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File: 306 KB, 639x462, metalcap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1533041 No.1533041[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I think the Nintendo 64 had really interesting aesthetics, especially as lighting is concerned. You can really see this when playing a game like OoT, if you look at items like heart pieces, or the fire arrow before you pick it up, they just have a really appealing texture and quality to them that more refined 3D doesn't seem to have.

And in this metal cap cavern, those crystals really caught my eye. It looks really cool when moving.

>> No.1533046
File: 488 KB, 640x479, 456563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And MM has amazing lighting as well. The night/evening time is just an amazing array of colors, oranges and indigos and purples. The lighting in N64 games has a sort of basic quality that makes it appealing.

>> No.1533054

i have always thought that majoras mask looks like ass

>> No.1533056

Yes, the N64 was good at lighting, but for some reason it always gave me that uncanny valley type feel.

>> No.1533060
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>> No.1533062
File: 537 KB, 608x416, 1455202-festivalt15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

N64 was capable of some really nice visuals, the problem was knowing how to work it out, only a few companies besides of Nintendo and Rare ever did. Most 3rd party games looked like blurried PS1 games, but the N64 could do much better than that.

>> No.1533070


I kind of like that. Low-resolution 3D is such a compelling art.

>> No.1533087
File: 426 KB, 640x480, 533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Metal Mario always looked so goddamn cool. Some crazy ass coloration there, a sort of gooey texture.

>> No.1533334
File: 440 KB, 642x479, grootto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of this room. Always seemed so random, I wonder why they made the walls all kooky.

>> No.1533393

God DAMN I just got a craving to play OoT again, but I don't have a physical copy, a controller that I can use with my PC, and I don't like playing N64 games with my keyboard. What do, /vr/?

>> No.1533410
File: 132 KB, 790x452, ASCII-SeaMic-padT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy a decent controller for emulation, man

You know it's worth it.

>> No.1533421

I know, anon, but... bills 'n shit... I could probably spare like $10 but I don't think that'll get me anything decent. FML I'm just gonna commit sudoku...

>> No.1533428
File: 519 KB, 250x188, zora's domain.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1533447
File: 11 KB, 300x300, 1397107591287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh $15 can get you one of these

>> No.1533472
File: 1.71 MB, 480x360, ice cavern.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My second webm. Love love love this room.

>> No.1533480

Pretty sure Mario 64 didn't have any lighting effects. That shiny effects on the crystals is called environmental mapping.

Ocarina of Time had a little bit of a lighting system when it came to Link's character model, and Majora's Mask had a bit more of expanded system. DK64, Banjo Tooie and Conker had closer to what I would call a full proper lighting system.

>> No.1533483

That room's walls always fucked with me, but that was before I understood transparency/alpha. Imagine trying to make sense of all that without understanding even slightly how they did it. Blew my fucking mind and I didn't even know why.

>> No.1533493


It has lighting effects, as displayed here, and even shows how different colored light sources reflect off Mario's face.

>> No.1533498

I forgot about the title screen. I don't think it has them anywhere else though.

>> No.1533501

That room was ruined in the 3DS version.

>> No.1533515

oh god i agree with this so much
ESPECIALLY banjo-kazooie

>> No.1533519
File: 56 KB, 428x301, 1990scgi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of N64 games, first party in particular aimed for an aesthetic that imitated 1990s CGI because that was the quality they promised before the 64 came out. The trees in Mario 64 and enemies made from spheres (actually sprites) are examples of this.

Donkey Kong 64 also has this aesthetic. For a more comprehensive look at what I mean, find the "Journey into the Mind's Eye" movies on Youtube.

>> No.1533530

Every Rare game was phenomenal in this respect, even Blast Corps and Diddy Kong Racing, especially on the christmas themed tracks.

>> No.1533680
File: 359 KB, 450x750, mm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it looked really nice, too.

