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File: 23 KB, 555x552, genesis_system.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1518119 No.1518119 [Reply] [Original]

What is with the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive's music?

On one hand you had music like this:


Whereas on the other, you had music like this:


Those are kind of extreme polar examples, and I'm sure your first thought is how it's just different composers and of course two songs won't sound alike. However, I know an awful lot of Genesis songs had the latter "tinny" and noisy quality, in fact, the majority of them seem to have an instantly recognizable "Genesis" quality. Why is there such a distinct difference and harshness of sound, especially since composers like Yuzo Koshiro proved that the Genesis is capable of pleasing-to-the-ear music? Is it a difference in Eastern and Western developers?

>> No.1518152

Because FM synthesis is much more difficult to program sounds for than most other kinds of synthesis.

>> No.1518160

It was just harder to make music for. Every console has its limitations, but a lot of the perceived flaws can be overcome by good programming.

Like how they managed to get Recca to work on the Famicom despite being incredibly fast and having all that shit on the screen.

When you had devs who knew their way around the Genesis, you got gifted with amazing things that makes the soundchip work to the game's advantage.


This wouldn't sound nearly as funktastic on the SNES.

>> No.1518169

Sonic Spinball had some good music...

>> No.1518209

This, pretty much. As for western and eastern developers, western devs used GEMS(which, by the way, was used in Sonic Spinball) a lot more often, which in the wrong hands could result in some terrible sounding music and sound effects. However, they also had some really good ones like Tim Follin who unfortunately only composed music for one Genesis game which never got released:

As for examples from other systems, take the Turbografx-16/PC Engine. Most earlier games on that system barely sounded better than NES games, but later on when the devs got more proficient with the soundchip you got some fantastic music just like the Genesis and SNES did:

>> No.1518212

The gritty sound of the megadrives sound chip is part of why it's so awesome.


>> No.1518213
File: 209 KB, 640x457, YM2612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The YM2612... what a lovely little chip that was.

>> No.1518217


The Genesis never HAD to sound scratchy and metallic, but it was hard to program for and some people just couldn't hang. Listen to Clock Tower and tell me that ain't the fucking shit.

>> No.1518236
File: 25 KB, 240x240, mw3_shion_6650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love some of the music on the Genesis. Especially from pic related

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcqXDKIBizs Woods

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDIm3motgXg islands

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8OqNBKRPSM beginning

and as an extra, Monster World IV's main theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVEDhyMtgLQ

>> No.1518243

It might not be scratchy, but it still has a much more raw sound than the snes.

But that's not a bad thing.

>> No.1518249


The Genesis and SNES both have flaws in their sound. SNES used low quality samples that always made stuff sound flat and dated right out of the gate but also gave it a much more colorful palette. Some teams got together and tried their hardest to obscure that sound and it worked wonders. The Genesis had a super complex sound chip pretty much ripped and condensed from a real keyboard and thus was a huge bitch to program for. The sounds it made were high quality and had far more life. Some teams got together and made the metallic screech work and some even made it sound like a super impressive electronica act.

Those days were cool because the system inevitably had character no matter what because of things like these.

>> No.1518253

Genesis can do smooth/relaxing tracks too:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18gJgqdm_XU (Side Pocket - Stylin')

Compare the SNES version, different composition in the same style, much inferior sound quality:

>> No.1518256


wow that sounds incredible and had to search for the game... why did they make this cool of a soundtrack for a weird hybrid pinball game?

>> No.1518264

I think with the Sonic Spinball example, they were trying to go with something gritty or hard rock, but regardless of how you feel about the quality of the two songs, it's not really as though they seem to be from different chips or something. It's like how you are able to create different styles of music with the same instrument. And I don't really agree that most Genesis music sounds bad. Even taking the example of Sonic Spinball, it is only the options menu that has that harsh sound.

>> No.1518267

Not all Western devs used GEMS:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gi3lK4Zgcbs (Puggsy - The Red Woods)

I prefer this version to the Sega CD version. I love those FM chimes.

>> No.1518265


Because you had this baller ass dude working on it. And don't hate the game until you've tried it, it's strangely addicting and fun.


>> No.1518276

And underrated thing about the Genesis was it actually had a pretty decent ability to use drums unlike any other 8/16-bit consoles.

>> No.1518319

GEMS is all you need to know

The only great GEMS OST are Earthworm Jim and Comix Zone, but that's about it.

>> No.1518335

You forgot Toejam & Earl

>> No.1518339

Because the latter is recorded on a shitty emulator.

Real console will muffle the sounds down considerably, making it more viable to use those "tinny" high frequency sounds.

Also, many developers just played tunes on their keyboards and fed them through MIDI into the sound driver using pre-made instrument presets. VERY few musicians bothered to program their own instruments, the ones that do all sound notably unique and almost always better. Streets of Rage 2 was one such case.

>> No.1518341

Reminder that the SNES is better than the MegaDrive.

>> No.1518340

Are you sure Toejam and Earl was developed in GEMS?

>> No.1518346

>The only great GEMS OST are Earthworm Jim and Comix Zone, but that's about it.

The problem isn't that they used GEMS, it was that they used its premade instruments.

Vectorman, Comix Zone, Toejam & Earl 2, and The Ooze all used it and they are some of the most unique sounding Megadrive games.

>> No.1518347

Only the sequel, not the original. I know the original has great music, but I haven't played the sequel yet.

Here is a list of games that used GEMS:

>> No.1518351

Oh yeah the ooze has some nice songs too. But overall i think Earthworm Jim and Comix Zone are the most impressive GEMS music, never liked the Vectorman music so much.

>> No.1518349

>Reminder that the SNES is better than the MegaDrive.

Reminder that it was proven that the Megadrive can run Starfox on its own while SNES needs an extra chip.

>> No.1518357

Oh, i forgot earthwor jim 2 too.

This songs is so great, maybe the snes version is more classy but the genesis version still soudns awesome.


>> No.1518358

In any case the sequel has good music too.

>> No.1518362


Could the Megadrive do Mode 7?

>> No.1518365



But please stop with the shitty console wars.

>> No.1518376

if the Genesis had the FX chip would it run much faster than the SNES?

I remember SF on actual SNES being really choppy

>> No.1518382

Probably, see Virtua Racing, the SVP is a superior chip though.

>> No.1518383

Track 3 Waterfalls is also very interesting because it's a rare case of a Japanese composer using chipstyle arpeggios. Also rare on 16 bit systems in general.

>> No.1518386
File: 22 KB, 320x224, Gauntlet 4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love Mega Drive good music.


>> No.1518390

You can't just take a music track you composed on something else, stick it into a Genesis game, and have the system play it. The tracks need to be programmed to play on the Genesis sound card. Western developers used GEMS, the default Genesis sound drivers, and 99% of the time, the results sound truly awful.

>> No.1518435

Same composer used arpeggios for Magical Chase (PC Engine):

>> No.1518436

check this playlist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17deLvtVuLo&list=PLB831C9E0BD3FDEF0

crusader of centy had snes quality music

>> No.1518441


The best there is.

>> No.1518446

OK, so it's not the best on the Genesis, but it's hardly fair to call it SNES quality. All the instruments have a nice clean tone, none of that muffled fart sound.

>> No.1518460

reminds me of this

>> No.1518472

Many people like this scratchy sound on the Mega Drive.
However, the sound quality doesnt matter much anyway, what matters are the composers.


>> No.1518501

Thankfully, no. It could only do very similar effects in software if the programmer had some amount of skill and any real desire to use them.
This means you don't get shoehorned in zooming and rotating effects on everything for no reason even when it detracts from the look of the game or the intensity of the action like you did so often on the SNES. On the Genesis, such effects were only used where appropriate for the most part.

>> No.1518516

Looking at some footage, like the stage 1 boss, it sounds like Two Crude Dudes. Was this a Data East game, or did the same sound programmer work on it? I recognize the growling sound and that sound used for his arms stretching.

>> No.1518526

Hitoshi Sakimoto worked on both game's soundtracks, but Devilish / Bad Omen isn't a Data East game.

>> No.1518538

True, though only Toaplan's drums actually sounded like drums and not like these tinny chalky things. Technosoft's drums sounded like poorly made triangle kicks (a trick used in many C64 games and a handful of NES games), though I will say I will GLADLY take the NES' lo-fi sample quality over the SNES muffled samples. While the sampling system was (obviously) out of date, there was just something about the basslines in Sunsoft games doing that "derrriiinnngg" distortion sound at lower pitches.

