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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 137 KB, 288x334, Quake1cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1534262 No.1534262[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I just picked up the Quake Collection on Steam. Any necessary mods / fixes for Quake 1 and 2? I really just want wide-screen support, but I recall seeing some extensive modding guides especially for Quake 1 on here.

Aside from that, Quake thread! Let's all get sad and mopy about the lack of skill-based movement mechanics in today's games.

>> No.1534270

Reposting links from old Quake thread:

Darkplaces sourceport (recommended for single player):

ezQuake sourceport (recommended for QuakeWorld multiplayer):

Hi-res map textures:

Hi-res monster textures:

Dynamic lighting:
(there are various other options for lighting, this one isn't too garish)

Transparent water:


>> No.1534283

Much appreciated anon! I never got to play Q1 or 2 growing up in the 90's - a mix of a poor PC and strict parents. Q3 was my love and joy for many years though - I am quite excited to give these games a spin.

Do you have any tips or tricks for "modernizing" Q3 as well? What's this ioquake3 thing everyone seems to talk about? Can I still play vanilla multiplayer games with it?

>> No.1534461
File: 487 KB, 1018x764, 3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

team fortress is a required mod.

>> No.1534709

So I'm playing Quake 1 with the QuakeSpasm steam easy install mod. Holy fuck, the lighting direction is stellar, I can't believe how genuinely scary this game is. The noises of the mobs, the ambience - it's fantastic. Not to mention that fantastic level design.

Any anons here play Q1 multiplayer / co-op? Would love to get into the action.

>> No.1534759

You know, I played through all of Q1 with Darkplaces and fancy lighting and textures, but when I went to play the expansions, I decided I just like the old classic look better.

Grainy pixelated textures, no interpolation. I dunno, just feels right.

>> No.1534771

Yeah I looked up Darkplaces based on kind anon's second post, but I didn't like the idea of seriously enchanced graphics - QuakeSpasm is nice, just gives a sharper, cleaner image with widescreen support. Looks fantastic. That lighting is still amazing.

How do I get music to work with Quake 1 though? I used the music link in the second post of the thread, and dropped the pk3 file in my ID1 folder just like I was supposed to right? No music in game still.

>> No.1534781

Darkplace can do original software rendering style graphics is you want it.

>> No.1534785


>> No.1534797

Tried an .ogg version of the Quake 1 album, extracted it to quake/id1/sound/cdtracks

Everything is labelled correctly as far as I can tell, track02, track03, etc.

Still no music in Quake. What am I doing wrong?

>> No.1534836

this is really terribly outdated. Like, 2005 outdated. Decade old, worthless information.

Quake is a game best played faithfully your first time, both of which ezquake and DP screw with physics, input, sound, and visuals.

Firstly, use a modern, good engine. DirectQ, or Quakespasm is good.

Secondly, Quake Injector. Contrary to most people, Quake has the best modding scene, period.

Thirdly, acquire fan assets, such as Quoth. You'll get into modding eventually, after you beat the base game.

With all this going on, you're more than ready to play some Quake. Make sure you've got the soundtrack set up, it's worth it.

Lastly, texture modes. This is about maintaining the look of Quake. Many people dislike the washed out look of bilinear textures and a lack of overbright lighting present in glquake, and other archaic sourceports. Filtering does ruin image quality. In order to disable it, Quake has several texture modes. Some engines have it set up differently, but generally you want to use gl_texturemode 3 or 4. Anything with linear filtering is a no go, nearest provides the best image.


using an unsupported sourceport or not enabling playback.

>> No.1534841

How do I enable playback? I am pretty sure I am using a supported sourceport. I am using Quakespasm 0.85 revision 9. Apparently the .ogg album is supposed to work with both quakespasm and Darkplaces.

Some posts on the Steam forum said to extract it to ID1/sound/cdtracks other say just ID1/sound

Either way it does nothing.

Also how can I uninstall Quakespasm if I want to try out another sourceport? There's no uninstaller or anything.

>> No.1534843

is that sum 2tech4?

>> No.1534851

>Quake is a game best played faithfully your first time, both of which ezquake and DP screw with physics, input, sound, and visuals.
Strongly disagree. Original Quake looks terrible, especially in single player where the low framerate monster animations are very obvious. And there's no argument for low res unfiltered textures being better because they are not pixel art, they are normal art downsampled to low quality because the hardware of the time couldn't handle anything better.

>> No.1534861

you tried what it says here? http://quakespasm.sourceforge.net/music.htm

and you can just copy your quake folder and chuck in a different source port executable in there. it shouldn't be very big and I don't think there are any dependencies outside that folder

>> No.1534871

Thanks so much anon. Got music - to think I was already impressed with the game's ambiance and thought maybe this was the way the game was intended to be played.

Had the same thing happen with Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight. I'll have to go back to that game one day with a fix as well.

>> No.1534875

Yeah Quake 1 works best when it has this dirty, rough look to it. It's a gloomy gothic hell of blood, nails, and brown.

>> No.1534883

I always thought Quake looked best in 320x240 goodness. Making the graphics sharper just highlighted how bad they are.

>> No.1534902

quakeworld.nu / quakeone.com
and http://www.quakeservers.net/ for a server listing

>> No.1534908

How do I use this? Sorry, I am rather new to the Quake 1 scene. My only experience is with Quake 3 and Quake Live up until now.

>> No.1534912

Is there a console command list for quakespasm somewhere? The quakespam website has to be the most pretentious thing I've ever seen. Impossible to find anything. Would be neat to see if I could reduce texture filtering.

>> No.1534920

you bring up the console and type /connect and the address of any of these servers here http://www.quakeservers.net/quake/servers/pl=1/ (quake) and here http://www.quakeservers.net/quakeworld/servers/pl=1/ (quakeworld)
quakeworld is the original multiplayer 'mod' for quake, even though you can still play quake in multiplayer...
the other two sites are just community sites

>> No.1534935

Yeah, I had the same reaction. There's info on the filtering and some other options here:

Good info, thanks.

>> No.1534936

try different gl_texturemode settings
cmdlist [substring] in console should give you a listing. check out http://www.celephais.net/fitzquake/ which quakespasm is based on, command listing is also at that page

>> No.1534947

Any recommended community levels? I'm playing Scourge of Armagon right now and am pretty impressed at the architecture compared to the vanilla maps.

>> No.1534960



>> No.1534964

pics or it didnt happen

>> No.1535036

>Codeplex page not found
>Google only goes to water purifiers or pages pointing to directq
is there anywhere else to download directq?

