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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 146 KB, 960x540, 1397781138482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1552607 No.1552607[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Alright /vr/ bootlegs/clones thread initiated.

Doubt many of you will have encountered them as much as us lads from the eastern side of the Iron Curtain, but bootlegs of the NES/SNES , be it from Japan, China, Russia, etc. were cheaper than original consoles and ran at near identical performance to their more expensive counterparts. Games were cheaper than Thai hookers too. Anyone have any stories + pics and whats your general opinion on them ?

>> No.1552635

I owned a Super Megason IV that was inexplicably shaped like a Super Famicom (unlike the usual PS1 shape for that "model"), and the built in game was 10,000,000 in one, featuring an NES rendition of Unchained Melody. I was exposed to some classics thanks to this machine, such as Nekketsu Soccer 2, Tom and Jerry, and the Nekketsu Ice Hockey.

>> No.1552634
File: 62 KB, 600x361, creation1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you owned a nes clone, visited your rich cousins who had a genuine nes and thought it was shit cause it didnt have 999 built-in games nor multi-game carts

>> No.1552639
File: 24 KB, 480x360, kinaman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Essential viewing to those into NES bootlegs


>> No.1552647
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>Dem 99999 games that were basically thousands of variants of the same games but with different names and levels.

My nigga

>> No.1552652

Unfortunately I'm not well versed in vodka

>> No.1552668

All the videos on that pastebin have subtitles. You just have to enable them clicking the CC button

>> No.1552713
File: 15 KB, 252x252, 2345255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Top game

>> No.1553289

I have one of those, sadly the smell of burning happened a few months back so now it dont work

>> No.1553296
File: 175 KB, 892x832, dynavision-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dynavision 3 (Brazil), it's my favourite famiclone. It has 2 cartridge slots for 60 and 72 pin games, and its joystick has an stereo earphone plug, like the first Genesis model has in the console.

>> No.1553318

Greeting comrade. I doubt many of you will have encountered them as much as us lads from the eastern side of the bamboo curtain where bootleg consoles grow on trees and the sky is filled with rainbows of famicom >9000 in 1 carts.
I have a large collection of these things. Many of them NIB. Many are shit. Some are ok. Some are excellent with near complete compatibility with games and accessories. Some have capabilities far beyond the originals such as support for CDs, keyboard, mice, printers, etc. I have a couple Western clones but they're really shit. I don't know why Hyperkin bothered.

>> No.1553320

Man I'd love to get a Dedny, it looks very nice for a bootleg.

>> No.1553327
File: 36 KB, 640x480, Dynavision 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a Dynavision 4. Is there any difference from D3 besides the appearance?

I still have mine but since here I can't find any original NES game to play on it (unless I buy it, which I won't), I can't say if it plays games different from an original NES hardware.

>> No.1553330

Portugalfag here. I had a Famiclone that nobody else had. It was an exact replica of the Super Famicom, but it played normal NES games.
It came with a NES gun and a yellow cartridge with what I assume were the Contra brothers on the label, as well as other screenshots of other games on the background.
I also remember how wonderful the menus were. This was a 10-in-1 cartridge or something similar, although I only remember playing SMB on it.
The menus were a list of the games and on the background was a beach with palmtrees and lots of seagulls flying around. And then it would change from morning to evening to sunset, it was so pretty. And it had this classical music from this known composer but I can't figure out the name.
I will post pictures if I find it.

>> No.1553331


I'm not sure if there are some hardware differences. The main reason I like D3 is the default controller, I have a preference for flightsticks-like joypads.

>> No.1553370
File: 386 KB, 675x900, IMG_0313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found it.

>> No.1553375
File: 425 KB, 675x900, IMG_0316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here is the cart I mentioned. I can only identify Duck Hunt from the screenshots.

>> No.1553376
File: 214 KB, 675x900, IMG_0319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said it was the Contra bros but it turns out they're Street Fighter characters. The cart didn't have a SF game though.
Here are the other carts I found. Pretty sure I had more though.

>> No.1553395
File: 1.53 MB, 2592x1944, multi1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta love em bootlegs. Got one russian and taiwanese right here! Will try to arrange some pics from em(HT-767, Haili LM-888 II).

On the meanwhile, have some pics about dem carts I have around. Spooky shit inc.

>> No.1553397
File: 1.58 MB, 2592x1944, multi3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recovered from this old barn in middle of nowhere.