>> No.1518613

What about Vapor Trail?


>> No.1518615

Also, this song has pretty good drums too IMO.


>> No.1518652

Genesis confirmed for god tier drums

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8Ln58rntZU - does that song not make you feel like the wolf of the battlefield or what

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3cuybMPRag - fuck that guitar slide in the beginning is orgasmic too.

>> No.1518672

Is this percussion good enough?

>> No.1518675

More god tier drums incoming.


>> No.1518682


Hahaha, yeah Technosoft couldn't program drums to save their lives. The only downfall of the TF soundtracks.

>> No.1518685


Not posting because of drums, but whatever.

>> No.1518686

They couldn't do sound mixing either. In game sound effects drown out the music.

>> No.1518687

God damn, that Galaxy Force II track is so good. I've never played it actually.

Obviously meant for >>1518538

>> No.1518713

Mercs has a "pop" like drum, sounds pretty cheap given what the Genesis sampling was capable of. It's like Final Fantasy 3's (NES) drums, which are simple "pop" samples. Trouble Shooter has nice drums as well, though they sound a bit muffled, bass drum especially.

Ristar uses those Sega Drums I really don't like, they sound too muffled. The Genesis was clearly capable of better (such as Galaxy Force).

>> No.1518737


Anyone else hearing Baby Got Back in this?

>> No.1518742


Yes. Very much so. I didn't realize it until you said it though.

But yeah, as you can see with the thread the Genesis was capable of some awesome sound but since it wasn't popular in Japan and the Murricans used GEMS for damn near everything, we didn't often get to hear it. I would put my neck out and say that it has the most pleasing sound at the most optimal usage.

>> No.1518752


>> No.1518756

I know the samples arent the greatest quality but I fucking LOVE that pop sound. Sounds like the shittiest snare some punk band uses.

>> No.1518759



The actual synth line drowns them shits out but you know they're going hard behind them.

10/10 thread.

>> No.1518765

Fuck yeah, I thought that sounded familiar- same guy (gal?) from Master of Monsters, another mediocre MD game with a tremendous OST.


>> No.1518767

>Sounds like the shittiest snare some punk band uses.

Someone should use the widely mocked and now infamous snare drum from Metallica's St. Anger album.

For the uninformed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOaLTQMMYlQ

Brace yourselves.

>> No.1518770

i had purged that from my memory now I remember the shitty iron bucket they used for a drum.

>> No.1518851

On the subject of shitty drums, try this-


That's probably one of the best tracks on the MD completely undone by its instruments. Most Motoi Sakuraba osts on the console were like this for some reason.

A palate cleanser: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeBucCBpbtI

>> No.1518861

Guess what, more drums.


>> No.1518869

This thread has made me realize that I am in love with Hitoshi Sakimoto. I didn't even realize most of my favorite OSTs were written by him (in the case of Bloody Roar I used to set the OST to Arcade to hear his three songs even). Everything he did in the 90s was gold.

>> No.1518891

I feel the same way.
Here's me in another thread: >>1517763
I really don't understand how the guy ain't more well known.

>> No.1518913
File: 185 KB, 256x351, Dynamite_Headdy_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dynamite Headdy has always had my favorite drum/PCM sample usage on the Genesis

Everything just sounds so clean

>> No.1518925

Headdy had really clear sound in general. The voice samples stand out for that.

>> No.1518939

That fucking Galaxy Force 2 soundtrack man. I cannot stop listening to it.

>> No.1519517

You like Sound Track of Trouble shooter,
You might like these.

>> No.1519554


The music itself on Side Pocket is different on Gen and SNES, if I'm not wrong the Genesis music is based on arcade version, and SNES is completely new ost. In my opinion, it's one of the rarer cases that the SNES music works better than a Genesis one in the same title.

>> No.1519560

one of my favorites

>> No.1519562

On the topic of the PC Engine, Kyukyoku Tiger had a good as hell sountrack. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bI34R84U5sY

>> No.1519584

genesis had music like this



snes games had music like this

(skip around) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MwiIOi8brvs
honestly the game sucks but the music is good

ost to panel de pon blew my mind when i first heard it
examples of other games with high quality sound like this: popful mail & kirby's dream land 3

sound sampling in this is great, definitely nothing like this on the genesis

>> No.1520758

Don't forget Decap Attack

>> No.1520770

What about popful mail for sega CD? IMO the OST is better than th snes version.

Also, since you named Tetris Attack, puyo puyo's OST is pretty good too.



>> No.1521734

Yuzo Koshiro made hiss own music dev software.
Also, watch this video:


>> No.1521746


Genesis does:


Super Nintendon't:


>> No.1521758




>> No.1521763

now I know what everybody means when they rip on SNES low quality samples that song sounded like it was recorded from someone taping an audio cassette through a microphone.

>> No.1521824
File: 1.00 MB, 184x141, 1394159708054.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting some favorites


>> No.1522081

Has anyone ever added in a YM2151 chip for any Super NES music/homebrew (the same way the VRC6 chip did for the NES)? That way we can get the best of both worlds.

>> No.1522104


I played my childhood copy so much it stopped working for good.

>> No.1522859

>Whereas on the other, you had music like this:




Oh thank lord baby raptor jesus... my ears are healed.

>> No.1525789


>> No.1526956

Don't forget this song, one of the most impressive/beatiful in the genesis IMO.


>> No.1526998

The SNES can do music without the muffled fart sound.

>> No.1527002 [DELETED] 

But that's from Tim Follin, you are cheating!

Pretty good stuff, but still a bit muffled, this is a better example.


>> No.1527006

>Is it a difference in Eastern and Western developers?
Yes, and it's huge.

GEMS catered to people who were musically educated but not programmers. Just imagine if every American dev had to scramble to make their own sound driver for their games? It would be a mess seeing that they already had short deadlines to meet. It let people be very lazy but that wasn't always the case, see >>1518346

This is a great list. Arm yourself with it but don't take everything at face value. The composer is really the person in control.

However, nothing excuses Doom 32x. That's probably what happens when you take on more projects than you can chew.

>> No.1527017

Best Genesis music incoming.

Ranger X:

Gunstar Heros:


Crusader of Centy:

That's all the shit I remember the most about Genesis music. I remember some games begin miserable.


>> No.1527023

One thing to consider is that developers would often lower the sample quality if they didn't have much space to work with.

EWJ for the SNES suffered a lot from lack of space. They removed various voice clips and took out a level.

Street Fighter Alpha 2. I wonder if getting Alpha 2 onto the SNES was worth the trouble.

Ranma ½ Chougiranbuhen. Not a large game but has that muffled sound people complain so much about.

None of this stuff should detract from the experience if you have an ear for good compositions though.

>> No.1527050


sound samples are on the console itself, correct? late snes game had better quality sound fonts, does it mean they had their own sample / fonts on the carts?

a lot of early games sound dated and rough

>Not a large game but has that muffled sound people complain so much about.

that doesn't sound muffled, this does


composition is epic, deserves to be arranged or remastered or something

>> No.1527209
File: 595 KB, 320x224, 1396874930870.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember reading there was this god awful driver for the ym2612 that was pretty popular in the west while on the japanese side they were using a different and more reliable one.
Don't know if it's actually true.

>> No.1527217

>like Tim Follin who unfortunately only composed music for one Genesis game which never got released:

Well that's not true

Maybe he didn't specifically compose this mega drive version and was just ported from the SNES version by someone else, but it is his original composition, and considering how good it sounds it must have been him.

>> No.1527250

That is some gorgeous music. The tracks for Gauntlet 4 were killer as well


>> No.1527260


>> No.1527289

>Arm yourself with it but don't take everything at face value. The composer is really the person in control.

The metallic sound really works well with Shadowrun. It uses GEMs but the musical compositions are absurdly well put together and the sounds mesh nicely.


>> No.1527437

That's GEMS, and it's mostly true.
The issue isn't the thing itself, there's too many examples of games that use it and have good music for that to be the case, but a lot of developers made basically no effort whatsoever.