>> No.1533687


hairy arms and huge hands, bet she prob has a dick :|

>> No.1533705

>hairy arms
We're apes, anon. We all have hairy arms to some degree.

>> No.1533726
File: 94 KB, 500x623, sarah-michelle-gellar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hairy arms

>> No.1533795 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 313x286, 1397127087792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>believing in evolution

>> No.1533823 [DELETED] 

>being this american

>> No.1533830

Not all of us are like that. Unfortunately, are many more than there should be.

>> No.1533850 [DELETED] 

Your stupid God is pictured as a hairy old man, you moron.

>> No.1533853 [DELETED] 
File: 87 KB, 300x300, black-fedora_1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because God created us in his image, idiot.

>> No.1533858

The point is that even if you are a bible thumping idiot, human beings are hairy since forever.

>> No.1533859

I'm having a weird flashback. I think i played this game once in a store when i was really young, enjoyed it and didn't buy it. Can anyone give me the title?

>> No.1533860

>That room was ruined in the 3DS version.
What was it like?

>> No.1533862

Quest Shitty4.

>> No.1533863

It's Quest 64 or Holy Magic Century if you're European. It's crap, but it does have a certain charm.

>> No.1533865
File: 188 KB, 510x624, 1397131184391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just ice.

>> No.1534249
File: 83 KB, 902x671, boss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like the colored lighting a lot of N64 games used.
Some games on the Saturn and probably PSX as well also used it to great effect.

>> No.1534343
File: 446 KB, 640x480, firearrow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1534362

What room is that? It looks glitched.

>> No.1534373


Right when you enter the Sacred Forest Meadow, if you place a bomb in the middle of that square, there's a grotto.

>> No.1534414

Huh, never been in here before. Looks like temple ruins rather than a grotto.

>> No.1534437


What's interesting is that the ceiling is actually gray stone....But the walls are a weird shape with psychedelic colors. It's interesting to speculate about what it kind have been. Especially since the Forest Temple is probably a castle, and the ceiling in this grotto is castle-like....Maybe some kind of secret passage under the castle for escape?

>> No.1534839
File: 12 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the lighting on Bowser in the final battle of Mario 64. How does it compare to the DS port? The skyboxes in Mario 64 are really interesting, too.

Evolution and religion are irrelevant to the subject. Humans are modern apes, we're all in the Hominidae family.

>> No.1534859

Correct me if I'm wrong but weren't there many of those rooms in OoT?

>> No.1534864


There is no other grotto like that. That is the only room in the game with that type of weird wall.

>> No.1534913

>emulator screenshots

>> No.1534916 [DELETED] 

Super Mario 64 was an awful and unfocused mess, even at the time it came out.

>> No.1534919

This isn't real lighting. Pretty sure it's just pre-calculated.

>> No.1534959

Nothing special about n64. I think nostalgia's coloring your perception here.

>> No.1534986
File: 10 KB, 275x200, bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1534984
File: 460 KB, 1920x1200, crystals!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah Ocarina of Time did a really good job of making all the magic items really LOOK magical. Everything is so glowy and shiny and crystalline.

Of course, it was convenient for the graphic designers to make everything look like a crystal or gem, since you know... polygons.

>> No.1534990

I always want to taste the fire arrow when I see it like that. Same thing with the shiny rupees or the ones that get shattered in the shooting range.

>> No.1534994

The Spiritual Stones looked awesome, especially with that magical humming.

>> No.1534996

OoT had all kinds of crazy glitches.

Like when you're meeting Princess Zelda for the first time, there's a wall you can stand up against and if you turn the camera a certain way, you can see behind the wall and the Triforce is back there.

>> No.1535007

The final bowser battle in mario 64 always did have that apocalyptic feel. It's weird, after all those stars and you know that bowser is waiting for you. It feels like the final boss battle to end all boss battles.

>> No.1535012
File: 82 KB, 640x480, 1397173290692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree.

Conker had some really cool graphics.