>> No.1535059

well, recently there's a been a number of really incredible maps being released. Everything by Sock is worth playing. Make sure you play Horde of Zendar last. Horde of Zendar is a recently released map with what is being heavily and exhaustively debated as the greatest map of all time. Not just the greatest Quake map, but the greatest map, ever made. Tronyn also has some excellent releases, and I like Necros' work too. Lately I've been adoring Nyarlathotep by Tronyn. Something Wicked this way comes is also top notch.

https://www.quaddicted.com/reviews/ for the best maps. Make sure you use a MODERN engine. RMQ, DirectQ, Quakespasm, etc. BSP2 is a MUST!! Have fun Quaking.


>> No.1535162

Are you one of those cunts that first played DOOM with mouse support?

>> No.1535169

>hating mouselook

>> No.1535175

yeah, pirate the CD, DL the darkplaces engine and play it correctly. Then send John Carmack $20 and a personal note of apology for pirating his game, but express that you felt it morally questionable to give zenimax media any monies.

>paying for good ID software games
>especially after the zenimax aquisition.

>> No.1535180

Everyone knows you should be playing with cat support.

>> No.1535182

I first played both Doom and Quake on the original software rendering engines with keyboard only. I enjoyed them at the time, and I enjoy modern source ports + mouse control a lot more. Nostalgia is shit.

>> No.1535201

Quake had mouselook from the get go, DOOM didn't.

Playing Quake with keyboard only is like trying to run a marathon on one foot. Playing DOOM with mouselook is like taking a taxi to the finish line.

>> No.1535217

The things initially discussed were about aesthetic preferences and accuracy, not nostalgia. People can play however they want though.

Yeah, but you had to enable it in the console for true mouselook. Otherwise it's a weird toggle and it can play much like Doom with liberal vertical aim adjustment.

What's really crazy is the people that master Decent keyboard-only.

>> No.1535232

having played a shit ton of Doom I contest the idea that mouselook makes the game that much easier

in some situations a little bit (and it breaks Icon of Sin obviously), but in most situations no

I play without it because I like the stability, I like my Doom movement super consistent and smooth.

>> No.1535312

Is there a screenshot command for Quake 1? I can do prnt scrn if you want but my paint is fucked.

>> No.1535310

Ezquake doesn't 'screw with physics.' It's quakeworld. It has quakeworld physics. It's compliant with quakeworld. It's not netquake. That being said, quakeworld physics are the best part of quake, it makes the multiplayer worthwhile. Even in singleplayer having quakeworld physics is good.

The sound and visuals can be messed with, but ezquake doesn't do it explictly unless you get the equake package that does it for you.

DirectQ is kind of buggy and has issues itself, it's definitely not any better of an engine than darkplaces. ezquake is one of the best engines there is, it's emphasized for multiplayer. That being said, no one engine is without flaw. Ezquake doesn't support the music without using say winamp and a script and it's still not quite right but pretty close. It doesn't support some of the flashier elements, but it is the smoothest and has a ton of configurability and support and plays amazingly compared to most other engines. It's mouse input is top notch, it also supports software mode which is butter smooth.

>Quake has the best modding scene, period.
Extremely debatable.

>You'll get into modding eventually, after you beat the base game.

>Make sure you've got the soundtrack set up, it's worth it.
It's good ambiance, but it's not necessary. It's more completionist than anything. Even back in the day people would swap in their own albums to play, some people play without music which also fine as well. It's a personal preference and won't make or break the experience.

>Anything with linear filtering is a no go, nearest provides the best image.
Anything that supports linear filtering pretty much supports gl_nearest or gl_nearest_mipmap_linear. Anything that doesn't you can force through drivers anyway. Back in the day people would have argued the point about nearest since voodoo was the rage and they tended to go to interp. I'm a fan of nearest+linear a bit, I wish I could slap on kaiser or hanning though.

>> No.1535323

So OP here, I'm having a magical time with Quake 1. You can really feel a natural evolution of Doom's mechanics in every aspect of the gameplay. Not only the gameplay, but that fucking lighting and shadows - especially the way it is directed and constructed - does wonders for both the atmosphere and the actual gameplay. It's amazing seeing the outline of a shambler, hiding in a shadowy corner, waiting for you to get ever so closer.

I can't even imagine how good Quake II will be, considering it's engine is the basis for some of my favorite games of all time.

>> No.1535325

Is there an easy download that has a version of quake with working sound. I'm retarded and can't figure out how to configure sound

>> No.1535359
File: 525 KB, 1280x800, dosbox 2014-04-10 21-25-35-766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you one of those cunts that first played DOOM with mouse support?
Are you one of those faggots who didn't realize that Doom had mouse support the day it came out? Because it did. And you could use wasd style play with it. Most people didn't and bitching about people who used mice is fucking retarded, they're the ones who prevailed in taking FPS to not shit territory.

>> No.1535357

It alters the entire layout of movement for DOOM to utilize the now-standard WASD+mouse setup.

Strafing around all those slow-ass projectiles while being able to counter-fire was clearly not intended.

Playing it only on a keyboard, you quickly learn that you dodge with the strafe, and then when you're out of immediate danger, you pivot to aim, then shoot. However, with mouselook enabled, there's nothing stopping you from aiming at an enemy, shooting him, and dodging his attacks all at once. It's a fundamental shift in how you play the game; it changes EVERYTHING about how you play.

>> No.1535364

>Strafing around all those slow-ass projectiles while being able to counter-fire was clearly not intended.
You do realize you could rebind strafe left and right. You do realize they ran through it pretty good for the day.

Keyboard only you can still circle strafe, you don't need to pivot you just tap at the right intervals. Using a mouse is the best way to play Doom.

>> No.1535385

By "mouselook" we're only talking looking up and down, because otherwise mouse turning has been in Doom since day 1. And it's rather silly to say it was "not intended" when the built-in demos are recorded using it.

>> No.1535392

Not that you have to aim up and down in the original doom anyway since infinitely tall enemies.

>> No.1535424

Yes, but you should get an external screengrabber for everything like fraps or dxtory.

>> No.1535427
File: 32 KB, 1259x336, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1535431

What sound do you mean anon? Sound effects or music? music is traditionally fucked and requires you to either mount the music cd while you play the game or get a sourceport of the game that supports a custom .ogg or other format version of the soundtrack. I'm OP and I've just learned this all today. It's alot easier than it sounds.

If you're having sound effects problems though I would recommend getting a better torrent or something.

>> No.1535439

Ok so it saved the screenshot as a .tga, what do I do with this thing? I hate getting "insert format" to "insert format" converters - they are always filled with aids.

>> No.1535451

well if you can view the TGA you have the option of pasting in paint and converting to a png if you want. I wouldn't suggest using paints jpeg ever it's terrible. Or just open it up with photoshop and resave it as the proper format.
External programs like fraps or dxtory can automatically put out png or jpegs. Though likewise fraps jpeg is kind of shit. I batch convert pngs with imdrops imagetools and do whole folders or significant amounts at once from png -> 85% quality jpeg

>> No.1535457
File: 278 KB, 1055x716, capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

optionally try something like this http://image.online-convert.com/convert-to-jpg
Online converter. If you're just grabbing one. If you're grabbing more screenshots you might want to streamline the process. I take screenshots rather regularly so using an online converter would be absurd. So if you're wanting to screenshot a ton of stuff, you might want to look into it now rather than later so you can just snap things at will.