>> No.1527440

What I don't get is the Japanese side, were they using a different thing, or were most of them just programming their own sound engines/drivers/whatever ?

>> No.1527579


Also I think the documentation for the YM2612 is cryptic and has quite a few errors. I could see that hindering devs from really knowing their way around the Genesis soundchip and really taking advantage of its capabilities.

>> No.1527664

Popful Mail on SCD uses chiptunes, not streaming audio, and the music is basically identical to what it sounds like on the PC98. Of course it sounds better than the SNES.

>> No.1527665

Ehh No

It is true that sound emulation isnt accurate, but you might have a late model 1 or model 2 Genesis (model 1 genesis with the High Definition graphics has HI-FI Sound)

No, here the issue was that sadly most US developed games were using the awful GEMS sound driver because that's what sega of japan gave them.

Most good music on the genesis uses either japanese soundrivers or their own.

>> No.1527732



>> No.1527772
File: 775 KB, 973x946, 1396894678845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any time a Genesis composer tried to emulate a guitar solo!

Even if they were that one guy who could pull it off, they were just encouraging others to keep doing it.

>> No.1527841

Nah, they're in the game. See this R-Type music isn't muffled at all like the Ranma music I posted, the word you're looking for is flat. The samples have no depth.

Pit Fighter on the SNES for example. That drab bass makes my ears want to hightail it out of there.

Final Fight. Hilarious

The same things apply to this Kemco music but I actually happen to like the way it sounds. It's calm and relaxing.

>> No.1527847

That's why i included it.

>> No.1528390

It was able to create 3D effects without an extra chip. I don't think any games did that but some guy managed to get Star Fox running on the Genesis natively. It had no sound and had a shit framerate but it's still pretty impressive.


>> No.1528451
File: 79 KB, 640x480, road-rash-3_3s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much every console can do "Mode 7" with differing degrees of success as it was just glorified raster effect. Take "Road Rash" for instance

Really though, Mode 7 was just as overhyped as "Blast Processing" was

>> No.1528483

There are 3d polygon games on the Genesis that use no special chips. Hard Drivin' and some assorted flight sims. I wouldn't recommend any of them though.

That's not what mode 7 is though. Mode 7 is where the SNES takes a sprite layer and stretches/rotates it. Its usually a gimmick.

>> No.1529413

I wonder how much different life would've been if GEMS didn't exist, but instead game music had to be outsourced to Japanese sound programming houses. Hell, I wonder what would happen if the Genesis was more like the NES and most games were developed by the Japanese? I'm losing my shit at imagining Taz-Mania having MUSHA like music and explosions fucking everywhere.

>> No.1529446

Speaking of Japan:
Imagine the amazing games we could have had for another 3 years if Sega Japan didn't kill off the console worldwide when it was beating the SNES in America and Europe.
Imagine games as technically impressive as Red Zone or Adventures of Batman and Robin being much more commonplace as other developers figured out how to push the Genesis to its limits.
Imagine some games going even further.
Imagine the Sega CD getting a bunch more great games since support had picked up by that point quite a bit.
Imagine the 32X actually getting some worthwhile stuff.

>> No.1529452

Western devs didn't HAVE to use GEMS. Off to the top of my head, Mega Turrican sounds easily as good or better than most Japanese titles and even Sega's own titles. And its a port.

>> No.1529465

But Mega Turrican is from yurop, anon, many composers there were pretty good.


>> No.1529467

>Imagine the Sega CD getting a bunch more great games since support had picked up by that point quite a bit.

You remind me this ;_;

>A Sega CD version was announced but canceled with the end of the system, sometime before the port of the SNES version.

Captain Commando by the way.

>> No.1529468

no mega turrican is the original version
and it sounds better than the amiga version too imo

>> No.1529542

Yeah, when western devs actually seriously tried they were able to make arguably better music and/or inarguably more impressive programming happen.
Level design is seemingly always much MUCH better in Japanese games, though. I don't know what the deal is with that. Shit's basically endemic.
Games like Toy Story, the original Vectorman, the Earthworm Jim games, Adventures of Batman and Robin, Ecco: The Tides of Time, Sub-Terrania, Mega Turrican, Comix Zone, Red Zone, Kawasaki Superbike Challenge, The Misadventures of Flink, Mickey Mania, and the unreleased Time Trax and Wacky Races were all pretty impressive in one way or another.
There's also Pier Solar if that counts, which it totally doesn't.

>> No.1529548
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>I'm losing my shit at imagining Taz-Mania having MUSHA like music and explosions fucking everywhere.
I like you. Taz-Mania deserves much better presentation. It's not nearly as animated as it should be but I applaud Recreational Brainware for trying and making what they did. It's my favorite Looney Tunes game that isn't a Sunsoft Gameboy title.

No pressure, Factor 5 was an easier environment to develop Mega Turrican and ensure top-quality without executive meddling. And we still got things like Kid Chameleon, The Ooze, Comix Zone, and Sonic 2 over here. The Genesis/Megadrive library is extremely impressive but I'll never understand why Japan didn't bite.

Off the top of my head the other British composers for the genesis were Matt Furniss, Nathan McCree, and Tim Follin, and the other guys from Software Creations (Paul Tonge, Paul Williams, etc.).


This version of Tim's music from isn't as lively as the SNES version. He's so incredibly critical and meticulous of his own work that when other people touch it, it's not even the same. It's hard to say if Follin had anything to do with the Genesis Spiderman and X-Men listening to the quality.

Not a Follin tune, but uses the same driver and sounds great. This is also actually from The Tick's animated series. Listen to that bassline.

If I could say one final thing in this post and make it the most striking remark, I want it to be this. GEMS is great when used correctly but Sonic 2 dodged a bullet being made in the USA. What if they just slapped it through the default GEMS instrument patches and they were done? Scary to think about.

>> No.1529563
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>Paul Williams
Name should be *Tony Williams. Oops.

Other fun questions that I'll probably never get answers to.
>Why is the frame rate in Taz-Mania, Chakan, Sonic Spinball, and Spiderman Vs The Kingpin so bad?
>Why did they treat Bobby Prince's Doom music so poorly on the 32x?
>Why didn't they just put add-ons in the Genesis games instead of making the 32x?
>What was the average development time for an American Genesis game and a Japanese one?
>Is there a middle ground answer to what really doomed the Saturn?

>> No.1529613

That only plays on the options screen that you use for like 5 seconds tho


>> No.1529624

>Why didn't they just put add-ons in the Genesis games instead of making the 32x?

This is an interesting one.

You mean like an Super FX chip on steroids?

>> No.1529650

Yes, but something with realistic results that Sega and devs would actually agree on. It all has to fit in the cart in the end.

Tempo, Knuckles Chaotix, Space Harrier, Kolibri, Metal Head, Spiderman: Web Of Fire, and Cosmic Carnage and other 2D games are very vibrant but don't warrant the 32x attachment. I can imagine a little processor put in these games to give the Genesis the horsepower needed to deliver those visuals, color, and scaling methods without gameplay slowing down to crawl.

Now games like Shadow Squadron, Virtua Racing, Virtua Fighter, and Doom, that's a different story seeing that they do polygons. Making an add-on that could give the Genesis the power to do this at a good frame rate and keep manufacturing prices low would have proved useful.

With the 32x being out of the picture in my hypothetical Sega scenario with pumped up Genesis titles to prolong system life, that would have left them to focus on the Saturn.

Now back in the real world Sega had all of their Japanese divisions along with Technical Institute in the USA, meanwhile the Game Gear, Genesis, 32x, CD, Pico, and Saturn were all out while Sega simultaneously developed arcade games and all of that corporate stuff going on. Can anyone really see it turning out differently if they had just not made the 32x?

>> No.1529883

Europe generally knew how to program good music out of their experience with Amiga. And a ton of Amiga games were ported to the Genesis as well, so it makes sense

>> No.1529886

Well the main reason the 32x was created in the first place was because of how costly adding the SVP chip in the Genesis port of Virtua Racing was. Now if they could have found a much more cost effective way to have those games on the Genesis besides an add-on, that would have been different

>> No.1529938

>Why is the frame rate in Taz-Mania, Chakan, Sonic Spinball, and Spiderman Vs The Kingpin so bad?

Dropping the framerate allows for moving more and prettier graphics or more computations inbetween each frame. This stands true for modern games as well.
Requiring more computations may also be the result of poor coding however.