I dunno I really enjoyed that gen and the one after it as well because they were sort of in that place for graphics where you would naturally meet it half way with imagination and got you more involved. Or maybe it`s just me.

>> No.1535015


Having a different opinion isn't bait. Super Mario 64 is garbage. It recycles the same 5 objectives (8 red coins, beat boss, etc), it has shitty controls, it's unfocused (Why do you have to catch a rabbit, when it has nothing to do with the game?), it's too easy (You can get stars by talking to Toad), and it has repetitive music.

>> No.1535042

Not really trying to bait.

I feel like it's pretty obvious. n64 did fine with what they had, but nothing exceptional happened.

Try C4D -
make a very low poly model
use plain, solid color for the materials on your model. maybe bump map, nothing fancy
add some very low resolution textures for your environment
add maybe 1 or two light sources

There you have it. Same "aesthetic", same magical charm if you want to see it.

Not to criticize n64. It's not like they were dropping the ball. They worked within their limitations just fine, but no better than anyone else. No more magical. Unless you include your nostalgia.

>> No.1535047



>> No.1535049

>bump mapping
u wot m8

they used reflection maps

>> No.1535051

If you know of a platformer made in 2014 that has a better moveset than mario 64 I would love for you to post a video of it, not mad but I'd love to see some fact back up your opinion.

Mario's acrobatics combined with the digital stick on the N64 controller make for some really tight platforming and he can flip through the air and stop on a dime. You show me a 3d platformer that does that nowadays.

>> No.1535062
File: 455 KB, 680x681, bait2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're talking about aesthetics, not gameplay, bait-chan. You are sure on a hair trigger these days.

>> No.1535065


Banjo Kazooie has a better moveset.

Even Crash Bandicoot has a better moveset.

>> No.1535098


I totally disagree. The moveset in Banjo may look interesting on paper, but actually playing it is another story. It hardly feels like there's much physics at all, you feel very weighed down by gravity.. There is no real finesse in Banjo's movement, whereas in Mario 64 you can zip and jump around walls and levels.

>> No.1535101

>Banjo Kazooie has a better moveset.

Click Clock Wood says otherwise.

>Even Crash Bandicoot has a better moveset

Run, Jump, Spin in 3D LINEAR levels. So dynamic.

>> No.1535106

Can someone tell me, why the fuck was Banjo there anyway? Kazooie is fast as fuck, flies, shoots eggs and attacks with the beak. What the fuck does Banjo do? Kazooie is hampered carrying around his fat ass. Kazooie should just do it herself.

>> No.1535118
File: 598 KB, 641x478, iceroom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's interesting about the walls is that there's actually layers, you can see it go back pretty far.

>> No.1535123
File: 709 KB, 1366x768, Astral_Observatory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always found that this place had a great aesthetic, and the music didn't hurt at all.

>> No.1535127

I was really excited to see what this room looked like in the 3DS version. Imagine my anger and disappointment when it was turned into this >>1533865.

>> No.1535147

I don't know anything about OOT's texturing system, but seeing this done in a Doom map (and then looking at it in an editor) really made me marvel at the simplicity of it.

Either way, anytime I see layered texturing like this, it blows my mind and makes me cum buckets.

>> No.1535156

that's not lighting. He's just coloured funny.

If it was supposed to be lighting, nintendo failed miserably there. I always thought that through kicking his ass so many times, bower ended up looking deformed for the final battle.

>> No.1535161

the gamecube wasn't even capable of bump mapping...

>> No.1535174

That's lame...

It's a neat effect, and it does a good job of making the room like a lot bigger than it actually is.

Haha, I was just thinking it looks like some kind of delicious candy. It looks like either orange, or honey.

Link to Doom map please?

>> No.1535179

I always assumed Bowser had powered himself up, and was glowing with star power. Until this thread it never even occurred to me that he's supposed to be reflecting light.

