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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 4 KB, 160x123, AVGN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1558223 No.1558223[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let's discuss this fucker for the umpteenth time. Actually scratch that, I have question that I'd like to see honest answers to:
Have any of you guys ever through about becoming a video game reviewers after seeing the success AVGN and the other internet reviewers inspired by him have had?

Personally I had a moment when I actually seriously through about it but eventually decided to not to bother with it since we already have enough AVGN rip-offs reviewing bad games, people like Happy Video Game Nerd or the guy running 16-Bit Gems reviewing lesser known good games (which is what I would have tried to do) and in general we already have more than enough people reviewing and talking about the 8- and 16-bit games which are the ones I would have covered since I grew up with them. Besides in the modern internet society making attention whoring youtube videos probably is the way to go over making informative (well) written reviews that I would have gone with.

So what about the rest of /vr/? I'm sure most people on this board have at least 20 years experience of video games so at least having the required experience and knowledge about the games or the systems they are on shouldn't be a problem.

>> No.1558226

Shut up

>> No.1558231

Reviewers are old and busted, now the trend is to do Let's Plays which take even less effort.

>> No.1558235
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>> No.1558245

dont bother unless you have a great personality , quality recording equipment and deep videogame knowledge

>> No.1558246

Please please please can we just talk about video games? Pretty please? Easter wish?

>> No.1558259


>> No.1558267

He pretty much single handedly launched the "angry reviewer" fad. James Rolfe has a lot to answer for, including catapulting Doug Walker to internet stardom. Now James is trapped in a prison of his own making, cursed to forever make AGVN videos because nobody cares about the things he's actually enjoys making.

>> No.1558273

I like James Rolfe

I can't stand Doug Walker and his annoying high-pitched screech wail and attempts at humour

I'm not saying James Rolfe is 'hilarious' but he was likeable and his videos at least had character and was never too try-hard

>> No.1558278

As opposed to CTRs or whatever celebrities >>1555520 is about?

Alright then, what video games are you currently playing? I recently installed Caesar III and still can't beat the Lugdunum scenario no matter how hard I try.

>> No.1558282

>because nobody cares about the things he's actually enjoys making.

I challenge you to be more ill-informed. He has almost an entire CHANNEL dedicated to the things he enjoys making, AVGN only being a part of it.

>> No.1558287
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Recently I played through Ninja gaiden because watching his review was kinda funny.
Surprisingly, Ninja Gaiden was not as hard as he implied.
Now I question myself: Is he some kind of bad gamer / does it on purpose to have an excuse for cursing the whole fucking time?


>> No.1558294

A lot of it applies to general frustrations people have had over the years with specific games.

>> No.1558296

I don't get it either, he legitimately beat ghouls 'n goblins which was far harder.

>> No.1558297

Ok, let me rephrase that "people who don't specifically follow him only know him from AVGN and that is still his biggest draw".

>> No.1558301

AVGN is a character invented by James Rolfe that reproduves past frustations on old videogames that people played as a kid

>> No.1558302

What the fuck is Ghouls & Goblins? Can we please just discuss games? Actual games?

>> No.1558305

Ghosts 'n Goblins.
LeL, I deserved that one.

>> No.1558314


As much as I hate mike, in like every goddamn behind the scenes AVGN says something like "I came up with this when I was talking to mike" or "Mike had/gave me these games that I..."

I really hate mike and think he doesn't belong in front of the camera, james and mike mondays are SHIT etc but I guess he's not going anywhere.

Imagine my surprise when I found out he had a girlfriend too.

>> No.1558320

Obviously he often dies or fucks up on purpose since it's more or less required for the show. On his defense he does plays on the actual hardware instead of using emulators and savestates and has beaten games like Ghosts 'n Goblins, Street Fighter 2020 and Transformers which are harder than Ninja Gaiden.

>> No.1558321

Mike is very much an acquired taste. He is very much a big part of AVGN, and I've grown to accept him.

>> No.1558331

The thing that irritates me about avgn is that a lot of younger people haven't actually played the games he reviews and base their entire opinion of the games on what he says. Some of the games he reviews are shitty, but a lot of them are actually decent.

>> No.1558351

No, dude, Simon's Quest isn't really that good.

>> No.1558362

It's a decent game with translation issues. It's not nearly as terrible as most make it out to be.

>> No.1558364

All I know is that that faggot has the absolute worst fucking taste in beer.

>> No.1558375 [DELETED] 

>not Ghosts 'n Ghouls

>> No.1558378

I know what you mean and am pretty convinced that all those posts about the dam level about TMNT or Turbo Tunnel in Battletoads on /v/ and /vr/ are just people parroting AVGN. Seriously they are not that hard. At least everyone who I know who actually played those games when they came out DID beat those levels and many of them weren't even that good with video games. However finding and beating Technodrome in TMNT and the Terra Tube level in Battletoads are another story.

>> No.1558383
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>> No.1558385

I recorded myself doing a Let's Play back in 2009 and trashed it immediately because I realized I wasn't funny back then. A few friends and I wanted to do a review channel a while ago, but we never got off the ground. It was probably for the best, as it's gotten to the point where anything worth talking about already has a fair amount of videos.

>> No.1558394


This guy is awesome, but one of the guys who has done quite a few "translations" of his videos is terrible and almost indecipherable.

I'm afraid that it's probably all the same to kinaman and he won't ever change them.

>> No.1558428 [DELETED] 

just kill yourself already

>> No.1558430

Agreed. Finding the Technodrome was a punch to the dick, IIRC. I've honestly not played that far into the game since the early 90s, but I remember that being a nuisance. Level 4, was it?

>> No.1558435
File: 25 KB, 352x442, Dendy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm afraid that it's probably all the same to kinaman and he won't ever change them.

Speaking as one of the people who does subs for Kinaman's videos, here's the deal:

Yes, the translations by AlSamsungGalaxy96 are godawful and should be avoided at all costs. Let me assure you that Kinaman and the rest of the team are aware of this, but the consensus is that it's okay to keep these as a placeholder for now until something better comes along.

Now let me ask you guys:

Which vids would you like to be translated? Would you prefer to see subs for the Kitchen letsplays and other as-of-yet untranslated things, or should we concentrate on replacing the shitty translations with proper ones? If it's the latter, which ones would you like to see the most?