>> No.1535469

If you don't have photoshop, gimp should work.

>> No.1536039

Is there a megapack that contains Quake as well as the two expansions?

>> No.1536398
File: 151 KB, 800x800, 33674ce13b288bd68da38ab14ad63ce5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Make sure you play Horde of Zendar

Holly shit i looked for a video and now i need to try it.

In case you are curious:


>> No.1536406
File: 73 KB, 640x543, 1327474627046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Face When I discovered there's plenty of Quake single player mods to play, holly shit.


>> No.1536576

That looks pretty good.

The main problem with Quake 1 though, is that you're pretty much forced to work with a monochromatic palette (hence the grimbrown aesthetic of the vanilla game), or else suffer severe banding. That's an inherent limitation of VGA, right?

>> No.1536591

I'm glad /vr/ is finally taking an interest in single-player Quake modding. People usually have this stereotypical idea that Doom is for SP and Quake is for MP.

Anyone ever play In The Shadows? It was canceled with only two levels made, but it's an interesting tech demo. Basically it tries to be a stealth game like Thief, with backstabs and sneaking.

>> No.1536659

Infinitely tall enemies actually has nothing to do with your shots. You can over and undershoot enemies in vanilla Doom just fine. They are only "infinitely tall" in the sense of blocking your movement.

>> No.1536669

To clarify, yes the autoaim usually takes care of this, but it's possible to shoot a rocket at a cacodemon and have it fly up or down so you miss. If there are enemies in a pit that you can't see, your shots will not hit them (although you still can't run over the top of them).

>> No.1537385
File: 50 KB, 388x480, 99p4h6v-rap cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not really a problem. When talking about old engines it's nice to see artists dealing whith its limitations. That video is a perfect expample.

>> No.1537413
File: 82 KB, 637x900, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My astonishment have no end.


>> No.1537493


DOOM absolutely DID NOT ship with any mouse support on release, that was months later. And any demos YOU saw were post v1.2, clearly.

Since you don't know this, I'll inform you that the standard PS/2 mouse when used in DOOM was glitched as fucking hell - tons of people couldn't use any lateral movement in their mouses (mice?) so no pivoting or strafing with the mouse, only forwards and backwards motion (which is as weird as it sounds.) These issues weren't fixed until half a year after release, and weren't really initially noticed by some people, mainly because getting patches for games pre-internet was a gigantic pain in the ass.

SO, clearly the game wasn't designed with mouse support in mind, and the level and monster design supports this.

Why the hell else is DOOM 2 so much harder than DOOM if not because it was only by then that WASD+mouse was taking off as the standard control scheme?

That this isn't the standard mapping in Quake baffles me, id knew for years that that was how people tended to play. One of the first FPS to seriously incorporate vertical elements, too.

Sorry for the long post, but you don't seem to know you're talking shit.

>> No.1537619

You're right about the PS/2 standard and the fact the initial releases lacked it. Most non-IBM machines at the time were AT class, and could only really use a DB-9 serial mouse.

However, In the "Visit to id Software" documentary, during DOOMs development, you can clearly see Romero playing with a mouse.

Left-handed, too.

>> No.1537719

OP here, multi-player Quake 1 is fantastic.
I tried out ioquake3 or whatever it's called. Everything is great except for the mouse - it's wonky as shit both on the menus and in game. Mouse acceleration is off - what else can I try?

>> No.1537739
File: 214 KB, 1024x768, nyarlathotep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quake maps have come a long, long way.

>> No.1537743

*hushed whisper* Wow...

I'm guessing those Shub-Nigguraths are just for decoration and don't do anything?

>> No.1537749

Then what's the reason it wasn't included? If mouse support was ready for initial release, why wasn't it fully supported until six months later?

>> No.1538354

>DOOM absolutely DID NOT ship with any mouse support on release,
Doom shipped with version 1.0, the public released version that was used as the base for shareware. I posted a screenshot in this very thread. The mouse in version 1.0 works.

If mouse support wasn't ready for initial release, then why was it used in the initial release?

>> No.1538383

>your shots will not hit them
Melee will enemies in pits and rocket damage has infinite height.
As far as gzdoom (doom strict compat) is concerned, rockets don't hit infinitely tall. I don't know that the behavior applies to original doom.

>> No.1538454

Are there even any populated servers anymore? With bunnyhopping this game was sooo much better than TF2

>> No.1538456

> That's an inherent limitation of VGA, right?

640x480 in 16 colors or monochrome [2]
640x350 in 16 colors (EGA compatibility mode)
320x200 in 16 colors
320x200 in 256 colors (Mode 13h)

Also, quake supported higher resolutions than VGA.

Quake did have 8 bit color palette though.

You didn't have to stick with any specific monochrome styling. But sticking with the browns in that palette would allow you a broader range of contrasts, but you could dither. With dithering there's a range of colors you can get based on the resolution of texture. A larger texture allows for more apparent color and if you can split sectors and avoid limitations you could represent a more broader range of colors. The reason why they it's browner is because that's the most used color they had and tinted everything in their palette towards that range to improve the color resolution in that range.

4. "What colors can I use?" -or- "What is the Quake palette?"

Quake uses a 256 color palette for all graphics. It is NOT the
standard 8-bit 256 color palette that most graphics applications and other
games use. Instead, it is a special palette of 256 colors from the range
of 24-bit colors. This allows Quake graphics to have more interesting and
subtle colors that look like they could be 24-bit (16.7 million colors) but
aren't. This also makes for some limitations.

You MUST use the Quake palette on all of your Quake graphics. (unless
you're doing a Total Conversion and intend to change the palette and every
single graphic that is going to be use is in this new palette- it's safe to
say that you're probably not going to do that)

>> No.1538461 [DELETED] 

typical doomtard
fuckin fashion following normalfag

doom is only popular because of how easy it is

best mod scene because of the quality and the quality of game itself anyways

face it, doom is too is to be good

>> No.1538464

typical doomtard
fuckin fashion following normalfag

doom is only popular because of how easy it is

best mod scene because of the quality and the quality of game itself anyways

face it, doom is too old to be good

>> No.1538473

What kills me is when people say it's not retro to play with the keyboard only, even though back in those old DOS days a mouse wasn't a mandatory part of the machine. It was fairly common in 1993, but not a guaranteed piece of equipment, and I personally never considered using it when playing Doom for the first year or so. The keyboard just seemed to work fine... That is until I read posts on some BBS about how some people improved significantly when using keyboard + mouse. And it didn't feel very natural at first, had to practice quite a bit to get better than just using the keyboard. Anyway, that's just a long way of saying: people's experiences differ, so proclaiming that something is or ins't "retro" by your own standards is invalid. For my part, I tended to play video games with a gamepad (had one of those Gravis things) and that seemed more logical to me than a mouse, which is something I associated with graphical adventures and other such things.