>> No.1535198

The Ice Cavern + Water room in Ganon's Castle are just the cut remnants of the Ice Temple. That room with the Iron Boots just screams "unfinished boss room" to me. Especially in the debug version's unused scene set up where the door uses a placeholder wooden door.

>> No.1535209

>the doom map
There's one wall on a single map of unloved that has a weird clown face on it. It's a tiny tiny detail, but pretty cool...


Lemme dig around for a minute and I'll see if I can't find it and I'll post a screen.

>> No.1535223

I always loved the background in Mario 64. They're so atmospheric and feel so expansive. The Wet Dry World one is amazing.

>> No.1535230


I think it's cool that, instead of just cutting the dungeon out completely they made it into a cool mini dungeon.

>> No.1535234

>That room with the Iron Boots just screams "unfinished boss room" to me
Now that you mention it, don't you fight a wolfos before getting the iron boots?

Maybe that wolfos was originally just a placeholder for the actual boss.

>> No.1535236
File: 330 KB, 640x480, darkworld.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Love this one a lot.

>> No.1535237
File: 173 KB, 642x479, map05face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, here's the pic.

it's on map05:lost childhood, but don't expect it to simply be the "5th map" or whatever -- unloved is a non-linear hubmap based mod, and you visit map05 quite a bit.

It's really not too over the top awesome since it's so small, but the way they pulled it off illustrates how the technique works:
basically they have like 5 or so linedefs going back from that wall each with a copy of that texture on it like so ||||| so that as you move before the image, it seems to parallax slightly and gives it the appearance of one of those old 90s hologram cards or whatever.

>> No.1535239

Entirely possible, since Stalfos' were used extensively as placeholder enemies, mini bosses, and actual bosses, and Wolfos' use the same AI as Stalfos'

>> No.1535249

why not reuse it? you already paid people for how many ever hours it took to make it...why not use it an recoup your money?

>> No.1535252

To be honest, I like the bottom one better imo.
Don't get me wrong, I liked the cool effect on the orginal's wall textures, but I wished it was utilized in a room with a better design.

>> No.1535257

imagine if they'd used the original texture to fill the blackness behind the ice. THAT would have been best in my book

>> No.1535262
File: 481 KB, 641x477, forest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit I just noticed there are crosses on the walls. Forest Temple is so cool.

>> No.1535270

I'm guessing those are arrow slits, though they seem to be too low.

>> No.1535268

I actually don't think Banjo Kazooie looks that good. The color scheme is so drab in my opinion. It feels almost like a revisit to DKC2's grimy themes yet it doesn't look great in BK.

>> No.1535279

Those two outside rooms of the Forest Temple with the well you have to drian is recycled from an older version of Hyrule Castle.

>> No.1535276

The FT has got to be one of the most interesting places in the game for me. Hell, maybe for Zelda in general.. It's got this interesting atmosphere that intrigues, yet creeps you out at the same time.

>> No.1535283

not to sound like a queer or nothing, but
fuck rare's platformers. they're all basically banjo kazooie with different assets and they all play like that poor white trash kid's version of super mario 64.

>> No.1535287

>recycled from an older version of Hyrule Castle

During development, or the series lore?

>> No.1535289

the N64 skyboxes creeped the fuck out of me as a kid, especially the ones in banjo kazooie

they felt so gigantic and, voidful

>> No.1535293

During development. Originally, you were supposed to go inside Hyrule Castle, and find the Master Sword in there. You would have also fought Darknuts. They scrapped actually entering the castle though, and turned the outside rooms into part of the Forest Temple.

The well was originally how you were supposed to escape from Hyrule Castle after meeting Zelda.

>> No.1535337

That is a pretty gay opinion, mang

>> No.1535343
File: 72 KB, 620x465, 24092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A current time period always has it's light reference character. The late 80's - mid 90's used a lot of shadowing and profiled light to spot and create atmosphere. This is very easy to see in movies or commercials, but it also showed in f.ex. games. So SNES/N64/GameCube-era games had a more intense, living, directing and compact feel to them, much because of light and color use

>> No.1535448

It's also worth noting that they reuse a lot of cut content and ideas in later games.

