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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 21 KB, 138x225, ggpo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1555518 No.1555518 [Reply] [Original]

Do any of you guys like to play old fighting games/beat'em ups on GGPO? It has pretty good multiplayer arcade emulation for a lot of things like that.

I like to use it for some King of Fighters or Samurai Shodown nostalgia.

It might be fun to have a /vr/ thread for ggpo fighting games. Most people on ggpo are pretty good and/or serious about the games they play, so it would be nice to have some fellow players on the more casual/nostalgia side of things to play with.

I've heard supercade is also pretty good for online multiplayer arcade games, but I haven't played it much.

P.S. I know there's a /vg/ fighting games thread but they don't really care much about old games

>> No.1555651

I've used GGPO to play a few arcade games. Street Fighter 3rd Strike, KoF, Samurai Shodown, Dynasty Wars, Some other beat em ups and Super Puzzle Fighter. Fun stuff.

>> No.1555659

I used to play Super Turbo a lot on GGPO, but I've always found it a pain to get working well on my internet connection.

Supercade is good too, but I only play Hyper Fighting on it and it and practically nobody plays that. I tend to get a lot of requests for 3rd strike and KoF on that though.

Maybe someday I'll come back to it but not at the moment I won't.

>> No.1555753

I also really enjoy playing Super Turbo but I'm sorta serious about it.
I play vampire Savior on the side, what a fun game

>> No.1555787

Used two years ago to watch some KoF '00. I'd be lucky if I can watch a decent match a month now.

>> No.1555791

Used to watch it two years ago.

>> No.1555987

I wouldn't mind attempting to get in some casual KOF '98 games going or so.

It's been ages since I played the game, so I can't really promise to be anything but free wins.

>> No.1555994

To be honest I'd rather use MAMEHub these days. GGPO was such a pain in the ass the setup last time I tried it and it doesn't support a lot of games.

>> No.1556018
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>some guy makes a cross-platform client for GGPO
>still requires fucking around with WINE to make it work

>> No.1556162

Link to a Linux build?

>> No.1558208

>blast some dude with my girl Jenet or my boy Terry
>dude switches to Kevin
Every time. Oh well. I don't blame them, though, practicing his qcb cancels basically guarantees wins against 90% of people.

>> No.1558209

I play the VSAV and the ST. :3

Felicia and O.Hawk represent.

>> No.1558253

I've spent many hours on Supercade playing SF2, 3s, and KOF. I've stopped playing as much recently because I actually have people to play IRL with.

>> No.1558882
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For some reason, GGPO completely freaks out for me for any game that isn't CPS2. Best I can get is like 1-2 rounds in a game before it crashes, and it sucks because I really wanna play some '98.

>> No.1559931

I'm down to play some on GGPO if anyone wants to. Looks like some good interest in kof98. I'm not good but I'll play it.

I just use GGPO in wine, and it works fine.

>> No.1560107

>Install Adobe Air
>Launch GGPO
worked as good as windows even if the main GGPO menu was a little fucked and I kept getting screen tearing

>> No.1560135

That's all I did on linux, too, and I don't even get any screen tearing or a fucked up menu or anything like that.

>> No.1560141
File: 2.66 MB, 640x480, thatsmypurse.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started playing Samsho 5 Special today. Holy shit what an amazing game.

>> No.1560151

I love samshoVsp. I'll play it with you if you want.

>> No.1560158

is it just me or am I seeing her shoe on her foot before she puts it back?

>> No.1560163

Just you, I guess. I went frame by frame on it and her shoe was off the whole time. Some of the dustcloud makes it look like there are dark spots where her foot is, but I think it's just the dust.

>> No.1560164

She drops the shoe, slips it on, and then pulls the heel over the back of her foot. It's how she puts her shoe back on.

>> No.1560173

I remember back in the day there was a patch to unlock the fatalities. It doesn't add much to the game but you should look it up.

>> No.1560265
File: 2.86 MB, 640x480, humpsuper.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGPO has the fatalities already unlocked I think. 90% sure.

I'm down for some time in the future, taking a little break for a while Username is Gato69, because I couldn't remember my other login info.

>> No.1560314

For some reason I could never play anyone. I could never connect to them.

>> No.1560325


Is this Last Blade?

Can you play Last Blade on GGPO? I'm a noob and was looking to learn that game.

>> No.1560330

That's Garou: Mark Of The Wolves

>> No.1560335

That's Garou. Last Blade 2 seems fucking awesome, though. I wish people would play it. I want to play it but there isn't anyone to play with.

>> No.1560337

The webms are Garou: MOTW

Yes you can play Last Blade on GGPO. It's fun as can be.

>> No.1560338

No and yes, in that order.

If it runs on Final Burn Alpha, it can be played on GGPO.

>> No.1560339

Tell me where to get the files and I'll play. Live in South America, probably gonna get shit ping, but I personally don't mind.

>> No.1560350


>> No.1560351

also note the mandatory files at the top that are text-only. A lot of people miss them.

>> No.1560374

>only one person in Last Blade 2 lobby

>> No.1560380

>retrieving match info

It's stuck there.

>> No.1560401

sorry, I had to finish up what I was doing. There's a guy in there but he's South Korean so I assume you aren't him.

My ggpo name is ApolloCreed and I'll play whatever if anyone here wants to.

>> No.1560418
File: 21 KB, 588x445, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I started watching another match.

Someone had challenged me but I couldn't connect to him for some reason. I just forwarded the ports on my router. Do I have to forward them on Windows too?

>> No.1560426

honestly I don't know. I use ggpo on linux, and I haven't had to do any port forwarding.

>> No.1560536

WTF is EX mode? They're using it against me, didn't know it existed.

>> No.1560541

in kof98? It just has different system mechanics. Dodge instead of roll, dash instead of run, different meter mechanics, etc

It's worse for most characters except for a couple.

>> No.1560543

Last Blade 2

>> No.1560573

Oh, in last blade 2 I think you both deal and receive 150% damage

>> No.1560586

GGPO seems deserted. Has everyone migrated to supercade?

>> No.1560591

depends on the game. Still plenty of KoF and street fighter players on GGPO.

>> No.1560601

I would like to play GGPO with /vr/ sometime.

>> No.1560602

Which game? I'm in the lobby.

>> No.1560624

sorry for the late reply, setting up.

KingKannibal reporting in

>> No.1560642

Playing 3S right now

>> No.1560657

just got my ass handed to me by some dude called x_A

>> No.1560665

signing out, had enough. I need more practice.

>> No.1560670

I use it a lot to get destroyed at Super Turbo.

>> No.1560690

>Last Blade 2
>Marvel vs. Capcom
>3rd Strike
>Super Turbo


>> No.1560706

>download supercade
>fuckton of games supported

Well holy god damn. Good to see more than fighting games are supported.

Nickname is build-system on both supercade and ggpo.

>> No.1560880

Port forwarding problem?

>> No.1560882

I like Super Turbo and Third Strike but I'm pretty bad at both.

How do get gud?

>> No.1560886

I'm 90% sure this is the issue for any GGPO issue. 10% is crappy connection.

>> No.1561640

Anybody on GGPO right now?

I'm down to play anything.

>> No.1561647

Give me a few minutes and I'll play some. What's your ggpo name? Any games in particular you want to try out?

