your definitive first experience", and even that's pretty hazy.
There's a bunch of arguments for or against, so in the end it's really just whether you feel you want a challenge--and if so, go for it.

>How hard is it to make a map in regards to using the editor (not talking about balance or it actually being GOOD, just lumping shit into it) and what do I use.
Very easy, and GZDoomBuilder.

>> No.1568065


I noticed levels never seem to place a room over another room. Is that a limitation of the engine? Closest i've seen is elevators and the 'bridge' in Well of Souls, Plutonia which looks like utter shit.

>> No.1568069

>Is that a limitation of the engine?
Yes. Though the sourceports have various 3D floor implementations.

>> No.1568070

It's not a limitation in ZDoom anymore but since it breaks some ports people tend to avoid it.

>> No.1568080

>Can't make multi-story tower.

Oh well, if I can work my head around the map editor, i'd like to make a slaughter map of the Monopoly board.

>> No.1568086

yes you can. Just be smart with your use of silent teleporters and the players won't be able to tell a thing when they shift floors

>> No.1568104
File: 35 KB, 350x334, NOT CANON.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy just doesn't stop with the cute shit.

I love it

>> No.1568108

Pain Elemental is the cutest.

>> No.1568116
File: 34 KB, 332x448, confused boner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I love his take on the revenant

>> No.1568157

Has anyone done a full remake of the original E1M1 with the sole intent of bringing it up to current .wad difficulty?

>> No.1568167

Just how long has that damn mod been under development?

>> No.1568180

I dunno if it's in SE or not, but I was playing an OBLIGE set with BD and I went to piss him off, and I let out an SSG burst.

I think the pain chance might've stunned him out of getting pissed though, because he fired like normal when I shot him. Is that normal?

>> No.1568187
File: 79 KB, 500x406, FATSO-CHAN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1568194



also quoting the NEWS post since this is quite the thing that would likely get linked to it


>> No.1568201
File: 457 KB, 640x320, asd.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boy I hope this works

>> No.1568203


but i think there's something wrong with the basic eye glow...
too big/round, maybe?

>> No.1568204


You mean the flashing eyes when you fire? Or the flame that rests when idle? Also I plan on pushing his arm back further with recoil when using charged shots. I just haven't gotten around to that part yet. I just wanted to show off the fancy pants transformation

>> No.1568205


Fun fact:

You can acctually stunlock the cyber by telling it to fuck itself.

>> No.1568206

the flashing eyes

>> No.1568209

where's the skeletons?

>> No.1568212
File: 22 KB, 389x341, Cyberdemon returns the favor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1568220
File: 1.07 MB, 640x320, Totally boned.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I kinda like them as they are, but what would you suggest? Make them look more like jagged bursts of light? The guy I've had make these for me probably won't do much more for me, and I'd feel bad for asking at this point, this whole nonsense has taken quite a bit of time.


Good question, let's check and see if we can't find any skel-

>> No.1568226

why did you have to open the skeleton closet bro

>> No.1568227

i'm not too sure myself, maybe jut tweaking the shape/size a little?
at it i now, i think it looks too much like something (pasted) over the eyes, when it should look like it comes from the eyes

>> No.1568236
File: 437 KB, 640x320, MEIN LEIBEN.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because it was that or the tunnel o Nazis


Well, I'm no artist but I'll try to fiddle with it later, I need to focus more on the animations right now.

>> No.1568249

>soaker gun and water baloon replacements
uh... someone been reading my pathetic "design pastebin" or do I and the stapler had a mutual idea?

>> No.1568418 [SPOILER] 
File: 61 KB, 248x252, 1398355664697.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just for you anon, pic related.

>> No.1568420


>> No.1568424

>Ultimate Doom Episode 1 speedrun with Samsara - Duke Nukem / Ultra Violence
Gotta train fast

>> No.1568427

>Speedrunning Duke

What was even the point of his ride

>> No.1568442

Just making speedruns of Ultimate Doom with Samsara, 3 times with each class.

Current counts:
>Duke: 7'58 | 8'09 | 8'01
>BJ: 4'34 | 4'56 | 4'40
>Doomguy: 7'35 | 7'55 | 7'35

Doing Corvus right now

>> No.1568460

I'm down for a challenge. E1 as Duke in under 8 minutes? Doot de doo.

>> No.1568464

Why are your BJ times so much lower?

>> No.1568467

The chaingun and bazooka raped everything.
Also, his movement is quite fast and I took a few shortcuts, Duke is way slower and took a lot more time.

>> No.1568479

No jumping or mouselook right?

>> No.1568481

Jumpinhg: No
Mouselook: Yes, but I'll try without and autoaim on.

>> No.1568490 [DELETED] 

first of all I don't give a shit about people being racist, unless he campaigns for genocide or enslavement of other races.

second thing, I think conflating a racist joke with racism is something only pieces of shit do... pieces of shit who deserve to be stomped by some big hetero aryan white

>> No.1568504

this is awesome

anyway, challenge tiem.
Open credits and tell me your reaction and if you started to dislike this mod.

