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File: 192 KB, 250x355, Contra_-_Hard_Corps_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1550534 No.1550534[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are /vr's/ thoughts on Contra: Hard Corps? This is easily one of the most memorable games of my childhood, if only for the difficulty. Nothing else compares, really. Contra pulled out all of the stops on this one, and despite everything, this is the only game from my childhood that I can barely survive, even after 20 or so years.


>> No.1550537


It's a weird zany Contra game.

Contra III (Contra Spirits) is much more straight and a better game. It is in the same vein as Contra and Super Contra.

>> No.1550556

I just can't believe I never played it as a kid.

Outstanding game, all around.

>> No.1550559


You best be joking.

Yeah, HC was a brutally difficult game, and that might've been more discouraging, but it made me want to game harder. The soundtrack was brutal, the visuals and gameplay were absolutely insane. Sure, Super Contra was awesome in it's own right, but HC brought something uniquely limieles and unforgiving to the table. Contra 3 was a great game, but HC took everything amazing about C3 and elevated it to a new level that even then the 21st century remakes couldn't capture. Hard Corps is a truly unique work of art for it's time, while Contra 3 is simply conforming to the norm.

>> No.1550572
File: 1023 KB, 450x3857, Contra Hard Corps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's way better than pleb tier Contra 3. I like the balls to the wall nature of it. I mean shit man just the first stage alone you crash a truck through a bunch of stuff and jump out through the window, blow up a gas truck, blow up a giant robot, blow up some spinning robot that shoots flames, blow up big ass robot that creates giant flames from beneath you and throws cars, jump on some spinning things that destroy even more cars, and then destroy another robot that had a guy with the radtastic name Dead Eye Joe piloting it.

>> No.1550578
File: 54 KB, 500x375, hard_corps2[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's not difficulty.

It's just got so much weirdness in it.

1,2 and 3 are like video game adaptions of 80's and early 90's action movies. They're pretty straight.

Hard Corps gets really weird and silly.

Your post sounds mostly like nostalgia praise so there's no point arguing and just agree to disagree.

>> No.1550583

in after nintentards praising contra 3

to be fair they are pretty different games though, hard corps is more boss rushy

I like to play the japanese version with 3 hits cause fuck that game is way too hard.

>> No.1550586



I really liked seeing the Battle Mech Robot boss from Hard Corps make an appearance in Shattered Soldier.

How come we don't see more indie developers trying to make fast pace action games like this? I'm tired of seeing all of these soft ass platformers or uninspired "arcade" throwbacks.

>> No.1550587

>How come we don't see more indie developers trying to make fast pace action games like this? I'm tired of seeing all of these soft ass platformers or uninspired "arcade" throwbacks.

Because they are too busy trying to be art instead of fun.

>> No.1550602

A better question to ask is which routes were the easiest or hardest.

>science facility
>Fight the Dr.

Game becomes easy mode. When I first realized you could beat the boss of the science place just by standing on the right side of the screen and shooting, realized it wasn't so tough after all.

>> No.1550612
File: 128 KB, 345x294, 1354477554921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want you to seriously look at the image you just posted and tell me with a straight face that isn't some of the most awesome shit you have ever seen.

>> No.1550616

And that virtual zone.

The chicks spread lazer mows everything down.

Hold down fire and slide through it when it charges
>Punk archer
Just shoot. You don't even have to move or even aim.
>Twin thing
If it comes at you then jump it. Otherwise just go to the opposite end of the screen.

>> No.1550618


>> No.1550624

>cybernetic furry with a minigun arm shooting at a robot driven by a guy with one eye.

On the fucking freeway!

>> No.1550626

it's like i'm really in los angeles

>> No.1550629

I can only imagine what the guys making the game were thinking. Bet it was a lot of fun.

>> No.1550658
File: 24 KB, 400x275, 1379502902699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot the rad shades the dog is wearing. It's a scientific fact that shades make everything cooler especially if worn in an area without a large amount of sunlight.

>> No.1550707

It's fucking amazing.

>> No.1550724

Dear Contra,

You rock. I especially liked the part where everything explodes.

>> No.1550725

Best Contra game by a fucking mile. I've always been more of a Metal Slug fan, but this game is great.

>> No.1550745

A rather overrated Contra that I've always felt has some annoying pacing issues. And I'm not just talking about the dialogue and shit that breaks up the action either. Every so often you'll come to a boss or an "action" event that mostly just amounts to you just sitting there and waiting until you can actually hurt something.

>> No.1550750

It may not be the most original Contra, but it's the best Contra ever made, imo.
I still can't really believe I actually beat this game as a child...

