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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1529649 No.1529649 [Reply] [Original]

This is partly a question of morals and im sure many can apply this to a couple (or more) games in their collection.

A girl who I was close friends with let me borrow her copy of Conkers Bad Fur Day around 6 years ago when i was 13. She said keep it for as long as you want and she has only brought it up the once since and without asking she said "I'll let you know when i need it back". a few years have passed since then and i rarely see her, she has a boyfriend who is a big nintendo fan and im SUREE it will have come into conversation.
She will surely ask for it back soon but its now such a dear part of my collection, makes it look like i have really put some money behind my n64 collection, heck i even made a custom case for it and that game has shot up in value over the last few years. When i was a kid all my friends where playing bad fur day, i thought it was really common!

tl;dr What do when people want their retro games back from years ago?

>> No.1529654

offer her like £/$ 30?
usually people are happy to get money from stuff they forgot they had

>> No.1529659

>"Oh hey anon, don't suppose you have my Conkers bad fur day still?"

>"Sorry, No. Didn't you know all cartridges broke after that Nuclear power plant explosion in japan

>> No.1529662

glorious Nippon G

>> No.1529663
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Just kill her and blame her friend.

>> No.1529673

OP the best way is to come clean, but in a lying fashion. Just approach her and timidly apologize for having lost it. If you act like you mean it, chances are she not only won't care about the game, she will try to comfort you and maybe even let you suck on her nipples a little.

>> No.1529675

The only reason she'll ask for it back this long after is because her boyfriend wants it, not her. Bear that in mind.

Saying that a friend of mine from years back has my Futurama DVDs, I'd love to have those back but never will

>> No.1529679

You stop acting like a selfish child and give it back, it's her property and she is your friend

>> No.1529681

This. Don't be a dick. Buy your own copy and give it to her, or offer to buy it from her.


>> No.1529684

>not moving to another country to keep the game and never think about it again

Do not give it back OP, you're making a huge mistake.

>> No.1529814

As someone who never got back their SNES and all 40+ carts, fuck you OP.

You've stolen it from her by deciding to keep it and that is a piece of shit move. I don't care if this cart goes for a lot of money, you can't possibly sell it, so it's worth only what it's worth to her.

Offer her something for it or give it back, jesus christ. It's not even a great game.

>> No.1529826

>its now such a dear part of my collection
No it isn't you piece of shit, it does not belong to you.

>> No.1529830

>tl;dr What do when people want their retro games back from years ago?
You return them.

>> No.1529831

ITT: The types of pieces of shit who are in possession of 10-15% of my collection rationalizing being pieces of shit

>> No.1529853

This really needed a thread? Jesus.

Hey, OP, you'll feel less guilty if you give it to me

>> No.1529865


What makes you so sure she'll ask for it back? She may have forgotten about it.

Also I'm pretty sure there might be a legal limit if something is under your possession for a certain amount of time, you may be able to claim it as yours. Not sure how much time has to pass though.

>> No.1529871

Remind her you have it and let her know it is semi-valuable. It is her's not your's.

>> No.1529874

This. Have some self respect. You seem like nice guy though.

>> No.1529916


But why remind her if she doesn't ask? If she doesn't ask for it back then there's no reason to offer it to her.

>> No.1529925
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Cause its a dick move to borrow something and not give it back.
What the fuck is wrong with you people?

>> No.1529939

>implying I care about what losers who gave me their games think about me

Seriously though, I never experienced something similar because oddly enough I only had the consoles my friends didn't have. The only console I shared with someone else was the NES, and even then we would only borrow games in exchange for other games. Not because we were afraid of losing them, but because generally anyone who wanted to try your game would have a game you'd like to try as well.

>> No.1529947
File: 18 KB, 280x280, Sheep_Dog_n_Wolf (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god I just remembered that I have a copy of Sheep, Dog and Wolf for PS1 that I "borrowed" off a friend in primary school almost a decade ago.

I haven't talked to the guy in years, we even went to the same high school and talked every now and then.

kind of makes me wonder if he would even remember it.

>> No.1529961

I borrowed a copy of FF7 from a friend in 2000. Never gave it back. I feel pretty awful about that.

Recently found a copy for £1, like new. Tempted to wrap it up for his birthday next week.

>> No.1529991

Give her the game back since it's not yours, you cunt. At the very least be honest, tell her what it's worth, and ask to buy it off her.

The fact that you even need to ask us this tells us that you're a shit tier friend and not a bro.

>> No.1530360

jesus christ why is everyone being such a faggot to OP. He clearly stated he can keep it as long as he likes and he would probably give it back if she asked. Still if she did want it back its probably just trying to impress her boyfriend just keep it OP be a faggot don't worry what these NEETs think

>> No.1530362

You're a terrible human being.

OP, borrowing implies returning. That's what it means. If you keep it, you're stealing. Consider the price nowadays. Do you want to steal that much from someone you claim is your friend?

>> No.1530368

>She said keep it for as long as you want
obviously you missed that part of the story you fuckhead. He should return it if she asks, if not whatever obviously he still wants it.

