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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 679 KB, 912x1424, Sonicthehedgehog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1553472 No.1553472 [Reply] [Original]

I'm curious what /vr/ thinks, IMO it's between Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles or Sonic CD.

Sonic 3 had the best sprites for Sonic and Tails, lengthy game too.

Sonic CD had the "super peel-out" for Sonic, which I wish still existed today. Being able to travel to the future/past added so much playability.

The best music is a toss-up though, they both have really catchy tunes.

>> No.1553481

>Sonic 3 had the best sprites for Sonic and Tails, lengthy game too.

I disagree. Tails's sprite is fine, but Sonic's looks goofy, dorky... I remember when I got the game in 1994, I got the impression they wanted to make his sprite more "3D render" ala Donkey Kong, but it didn't look as cool as the Sonic 1, 2, CD's sprites.

I think the best and definitive Sonic game of the 16 bit is 3& Knuckles, even though I think many of the levels aren't the best the series have to offer, when you combine both 3 and Knuckles, the game's got a lot of great levels, 14 emeralds to collect, and an amazing final boss if you collect all the emeralds. It's the most "EPIC" Sonic game.

However, and although I know this is brought up a lot in these kind of threads... I consider Sonic 3 & Knuckles cheating, because I was there when the game was released, and at first only Sonic 3 was released, which was a big let down after Sonic 2. You had to buy 2 cartidges to get the full game... I wonder, how awesome would it be if you could lock up Sonic 1 and 2 and make a new game out of it that has all the zones from Sonic 1 and 2? I think it'd be even better than Sonic 3&K.
But yeah, even with that little detail in mind, 3&K is possibly the best game.

Sonic CD is a great game, I think the level design is genius (yeah, come at me haters), they're big and encourage exploration, I love how you can go up and up and up, or down and down and down and there's always more places to run through, I love how big-sized the levels are.

>> No.1553489

sonic 1 or sonic 2, sonic 1 has the most raw platforming

sonic 3 and sonic cd try to introduce too many gimmicks into the gameplay that aren't well integrated

>> No.1553491


I can agree that the past and future mechanic in Sonic CD could have been done better, but what's wrong with Sonic 3?

>> No.1553498
File: 14 KB, 320x224, Woodzone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sonic 3 is the best. I kinda wish sonic cd never happened so sonic 2 could have had the intended story of time travel and ended up with more zones.

>> No.1554106

Those haters can go fuck off

>> No.1554145

3 & Knuckles. The future/past thing in CD was a pain in the ass cause it takes forever so it breaks the flow of the game.

>> No.1554152

I like Sonic 1 the best. I think it's the purest version of the original concept and I also like the level design the most.

It's both speed and platforming without leaning too far in either direction. That's important. Sonic was originally about controlling momentum with the complex physics engine. Going fast was a part of it, but so was careful platforming and Sonic 1 embodies that best. Yes, I like Marble Zone.

It's a hedgehog and a crazy industrialist scientist in trippy levels with polygonal sunflowers. It's great.

Sonic 3 and Knuckles? Yeah, I love it, but I feel like the level design isn't very cohesive. A lot of levels feel cluttered to me, y'know?

Sonic CD is...well, it's odd. It's a different kinda Sonic game and I never got enough into it to be able to judge it fairly. I'll have to give it a different go in the future.

Sonic 2 is also really great and I love it ALMOST as much as Sonic 1. It's just a bit too easy.

>> No.1554161


>> No.1554174

I like Sonic CD. Everyone I know who likes 2D Sonic games likes Sonic CD. I believed it to be widely accepted amongst those who've played it as the best Sonic game. I never knew there was any hatred for it until /vr/ opened.

>> No.1554179

But that's not a Sonic game. It's like considering Demon's Crest a GnG game.

>> No.1554180
File: 164 KB, 480x320, sonic_the_hedgehog_adventures_of.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for years sonic cd was always considered a mess on /v/.
just mentioning wacky workbench should be enough.

>> No.1554184

I think that Sonic CD is the best. It definitely had the best bonus stages, in my opinion, and I liked the way that the super peel out and spin dash had different purposes. Both soundtracks were awesome, the graphics were great, the time travel mechanic lends it extra playability, and all the levels are excellent(except for wacky workbench) and the boss fights are creative. Still, Sonic 3 and Knuckles is also very good because of its three playable characters and large levels. Sonic 1 doesn't have much going for it compared to the others and Sonic 2 is too easy.

>> No.1554191

Ah. I went to /v/ exactly once. I was instantly repelled by the subject matter being discussed (newer games I was completely unaware of), but I tried to post a thread about console shmups. It was overtaken by Touhou discussion and evolved into waifu faggotry.

