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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1567341 No.1567341 [Reply] [Original]


How far can you get, /vr/?

>> No.1567370

What the dick man
I can't even get past Yoshis Island 1.
It's fucking bullshit.

>> No.1567410
File: 9 KB, 205x213, 1398292852684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this game

>> No.1567416


>> No.1567436

Yeah, man, that's the site name, thanks for pointing out.

>> No.1567457

He should just link us to the ROM or something. It's retarded. Online emulators are retarded.

>> No.1567462

Why not just google one then? I'm going to use the link in the OP because it's faster.

>> No.1567467

Good thing about the link in the OP is that you can't use savestates or Game Genie codes. So fuck you.

>> No.1567482

Still can't get past Yoshis Island 1

>> No.1567516
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>> No.1567540

git gud

>> No.1567613
File: 121 KB, 300x200, Your opinions make me angry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After wasting several minutes of my time I've come to the conclusion that this game is bullshit, the emulator is bullshit, the site it's hosted on is bullshit, that my keyboard is bullshit and that my skills are perfectly fine and that this game is just not designed to be beaten by any human like lifeform.

>> No.1567652

Guess no one's been able to get past the first stage?

>> No.1567691


's because the emulator is a pile of dicks.

>> No.1567696

Dear god playing on the keyboard is awful

>> No.1567707
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git gud

>> No.1567715

booting up a GlovePie script, fuck you

>> No.1567720
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Here's the ROM, if anyone wants to try it on their own emulator. Savestates is for the weak, tho.

>> No.1567760
File: 129 KB, 522x498, suckmydick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a bad enough dude /vr/?

>> No.1567764


>> No.1567772

This game's not even that hard. The first level killed me a few times, but it's nothing impossible.

However, this particular ROM hacker has some horrible habits. Namely shoving so much shit on screen at once that it causes the game to slowdown. Especially with those damn Chargin' Chucks.

>> No.1567776

Yeah, Yellow Switch Palace was overkill.
Jesus Christ.

>> No.1567805 [DELETED] 

>shoving so much shit on screen at once that it causes the game to slowdown

It's a known fact that the SNES didn't have BLAST PROCESSING.

>> No.1567813 [DELETED] 

That doesn't really have anything to do with knowing not to shove 8 Chargin' Chucks on screen at once. Slowdown aside, it's also not good level design.

>> No.1567825

Yellow Switch Palace is fucking terrible. Green goblin jumping footballers everywhere. Game slows to a crawl so you can time your movements carefully but it's so terrible with 12-20 of them on the screen.

>> No.1569582
File: 394 KB, 640x352, holy shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I saw this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNUfk3R157U

>> No.1569657 [DELETED] 

The Genesis would've been able to handle twice that and not drop a single frame. Complaining about slowdown in SNES games is like criticizing a midget for being short.

>> No.1569692 [DELETED] 

The genesis was rife with slowdown in tons of games. It's if the devs took advantage of that extra processing speed and the ability to buffer things ahead of time.

When you didn't, you got...

(compared to
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPib1mGgmzY )

>> No.1569693
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I want a slice of life anime of AVGN and NC being roommates and complaining about shitty games and old TV shows all the time.

>> No.1569715 [SPOILER] 
File: 44 KB, 350x240, 1398390810533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just had to start that old fucking arguement again, didn't you?

>> No.1569919 [DELETED] 

>using the shitty outsourced Megaman compilation as an example

If Capcom had developed it themselves it would have had zero slowdown. Also, the slowdown in The Wily Wars is eliminated on overclocked Megadrive units.

>> No.1569923 [DELETED] 

Yeah, no shit Sherlock. Did you know that if you overclock a console it runs FASTER? OOOOOO.

>> No.1569929 [DELETED] 

But overclocking a SNES doesn't make Mario World run faster, you fucking retard.

>> No.1569940 [DELETED] 

But it does. Are you literally retarded? Higher clock speeds will make any game run faster, you dumb fuck.

>> No.1569946 [DELETED] 

Seems like you're a dolt. The problem with Wily Wars isn't Megadrive hardware limitation, but bloated, awful programming. The point was a faster CPU can handle running TWW fine because it was developed on faster hardware, then scaled down to run on average MD units. On games that are actually made in hand-crafted 68K ASM by non-retards, there is no slowdown (Sonic 3 & Knuckles).

Next time try not to cherry-pick and accept the SEGAssimilation, Nintenyearold.

>> No.1569949


Not even that guy, but

>> No.1569950 [DELETED] 

Not if the game isn't programmed to scale with the higher clock speed like SMW. Holy shit, you are literally fucking stupid. Go read a book.

>> No.1569957 [DELETED] 

>le redirection maymay
fuck off with that shit already, cancer

>> No.1569971 [DELETED] 

It's not a meme, it's just that that kind of juvenile terms don't really belong here. The bit wars are fucking over, didn't you faggots get the memo? Nowadays it all boils down to opinions and preferences. Yeah, the Genesis has a much faster processor than the Super Nintendo, but in the end all that matters is how much effort programmers put in their games.