As far as Quake goes, I did start playing that one with keyboard + mouse, and in fact wouldn't have stood a chance in online DM otherwise. SP Quake is doable with just the keyboard, but not as much fun as SP Doom in that respect.

>> No.1538521

Didn't read the whole thing, but why does that even upset you? Who gives a shit if someone doesn't consider playing with keyboard only to be retro.

>> No.1538574

>any demos YOU saw were post v1.2
I'm talking about the included demos that play when you sit and do nothing at the title screen. And yes, the 1.0 demos are recorded with a mouse.

For trivia's sake, I just tested this in Chocolate Doom (which I assume is pretty accurate, more so than GZDoom certainly) and rockets can indeed go over and under enemies. True about the blast damage though.

>> No.1538585 [DELETED] 

I just killed this guy. He's a big pussy.

>> No.1538586

It's not about the keyboard, or the mouse, or this game, or any other specific detail. It's about people proclaiming that only their own personal past experience from back in the day is a valid litmus test for what can be considered "retro".

If someone says "I'm playing with keyboard only because it's retro", it carries the built-in assumption that's how they played it back in the day. They want to recapture that experience.

But then someone else reads that statement, and decides to argue about how they played differently, which really is irrelevant in the context of the first person's experiences.

For some reason, the word "retro" seems to inevitably evoke a kneejerk reaction from people who want to validate their own experience as somehow being the objective truth of retro-ism, like they have some kind of PhD in retro-ology. And that, as they say, is top kek.

>> No.1538589
File: 75 KB, 640x400, 0957205292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just killed this guy. He's a big pussy.

>> No.1538651

Nobody is saying that playing with keyboard is not "retro". Only that no vanilla supported control scheme is any more "retro" than any other. Keyboard is retro, mouse is retro, Gravis bloody Gamepad is retro.

>> No.1538718
File: 180 KB, 1600x1200, now that's a name I haven't heard in a long, long time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gravis Gamepad

>> No.1538727 [DELETED] 

Does QuakeSpasm support Overbright lighting?

>> No.1538728

Does QuakeSpasm support Overbright lighting?

>> No.1538729

I always thought this boss fight would be cooler with a few ragtag enemies running around, keeping it a little more challenging.

>> No.1539031

The only thing you wrote was that you're a fucking troll.

>> No.1539046

> even though back in those old DOS days a mouse wasn't a mandatory part of the machine.
Eh, it kind of was. Windows 3.11 was pretty much standard for a DOS machine in 1992.

It is retro to use keyboard only because that was how a lot of people played it. It might be worth doing to see how some players had it but that's still not entirely relevant because you could play it keyboard only and reconfigure it so it's a lot more fluid than the default anyway.

>> No.1539076

windows 3.11 was released in 1993, idiot

>> No.1539396

Yeah, or imagine if, while you were lowering the energy pylons, he would be trying to hit them and knock them back up, requiring you to either act fast, or disable him with your ordinary weapons.

Like that plant boss in Metroid Prime.

>> No.1539407

>But sticking with the browns in that palette would allow you a broader range of contrasts, but you could dither. With dithering there's a range of colors you can get based on the resolution of texture. A larger texture allows for more apparent color and if you can split sectors and avoid limitations you could represent a more broader range of colors. The reason why they it's browner is because that's the most used color they had and tinted everything in their palette towards that range to improve the color resolution in that range.
In other words, they stuck with a borderline-monochrome palette to avoid heavy banding.

>> No.1539436

I just finished Scourge of Armagon, and while Armagon is still not that hard of a boss, he doesn't fuck around with those rockets. Definitely a better boss than the id campaign.

semi-related (enginewise, at least) I thought the Hexen 2 bosses, the four horsemen, were pretty cool and fun to fight

>> No.1539470

not the guy youre replying to but that mouse set up was ass

you couldn't only look without moving. moving the mouse forward would actually make your character move forward so it was pants on head retarded and nobody bothered with it

>> No.1539551

You barely move forward at all, it's easy to adjust to, and a lot of people still play that way.

Also I'm pretty sure there was a way to disable it in the config or ini or something, which is why Chocolate Doom considers it acceptable to provide it as an option.

>> No.1539575
File: 81 KB, 640x473, MaliceForQuake_DOS_title.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does /vr/ think of Shrak and Malice?

>> No.1539725
File: 18 KB, 349x197, idiot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think there are, might be one or two more left. I can remember a year ago I played a few times on a server that had about 8 people on sundays. I don't know if that server is still around. (ignore pic)

see pic.

>> No.1539760

Did not see this linked up.


>> No.1539761
File: 2.86 MB, 640x480, Doom.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not the guy youre replying to but that mouse set up was ass
Perfect, no. Ass, no.

>you couldn't only look without moving. moving the mouse forward would actually make your character move forward so it was pants on head retarded and nobody bothered with it

The amount you move is rather insignificant to turning. You can effectively use it wasd, and I mean effectively. If your alternative is be able to play smoothly and fluidly with the lightest touches of moving forward or keyboard only terribadness. The mouse is your better bet.
I'm not suggesting most people used mouse back then, but it was the better choice. Saying it's ass is just plain retarded given that it was your best option.

>> No.1539776

I still gotta work on it but here's some useful info.

If you guys want to help with adding information, email me.

>> No.1539793

If there is a way to disable it, it wasn't in the cfg by default. So you'd have to chase down the option or have mouse drivers that let disabled forward/back or lowered the sensitivity stupid low so it pretty much doesn't exist.

>> No.1539795

What makes DirectQ better than QuakeSpasm? I also think that page should point out the difference between NetQuake and QuakeWorld. ezQuake is a good engine for QuakeWorld.

>> No.1539816

Um, sir, it's all about preference, but if you would like me to add QuakeSpasm I'll add it. If you have experience with it just give me a description of what it does differently from the original Quake executable and presto, it's added to the list.

>> No.1539827

That DirectQ link is down.

>> No.1539831

I'd suggest adding darkplaces if you're going to use directq as well.

>> No.1539841

From https://www.quaddicted.com/quake/recommended_engines

QuakeSpasm for multi-platform support and compatibility. DirectQ for Windows toasters and people who want something that "just werks".

I'd recommend QuakeSpasm being the default engine, instead of Darkplaces. DarkPlaces messes around with the physics. It should be for those people who cant get over the original graphics. They can then Rygel's textures and the Quake Reforged models.

>> No.1539845

it appears that the project is dead since I can't find anything even loosely official.

Alright, going to work on it now.

>> No.1539854

It's also fairly easy to make it look exactly like DOSQuake by simply disabling texture filtering and interpolation.