>Why did they treat Bobby Prince's Doom music so poorly on the 32x?

Because Sega wanted it as a launch title and the developers had to rush everything. Chances are they just dropped the midis into GEMS and left it like that - no time for optimizing the instruments or so (if they worked on it some more, they could've made it rockin' like Comix Zone).

>Why didn't they just put add-ons in the Genesis games instead of making the 32x?

Because the Megadrive VDP had zero ways to take external gfx input, plus it was also tile based, plus the colors were palette based (on a PER TILE basis). To do custom gfx input, you have to convert your image to paletted tiles and upload your new tiles into the VRAM, and during upload the VDP cannot draw anything. I don't know the numbers from the top of my head but I think you can only update something like 1/5th of a screens worth of tiles during one VBlank (the period when the raster beam finishes drawing a screen and moves to the top to draw the next frame, during this the VDP is not drawing anything, so this is the best time to upload new tiles).

This is why the scaling effects on the Mega CD always ran at 10-20fps, and why Virtua Racing was so slow too.

On the SNES you have a, what was it, 8bpp bitmap background into which you can draw anything you want. That's how some guy did a homebrew port of a laserdisc game to it a few years ago.

>What was the average development time for an American Genesis game and a Japanese one?

That depended on what the publisher allowed for and what the developers could deliver. Sonic Spinball was planned to be done in 6 months for example.

>> No.1529945


>Is there a middle ground answer to what really doomed the Saturn?

Sega of Japan forcing Sega of America purely out of envy, to do several things that hurt their sales a LOT. 32x was just a drop in this ocean.

For the 32x, it didn't actually added extra graphics to the Megadrive, it worked on its own and took the Megadrive video output as an extra background. It was a ridiculously over complicated setup, prone to errors, difficult to program for, underpowered due to lack of gfx hardware (you had a framebuffer to draw in and that was it), and had a lifetime of 2 years from development starting to the hardware getting dropped. It was a joke. But Sega of Japan insisted on creating an expansion, Sega of America had a choice between something simpler (so simple that it was pointless), or something that actually improved audio and video, two things what the Megadrive lacked behind the SNES, and what was all the more apparent with more modern games that used digitized or CGI sprites.

>> No.1529965

>Virtua Racing was so slow too.

What? it was a lot faster than Starfox on SNES.

>> No.1529981

I agree, there's really no comparison

It's even faster and has less bogdown than Stunt Race FX

>> No.1530015

Motherfucking metal on the Genesis


>> No.1530028



This soundtrack is amazing, the sound quality is incredible and it blends so well with the game.

>> No.1530445

At one point they were considering making something like a lock-on cartridge like Sonic & Knuckles for the SVP chip.
Would have been a much better and much cheaper option than the 32X, I think.

>> No.1530454

A discussion of great music on the Mega Drive is not complete without the Gauntlet IV soundtrack, and especially not without this track.

>> No.1530462

Yeah, gotta back this up. I love Star Fox and I don't love Virtua Racing, but Virtua Racing looks and runs noticeably better than Star Fox. It's not even close.

>> No.1530474


ahahaha, they stole some drum kit from a bunch of jamaicans

>> No.1530496
File: 51 KB, 700x473, 1348775540705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well the main reason the 32x was created in the first place was because of how costly adding the SVP chip in the Genesis port of Virtua Racing was.
Amazing, but was it worth messing with?

>Unlike the PlayStation and Nintendo 64 which used triangles as their basic geometric primitive, the Saturn rendered quadrilaterals with forward texture mapping. This proved to be a hindrance because most of the industry's standard design tools were based on triangles, with independent texture UV coordinates specified per vertex. One of the challenges brought forth by quadrilateral-based rendering was problems with textured surfaces containing triangles. In order to make a triangular-shaped object, rendering had a fourth side with a length of zero. This technique proved problematic as it caused texture distortion and required careful reworking to achieve the desired appearance—Sega provided tools for remapping textures from UV space into rectangular tiles.[citation needed]
>citation needed
I need closure on this.

>"One very fast central processor would be preferable. I don't think all programmers have the ability to program two CPUs—most can only get about one-and-a-half times the speed you can get from one SH-2. I think that only 1 in 100 programmers are good enough to get this kind of speed [nearly double] out of the Saturn."

—Yu Suzuki reflecting upon Saturn Virtua Fighter development.[51]

In retrospect, goddammit Sega. I told him not to fly too close to the sun.

>> No.1530498


someone needs some hard corps and some mean bean machine


>> No.1530563

>I need closure on this.

Which part? The Saturn did use quads and did collapse them to triangles on tons of games. Which wasted fillrate with pixel overwrites and needed extra work to convert triangle based gfx to it (ie. everything else in the industry).

The only upside was that it had slightly less perspective warping than the Playstation.
But the Playstation had something like 3-4x the fillrate, could handle triangles, could also draw quads, and had 4 transparency modes compared to the Saturns one (which suffered from pixel overdraw artifacts and was prohibitively slow due to the lower fillrate.

The only reason the Saturn could go toe to toe was the background processor, which was highly situational but could even things out in a good situation. Or if you built the game around its various effects, you could do something that the Playstation could never hope to match (Radiant Silvergun).

>> No.1530580 [DELETED] 

I like Puyo Puyo version more, although the drums are maybe inferior.

Also, for guitar solos.





>> No.1530586

I like Puyo Puyo version more, although the drums are maybe inferior.

Also, more guitar solos.





>> No.1530783

Between Herzog Zwei and Thunderforce, Technosoft had the Genesis on lockdown.



>> No.1531896

Basically GEMS is in a lot of ways a set of default instruments. You can program your own instruments/soundfonts/midi or whatever you want to call it.
So even among the default instruments, there is some good ones, and some bad ones. The japanese thing was that the default instruments was a bit better, i think. So the worst of the worst from the laziest japanese devs would sound a bit better than worst of the worst the US devs had.

>> No.1532265

dis beat: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bf-EGuMfag


>> No.1532835

>GEMS is great when used correctly but Sonic 2 dodged a bullet being made in the USA. What if they just slapped it through the default GEMS instrument patches and they were done? Scary to think about.

Every Sonic game after the first one was co-developed by Sega of Japan and Sega Technical Institute. The only exceptions would be Spinball (STI entirely) and 3D Blast (co-developed by Traveler's Tales). So it was simpler to reuse the old Sonic driver than it would've been to make a new one. I think all mainline Sonic games use the CUBE driver, which is of Japanese origin. If not that, then I think Sonic 3 used the CUBE driver.

I will say that Sonic 1 had better music than Sonic 2. Everything in 1 had emotion that fit the stages, but everything in 2 sounded like "Oh yeah, he's back and HARDER than ever".

>> No.1533009

Thought Sonic CD was developed wholly in Japan. Aside from the music localisation

>> No.1533317

Bullshit, western developed music on the Genesis/Megadrive was absolutely putrid. The inarguable superior programming feats of the west is also bullshit. So much garbage from Europe and NA that could couldn't compete with Treasure's, Technosoft's or even Sega and Konami's own coding. Contra Hardcorps is a tour de force that pushes the Megadrive to the limit. I'm surprised an 1989 title like Herzog Zwei was even functional with 2 players. Atleast you got the Jap level design part right.

>> No.1533320

It was

>> No.1533321

This guy, this guy right here.

>> No.1533331

Star Cruiser (developed by NCS Japan) was incredibly advanced for a Megadrive game released in 89-90. Cool music as well.

>> No.1533335

ncs games always had good music

>> No.1533347

>Bullshit, western developed music on the Genesis/Megadrive was absolutely putrid.

Whatever you say

>> No.1533353

Get rekt weeb Gauntlet 4 had the best music on the MD and was western.

>> No.1533361

Turrican again? That tired old horse needs to be put to pasture, sounds like a saturday morning cartoon.
Second one is meh.
Third sounds like someone trying to Ape Yuzo's SoR3 soundtrack. (that's not a compliment)

>> No.1533365

Hitoshi Sakamoto did Gauntlet 4's soundtrack. Checkmate genius.