>> No.1558437


>> No.1558486 [DELETED] 

Hide Youtube meta bullshit threads

Ignore Youtube meta bullshit posts

Do not reply to Youtube meta bullshit viralers

>> No.1558494


I'd like for you guys to re-do the Sega Memories videos. I think you should re-do the ones with the terrible subs first, because after watching a lot of the Dendy Memories episodes I really wanted to see the Sega version, so it was extra bothersome.

I think that it would be a good idea to fix the bad subtitles on his series that are already subbed before starting on other ones, because people can probably live without them since they have never got a taste of them, where on the other hand we get a taste of disappointment when we expect another good vid and get a garbled mess. Even being unsubbed is better than that disappointment, lol.

>> No.1558501


Watching Kinamania actually makes me wish I was a Russian kid in the 90s drinking vodka while playing pirated games.

Unfortunately, I was an American boy drinking Dr. Pepper and playing Sega Genesis. How unfortunate.

>> No.1558505


First of all: aside from Arino, I don't really find it entertaining to watch someone else play videogames. So, I think LPs are boring.

A friend of mine had been buying equipment and games and everything and wanted us to get involved, but to be honest I think it would have crashed and burned.

We curse too much. That alone is generic.
My first friend has a good sense of humor, but his editing and comedic timing is less than desirable.

The other has, in his own words, no sense of humor whatsoever, and would try to force in-jokes and "epic" lines. His voice is so high I had to tone it down with Vegas a lot.

And then there's me, whose native language is not English and I sound like a donkey trying to mimic human speech.

I'm fucking glad we never did anything.

>> No.1558513

>It's a decent game

Good God, no.

Even with a good dialogue (by the way, the Japanese version is just as fucked as the American one--a small nitpick), you still have the grinding for hearts, the lackluster level design, and the absolute cake walks of bosses. Simon's Quest is not good at all and doesn't do anything it sets out to do well, with the exception of music.

>> No.1558518
File: 39 KB, 534x737, 1394837432141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No joke, this is what ended up happening to me after the "big AVGN boom".

Of course after AVGN, I did want to become a internet critic. Not because I wanted fame or whatever, but I liked the open discussion with people. So when I did so, I started off small.

Does anyone remember a movie review site called "Spill.com"? Well, years before they decided to break into gaming content (which I wanna say started around 2011 and I had been a member since 07') I wrote a lot of gaming articles for the website. It'd never be published on their articles but on the "fan submitted" side, which had a nice filter of good stuff written by people for free on the site. (I think they had to hand select whatever got posted in that front page area themselves rather than letting any 10 year old Timmy's Top 10 of the Year spam on the front page)

It was pretty much me and two other guys who did video game reviews for the site. They handled a lot of console games while I did a lot of RPGs/JRPGs and we were moderately successful.

It was until Spill.com decided to do video game news coverage and completely cut us out in that equation. The articles no longer got featured and we pretty much got swept under the rug by their new hugbox fanbase.
It kinda sucked, cause I wouldn't quite say me and the other two guys were the 'paragon of taste', but we were more open to discussion about video games than the 30+ year old drunk bastards they got for the website. Who might I add, were also casual as fuck.

Since then I kinda stopped.
I mean, it'd be nice if I could make a small chunk of change here and there doing some freelance work for websites, but eh.

>> No.1558523

What does /vr/ think about longplays? From what I have seen you guys aren't too fond of youtube celebries and let's players THANK GOD, this alone makes you guys better than the kiddies at /v/ who have daily discussions about them

Personally I prefer them to let's plays even if just for the fact I don't have to listen to some annoying faggot who thinks he is funny or interesting.

>> No.1558526

>From what I have seen you guys aren't too fond of youtube celebries and let's players

That's usually one or two fags shitting in threads.

>> No.1558528 [DELETED] 

I take it you only got the bad ending.

I liked it, and you're going to have to deal with ti.

>> No.1558532

I take it you only got the bad ending.

I liked it, and you're going to have to deal with it

>> No.1558534

>I take it you only got the bad ending.


>I liked it, and you're going to have to deal with ti.

Okay? What's your point? I'm posting this so you know people dislike CV2 for a reason. It's one of the games on /vr/ that has a weird defense force that pops up every time blaming AVGN for the game's hate when it's the game's own design that turns people off.

>> No.1558535

I'm sorry that some people actually like it.

>> No.1558537

You seem to be arguing points that I'm not for whatever strange reason.

>> No.1558543 [DELETED] 

janitor confirmed for avgnfag

get this e-celeb trash off of /vr/

>> No.1558545

I've thought about it. I had an idea to take games that were as much cutscene as they were game (see: Xenosaga trilogy) and review them as movies. I never acted on it though since I'm just too lazy to learn the editing process.

>> No.1558547

I'm not the one claiming there's a "defense force" when people say they actually like it. Hate it all you want. Just stop shitting on the people who like it.

>> No.1558549

Better idea: pass over the threads you don't like instead of ironically bumping them to the top and drawing more attention. You act like you own the place.

PROTIP: You don't

>> No.1558553


There IS a defense force for the game and it's not made up of people who say they like it. It's people who blame AVGN for people not liking it. I said this like two posts ago. Damn, son, read.

>> No.1558556

Why don't YOU read? Stop bitching about fans.

>> No.1558560

theres no way you'll become successful if you're just a normal guy revewing games, he hit it big with AVGN and his antiquity keeps him afloat, shame too he'd probably be a good game reviewer

but this is the era of "letsplayers" so give up

>> No.1558562
File: 72 KB, 184x185, Avgn_plushes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fans ruined AVGN by donating so much money to him on those Kickstarter campaigns. He barely seems to do video game stuff anymore because he's busy shittily reviewing shitty movies and swimming around his pile of Jewgolds like Scrooge McDuck.

>> No.1558564
File: 4 KB, 120x120, mq1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey OP. Yeah, I love AVGN and it inspired me a bit to do a series. I thought I didn't want it to just be another AVGN knockoff, trying to mimic his style, so I made them let's plays with live commentary while I was playing.

The twist was I was going to be as stoned as I could, so the show become more like "can I play this game, AND do commentary, while I'm so fucking high?"


the first few videos are pretty bad and it would probably be better if I just deleted them but I learned pack rat type behavior from my mom so I have trouble with that kind of thing.