>> No.1553401
File: 1.06 MB, 2592x1944, multi2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1553402
File: 1.59 MB, 2592x1944, multi4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1553435


>super pad radical

I fucking love bootleg stuff, just for the quality engrish.

and honestly that machine doesn't look too shabby, the controller looks alright too

>> No.1553442

I'd be willing to bet money that Super Aladdin is just Super Arabian for famicom

>> No.1553448

>You and your families will entertain what ou never did before with them


>> No.1553479

is it worth it to buy a dendy or famicom to play these multicarts? or is it better not to buy them

>> No.1553589
File: 180 KB, 958x718, 20140418_171648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a pirated version of the super nintendo Aladdin game for famicom, could be it.

>> No.1553595
File: 52 KB, 400x300, 002_400in1_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can buy an adapter to play famiclone games on a NES, but it will cost you more or less the price of an actual famiclone. Getting a famiclone can be a gamble, you can find one that works like the real thing while another can fry itself in a couple of weeks. Personally, I have around 15 different clones, only two of them don't work properly. Multicarts can be a load of fun, some contain only 4-7 games looped to infinity; others (the more recent ones) can contain up to 200-400 titles. It's almost like having an everdrive and they cost way less.

>> No.1553603
File: 45 KB, 596x364, 198 in 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been thinking about ordering one of these - it's only $9 with free shipping and the game list is pretty bitchin' and includes Recca.

I wish I knew a cheap multicart that had Bio-Force Ape, Secret Ties, Mr Gimmick and Little Samson but those kind are always expensive enough that I just start shopping for flash carts. I also wish there was a multicart that was all english language RPGs but I guess save games are much more expensive to produce on bootleg multicarts

>> No.1553613
File: 138 KB, 1067x800, 1397835611367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


At least in this case, "Radical" is because the name of this series of grey Dynavisions. I like this gamepad more, but there's no improvement in the console itself, it losts the 72 pin and you can only play NES style carts using an adapter.

>> No.1553621

Wow, that console really is radical looking!
I'd buy that for a dollar!

>> No.1553625
File: 128 KB, 760x1024, Rick-harrison-pawn-stars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've paid something like 5 dollars in a used one a few years ago.

>> No.1553628

I don't live in south america, though.

>> No.1553638
File: 74 KB, 600x474, 5815427[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got my King Game Computer 2 for $7 or $8 here in the US.

>> No.1553640
File: 142 KB, 638x851, 20140418_174147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had these for a while, didn't pay more than 30 dollars each. Mr. Gimmick of course is not the same as the original, it has sound and compatibility issues, but the little samson is good. I also have a multicart with snow bros and bubble bobble pt 2, and a bottleg cart of lost levels.

>> No.1553642

I live in Yurip.

>> No.1553701

Western Europe probably, but not the wealthy parts - i.e. in a totally PAL area. Go East and clone shit will be everywhere, cheap. Ge West and you'll be able to find it too in more civilized areas where people owned multi-region TVs.

>> No.1553808

Here's the menu with the song, the song is "Unchained Melody"

Kinaman showed it in one of his videos but I can't remember which one

There appear to be many versions of this multicart


>> No.1554394

>Anyone have any stories + pics and whats your general opinion on them ?
I'm from South-Eastern Europe. I got my first famiclone in late 1993/early 1994. When i got mine they were not yet popular here. Actually, before mid 90s consoles were not popular at all and besides arcades most people that were into games used exclusively home computers like Commodore, Spectrum, and Amiga to play them(rampant piracy was probably the reason for that). Because of wars and shit, 16bit consoles arrived late here. Once they did in mid 90s, they instantly became REALLY popular and every kid wanted a Mega Drive. People were impoverished so most kids could not get a real 16bit Sega system. What they could afford however(besides renting and going to "Mega Drive clubs", which is another story) are famiclones. They quickly became the most common console in these parts, at least with kids. Almost every kid i knew got one at some point. Famiclones were often shaped exactly like Asian Mega Drive 2 systems, with boxes that were identical to the real deal. I guess that was done to fool the naive parents that were thinking they were getting a great deal on that Mega Drive for their child. I'm sure a lot of kids were very disappointed when they plugged it in, but later had fun with Mario, Duck Hunt and Battle City. They had to plug it in because apart from the composite plugs on the back the system itself really looks identical to the proper Mega Drive(but lighter and a bit cheaper feeling plastic then the original). Most people had no idea they are playing a Nintendo system, and they just called it "flea market Sega". There were others of course, and i got mine before the widespread sega craze, so its an actual famicom clone, not just inside but outside too.