>> No.1535454

Stuff like this is why I love this board.

>> No.1535456

it's supposed to be a lighting effect but the fact that Mario is really bright with the normal shading and colouring kind of throws off the whole scene.

>> No.1535916
File: 487 KB, 1280x926, e69893f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if it's not really Bowser, but Gay Bowser? Hence, SO LONG, GAY BOWSER?

>> No.1535942

Oh shit, there are enemies that look exactly like that in Ys on the Ps Vita

>> No.1536060

make your keybindings as comfy as possible and play.

>> No.1536073

As addicted as I get to the newest Animal Crossing games that get released nothing will ever beat the low res textures of the GC version for me. I wish we got the 64 version here, I bet it was even better for that sort of feel.

>> No.1536080

Also this is another reason I wish Mother 3 actually came out during the 64 days.

>> No.1536291

>the gamecube wasn't even capable of bump mapping...
It was actually. Rogue Squadron son.

Even Dreamcast could do bump mapping. I don't know if its impossible that N64 could have used bump mapping if somebody tried, but nobody ever did.

>> No.1536298

>the gamecube wasn't even capable of bump mapping...

Resident Evil 4 proves you wrong.

>> No.1536321

>I think the Nintendo 64 had really interesting aesthetics, especially as lighting is concerned.

Low poly gouraud shading, single-color polys, and colorful lighting have a certain charm.

To this day, I prefer the magic of colored Christmas lights because of the N64's lighting. It may look gaudy, but it fills me up inside.

>> No.1536358 [DELETED] 


3ds is superior jesus christ look at the repetition in the top screenshot, fucking same tile copy paste

>> No.1536554
File: 457 KB, 595x404, papermariostarsummit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Paper Mario's look. Shooting Star Summit is one of the most beautiful areas in video games in my opinion.

>> No.1536580
File: 545 KB, 640x475, er45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quest 64 looked so good.

>> No.1536589

I thought it looked decent as well. Too bad the gameplay was poorly executed.

>> No.1536668


Jolly Roger Bay is one of the coolest levels in the game. It has a really cool, foggy ambiance that sets it apart. It's so calming.

>> No.1536818


More like the rich kids version. Mario 64 was more easily available since it came with the system

The poor kids version is spyro and crash

>> No.1536821



Full of void? Does that even make sense

>> No.1536831

>Mario 64 was more easily available since it came with the system

N64 came with jack-all, man.

>> No.1536853

You're both wrong.
>Nintendo 64 — GoldenEye 007 (U.K. only), Donkey Kong 64, Pokémon Stadium, Star Wars: Episode I Racer, Super Mario 64

>> No.1536867


Regardless, sm64 was still cheaper than rares games

>> No.1536884

>The poor kids version is spyro and crash
Not really. For me, I hold both of them up there with SM64 as pretty good games.

Also, we don't need any consolewar faggotry abrewing here.

>> No.1536892

We don't need misuse of spoiler tags either.

>> No.1536906
File: 437 KB, 641x476, shadowtemple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always been fascinated by the shadow temple. rather doom-esque. The floors and walls are lined with skulls.

>> No.1536910

Over 12 hours later, do you want me to lay some early development facts down on the Shadow Temple?

>> No.1536919

Not the one who posted the pic, but go ahead I'm reading.

>> No.1536921

Those Beyond the Mind's Eye videos from the 90s were amazing, and still are

On topic:
Glover, Silicon Valley and Tonic Trouble also got it right visually; The N64 had several great cartoony platformer games as a result of Mario 64's success

>> No.1536924
File: 52 KB, 640x480, OoT-Wall_Master_NPS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out of all the temples that ended up in OoT, the Shadow Temple was started pretty early. The first was Dodongo's Cavern, but Shadow Temple was probably either second, or third, judging by the earliest screenshots. Speaking of which, you're gonna find this room later, but updated a bit to have invisible walls you need the Lens of Truth for.