I left and never went back.

>> No.1554196

S2 is good only for the immense number of hacks there are for it. In its original form, it's rubbish. S3&K is good, but I still prefer SCD just a smidge more. If SCD is 8/10, S3&K is 7,5/10. No Sonic game can ever be 10/10, I don't think, but I've not played S4 or much of the GG/SMS ones or NGPC one. I tried a DS Sonic and hated it. Like whoa. It was the embodiment of unfun. Not as bad as the SA games, mind you, but still pretty awful.

>> No.1554201

Mighty is a Sonic clone. The game has Robuttnik and Metal Sonic.

>> No.1554216
File: 43 KB, 842x610, 1256420886876.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for the record I don't think sonic cd is a bad game and I could see why you'd like it. if anything it feels like a "what if" sequel to sonic 1 where it goes in a different direction than sonic 2. 2 ends up going for multiple defined routes and speed. cd goes for more packed levels for the sake of exploration.

personally I found the packed level design of cd too confusing. and cd fans could find sonic 2 too easy.

>> No.1554229

And? It doesn't have Sonic in it so it's not a Sonic game.
Yoshi's Story has Bowser in it. That doesn't make it a Mario game.

>> No.1554242

Ah, I see what you mean. SCD is the only Sonic game in which I've ever had the clock run out on me. Usually, I can beat a stage in under 60 seconds but with SCD, I'm exploring every which way and thoroughly enjoying the experience. I can understand others disliking how expansive each act can be. The only thing I disliked is inability to travel back and forth through time relatively at will. I don't get why a sign post can be used once only. Dumb.

BTW, if you're unaware, at 10 minutes, you lose the act.

>> No.1554530
File: 46 KB, 400x300, scd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This might not be common knowledge, but if you time travel in Sonic CD, the timer will reset to 5'00''.
So let's say if you're about to run out of time at 9' and time travel to either past or future, the timer will go back to 5'.

For some reason this mechanic was taken out of the Taxman remake.

>> No.1554541

In all my years of playing Sonic I never knew there was a time limit. I thought since it counted upward it was just to track how long you took...
My life is a lie.

>> No.1554734

>So lets say if you're about to run out of time at 9'
>run out of time at 9'
>9 Feet
>the timer will reset at 5 feet 00 inches

Anyway, should the first Sonic be played slower? I never really played it much, usually get to the third world and quit.

>> No.1554759
File: 462 KB, 570x400, sonicCDtimer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1554768 [DELETED] 


>using feet instead of centimeters and meters

lel, murricans.

>> No.1554793


>> No.1554809
File: 2.79 MB, 1920x1080, stardust-speedway-bad-future.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonic CD.
Fuck the noise.

>> No.1554843


I know. That's why I find it hilarious when I see that.

So it the max timer 9 feet? That's a long ass time to run through a level.

>> No.1554865


The max is 9'59''59, then you get a time over.

You could run out of time if you are looking around for the time generator and can't find it, or if you're trying to gather 50 rings to enter the bonus stage or something like that.

>> No.1554894

Sonic CD > Sonic 2 > Sonic > Sonic 3 / S&K

They're all fucking great though. I know 3 / S&K is pretty much the universally loved one but it never clicked with me for some reason.

>> No.1554996

Or if you take a single bad turn on Metallic Madness 2.
Seriously you either know exactly where the exit is at the start, or you go wandering around endlessly. Well, not endlessly, you can travel back and forth in the level maybe twice, after that you run out of time.

Sonic 2 was probably the best imo. It's just the smoothest one.

Sonic 3 & K beats it in content - yes, I know it's two games, but it has like six games worth of stuff with the alternate routes, 9 endings, and sonic 2 lockon. But it just wasn't as smooth as Sonic 2 in some points. Too many levels were just long and boring.

Sonic 1 was nice but eclipsed by its sequels in every way.

Sonic CD was sometimes unnecessary long, had the shittiest bosses, and the time travel crap was an unnecessary gimmick. Sonic games aren't about searching ages on huge ass maps for minutes, they are about GOTTA GOFAST. The music was a mixed bag, for both soundtracks, but so were most of the levels anyway - some of them were okay, some were boring or even worse, plain annoying.

I'd say Sonic CD has as many bad points as it has good points.