>> No.1561659

Oops forgot to include my name. It's "Shamwow".

I'm a noob, so I'll play anything.

>> No.1561684

Well, it was probably my shitty old router. No matter how many times I port forwarded the thing, it would never work. Eventually I just stopped logging into GGPO.

I have a new router now and after forwarding the ports yesterday I was pleasantly surprised.

Logging in now. Nickname is build-system.

>> No.1561694

Which room are you in?

>> No.1561705

Currently in Marvel vs. Capcom. I'm down for 3S, Marvel vs. Capcom, Last Blade 2, Super Turbo... Anything.

>> No.1561713
File: 1.66 MB, 1275x3925, 1397995256194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Id be up for some games on GGPO

>> No.1561723

Anyone want to play some Garou? im new trying to learn the game.

>> No.1561781

I don't know the game at all. Let's play. What's your nickname?

>> No.1561784

GGs man. That was fun, I should learn how to do air combos lol.

If you guys are still around, I'm down to play.

my nick is "Shamwow" I'm in the lobby right now.

>> No.1561790

Thanks for the game. Sorry about the latency. If you want to play something else like 3S, I'm down.

>> No.1561794

Sure I can play 3S.

>> No.1561802


>> No.1561821

Just re downloading GGPO and ill be ready soon if anyone wants to play?

Garaou (I have never played it before)

>> No.1561838

ill play Garou,

GGPO name is nubi, only played the game a few times myself, im in the room set to AFK, let me know when your set.

>> No.1561859

cool, im on a new windows install so im just setting up that DS3 driver bullshit

cant wait till my neogeo USB pad is here

>> No.1561869

whats your GGPO name?

>> No.1561890

marclar619, just doing button configs now

>> No.1561896
File: 109 KB, 1360x768, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any way to stop this shit?

>> No.1561901

dont press any buttons till the round starts, also it happens if the games laggy.

>> No.1561908

No. It's a problem unique to 3rd strike. Just don't mash buttons between rounds, and you can avoid is as much as possible. Otherwise there really isn't anything you can do but deal with it.

It's usually pretty occasional so it isn't that big of a deal if you like 3rd strike.

>> No.1561915

hmm, i think i have to open ports, stuck at retrieving match info.

>> No.1561920

yes ports need to be open I havent used GGPO in a long ass time but I bet the netcode is still the same, it uses p2p so ports open is a must.

>> No.1561929

well the netcode has been upgraded a bit but yeah it's the same concept.

>> No.1561968

Anyone else playing anything?

>> No.1562094

marclar619 again, I think I have it now, i had to use port triggering

>> No.1562124

cool im in the Garou room.

>> No.1562138

here now

>> No.1562149
File: 217 KB, 398x600, 2607019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That LB2 session was fun as hell man, thanks. I'm sort of interested in learning it now.

I should play more SNK games.

>> No.1562164

Yeah. I don't see why this game is so obscure. It's awesome.

SNK makes the best looking fighters. Even the recent KOFXIII is amazing.

>> No.1562168

This seems to be the best resource for learning the game:


>> No.1562176

Cool scanlines.

>> No.1562186

You guys should try Samurai Shodown V Special

>> No.1562190

I'll get into it eventually.

How can I train for these games? The arcade version doesn't have training mode. I want to practice because I can barely pull off supers in SNK games.

>> No.1562191

Damn Kain is so fun in MotW, wish he was in KoF

>> No.1562196

just do a 2 player game and set the second players health to infinite with the cheats

>> No.1562198

Capcom vs. SNK 2 when?

I really wanted to get some furious Evil Ryu game on.

>> No.1562201
File: 51 KB, 139x205, Garou kain.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Garou Sprites look so good

>> No.1562205

Are you sure your ROMS are set to MVS and AES? Playing against someone who's set to MVS while you're in AES will cause a desync.

>> No.1562206

Use MAME and look up unibios. With neogeo games you can interrupt the unibios startup with ABC and set it to home console mode, which has training mode.

Alternatively, you can just use cheats for infinite time and health, and either practice on a CPU or on a dummy challenger.

>> No.1562215
File: 1.80 MB, 636x216, kof 98.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SNK Sprites look so good

Fixed. The sprites are just so authentic. What's even more amazing? The backgrounds.

I feel so much more immersed.

>> No.1562228
File: 83 KB, 640x427, 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The ability to quickly and easily change operation from MVS to AES.

>The ability to quickly and easily change country region (great for games that disable blood under USA region)

>Jukebox player where one can listen to game music without sound FX from gameplay over the top


>> No.1562264
File: 89 KB, 323x232, garou2a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never play MotW2


>> No.1562295

>play 3S against somebody
>get maximum rekt
>after like 3 rounds guy perfects me with Oro
>he closes the game

how do I not feel ;_;

>> No.1562304

a lot of people on ggpo are fairly serious about their games and that can make them kind of douchey to beginners.

that shit happens to me all the time

>> No.1562306

2 options



Hire someone to kill his family and/or break his arms

>> No.1562324

I thought I was having sportsmanship. I didn't really mind losing, I just wanted to play.

But how do git gud if people from my country snob me and don't even give me the chance to learn their patterns

>> No.1562328

>Hire someone to kill his family and/or break his arms

Reminded me of this:


>> No.1562504

>Due to people abusing the Universe Bios terms of use the latest version will not be available for download. The free version will be one release version behind.
>no$gba tier bullshit

So, where can I download the latest version?

>> No.1562518


I remember back when this was called "X-Men vs. Street Fighter Online".

>> No.1562596

>I use ggpo on linux
teach me how.

>> No.1562632

>install wine
>install Adobe Air in wine
>install ggpo in wine
>play ggpo

>> No.1562635

does it work well? 60fps?

>> No.1562642


Wine runs programs faster than they would be if they were native Linux programs

FBA uses some seriously outdated shit like directx7, so it's well-supported

>> No.1562645

works perfectly for me, and my laptop is ~6 years old. Excepting lag-related frameskips, fps doesn't waiver much, if at all. I've played it on a friend's windows machine, too, and there was no perceptible difference.

>> No.1562650

>Wine runs programs faster than they would be if they were native Linux programs

That would require serious substantiation. But yes, the wine overhead isn't bad.

>> No.1562660


>> No.1562661

>evidence for one program is evidence for all programs

>> No.1562662


>> No.1562674

>article from 2009
>specifically states it has to do with javascript optimization

Honestly this is completely irrelevant. It runs faster in wine because windows had a faster javascript implementation five years ago. That doesn't mean that wine runs code faster or really say anything about wine's efficiency at all. It's purely a reflection on firefox and javascript across platforms.

It does not follow that something else would run faster in wine than if it were native.

>> No.1563021

king of fighters2002 anyone?

>> No.1563026

whats your username? I'm already in the lobby. i'm really fucking bad though

>> No.1563042

marclar619, gimme 1 min

>> No.1563046

cool. I'm drworm

>> No.1563069

cool, send me a challenge i cant see you

>> No.1563167

GGs man. dunno if you got my IMs.

>> No.1563168

i dunno if the chat was working but i have to go now, its like 5AM, ill play some more tomorrow.

>> No.1563315

Mahn, I wish I knew how to loose with Eagle.