>> No.1533369

>So much garbage from Europe


>> No.1533375

>Is it a difference in Eastern and Western developers?
Tim follin still rocked the system, even if we knew of only a few tunes until a few years back

>> No.1533380

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8sfYRD-Kcg your ears will bleed during that intro music its still a fucking awesome 9/10 game even with that shit music. Better than the PC version

>> No.1533390


>> No.1533452

I don't know, the sonic track does sound a little bad, but you can't really blame the combination, it's not like you didn't have harsh gritty music from the crude old yamaha FM synth chips:


>> No.1533682
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>> No.1534032

>So much garbage from Europe and NA that could couldn't compete with Treasure's, Technosoft's or even Sega and Konami's own coding.
Sure, and companies from Japan couldn't compete with them either.

I'm talking about the few American and European companies that actually did some crazy shit.
There's no way you've played or even seen Adventures of Batman and Robin, Red Zone, or Kawasaki Superbike Challenge (used polygons and convincing pseudo-3D with no extra chip or anything, high framerate), because there is pretty much nothing from Japan that even comes close, aside from maybe Panorama Cotton.
There's also a Brazil exclusive port of Duke Nukem 3D that, while certainly not the best way to play the game in the slightest, is real impressive on a technical level. It came out in 1998 though.

>Contra Hardcorps is a tour de force that pushes the Megadrive to the limit
It doesn't really push the system anymore than Gunstar Heroes already did a year prior, and Alien Soldier is more impressive than either of them.

>Third sounds like someone trying to Ape Yuzo's SoR3 soundtrack. (that's not a compliment)
First off: No. It doesn't sound all that similar.
Second: Jesper Kyd had been making music like that long before SoR3 came out. Here's an example on the Genesis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDRewdxD7fU
Third: SoR3 had a great soundtrack. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.1534304

Is it me, or did a lot of Genesis games have the trope where the player speeds in while everything blows up? Or at least some variation thereof, like in Two Crude Dudes, you guy rolls through a wall that blows up.

>> No.1534993
File: 192 KB, 478x287, 1397172761715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the godawful music from the PC version of Sonic 3 & Knuckles

The thing is, I have a friend that actually prefers that version. He always reinstalls the PC version instead of just emulating

>> No.1535089

Just glorious

>> No.1535130

>aside from maybe Panorama Cotton
There's nothing impressive about Afterburner style pseudo-3D at only 20fps. Rad Racer on the NES is more impressive with much inferior hardware.

>> No.1535136


Nostalgia can do things like that

>dat awful changed music for Ice Cap and Launch base

>> No.1535150

>Kawasaki Superbike Challenge
>high framerate
>dips down to 10fps when there's anything complicated onscreen

>> No.1535163
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>> No.1535391

I'm not talking about the sprites with their fake scaling or whatever, I'm talking almost purely about the backgrounds. Panorama Cotton does some real cool shit with its backgrounds.

I mean high framerate considering it uses 3D with no fancy chips or whatever. Even so, I don't think it ever gets THAT bad. It's closer to 30fps the majority of the time.

>> No.1535402

>It's closer to 30fps the majority of the time.
It varies between 10fps and 20fps depending on what's onscreen.

>> No.1535430

Ah, the internet lied to me. From multiple sources. My mistake.
It does look around 20fps. Still not seeing it dip all that much or for all that long, though.

>> No.1535490
File: 38 KB, 640x483, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is retarded.

SNES had significantly better sound overall.

They both pulled out all the stops for MK1 and the SNES crushed Sega.


>> No.1535515

But the snes version sounds like shit. Poor man's arcade music, at least the genesis version tries something different.

>> No.1535529

> at least the genesis version tries something different
because it had to. the SNES was able to replicate arcade sound (and graphics) while the genesis/md often had to take a different route because of its' hardware shortcomings.

no shame in this. the SNES was about two years newer hardware-wise.

>> No.1535539

>pulled out all the stops
>sounds like absolute shit

good 1 m8

>> No.1535535 [DELETED] 

>the SNES was able to replicate arcade sound
Yeah and it sounds like shit.

I agree with better graphics though in snes though.

>> No.1535542

>the SNES was able to replicate arcade sound
Yeah and it replicates it like shit.

I agree with better graphics in snes though.

>> No.1535546

Plenty of arcades sound like the Genesis (though higher quality), where does this "SNES sounds like aracde" nonsense come from?

SNES definitely does not generally have better music though. You'd have to be tasteless to think that. It's got some gems, like the DKC games, and anything by Nintendo really, but on the whole it sounds low quality and has little punch. And I'm not Genesis fanboy. I've had my SNES for over 20 years.

>> No.1535562


>> No.1535563

>the SNES was able to replicate arcade sound

It's the opposite, actually. Most arcade games of the late 80s/early 90s use Yamaha FM chips and, as a result, the Genesis versions of most arcade ports sound far closer to their arcade counterparts than the Super NES (Hyperstone Heist being a prime example:
Arcade: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y98_AgMofK4
Genesis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cw8sz-1PDKg
SNES: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0e69e_B_SE

>> No.1535572


Fuck you.

>> No.1535582

lol, snes mk1 = "Come here! Get over here!"

genesis = "garble garble garble"

same for street fighter. genesis voices were HORRIBLE

>> No.1535584




>> No.1535603

Blame capcom, SF2 turbo beta has pretty decent voices and is just a 2MB cartridge, while SCE in genesis is a 3MB cart.


>> No.1535606

Zombies Ate My Neighbors...

again, the SNES crushes head to head

>> No.1535613

Voices are just sound samples. Whether they sound good or not depends on the amount of effort the developers put into them. It has little to do with the platform. There are games on the gameboy with voice samples.

>> No.1535618

>genesis voices were HORRIBLE
This is the remark of a layperson. An ignoramus. Someone who does not know what they are talking about but thinks that they do.

>> No.1535617

>muh fanboy excuses
genesis/md was infamous for it's bad voice samples. even the NES was clearer in some cases.

>> No.1535619

>rushed port vs game developed exclusively for the snes
Are you even trying?


>> No.1535624

The Genesis sounds like the same sounds for everything, but SNES actually had different sounding notes for everything. We had both an SNES and a Genesis and I rarely played the Genesis mostly because the sound for it just didn't even compare for me.

>> No.1535631

>didn't even watch the video
You sure are retarded.

Also, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KsMRe_QenvU

>> No.1535637

Did Konami ever bring an arcade perfect port of that game to a home console?

The SNES version just isn't the same.

>> No.1535638
File: 138 KB, 669x364, orwNd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

itt retards

>> No.1535641
File: 204 KB, 500x277, 1391564058858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man, sega fanboys always have
>muh excuses
at the ready

not sure what all this recon is about, but just go read any period reviews... they always point out the inferior sound in the sega ports. on the rare occasion the sega version had better sound a big deal was made abou tit because it was such a rare occasion. Aladdin for example.

>> No.1535642

I'm sorry, not the person you're arguing with but
>I've barely played the Genesis at all and I've been biased against it since I was a kid
I doubt this makes anyone want to take your opinion seriously for even a second.

>> No.1535648

>look, look! muh rare exceptions where the genesis didn't completely suck donkey balls! look!

do you even play?

>> No.1535649

Nope, never. The closest port is the one on one of the PS2 and Gamecube games...Mutant Nightmare, I think? I don't know, I just remember renting it one night just for Turtles in Time and I couldn't believe they changed the entire soundtrack to generic schlock.

Then there's that obvious lousy Reshelled remake. It's a shame. Turtles in Time on SNES is slow as molasses and has practically no animation frames for anything and Hyperstone Heist, while it has the speed and animation of the arcade game, well, isn't Turtles in Time. It does have that cool boss rush level at the end, though.

>> No.1535652

>numerous examples
>many more that weren't included

>b-but, my uneducated opinion!!

Please stop.

>> No.1535653

Give me some examples then, or are you talking shit just for talking shit? I know many games that sound better in genesis, and many others that sound better in snes.

Also, both aladdin had meh music.

>> No.1535660

Not him but that has nothing to do with the soundchip, again the quality of voice sample only depends on how much space they wanted them to take up.

>> No.1535662


all snes sound was filtered, like all n64 2d was filtered

>> No.1535667

Are you going to argue or just talk shit? if it's the second, go back to /v/ or reddit.

>> No.1535664

Is this one big troll thread? Or is everyone retarded?