>> No.1530370

>jesus christ why is everyone being such a faggot to OP.

A better question is why OP is being a faggot to his so-called friends.

>> No.1530379

he isn't though, he hasn't done anything wrong yet and you guys are jumping all over him. Now if he said he was outright keeping it that is a different story, I swear these hours are when the school children who can't read sign on or like to over react to nothing.

ALSO OP why arent you banging her?

>> No.1530392

>I swear these hours are when the school children

First you say this. Then in the same post:

>ALSO OP why arent you banging her?

And you have the nerve to call other people children.

Everyone is shitting on OP because he's being a faggot. If he wants to keep it, he should at least say something about it, especially given the worth of the game.

>> No.1530414

I knew someone would say something about that, dont be such a white knight moralfag betafag fag. OP doesn't have to give it back until she asks and he should be giving her the D because its not everyday you find a female decent taste in vidya.

>> No.1530418

>dont be such a white knight moralfag betafag fag.

You are trying way too hard.

>> No.1530426

There's no saving some of you fucks.

For what good is a man, if not his word?

>> No.1530449

>implying i'm trying

>> No.1530457

You can either be a prick and hold onto it or a decent human being and give it back.

>> No.1530487

If people want their stuff back they can ask. Just hope she doesn't ask but if she does you definitely gotta give it back.

>> No.1530681

Fucking this. Give her the custom case you made for it while you're at it.

>> No.1530693

>borrow game from girl
>claim it's part of "my collection"

fuck off. give the grill her game back you fucking cunt

>> No.1530965

This thread makes me feel bad I kept a copy of Mega Man 3 from a classmate, only to have it taken from me by another one. Several people I borrowed games from kept mine, leaving me with a shittier game when I got theirs

>> No.1531008

If she brings it up say you think you still have it somewhere, but dont know where, and offer her some money for it instead. If she /really/ wants it back, then give it back.
or you could offer to trade it for a bj, that might work.

>> No.1531096

I let someone borrow my copy of Conker while I was in college and they were still playing it when I graduated so I told them they could keep it. Found out a couple months later how much the game was worth and kind of regretted it.

>> No.1531114

If she has decent taste in video games then OP is in the clear, she won't ask for or even want Conker's back.

>> No.1531175

its the best multiplayer game on the system deal with it. Heist is awesome, War is awesome, so many good game modes. I fucking hate that great mighty poo shit and dont think its funny at all but that doesnt stop it from being the best multiplayer on the system.

>> No.1531205

Keep it OP fuck all these people. It's yours now all yours!

>> No.1531218

I'm sure we all have games we borrowed and never got the chance to return. I have a bunch of them, but I've also let people borrow lots of my own games that I've never gotten back.

If I get the chance, I offer to return them though. Sometimes the owners don't care anymore, but it's still the decent thing to do.

>> No.1531236

My brother knew a girl that loaned out her SNES games and never asked for them back. So no one ever gave them back to her. I guess they felt that since she didn't ask she didn't care. However if someone is eventually going to ask for the game back and you know it, it's no longer a question of "well they don't care so whatever".

It might be rather sketchy to never give a game back that isn't asked for again (I'm guilty of this with Excite Bike and still feel terrible even though I'll probably never see that person again), but it's a whole other thing to keep something when you know it will be asked for. Plus, when she asks for her game what do you say? I lost it?

It doesn't matter if it's her boyfriend that wants it and not her. It's still her game. The only fair thing to do is to give it back or try offering to buy it. If you're lucky she'll go for it.

>> No.1531242

I did it on purpose, though. I kept it until he forgot about it, which makes it funny for me when some other kid got my copy

>> No.1531292

> yfw they are spending their time fucking and not worrying about some over glorified second tier Rare game.

>> No.1531326

u forgot super smash bros

>> No.1531359

>some guy left his Suikoden II at my house and then dropped off the face of the earth

Thanks bro, wherever you are.

>> No.1531623

>Let friend borrow Starfox 64 back in middle school
>He lets me borrow Super Mario 64
>I switch schools (I did that a fucking lot, often without notice thanks to my cunt mother being a cunt)
>He moved to Texas
>Never getting that Starfox back, nor him his Mario

>> No.1531628

>He moved to Texas

>> No.1531658
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No, I'm sorry.

>> No.1534036

Remind her that you have it.

I bet all of you faggots whine about how resellers "Jew" people too.

>> No.1534061

Could you really deal with the reminder every single time you looked at your N64 collection?

I'd say it's fair game to keep it if she's forgotten about it, but if she asks for it back, you should comply.

>> No.1534094

I lent a copy of FFXII to a friend and she never gave it back. When I reminded her off it she said she got rid of all games she had, so it must have been sent in the pile by mistake.

It's not even a retro game and I was able to buy a boxed collector's edition for like 25 usd so it's not a big deal. Just letting you know how shitty it feels to be on the receiving end, OP.

>> No.1537235

>moved to Texas
Sucks to be him