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1556027 No.1556027[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I just bought a dreamcast, what games should I get for it?

This is the list of games I already have for it:
Skies of Arcadia
Rainbow Six
Jet Grind Radio
Soul Calibur
Phantasy Star
Sword of the Berserk

>> No.1556030

Maken X was a pretty fun game for the time, and check out Fur Fighters. It's a kind of wonky openworld 3rd person shooter adventure..furry game.

>> No.1556047


>> No.1556062

Thanks for the suggestions, I'll definitely check them out. I mainly just want to increase my library

>> No.1556067

>Skies of Arcadia
I'm sorry you spent money on it. I've yet to forgive a friend of mine for recommending I buy it. We have a pact wherein I'm to occasionally and with no warning kick him in the shin for suggesting I pay for that horrid game. Nearly 14 years later and newly in our 30s, I still occasionally hold him on it.

Me: *kicks friend in the shin*
Friend: Ow! Arcadia?
Me: Arcadia.
Friend: I deserve it.

He gets to kick me in the shin under similar circumstances for suggesting we go see the Tim Burton remake of Planet of the Apes at cinema.

>> No.1556068

You've got issues.

>> No.1556070

I've been playing it and think it's a decent game so far.
It came with the dreamcast that I paid $20 for, so I can't complain

>> No.1556091

Sonic Adventure 1&2
House of the Dead 2
Dead or Alive 2
Power Stone (if you have friends to play with)
Super Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike

>> No.1556098

>Super Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike

lol that isn't a game

Remove the "Super".

>> No.1556104

Crazy Taxi
Giga Wing I&II
Space Channel 5
Daytona USA

>> No.1556105


>> No.1556106
File: 23 KB, 306x300, nappletale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have a boot disc. Get Napple Tale


>> No.1556108

Enjoy grinding the most boring dungeons ever created for 15 hours per shitty dungeon

>> No.1556110

Triggerheart Exelica is pretty good

>> No.1556112

Tell me more, that trailer gives zero indication of what the game is about.

I'm presuming its a jrpg.

Was it japan-only?

Is there a translation patch around the place?

>> No.1556121


the description for the trailer compares it to Klonoa.

>> No.1556126


>> No.1556128


some actual gameplay footage. doesn't look that bad.

>> No.1556130

It's a Japanese-only action/rpg int he veins of Threads of Fate or the sidescrolling stages from Brave Fencer Musashi.

Nothing like Klonoa, but yeah, it's a platformer.

>> No.1556136

No translation patch but it is an ARPG that can be beaten without much help

>> No.1556182

That bundle already has some really excellent games in it, OP. Nice job on picking it up.

If you like arcade shooters, a game called Mars Matrix is pretty crazy and fun (and hard, too). If you like survival horror the dreamcast has a surprisingly robust horror library, with the standouts being Resident Evil Code Veronica, and Illbleed (this one is tricky to find though).

>> No.1556208



>> No.1556251


>> No.1556253

This comment reeks of something I might not even be aware of. Jesus.

>> No.1556258

It's called babypoo. It's the excrement of newborns, Babby trolling is more mature.

>> No.1556279

Well, if you're not a fan of turn-based console RPG's, obviously you wouldn't enjoy Skies (and why even try it in the first place if you didn't like the genre?), but Skies is an above-average jarpig about ADVENTUUUURE and fun airship battles, once you get past the build-up it really feels like you're a captain of your own brigade and can explore the rather large and detailed overworld, and find all kinds of cool shit. Plus I really dig the dynamic music shifts during battles based on your performance (losing = more dire, winning = more triumphant). Oh, and all the characters are likable, especially Gilder and the old man. Anyways, the only case you would hate Skies is if you dislike the genre in itself, which is understandable, but in terms of RPG, SoA is rather good. Maybe you should give it another chance sometime.

>> No.1556292

I love console RPGs. I just hate SoA. Is that a difficult concept for you?
I find dreadfully boring both in gameplay and story. It's nice to look at, I'll give it that, but that's about it.
At what point does the game allow exploration? I played up until some sand golem battle and just put it away, never again for the disc to see the light of day. Up to that point, it allowed near no exploration at all, taking the player from point A to point B to point C with absolutely no variance to go to A1, A2 or A3 along the way because those subpoints just didn't exist. At all.

>everyone who has opinions that differ from mine is a troll, mommy! ALL OF THEM!

>> No.1556310

It's fine if you hate it, but to feel sorry for others who might actually enjoy it is rather overstepping your bounds, and is intruding on their personal opinion by insulting it.

Is that a difficult concept for you?

>> No.1556314

>>everyone who has opinions that differ from mine is a troll, mommy! ALL OF THEM!

Wait...are you that same person in the 6-button controller thread? You sound an awful (and I mean AWFUL) lot like him.

I hope the cancer isn't spreading

>> No.1556356

>doesn't understand exaggerated reactions to something as humour
Oy vey, it's like a second schwa!

No. What did that person have to say about six-button controllers? I like them, personally, but I'm fine with most controller configurations that aren't N64.

>> No.1556386

>everyone who has opinions i dislike is zomg le teh cancer!
Have you stopped to consider that you, perhaps, are this supposed cancer? I mean... I would consider anyone who strongly dislikes others for their opinions and needing to voice this strong dislike to third parties to be themselves pretty detrimental to conversation. >>1556067 was obviously meant as a joke. It was funny. But then you and people like you have to take an entirely innocuous joke and complain that it offends you because the joke is based about an opinion you don't share.
That is the third worst possible thing people can ever do, right behind murder and Tweeting pictures of their pets in clothing.