SNES and it's not even close

>> No.1535670

wow the snes version sounds like it was recorded in a box

>> No.1535673


neither of those sound like what it would on a real console 32khz audio, rca stereo plugged into a shitty crt w/ no dsp or other shit so using it as an argument is dumb

>> No.1535680

filtered through a fucking butthole.


for a game that advertised dolby it sure sucked dick compared to mega turrican, all the guitar leads are quiet as shit. Still a good game but holy shit does mega turrican ever sound better.

fuck you hating on turrican you piece of shit.

>> No.1535684

okay haha I would hope not I kind of like the genesis version though it had some oomph to it.

>> No.1535685

Record both of them in real hardware for us, please.

>> No.1535692

>bursting into a Genesis music thread minding its own business so you can shitpost about 20+ year old console wars (I know this isn't limited to you, but still, fuck off)
>trusting James NINTENDO Nerd's opinion on SNES vs Genesis
>not easily recognizing all the misinformation/oversights (probably because you've barely played one or both systems)
>spreading that poorly made video
Just fucking stop.

>> No.1535694

He's trolling. I have that game on Genesis and that's what it sounds like.

>> No.1535697
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it was gaussian >>1535638

harder to notice a difference at lower sample rates and through muffled of yellow / white plugs

snes used samples, larger carts later on = larger samples = better quality

early on the filter helped "smooth" out flat / sharp samples but hurt it later

doesn't matter since winamp / foobar or an emulator can use better filtering like cubic and sinc etc

>> No.1535698


that is not 32khz

it's not even trolling, saying it is when it isn't is factually incorrect

>> No.1535705

furthermore snes has some shitty surround / reverb dsp applied to it on top of the echo it already has

>> No.1535704

>ignores all the sound comparisons
"Gepzet ovbdfjber heljfdre"
>ting ting ting

>> No.1535708

Run out of things to say?
But you haven't even said "LOL ROBOT FARTS SNES 4 LYFE" yet.

>> No.1535712

By far the best music on the SNES is Kirby's Dreamland 3. Kirby's music style is based around short notes/staccato, so SNES's tiny sample memory is good enough. Also it was a late release so they could afford the cart space needed.

Any SNES soundtrack that tries to be "epic" or orchestral fails horribly. SNES could probably sound great if you composed for it like it was a NES with extra channels.

>> No.1535731

Because comparing an early michael jackson game and a port of the NES Battletoads to some of the more recognized SNES soundtracks is so fair.

>> No.1535732
File: 35 KB, 608x450, nickoledeon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genesis sound was god-tier!


>> No.1535737

Sega does what Nintnedon't.


>dat bass

>> No.1535740

Moonwalker had some of the best sound the Genesis ever produced, you dolt.

>> No.1535741

I like it, but come on there are much better examples.

>> No.1535762

Is this even in question? The SNES was far more sophisticated.



This game is perhaps the best comparison, as the Genesis often would use a different score to compensate... here they use the same.

>> No.1535763



super mario world and f-zero sound great for launch games

>> No.1535772

>Any SNES soundtrack that tries to be "epic" or orchestral fails horribly
I prefer the Genesis, but just no.

>> No.1535773


>> No.1535789


well it's not really fair to compare any game's soundtrack to streets of rage 2. that game is beyond god tier on every level.

more music


>> No.1535791

Konami eh?



>> No.1535793

Audio comedy. There's a kind of "uncanny valley" effect here. It's close enough to real orchestral music that you take it seriously for a second, and then the you notice how bad the samples are and the whole illusion collapses. Genesis can't do orchestral music either, but at least the devs had the good taste not to try.

>> No.1535794

Huh, I had no idea Lethal Enforcers even existed on the SNES.

>> No.1535801

Funny joke

>> No.1535798

sega had shit-tier sound to be honest


>> No.1535804
File: 3 KB, 250x136, drdre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sega fanboys going out of their way to ignore this perfect head-to-head comparison

>> No.1535808

omg that's horrible

>> No.1535809

Dude, Sparkster may have been awful on the Genesis, but its music was far, far better and that post only exemplifies it.

>> No.1535810

You really need a tin ear to think that the ultra low-fi samples used in SNES music sound better than the Genesis.

>> No.1535813


more from me. this song fucking owns


>> No.1535819

Compare this Kirby's Dreamland 3 track:

Here the tiny looping samples for the sustained notes actually fit the style! And the percussion is very clipped tick type noises, so the weakness of the SNES there is hidden.

The only real flaw is the bassline. Imagine how awesome this track would sound with FM bass.

>> No.1535823

the more people try to argue in favour of the SNES the more I start to hate it and I love SNES music so stop it you faggots. Like honestly I'm starting to notice how shitty the filtered SNES samples sound. I've always thought the genesis has had better sound in the hands of the right devs and hyperstone heist was actually what made me turn around on genesis music and start loving it. >>1535791 turtles in time sounds like shit wow, >>1535763 big blue I fucking love that song but it would sound so much better with FM synthesis I just noticed its lack of balls now it would sound so much fuller without that shit filter. Fuck you guys for making me hate SNES music, mystic quest is still good though rite? RITE?

>> No.1535824 [DELETED] 


>> No.1535827

>Imagine how awesome this track would sound with FM bass.


>> No.1535828 [DELETED] 


>> No.1535843

SNES = low kpbs MP3
Genesis = MIDI

Yes, your taste may prefer MIDI sounds, but there's no question it's less sophisticated.

You might as well argue the 2600 was "superior" to the Gamecube. Your taste preference? Sure. Reality? No.

>> No.1535839


>> No.1535849

Wait, so they put in the game and changed the soundtrack? Why? How can you have the rights to TMNT but not the music to TMNT?

>> No.1535850
File: 323 KB, 555x385, usomad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True story, bro?

>> No.1535852

Except if you had a competent programmer the genesis will always sound better because it doesn't have that shit filter.

>> No.1535854

Uh, what? Super NES music is quite literally MIDI. Where do you think most Super NES instruments are taken from?

>> No.1535856

Flagship titles. The biggest. I dare anyone to argue the genesis sounds anywhere close as good as the SNES.

>> No.1535857

This nonsensical post is funny because the SNES sounds a lot like primitive MIDI.

>> No.1535859


a few snes games actually sound like the genesis


if you're curious about unfiltered spc check out this guys uploads, all of it is unfiltered

>> No.1535860

forget that, it is filtered, but it's a higher quality filter

>> No.1535867

Organ banging early ass tatsujin even better than PC engine is a thousand times more appealing final fantasy VI

>> No.1535865
File: 104 KB, 400x320, 1337219773722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>primitive midi O_o
>what does that even mean
point was morons... is you may prefer a "clean" MIDI version of "Light My Fire" akin to the Genesis' capabilities
but there's no question that a low kpbs MP3 is more authentic even with hurr durr >dos filters

>> No.1535869
File: 20 KB, 391x479, tate2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still waits

>> No.1535870

It means you're an emoticon using faggot and you should get back to reddit.

>> No.1535872


think that's sinc, maybe bass enhanced

here's 48khz cubic filtered, no other bull shit


anon-files is blacklisted here so fix the name

it's like fm synth + the benefit of snes variety

>> No.1535874

More Konami to compare by the way.


>> No.1535875

I don't think you have any idea what you are talking about. The SNES sound chip basically uses MIDI. To the point where its sound chip successor, the PlayStation's, PSF files are 100% MIDI.

The SNES can't produce sound on its own. Most of its notable instruments is samples from various MIDI synths of the time, such as the Korg M1. The SNES couldn't outright stream music like you seem to be confused about, granted there are rare exceptions on both sides such as Tales of Phantasia on SNES which streams vocals and Toy Story on Genesis which streams a few Amiga songs.

>hurr durr >dos filters
What are you even saying at this point. DOS used MIDI, too.

>> No.1535878

dude every console since the snes uses midi for non-streamed music

>> No.1535881

Again, sounds like comparing a MIDI version of a song to a 64kbps MP3 original , SNES wins.

If you like clear bleeps and bloops you really should checkout the 2600 catalogue.

>> No.1535883

both of those are pretty unimpressive.