>> No.1539947

>DirectQ for Windows toasters and people who want something that "just werks".

I wish DirectQ just werked.

>> No.1539990

Werks for me. A little glitchy in places but I like the fact that you can disable texture filtering for muh authenticism.

>> No.1539995

Why not just use WinQuake?

>> No.1539998

No widescreen.
inb4 that's not authentic tho

>> No.1540016

I built my first PC from carefully-chosen parts in 1994. Had MS-DOS 6.22, but no Windows (seemed like a waste of HD space...) Anybody who built their own rig could do the same, up through 1995 at least.

>> No.1540046

Get a load of this nerd.

>> No.1540220

Having a working knowledge of DOS was a common skill back then, since all the good games were for DOS. Windows was basically just for office work and other boring crap.

That said, when Win95 was released, I installed Slackware Linux instead. Seemed to make sense, given how I was stuyding compsci at the time, and the uni networks all ran a form of Unix. Later on got a job in the industry as sysadmin, then software dev - almost alway working on *nix.

>> No.1540247 [DELETED] 

Why don't you 1v1 my nerd?

>> No.1540257

What's the best Quake map? Official id maps only.

>> No.1540262

Depends what you want to do with it. For SP, not really sure. I liked some of the later maps that had the vores. For MP tho, it depended on which mode you were playing. Assuming you want vanilla DM tho, as iD included it, DM6 and DM4 were pretty cool working maps.

>> No.1540280

So anyone wanna smack around a new DM player?

>> No.1540776

I'm rusty as shit. But I could play a few rounds potentially.

>> No.1540815


Shit son, my experience with twitch shooters is basically Doom. Still though, I'm bored as shit, name your server and let's go.

>> No.1540838

Not that guy, but I'm down to play some QW. Let me know where you're from and I'll find a server.

>> No.1540852


Florida, Miami to be specific

>> No.1540857


>> No.1540867
File: 259 KB, 1032x791, ss (2014-04-13 at 02.02.13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is there something I'm doing wrong?

>> No.1540887

Yeah, QuakeSpasm uses the NetQuake engine. You'll need a QuakeWorld source port to play multiplayer. (NQ multiplayer exists, but I'm pretty sure no one plays it)

Get ezQuake: http://ezquake.sourceforge.net/download/

>> No.1540894

Alright, got in. Switched to EZquake.

>> No.1540918

Well nevermind that I suppose. It's 1v1.

>> No.1540939

How do I get this shit to work?

>> No.1541000

Sorry man. Next time, I'll set the server to FFA so that more /vr/ friends can join.

>> No.1541162

This mod looks like a ton of fun. Would anybody be up to play if a server gets hosted?


>> No.1543825
File: 2.91 MB, 1280x720, Quake.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Letting a Quake thread die.

>> No.1543842

That texture pack is hideous.

>> No.1544046

But it's the optimised pack. It's optimised.

>> No.1544187
File: 115 KB, 1000x800, 1385740270039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Having crosshairs turned on

>> No.1544258

Use DirectQ, ignore the fancy ports.
I never understand why people on this board recommend modified, unfaithful gameplay for someone who hasn't played the game. It's same with Doom and Gzdoom and other shit when there's a perfectly good PrBoom+ or even Chocolate.

Call me a filthy purist, but this all makes me annoyed as fuck. "The original is dated!" - Why is your opinion the norm? Why can't people make up their own mind if the game is "dated" so they can install the fancy textures and lightning and all the other unnecessary bullshit on their own? Fuck, might as well just say "PLAY BRUTAL DOOM XD"

Fuck off to /v/

>> No.1544327

>Graphics matter to the point of ranting about them
If anyone should go to /v/, it is you.

>> No.1544775

gzdoom just looks a little prettier. you can turn that shit off and play it just like the original doom. stop your bitching.

>> No.1544786


>wanting motion sickness

>> No.1544990

This thread made replay the game on Hard. I had only played it once in normal and once in highest settings but that was in coop so it doesn't really count.

Anyway this game is filled with bullshit. It's full of "in face" traps and other bullshits like that. The last straw for me just now was in the 2nd episode, you're thrown into a moving cage that brings you underwater just long enough to take away 50 of your HP (which in itself is bullshit enough because there wasn't even health pack before riding the thing) before throwing you right in front of 2 grenade launcher guys with no way to maneuver. This is just an example though, this game is full of unfair bullshit like this, it's pretty terrible. The thing is, some of the level design is really interesting (especially of early 3D level design), and the gameplay could be fun, but it's just filled with too much bullshit.
Now I just understood something though, the game loves to throw bullshit at the player but sparingly, that is to say, as much as it can without pissing the player as much as making him quit. It's just some pieces of "oh you're having fun? Well Fuck You!" here and there; but once you realize that, it would be sadomachism to keep playing.

This game just proves how much "technical" sides of video games matter more to reviewers and most players than the actual fun. It success was based around its technical "true 3D with models" aspect; but there is no way I'm having as much fun as with "technically inferior" games which came 1 or 2 years AFTER Quake such as Blood, or Redneck Rampage Rides Again.

I also believe those 2 look much better than Quake, and that is not a question of "true 3D not aging as well as 2D games"; it's a question of art style and of attention for details which Quake doesn't have with its entire rooms of lelvels consisting of 2 textures. Quake's design was good for the layout; but in terms of detailing and texturing, except from small bits, it's very empty.

>> No.1545513
File: 60 KB, 500x496, le-crimean-independence-faec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Getting motion sickness from vidya

>> No.1545525

> The last straw for me just now was in the 2nd episode, you're thrown into a moving cage that brings you underwater just long enough to take away 50 of your HP

>he doesn't know about the MASSIVE HOLE in the side of the cage you can swim out of

Seriously, you recognized that staying in the cage was bullshit, but never bothered to look for another way out?

>> No.1545526

Original Doom is capped at 35fps. We tolerated it back then because everything else had shit framerates too, but there's no excuse for it today.

>> No.1546039

how do you get the music to playback correctly?

>> No.1546047

No, not really. Yeah, there are moments like the cage and nasty monster traps but most of them are survivable if you stay on your toes and react right away. Quake isn't that hard in general.

People say the same thing about Blood, you know. "Oh it's nothing but memorizing all the cultists." People that know how to play know you don't have to do it that way. People even say that about vanilla Doom, for chrissake.

But, all that said, if you really hate vanilla Q1, give Scourge of Armagon a try. The levels are more consistent and all well-balanced from a cold start and I don't remember anything that felt unfair.

>> No.1546060

You don't have to memorize all the cultists, but you do have to have to end up peaking every corner until you.