>> No.1563324

I think Oro and Urien have infinities in the arcade version. This is why I only use PS2 or Dreamcast versions in my tourneys.

>> No.1563343

Oh damn, I remember my computer at the time had trouble with anything flash or shockwave based and that included this game

Going to try it now

>> No.1563361

How does one git gud at these games? They're so intimidating.

>> No.1563376

Basically just practice and play them a lot. Google the shoryuken wiki. Ask people who beat you for advice about what you're doing wrong and how you can improve.

Fighting games honestly take a lot of time committment, but they are also really addictive once you really start getting in to the deeper side of things. Few genres can beat the rush and satisfaction of finally improving enough to beat a guy who has been stomping you for weeks or more.

>> No.1563378

you're going to lose. A LOT. you just practice. learn what made you lose. practice. ask for advice. practice. learn matchups. practice.

oh and practice. you learn more from actually playing the game than watching. TRUST ME!

>> No.1563527


Stop; it hurts too much.

>> No.1563982

mark of the wolves has such nice animation

>> No.1564959

Yep. Urien's bearable, but Oro is a huge faggot with those cross-ups holy shit. I couldn't do anything.

>> No.1564963

garou had many nice things. I LOVED the character portraits. I wish SNK still did their portraits in that style

>> No.1565342

Garou was a beautiful game with good controls and a surprisingly well-made cast (albeit fairly small).

It has some problems that come in at more high levels, though, where just-defends make some stuff ridiculous, and the character balance starts to break down. Kevin is pretty ridiculous when played by a good player. I think partly due to that Garou just never got a strong competitive community, and as annoying as it is, fighting games seem to need one in order to stay afloat. WIthout the diehards, there just isn't much to build a community around...

I'd still love to play Garou with people, though.

>> No.1565374

So, why is Last Blade dead?

>> No.1565406

Good question. I've been trying to figure that out myself. I'm not well enough acquainted to say if it has some kind of deep flaw or if it was just unpopular.

I mean, I love the Samurai Shodown series, too, but it is all but unplayed these days also. Maybe people just don't like weapon-based 2d fighters these days. Or maybe they just weren't popular enough outside of Japan.

A lot of these old SNK games seem to be pretty well played by French people, though. Strangely enough.

>> No.1565407
File: 54 KB, 320x240, tss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone up for some Twinkle Star Sprites?!

>> No.1565413
File: 130 KB, 500x333, SAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>you will never be THIS based
>even if you do become that based, nobody will ever witness it

>> No.1565416

power combos are so hard, too. ;-;7

>> No.1565431

Actually this video kind of brings up a good point. Maybe Last Blade 2 never got that popular because it actually has a deceptively steep learning curve and skill gap is very apparent in that game.

>> No.1565432
File: 252 KB, 600x800, i'll-cut-you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



she is now my waifu

>> No.1565439

The shoryuken wiki character pages are empty and the forum links are dead. I can't learn this game like this.

>> No.1565448

Gamefaqs has some stuff.

If you like last blade 2, though, try Samurai Shodown 5sp. There's lots of info for it on the mizuumi wiki. please? I need people to play it with ;-;

>> No.1565451

>samurai shodown 5 special
>not the best game ever

>> No.1565456

Everyone's telling me to play Samurai Shodown. Do people actually play it?

>> No.1565459

It's Yagawa's favorite fighting game.

>> No.1565465

A lot of fighting games fall apart in high level play though. Especially games like third strike and garou. But they are the most fun in the middle level.

>> No.1565468

Not many people play it on ggpo, but maybe we can form a /vr/ community for it. It really is a pretty good game, and it's fairly beginner-friendly (i.e. pretty balanced, easy inputs, short/easy combos) and in my opinion pretty exciting and cinematic-feeling. At the same time it has quite a bit of depth for players who want that.

I love it, personally.

>> No.1565474

Playing against high level dudes suck when you're not at the same level. It's best when we're all just some average guys who win some ad lose some.

Any game is fun that way.

>> No.1565554

anyone want to play a game?

>> No.1565602

anyone still round im up for pretty much anything

>> No.1565624

sure nubi give me a minute I think I might go grab more beer. Nothing like alcohol and fighting games.

>> No.1565637

cool ggpo name and anything in particular you want to play?

>> No.1565707

Okay. I got beer. My ggpo name is ApolloCreed. I'll play anything, but if you have no particular preference, this thread has put me in the mood for Samurai Shodown V Special. I'm amenable to anything though if you don't like samsho.

>> No.1565721

all right give me a sec to download it then ill be in the room

>> No.1565730


>> No.1565785

sorry nubi. :<

>> No.1565804

Don't worry about it lol

>> No.1565884

I changed my port info if you want to try again.

I just played a set of 3s so I should be good.

I'll play anyone at any game, though. Just let me know. I'm in Oregon.

>> No.1566162

no interest?

>> No.1566165

>3 hours ago
he's gone jim.

>> No.1566170

Nah, I'm not waiting for him. Just thought someone might want to play, which is why I said I'll play anyone at any game.

>> No.1566172

I see I see. well 3S is really wonky on GGPO. What other games you play?

>> No.1566176

Any, like I said. I've play most games on ggpo at least once. I don't care whether I'm good at them or not. I'll lose 100 rounds in a row if I have to. I just like playing.

>> No.1566184

how do you feel about garou? I kinda have been feeling like I want to play that

>> No.1566195

it's fine. What's your ggpo name? We can play.

>> No.1566196

It's dr worm. gimme a sec to get on. I gotta get my stick

>> No.1566205

okay I'm in the lobby

>> No.1566206

getting on now. sorry that took so tong. toasted is high and was giving me mangas to read lol

>> No.1566264

hey if you ever wanna play some more feel free to add me on steam and ask. I'm friends with a bunch of trips from /fgg/ so it shouldnt be hard to find me if you're friends with one. I'm Dr Worm on there as well

>> No.1566265

good games, dr worm.

>> No.1566267

Oh, I don't usually use steam. I don't play anything on there so I never have it running. I guess maybe I'll add you anyway, but I don't have any fighting games or whatever on steam.

>> No.1566268

I own skullgirls on steam but I also own AE. I use steam mostly for messaging other people or groups like kore wa melty for melty blood matches.

>> No.1566321
File: 2.07 MB, 1275x3925, mains.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got finished playing games for the night but I play a lot of old games and am on ggpo pretty much all day. My main game is super turbo.

>> No.1566324

hi pisss

>> No.1566327

Sup, Dr worm told me about this thread. Trying to figure out what the fuck I'm doing in mvc2.

>> No.1566332

Well, I think I fixed my stick at least. I've always been really, really bad at marvel games, but if you want to play MvC1 sometime I'd try it out.

>> No.1566334

How are you playing mvc 2?

>> No.1566335

PSN but you can also play it on Demul netplay (not sure about the quality.)

How did you fix your stick? I'm horrible at marvel games too. I've been bothering luvcheez and mystic with questions about what to do/when to call assists/which team to use.

My strategy so far is:

Hold up back and spam gun shots with cable until one connects and then go into air hyper viper beam.

Call Doom assist (chip damage) if they're on the other side of the screen or I want to go in.

Call Commando assist if they are trying to attack me.

