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1553672 No.1553672 [Reply] [Original]

Can you recommend me a good RPG for the psx?
I already played the following:

> FF 1-9
even though I havn't finished 1,2,3 and 8 just yet but I'm planning to do so.
> Chrono Trigger
> Grandia
finished it a few hours ago

I can't think of more right now.
I tried Vagrant Story but the battlesystem was not my thing but I'm going to try it out again, someday at least.

>> No.1553673

Parasite Eve, son.

>> No.1553681

Vandal Hearts if you're up for a strategy RPG. Otherwise, Valkyrie Profile.

>> No.1553685


Open for any RPG, strategy or action RPG, everything's fine.

Keep more suggestions coming.

>> No.1553691

Suikoden 2 brah

>> No.1553702

Are there any RPGs where there is a boss or many bosses, that appear early and are considered almost unbeatable at that point of the game.
Like Midgard Zolom in FF7, Alexandrikon in FF9 in disk 2 and that guy in Lufia (forgot his name).
I'm a sucker for challenges.

>> No.1553735

FFIII was never released to the PSX.
Try Persona 1, Persona 2 (Tsumi) and Persona 2½ (Batsu).
Wild Arms 1 and Wild Arms 2 are pretty okay. FFT; did you try that?
I never finished BoFIII cuz I didn't like it all that much, but perhaps you will. I've never played BoFIV.
I like Chrono Cross better than Trigger.
Xenogears is lauded as a great game as is Star Ocean, but both kinda bore me. You might like them, though.
Arc the Lad series was sold in NA as a collection pack. Pretty good game.
While I enjoy SaGa Frontier, most people I know hated it.
Those are the games that come immediately to mind at the moment. There you go.

>> No.1553760

You should play Xenogears asap, it's one of the all-time greats.
Suikoden and Suikoden II. You'll enjoy them more if you play in order and they're not that long anyway.
If you've played every regular FF, how about Final Fantasy Tactics?
Also Koudelka.

>> No.1553770
File: 91 KB, 500x375, lunar20silver20star20storybbmp_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lunar: The Silver Star Story and Lunar: Eternal Blue

>> No.1553771

Tales of Phantasia

>> No.1553782

>Finished Grandia

Well, how about letting the greatest ps1 adventure of all time wash over you for a few more days before jumping to another one like some promiscuous strumpet.

...or better yet, patch it with grandia ReDux and begin anew!

>> No.1553787

Breath of Fire III is what rpg's should strive to be. If that game were a woman, it would have double G tits.

>> No.1553860

I've actually replayed it for the 4th or 5th time and did everything what can be done.
I've just replayed it because the bosses are so much fun.

Thanks to everyone for the suggestions.

>> No.1553871

>disk 2

What, you mean that book monster?

>> No.1553879


How are those compared to the original games on Sega CD?

>> No.1553884

My bad, Alexandrikon is the german name. Tantarian was his english name, wasn't it?
Yeah he was pretty hard when you are unprepared and if you wanted to steal everything.

>> No.1553890

Lunar 1:
More spells and larger overworld world on SCD. I think it has better music (other than the fuckawful opening number), too, but others disagree.
Better story, immersion and character depth on PSX.

Lunar 2: each is good for different reasons, but PSX has slightly better character depth.

>> No.1553917

As the thread said, give the following a try:

Breath of Fire III
Wild Arms 1 & 2

If you want real time action, Tales of Eternia (called Destiny II in US). This one has 4-player co-op, so if you got a bro, get ready for a great time.

>> No.1553929

Valkyrie Profile, Suikoden 2, and Star Ocean 2 are what immediately come to mind when I try to recall RPG's I enjoyed for the system. Star Ocean 2 has a really slow intro and is flawed in a lot of ways, but I still ended up putting a ton of hours into it. In a way, the sheer amount of content in the game helps make it entertaining: there's always some interesting sub-systems to fiddle with, like item crafting, theft, and character affection levels.

>> No.1553949

Tales of Eternia (Destiny II)

Great side-scrolling real-time beat-em-up with tactical spells and shortcut buttons. Playing through for the 4th time now, around the end of the 1st disc. A lot of voice acting, some of it cringe-worthy, but the game feels very full of life and it's not too tedious if you find yourself needing to grind. The story is very generic, but the gameplay/battles keep you engaged throughout and wanting to level up and learn new skills/combine for new combos.