>> No.1568509

This is cool, though smooth revenants look so... weird.

>> No.1568539
File: 320 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Doom_Beyond Revival.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1568548
File: 1.72 MB, 200x200, 1376538359874.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you, anon.

>> No.1568557

I don't see what's so wrong with mouselook. Just as long as it's horizontal only.

>> No.1568558

Time to unzip. The file that is.

>> No.1568591

but why does it have skin?

>> No.1568597


So you can bone it

>> No.1568602

I'd like to know that as well

>> No.1568607

You can't fug a skeleton, anon.

>> No.1568635

Someone on /b/ proved you wrong a long time ago.
A /b/tard on The Catacombs of Paris... never again.

>> No.1568648

but there's no flesh

how would you even

>> No.1568651

I guess you can say, he skull fucked it.

>> No.1568656


It's nothing but holes, Anon.

Where do you stick your dick into?


>> No.1568675

So, here's the prototype/concept sprite for HDoom's pinky-grill.


>> No.1568698


Oh, and perk's sounds to, but those mostly rock so it's fine.

>> No.1568704

Shouldn't revenants be tall, skinny grills?
Bretty gud

>> No.1568712

That's exactly what they are it's just harder to notice the full size difference due to the position.

>> No.1568730
File: 2.01 MB, 2600x2150, RIP AND TEAR BY ∕ vr∕ .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OC += 2;
Will now create two of them every day.
Attempted to fix the Metroid one.
Someone please fix the fucking JPEG ones, like Gordon and especially Chex. I dont have that much free time.

>> No.1568745

They are pretty, uh, meaty anyways.

>> No.1568776



>> No.1568784

Do I need some previous release for HDoom or is the download missing some files? Cause I can't get it to work with the newest one.

>> No.1568847


There's, uh, only one file.

>> No.1568852

Guess I must update Skulltage then...

>> No.1568854



Skulltag is long dead, Zandronum is its successor.

>> No.1568885

Please see

You are missing several OC and it almost seems like you're omitting them on purpose.

>> No.1568895

You're not opening it as a zip, are you?

>> No.1568908


>> No.1568973

Hey /vr/Doom Troopers I have been capturing the Romero videos and putting them on Youtube. 2 done so far, one of which is 1:40:30 so it should tickle you.

>> No.1568993
File: 3.02 MB, 2500x2150, Rip &amp; Tear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I'll let the masses decide which they prefer.

>> No.1568997 [DELETED] 

Delete that fucking anime bullshit, or GTFO
Fucking faggots

>> No.1569001


I agree with you, the jpeg rescaled ones are terrible.
The Hug And Cuddle is kind of cute, though.

>> No.1569002 [DELETED] 


Someone needs to fight some evil by moonlight.

>> No.1569012

The "map and code" one is clever, but it's only clever if you realize it was done in a map with textures, which isn't really that obvious--and is going to leap over the heads of everyone who isn't familiar with Doom modding. It's unfortunate considering the effort put into it, but nix it.
The 2hu and Governator ones are fucking disgusting quality, definitely get rid of those.

"Hug and cuddle" is really cute.

>> No.1569021 [DELETED] 


>> No.1569036

>.png + white background
> 3 MB
>including the ones with the worst quality a jpg could possibly have
0/10 would not save

>> No.1569046 [DELETED] 


>> No.1569047 [DELETED] 


No thank you

>> No.1569051 [DELETED] 


>> No.1569053 [DELETED] 
File: 80 KB, 711x505, 4chanGoFuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1569069
File: 566 KB, 1200x1395, PORTS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Planned for tomorrow:
>Linux (the penguin) or RMS
Any other suggestions?

>> No.1569074

BSD daemon

>> No.1569086

I'm sorry, I'm using MSPaint.
If someone would be kind enough to make this transparent, that'd be great.

>> No.1569087
File: 192 KB, 640x480, Screenshot_Doom_20140424_214645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1569091 [DELETED] 

would you rather have the pony edit added back in?

>> No.1569094 [DELETED] 

Enjoy, dont forget to wipe off the blood from your eyes after reading this:

>> No.1569098 [DELETED] 
File: 307 KB, 747x497, asparagus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1569105

Why isn't it a chloroform rag?

>> No.1569106

Who in /vr/ is unfamiliar with doom modding? The shotguns one is going to go over the heads of anyone who doesn't play niche /vr/ mods.

>> No.1569107
File: 7 KB, 189x251, ngbbs4bd3707f3efe5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3.02 MB

>> No.1569109

>niche /vr/ mods
What? The shotguns thread was 15 pages long.

>> No.1569112

>The shotguns one

>> No.1569116

Because that's edgy and stupid.

>> No.1569117

Because the sex it's consensual.

>> No.1569123


The same reason you can't play it with Brutal Doom.

>> No.1569128

What if I'm playing "pacifist" mode?

>> No.1569140


oh god i remember monitoring the RCon when this happened in the chat

>> No.1569146


Then you're gonna get fucked.

>> No.1569169

What the fuck is the deal with this download link? I just get some SendSpace bullshit installer that'll hit 100%, and restart over and over again, not actually downloading anything.