>> No.1566340

Oh, nice. I missed out on getting it on PSN. I have it on XBLA but I hate paying for gold. That and the xbox I currently have with my is dead as nails. My stick doesn't work for PS3 so I'm hesitant to buy anything for it. I feel like demul netplay would be really shitty especially for a game like marvel 2 or something. I dunno.

I thought you didn't play marvel? Did you recently take it up? I like Marvel 2 as a fun party game. It could just be nostalgia though.

I play some mixture of doom, cable, tron bonne, and hulk. Tron is almost always in there though.

>> No.1566341

Just opened it up. A wire got knocked a little loose apparently.

Yeah, I don't think Marvel's for me. I just never really liked it that much.

>> No.1566346

I am not really that serious about it I just like learning random games for fun and getting somewhat decent at them.

Hmm that's strange glad to hear you fixed it though.

>> No.1566349

Yeah I never saw Marvel 2 as a game to be serious about. It's just fun to learn and play as you go. I wish Marvel 3 was released on PC before capcom lost the rights to it. Ah well.

I should make one of those mains pictures. I saw someone post a custom one once that I really liked.

>> No.1566537

marclar619 here, anyone on?
ill play anything

>> No.1566570

If you're still here I'll play ST. Name is PISSS.

>> No.1566621

hopefully this thread (or similar) will catch on here on /vr/, and we can have a fighting game thread where people actually play games. So far I'd say it's been pretty successful.

>> No.1566642

That'd be nice. I usually go to the /vg/ general but everyone there just plays AE which I'm not really a fan of.

>> No.1566808

ill head on now in a minute, i really suck at ST though, be ready to body me

>> No.1566814

if you're here, that is.

>> No.1566841

I am, be right there.

>> No.1566863

cool, just gotta config the controller

>> No.1566901

gg man, sorry the roll back was just pretty bad.

>> No.1566951

yeah my wireless isn't great and it doesnt help that im in ireland , had fun still

>> No.1566964

Anyone want to play garou? trying to learn that game.

>> No.1566974

Yeah good games man. That is a long hard road playing cammy.

>> No.1566975

Is there a way to play a Guilty Gear online without playing the shitty PC port of XX?

>> No.1566976

ill play you in like 30 mins?

>> No.1566978


>> No.1567035
File: 524 KB, 635x1050, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on garaou now

>> No.1567068

put your ggpo names in the namefield, guys, at least when you're talking about matchmatcking.

>> No.1567096

ggs marclar

>> No.1567178
File: 142 KB, 581x509, 1qe5woxo11280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just stopping by to ask this: Is the Vampire Savior still crowded with players?

Last time I went there was a couple of years ago and I don't know if there are people still playing it on GGPO or everybody moved to another place.

>> No.1567179

crowded? no. There is a half-decent community of regular players, though.

>> No.1567220

Anybody want to play for a bit?

I'm down to play any game.

>> No.1567226

I play it.

>> No.1567227
File: 24 KB, 800x480, thing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess ill trip in these threads or something.

made this, might do a CVS2 themed one next anyone got ideas?

>> No.1567234

Vsav is probably my favorite game on GGPO.

>> No.1567236

I'll play whoever wants to in vsav give me a few minutes. I am not that good but I know the basics.

>> No.1567247

Looks good. Not sure about a CvS2 one, though. As much as I like that game, it isn't on ggpo. I've heard you can play it with demul, but I'm not sure how good that is.

Has anyone tried it?

>> No.1567251

It has some weird black boxes a different color than the background...

>> No.1567263
File: 22 KB, 800x480, thing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really ? you must have a good monitor, I cant see anything.
how's it now?

>> No.1567265

Much better.

>> No.1567270

>fightan meme

>> No.1567279
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>> No.1567280

give me about 30 min and ill play some savior

>> No.1567282
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>> No.1567290
File: 23 KB, 800x480, thing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit, i need some sleep

>> No.1567298

I'm sitting in Europe and the whole party seems to be in the Americas from what I can see. Shit.

>> No.1567318

I don't know, there's been at least a couple people from the UK, one from Ireland, one from Germany, etc, in this thread. Plenty of Europeans play on GGPO regularly, too. I often notice French flags especially.

>> No.1567348


Guess I have to be a bit more patient then. Would be really nice to play a few rounds KoF or SFA2. Maybe tomorrow.

>> No.1567359

well post your ggpo name and where you're from. Then people looking for matches near you will at least know you're nearby and that you want to play.

>> No.1567373

Im from the UK and am up for some games on Alpha

>> No.1567391

That's fine I'm eating now any way.

>> No.1567430

You still here nubi?

>> No.1567443

yeah still here

>> No.1567449

ready whenever you are

>> No.1567451

Im in the vsav room

>> No.1567536

gg nubi

>> No.1567537


>> No.1567547

Not really sure how to react to that IAD pressure.

>> No.1567556

Does nubi play Q-bee?

>> No.1567560

The DP was working quite well, normally im more aggressive but i had to respect it all the time.

>> No.1567565

I play Qbee, Sas and Victor.

Qbee is the most fun though.

>> No.1567571

Is anybody playing right now?

>> No.1567576

I need to stop fucking mashing the dp. I don't know what to do until I get the knockdown so I keep mashing dp like an idiot. I'm still having trouble landing the bite super.

>> No.1567580

I'm not right now but I wouldn't mind playing a few. What do you want to play, and where are you located (for determining possible lag)?

>> No.1567587

im still in the vsav room but im up for anything

>> No.1567597

West Coast

I'm somewhat warmed up for Street Fighter 3 but I'm open for KoF 2000, Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter and Samurai Showdown V Special

>> No.1567610

Okay give me two minutes and I'll be in the samsho room.

>> No.1567617

I'll be in IRC in the event that thread goes down

>> No.1567657

who is the best st player here i need to practice because

i'm rusty

>> No.1567664

i keep losing connection to GGPO

>> No.1567728
File: 1.07 MB, 2166x1122, mamehub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MAMEHub is a great emulator for playing literally anything that can be emulated.

Streaming a game on Twitch right now (6 players KoF98):

http://www.twitch tv/holocaustneveroccured

>> No.1567769

fuck I love mamehub I haven't been on in over a year reinstalling right now! I beat konami aliens on there and had many many good times.

>> No.1567795


>> No.1567797

ggs man, thanks for playing with me. If you're around tomorrow just post, and I should be available to play.

glad someone is willing to play so many games and not JUST street fighter. I'm fine with street fighter but I like a lot of variety.

>> No.1567808

P.S. try Breaker's Revenge.

It's like "what if ST was an SNK game"

>> No.1567809


>> No.1567816

Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo.

Unless you were asking if I wanted to play. In which case "yes what is your ggpo name?"

>> No.1567819

Anyone still playing anything?

>> No.1567820

nubi, want to try again? Name the game and we'll see if it connects this time.

>> No.1567821


>> No.1567823

I'm in the room

>> No.1567827

is someone here wanting to play some sfa3?

>> No.1567831

ill play if i cant connect to apollo

>> No.1567834

whats your GGPO name?

>> No.1567836

I'll probably spectate since it isn't connecting to nubi and he called it first, but I'll play you later if you want. I know literally nothing about sfa3 though.