>> No.1554018
File: 121 KB, 666x650, brigandinentscfrontfg3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since the obvious must play ones have already been covered try Brigandine if you are into SRPGs or games like Defender of the Crown and North and South. It's basically a strategy game with RPG elements and battles that play like the ones in SRPGs thrown on top of it.

>> No.1554029

I like it, but it's not really an RPG. Who did you play as?

>> No.1554032

Secret of Mana was on PSX wasn't it?

>> No.1554035

No. It's never been ported from SNES/SFC.

>> No.1554067

Well, I did say it's more of a strategy game with RPG elements.

I have played through it with both Norgard and whatever the southwest continent with "wise king" was called. Latter was a literal easy mode.

>> No.1554089

You should play Grandia II right now and later play other psx rpgs.

>> No.1554112

Koudelka and then play the first two shadow hearts games on the ps2 afterwards.

>> No.1554149

Right? The wise king guy was super easy. I think that was the point. My first playthrough, I played as the woman thing lady. It was a little tough, but enjoyable. Next, I tried the wise king guy and it was a breeze and unenjoyable. I like using fat Kefka, though.

>> No.1554157

Legend of Mana.

>> No.1554167

If you mean JRPGs, play Xenogears.

If Action/RPGs also interest you, play the goddamn fucking Brave Fencer Musashi. And/or Threads of Fate, it's spiritual successor. Also, the original Parasite Eve is a unique action/rpg with an ATB yet free movement.

>> No.1554176

>the greatest ps1 adventure of all time
By no means was that clichefest "the greatest", it wasn't even great. I's lovable in the way 90s adventure anime is lovable, but it's underwhelming and stupid for the same reasons, and it was the early example of story-over gameplay - the worst part being that the story is so b-grade it would have been laughed off of even the TV of it's time.

I haven't beaten the game because I've gotten bored absolutely shitless, but I've sunk about 15 hours into it, which is enough to pass judgement in my opinion.

>> No.1554326

SaGa Frontier. Seven stories with thier own conclusion and four races that develop differently, and no experience points or levels.

>> No.1554403

Seconding these if OP is in the mood for an ARPG.

>> No.1554407

I noted every recommendation in this thread. I only tried Vandal Hearts until now, though.

>> No.1554420
File: 212 KB, 818x800, 09c6a44cda2cdf686d979dfa7462aaa5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might want to give Phantasia on the PS1 a try before Eternia. The game uses a modified Destiny engine from the previous game released in the series (making it more fluid than Destiny), but isn't quite a fluid as Eternia (which is understandable given that Eternia came out after Phantasia, and I can't really fault the game for that), which can make it a bit hard to go back to if you're more used to the fluidity of later games in the series. Still a fine game though; shame it never got localized but at least it's got various translation patches. That said, have fun when you get around to them; Eternia in particular is one of my favorite Playstation games.

>> No.1554424
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>> No.1554496
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>there will never be a Grandia OVA

>> No.1554579
File: 109 KB, 320x224, 520869-saga-frontier-2-playstation-screenshot-marching-soldierss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many good ones for the PSX. Here are a few which I rarely see mentioned but are worth playing on an emulator...

>Arc The Lad II
I really liked the story, it has some "darker" elements to it which you didn't see too much back in the late 90's; terrorism, genocide, suicide, etc. The battle system is pretty standard tactical RPG grid battles but your weapons and armor level up and can do so right in the middle of battle.

>Lunar 2 Eternal Blue
Great character development and graphically one of my favorite PSX games. The monsters level up with you and some of the bosses in this game can get pretty difficult if you don't first have a strategy going into it.

>Saiyuki: Journey West
Another sprite based tactical RPG with a great story based upon a real Chinese legend of a priest named Sanzo and his journey to India to retrieve Buddhist Scriptures. Most of the battles and town exploration are in the vein of FF: Tactics and alot of those battles are won not always by killing everything but by achieving "Victory Conditions"

>SaGa Frontier 2
Some hate it some love it. But I think everyone agrees that the graphics looked great at the time. A refined, above average story that is presented over a time span of 100 years and focuses on 2 different characters and lets you run both of their stories through the Multi-Scenario System.

>Kartia: The Word of Fate
Another TRPG of pre-determined, very linear story sequences that are broken up by battles, followed by another story sequence and then another battle, and on and on. There is no world map or any exploration which might turn a few people off and people who aren't familiar with this type story telling (which is pretty standard fare for Tactical RPG's) may not be able to get through it. But those who do will find a good story that isn't retardedly complex or trite, and the way the characters are fleshed out, as well as how fun the battles can be, make up for it, at least to me.