>> No.1550772

Can you retry that whole statement cause that was just a terrible attempt.

>> No.1550779

>implying fighting against a giant turtle monster isnt weird too
Contra was always pretty weird, especially with all the aliens you have to fight. And its good that way.

The only time HC gets a little bit too weird, imo, is just the special stage, when you climb up this wall in the 3. stage I think,

>> No.1550787


>Tfw always playing Probotector as child and years after realising the robot is actually a woman
Now I know how Metroid fans must have felt

>> No.1550989

This game was the illest. The branching paths also made it like a run and gun Castlevania 3. Man, during the 80s and 90s, Konami was unrivaled.

>> No.1551002



>> No.1551054
File: 11 KB, 200x200, Cli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hard Corps is not just the best Contra game. It's the pinnacle of run'n gun subgenre, and one of the best action games ever made. Even Metal Slug games didn't surpass it imo(except in the visual aspect of course), MS series continues to rely on Hard Corps for inspiration(evident in branching paths and some bosses in MS3, later games also included switching weapons and slide move).

It expanded upon the previous games with branching paths and truly different characters with completely different weapons and even abilities, which gave this game a lot more replay value and variety then previous Contra or any other similar game had. More subtle inclusions like switchable weapons and slide move also added to the standard formula. Treasure Influences are evident in Hard Corps, most obvious one being the focus on boss battles, which are, like the ones in Treasure titles, simply amazing(it's still not a 100% boss rush game, like Alien Solider).

What makes this game so exceptional, besides things mentioned above, is its insane tempo, and mostly uninterupted flow of spectacular, completely over the top, extremely intense action. From the very start it just explodes on the screen and doesn't let go.

It has some brief text, but its so minimal it doesn't slow down the pace of the experience. What does a bit though(after years of replays) is one unskipable slow autoscrolling section with the big mechanical egg boss. That should have been an optional area. Still, its much less pace breaking then those top down levels in Contra 3.

Hard Corps also excels in technical terms. It runs fluidly and manages to do things that were considered impossible on the Mega Drive(sprite scaling, sprite rotation, and some mode 7 like effect). The only "flaw" of the graphics is the color palette. Mega Drive never excelled in this aspect, but in some areas, low color counts of the backgrounds are a bit too obvious.Still, gritty cyberpunk setting makes them fitting somehow.

>> No.1551058
File: 4 KB, 126x126, sdg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the soundtrack is fitting... COMPLETELY INSANE!


>> No.1551062

Absolutely. The game, from beginning to end, never lets up. I particularly like GTR battle and that train-stopping Mecha boss battle.

>> No.1551072

figure id jump in here...contra hc is absolutely amazing to say the least. i played alot of contra games when i was little, but none of them i beat more thoroughly than this one. there are 7 different endings (i think?) and i can say that i managed to get them all. the final one i got being the best, i was brownie (little robot dude) and i was fighting the final boss on a flying missile. well it came down to my fucking p shooter and 1 final life, and this is where i can really remember going into "gamer mode" all my senses were in top shape, i was shaking from adrenaline knowing this was the final ending i needed, and i was just on fucking top. i beat the boss, saw the ending and i dont think i ever played it again. too bad im actually trying to find it now but its a bit out of my price range, or else i would get again in a heart beat. also its fucking brutal hard, but i would say its not as hard as contra 4 for ds, but thats just my opinion.

>> No.1551506

>Even Metal Slug games didn't surpass it
What an atrociously wrong opinion.

>> No.1551540 [DELETED] 

What an atrociously unsubstantiated one. In what way did Metal Slug expand upon run'n gun game mechanics and how it perfected them?

>> No.1551546 [DELETED] 


What an atrociously unsubstantiated one. In what way did Metal Slug expand upon run'n gun game mechanics and how did it perfected them?

>> No.1551550


What an atrociously unsubstantiated one. In what way did Metal Slug expand upon run'n gun game mechanics and how did it improve them?

>> No.1551570

My ultimate nigga

I couldn't have said it better.

It is simply the best Contra.

>> No.1551626

Even the worst Metal Slug is still better than the best Contra (which isn't Hard Corps, lol). They don't need to "expand" anything; they're simply superbly designed games. In fact restrictions such as not allowing you to shoot diagonally, from the beginning, are what have allowed the series to excel so greatly in tight action pacing. From limitations and restraint come high control over the action and extra demand that the level design have a lot of thought put into it.

Hard Corps is a mess of half-assed ideas compared to such pinnacles of action as Metal Slug X.