>> No.1556685

Physically hitting people for suggesting a game that is widely considered great?

I feel sorry for people unfortunate enough to be around you.

>> No.1557616

I'm not OP, but I'm looking for a game I think was on the dreamcast

I watched a video about it and thought it was Last Bronx 2, but now I looked online and that game doesn't exist

so the game was a 3D fighter, but not with a side view, you looked at your character from behind

in each stage you would fight from 1 to 3 characters I think, that was the gimmick about it, that you could fight more than one character at once

any clue on what game could this be?

>> No.1557662

Power Stone?

>> No.1557675

no, it was more like god hand but in small areas and single fight stages

>> No.1557691

Soul Fighter?

>> No.1557732

no, sorry

I just checked the entire dreamcast library and there's no game like the one I remember...

maybe it was for a different console or maybe my memory is playing me tricks

>> No.1557736

disagree. its not impossible to beat, but there are a few points where knowing which paffets go to which townsperson is essential. you could just run around talking to everyone, but that shit sucks.

there is a FAQ on GameFAQS, though. its how i beat it. I wish there were a proper fan translation, though. I still am missing a lot of paffets

>> No.1557764

has anyone said Virtual On, yet? because, fuck yeah, Virtual On.

also, Project Justice 2, Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver, and REZ

>> No.1557778


Fighting Force? It wasn't for DC.

>> No.1557795

nope, it was very arcade-y. Each stage was fight 2 or 3 guys at the same time, once they are KO it goes to the next stage.

think more of virtua fighter or soul calibur, but with the camera placed behind your guy and fighting more than one enemy at the same time

>> No.1558038

Hey not OP but I just bought one the other day as well, so figured I'd ask here instead of making a thread, what programs do you use to burn these to discs? I'm google searching right now but you guys are the pro's for this shit. it'd be stupid not to ask.

>> No.1558051

ImgBurn. Download your ISO's from theisozone. Every single one has worked for me so far.
Also, here:http://theisozone.com/tutorials/dreamcast/burning-and-backup/dreamcast-burning-cdi-2012-style/

>> No.1558495

Dynamite Cop?


Anyway there aren't that much non-JAP Dreamcast games, just search through the list, there are like less than 260, and this is including both PAL and NTSC exclusives.

>> No.1559974

I'm going to assume that this where I should ask my question.

I've been playing Maken X over the weekend and managed to get pretty far, but when I booted it up today, I got this bullshit "no file found" message. The file was still on the VMU, but the game refused to recognize it. Reluctantly, I went ahead and started a new file, but when I went back to it again later today, that too had borked. What is happening here? Is it an issue with the VMU? I can't imagine the dick would be causing any problems. I'd like to know before I waste more time on another file.

>> No.1559996

Not sure, but I remember playing it back in the day, getting really far, and then having the next level simply not load at all.

I had done everything from starting the entire game over, to even trying a friend's copy on another Dreamcast. Same thing.

>> No.1559997

>the dick

Second, yes it could be the disc. Try another VMU. If it happens again, it's the disc; if not, it's the VMU.

>> No.1560017

that has got to be one of my funnier typos

Anyway, before I started the second file, I copied the first one from a Performance memory card to the Sega VMU, but that still wouldn't show up. I did the same with the second one, and got the same result. If the disk really is the problem, then that's a bummer.

>> No.1561712

i mean it's not that bad but i gotta agree skies of arcadia was a huge letdown. grandia 2 however was one of the best jrpgs i've played

>> No.1561769

That active battle system gives me a hard on.

>> No.1561819

is their any rpg better in regards to the battle system?

>> No.1561850
File: 114 KB, 1024x768, GrandiaMillena.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. It's perfect, shits on FF

>> No.1561884


Perfect? Unless they made the port on PS2 easier, the game is easy as fuck, absolutely unchallenging. At the middle of the game I kept mashing the buttons to get the battles over with, which made the battle system absolutely useless. Near the end of the game I just let the battles plays itself (Yes, there's an option for this).

Game is way too easy

>> No.1561913

Yeah it is way to easy, but as far as the way the battles work it is by far my favorite. It would be a truly great game if they upped the difficulty and made you think the battles out.

Ps2 port is absolute shit btw

>> No.1561925

>way to easy

Ya blew it.

>> No.1563027

rez, armada, gunlord, dux, cannon spike, gauntlet legends, ready 2 rumble, virtua tennis, hydro thunder, typing of the dead, lack of love, segagaga, radilogy, rush 2049

Armada for sure. It's the only sandbox space exploration game I know of where you can level up and buy ship upgrades. It's 4 player too. The downside is that it's tedious to grind and the missions are all similar. Shame that the sequel got cancelled and we'll never see it. It's really fun with an arcade stick.

>> No.1564203
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This is just a must. So underrated...

>> No.1564316

-Marvel vs Capcom 2
-Sonic Adventure 1 & 2 (half decent 3d sonic games)
-Jet Set Radio
-Power Stone 1 & 2
-Resident Evil Code Veronica
-Skies of Arcadia
-Soul Calibur
-Crazy Taxi

just out of the top my head, oh and the Spiderman was decent. It has tons of comics as extras.