>> No.1546085
File: 3 KB, 126x121, quakeguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing I don't like about SP quake is how many hits the enemies take. I understand that there are fewer monsters than Doom, and it requires you to dance around them in Quake's more claustrophic environments, but I get really tired of it with all the ogres and death knights. I like it when I'm fighting, say, a fiend, but not when the only 2-3 shot enemies are the humans that later maps pretty much don't use at all.

>> No.1546091

Well, there are also the zombies, in a sense, and the fish, and the dogs, and the regular knights. So I guess my real complaint is that certain mid-tier monsters are so overused. Ogreused.

>> No.1546209

seriously, on Quakespasm the music is messed up

>> No.1546221

I just placed the music folder in the id1 directory, and turned on external music in the settings and it worked.

>> No.1546378

having higher tier weapons drops mid-tier monsters as well, all they needed to was drop loads of nailgun ammo on you and ogres would get chewed up.
Quake's SP was balanced for slower gameplay. Have you watched the demo videos and how terrible they were?

>> No.1546387

>the 2nd episode, you're thrown into a moving cage that brings you underwater just long enough to take away 50 of your HP
Your memory has been clouded by distaste. You can only drown for about 10 health in that cage.

>> No.1546475

>Yeah, there are moments like the cage and nasty monster traps but most of them are survivable if you stay on your toes and react right away.

Well I didn't die from the cage thing or most other traps. Half way through episode 2 on Hard with hardly any recollection of the Quake I only died a few times and that was mainly against the boss of ep1.

The thing is, whether you die or not, those traps just ruin the fun. You spend your whole time playing well, managing the hp and armor and items you can get in the levels well, and from times to times you have unfair moments like this which ruin all what you had been building; and it keeps doing it sparingly to make sure you don't quit playing but still get fuck up just enough. It's terrible design.

My memory? It just happened to me before making that post. When the cage was coming up at the end something odd happened which look like a glitch, like my character or the cage stopped moving right as it was about to come out of the water and there was nothing I could do about it; so I loaded my latest save and tried again and the same thing happened. 50hp both times.

You're complaining that I don't know about a secret. If the game requires to know secrets to be tolerable it's not very well designed; but actually, so far on Hard, I only managed to have enough ammo to kill everything thanks to the secrets I found so I guess that makes sense for Quake.....

>> No.1546496

>whether you die or not, those traps just ruin the fun
Can't say I agree. As long as I feel like I have a fair chance of surviving and wasn't doing something stupid like running around with 1HP, traps and sudden monsters in my face don't ruin it for me. I have a "hohoho, nice try motherfucker, too bad I'm still alive, now where did I leave that extra health?" and continue on.

>> No.1546572

>When the cage was coming up at the end something odd happened which look like a glitch, like my character or the cage stopped moving right as it was about to come out of the water and there was nothing I could do about it
Oh, I forgot about that bug. That can be trouble, but it's not that way by design. I think you might actually be taking crushing damage there rather than drowning as the cage is trying to move past you or something. Now it's my memory that's failing.

>> No.1546585
File: 1003 KB, 1400x3900, 1393487664359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any charts like this for Quake?

>> No.1546695


darkplaces if you want it to look like doom 3

not sure about quake 2 though, sorry

>> No.1546705

>waaah an old game doesn't look like CoD because that's the best they could do at the time

I'm not sure this is the right board for you anon

>> No.1546717

quake2xp: http://quake2xp.sourceforge.net/

>> No.1546971

>tfw getting my shit stomped by bots in aerowalk
>tfw not good but trying to git gud

>> No.1546981

How does TyrQuake compare to the other source ports?
I'm asking because I noticed this is the one RetroArch uses

>> No.1546985

nQuake doesn't seem to have an option for hosting your own game.

>> No.1546989

It's under multiplayer, in the "Create" tab
Also you can play with bots

>> No.1546992

Ah right, didn't see it at first, thanks.
Menu navigation took a little getting used to.

>> No.1546993
File: 15 KB, 618x407, facepalm-card.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nquake is just a package. it gives you ezquake as the source port it wants you to use.

>> No.1546998
File: 35 KB, 500x375, 1386065680355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nquake is just a package
I'm aware of that, champ. The real question is why you think that warrants a facepalm.

>> No.1547009

What weapon binds do you use for deathmatch?

>> No.1547005

The way you two worded it. I thought for a minute you two were calling nquake a source port.

>> No.1547018

Default settings master race here.

>> No.1547020
File: 1.38 MB, 1543x2719, Doom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I have is the Doom one.

>> No.1547347

>master race
No. Especially if you have a sourceport. There's no reason for you not to rebind weapons to keys around your fingers. Most of the best players also end up using scripts to switch to shotgun/axe. That tends to require a good low latency connection to work well though.

>> No.1548756
File: 32 KB, 500x473, 1330027644487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy have a youtube channel showing plenty of quake one's custom maps.


>> No.1548779

bind "x" "impulse 5"
bind "v" "impulse 8"
bind "ALT" "impulse 6"
bind "CTRL" "impulse 3"
bind "SHIFT" "impulse 7"

>> No.1548775

That list is 100% slanted towards newer stuff. Not a single classic megawad in sight. So sad...
Anyway, for Quake stuff, there were some SPQ review sites doing map review around 1996-2000 or so. They got mirrored probably several times over since then, but the content is still out there. I found a lot of good stuff thanks to those reviews. Here's a mirror for one of those sites:
I can't remember what the other sites were called, but there may be a link in that one with a clue...
And here's another site with a bunch of popular mods:

>> No.1548903

For any FPS, I use keys ZXCV for weapons 6,7,8,9 or 7,8,9,0 depending on the game

I also use Q and F for useful items if there are

>> No.1549576
File: 457 KB, 2572x1708, fasd keyboard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1549589
File: 1.41 MB, 280x210, '.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asdf to move
ew what the fuck?

>> No.1549613

>wasd to move
ew what the fuck?

>> No.1549635

It really sucks that Quake had no real bosses. Chthon was a switch-hitting puzzle and Shub-Niggurath was completely inert. Thank God for the mission packs.

>> No.1549689

Yeah, that makes sense. I don't get people who say Quake's enemies take forever to kill when half of Doom's cast were basically meat walls if you lacked the strongest guns, and most of them weren't much of a threat anyway. But Doom had a liberal amount of weak enemies in most of its levels so it didn't feel like a chore.

>> No.1549724
File: 12 KB, 204x192, corregd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Custom Gamer
my Sub-Saharan comrade.

>> No.1549760
File: 99 KB, 1200x1200, 1395573591954.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quaddicted is pretty much the best place to get reliably good singleplayer maps. Quake Injector makes for a 100% comfy setup too.

I found this wad list in my /vr/ folder. Not sure which ones are the best though.

>> No.1550082


here is a good ftp that has an archive of maps, start here.

>> No.1551130

>Thank God for the mission packs.
Could do without the Rogue pack, honestly. It's not good. Hipnotic is best Quake, though.