>> No.1569180

Uncheck the fucking box m8

>> No.1569182


If Sendspace is dicking you over, just use the mirror:

>> No.1569194 [DELETED] 


Oh lord

>> No.1569212

fucking awesome

>> No.1569218

What is this and where can I get it?

>> No.1569223


>> No.1569226

Welcome to /doom/

>> No.1569232

Thank you based madeo.

>> No.1569280

It is. It has no botnet, so get it instead.

>> No.1569289 [DELETED] 
File: 264 KB, 260x146, 1394694766372.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1569295 [DELETED] 

don't give it anymore attention than it has gotten

>> No.1569312


>> No.1569362

if anyone wants to know the name for the HMOD server, it's:

: : [BE] New York :: [18+] Hmod, that PK3 that confuses newcomers.

the 18+ was added by a kind request from mike12.

>> No.1569382

HMod? Not HDoom?

>> No.1569386 [DELETED] 
File: 139 KB, 452x452, Koffing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1569391

some people call it hdoom, some call it hmod.

>> No.1569396


>> No.1569398

Not him, but I think they've changed the name to HDoom recently. But it doesn't really matter so keep doing what you're doing.

>> No.1569403
File: 167 KB, 1000x563, 1377806381588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've been without a computer for about 6 months.
What's new in Doom?

>> No.1569413 [DELETED] 
File: 742 KB, 1200x756, 1395530973493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already did.
Though I suppose I could go and ask the missus if she's up for another go.

>> No.1569432
File: 14 KB, 500x375, tootsie-toy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because make your own rape.wad as a mutator instead you faglord.

>> No.1569437 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 200x200, 1396247222544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


are you even trying?

>> No.1569439 [DELETED] 

What did you even interpret as bait in his post?

>> No.1569447 [DELETED] 

Report and ignore.

>> No.1569471

>12gb of wads
Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.1569473
File: 64 KB, 351x267, YotsubaLovesDoom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh, ok then.
Last one for today.
Was quite hard to draw.

>> No.1569482 [DELETED] 

Is it just me, or does Burl Tumd reek of its creator's asshurt?

>> No.1569484
File: 978 KB, 3264x1836, IMG_20140424_195504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1569485 [DELETED] 

It's just you, Mark.

>> No.1569490 [DELETED] 

It's shitposting: The mod.

>> No.1569493
File: 3.08 MB, 2500x2150, Rip &amp; Tear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1569501 [DELETED] 

That's how I felt too, that it was relying to much on LE FAHNNY JOEK and trying to make fun of BD and Mark to be any good. The whole thing was just kinda distasteful.

>> No.1569507
File: 152 KB, 1048x808, Ness has guts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not having the Earthbound one

c'mon, this is like the first one too

>> No.1569509 [DELETED] 

Well, it wasn't a terrible mod, but the fact that you can tell he's doing it to rebut Mark's claim and parody Brutal Doom mucks up the entire experience.

Shit like the "Better Than Rbutl Dumb" difficulty, or the fact monsters spray out huge squirts of pixelated blood that are designed to be goofy looking.

Eric, you'd have been better of rebutting Mark's insult by making a serious mod rather than a joke. All you accomplished was looking butthurt and damaging your work.

>> No.1569528

Too big, if I tried to resize it, it'd be unreadable and its already out of place

>> No.1569530
File: 2.11 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20140424_191834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scroton just finished the Toolbox for TSP! It looks awesome, I need to do a bunch of animations for it but it's functionally complete! PROGRESS!

Also, sorry about the 1080 screenshot, I didn't feel like resizing it.

>> No.1569540
File: 332 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_Doom_20140424_173632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smooth Doom is pretty slick so far.

>> No.1569559 [DELETED] 

There's been some talk about "supporting" someone by playing their wad/mod, and it is akin to "supporting" an musician by listening to their music. What someone says, or does, reflecting upon their work instead of the work itself.

Do you like The Doors? Well Jim Morrison was a drunk who often beat his girlfriend, but it doesn't reflect upon hos work. Metallica went all "stop piracy" campaign which affected free technology trade, yet people who like their work, their music, still listened to it because what they did and said didn't matter.

You can judge the content, the work itself, objectively if you examine the work for what it did; regardless of what message it spreads. To have a problem with something because of part of its message says that it doesn't sit well with you as an individual. So why do we discuss the merits of a persons perspective, or the possible/explicit nature of their work, as if it affects the grade of the content itself? Should we not examine the work for what it is instead of including these other factors outside their work?

It's mainly opinion if you do or not, but I think you're fucktarded to judge a piece of work because the person did/said something you didn't like; it's your opinion, you're entitled to it.

>> No.1569585 [DELETED] 


Burl Tumd is basically GOTTA GO FAST: THE MOD

It's awesome. I've greatly enjoyed playing it and its speed has influenced my own work.

Burl Tumd more Burl than any other Tumd on the market. Burl Tumd a BEST.

>> No.1569604

That be one of them there Mossbergs? Post a picture of the darling wont you?