>> No.1567837



>> No.1567839

anyone want to play mvc

>> No.1567840

In the meantime I'll play anyone whatever they want on ggpo

>> No.1567850

ggs man

>> No.1567914

ggs pisss

sorry for being such a sourpus or whatever. Marvel basically just embodies everything I'm bad at in fighting games so it's unusually frustrating for me. Maybe that means I should put that much more effort in to learning it, so I can even out my weak points as a player.

>> No.1567919

It's a pretty retarded game and it's very broken. Mystic and luvcheez from fgg told me how to do some stuff.

Basically all I was doing:

wolverine cr lk, cr mk, cr fp xx super
psylocke xx super
do the orbs with strider lock them down in the corner and use psylocke to keep them there

your meter fills up as you do that so you can repeat the lockdown and it does chip

That's really all I know how to do.

>> No.1567924

Yeah, I was just being a whiny little bitch. I have bad memories from my childhood in the Virgin Islands getting stomped in to the ground at Marvel and getting laughed out of the arcade. Arcades are a big fucking deal in the Caribbean, and that shit sticks with you.

Anyway, I've only ever played it once or twice with anyone who wasn't a fairly high-level player, so I know literally nothing about that game. I guess I need to learn.

It just seems so ridiculous. Three blocked attacks equals a full super meter so you were literally doing that wolverine combo raw from the start of the round. I just don't get it.

I guess maybe I'll try to learn at least my moves and some basic combos and then we can play again. Like I said, I should probably put the effort in because that game is literally about everything that I'm not good at as a fighting game player.

>> No.1567928

The chains are not really that unsafe so you can just mash them out and if they connect go into super. There are also a bunch of infinites but I don't know how to do them.

I just play the game for fun, it's pretty silly (obviously.)

>> No.1567940

yeah, I just need to work on it.

Give me a few and I'm down to play something else if you want.

>> No.1567959

I think I am done for today. Might do some training mode bs but that's about it.

>> No.1567962

Okay. Maybe tomorrow then.

>> No.1568040

I'm familiar with that game, ran into it on KAWAKS a few times I think.

>> No.1568048

Yeah we can play st or something.

>> No.1568551

yo, anyone on ?
ill play anything

>> No.1568569

ggpo name?

>> No.1568576

marclar619, hence the tripfag

>> No.1568590

Hey its nubi Lets try KoF02, im about as new as i can get at that game

>> No.1568595
File: 8 KB, 500x450, feels empty man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool gimme 5mins, gotta make some coffee first

>mfw no king in kof02

>> No.1568610

We can play one of the other KoF games if you want, outside of Garou its all new to me anyway.

>> No.1568616

I want to use this program specifically for Cyberbots: Full Metal Madness and Vampire Savior. But sadly, the damned thing never even does anything when I got it on the boot screen and try to log in. Mednafen doesn't work either, so I'm starting to be convinced that my router is haunted. CSMame works like a charm, but nobody uses that.

>> No.1568620

up for some KOF2000 then??

also fuck number captchas

>> No.1568625


>> No.1568627

>Cyberbots: Full Metal Madness
Oh shit forgot about that game

>> No.1568669

1st timers in KoF2000?

>> No.1568682

i play it most weekends with my m8s when theyre drinking in my house but i never really played it online competitively

was that you spectating ?

gg nubi

>> No.1568684

It was my first time yeah.

>> No.1568686


>> No.1568690

yeah i was spectating

this might help

>> No.1568709

Any charge characters in KoF, i really like Kain from Garou if anyone plays remotely anything like him.

Also anyone that leaves anything on screen (Like Aegis or Yoga Catastrophie) i love that shit.

>> No.1568724

back now

>> No.1568728

in the 2000 room

>> No.1568736
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>> No.1568809

Leona and Robert are chargers in KoF 2000. Too cumbersome for my level. I think Ash can leave a projectile that stays for a couple of seconds, or at least in MUGEN.

>> No.1568840

Anyway we can work on cataloging how many players from /vr/ play which games?

I'm interested in how many vsav players we have here. While vsav is my main game I'll play pretty much anything though (including Unsupported stuff).

Also if anyone is new to fighting games, looking at this, and wanting to learn how to play, I recommend playing Breakers Revenge. I think Breakers is by far the best fighting game to get people acquainted with fighting game mechanics. The inputs are easy, the combos are easy, the game is simple. At a high level of play it gets a bit boring (Sho everywhere) but it's great to learn the ropes on.

>> No.1568851

I play Vsav, Garou, ST, 3S, Alpha 3, Xcota and very recently started playing JoJos, but im down for pretty much anything on GGPO

>> No.1568937

In terms of games I have at least a little competence in, I play samsho II/vsp, ST, 3s, Garou, Breaker's, and maybe KoF98/02. I dabble in vsav and last blade 2 but I'm not comfortable with any characters. I could play some marvel games but I know nothing about them really. I also don't know anything about the SFA series but I'd try them out.

>> No.1568942

KoF 2000

>> No.1568945

>I think Ash can leave a projectile that stays for a couple of seconds, or at least in MUGEN.

He can do that in the actual games.

By the way, I'll have to dust my stick off and join you guys for KoF 2000 sometime.

>> No.1568961

im back, i wanna play one of the marvel x sf/capcom games

>> No.1568968

>I recommend playing Breakers Revenge
Thanks. I was wondering where a good place to start was (outside of being out of my depth on some other ones).

>> No.1568974

im in the vsav room if anyone wants to play

>> No.1568983

how does it play?

>> No.1568985

its a fast paced game, somewhat reminiscent of marvel without the long air combos

>> No.1568995

ill give it a go

>> No.1569007

oh wait this is just darkstalkers is it not?

>> No.1569028

Vampire = Darkstalkers
Vampire Hunter = Darkstalkers 2
Vampire Savior = Darkstalkers 3

>> No.1569142

Super Turbo
Hyper Fighting
Hyper sf2
Alpha 2
Vampire Savior
Marvel vs Capcom 1/2
KoF 13
Waku Waku 7
Gem Fighter Mini Mix
Magical Drop III
Puzzle Fighter

>> No.1569196
File: 116 KB, 836x471, Vsav_matchup_newest[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Darkstalkers 2 should actually be Night Warriors, but this is pretty much correct.

Also if anyone has any questions about Vampire Savior I'm happy to answer them.

The mizuumi wiki (http://wiki.mizuumi.net/w/Vampire_Savior)) is the best resource for players looking to get into vsav, but the vsav section on Dustloop is also great to look through.

>> No.1569201

Anyone play Karnovs?

>> No.1569202

Are you hildr?

>> No.1569230


>> No.1569261

Glad you're here. I'm still figuring out Demitri. Mostly trying to figure out how to stop people from mashing on wake up so I can land the bite super more often.

>> No.1569270

>just trying to practice cammy
>not very high ranked, C or whatever
>get people ranked A
I sure do love not having a chance with a character I'm practicing online

>> No.1569272

One of the harder things about the game is learning all the meaty timings.

Once you have that down, preventing people from mashing gets much easier.

Training your opponents to fear a meaty is how you get bite supers.

>> No.1569305

Man i had some french guy bitch and whine at me none stop for playing Qbee while he was playing Zabel, every time he lost he would cry and the match is actually in his favor, rev3 i think his name was.

>> No.1569321

That match is actually annoying for Zabel even though it's in his favor.

Mostly because he can't short short super qbee if she's crouching, so his damage output gets killed.