>> No.1536930

Yes please anon.

>> No.1536931

Goddamn I've never seen that screenshot before, dat Wallmaster.

>> No.1536934

Makes sense I guess, it seems like a dungeon from Zelda 1 made in 3D.

>> No.1536945

Most of the super early screenshots are from the first dungeon of Zelda 1 remade in Ocarina of Time's engine, but with a few extra rooms where they just exclusively tinkered with what they could do on new hardware. Wallmaster room was one of them, along with the two Stalfos rooms from the Debug ROM. Wallmaster room was used to test the camera in narrow hallways/rooms, the Stalfos Mini-boss room was to test simulated lighting (which was scrapped), and the Boss Stalfos room was used to test dark rooms.

>> No.1536972

Get a wii and classic controller and hack it.

>> No.1537058

i've never thought about it, but god damn that is gorgeous considering when the game was released

>> No.1537073
File: 36 KB, 640x273, 1397243664844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Majora's Mask had some great looking rooms in it too, the observatory and final boss room always stood out to me. I always loved the aesthetics of those rooms

>> No.1537103

Where do you get all this info?

>> No.1537112

TCRF, Unseen 64, Iwata Asks interviews, ZSO site archives, ASSEMBLER forums, etc.

I've been a part of Zelda 64 beta documentation since I was 13.

>> No.1537114

I've not thought about it before, but besides playing them, imagine having to design, create and code a 3D game for the first time. There's so many million more elements you'd never have had to think about before such as the camera angles.
I'm always up for facts about games though, it may just be me but it seems Nintendo games are always some of the most interesting when it comes to beta content and development processes.

>> No.1537123

The jump from SNES to N64 was huge and required a lot of adaptations.
I don't think that modern Nintendo would be able to make something as incredible as OoT in 1998 or SM64 in 1996

>> No.1537130

Oh, cool. By the way, was it true that the very early build of the engine had camera controls similar to that of SM64 since it was built off of said game, along with few other elements (like jumping).

>> No.1537145

There were camera controls, but if there was jumping, it was cut really early. The earliest screenshots released showed that the A and B buttons were already being used by things that weren't jumping. A was your sword, and B was a big C-button for items (that your shield also went on). That only lasted for a few months because the camera was really frustrating to use, so they changed the controls to having the C-buttons equip items, C-Up being first person view, and Z would refocus the camera in front of you + lock on.

Ocarina of Time runs on Super Mario 64's engine, so you can imagine how shitty that camera was.

>> No.1537143

It's too bad you can't see the link on the equip screen on the emulator.

>> No.1537146

Maybe not as visually shocking ever, but while its contested for its linearity I think Mario Galaxy 2 easily stands up to the same level. It gives me the exact same feeling I had as a kid which isn't something games do often now.

>> No.1537149
File: 15 KB, 480x360, hqdefault[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of the earliest screenshots even make it look like Mario 64, the colours are so bright you could swap Mario in and nothing would look out of place.

>> No.1537217
File: 1.32 MB, 1920x1080, url.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad I'm not the only one who adores the N64 aesthetic.

Majora's Mask seriously just has some amazing shit in it from a design standpoint. I desperately wish more games would be done with low-res polygon models at least.

>> No.1537220

Sorry, meant low-poly.

But anyway.

>> No.1537386

There's many reasons Majora's Mask looks good, but it's not because the graphics are low poly, that's just a limitation they had to work with.

>> No.1537423
File: 298 KB, 608x454, 1369633-andross03[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I desperately wish more games would be done with low-res polygon models at least.
I know nothing about coding or creating games, but if Goldeneye could be made by a team of 10 people eight of whom had never created a game before, then surely someone group could come along and start making games with the same aesthetics. 2D and 8-bit games had a resurgence that won't quit, it'd be nice to see some early 3D style again. I think people get low-poly and unpolished confused.