So, a shorter playlist showing off some various episodes I think are better efforts is here

>> No.1558565

>Stop bitching about fans.

I'm not.

>> No.1558569

>Even with a good dialogue (by the way, the Japanese version is just as fucked as the American one
God fucking dammit NO.
EVERY fucking thread CV2 gets mentioned some faggot brings this up, and in EVERY fucking thread we've given examples of how fucking bad the translation is. Why do you keep claiming this bullshit?

>> No.1558571

>Why do you keep claiming this bullshit?
Because it's not bullshit. The townsfolk are retarded in the Japanese version, too.

>> No.1558580

I don't like him because he launched angry reviews and Douge's career.

>> No.1558583
File: 271 KB, 428x415, 1396927219195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh dog this. I remember playing Bart vs. Space Mutants long before that AVGN episode came out and the game was alright. Definitely not the best game of all time, but it's alright game.

>> No.1558585

I legitimately never understood the hype surrounding AVGN. Oh sure, I understood his impact on game reviews, and how every fucking internet game reviewer in the history of ever cites him as their inspiration, but AVGN himself was never all that interesting to me.

And do you know how difficult it is to talk about the vidya with people and say that you don't watch AVGN reviews?

>> No.1558587

>but it's alright game.

Eh, really? Good (and by this I mean moderately fun) Simpsons games were far few and between back then.

>> No.1558590

>And do you know how difficult it is to talk about the vidya with people and say that you don't watch AVGN reviews?

No because it's not difficult at all.

>I don't watch thing.
>Oh, okay.

You're acting as if you're dragged out in the street, tar and feathered, and beaten with barb wire if you say no.

>> No.1558618
File: 29 KB, 425x301, attack of the giant faggot starring OP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And then there's me, whose native language is not English and I sound like a donkey trying to mimic human speech
I'm not a native English speaker either which is one of the main reasons I would have gone with traditional written reviews with lots of images in them if I actually had bothered to try.

Thanks for being one of the very few posters who answered what I actually asked about. I can't say I have heard I have heard about the site you mentioned but did you enjoy doing your moderately successful reviews? Did you get anything for doing them?

Also to the buttmad faggots whining something in lines of "e-celeb trash" read the opening post carefully, I DIDN'T intent this to be a AVGN thread but using him as an example of what I actually asked about was pretty much mandatory.

>> No.1558634

>I know this because I heard some other anonymous person on the Internet say so

>> No.1558692

>Have any of you guys ever through about
Nah. I don't like attention and I'm so uninteresting that it's almost impressive, if being uninteresting could be impressive, which is still pretty uninteresting in itself. I appreciate the people who can put their face out there for our entertainment, but I'm just not one of those people.

>> No.1558702

Feel free to prove me wrong, bucko. If I'm wrong, whatever, but I want to see the evidence for the future.

>> No.1558708

I love the idea but I'm not as knowledgable on the games I played as I'd like to be.
I have ideas that I think would really take off but it's not a one man operation and I certainly don't have all the equipment

>> No.1558719

Scroll to the bottom to see which parts are wrong and how/why.

>> No.1558726

That's more like it.

>> No.1558756

I have the required knowledge about retro games but I'm not interested in being famous and having my face posted all over internets. However I have actually through about this but then figured out there isn't any real niche left to do. Just like you said there are more than enough "angry" reviewers reviewing shitty games, HVGN and Roo from the Clan of the Gray Wolf already reviews good/underrated games and the let's players mostly cover the rest. Reviewing the most mediocre games you can think of is basically the only specialty left for anyone thinking about reviewing old 8- and 16-bit games but that would be somewhat pointless and what would you call yourself anyway? The emotionally neutral video game nerd?

However I wouldn't mind seeing someone taking up the concept of AVGN, HVGN or 16-bit gems and doing it with 5th or 6th gen games if it was executed well and still managed to have some originality in it. As much as I love the 3rd and 4th gen games they have already been reviewed to death and there is very little left that could be said about them.

>> No.1558797

I don't see the problem with foreign accents in video game videos. I find some of them quite endearing, especially slavs.

>> No.1558959
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>I can't say I have heard I have heard about the site you mentioned but did you enjoy doing your moderately successful reviews? Did you get anything for doing them?

Spill.com was actually kind of popular for a number of years, though I can't say I am surprised you didn't hear about them. The height of their popularity was mainly around the 08'/09' era of movie reviews and that popularity was mainly due to the Austin scene at the time and their connections to Ain't It Cool. So once the guy from AIC left, their animated reviews were cut down, their sole audio content with no ad revenue. Yeah, it's no wonder it's out of business, but last I checked the main rain child behind it is starting another, so hopefully that's good.

But yes, I really enjoyed writing the reviews and loved the input I got for them. There was always disagreements, but they were always well thought out. So it never felt like I was fighting with a bunch of 12 year olds. I never received compensation for my work on the site, as everything was fan submitted, but that wasn't to say we weren't fairly popular. I think one of the girls on the site ended up making a plush of me and the other guys. Was kind of cute. Never got it though.

It was just nice being a content creator in a fairly large community. Kinda miss it.

>> No.1558963


Here: http://youtu.be/xb9T5laJCuA

Even though I like the video for obvious reasons, it has to be painful to watch.

>> No.1558968

I miss Spill though, fucking movie stuff was gold. Never listened or watched any of the gaming bits though.

>> No.1559178

I think you'd have a problem with broken, poorly spoken English unless you'd find it hilariously bad. I'd probably sound like an older, slightly less autistic version of this guy:

>I really enjoyed writing the reviews and loved the input I got for them. There was always disagreements, but they were always well thought out. So it never felt like I was fighting with a bunch of 12 year olds. I never received compensation for my work on the site, as everything was fan submitted, but that wasn't to say we weren't fairly popular.
>It was just nice being a content creator in a fairly large community. Kinda miss it.
My father occasionally writes articles to small local newspapers mainly about local history. I don't think he gets paid for doing that either and he only does it as a hobby but he seems to be enjoying it so I kinda see what you meant. To be honest I have always been a bit jelly to him for having a hobby he enjoys, having found his own niche he knows annoyingly lot about and having received some recognition for his efforts. Old video games are something I know lot about but I can't really do anything with my knowledge about them especially with gaming magazines being dead thanks to the internet and the only way to do reviews nowadays being a attention whoring youtube celebrity who films himself shouting retarded things which is something I'm not willing to do. Besides as >>1558756 said everything about the games I grew up with is already being said even if I did try my hand at making written reviews.