This is mostly a high level issue though, and I don't want to be rude, but I imagine that it wouldn't be super relevant. I'm just bringing it up because it's interesting.

>> No.1569356

Good God I'm awful, but this does feel better to play even if I'm getting nowhere.

>> No.1569360

Oh i wont pretend im good at the game lol, i played it for a long time casually but only recently started trying to get better at it, its difficult finding people to play especially since im from the UK.

>> No.1569364

Wow I normally use the mame training mode for ST but the cheats on ggpo FBA are trash. If I change p2 to have infinite health it makes it so that it never goes into hit stun. So for example I can just hit it and it just stands there unless the move knocks down.

Never using this again.

>> No.1569375

Cant you just emulate a console version and use a real training room?

>> No.1569381

I'd just rather use the same version as the one I'm playing on ggpo. There are differences in input delay and some other things.

Mame works fine. You just go to enable cheats, turn on inf time, infinite health, and infinite super. I was just using ggpo fba for mvc1 training and started messing around with st on it.

>> No.1569390

yeah finding people in the UK area is going to be rough

most of the players are in NA

>> No.1569459

ranks? Are you talking about AE? That doesn't really belong here...

>> No.1569502
File: 487 KB, 500x704, tumblr_mb40rqUu5O1qcrzzno1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were really inconsistent with the series' naming outside of Japan, it gets confusing. First game is "Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors", second is "Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge", so if you just say "Night Warriors" sometimes people will think you're talking about the first game. Then the arcade release of the third game was "Vampire Savior" even outside of Japan for some reason. But then when its PS1 port came out, they called it "Darkstalkers 3".

Anyway, judging by all the stuff TKO is retweeting, it seems Vampire Hunter has been regaining some steam since the release of Darkstalkers Resurrection. Mikado's going to have a tournament for it next week, and supposedly aftermarket prices on the original arcade boards are going up due to increased demand.

>> No.1569546

I wanna git good at ST, but so far it's the hardest fighting game I've tried.

>> No.1569564

ST is simple as hell, it's all just fundamentals with some gimmicks thrown in. First of all, I'd pick someone other than cammy because she is the worst character in the game.

The core of the game is really just controlling space with projectiles/normals, anti airing people that jump, punishing whiffed pokes/playing footsies etc. It's really barebones and is the foundation for a lot of fighting games that followed.

>> No.1569587

thanks for the help, its sort of hard to get any info at all from the /vg/ threads

>> No.1569598

Most of those people know nothing about ST and never played a fighter before sf4. Just look at the SRK wiki.

Just knowing your normals, anti air etc can take you pretty far. Don't worry about learning combos for a while.

>> No.1569605

I would add that it apparently seems essential to know your tick throw setups in ST, as the next step beyond normals/anti-airs/etc. Good tick throw and safejump setups take you way farther in ST than combos do.

>> No.1569607

Yeah, tick throws are pretty godly online especially. The way I first learned them was just walk up or jump in short into throw.

One really important thing to learn is to do 1 frame reversals or people will just tick throw you all day.

>> No.1569609

is the trick to 1f reversals to piano the inputs?

>> No.1569615
File: 587 KB, 1795x720, super turbo cheat sheet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can if you want to. I just learned the timing of doing it on my first frame waking up/coming out of blockstun/hitstun whatever. ST has negative edge so if you release the button quickly after pressing it you get two chances.

>> No.1569725

I'm down to play some ST.

>> No.1569745

that depends on the character

some characters (like Fei) can't piano their reversals because only one of them is worth doing (short dp) and you really don't want to get any other version

you can also input a throw on the same frame which results in a 50/50 chance to throw or get thrown

of course that only works for normal throws, command throws wont work this way and you have to reversal those

but sometimes that doesn't even work, for example Hawks "infinite" which involves a bunch of option selects to avoid reversals

>> No.1569752

You still around?

I'll play for a bit.

I'm pretty shitty at ST but I'd like to get better.

>> No.1569757

Still here.

I'm in the ST lobby now.

>> No.1569763

my username is hildr

>> No.1569858

just been readking the SRK wiki for ST, I have a lot of respect for the people that can learn all this and play at a really high level, there's a lot more to fighting games than it would seem

>> No.1569865

ggs dood, my food is done cooking

I'll be back later though if you want to keep going

also were you getting some sick spikes the whole time?

I didn't want to say anything because it might come out like I was mad about losing, but I'm just wondering if iit was happening on your end too


>> No.1569867

welcome to the wide world of fighting games, friend. That's why we keep playing.

>> No.1569870

who do you play, shamwow?

>> No.1569880
File: 4 KB, 160x200, dhalsim-perso.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was happening on my end too. My sis is probably on netflix.

Fun games man, I can play again later.

I'm really only decent with dhalsim. I suck with everybody else. It took many months of being served on ggpo to get decent with him.

>> No.1569889

alpha 3 anyone ?
i wonder why there's so much more people on alpha 3 than the other 2 , i thought it was "broken" ?

>> No.1569896

I'll play, I'm very bad though.

>> No.1569902

ill play alpha 3

>> No.1569916

I wrote some of the guile stuff on there. I am not a top player or any thing but no one else wanted to do it so I figured better than nothing.

>> No.1569920

awesome, thats pretty cool.

winner stays on?
sorry about the connection

>> No.1569931

Wish GGPO had rotating rooms like kaillera did

>> No.1569934

If we had an even number of players, we could always do rotating sets. Like if you have four people, then each pair plays a first to five or whatever you want, and then losers play and winners play. You could do a loop like that for a while. It might be a fun way to get some variety in there.

>> No.1569968

ne1 up for a sfa3 match?

DrMachete here

>> No.1569975

Hi I'll play with you, I was just playing A3 with nubi and marclar earlier.

>> No.1570040
File: 1.63 MB, 1280x960, P4040087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice to have people to play with.
gg, goys.

>> No.1570048

ggs man, its been a long time since i played Alpha 3, trying to remember v-ism stuff lol

>> No.1570051


I think you mean "Goyim".

>> No.1570057
File: 17 KB, 314x314, feeling chinged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1570073

ggs bro

>> No.1570076

does anyone have the SF2HF guide that was hosted on megaupload and sendspace a bunch of years ago, I lost it when I formatted my hard drive a while ago and it's basically the only fighting game I play and I've been playing new characters and want to read up on Old Shit

it was called like SF2 Hyper Fighting Character Guides Dizzy System.txt or something

>> No.1570079


your ken is pretty tough, that air hurricane kick beats everything lol.

>> No.1570082

Anyone still playing anything?

>> No.1570085

I'll play you in hf on supercade later tonight. I'm about to play this dude in marvel.

>> No.1570090

I can still play, let me know what you want to play.

>> No.1570094

you play vampire savior?

>> No.1570101

Don't know much but I'll play.

>> No.1570109 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.06 MB, 4832x1420, 1398399444794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you play ss5sp yet

>> No.1570154

No I don't NIGHTS.

>> No.1570185

Gonna be on for one or two matches.

>> No.1570191

ggs nubi

VS is pretty fun. Sorry about the shoto scrub tactics there with Demitri lol.

>> No.1570202

ggs, its all cool.