>> No.1551202

hey /vr/ i just burned Q2's music and put it on my clip and i was wondering if you guys knew of any other combo game install discs/actual playable audio cd games like this

>> No.1551203


>> No.1551204

me again, i think WarCraft II was like this, but i didn't own it, i borrowed it from a friend

i think Trent Reznor did the Q2 music, and it sounds pretty cool

>> No.1551216

Anybody interested in playing some Quake right now? I might be able to set up a server for the thread.

>> No.1551224

hey thanks anon, i had this one too and i didn't even think to check it
now i have 2 quake albums on my clip

>> No.1551231

>on my clip
Out of curiosity, what's a clip?

>> No.1551235

>i think Trent Reznor did the Q2 music, and it sounds pretty cool
The majority of the tracks were done by Sonic Mayhem. One track if I recall is supposedly done by Rob Zombie.

Sonic Mayhem also worked on Q3's soundtrack, some tracks were Front Line Assembly. SM also did "Quake 3 Arena Noize" which was used as the unofficial Rocket Arena 3 soundtrack.

Sonic Mayhem also worked on Wild 9, 007 Tommorow Never Dies, and a slew of modern games since Q2. http://www.sonicmayhem.com/#credits

>> No.1551251

Oh yeah, the lead of Sonic Mayhem did sound effects for Unreal.

>> No.1551261

SanDisk brand Sansa Clip Zip model portable media player, it plays music
o sorry, the cd sleeve for QI says TR and NIN did the sound effects and music and i thought they would have worked on the next game as well

>> No.1551265

will it be netquake or quakeworld type server?

>> No.1551306

>QI says TR and NIN did the sound effects and music and i thought they would have worked on the next game as well

Nope. I forget if they wanted to get Trent, but yeah it's not like Trent NEEDS to work on it, they were lucky enough to get him on it for Doom.

Trent did work on Q1 as you noticed.
id tried getting Trent back on for Doom 3 but they had to scrap it.

It doesn't even sound like Trent, even Q1 sounded like Trent. I don't really recall any music from him that doesn't "sound like" his, especially in terms of pumping rhythms and discordant effects, echoing schrills, wretching vocals or the sound of his particular guitar setup and his skill in sonically producing depressive/hopeless/confusion.

Sonic Mayhem on the other hand brings you pure fucking rage and anger tonality. They sound like someones about to get their ass kicked through a fuzzed up glass window of sonic fuckery and heavy beats, marching rhythms right into a factory of pain.

>> No.1551327

There also exists an alternative Q1 soundtrack by Sonic Mayhem called "Methods of Destruction".

>> No.1551334

>doesn't sound like Trent
I'm not personally familiar with his music, I did have a friend that was in to NIN and tool and other metal music, but it wasn't my thing. I apologize once more.
Sonic Mayhem's stuff in Q2 does kind of sound like a futuristic cadence you would play on an APC's loudspeaker while fighting necrotic cyborg aliens, similar to Ride of the Valkyries in Apocalpyse Now!

>> No.1551779

Anyone know how to change the audio settings in quakespasm? By default it's set to 11025Hz and is sounds like shit even though I have a lossless rip.

Also, how do you play the default demo when you start the program?

>> No.1551883

Okay, I figured out you can change the sampling rate with the -sndspeed command line option.
So for 48kHz audio:
-sndspeed 48000

Also, I made a autoexec.cfg and added "music tarck02" so it at least plays the main theme when I start it, but I'd still like to know how to to get the demo to play if it's possible.

>> No.1552284

Does anyone know where I can find rocket arena and a way to set up the server to run it? I'd love to play some quake 1 and 2 rocket arena again, but fuck, it's been 15 years or so since I have!

>> No.1553168

If you're going the autoexec.cfg route, try "playdemo demo1".

>> No.1553175

Although that won't play the whole cycle of demos, after a little digging through pak files you want this:
>startdemos demo1 demo2 demo3
Usually this goes in quake.rc but obviously spasm eith ignores that or uses its own, so slap it in autoexec.cfg and see what happens.

>> No.1553570

This worked

but this didn't

I think "startdemos demo1 demo2 demo3" already is included because the console prints "3 demo(s) in loop" after loading all the cfg's, which is the exact same thing it does if I type that into the console directly.

So they are like already queued, just the command to play them or something isn't set up.

>> No.1553819

I just remembered how to make it go. Run "quakespasm -fitz" from the command-line. I'm fairly sure -fitz mode restores the default demo playing. I don't know why I didn't remember this earlier.

>> No.1553854

Yeah, but that changes a bunch of other stuff that I don't want changed :/

>> No.1553996


Quake 2 Starter:

Q2PRO is designed as a multiplayer client, but it does have singleplayer support. (see instructions on the q2s site)

Surprisingly, the game is still very active online. You can find players at all hours of the day, particularly on dm servers. Mods such as OpenTDM, railz, Rocket Arena 2, Action Quake 2, jumpmod, and ctf still get played. It's great.

Tastycast KOTH:

Every Friday, these guys host something called King of the Hill. It's a 1v1 duel event, open to everyone regardless of skill level. If you want to play in it tonight, come by the irc channel around 8PM EST. Signups for the event start at 8:30, and games start at 9.

Not sure about Quake 1 rocket arena, but RA2 is pretty damn active online. If you're NA, come by the tastyspleen RA2 server Tuesdays and Saturdays around 11PM EST.

>> No.1555559
File: 174 KB, 1024x768, kmquake2 2013-04-06 20-31-43-76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like that Q2pro supports async and it says it has png/jpeg texture support so I can shift over my hires textures I imagine. Does it support HUD upscaling though? That's also a big one for me, tiny hud is annoying.

I really don't appreciate that kmquake does it's own thing for messing with gameplay/servers.

>> No.1557173

Do you have some copypasta for a good, faithful singleplayer Quake 2 sourceport, or would you also recommend Q2Pro for this as well?

>I really don't appreciate that kmquake does it's own thing for messing with gameplay/servers.
Fucking this. Seemed like such a good port, until grunts started falling from the sky, jumping off high ledges in attempts to kill me among other things that i don't quite remember in Quake 2.

>> No.1557225

How do I send him money?

>> No.1557240

Not him, but I would assume through paypal. However, this really is an unfair deal. He wasn't the only person who worked on the game. You should sent twenty dollars to the entire development team friend.

>> No.1557390

I've had some enemies in stock Q2 jump, but they changed the damage around etc.... I don't mind that they went and did their own changes, I just don't like that I can't change back in case I want to 'play quake 2.' If I want to have the relatively standardized Q2 experience. I'd be willing to give it a run through with their changes, but I want the official game available as well.

>> No.1557798
File: 86 KB, 460x215, Quake1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use this for your Steam grid icon. I have one for every game except Quake 4.

>> No.1557803
File: 82 KB, 460x215, Quake2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's Quake Too. This reminds me to download the original music for these two.