>> No.1559189

Sorry but this literally sucks.

>> No.1559242 [DELETED] 
File: 3 KB, 125x100, 1379719423475s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sage Youtube whore threads.
Hide Youtube Whore threads.
Report Youtube Whore threads.
Do not reply to Youtube Whore threads.

With these simple steps you too can keep /vr/ from falling into the same decay /v/ has.

>Daily Youtuber Gossip and drama General
>Man Susie is an ugly alien
>Dodger is such a QT. Mai dwarfu

These are not retro. They are shitty comedians.

>> No.1559250

If he hates playing AVGN why has he gone to so much effort to make a film based on the character?

>> No.1559258

Because the popularity (and money) acquired from the AVGN movie should allow him to make movies about stuff he likes best.

>> No.1559271

The comments I love the most are the ones that sound like this: "Oh yeah, I have enough knowledge I just don't want to become famous!"

Fuck. Right. Off.

It isn't easy to build a series and earn an audience. Don't act like your the king of the fucking internet before you have even attempted it. Most people who make game review videos right now, the ones with the big audiences, they are just as knowledgeable as you, the only difference is they have drive.

>> No.1559326

"Oh my god, this movie is WORSE than some ol bullshit, I rate it FUUUUUCK YOOOOU!!!"

That was the best Spill moment I saw.

>> No.1559450

I love Shaq Fu.

>> No.1559461

>they are just as knowledgeable as you, the only difference is they have drive.
They tend to severely lack in skill though. I watched Yahtzee play SotN last week, it was absolutely terrible.

>> No.1559465


Whereas most people have a range, Mike is either spot-on or way the fuck off. There is no other option for Mike.

Mike's ideas work well through James because James filters out the shit and uses the gold. Like you said, in every AVGN behind the scenes there are mentions of Mike's contributions. Hell, AVGN's success comes partly from Mike who convinced James to keep going after the first three episodes.

Moreover, Mike has an insane love for videogames. Unlike James who only plays older games really, Mike will play anything that was ever released. That's a true enthusiast in my opinion.

Besides, which one of us doesn't have some personality flaw? Mike's is that he's just sometimes really fucking stupid sounding

>> No.1559471

Just tell us what channel your shilling for you fucking whiny faggot.

>> No.1559478


p.s. /vr/ has such humorless anons

>> No.1559503

Anger is a gimmick. But gimmicks work and will get them paid if you don't mind being a lifeless retard on youtube.

There's a lack of really strong academic style critical reviews and analysis by someone who isnt a hipster faggot or isn't locking it away in a academic gaming journal.

If someone is looking for a simpler way out by reviewing an untapped genre then they should try reviewing interactive fiction/text adventures.

>> No.1559506

Aren't most IF freewares? Why would you need a review, just try out the thing for yourself.

>> No.1559520

So you don't have to wade through thousands to tens of thousands of games trying to find something good. This is the reason a review exists. There are user ratings and comments on interactive fiction sites, but rarely if ever a full review especially from the viewpoint of someone outside of being a hardcore interactive fiction player/writer.

>> No.1559523


>> No.1559529

Pure trash stoner scum pls go

>> No.1559560

Why not try the style of http://cyberpunkreview.com/ where you take a specific topic then write 2 reviews. How closely related is the game to this topic and then an actual review from the viewpoint of someone who only cares about in this example cyberpunk. They are more willing to forgive a bad game if it is a must play for some piece of lore or backstory because of the topic requirement it fulfills.

>> No.1559567

I love his videos more than other reviewers


>> No.1559571

Replace the shitty translations first and for the love of God, someone subtitle Dendy Memories #8. I'm dying to know what he thinks of Super Mario Bros. 3 when he was a kid

>> No.1559574

I always watch longplays first, and when they are not available for a game I want, I go to TAS, and if that fails, I just wait. The only let's plays I could stand are those with annotations like Gimmick's or this one


>> No.1559589

It depends upon what kind of experience I'm looking for, and if I want to watch, or listen.Normally I only use videos for background noise as I play. So if I watch a long play, its just hearing sound effects from the game twice, which is annoying and confusing.

Personally I watch lets plays for the commentator, not the game, and I think thats where people get messed up most of the time. Because people like the ones in this thread want to see gameplay footage, not some dumbass make shitty jokes for half an hour. For them, long-plays are where its at. But for me, someone who just wants something vaguely related to what I'm playing, making noise in the background, lets plays are perfect.

If I want to see a game before buying/downloading it, or if its heavy on story, then I'll watch a long play. If its something like minecraft or just some generic platformer (aka, 100% gameplay), then I'd rather hear two people joking around as I play.
If I want to actually watch someone play a game, then I'll put on Arino.

>> No.1559591

"Its" is the possessive of "it".
"It's" is a contraction of "it is".

>> No.1559639

Another thing I've noticed is that a lot of people in this thread are tossing around the word "review". AVGN is not a reviewer, lets plays are not reviews, long plays are not reviews. They are entertainment, and should only be considered as such.

Also, there are plenty of untapped areas for video game related channels. Informative videos like Research Indicates or Clan of the Grey Wolf, Computer games old or new, Text adventures, point+click, and also anything that isn't nintendo.
If you want to go with a gimmick (I suggest otherwise though), have someone play various games for the first time, and get their reaction. It can be a child, adult, grandparent, girlfriend, someone who doesn't play games at all, not even casual stuff.

thats nice.

>> No.1559681

As much as I hate to defend angry faggot he does technically meet the requirements for what a review is even if it is 'for entertainment purposes only'.

Look at say https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofM11nPzFo0 his top gun review.

You can't say this isn't a review. He adds in information about where it fits into the system and outside of it. Looks at the display and choices while pointing out flaws and so on...

>> No.1559703

His popularity would already allow him to do that. This idea that he hates doing AVGN just isn't borne out in reality.

He's putting in far too much time and effort into it for it to be something he hates.

>> No.1559705

Ok ya got me, he does technically review things, but all he's doing is complaining. I mean clouds? He actually complained about the clouds.
All he's doing is looking at things and complaining about them. I get that is the "angry" video game nerd, but still. A review is supposed to be objective, and not focus on shit like clouds and useless displays if they dont harm the gameplay. The difficulty of the plane refueling stage, and the missiles not making a difference are legitimate things to talk about, but not the other 60% or so.