>> No.1569639

I'm trying it too at the moment, it's pretty nice. I like that he changed the blood so it doesn't leave shit on the ground.
I wish Polished Skull implemented this stuff.

>> No.1569643 [DELETED] 

>drop down
>hitting head with rocketlauncher
are we playing the same games? what the fuck are you doing to doom?

>> No.1569648

I would actually prefer there be more blood (And proper blood colors for Cacos and Barons). I stuck it together with Ketchup, and it seems to work well.

And yeah, Polished Skull would be awesome with the smooth animations.

>> No.1569651 [DELETED] 

>you can tell he's doing it to rebut Mark's claim and parody Brutal Doom mucks up the entire experience
Really? In my opinion that's half the beauty of it. Yeah, it's snide as hell, but Mark literally asked for it. He went all, "if you don't like my mod let's see you do better." It's this kind of "put up or shut up" bully posturing that made Mark infamous, so you can't really fault Eric and friends for doing a little dance on Brutal Doom's grave.

The other half, of course, is the mod itself. Burl Tumd is unironically a good mod. It's fast, the pistol is actually not fucking useless anymore, and it doesn't try to be all "RAAARGH BEST MOD EVER"; it's a humble effort that enhances Doom's gameplay while still preserving the core vanilla concepts. Brutal Doom is all style, no substance.

>> No.1569652 [DELETED] 
File: 96 KB, 500x545, muh purity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1569659 [DELETED] 

Great argument, though it still doesn't negate the fact that you are cheating.

>> No.1569664 [DELETED] 

>muh purity
>like the developers intended
>muh authentic experience
gb2 >>>/doomworld/

>> No.1569665

How active is PrBoomPlus' development, and how open are the devs to feature suggestions? I think the only way to disable player character movement because of the mouse would be to have it added as an option.

>> No.1569669 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 807x681, fourhorsemen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that guy who cares how other people choose to play a singleplayer game

>> No.1569672

Disable it in the options menu nigga.

>> No.1569673 [DELETED] 

Stop giving him attention you fucking retards

>> No.1569679 [DELETED] 

Yeah, except in this case, it would be like if Metallica did an album devoted entirely to whining about piracy. Their opinion would have coloured their work, which Erics asshurt has done with Burl Tumd, you mouthbreathing idiot.

>> No.1569682

gl_texture_filter 0

>> No.1569683 [DELETED] 

Well, I disagree. The fact it's very obviously a shot in a very petty and childish bitchfest (don't act like Eric's long winded response explaining how Mark is the worst thing to happen to Doom since Eric Klebold wasn't incredibly childish) makes it less enjoyable.

>> No.1569684 [DELETED] 

And, I never said any of those things. Way to go pal, you managed to pull fictitious and biased comments out of thin air. If you don't think that jumping and crouching give you an immediate advantage over a still boss, then you are retarded.

It isn't exclusively singleplayer though. People like that ruin co-op too. Why are you two so defensive of cheaters? Do you also play Doom with infinite ammunition and no-clip friend? I mean, that is what I do. I hate dying and losing all my stuff lol. Sometimes I also save mid-level, multiple times because this game is so hard. Had to get past the icon of sin with godmode on the lowest difficulty, game is insane.

>> No.1569690 [DELETED] 

>People like that ruin co-op too

Only if you play with them. Don't play with them, you entitled piece of shit.

>> No.1569698 [DELETED] 

about time I was de-modded

>> No.1569701

God polished skull blood looks so fucking stupid.

>> No.1569705 [DELETED] 

say what now

>> No.1569706 [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 894x894, 1395896999917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that guy who always wants to play every board and card game by the book, following every rule to the letter, sperging out when people propose new houserules

>> No.1569708 [DELETED] 

Fuck off with your home stuck shit

>> No.1569710 [DELETED] 


>> No.1569712

It doesn't exist in the options menu. I've even tried editing the config file with no results.

>> No.1569714 [DELETED] 

Stop with your tripfag shit.

>> No.1569717 [DELETED] 


>> No.1569720

>mouse options
>vertical sensitivity to 0

>> No.1569721 [DELETED] 


>> No.1569728

Well fuck me. Asked in two previous threads and no one knew what to do.

>> No.1569734 [DELETED] 

You don't even understand what that word means, you mentally challenged piece of shit. I wonder what you will make of these sentences I am typing now. Certainly you wouldn't misinterpret my text yet again. When I host games, I usually leave no password on so that I could play with new people with unique play styles. Of course, I ban people who cheat. I change flags to reduce cheating. Sometimes when an arranged game is going on, I put on passwords too. But I am not always the host, and not every host understands that you aren't supposed to be able to jump over every obstacle and reach the exit in three minutes. I leave those games too, however the Doom fanbase isn't as large as it used to be. Surely you must understand that fun for one person, isn't fun for everybody, and that even though I have the choice to leave, it isn't a solution to the problem.

Are you also illiterate? I use GZDoom and Zandronum for fucks sake, with many of the improvements over the original aside from the filters and massive gameplay changes.