>> No.1551631

Can we lay off the franchise war bullshit and get back to Hard Corps? It's my favorite game in the series, and I don't want discussion of it to be drowned out because of fanboys spouting their opinions. Both of your games are good.

>> No.1551638

Metal Slug 5 was the only one to put in sliding and it was a real fucking bad idea because jumping and shooting downward or jumping after crouch firing or just jumping while shooting in general are something you do extremely often in Metal Slug.

>> No.1551846

Metal Slug series is some of the most overrated games of all time. 30fps is completely unacceptable for an arcade game.

>> No.1551851
File: 132 KB, 320x475, Clipboard5555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>(which isn't Hard Corps, lol)
I'm pretty sure creators of Metal Slug would think otherwise, considering that over time they borrowed more elements from Hard Corps then any other Contra game. They would also disagree with your borderline retarded statement that worst Metal Slug is better then the best Contra.

If you actually knew what you were talking about you could elaborate on it further, instead you just wrote vague shit like "mess of half-assed ideas". You didn't point any actual flaws of the game. Also, its funny that the only palpable "advantage" of Metal Slug you mentioned is the inability of diagonal shooting. You don't even know what you are talking about when it comes to your favorite game How can you possibly accurately judge Hard Corps then? Actually, you can shoot in all directions in MS vehicles and with a Heavy Machine Gun, but the execution of that i feel needs no comments, i think even you realized how well it works. I can understand your contempt for diagonal shooting considering its not executed so well in your favorite game, but Hard Corps(and different Contra games) do this much better. They also have a button you can press that stops the character in place while you shoot diagonally, which is very useful.

Anyway, i think its time for you(and everybody else) to accept the truth. As the creators of Metal Slug did many years ago since their third(and by most opinions the best) installment in the series, open your heart to the spirit of Nobuya Nakazato, let the flood of Blast Processing surge through you and feel the sublime nature of this wonderfully hectic rave of destruction that is Hard Corps.

>> No.1551939

>I'm pretty sure creators of Metal Slug would think otherwise
Whoa shit are you one of them?

>considering that over time they borrowed more elements from Hard Corps then any other Contra game
You're going to need to do better than these vague allusions you've given so far.

The whole point of diagonal shooting in Metal Slug is it's a contained power-up. When you don't have it, you're shooting straight, and as I mentioned earlier this allows for tighter control over the action by the developers. One interesting comparison to Contra is that in Metal Slug you're always attacking and dodging things at the same time; however, in Contra due to the way aiming works it's generally much more dangerous to attempt shooting at things and risk running into them and so enemies and bosses in particular often follow this flow of alternation between avoiding hazards and actually doing damage to them.

And aim lock was only introduced as a native feature in Metal Slug 6, before that it was only in certain console ports. And it rightly breaks the action in those games that it was never designed for.

>> No.1551952

ALSO... Contra has never really handled diagonal aim well. Don't get ahead of yourself. The best it's gotten was the button-holding feature in Contra III. Super Metroid is a good example of actually doing it well. Its relegation to separate buttons solves the typical problem of simultaneously jumping and aiming to attack at things, getting rid of the disconnect between dodging and attacking. And then of course there are twin stick shooters like Robotron that do it even better. Now I haven't played those Playstation Contras, but I've always been a little surprised that they didn't take that idea from Super Metroid considering the series owes a lot to Metroid in the first place.

>> No.1551960


Metal Slug is, if anything at all, a perfect example of how overblown this 60fps-is-a-everything fad has become.

>> No.1552010

If anything it's "<60fps is acceptable" which is a modern fad.

And 60fps isn't good, it's the bare minimum.

>> No.1552014

How does it feel being a delusional idiot?

>> No.1552707


I like metal slug but you're in for a big surprise if you havent played #2.

Its one of the few arcade games that's better off being played on the later console collection.

>> No.1552726

I seriously hope you're not referencing Metal Slug Anthology. That thing is an extremely half-assed collection, only good for playing Metal Slug 6 since it hadn't had a North American release before that.

>> No.1552769

I'm not the guy you replied to and I'm not trying to argue, but can you tell me what Contra owes to Metroid?
I'm pretty curious.

>> No.1552876

Contra came out six months after Metroid and it has a lot more in common with it in terms of the platforming and shooting action than it does with previous run 'n' guns like Moon Patrol, Elevator Action, and Rolling Thunder. I think it's fair to say Konami got a few ideas from it. But I could be wrong... I think Metroid's influence over the run 'n' gun genre and not just its own action-exploration sub-genre is understated--unaware of the release dates, I used to believe it was Metroid that was copying Contra myself.

>> No.1552905

I dunno considering you're the one who thinks 30FPS is acceptable.