>> No.1559719

>A review is supposed to be objective


>> No.1559720

Not to keep nitpicking, but a review doesn't have to be good to exist. I will agree that long plays with no commentary are not critical reviews.

>> No.1559735

I like mikes video's where he's just earnestly talking about games. He doesn't seem like a bad guy, he's just not very funny. And when he tries to force some humor it's a bit cringe worthy.

>> No.1559746

So I watched a couple of your videos....

I don't think it's working out for you. You put very little effort into the videos and it shows. Not just the early ones you made, I made sure to watch one of your later videos of you playing a mega man game. Immeadiately I'm turned off because you're zoomed way too far into the screen and you have to drag the screen around and crop the game window to see anything. Why don't you just start off with the game? It's unprofessional and distracting. Am I watching a how to video?

This might be personal, but I really don't like the "playing games while HIGH on x DRUG!!!!!!!" thing. It's just stupid. Maybe it's the marijuana, maybe it's you, but your videos feel uninspired and boring. You seem really tired and out of it while playing. That makes me feel tired and bored watching you. I feel like I'm back in college sitting in my dorm room dazed from smoking weed three hours ago, unable to accomplish anything and unable to really comprehend what's happening. If I'm watching a lets play, I don't want to feel confused and disoriented. It's not a good feeling. If you don't seem like you're having fun playing the game or making the video, how are the viewers going to feel that way? The videos feel very low effort and low energy which is not a good thing. Just because you have no production budget doesn't mean you can't make up for it by being energetic, fun, and excited to play the game.

Clean your shit up or pack it in bud. I don't know what it is about potheads, they think being high and performing a task is way more interesting than it really is. Only potheads behave like this...junkies and tweakers aren't like that. Maybe it's a maturity thing? Prolonged adolescence and all that. Sorry to be so blunt but this is 4chan, after all.

>> No.1559751
File: 50 KB, 1280x720, 1363628466469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy Video Game Nerd > Angry Video Game Nerd

Arino, Kinaman, and vanilla James are great too.

>> No.1559757

Reviews are a critic's opinion of something, so yes. They tend to be objective.

>> No.1559760

You gave up your dignity and lost all respect while outing yourself as a possible criminal for a whopping 23 views on some of those videos. Was it worth it?

Go try one of the other suggestions in this thread that involve using your brain.

>> No.1559857

Is It Really That Bad is great, and his music under Starship Amazing is, well, amazing.

>> No.1559861

I haven't really wanted to be a reviewer, though the idea of running a show where I use a random number generator to pick random games from full ROM sets and then determine if they're shit or not has been very tempting.

>> No.1559873

You don't really know the difference between objective and subjective, huh?

>> No.1559890
File: 78 KB, 800x600, game&watch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just subbed that about a week ago. Should be up by now.

>> No.1560038

I'm actually going to go back to old generations of games that I never got a chance to play as a kid and stream them... I haven't started yet but I did purchase some games for PS1 that I never played or beat, like Vagrant Story, Kings Field 1 + 2, Alundra, Threads of Fate, Tactics Ogre, that kind of thing. I was going to "Lets play them" on stream while giving my thoughts/review on public google docs for people to read, as well as keep track of what games I own, how much I paid, where I got them, etc.

Was going to start with FFTactics Bard+Dancer challenge just to make sure my stream is working, then move onto Kings Field and Vagrant Story and see where it goes. I don't expect to get overly popular, but It'll be interesting to see where it goes.

I played most of the games I found interesting on NES/SNES via Emulator, and was never really into Genesis. I had a dreamcast and I have a rather robust library of Ps2/GC games. So I decided PS1 was the best place to start.

>> No.1560054

I have been tempted to review movies/games myself, but the thought of having a fanbase scares me. Just look at all the retarded AVGN fanboys and clones on youtube. I just know that, if I ever took off, my fans would disapoint me.

Misanthropy is a bitch.

>> No.1560083

Don't worry, I'm sure no one will watch you.

>> No.1560159

Bart meets Radioactive Man is the only decent Simpsons related NES game, and it's still really rough.

>> No.1560797

The best Mike video is the one on Donald Duck comics, he's clearly passionate about them.

>> No.1560906
File: 41 KB, 540x379, fun!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be OP
>not posting about the infinitely better pic related
>be faggot
You fucks worship the wrong man. Get on my LEVEL.

>> No.1560953
File: 311 KB, 320x240, 1392286810255.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1561005

I feel like James should be the litmus test for whether a game has legitimate challenge or is just bullshit compounded with bad mechanics to make it "hard".

>> No.1561021
File: 616 KB, 1737x809, joueur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol no, this is the best angry reviewer

>> No.1561029


>extremely forced faux rage
>looks like he's just taking a painful shit
>chris-chan shirt

ha ha. no.

>> No.1561030

Good one bait-kun

>> No.1561037

>no one can wear a red-and-navy striped polo

>> No.1561256

Go home, Chris. You're drunk.

>> No.1561382

But you guys don't UNDERSTAND. Ghosts are REAL! And I'M going to FIND THEM!


>> No.1561482

that guy is a huge faggot too so don't feel too good about yourself. I like his videos myself but sometimes he just needs to shut the fuck up

>> No.1561515

I actually have considered reviewing games. Just not in the traditional sense. Something like this:

>> No.1561967

As stupid as that /x/ tryhard shit video is I say go for it. I am not sure how you can have an actual review in that format. So go out, create something original, and fling that shit on the walls and lets see what sticks.

>> No.1561972

>lets see

*Let's see

>> No.1561985

Street Fighter 2020? Was that some kind of sequel? Can we just discuss games, actual games?

>> No.1561986

Donald Duck and Uncle Scrooge comics are neat

>> No.1561989

*Ghostly Village


>> No.1561991

I used to be able to speedrun Bart vs. The World and I enjoyed it as a kid, but I could not make it more than a whole hour playing Radioactive Man

>> No.1561997
File: 49 KB, 464x590, destro.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Management intofam

>> No.1561998
File: 38 KB, 348x343, 2010.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a Street Fighter game in nothing but the name. It is a good platformer but it is tough as shit and you are going to be pissed when you need to beat the last level with a time limit with the same life bar. Viel Spaß!