>> No.1569735 [DELETED] 
File: 63 KB, 586x587, Thats just dandy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, your example is retarded because it's nothing like that at all.

If you feel Eric's "asshurt," as you call it, affects his mod then please do tell what it is. I find nothing indicative of anything brutal doom offensive besides two things, one of which is a difficulty, one which IIRC was changed into something else.

You're trying to say a blue bird is red, and only you will believe it. I wouldn't be surprised if you were Sgt. Mark or whatever his name is that made Brutal Doom at the lengths you're going to shade a whole mod because of a few things.

>> No.1569736 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 650x450, a sad jade.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that guy who cares where reaction images come from

>> No.1569738 [DELETED] 

Only for you. A lot of us don't give a shit about how one person feels about another. Sounds like something a woman would do.

>> No.1569739 [DELETED] 

Just don't flat out give retards attention, unlike what >>1569664 who is very definitely samefagging is doing

>> No.1569740


>> No.1569741 [DELETED] 

Jesus fuck, just shut the fuck up and play the games you way you want to with the mods you want to play. Screaming about it to eachother is just shitting up the thread.

>> No.1569743

You're all faggots, new topic:

What's the best single level wad.

>> No.1569747 [DELETED] 

and I thought I was shitposting

>> No.1569749 [DELETED] 

Indeed. Someone must have linked the thread to /v/, see >>1569738 and >>1569747.

>> No.1569767 [DELETED] 

>I don't like his opinion
>he must be retarded
Why is /doom/ so bitter these last few months?

Except that second post isn't even shitposting. When did you come back anyways?

>> No.1569768 [DELETED] 

>Brutal Doom is all style, no substance.

That's not true though. Brutal Doom is a legitimately fun mod.

>> No.1569771 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 456x400, velma not bored.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1569772 [DELETED] 

>If you don't think that jumping and crouching give you an immediate advantage over a still boss, then you are retarded.

I know that it gives me an advantage, the thing is, I don't give a flying fuck that it does.
Why are you so fucking offended by the prospect of people using modern features for Doom?

>> No.1569773 [DELETED] 

what are we getting mad about again?
I am as old as the mountains, yet I am unborn
(I came back to shitpost)

>> No.1569774 [DELETED] 

But you are entitled. You think you're entitled to a certain style of play, and are currently whinging like a little bitch about that fact.

>> No.1569778 [DELETED] 

yeah I think donald regressed

report and move on

>> No.1569806


>> No.1569816
File: 6 KB, 321x281, Doomguy is happy while shirtless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these deleted posts in the thread
if only /v/ could be like this

>> No.1569820

>play doom on software rendering mode
>get to a dark level
>dat gettho dynamic lightning
That is pretty great.

>> No.1569827

Are there any good mods out there that just refine the edges of Doom and Doom 2's gameplay and update the graphics to make use of the features of modern sourceports? I'm not looking for any major gameplay changes
(though if they change the pistol to make it actually useful, and change the shotgun so it functions more like the supershotgun and also serves as a viable alternative to it, I would be pleased as punch), mostly stuff like graphics and audio enhancements, smoother animations, and such.

>> No.1569830
File: 146 KB, 680x680, blaziken is excite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1569832

Smooth Doom, and Beautiful Doom.
Polished Skull changes the gameplay a bit but it's pretty nice imo. Beautiful Doom changes like, 3 really small things.

>> No.1569838

>graphics, audio enhancements, and smooth stuff
Beautiful Doom, Particle Fire Enhancer, Polished Skull, Smooth Doom.

>Better use of modern features
Project MSX, Samsara.

>All of above, together
Brutal Doom.

>> No.1569842

Project MSX has new enemies, so it has new sounds and animations.
And IMO it's a big gameplay changer.

>> No.1569848


>1.18 MB

you're doing something wrong

>> No.1569868

Well thanks guys.

>> No.1569875

Oh, random question. When using Beautiful Doom, is there any particular order I should load the modules in?

>> No.1569883

RUINBROS-ish map someone is working on. Looks promising


>> No.1569885

why this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2oyweqZ7WM

>> No.1569898


Thy Farts Consumed

>> No.1569904
File: 38 KB, 351x352, 1397858580331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see your farts, and raise you more farts.

>> No.1569905


>that comments section which I am not able to reflect my opinion on it without violating Global 6.

Someone argued long before in a non-doom /vr/ thread that it was the consensus even before...well, certain element; and I don't actually remember people speaking of the 32x songs at all in the DWANGO days, let alone the Doom 32X port at all.

>> No.1569936

By the way, you can change some setting in-game b pressing y u i and o.

>> No.1569943
File: 99 KB, 700x700, 1360728764156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weapon pack when?

>> No.1569951



>> No.1569952


well. You can play GMOTA v0.9 if you want right now. There's no arm cannon but the gameplay is there.

>> No.1569954

Alright. I'll give it a spin and see how it goes.

>> No.1569958


Need a link?

Please tell me what you think by the way

>> No.1569960
File: 39 KB, 165x106, misdreavus-amazed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty good to have active mods.