>> No.1555005
File: 98 KB, 288x432, 1395789955385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>about going fast

>> No.1555015
File: 37 KB, 582x393, hrtez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonic 2>Sonic 1>Mean Bean Machine>Sonic&Knuckles>Sonic Spinball>Sonic 3>Sonic3D>SonicCD

>> No.1555187

Sonic 1 has the most emphasis on platforming and tends to slow down more than the others. Not only does it slow down more, but it slows down for longer periods of time thanks to the 3-act structure of the game. Marble and Labyrinth zones seem to drag on forever. It's also the most difficult of the bunch. However, Green Hill is arguably still the best zone in the entire series. I probably like this one more now as an adult than when I was younger.

Sonic 2 doesn't add much to the first game besides the spin dash, and generally the levels are shorter, sparser and easier. It was rushed and it feels like it. The 2-act, 12-zone structure adds a lot more variety than the original's 3-act, 6-zone structure, which is nice, so I can understand why some might prefer it.

CD's levels are cluttered mess without any coherent sense of design. It looks and feels like a romhack. The time travel mechanic is cumbersome and the special stages are terrible. Definitely the worst of the bunch. The music is great though.

S3&K adds more of everything-- characters, power-ups, special stages, minigames. Stages are longer and now every stage has a miniboss. There's also more variety between acts. But probably my favorite thing it does is to make the transitions between stages more subtle and cohesive, which gives a feeling of progress throughout the game. It works best near the end where the game works up to the climax in the last few zones. Sonic 2 sort of did the same thing.

It never slows down as much as Sonic 1, but the stages are long enough that if you're in one you dislike, you're stuck there for a while. Marble Zone is kind of boring, Carnival Night is a blaring audio-visual assault (and those two are back-to-back right in the middle of Sonic 3), and Sandopolis is pretty tedious.

There's also a shift in the general feel of the game, which some might not like. The graphics and sound go for a richer, fuller style than in the previous games. It's closer to an SNES game.

>> No.1555216

>CD's levels are cluttered mess without any coherent sense of design. It looks and feels like a romhack. The time travel mechanic is cumbersome and the special stages are terrible. Definitely the worst of the bunch. The music is great though.
I agree with everything except the last sentence.

>> No.1555218

Did you play US or JP/EU?

>> No.1555251

ill never understand people thinking sonic 1 is harder than any of the other 2d games. it's got by far the most forgiving level design and enemy placement, and the easiest bosses by a mile

>> No.1555265

Sonic Spinball

I'm only half joking, the first 3/4ths of Spinball was awesome

>> No.1555296
File: 12 KB, 320x224, Sea_Labryth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgiving? really? tell me how labyrinth zone is forgiving?

>> No.1555404

I've played with both soundtracks. Neither one was on par with other games in the series. CD is a mess of a game in every aspect.

>> No.1555408


JP CD soundtrack is better than any of the other games

CD > 1 > 2 > 3 & Knuckles

most of the music in the third game is messy

>> No.1555428

I don't get the appeal of any part of Sonic CD, either. The soundtrack is....not good. Especially not by Sega standards.

>> No.1555727
File: 1.35 MB, 829x1245, 1391058965180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like both JP and US soundtracks of Sonic CD. I like the japanese soundtrack a little bit more (did you know it was made by the same people who did the NiGHTS OST?), but I also love a couple of the US tracks a lot, some of them I like better than their JP counterpart.

My overall favorite from the game is this:

And my favorite from the US ost:

A couple more of my favorite from US:

>> No.1555734

US CD soundtrack > JP/EU CD soundtrack

>> No.1555748

>(did you know it was made by the same people who did the NiGHTS OST?)

I suspected as much.
I was just listening to it a little while ago.
Listening to it reminds me so much of nights.
I could see the music in the NiGHTS just as easily as a sonic game.

>> No.1555750
File: 210 KB, 464x656, Sonicchannel_metal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorites



>> No.1555752
File: 1.29 MB, 919x1114, 1380957484997.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sonic 2 is best

>> No.1556034

Personally, I've never liked Sonic CD. Yes, even before 4chan was a thing.

For me, the best 2D Sonic games are
1. Sonic 2
2. Sonic 3 & Knuckles

>> No.1556042

>Sonic 2 doesn't add much to the first game besides the spin dash, and generally the levels are shorter, sparser and easier.

Sonic 2 adds a lot more than that. Its level design was excellent, and lends itself extremely well to what most people feel defines Sonic games - high speed and platforming.

IMO, Sonic 2 was the perfection of the base Sonic formula and really defined the series as a whole.

Sonic 1 has a larger focus on platforming, but isn't as fast. Sonic 2 hits that perfect median of speed and platforming.

>> No.1557694
File: 75 KB, 720x504, chaotix_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm probably going to be accused of "shit taste", but Kunckles' Chaotix was always my favorite Sonic game.