>> No.1554629

>SaGa Frontier 2
I seem to recall playing this and hitting a point that was legit unbeatable. Can't remember what it was though.

>> No.1554635

It does require quite a bit of foreknowledge.
Mostly where to get good items from and knowing what scenario's to train on.

Nowhere NEAR as complicated as unlimited saga. This game is final fantasy difficulty in comparison (note: see NONE AT ALL)

>> No.1555631


Actually, i think the ending of that game is full of shit, I mean, that stuff of "You are the bad guy here" was very disappointing. But the rest of the story development is pretty cool.

>> No.1555682

There are countless shows exactly like that, and ont he same general level of writing. Just google for some 90s fantasy adventure series.

>> No.1555794
File: 128 KB, 600x1067, CROSSFIR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Admittedly I think some of the stuff to the game wound up a bit cut or changed; I know Wolf Team kept getting more and more annoyed at Namco for various reasons (one of the big ones being not even being given credit for their work, prompting them to leave and form Tri-Ace) during their work on the SNES version. The game was initially based on an unpublished script called Tale Phantasia, and a fair bit of it was cut out, made into backstory you don't actually see happen, or was abridged. Mainly the third part of the story that made it to the game intact, and even then, some of it feels a bit off. Apparently some of the backstory and reasoning behind why Dhaos does what he does was implemented in Narikiri Dungeon in somewhat greater detail, at least from what I've heard.

>> No.1555827

Suikoden 2 might be my favorite RPG ever, it was an emotional experience for me. And how the fuck has nobody mentioned Star Ocean yet?

>> No.1555837

>And how the fuck has nobody mentioned Star Ocean yet?
Fucking this. Star Ocean is really fucking good.
>That item crafting system

>> No.1556103

Star Ocean: The Second Story
Persona 2 Innocent Sin and Persona 2 Eternal Punishment in that order

>> No.1556134

Chrono Cross, Final Fantasy Tactics, Diablo (though that's better on a PC), Dungeon Keeper.

>> No.1556138

>Diablo (though that's better on a PC)
The console version had direct controls and single-screen co-op. It was fun stuff, actually.

>> No.1556187

But do those generic '90s fantasy animu have Sue in them?

This is important.

>> No.1556202


>> No.1556213

Are you even looking at the thread, bro?

>> No.1556327

Give Shadow Madness a shot: an American JRPG, as it were, whose executive producer was none other than Ted Woolsey, who turned down the opportunity to translate FFVII in order to stay in Washington and make this game.

The battle system and especially the graphics leave much to be desired, but the story is well written, the score is impressive and varied, and it's just an interesting piece of gaming history. Keep in mind as you play it that its development staff numbered in the 20s - perhaps an order of magnitude smaller than that of FFVIII, which launched in the States just a few months after SM came out.

>> No.1556330

Woolsey could have saved FFVII from its horrid official translation. God damn it, Teddy. You let us down when we needed you most

>> No.1556350

Are you the same assclown as >>1554176
by any chance?

>> No.1556745

>And how the fuck has nobody mentioned Star Ocean yet?


>> No.1556763

Seconding Lunar. Grandia is by the same creator, and Lunar is better than Grandia.

I liked Eternal Blue on the SCD better, but you can't really go wrong with the PSX versions. Any complaints are ultimately nitpicking.

>> No.1557483


Shit, i was hungover as fuck when posting that, i admit to skimming some bits of the thread.
Point still stands though, it's a fucking good game. I only just got round to parasite eve and xenogears though thanks to the wonders of piracy. Those fuckers never came out in the UK. Also OP should play Front Mission 3, 'tis the shit.

>> No.1557786

>Lunar is better than Grandia

It really, REALLY isnt.

>> No.1558186

Play Alundra.
It's dungeon crawler heavy on puzzle, like Golden Sun, Lufia 2, or of Landstalker.

>> No.1558189

Atelier Marie/Ellie
Summon Night 1/2
Black/Matrix Cross/00

>> No.1558194

This game looks pretty cool, actually. I'm not gonna play it right away but I am gonna check some video of it out on the weekend. Thanks, anon.

>> No.1558197

What if OP can't into runic writing?

>> No.1558205

Then he should go learn it. Duh.

>> No.1558221

That's silly. You're silly.