>Better use of modern features
Accessories To Murder.
Which, by the way, fits the map-pack Back To Saturn X, like a glove.
(A very good map-pack actually)

Brutal Doom is kinda interesting in that department, it actually does a whole lot of things in manners I never thought possible, but it's also not for everyone, and the gore might be too much for some. Not in the manner of "this is too violent for me", but more like "this is absurd, there's no way a human body can contain that volume of blood".

We're happy to help.

>> No.1569962

Yes, please.
I'll give you some feedback, don't worry, bro.

>> No.1569964


You got it pal.


>> No.1569965

You guys buying New Order to find what they're going to do to Doom?

>> No.1569973

Nope, probably not even going to give it a try
It honestly feels like it'll be just a cash in but I doubt it to be as bad as DNF

>> No.1569974

Maybe... I picked up Wolf 09' used, at a game store, for like 20 bucks, and I had a pretty decent time with that.

I figure that's what New Order will be like, a 6.8/10 that's worth playing, but not quuuuite worth 60 dollars.
It wont have Mauser with a bayonet, which will hold it back compared to 09, but I'm sure some of the new guns are fun in their own way.

Though I am curious to see what Doom 4 will actually be like, even if I'm nervous that they're gonna screw the pooch.

>> No.1569978

I got some errors. Maybe I'm missing an iwad?

>> No.1569980

I'm gonna wait for the reviews first, but I really dug the 2007 Wolfenstein game, so I might end up getting it. Watching the half hour gameplay vid, it looks like an enjoyable balance between new and old gameplay mechanics. If I had to compare, sorta like Accessories to Murder for Doom, as far as gameplay goes (Though with more iron sights).

>> No.1569982


are you using Zdoom? Show me the errors

>> No.1569990

Is there any way to turn off that ricochet effect?

>> No.1569995

Script error, "GMOTA_V0.9.pk3:actors/tear.txt" line 44:
Unknown identifier 'WRF_ALLOWRELOAD'
Script error, "GMOTA_V0.9.pk3:actors/tear.txt" line 44:
Unknown identifier 'WRF_ALLOWZOOM'

Execution could not continue.

Script error, "GMOTA_V0.9.pk3:actors/tear.txt" line 48:
Unexpected token string constant "weapon"

>> No.1569996

Stop using Skulltag.

>> No.1570000

How do I disable it?

>> No.1570004

You use a sourceport that isn't skulltag.
Skulltag has been unsupported for years, get Zandronum or GZDoom.

>> No.1570005


...You don't disable it, you stop using it.
Skulltag is dead, Zandronum is its successor.

GMOTA is designed with ZDoom or GZDoom, though, so you'd be better off using them for singleplayer and Zandronum for multiplayer.

>> No.1570006

you quintrillionigger
use zdoom, that feature was added like 2 years ago

>> No.1570008 [DELETED] 

nice quads

>> No.1570020
File: 14 KB, 192x171, 1531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Use Zdoom you doofus, thanks for the laugh though.

Yeah, just go download Zdoom or GZdoom and run it then.

>> No.1570037


This is so awesome yet so cringe-worthy at the same time, good lord how much of a scrubs these guys were. Romero rightfully made 'em their bitches.

Let's see how far you guys go without having your sides blown the fuck out to another dimension

>> No.1570042

Nope. It's pretty annoying isn't it? You get used to it after a while though.
You could always go with Smooth Doom tho.

>> No.1570058


>> No.1570063


You're not the only one. There's a lot of people that still use Skulltag--it was never announced that Skulltag was dead or discontinued, unfortunately.

>> No.1570069

It was weird though. It said I was using Zandronum but it didn't run. Trying to fix the controls on Zdoom is a bit of a pain.

>> No.1570071

ahahaha Meatback you scrublord, oh my god

>> No.1570075

The other player's name was Meatbag.
Because it's Romero vs some meatbag.
They are not a consistent player, they swapped players every map.

>> No.1570093
File: 101 KB, 500x888, 20140425_000507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard you guys like space marines.

>> No.1570096

Wasn't there an announcement on the main page?
It's not the same player.
But oh god that second one.
>meatbag mutated
So many times.

>> No.1570104

Speaking of Skulltag, I just checked their page and apparently they made a game.

>> No.1570113



>> No.1570114


quick update on the server, i've removed the hell knight/hell dame map from the rotation due to a certain door not opening again once it closes.

>> No.1570124


Could someone please create a .webm of Romero's first frag in the second match, with an optional "#REKT" text on it? Please and thanks; from 5:44 to 5:49

>> No.1570147

My only problem with MSX is that most enemies dont resseble the real enemies
I hate the imps being Relam667's Satyr on steroids and ZSoldiers looking like regular and human marines and the voices of said marines

>> No.1570151


>> No.1570156 [DELETED] 
File: 89 KB, 636x640, 00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking waste of quads,still checked though

>> No.1570180

It made me laugh so it wasn't wasted

>> No.1570182

I'm just technologically illiterate. I'm sorry.