>> No.1570221
File: 108 KB, 1024x768, thing-part-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cant sleep so i made another thing

>> No.1570226

That looks prety rad

>> No.1570237

that's awesome

>> No.1570239

I know it's a weeknight, but is nobody up for at least one match?

>> No.1570246

I'm too tired I've already played at least 4 hours today. Maybe later on tonight I don't know.

>> No.1570250

Can't later tonight. I should have gotten on earlier. I'll try again tomorrow. just wanted to squeez one in before hitting the hay.

>> No.1570251

I'm up for a few more matches of sfa3

>> No.1570253

Ok, I'll be in lobby :D

>> No.1570261

im still around if people want to play

>> No.1570262
File: 423 KB, 618x448, ss5sp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pisss aside, any samurai shodown 5 special players here? it aged extremely well for a traditional fighter and anyone can be played competitively.

here are some helpful links:

>> No.1570264

apollo creed plays it

i can get neinhalt to play you again if you want

>> No.1570270

Pisss is correct. I play it and love it. If this is NiGHTS then we've briefly talked about it before. I often play Gaoh.

Unfortunately, I can't play right now. I'd love a match later tonight or tomorrow, though. even if basara is annoying as fuck

>> No.1570273

That was fun

>> No.1570279

yes man ggs! hope to play with you again sometime

>> No.1570283
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neonhalt was a lot of fun, but im just seeing if anyone here plays it atm. dropped /fgg/ because its going to be /sf4/ general till the end of time at this rate

were you the guy that mentioned trying to get more people to play it? its 1am here but I'd like to play you tomorrow/whenever

>> No.1570284

Yeah, I know what you mean. I was thinking about starting a ggpo general a while back, I just didn't think anyone would be interested.

>> No.1570291

Yeah, I mentioned it to you in a recent /fgg/ thread. I just think it's a really great game that gets overlooked and passed over. I feel like its dissimilarities with other fighting games mean that people experienced in other games often come to it and don't really click with it because it isn't really what a SF or KoF player would expect, really.

I'd really like to at least get four or five players interested in playing it semi-regularly as a side game.

I really like this thread here. I think it fits /vr/ a little better, and has really been a pretty pleasant thread in general.

>> No.1570317

yo anyone wanna play some ST? I'm fairly new to Street fighter in general and want to give Zangief a shot in that game.

>> No.1570319


Forgot to add, I don't mind getting stomped so it's cool if I go 25-0 or something

>> No.1570323

ill play im not very good myself

>> No.1570331

Having problems connecting, let me try restarting GGPO

>> No.1570332

wierd, its saying connected but its stuck on the start screen

>> No.1570336


I'm just getting connecting to server for like, forever

>> No.1570343

odd dont understand why it wont connect, iv been playing people all night

>> No.1570345


For some reason my internet has AIDS and GGPO wants to fuck up. Sorry man.

>> No.1570346

The same thing happens to me when I try to play nubi. No idea why.

>> No.1570360

make sure ports are open

i'll play st for a little bit

>> No.1570368

Actually I think I"m just going to relax for the rest of the night. I'll play whoever tomorrow.

>> No.1570540

Get on mamehub and I'll play you.

>> No.1571106

anyone want to try cvs2 ? I read there's a way to do it with demul emulator and the NAOMI rom.

>> No.1571518

I'll try to set it up. I haven't played cvs2 but it seems really fun.

>> No.1571580

let me know how this turns out because i want to try that demul with mvc2

>> No.1571587

Demul netplay is Kaillera. Just saiyan.

As bad as Kaillera is (it's not p2p), maybe we should get an official /vr/ server going, since Mamehub doesn't seem to be all that popular.

>> No.1571601

Can't get it to work, but I'm using linux, so that doesn't really mean anything for whether you could get it to work or not.

>> No.1571606

Anyone watching 2 old 2 furious tonight?

>> No.1571613

I have it working as far as the emulator goes, just didn't know the netplay was kaillera. Some of those naomi games are a little too memory intensive for my shitty computer though.

Definitely, I always watch it.

>> No.1571615

No. Didn't even know what it was.

Do you guys think we should leave streamstuff out of this thread, or should it be okay for old games?

>> No.1571628

fine for old games imo

>> No.1571646

just as long as the thread stays about playing games and not about stream circlejerks. Basically just as long as it doesn't devolve in to /fgg/

>> No.1571821
File: 151 KB, 300x414, Yumeji-sstenka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soon as you start allowing streams, you begin to pull in people who don't even play and watch streams all day. its best to just keep this as a netplay matchup thread.

>> No.1571883

Anyone want to play games that aren't on GGPO?

Real Bout: Fatal Fury comes to mind. And, Twinkle Star Sprites, Neo-Geo Cup 98.

>> No.1571891

I play Twinkle Star Sprites all the time on MAMEHub.

>> No.1571943

Twinkle Star Sprites stream: http://www.hitbox.tv/MAMEHub

Streaming games on MAMEHub in general

>> No.1571963

only one of those is a fighting game, though

>> No.1571992

I'm aware of that. Maybe one of the older Street Fighter games, or one of the Alphas. I don't know because I don't have a list in front of me.

>> No.1572109
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I don't think there are enough streams of old games to really attract the stream jackasses like there is with mvc3/sf4 etc.

I would really like playing and discussing games to be the dominant thing in this thread though. fgg is pretty awful with how much "top player drama" and shit like that it has.

>> No.1572127

Samsho5sp noob stream now

>> No.1572528

>post in this thread
>52 replies
>leave for a few days to study
>412 replies

y-you too

>> No.1572556

it's pretty cool, right? I'm glad people have been using this thread.

>> No.1572564

Me too. Looks like there's a lot of players now; wish I could join you guys. I have tests on monday and I need some good grades if I am to pass, so I'm gonna study all weekend.

>> No.1572656
File: 101 KB, 550x332, img-matrimelee-legeek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone want to play picrelated on Mamehub?

>> No.1572661
File: 69 KB, 354x354, sissy_pi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is maining sissy ok

>> No.1572731

Anyone want to play a few games on ggpo?

I'm open to play anything.

>> No.1572769
File: 25 KB, 400x400, 1397591575729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just played 75 games of st against ultracombo and I think I am improving because I did much better than last time we played.

>> No.1572821

>this manga
I love it so much. have you finished it yet?

>> No.1572854
File: 50 KB, 516x500, basara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone want to play samurai shodown 5 special?
i can play it on ggpo/supercade/mamehub

>> No.1572858

considering how broken (but fuuuun) the game is, I suppose it is.

How do I set up that ggpo thing, I want to play Matrimelee with you.

>> No.1572884

you'd have to to use mamehub for matrimelee

>> No.1573037 [DELETED] 

who the fuck even plays fighting games anymore???

>> No.1573143

anyone want to play a game?

>> No.1573161

ur mum

>> No.1573262

If you're still up let's play

>> No.1573264

Okay let's play ST.

>> No.1573267

Super Turbo? Ok.

>> No.1573268

Oh shit, I forgot I formatted so give me some time to setup.

>> No.1573269


>> No.1573270

I'd be up for a couple games, too, if anyone else wants to play.

>> No.1573273

How long are you thinking? should I just play apollo creed first?

>> No.1573274

Go for it, I'll take this opportunity to just get all of the roms setup.

>> No.1573275


see me in st apollo creed

>> No.1573278

Well I guess whenever either are you ready let me know.