>> No.1535885

>this is a fair comparison

>SNES version had a team of 5 people working on music, indicating a great amount of money and effort went into it, Genesis version only had 2 people
>no attempt to have the music on both games sound the same in the slightest - games end up doing different stuff with the same compositions
>Konami is one of the best companies when it comes to SNES music but is pretty easily outclassed on the Genesis
>songs compared aren't even one of those instances of a shared piece of music

great job A+ keep up the good work

Here's the actual SNES version of the Genesis tune you posted:
And here's the actual Genesis version of the SNES music you posted:
In both cases, the SNES totally blows the Genesis version out of the water I think, but still, ya goofed

>he seriously thinks 90s cartridges had space for multiple full audio files and not just tiny samples
Look at him.
Look at him and laugh.

>> No.1535886

not sure if a terrible troll, or stupid

>> No.1535890

nice ruse m8

Maybe, i just wanted to compare those, both sound pretty good, although the genesis version is missing "orchestra strikes" (maybe because the genesis version was 4mb, so PCM sample is a waste of space)

>> No.1535891

>typical SNES fanboy has no clue what he's talking about

The soundchip of the Genesis is an instrument in itself, the SNES is not.

>> No.1535895
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>muh excuses

getting pretty pathetic

sad thing is, sparkster had some of the best music the genesis ever produced and it still got hammered

>> No.1535897

>lol, he thinks he's supporting sega with this post

>> No.1535901
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>> No.1535903

I'm not, just comparing, but why didn't you reply the TMNT comparison?

>> No.1535904

Yeah, even though the game itself isn't my cup of tea, I still think the music is some of the best and most addictive I've heard out of the Genesis library. The track you posted and this one being my favorites.


>> No.1535905

>correct your obvious mistakes and oversights
>still agree SNES version sounds much better
>"excuse making"
u wot m8

>sparkster had some of the best music the genesis ever produced
No it didn't.

>> No.1535906


>> No.1535907

>come on /vr/, I need you to take my obvious bait soon, my bedtime is coming up
Go away.

>> No.1535908

Kinda' seemed like nobody knew what the hell to do with the Genesis's audio except SEGA themselves. Most Genesis games' soundtracks were gaudy, abrasive and just plain nasty sounding compared to even the exact same title on SNES.

>> No.1535914

>head to head comparison of same soundtrack from the biggest title of the era
has nothing to do with the genesis sounding like shit in comparison, eh?
>makes very original bedtime joke

>> No.1535913


>> No.1535915

SNES by far. It could use real samples for the music and sound effects. Genesis was just crappy FM modulation. Not even comparable.

>> No.1535918

Did the snes have a piano sample so good like this?


>> No.1535920


>> No.1535921

Super Nintendo a full digital audio system while the Genesis was still using FM synth, barely a step above the NES.

What are we discussing? Semantics? Taste?

>> No.1535923

It wasn't a joke.

And I don't think a fair comparison can be made between the systems using any one tune on both systems.
If they sound the same, then it was almost certainly designed specifically with one system in mind and all the other system got is a lousy port of the music.
If they sound different, then what's better is down purely to personal preference most of the time.
I'm not trying to avoid the argument because I know I'll lose either, I think plenty of games like Mega Turrican and the Earthworm Jim series clearly sound much better than their SNES counterparts.

>> No.1535926

Yoshi's Island's has the best sounding one, I think, but once it starts hitting the lower octaves, like in the ending song, the compression really becomes apparent.

>> No.1535929

>Those days were cool because the system inevitably had character no matter what because of things like these.

Yeah, I miss that shit. Gaming just feels so generic and sterile now.

>> No.1535931

SNES music was awesome.

Donkey Kong Country
Yoshi's Island
Zelda 3
Super Metroid
Illusion of Gaia
Chrono Trigger
Doom (best music of all Doom versions)
Street Fighter II

I loved the music composition in Sonic 2...but it was clearly inferior sound quality.

What people are confusing here... SNES sound hasn't "aged" as well. While it definitely sounded more "realistic" at the time, those same songs sound loe kbps today. Genesis has a very cool RETRO synth sound and thus has aged much better.

It's like, yeah early 3D games haven't aged well... but no question they were a step up from 2D technically... although Super Mario World has "aged" better than Mario 64... it's unquestionably inferior technically.

>> No.1535932

Mario 64 looked like shit next to Yoshi's Island in 1996.

>> No.1535936

Yeah, I think it's pretty obvious that the SNES was much better in technical terms in pretty much every area compared to the Genesis.

Man, Castlevania IV was absolutely fantastic. The control, the graphics (Mode 7 let them have shit like rotating rooms) and the music was all fantastic. I never really had memories like that for the Genesis.

>> No.1535947




Not even close.

The SNES sound chip was technically superior in number of sound channels, sample quality, among other things.

Genesis being a synth (YM2612), was better left to techno and drum and bass music. The SNES way better at orchestration and usually the music sounded much fuller and more vibrant due to more sound channels.

The SNES sound chip was a beast, actually made by Sony... and was essentially used again in the N64.

>> No.1535952
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get shit on genbaby

>> No.1535953

The samefaggism in this thread is awful.

>> No.1535954

Doesn't sound as realistic IMO, and the reverb-ish lead doesn't help.

>> No.1535956

You must be 12.

Mario 64 blew people's minds and 2D gaming was rendered passe for quite some time.

Let me restate that.

Mario 64 was fucking revolutionary in 1996.

Are you retarded?

>> No.1535958

Because you said so, faggot? Its ugly now and it was ugly then.

>> No.1535962
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>thinks mario 64 was not revolutionary
>only because "he said so"

>> No.1535969
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>> No.1535971

It started a fad of shitty 3d collectathons on the N64, I guess that's "revolutionary".

Also, "2d rendered passe" is hilarious too. Because you know such 2d flops such as Diablo (1996), Age of Empires (1997), and Starcraft (1998). Rendered obsolete by Mario 64.

>> No.1535980
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No licensed game should be allowed to have a soundtrack this good. But it's a Treasure game, so it's a given, I suppose.

>> No.1535983

your autism is starting to show

>> No.1535984

Way to ruin a perfectly functional thread SNES fucks + Genesis fucks who take bait.

>> No.1535986

You just got WRECKED, faggot.

>> No.1535985

I remember seeing this game at a flea market in the late 90s and thinking it was just average licensed garbage, only to download the rom years later out of curiosity to find out it was a Treasure game.

I grew up with Dynamite Headdy, and if only Treasure's logo was on the goddamn box I would've bought it then and there. Still kick myself for not getting it back then, I would've loved to have played it when I was still a kid.

>> No.1535989

sounds very NES-ish (not a bad thing)

>> No.1535991

>Genesis music that used GEMS






>> No.1535993

It's fuckign Huelsbeck, what did you expect? The guy shits awesome tunes.

>> No.1535995
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I only played it because my grandma had it in her Genesis collection for all of the grandkids (which at the time, was really only me, I suppose). It was probably one of my favorite games she had that I liked to play whenever I went to visit.

>> No.1535998 [DELETED] 
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I like how the Genesis fanboys avoid all head to head comparisons and resort to comparing completely different tracks/games etc.

>wonder why that is?

>> No.1536002

Are you trying to accomplish something here?

I'm sure you'll avoid answering and I'm sure everyone will continue being salty as well.

>> No.1536006
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>> No.1536007

Aw yeah Thunder Force 2


>> No.1536013

because they can only argue semantics

head to head comparisons easily show the SNES' technical superiority

>> No.1536014

How many more channels did the SNES have?

>> No.1536018

At least it's a fucking fantastic licensed game that's totally worth playing.
What's really frustrating is a mediocre or shitty licensed game with great music.

>> No.1536015

There's just something about Tengen when it comes to Genesis music...

>> No.1536020

Did you even listen to the examples posted?

>> No.1536021

that's technosoft though.

>> No.1536024

Quit being a loser..

The SNES had 8 sound channels.
The Genesis had 6 FM channels and 3 PSG channel (Square, something else, and Noise for drums). On the YM2612 you could use FM drums or swap out Channel 6 for PCM audio.

>> No.1536026
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they were two completely different beasts when it comes to methods of sound generation. I'd argue that comparing the genesis and snes solely by their sounds isn't viable. it's like saying a sampler is better than a synthesizer. pointless. you can, however, argue that the snes was technically superior as a games console and I'll agree, no problem.