>> No.1570219


It's okay. We're here for you to point you in the right direction as long as you don't mind a few jokes

>> No.1570223

Okay fellas it's time to help me think of an interesting new utility function for the unpowered arm cannon. In v0.9, it's still the ruby wand and its utility function is a forcewave that shoves monsters back forcibly.

Now that I've replaced the wand with something MANLIER that suits Blaz, I feel I should give him something other than the force wave. Here's how things work for Blaz right now:

The sword is for singling targets out, so its utility is a grappler, the powered sword has a wide AOE cleave attack, so its utility is a scatter shot of grappling hooks

The arm cannon rapid fires out pellets and has a charge attack with splash damage, along with different sub-shots that give varying degrees of crowd control and splash damage stuff, I got no utility for it yet

the heavy arm cannon rapid fires bouncing spikeballs that absorb HP from monsters, and its utility scatters out caltrops that freeze monsters in place when they step on them.

I was thinking maybe some kinda of cool looking flail projectile on a chain that shoots out and bashes into monsters before returning, but maybe you guys can think of something more fitting.

>> No.1570232

Do something like the powered up Hellstaff from Heretic, except instead of a rain of lightning, it creates a mini volcanic eruption.

>> No.1570235

Magic arm that extends and rips enemy balls off.

>> No.1570238
File: 29 KB, 256x352, 01230142534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


well I'm trying to think of a utility function, something that's useful in some way that's not just a "face fucker-upper"

and a mini volcanic eruption sounds like a face fucker-upper anon


and that would be a ball fucker-upper

But speaking of eruptions, a short-range flamethrower kinda deal might be neat, if it was more about pushing monsters back. Let's keep thinkin though

>> No.1570243

Why not a "falcon punch" type move that heats the entire gauntlet up and causes a forward thrust?

>> No.1570252
File: 1.18 MB, 640x320, Punch a bitch or two.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because that'd cause slight overlap with the punch subweapon.

>> No.1570258
File: 3 KB, 259x194, the treds are chainsaws.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to make tank propelled chainsaw gauntlet
>about to give up cuz can't find good base or something to work with
>see this
i need this sweet thang

>> No.1570263
File: 10 KB, 156x75, pretty plain thing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thank Mike. He's the one who took my pretty plain wrist cannon and turned it into the METAL AS FUCK destroyer you see now

>> No.1570267

How about making it into a weak railgun, that inflicts a pain state for 3 seconds? Though that might overlap with the freezing caltrops.

>> No.1570274

Thats GMOTA and mike
got the side attachments?

Unrelated note

what makes a better multi/omni weapon tool (shield, blade and a whip)

tesla gauntlet or tesla saber hilt

>> No.1570275
File: 403 KB, 200x157, Black Lord Blaz powers up for battle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah and I'm not keen on overlap. It gets hard to make everything worthwhile when you start adding a gorillion weapons.

That being said I'm having fun with it though

>> No.1570276


Tesla saber hilt for sure. What the hell are you making anon, that sounds really really cool

>> No.1570325
File: 258 KB, 689x462, and then Commander Comrade yelled HOLY SHIT BIG TITS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excuse the TL;DR

I'm the fag who's trying to make a modified RGA type FPS with fictional vintage WW II inspired weapons based on a indie fighting game for a /VG/ general.
You play as pic related.
When creating your load out, instead of 4 pistol option, you pick Special melee weapon that takes the motif or represent the specialist member.

-Tesla knife: primary you shoot a whip, the electrical tentacle pulls anything it hits. ALT you project a electric magnetic shield.
-tank gauntlet: acts like a chainsaw and the ALT you launch the tank propelled chainsaw drone
-Field Radio: baton antenna shocks monsters for short time and ALT you use a hand held radio dish to reverse projectiles (reflect) sonic radio waves or whatever.
-Rivetgun/toolbox: regular attack you blast a percussion of air infront of you propelling demons back ALT you hit your rivet/toolbox with your wrench and throw it, Now its a mini reviet turret.

All options have the combo system by Marty Kirra's Space Pirates

I pretty much planned out the weapons i wan in this mod, just matter of making sprites and graphics and figuring out how to edit RGA's ACS if needed.
I'm doing this on my free time, and its pretty slow since I'm trying to get back into the sprite editing and DECOR game. I've been slacking a bit.

>> No.1570330

>WW II inspired weapons based on a indie fighting game

Akatsuki Blitzkampf?! MY FUCKING NIGGER

>> No.1570340


Oh my, I remember your posts a few months back. Those weapons sound fucking cool, and I've found out firsthand that a melee weapon that has the ability to yank enemies to you works really well. I'm rooting for you anon, I'll play the shit out of this

>> No.1570367
File: 648 KB, 2832x656, BERO Arsenal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not really but character was inspired by that
second to last SMG is an experimental rifle thats similar to FN P90 in 1953. Cool shit.

Thanks, I didn;t know how much work and planning goes into modding. This is is the proposed weapons still WIP. I tried to make them unique and diverse.

>> No.1570393
File: 365 KB, 3500x2477, 1376280467266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat obrez

>> No.1570394
File: 1.81 MB, 3264x1836, IMG_20140314_114923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the massive delay.