And to bring back the skyboxes, a still image doesn't quite convey it but I love Star Fox 64s Andross battle room. It's not detailed but the scale of the place just seems neverending, a nice effect I always found

>> No.1537524

Makes sense, OoT was made on a modified SM64 engine. Similar and/or the same textures would be available very early on.

>> No.1537570

I haven't played Majora's Mask and that's one of my favorite songs ever.

>> No.1537601
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>I haven't played Majora's Mask
What the hell are you waiting for, son?

>> No.1537606

It's true, the art design is top notch.

But the low poly adds to it I think. It's the idea in illustration that you can just hint at form and people will fill in the rest, usually doing so better than the original artist could have ever pulled off.

>> No.1537742

I agree. I can't remember what it's called but the area in the sky is really cool too. With the trees that sparkle when you shake them

I remember one of the little stars saying that the area was much more beautiful when the star rod was there. I always thought that at the end of the game after you beat Bowser the place is really beautiful but you just can't see it. I always wanted to find some cheat to get there or something.

>> No.1538170

dat final battle music.

>> No.1538175

A N64 emulator that isn't complete horseshit.

>> No.1538179

N64 emulators, for the most part, were built directly around Super Mario 64, and by extension, Zelda Ocarina of Time/Majora's Mask

>> No.1538546

Play it on the Wii, it runs perfectly, all VC games do.

>> No.1538551

RE Zero, REmake, and Soul Calibur 2 also use it, as well as many other games, I'm sure.

>> No.1538767

I think most of you are letting Nostaligia cloud your brain when it comes to stuff like this. I like low poly models, but not what was on the n64. Modeling was so primitive back then, and I guess that's why it has a certain charm. That's also why I like early gamecube graphics- the early stuff looked like 90s CGI.

But yeah, the only reason I like it is for "historical" reasons. It's like Web 1.0.

The only n64 games that truly have good models are Animal Forest and Conker. (That's just at the top of my head though)

>> No.1538772

Neon Genesis Evangelion

>> No.1538828
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I think a lot of the models made for MM (rather than reused from OoT) are pretty damn great.

Also: Rocket: Robot on Wheels

>> No.1538835
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It's a sphere-mapping effect. The texture is a low-res photo of a mirror-ball.

>> No.1538837
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>> No.1538871


I don't agree about nostalgia. I genuinely find low-res 3D interesting, it seems to expand the imagination and have a sense of mystery. I think there are instances of just really great, astounding imagery, such as Metal Mario's sheen, the autumn forest in Kirby 64, the observatory in MM, etc. I don't like crying nostalgia at the first sign of praise for older games. I don't think aesthetics get better due to better technology. Games can look clearly and more hi-res but not necessarily better.

And I honestly do like Mario's model in 64 the best, because he's kind of adorable and cool. I don't like the smirk he developed in later years.

>> No.1538878
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>commit sudoku

>> No.1538894

Fun fact, until the release of the Voodoo 1, no PC graphics card could do the metal mario reflective map effect.

>> No.1538898

How is it done?

>> No.1538901
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Every time I see some reflective texture like that, I want to see a texture rip of it so I can so what the fuck is in the reflection.

I know in Super Smash Bros. Melee, the Metal power-up texture is a reflection of the Yoshi's Island stage, but I don't know what Metal Mario's is in SM64

>> No.1538902

Really? I always thought he looked cool in his final battle. It helped that the music was great too.

>> No.1538906

JoJo Waluigi is freakin me out. The only one worse is Toad.

>> No.1538926

Screenshots? Which wall?

>> No.1538927
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Catmouth dev from /vg/'s AGDG here. :3

Check out Catmouth Island here:

And even run around in a broken test version here:

Pic related, an NPC I did.

>> No.1538936

Banjo took the hits and carried all those jiggies and stuff around.