>> No.1554401 [DELETED] 


I had C64 before, but i was too young to get pirate games for it myself, so i didn't have access to many titles on it. Even if i could get more games i was far too young to understand some of the best, more complex titles it had to offer, at first i was barely able to load the games myself, and speaking of loading, those were far too long.
Its not that C64 didn't provide enjoyment, it certainly did, but Famiclone just suited me better, especially because of my age. I'm very sentimental about it, because that was the system that really made me fall in love with videogames.

>> No.1554406
File: 905 KB, 1376x658, my FC pirate carts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I had C64 before, but i was too young to get pirate games for it myself, so i didn't have access to many titles on it. Even if i could get more games i was far too young to understand some of the best, more complex titles it had to offer, at first i was barely able to load the games myself, and speaking of loading, those were far too long.
Its not that C64 didn't provide enjoyment, it certainly did, but Famiclone just suited me better, especially because of my age. I'm very sentimental about it, because that was the system that really made me fall in love with videogames.

>> No.1554506

A while back I was looking for Japanese Mega Drives trying to find a good one to add my collection, because just buying a regular Genesis was too easy. I eventually came across one, I can't remember the price, but it had two controllers, a few games, power adapter, and an RF box which I found odd, but didn't think much of it. When it came I was surprised by its weight as it was lighter than my model 2 Genesis (the system I ordered was a model 1 Mega Drive). I was curious and decided to open it up. Sure enough underneath was a clone. Even the games were pirated (except one which was Puyo Puyo) I was obviously pissed, but after playing with it (after buying new a/v and power cables) I found it to work pretty well. It even looked and sounded better than my model 2, and ended up being my main console for Genesis/Mega Drive games until I got a real North American Genesis. I still have the damn thing, but it is worth keeping considering how good it is for a clone.

>> No.1554510

Fuck even after going through that I can still see errors.

>> No.1554517

Oh man that's it! Even though my version had a moving background and I'm pretty sure more than one page. You would scroll and the beach would change from sunrise to sunset, and the seagulls moved like ducks in Duck Hunt, against the borders.
Thank you man.

>> No.1554524


>> No.1554532

I only clicked on the wiki link after replying. I had the exact menu displayed there. I'm gonna try to find an adapter and a video/audio cable for my famiclone and see if it still works.
Thank you bro.

>> No.1554559

Most of his videos have decent subtitles
yes you are going to have to read i know so difficult

>> No.1554575

You should be able to find them very easily then

>> No.1554617

That lightgun on the top left one looks pretty cool.

>> No.1554641
File: 49 KB, 500x348, 6C93B545A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Argie here, I got a famiclone that looked exactly like the japanese famicom and was called simply "Family Game", it was the most generic one. There were others with different brands, but in the end it was all the same with little to no variations.
The only difference was that some of them were grey and white, instead of red and white.
Then, sometime later they came shaped in different forms, such as super famicom shape, megadrive shape, PS1 shape... around the time the PS1-shaped ones started appearing, they dropped the quality severely. The old famiclones were fairly strong built and made of good plastic, I'd say it was almost as having a real Famicom, at least the plastic quality. The PS1 famiclones are really cheap looking.

Cartidges also used to be prettier, they used good labels that looked like the real japanese carts, except they ommited the titles or any sort of legal brand names. Around the time the PS1-shaped clones appeared, carts also started looking more ridiculous and bootlegy.
Of course, there were still things like pic related though (that evil-looking Mario used to be in quite a lot of Mario hack carts, we used to call him "mario maldito", or "wicked mario")

My first cartidge was a 30 in 1 cart and contained a lot of classic games. It didn't include any Mario game but it had Adventure Island, Contra, Circus Charlie, Twin Bee, Ice Climber, and many others.

>> No.1556242

I remember I had this game on DVD that was basically some sort of Russian GTA except the only mode of transport was car, and you were basically limited to a car the entire game (or it could be my dumb ass that didn't have the brains to find some quit car button).
It had live-action cutscenes with various russians speaking bydlospeak.
The first level was you driving in a volga/AvtoVAZ/whatever chasing a red car in a forest.
The textures looked like they were just pictures of real life grass slapped onto some polygons.
A cutscene followed with some guy in a hoodie(?) speaking with some other guy. Then a night level followed with various black cars driving by and shooting you like it was the fucking harlem.
Anyways. I think I got a hold of the game in 2005 from some Russian construction workers. Dunno why they gave it to me, but since /vr/ is more knowledgable about obscure games than /v/ I thought the best place to ask would be here. I don't know if I still have the CD.