>> No.1562010


I love you guys

>> No.1562023

>Happy Video Game Nerd

Yeah, nah.

But vanilla James, Arino, and Kinaman are god-tier. AVGN James is good-tier/mid-tier depending on the episode.

>> No.1562028

When did Chris-chan start reviewing NES games?

>> No.1562030

I was joking anon. The game is called Street Fighter 2010.

>> No.1562050
File: 230 KB, 900x582, 1397804895371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that...
God, is that Ronnie?

>> No.1562062
File: 306 KB, 1296x972, P1000094[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Beard, glasses and demeanour are different

>> No.1562103

Yeah, I thought about it, but at this point it's probably too late because there's at least one or two popular internet reviewers for every niche you could have, and they've already reviewed most of the good material. Sleazy shot-on-video exploitation films? There's the Cinema Snob. Trashy, hyperviolent 80s/early 90s anime? There's Bennet the Sage. Goofy old comics? There's Linkara.

Actually old video games might be the exception, since AVGN is the only decent one who sets out to be funny and entertaining, and he's really slow to make new episodes and wants to be done anyway. All the other /vr/ reviewers are either unwatchably bad or trying really hard to be informative over entertaining, which isn't very entertaining. Someone would just need a new schtick that wasn't a nerdy guy who gets really angry at stuff.

>> No.1562104
File: 286 KB, 1296x972, jesus and his best pal ronnie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1562107

>Not finding Kinaman both entertaining and informative

>> No.1562140

JDG was the only one worth watching. His new stuff is shit though. If only he didn't waste so much time and effort on his garbage skits

>> No.1562293

What do you guys think of LGR? I enjoy his stuff, but it kind of weirds me out how he sounds so much older than he looks. Also, I think GGBeyond is good too. His narration is supremely awkward, but once you get past that he's pretty solid.

>> No.1562319

too much duke voice also he's one of those pateron jews other than that decent content

>> No.1562853
File: 7 KB, 193x254, ratgamer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah you THOINK? Looks like you got robbed!

>> No.1562870

Maybe he uses the same crew to spy on James? Maybe they're attempting to find the lost comedy of Irate Gamer? Maybe they are trying to find the spirit of humor so that Chris can trade his soul for some sense of humor?

>> No.1562884

Metal Jesus and Chris from CGR are probably my faves, and they don't have a "persona"

>> No.1562902

>It was a Street Fighter game in nothing but the name.
To be fair, it came out before Street Fighter II, which is the one game that truly defined the series. Street Fighter I only resembled the sequel superficially.

>> No.1563325

I've considered it, but since there's no clear-cut definition of the legality of ROMs I just avoid the whole thing.

>> No.1563387


But you DON'T have to be angry to review something that is bad. This guy talks about shitty games but he doesn't freak out about it.


There is a big difference in this shit now. AVGN started the trend, but only the fucking stupid keep following.

>> No.1563405

>but he doesn't freak out about it.
except when he does. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLDAihNI2OM

>> No.1563482

>that music
holy shit

>> No.1563487


that almost put me to sleep

>> No.1563765

Content has obviously gone downhill, but I still check his site every night. I'm also the same age as James and had a similar childhood (sometimes eerily similar), so I totally get why younger crowds might not see the appeal. But no, I never had any interest in doing reviews myself.

>> No.1563769
File: 112 KB, 600x381, Ducktales.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a fan of Mike. I know some people give him a bad rap, but that's just because he's not the AVGN. Truth is, he is very informative with his videos and goes a great job. The James & Mike plays has become my favorite thing to watch on CineMassacre.

>> No.1564202


I liked that. Pretty cool way to look at a bad game.

>> No.1564205

He's legit and a damned good artist too. He's made some amazing artwork on mario paint

>> No.1564210


I think I find that one more entertaining than the first one. He does get angry but, shit, that game is really bad.

My friend got it for Sega CD as a bundle when the console game out. We spent hours and hours trying to beat the first level. It was just so damn terrible.

>> No.1564212

Mike plz go.

He's whiny, effeminate, and should never be a host on a film. I guess I could see playing some video games with him but I don't want to watch him.

>> No.1564214


That guy has made lots of angry type videos on his channel. That's a bad example. He does this thing called garry gamer which is nothing more than (what he thinks) basement dwellers are like. Just sits there screaming at games.

>> No.1564218

>Sucking dick for the entire crew of TGWTG
More faggot than OP. I'm impress. Kudos.

>> No.1564219


I remember that guy. He used to post his videos on here two years ago. He had no personality, was super boring to watch. He made some video about FTL that people were talking about. Guy has come a long way since. That's a pretty large amount of subscribers. Why the fuck do people actually watch him though?

>> No.1564226


God no, he's a bitch and whenever he starts getting upset over shit it's embarrassing to watch.

>> No.1564248

>he's a bitch
Would you say that to his face?

>> No.1564254


Mike would probably fuck him up.

>> No.1564440

I have and still want to get into the whole "talking about video games" thing, preferably in a review context than the current "Let's Play" trend. I also don't want to just talk about bad games or games that everyone has already talked about. I want to focus on games that people maybe haven't heard of, maybe games that I feel have received a bad rap and deserve reappraisal, or just ones that mean something to me personally.

Problem is that I have little confidence in my voice and, especially judging from the comments in this thread, most people don't want to listen to some dork talking over video game footage. Would subtitles and captions describing the game be more preferable, like a written review with video accompaniement (I'd prefer to do written reviews in general, but it's really hard to actually get them to spread around these days)?

>> No.1564501
File: 183 KB, 703x300, renderpic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do hope his movie allows him to move on to a career in actual filmmaking, but I'm not not holding my breath to say the least.

>> No.1564510

You need to talk over gameplay to make it even tolerable to watch. If you're going to have subtitles over gameplay you may as well just write a review.

I would say just try it out, try making one and watch it without posting it to youtube. I did a few gameplay videos awhile back and I sat there and watched it a dozen times before I finally decided to upload them.

>they only get 40 views or so on average
>some of them have 12,000+ views

>> No.1564517
File: 64 KB, 640x480, Kinamania The Game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rolling Rock


>Mark from CGR

Pick a side.