>> No.1538937

Any examples you can provide? I'm having difficulty visualizing what you mean.

>> No.1538945

I dunno, from what I've seen, the N64 game is pretty much identical. As far as I'm aware, they even used the same models and such between the games.

I feel we got a more polished product in the end, so it's okay in my book.

>> No.1538958

Shitty in the sense that it was going to be used for a game with cramped spaces maybe. SM64 has an amazing camera, especially for all that it needs to do.

>> No.1538965

Alternatively, you should be able to pirate it or a wad-injection easily too.

>> No.1538972


>> No.1538974

That's not the texture from SM64 though.

>> No.1538976

I dig it.

>> No.1539002

Thank you. I also really like the early 3D aesthetics so I keep the polycount of the NPCs under 300. It's even lower than the average for NPCs in toot-toot and MM. The only thing high-res about the game are the texture atlases.

>> No.1539008

Is that Mystical Ninja?

>> No.1539019
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>> No.1539030

It's something Goemon at least.

>> No.1539045

>carried all those jiggies

Kazooie eats them.

>> No.1539340

I agree with both of these. I fucking love early 3D.

>> No.1539485

Works fine on PJ64

>> No.1539497

Festival Temple Castle from Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon.

That dungeon was fucking crazy

>> No.1540306

And poops them into the bag afterwards.

>> No.1541005
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>> No.1542347

How did it compensate for not being able render it? Did it just use a flat texture on Mario's model or what?

>> No.1543670

This thread reminded me that Earthbound Central discovered that the shiny textures for the trophies in Super Smash Brothers Melee for Gamecube had a promotional picture for the n64 version of Mother 3 used for their reflection. I would have killed to see that in n64 graphics. Although, maybe it was for the best.

>> No.1543678

I meant to quote this guy too:

And here's a link with some proof:


>> No.1543693

I mean the games past the gamecube one, but then I realized it wasn't /vr/ so I sort of namedropped the 64 one. I hoenstly wish I could have played it though.

I agree but it will always be one of those "What could have been?" situations. Imagine if one day someone found a Mother 3 Beta.

>> No.1544291

That looks more like the Forest Temple, in my opinion. The puzzle area where you have to push the boulders around

>> No.1544304


It looks like either the Bottom of the Well, or the room near the end of the Shadow Temple where you need to use the Lens to see the walls and also has several Floormasters.

>> No.1544462
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Acclaim put out some great looking games on N64 too.

>> No.1544472 [DELETED] 

The only reason I use savestates is for boss rushes.

>> No.1544473

Looks like the first N64 Goemon game

>> No.1544482
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Midway too, there is in fact quite a lot of arcade ports exclusive to the N64 that run very well and have nothing to envy the arcade versions.

The thing is that it required a lot of work on the devs parts.

Probably the absolute wizards of N64 hardware are the german Factor 5, they did the Resident Evil 2 port (which is better than the PS1 version, even on audio), or The Infernal Machine, which is better than the PC version too.

>> No.1544486

if you have any good regular controllers, there are a few decent USB adapters on amazon that aren't too expensive. I had a particular psx/ps2 adapter that worked really well and was only like 2 dollars.

>> No.1544487
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Thread about N64 grafix and nobody mentioned Evangelion yet?

>> No.1544547



>> No.1544649

>How did it compensate for not being able render it? Did it just use a flat texture on Mario's model or what?
There weren't any N64 emulators in 1996.

>> No.1544664

Other than the Cruis'n USA, Cruis'n Exotica,, California Speed, Off-Road Challenge, Wayne Gretzgy's 3D Hockey, and Mace: The Dark Age, I don't know of many more exclusive arcade ports from Midway.

>> No.1544667

Mystical Ninja = Goemon

>> No.1544781
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Speaking of Blast Corps, the chromed metal surface of Thunderfist looks so good

>> No.1545075

That's not alternatively, that's the same thing.