>> No.1573324

I'm all set

>> No.1573329

I'll be playing SF3

>> No.1573374

I always wanted to download ggpo but avast keeps telling me that there is a virus and whatever when I try to download the installer. Seeing that a lot of people play there makes me think that probably wouldn't be really a problem but I'm too much of a beta to try.

>> No.1573376

there's your problem. uninstall that shit and install MSE and malwarebytes

>> No.1573402

So I guess is safe?. Not that I'm doubting a program used for thousands to play fighting games, but I'm not that much knowledgeable in the matter and only wanted to be sure before installing.

>> No.1573410

Yes, it's safe. I've heard of people getting alerted by Avast before. I think it's just Avast, honestly. I play on ggpo almost every day now.

>> No.1573412

dude it's seriously 100% safe. Avast is a shitty anti virus too. I'm not trying to be an ass. Avast gives off way too many false positives. With MSE and malwarebytes you're as safe as you seriously need to be.

>> No.1573423
File: 162 KB, 1440x914, Ultimate_Mortal_Kombat_3_-_1994_-_Midway_Games.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's nice to see this thread alive.

So guys I wanted to ask, since I guess the majority are knowledgeable about old fighting games what do y'all think about MK and particularly about UMK3?. I know MK is kinda looked down among some fighting games enthusiasts but tbh I think UMK3 is one of the best 2D fighters of its generation. In fact, I'd say that along SSF2T are my favorites fighters. I'm not so fond of the first two and it wasn't until the Arcade Kollection that I started to play both a bit more. They are fun to play it casually with friends. I also liked a lot MK4 in its moment but I don't think it has aged that well. Since then MK has been basically trash until the reboot in 2011.

>> No.1573429

Thanks then. I'll give it a go.

>> No.1573432

I never could get in to Mortal Kombat, even playing it as a kid. It was always just way too stiff and slow for me. I never managed to figure out how the game actually worked. I played the most recent mortal kombat not too long ago and it was kind of fun, though, so maybe the old mortal kombat games weren't so bad.

I definitely thought they were terrible for most of my life, though.

>> No.1573440

I had that game on sega saturn. It's not very good imo.

>> No.1573774

i love umk3 and played it seriously for years, but the combo length and balance just became silly. mk fanbase was split between mk2 and umk3 because of the run button

>> No.1573914

Anyone up for 3S? I'm awful at it.

>> No.1573945

ill play ggpo name is nubi

>> No.1573956

Get off afk. Also I see you as 162 for ping, that's going to be pretty laggy isn't it?

>> No.1573962

Depends sometimes 160 is fine sometimes its not, ggpo is wierd

>> No.1574038

games anyone?

>> No.1574046
File: 626 KB, 526x900, maki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone on GGPO?
i'll play anything , SFA3 preferably

>> No.1574049

I'll play with you, I'll be in the SFA3 room.

>> No.1574059
File: 70 KB, 480x480, 1010691_655250221178175_2071317135_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool, just gonna get a cup of coffee first.

>> No.1574080

im down for Alpha 3 if you have no one to play

>> No.1574113

was just playing with shamwow there, i gotta go for a bit but we can do the rotation thingie again when im back

>> No.1574127

GGs man, fun games. I'm starting to like A3 now.

>> No.1574131

yeah, other than 2nd impact and 3S it's my favorite soundtrack for a SF game

>> No.1574142

I do like how vega is a lot less broken in A3 compared to his ST counterpart.

I was trying to do the walldive loop but it was getting beaten by standing jabs lol.

>> No.1574173

im back

>> No.1574179

lets play A3 again.

>> No.1574183

ill play winner of you and nubi

>> No.1574194

You guys ever play alpha 2? I think that ones a lot better since it doesn't have the infinites and really long vism combos.

>> No.1574198

i'm willing to try it, which is more active, 2 or 2 gold?

>> No.1574204

Regular 2.

>> No.1574207

cool, ill hop on now.

>> No.1574234

CC is almost as bad, and the top tier in A2 is fuckin broke

In every game that Chun is good in, she's annoying as fuck

>> No.1574285

I like a2 a lot more because it feels more like hyper fighting and super turbo. I like doing the valle cc's too. I used to play alpha 3 but after I played some good people who could do the infinites and really long combos I was done with the game cause it's like mvc or something.

>> No.1574289
File: 3 KB, 128x112, dhalsim.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ggs nubi, that was a fun session.

gonna go eat lunch and ill hop back on if there's people still playing.

>> No.1574295

Ok sorry about that i think my cat must have pulled out the USB slightly, seems to be working now again though.

>> No.1574309

I'll play ST if anyone wants to.

>> No.1574313

whoops nevermind my friend is gonna play me. Guy moved to florida and I haven't played him in a while. I'll play someone after we finish though.

>> No.1574387

I'm back.

Games anyone?

>> No.1574401

im still in the alpha 3 room if you want to play again

>> No.1574430

im back for some A3

>> No.1574446

nubi stop being afk plx

>> No.1574514

I really need to work on my matchup with boxer I always feel like I have to pick old sagat against good ones.

>> No.1574528

i was playing sham, for some reason ggpo is not showing me as in game

>> No.1574543

It's saying you're not registered when I challenged you. You should restart your ggpo.

>> No.1574548

now its saying you aren't a registered ggpo user

>> No.1574645

hmm, restarted

>> No.1574830

I'm back, anyone on alpha 3? nubi? you still here?

>> No.1574850

maybe I need to get in to alpha 3. Everyone here seems to want to play it. I've only played it once at the arcade and it seemed really anime and not really my style but it looks like it's building a decent player base...

>> No.1574870

anybody want to play?

>> No.1574874

sent you a challenge there m8

>> No.1574891

Games anyone?

>> No.1574894

I'll play ST.

>> No.1574897

Sorry, disable sound. What's your ggpo name?

Also, what's a good way to get used to the delay?

>> No.1574901

Okay, I'm in the ST room.

>> No.1574937


>> No.1574943

trying to spectate shamwow and piss but my screen is black

>> No.1574947
File: 236 KB, 1293x972, marclar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1574950


>> No.1574956
File: 496 KB, 500x200, best-friends.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1575043

anyone still on?

>> No.1575083


>> No.1575085

I keep getting on and off. I'm back now.

>> No.1575092

GG's Piss. Took me a little while to get used to ST again after playing so much A3 the last few days.

>> No.1575103

You are pretty good, one of the only people on 4chan that knew the game. Dhalsim vs Guile is so hard.

>> No.1575137
File: 3 KB, 128x112, guile.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that matchup is bullshit, I still really enjoy playing as guile in that matchup though. Trying to get close to sim is challenging but fun.

>> No.1575148

New thread?

>> No.1575152

instead of asking why didn't you make one

>> No.1575158

Boxer can also be really hard if he gets any where close to you, very hard to react to his rushes. I thought about picking old sagat but figured I better practice that match with Guile.

>> No.1575175

I'll make one, hold on

>> No.1575204

New thread here:

>> No.1577053
File: 653 KB, 1365x765, thisistruebuttfukin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its good.
you have to download the latest demul, and it plays pretty fast
the only problem is with the sound it's glitchy for me but im playing on my laptop so that could be the reason

I would have no idea how to do netplay though