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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 86 KB, 650x390, 01_hudson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1559430 No.1559430 [Reply] [Original]

What went wrong?

>> No.1559452

bomberman becomes racy

>> No.1559453
File: 8 KB, 250x213, 1385341094512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just love the Hudson Soft bee. Bees are great.

>> No.1559459



>> No.1559460

Hard to give such a general question a specific answer.

The original PC-Engine had a real lack of third party support.

The TurboDuo was a pricey (for the time) $300 on release. Being a pricey console in the 90's was practically banishment to obscurity if not a death sentence (see the $700 3DO and $600 NeoGeo).

There is the general lack of marketing and push into the West. Nobody on the east coast of the US had any idea NEC made a video game console. Most kids just thought they were a decent TV manufacturer. Nintendo and Sega were relentless with their western marketing.

>> No.1559497

This has nothing to do with retro but that custom part Bomberman 2 or something for NDS is the last good bomberman game.

>> No.1559519

Nothing went wrong. They were a successful company that made great games for many years. Like every other company the industry passed them by and now they make social games that nobody cares about.

>> No.1559524


Well for starters they cross breed a bee with a cat then removed its wings.

>> No.1559525

You realize Hudson did a lot more than make games for NEC, right?

>> No.1559539
File: 256 KB, 630x474, BAI HAADOSAN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think OP was talking about Hudson Soft itself, not the TurboGrafx-16/PC-Engine.

>> No.1559545

Hudson became just another casualty in the budget crisis that kills developers with each new hardware generation. Only unlike Taito, their owner wasn't benevolent. Konami put them to work on phone trash and then promptly killed the developers and sits on their IPs to this day doing absolutely nothing with them.

>> No.1559579

No popular series, made games for dead consoles, tried too hard to go with what was popular, never did anything revolutionary or famous, didn't make good use of consoles (all games looked from shit to ok), went with their niche games and made sequels, game quality dropped last gen.

They were good, not great, but good. I'd much prefer a publisher along the lines of nintendo or square enix bought them.

>> No.1559750

>No Popular series

Is this guy fucking serious?

>> No.1559754

>there will never be a new Galaxy Fraulein game

>> No.1559758

when i think hudson, i think bloody roar

>> No.1559764

That was Eighting.

>> No.1559808

But it was published by Hudson and they owned it.

>> No.1559809


>> No.1559813

I liked the Capulina games from them

>> No.1559817

I'm just saying it's was a Hudson owned IP. They also co-developed Bloody Roar 3 and 4

>> No.1559823

I loved the third one, and I am with you on that when I think of Hudson I think of that game

>> No.1559830

Besides Mario Party hudson had nothing popular, Bomberman sold meh at best and nobody knows who he is.

>> No.1559846

No love for Adventure Island or Bonk?

> Bomberman sold meh at best and nobody knows who he is

How the fuck old are you? Bomberman was a consistently solid seller though multiple generations. You shut your whore mouth until you've actually played 10-player BM on a Saturn.

>> No.1560258

That was the problem they whored bomberman to much, worse than mario

>> No.1560278

How does that make the game bad and not popular?

>> No.1560316

People get tired of the same game over and over
with little to no variation, of course there's exception to this rule give the game a "new hat"
and people will go and purchase the same crap
believing they get a new game, when in reality is the same game over and over again. (monster hunter,call of dutty,halo,mario,sonic,metroid,kirby,etc,etc)

>> No.1560364
File: 16 KB, 480x360, resetti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never play 10-player BM on a Saturn

>> No.1560381

That doesn't mean they weren't popular. If they weren't, the company wouldn't have made so many.

>> No.1560504

BLoody Roar 4

>> No.1560736


tengai makyou, momotaro dentetsu, and star soldier were all popular in japan in the early - mid 90s

adventure island had decent exposure in the west, + bomberman

they never really did anything noteworthy after making party games for nintendo

>> No.1560756
File: 56 KB, 620x374, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not retro but Lost in Shadow on Wii is a fantastic game and I think one of the last to actually have Hudson's name on it, at least in the west. Seriously, it's like team ico did a 2D platformer.

>> No.1560778 [DELETED] 

where's my new zonk game, konami

>> No.1560783
File: 39 KB, 326x323, 34672-ZONK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where's my new zonk game, konami

>> No.1560879

Nobody knows but for some reason all the bees are disappearing.

>> No.1560891


What does that mean, I read that multiple times now.