>> No.1557817
File: 142 KB, 460x215, Quake1p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to make these two mission packs kinda from scratch. The rest of them I tried to make as close to the original box art as I could.

>> No.1557820
File: 139 KB, 460x215, Quake1p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Q1 P2

>> No.1557824
File: 98 KB, 460x215, Quake2p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These two are from the booklet/box, just edited to fit.


>> No.1557828
File: 73 KB, 460x215, Quake2p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Q2 P2

I think these look nice by themselves.

>> No.1557831
File: 87 KB, 460x215, Quake3A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea why they didn't just use the Q3 box art for these on Steam.

>> No.1557838
File: 116 KB, 460x215, Quake3TA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the last one. Team Arena has a nice box too. I think they recently updated the Steam icon similar to this one I made. That's weird.

>> No.1558348

These are pretty nice, thanks. You should put them up on the booru.


>> No.1560023

Oh, well I didn't remember that. Surprised me too when all three grunts upstairs on level two jumped off to attack me. Hopefully they do allow a vanilla Quake 2 portion to make its way into the port. It really is solid.


>> No.1562084

Did anyone else encounter a bug in nQuake where the included frogbots have all the same skin in Clan Arena, irrelevant of whether they were friendlies or enemies?

>> No.1562121

I used to have a problem with Quake where I would always loose my progress.

I would complete dungeon 1 and get a key for the final boss. Then go and do dungeon 2, complete that and then I would get the key for dungeon 2 but then the key for dungeon 1 would vanish.

This happend several times and I think I gave up on dungeons 3 and 4 and just cheated to get all 4 keys in my inventory then killed the final boss (which was piss easy).

I never completed the expansions.

>> No.1564178

Is quake live /vr/?

>> No.1566304


Oh wow, thanks for that!

>> No.1567917

Best place to find modding support for Quake? I'm looking to work with the QC source to try and do some stuff (Make a few new weapons, change the hud, implement triggers that can carry over between maps), but I'm not sure where to look.

>> No.1568141

Good luck anon.

>> No.1568621

Sup Quakebros.

I've become slightly tired of Dooman over the last few months, having played it kinda to death ever since I got into map building. So I've been Quakean too the last few evenings while my missus sleeps soundly.

Sadly, one thing bugs me. I can't seem to find an engine that feels... Right. I want it to be faithfully retro, but fix all the good stuff. The closest I have come is using Quakespasm with GL texture filtering turned off, but here are my issues:

1) Particles are still round. There must be a cvar for this, help? I need the old square particles.

2) Dynamic lights slow shit to a fucking slideshow. Doesn't make sense. Turning DL of in the console fixes it, but it also kills a lot of the atmosphere. It appears to be a specific issue to intel HD chips (I'm using an EEEPC901 netbook.)

Any tips, Quakebros?

>> No.1568660

r_particles 2

>> No.1568841




All I can get it to is this ugly ass basic GLQuake look, with stupid smoothed particles and gimmicky lighting.

How do I retro-ify it?

>> No.1569061

lol what's the point of using a sourceport if you're just gonna turn all the options back to "vanilla"?

Just use WinQuake.

>> No.1569118

I forget how to fix the particles, but you can disable the new lighting by going to Options>Customize Lighting and fucking with the options until everything looks normal. You really shouldn't be using Darkplaces if you want vanilla Quake though.

>> No.1569348

Sometimes you only want a little. WinQuake doesn't support interpolation as far as I know, and that gives me a headache after a while, trying to track the enemy movements. But I still like vanilla textures, particles, etc.

>> No.1569393

framerate independent physics, better mouse input, better scripting and weapon handling and macro support, cheat security modules, more stability, better console, built in server browser, built in winamp/IRC control/displays.

>> No.1570135

Join some ezQuake DM!

You'll need to download ezQuake, place it in your Quake directory, then run the exe. You may need to remove OpenGL32.dll

>> No.1570149

Wait, that was a teamplay only server. Try

>> No.1570176

2/8, still need more.

>> No.1570178

Considering carmack is rich and a homophobe apologist, sending money to anyone else is best.

>> No.1570192

Keep politics out of it.

>> No.1571675
File: 279 KB, 900x736, how-do-i-shot-web.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I wanna make custom maps for Quake.
How do I begin? What software do I use? Any good tutorials/tips?

>> No.1573209
File: 1.62 MB, 1920x1080, ezquake000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Finally, the last piece of the puzzle falls into place. Soon, I will have learned how to make semi-competent models, and things will happen. Thanks anon.

>> No.1573215

Worldcraft is what I've used since the late 90s, I also used it for Half-Life. There's tutorials on how to get later versions of Worldcraft (3.3 is the latest) to work with Quake, you can find it with a google search.

Radiant, Trenchbroom, and I think even QuArK can also create maps. Radiant is a modern editor, it can make maps for a lot of different games, and you have to find a quake thingy for it. Trenchbroom is ready to go out of the box, and it's easy to use for the most part, but it's 3D views only, and has no compilers included -- you'll have to find them seperate. I'm only guessing with QuArK being able to edit maps, I know it can load up models and maps, but I don't know if it can do anything other than view them.

>> No.1573459

anon, that's just a sphere.

>> No.1573682
File: 53 KB, 456x453, TUBULAR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just fiddled around with Worldcraft for a bit, seems to be just what I needed. Thanks a lot, man.

>> No.1574896

Try out qoole

>> No.1575561
File: 142 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot 2014-04-26 22.14.20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spend hour and a half making a semi-decent looking shotgun.
>All the verticies mess up on export to md3.

I thought I might ask here just in case, since the internet at large doesn't seem to have an answer. What can cause gmax/tempest to improperly export to md3?

>> No.1575720
File: 2.03 MB, 1920x1080, ezquake002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wait, turns out I went way off the grid of what Quake can read. Once I recentered the model, everything was ok.

Now I just need to texture it...

>> No.1575902

>oh boy I should play some quakeworld
>go on server browser
>all empty
>no activity in IRC channel
>guess I'll cry myself to sleep then

>> No.1576207
File: 1.25 MB, 1506x623, modeltest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks fine for its world model, but it looks like a BB gun in the view model. Oh well, not a horrible first attempt, I suppose, I'll just have to figure out how to texture it now.

>> No.1576318

For Quake 2 download YamagiQuake2 if you just wanna play it.

>> No.1576320

there are still some servers online for q1.

>> No.1576339

Are there any that play Quake TF? I always wanted to try it out at least once.

I discovered that the map Well actually had a Well in it the other day. A WELL. Having only played TFC, I had no idea why the map was named "Well" before then.

>> No.1578415

No, I mean that they were all empty as in no players in them.
Maybe we should organize at least one /vr/ Quake day/half-day/hour

>> No.1580989
File: 1.99 MB, 1920x1080, ezquake001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