>> No.1564556

>welcome to /vr/ where we post the same five threads every fucking day

>> No.1564557


Well, you can't take him seriously. Most of the games that he "reviews" are certified bad (there are exception like the already mentioned Simon's Quest which was experimental in a lot of ways). The AVGN is a caricature of the nerd that complains and nitpicks about small things of bad old games.

>> No.1564571

Lol, hyperbole much?
>Super Metroid worship
>DOOM general
>CRT general
>Arino thread
>What do you guys think about AVGN?
>shmup general
>Help me identify this easily googleable game!
We have, like, at least seven different threads every day.

>> No.1564572


>> No.1564576

Annotations are better than an annoying voice

>> No.1564584

I'm so fucking tired of doom general threads

>> No.1564605


Just set them on ignore. They're not going to die any time soon. The doom community is fucking gigantic.

>> No.1564613

Mike is kinda like that kid from your neighbor who always wore that stupid flame shirt. He's the kind of kid who introduces you to internet porn.

>> No.1564684


Work on your speaking skills; it will benefit your entire life.

But as long as you have something different/interesting to say I would love to see any creative output.

>> No.1565146
File: 154 KB, 499x561, bueno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you guys feel about a Hispanic reviewer that can speak English well but still has an Accent and would from time to time butcher voiced TH words?

>Example: pronouncing "This" as "Dis".

>> No.1565180

We already have Angry Joe. He can't properly say the word "especially".

>> No.1565195

just use the filter son

>> No.1565238

> Angry Joe
So some people would like me, but most wont.

>> No.1565473

Yeah... I liked the ID2 game.

>> No.1565535


His latest video doesn't do that though. I don't know, it's hard to find people that don't do the whole angry thing. He is really close.

>> No.1565571

this is the correct answer. he is replicating the frustrations that the audience experienced when they were once a kid. it also shows the frustration the younger audience will have if they attempt to play the game whilst having never played a retro game in their life

>> No.1565658

You forgot...

>I just got a Sega Saturn, what are good games for it?

>> No.1565932


>> No.1565934

Don't like it, then change it. Make a different thread. At least /vr/ is better then /v/.

>> No.1566164
File: 6 KB, 500x500, thread direction.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how these are the only replies that actually answer what OP was asking for and the rest are just posts whining and arguing about AVGN an other internet celebrities which this thread wasn't about in the first place. If you take that into account posts like >>1559242 and >>1564556 are retarded.

>> No.1566193


kinamania looks like a mutated chernobyl survivor so i have a hard time watching his shit. which is sad because his videos generally seem kinda cool

>> No.1566201

He never wanted to share the whole AVGN thing, it was just a funny little thing he made and Mike convinced him to get it up on yootoob and then further convinced him to make it a series

>> No.1566398

>Not COSMIC..............CARNAGE

>> No.1566418

No but then I am not cancer. Sick and tired of seeing crap like grumps spammed on 4chan because underage banned love swearing and cock jokes.

>> No.1568446

Why would you let something like this from enjoying video about NES games?

>> No.1570595

The Valentine's day episode is funny as fuck though

I wouldn't say his new stuff is shit, it's simply less fun

>> No.1572585
File: 137 KB, 342x335, Moss2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not liking Rolling Rock

>> No.1572612
File: 234 KB, 448x448, 1299540454865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Thinking Yuengling isn't nectar of the gods.

>> No.1572664

Actual Pennsylvania bro here. Yuengling is barely a step above bud, miller and all that shit. Drink real beer. Currently consuming some Tröegs nugget nectar. I only buy Yuengling when I run out of cash at the bar and only have two bucks left for a drink.

>> No.1572692

>liking beer in a green bottle

they all taste like skunks.

>> No.1572707

the fuck, you mongolians or something

>> No.1572709

I don't understand why ANYONE still watches AVGN. What kind of fool listens to the opinion of a man who's going bald?

>> No.1572725

it'll happen to you too

>> No.1573251

I like his movie and board game reviews

>> No.1573261
File: 13 KB, 200x275, Captain Planet and the Planeteers (U).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to say his latest "reviews" like Alien 3 and Bill & Ted have been very uninspired and predictable and only rely around "It's made by LJN!" and "That rainbow of shit!" joke he has already done to death. He has gotten REALLY stale lately.

That said he still has his moments but really needs to start reviewing games that aren't made by LJN again like pic related, it's a genuinely shitty game with lots of bullshit to complain about and should be easy to make an entertaining episode about.

>> No.1573284
File: 47 KB, 479x359, AVGN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently doing a marathon of all his AVGN vids.
On ~75 right now.

I really like him.
Some of his videos are a little meh, and his schtick can get a old after a while,
but overall he's quite entertaining and enjoyable.

I also like the videos he does out of character.
James seems like a genuinely nice guy.

plus he's adorable :3

>> No.1573370

>his latest "reviews" like Alien 3 and Bill & Ted
but those aren't his latest reviews. and a lot of his earlier reviews were pretty formulaic as well. but james is a creative person and just recently his wish list two-part episode took a more original angle, and that big rigs fake commercial was just classic.
>"It's made by LJN!" and "That rainbow of shit!" joke he has already done to death
actually it seems like he is moving away from blind hatred of ljn because in the wish list episode he actually reviewed a good game published by ljn

also I would be remiss if I did not note that ljn never made any games but rather they were a games publisher that published from various different devs.

>> No.1573390



>> No.1573394


Bill & Ted review was quite boring. Alien 3 however wasn't a true episode but just an advertising for the latest Monster Madness as he said himself using an inside joke.

>> No.1573409

Playing games is enough for me, I don't need to make a video of myself talking and playing a game and then upload it for others to watch.

>> No.1573414

If you want reviews check out xyzzynews, or read some of the trade mags. Text only reviews are better for a text only game, there's no need for video.

>> No.1573419

What's your favorite AVGN episode? Mine is the one with the power glove.

>> No.1573431


liked commented and subscribed.
also posted to my facebook feed and tagged all my friends in the post.

i laughed so hard i woke my whole family up and scared my cat so bad she ran under the couch and won't come out i have to call the vet now thnx

>> No.1573435


>> No.1573460
File: 866 KB, 400x225, tumblr_my4yzlkKw11sl9kiqo8_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I should have said "most of his newer reviews" instead of "latest reviews" but I'm sure you got my point.