>> No.1557718

the special stages were fucking atrocious

>> No.1557746 [SPOILER] 
File: 593 KB, 1600x800, 1397970522721.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone knows that Spinball is the best one. Robotnik's Creature Capture is a close second.

>> No.1557750


Mah nigga.


>> No.1557768

How a pinball game about a blue cartoon hedgehog managed to have some of the creepiest bosses I've ever seen I'll never know.

>> No.1557780


Or how it had some of the most badass boss music Robotnik's ever had.

Seriously though, fuck The Showdown. Just FUCK The Showdown.

>> No.1557832
File: 34 KB, 250x352, 250px-Sonic2_European_Box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1557907

Why is he so mad about that 2 ?

>> No.1557915

I'm wondering why he appears to have a beard.

>> No.1558014 [DELETED] 
File: 142 KB, 256x256, Sonic_Advance_2_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys like the 3 Sonic Advance games? yes not retro but still do you think they are worthy successors of the genesis games?

I finished S-Advance 2 recently and I really liked it. I don't like Sonic Advance 3 much though. that is the only one which felt like a trainwreck.

>> No.1558035

I like Advance 1, it feels like a proper Sonic 4 with slightly worse physics than the Mega Drive games. 2 and 3 are just gotta go fast rubbish though.

>> No.1558093

Sonic 2 had to best levels and music imo.

It's probably be the best if it wasn't for the fucking special stages.

>> No.1558140

They always felt a bit mediocre to me, honestly. 1 had the best level design, 2 was flat out awful. Every level felt like the same thing and was loaded with bottomless pits. The bosses were also very samey. 3 was a bit better, but rather than straight paths and pits like 2, the level design just feels like a mess.

>> No.1558171

First was good and everything after was hold right to win.

>> No.1559119

Sonic CD is great.
But only the remake.

>> No.1559151


weird how you all like the first one so much. I like it too but isn't it extremely short? And why would 2 be bad? the only horseshit are the bossfights.

Also, I quite liked Music World and Techno. those were weird but in a fun way.

>> No.1559469
File: 1.25 MB, 1412x1888, 1395846714791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonic: After the Sequel, obviously.

In all seriousness, I'd go with Sonic 3 & Knuckles. It manages to differentiate the playable characters without making them completely incompatible, the physics are balanced, and the level design is mostly fluid (fuck Sandopolis).

Sonic 1 has the heaviest, clunkiest physics of any Sonic game I have ever played, and I'm disappointed that Sonic Colors decided to emulate that style. Sonic 2 was fast, but lacking in substance (Tails=yellow Sonic?). Sonic CD was hit-and-miss in every aspect.

>> No.1559489


>Sonic 1 has the heaviest, clunkiest physics of any Sonic game I have ever played


I love Sonic 1 but my god it's just awkward to play. Sonic 2 onwards made the buildup of speed A. much easier, and B. much more enjoyable

>> No.1559521 [DELETED] 

1 > 3&k > cd >(x infinity) 2
saying sonic 2 is one of the worst games of all-time is putting it lightly

>> No.1559535


You funny guy

>> No.1559538

DO NOT under any circumstances respond to his posts.

Report, ignore, hide.

>> No.1560654

>Sonic 1 has the heaviest, clunkiest physics of any Sonic game I have ever played,
You talking about the PAL version by any chance? Sonic 1 is one of those games we got shafted with.

>> No.1561462

I had the most fun with Sonic 3, but the levels in Sonic 2... Hard to pick between the two, so I'm not going to.

>> No.1561667
File: 74 KB, 828x766, 1388260990347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Controversial opinion, not sure, but here it is.

I don't like Sonic 2. The stages are dull.
It peaked with Chemical Plant Zone and Casino Night, the rest are boring to look at AND play through.

Which is funny. Sonic 2 always used to be my "go to" Sonic 2D game but playing it recently I realized how much I truly don't like it.

>> No.1561675

Game Boy Advance games are not /vr/

>> No.1561720

I kind of agree, honestly. Sonic 2 as a whole never quite clicked with me for some reason. Chemical Plant and Wing Fortress are really the only stages I can say I actually enjoyed. The rest have always felt like a bit of a slog.

>> No.1561724


I think Sonic 1-3-K are average games
Only good Sonic game is Generations.

>> No.1563351

yeah, that's what I said but guess what I don't fucking care.

when I posted a sonic advance thread on /v/ guess what happened? thread died within 10 minutes and no decent answers came up.

>> No.1563354

it's a cool idea but the stage designs are so ugly and somehow have weird colors.