Go eat a dick.

>> No.1570003
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You're all being so mean to each other

stop being mean

>> No.1570018 [DELETED] 

This kind of thing is extremely common in /vr/. Some people are having a normal thread then some Sega tard comes in and rants about how his precious console didn't lag.

Sure, the opposite is also true (Nintendo tards are also fucking obnoxious) but I get the impression the Sega fags are more vocal. Maybe I'm just biased, who gives a shit.

>> No.1570026 [DELETED] 

Most 8 and 16 bit games are synchronized to the vertical retrace and overclock just fine.

>> No.1570045 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 1440x1080, GET THE HINT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The bit wars are fucking over, didn't you faggots get the memo?
They didn't get one because it was never sent out to those who need it the most. Sadly, some people need it in writing to get the hint.

in other news

>> No.1570060 [DELETED] 

But /vr/ was made so we could simulate the console wars of the '90s.

>> No.1570065

What kind of dumbass thinks it's smart to map the run button above and o the right of the jump button? Fucker's giving me arthritis.

>> No.1570081 [DELETED] 
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>there are tons of videos games spanning across multiple consoles
>choosing one and complaining about all the other ones when you play all of them at your own leisure

>> No.1571239 [DELETED] 

ITT: Butthurt Segafags baiting because they didn't have a single good platform game for their shitty console.


>> No.1571257 [DELETED] 


But we had Ristar and Rocket Knight Adventures and Revenge of Shinobi.

>> No.1571261 [DELETED] 


That's just bad developers. Capcom wasn't good with the Genesis.

The fact is, if you had a competent developer design an identical game for both Genesis and SNES? The Genesis would be able to go faster.

>> No.1571270

This emulator sucks, as does the retarded control setup.

>> No.1571273

Can someone explain why a thread about a ROMhack turned into a retarded console war over two dead systems?

Take that shit elsewhere.

>> No.1571301 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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This guy here. What I was intending on saying was how stupid it is to complain about slowdown in fucking SNES games, when the console had a reputation of having slowdown prone games. Hell, the only games that are free of slowdown on the SNES were RPGs and other games that required next to no active computations (such as moving enemies). RPGs needed heavy passive computations, to calculate damages and for those "ooh impressive" mode 7 effects.

>> No.1571447
File: 164 KB, 640x480, wa shock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What. The. Fuck.

>> No.1571460 [DELETED] 

But those aren't any good.

>> No.1571467 [DELETED] 

>What I was intending on saying was how stupid it is to complain about slowdown in fucking SNES games

That's kind of irrelevant when we're not dealing with an actual SNES game (but a ROMhack) that was developed by someone who should have had that shit in mind when he designed the stages.

Have you played the hack? Because he shoves a ridiculous amount of enemies on the screen at once, more than you ever saw during the actual game of SMW and way more that's even necessary for good stage design.

>> No.1571669 [DELETED] 

Yet Mario, Yoshi, Kirby and Metroid are?

Give me a break, Nintenyearold. Go acquire some actual taste in games. Once you go SEGA, you can never go back.

>> No.1571705 [DELETED] 
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>Actual taste in games

>> No.1571898 [DELETED] 

Ironic, coming from a probable Nintendo fan.

>> No.1571968 [DELETED] 
File: 103 KB, 1440x799, Sinclair_ZX_Spectrum_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>playing a console instead of a home computer

You're both children.

50 times the games, 50 times the fun. It's mostly thinking adult's games like text adventures, but if you want to play those kiddie arcade ports we have those too.

>> No.1571981 [DELETED] 
File: 85 KB, 537x437, 1389694660834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how fucking retarded are you people??

i'm expecting 3 digit numbers, come on let's go.. this shouldn't take long

>> No.1571996 [DELETED] 

But computers are only spreadsheet machines.

Perhaps you should mosey on back here

>> No.1572006 [DELETED] 

>thinking Kirby or Metroid games are bad
>having actual taste
Choose one, shitlord

>> No.1572012 [DELETED] 

This is the part where he doesn't respond to any questions

It would make my day if I could see one console war baby actually explain themselves and admit defeat

>> No.1572013 [DELETED] 

Both of those are baby-tier platformers. If Metroid didn't become braindead easy halfway through the game because of all the upgrades it throws at you, it would be okay. Kirby is just boring and lame though. Infinite flying in a platformer? Really?

>> No.1572030 [DELETED] 

Same shitty attitude, same shitty argument. Why do you come here, at all?

You have two perfectly healthy feet that you could walk out of the board with but you prefer being pushed out. Why is that? You're crying about people enjoying things that you don't. It's immature.

If you want to talk, play a bunch of different stuff and be open-minded. If you can't do that, then lurk. It's simple.