>> No.1560902

This is my stance exactly

>> No.1561372

I used to confuse HAL Labs with Hudson because they both started with H.

>> No.1561392


Not when they get in your house and terrorize your existence.

>> No.1561404

Hudson was a collaborator with NEC on the PC-Engine.

As far as I know, the thing was generally considered a success, though. It was huge in Japan before the Super Famicom came around.

>> No.1561414


>Same game over and over again
>Level design means nothing

>> No.1561484

The Bloody Roar games were a lot of fun, even though furfags retroactively tainted them a bit.

I'm also probably the only person who liked the Kororinpa games.

>> No.1561508

I don't mind them wandering into my house, as long as it's just one at a time to deal with so it'll be easier to get the little buddy back outside.

>> No.1561513

Bees are cool, wasps on the other hand are bastards.

>> No.1562032
File: 220 KB, 341x500, 1395449212911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger are you serious?

>> No.1562037

I think the main reason are those pesticides

>> No.1562039

If it isn't retro, it doesn't belong in a thread in /vr/ asking posters for /vr/ content, now does it?

>> No.1562226

I guess that would depend on the thread. Do you have an example of one where OP was asking for /vr/ content? This sure isn't one.
Since his post is a direct and relevant answer to what OP was asking about I'd say it absolutely does belong in /vr/. You're just going to have to live with the fact that every company that made /vr/ stuff didn't disappear in 2000.

>> No.1562542

>arguing about what is and isn't /vr/ instead of discussing vidya

lost in shadow is a quality game.

>> No.1562583

>Do you have an example of one where OP was asking for /vr/ content?
Posting on the /vr/ board isn't enough to pull that conclusion?

If you want general vidya, go to /v/.

>> No.1562592

You are the reason why the industry is not innovative anymore and keep rehashing the same shit over and over again.
I even got you on a video

>>Mah new level design

>> No.1562671

You know, the funny thing is that they've been making fucking Simpsons episodes with the same characters for over 500 fucking episodes already. Kind of hypocritical.

>> No.1562821

cartoons != videogames

It isn't Simpsons 27, or Simpsons 83, it is still just fucking Simpsons.

>> No.1562910

are you seriously suggesting I try talking about video games on /v/?

>> No.1562965

What is it that you dislike about /v/? What makes you think it isn't worth going to? Shitposting? Not following the rules? Because that is what you are doing here. You are contributing to the problem, AND complaining about it at the same time. Leave fagit

>> No.1563309

No. You'd have to incredibly retarded to think that a post asking to discuss the history of an iconic retro brand that lasted well past the retro period would be limited to pre-2k events.

>> No.1563321

This, fuck off if following /vr/'s incredibly simple posting guideline is really so damn difficult for you.

>> No.1563329

Actually, bomberman's problem ended being that they tried to innovate too much, making this whole argument kinda moot.

>> No.1563345

PCE collection in the vein of sonic's ultimate genesis collection when

>> No.1563356

>no S3&K
Yes I'm still mad.

>> No.1566316

I'm so glad the Wii happened. I feel like there was this nice rebirth of Hudson for the entire span.

Kinda bummed Nectaris was removed from the WiiWare shop before I could snag it.
Sucks for those who didn't get to snag Star Parodier on the system.

I used to hang on the US Hudson forums for a while. I got some good prizes from there and enjoyed sharing hi-scores for Star Soldier games.

>> No.1566481
File: 238 KB, 1600x1200, wearme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

power lines & cellular towers bro

>> No.1566487
File: 7 KB, 580x350, bonk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>then promptly killed the developers and sits on their IPs to this day doing absolutely nothing with them

Bonk a sad caveman. Bonk now commit sudoku.

>> No.1566667

Seriously? We all know it was Bush.

>> No.1566861
File: 786 B, 56x56, bomberman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would think the overall lack of success with PC Engine coupled with stagnating series probably put a dent in Hudson's budget. I love Star Soldier and Bomberman, but honestly, Hudson didn't really bring much new to the table with some of the sequels. Bomberman was also starting to become too much of a niche series with all of its kawaii elements. e.g. They tried to rip off PokeMon with the Karabons, and it seemed so poorly implemented. The creatures really didn't add anything substantial to the series, and it was kind of tedious having to collect them in Bomberman Tournament.

>> No.1567129

That's giving Bush too much credit.

>> No.1567309

My bad
We all know it was Cheney