>> No.1570404
File: 1.53 MB, 3264x1836, IMG_20140307_230915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...and the family photo from last month. Quality would be better, but cell phone cameras hate indoor lighting unless you brought the sun inside and have a reflector behind it.

>> No.1570412

That's badass!

>> No.1570435

Not many games with mosins to rip and make a obrez

bit stuck on that, I guess I can try to rip jewtuve vides with half finished obrez for CS or some shit

>> No.1570442

/r/ the second row after john carmack one

>> No.1570452
File: 52 KB, 308x232, output_PzvYHh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question: Are idle animations like Duke Nukem's "What are you waiting for, christmas?" possible in Doom? I had some ideas for things.

>> No.1570458


Yes. Samsara does it.

>> No.1570469

is their custom female sprite base not Duke strippers, i keep seeing pretty neat female sprites from time to time.

particularly dancing?

>> No.1570491



>> No.1570495
File: 10 KB, 132x196, she said no...&#039;^&#039;.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1570552
File: 13 KB, 226x204, 2364529769089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I get Samsara Beta to play with cl_bloodyhell?

>> No.1570553
File: 1.02 MB, 917x845, 1382509913482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. mods like AMK for Shadow of Chernobyl have a Mosin, and Misery for Call of Pripyat have the Mosin and Obrez. Try the Stalker Generals at /vg/, they're generally pretty civil for a general.

>> No.1570562


Load in Zandronum.

>> No.1570567
File: 78 KB, 640x960, 1397784437904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1570574
File: 14 KB, 489x514, Surrpias.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1570576
File: 274 KB, 320x480, 1397796481266.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1570583

ill try and thanks

>> No.1570584
File: 359 KB, 510x485, QUACK IS WHACK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1570587
File: 513 KB, 640x400, DookNookom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1570592
File: 327 KB, 536x496, sirnukem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'll do you one up m8

>> No.1570625
File: 76 KB, 366x335, 1397325346478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1570627
File: 673 KB, 1716x2156, 1397324738165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1570630
File: 838 KB, 640x320, power cannon altfire.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alrighty, take a look at this

>> No.1570638


And then you turn around to see the rest of them.

>> No.1570686
File: 5 KB, 219x138, Keanu-Reeves-The-Matrix-Revolutions.7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1570754
File: 371 KB, 640x320, Buttery.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This animation is freakishly smooth, and the weapon pickups are 3D fucking models.

>> No.1570765

what q2 mod is this? there are couple of them floating around

>> No.1570767


It's a Doom mod


>> No.1570782
File: 1.10 MB, 638x739, Herewhat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1570792

Are you planning on doing something for Doom with all these?

>> No.1570814



>> No.1570820

I would like to apologize for the upcoming mess of a post, feel free to hide and skip it since this is a quote parade and therefore it's long as fuck (I am quoting these because of the pictures since I'm putting 'em on the new doom image folder)


>> No.1570829


Does anyone have the googly eyed duke nukem one that's named DICK KICKEM?

>> No.1570831
File: 16 KB, 458x378, Boner beard.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


also don't forget this

>> No.1570832
File: 203 KB, 400x324, 3254236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


and this

>> No.1570839
File: 246 KB, 285x224, Die Motherfuckers Die Motherfuckers.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


and dis un

>> No.1570847

JUST FOR TODAY: New thread at 8:20AM central time. Don't worry, since page 0's omission we're falling faster to page 2, 3 and on.

>> No.1570862

So. I just started to play around again in Doom builder, and I got to thinking. Is it possible to create some sort of intro/text/clip?

Even better, is it possible to get them between levels?

Without serious coding and stuff I mean.

>> No.1570916



>> No.1570946
File: 113 KB, 200x200, DICK KICKEM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean my Steam Avatar?

>> No.1570969

I just got the files for HDoom, but I don't know how to make my zdoom application run it. I downloaded SLADE but don't know how I would use that to solve my problem. Any advice or links to advice?

>> No.1571073

No, I haven't played Doom since... Jesus, on my 386. I just cannot abide toy guns being used as photo reference for what is to be used for "real" weapons.

An Ithaca M37 with wood furniture would be more appropriate for Dooming than my plastic-plastered Mossberg 590A1 either way.

>> No.1571285


Just drag the .pk3 onto ZDoom.exe.

>> No.1571340

>giving one
>about the man behind the mod

who fucking cares? Does the fact he's an autist make the mod less enjoyable?
Does the fact he "stole" assets make the mod less enjoyable?

Am I supposed to like how stuff flows together in this mod, and then retroactively dislike it when I learn about this Mark guy?

give me a fucking break

>> No.1571357

it worked best for their cameras. Also, where the hell are you going to find a real plasma rifle? and gatling guns aren't cheap.

>> No.1571380

>I'm a retard who can't into new threads

>> No.1571393 [DELETED] 

>I'm a shitsucking faggot who can't into not being a complete turdnozzle.

>> No.1571519

Are there any new games being made on the Doom engine?