>actually it seems like he is moving away from blind hatred of ljn because in the wish list episode he actually reviewed a good game published by ljn
I guess he is running out of LJN games for NES and actually has to come up with something new to base his episodes around. I know the rainbow of shit has been a running gag in the reviews but he really needs to do something new when he is going to release his next true episodes. The wish list ones weren't true episodes and the Big Rigs episode was a good start.

I like his system/accessory reviews the best as they are both informative and funny.

>> No.1573461

Nintento Power magazine review. I used to subscribe to that as a kid, and man oh man was AVGN's review spot on.

>> No.1573465

The Big Rigs fake commercial was fucking hilarious

>> No.1573467
File: 15 KB, 300x291, FrogOld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when he was just "The Angry Nintendo Nerd"?

>2006 was EIGHT years ago

>> No.1573470

>2006 was EIGHT years ago
He's gonna take you back to the past

>> No.1573491

soon he will become retro and we will need a meta review of retro reviewers

>> No.1573501
File: 290 KB, 500x425, mumi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reviewers reviewing reviewers

>> No.1573504

The Angry Angry Nerd Nerd

>> No.1573536
File: 2.95 MB, 300x231, 1394071732743.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw 10 year HS reunion is coming up in 2 years

>> No.1573548


>> No.1573563

you went to highscool with james rolfe

>> No.1573567

Kinaman is great. I wish his videos were translated faster.

>> No.1573670
File: 5 KB, 174x167, 1295793202633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Having to decide between top-tier AVGN and glorious Kinaman

>> No.1573861

The only "talk about games on camera" person who ever understood the importance of editing.

>> No.1574750

Who? James?

>> No.1574763


>No drawfag picture of Mark enjoying a nice, refreshing bottle of Truxton

>> No.1574771

i bet you drink Natural Ice and Coors Light as well.

If you want a cheap beer just buy Yuengling, its like beer brand beer

>> No.1574986
File: 181 KB, 600x300, JamesAndMike.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else think these two would make a cute couple? :3

>> No.1574994
File: 226 KB, 900x675, battletoads_by_optip-d39dv0g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1575435

Unrelated, but have you guys heard of Famicom Dojo? I find them amusing and informative at the same time. Sure, some of their humor is silly but they're still really fun to watch. It seems they haven't made any new episodes lately, though.


>> No.1576480

I haven't seen one of this idiot's videos since around 2011, but the other day I was researching SNES games on Youtube and came across a Mike Matei video. Then I saw they had a James and Mike Mondays where they post a video of them playing games together.

Since when has Mike become a constant feature in AVGN instead of just working in the background, and is that guy gay? He sounded kind of lispy and had baby t-rex arms like moot in that one .gif

>> No.1576491
File: 29 KB, 475x343, tidus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American beer
>British comedy

>> No.1576504

do you think they ever jerk eachother off?

>> No.1576507

he has a girlfriend, but I agree that he totally sounds like a faggot

>> No.1576552


Look. It's lawnmower beer. It's 'drink it all day' beer. It's cheap suds.

You expect the guy to pay top-dollar for craft microbrews and shit? No. Unless you want to go broke you pick a cheap beer that you stomach and go with it.

Don't be a beer snob. Rolling Rock doesn't taste bad at all. It's beer. It tastes good and it'll get you just as drunk as any other beer. I am not going out of my way to buy 5 bottles of Arrogant Bastard every time I want to get loaded. I will spend twenty bucks and get 30 cans of Rolling Rock, Busch, or PBR.

>> No.1576648


I can't describe the amount of shock I'm in reading this.

>> No.1576653


That makes you sound like a low class drunk.

>> No.1576663

If you want to get drunk then you should be drinking spirits

>> No.1576667

What alternatives do we have to the AVGN now?

Show me quality reviewers that don't do the angry foreboding act.

>> No.1576693

Happy video game nerd

>> No.1576706


>> No.1576719

one of those links just has text reviews and the other arent reviews at all

>> No.1576721

Happy, Angry, what about the "doesn't feel any particular emotions video game nerd"?

>> No.1576790

Indifferent Video Game Nerd?

>> No.1576985

highlander reviews, mike matei, kimble justice, paul jenkinson, classic game room, still gaming, and kolibiri although the last two don't make vids anymore

>> No.1577140

Whoa, Dark Queen is pretty cute

>> No.1577153

I dont have the equipment to record nor know how to edit and Ive already embarrassed myself to be in a friends shitty youtube vid so I am all kinds of dont want to do it

I might though seriously youtube is such a renaissance for amatuer filmmaking that I cant not think and plan all kinds of ideas so who knows

As for AVGN, he's funny, and dated now, it's like what 7 years now? Like literally when Chuck Norris jokes were relevant. I dont mind him, he's not retro himself but his videos are Youtube classics Im pretty sure everyone has seen at least the powerglove and tmnt eps.

>whoring youtube videos
Yeah thats really the real bummer of Youtube, one hand its a great atform on the other it really showcases how lame people are, and youll see in less than a month the differences between the innovator and the copycat, which in an unrelated tangent is also why facebook is total garbage and they had to rely on shitty flash games likes its 1999

But I think some dont personally I like JonTron hes the right mix of history and personal opinion without acting like a tool except for that weird sonic team film experiment he had going on that was lame and tryhard

Those and Plinkett are the only reviewers I care about as for others see above: the innovator and the copycat. If I could my two cents Id say add some flavor to be more of an innovator

>> No.1577215

>quality reviewers

>> No.1577271

fuck this stupid shitty mobile browser quick reply is retarded on this I wrote out a btter posts but fuck it looke plays are basically video walkthroughs at least for ke and while youtube is youtube and has retards being retards I like the fact that games are being basically documented in videos so I have actual visual walkthroughs to supplement shitty text walkthroughs especially for more obscure games there actually should be more video plays of obcsure games just for the fact that it's just literally documenting the game for future walkthroughs

fucking web1.0 phone bullshit I hate you mobile formatting ahould be illegal bit it wont because consumer autism

>> No.1577296

Impartial Video Game Nerd

>> No.1577303

vodka is literally 10 bucks a bottle you can buy like 5 and be hammered for a lifetime

>> No.1580230
File: 29 KB, 450x320, stock-photo-business-arabic-people-at-meeting-indoor-with-electronic-tablet-laughing-106975430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody remember GameJew?