>> No.1536030

>3 PSG channel (Square, something else, and Noise for drums)

3 square waves and 1 noise channel, actually. That's all the Master System could do. While I don't think the SN76496 was a great soundchip in its own right, it certainly was a wonderful supplement to the Genesis when used as a proper backing to the YM2612's FM.

>> No.1536032

I'm talking about in general when it comes to games with the Tengen name. Gauntlet IV being an example of another Tengen game with a good soundtrack.. Regardless of the developer, I've always found Tengen games to have decent soundtracks for some reason.

>> No.1536037

>significantly less powerful and harder to program for system
>better as a game console

>> No.1536046

But then there is pit fighter and awesome possum...

>> No.1536047
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survival of the fittest

>> No.1536053

It's hard to tell if you're trying to be conversational or argumentative.

>> No.1536054

But the YM2612 did not aid you in PCM playback process at all... all was done in software, and unfortunately, most software that existed in MD's heydays was badly coded.

That's why SNES games typically sounded far superior.

>> No.1536059

Just saying tengen didn't make good music, it was technosoft and the developoers of Gauntlet 4 (a japanese company, don't remember the name)

>> No.1536062

>being this fucking obtuse

>> No.1536064

>Regardless of the developer, I've always found Tengen games to have decent soundtracks for some reason.

nah, you.

>> No.1536065
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They make SEGA 3d classics. and that's so awesome

>> No.1536071

Whatever, champ. Go find someone else to give smartass replies to and stroke your ego with. Later.

>> No.1536070

Holy shit, they ported Gunstar Heroes to GG too, that port is impressive.

>> No.1536074

>get on our level

>> No.1536089
File: 20 KB, 640x472, 1362038359688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amen. Can you hear those PSG channels harmonizing with the FM? They're like backup singers in a way.

full song
I removed a few FM channels so you can hear PSG more clearly

>> No.1536091

Finally, someone reasonable.

>> No.1536103

damn dat bass is sick

>> No.1536132
File: 27 KB, 470x350, 1371749521141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more classic examples of Genesis bass

Jim Hedges
Tommy Tallarico
Sachio Ogawa
Yuzo Koshiro
Howard Drossin
Don Veca

>> No.1536154 [DELETED] 

>no super fantasy zone



>> No.1536157
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>you can, however, argue that the snes was technically superior as a games console

Your post was going so well and then all of a sudden...

>> No.1536161

>no super fantasy zone




>> No.1536260

Probably because we don't give a shit about Sparkster when we got the superior Rocket Knight Adventures.

>> No.1536273

Step it up ham skillet.

>> No.1536295
File: 39 KB, 1024x768, mirarinoharuka2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems /vr/ has trouble spotting trolls. We were having a great thread, arguing about the pros and cons of both Sega genesis and the SNES soundchip, and discovering some cool unknown tracks from both sides, then this little faggot showed up. I've could have sworn I've seen this guy shitpost in a PC engine thread.

What could it be?

muh snes

>muh snes samples

>muh samples

>muh shitpost

>muh bias comparison

>muh shitpost

This has been your daily reminder

>inb4 muh "muh sega fanboy"

>> No.1536305


nice youtube screenshot faggot

reverse chrono cross was bad anime

>> No.1536319

>The YM2612... what a lovely little chip that was.

That chip is a myth. Every Genesis had a power saw inside of it.


>> No.1536325
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>> No.1536468

Games do not "age". Music does not "age". If it's shit now it was shit back then.

Fast and detailed 2D graphics are technically superior to slow and blurry 3D graphics. High quality FM synthesis is technically superior to low quality sample based audio. Technology doesn't get points for ambition.

>> No.1536579

> High quality FM synthesis
Unfortunately, the Mega Drive did not have this. 20 years later than SEGA fanboys still can't handle the fact that DSP was the future.

>> No.1536621

There's nothing wrong with the sound quality of the FM channels. The "bad" sounds sometimes found in Genesis music are poor quality samples, the exact same problem as SNES music. The difference is they are only a small part of the music, not every single channel.

>> No.1536646

The OPL2 was high quality FM synthesis. The YM2612 was outdated when the Genesis was released. To call it "high quality" even in consideration of the time period is ignorant.

>> No.1536658

OPL2 is only two operator. Having a choice of three waveforms per oscillator isn't nearly enough to match the flexibility of the YM2612's four operator synthesis.

>> No.1536673

Now this is high quality FM synth

Just compare

Sounds like a cross between a coughing toaster and a farting robot. Mega Drive FM synth was a joke.

>> No.1536687


>a bad sound port in one game applies to all games

inb4 32x Doom.

>> No.1536692

>using a shitty sega cd game as an example

That's retarded. The Sega CD actually had a SNES-like 8 channel wavetable chip inside of it. You could use sound chips at once. If a developer didn't, they were lazy as fuck.

>> No.1536697

>32x Doom
Oh god I'm feeling a bowel movement coming on just hearing it.

>> No.1536726

They're both good but the Mega CD version clearly has more complex tones. The OPL2 version has more of a "cheap MIDI" sound to it.

>> No.1536731

>They're both good but the Mega CD version clearly has more complex tones.
Holy shit you cannot be serious.

>> No.1536736

1:25, no way you can get awesome sounds like that out of an OPL2.

>> No.1536774

Only person being "ignorant" here is you

>> No.1537338
File: 696 KB, 2256x2704, sh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone shut the fuck up and post some youtube links

The Hyperstone Heist - Sewers Surfin':

Sonic 3D Blast - Gene Gadget Zone 1

Sonic 3D Blast - Diamond Dust Zone 1

Sonic 3D Blast - Volcano Valley 1

Sunset Riders - Face with Courage

Sunset Riders - Draw Your Gun

Castlevania Bloodlines - Stage 2

M.U.S.H.A. - Theme of Musha Aleste

Sparkster: Rocket Knight Adventures 2

Ecco II: Tides of Time - Crystal Springs

Columns III - Industrial District

Cool Spot - Rave Dance Tune

Alisia Dragoon - Stage 1-1

>> No.1537349

Thanks for the music and the picture. I GIS'd it and was very pleased with the results.

>> No.1537358

Doesn't the SNES Turtles in Time have a mode that speeds up movement in the options menu?

>> No.1537360

No, only an option to switch running to a double-tap command. Game speed is completely unaffected.

>> No.1537392

>Most arcade games of the late 80s/early 90s use Yamaha FM chips
This is blatantly false, by the late '80s and definitely starting in the early '90s DSP for audio generation caught on very quickly in arcades. The Genesis was completely unequipped to port the music for most of them while the SNES could at least give some sort of try.

Genesis proponents always go on about how it made for such a great arcade porting machine but the reality is that this is only due to its decently fast CPU. Audio was not part of the package and the Genesis was in fact left at a distinct disadvantage when most arcade developers shifted towards heavier use of sample-based music.

If you want a good example though this SNES port was never released it would have been completely impossible to service the soundtrack right on the Genesis.



>> No.1537396

Ahem, that's not to say games didn't use Yamaha FM chips. It's that they just didn't use them alone; they supplemented other audio tools.

>> No.1537468

Sadly the chip was expensive as fuck. There is a reason only 1 game used it.

>> No.1537951

Well, at least CPS1 and many other arcade games worked damn fine on the genesis (Toaplan, Data East etc)

Hell, even Vapor Trail that has a ton of samples in the Arcade version sounds a lot better in FM on the genesis.

>> No.1538005

No, sadly the 32X was released, so we didn't instead get an SVP pass through cart.

>> No.1538013

>liking shitty lowfi sample based music



Why is the SNES sound such garbage?

>> No.1538018

>Why is the SNES sound such garbage?
You tell me since I sure as Hell don't think so.

>> No.1538030
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remember the first time i heard this

>> No.1538034

>Why is the SNES sound such garbage?
When not used properly, it sounds like a symphony is playing under a large pile of blankets.
If the genesis soundchip isn't used correctly, it sounds like a robot farting.

>> No.1538059

Technically wouldn't the SNES be able to play Genesis-like sound by including a Genesis "soundfont" in the cart?
How would that sound? I'm guessing it wouldn't sound as crisp as it does on the actual Genny, but has anyone tried to do it?

>> No.1538083

oh yuck man how can you like that lifeless shit the NES version has energy that just swapped everything for some fake sounding instruments.

>> No.1538129
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Curious question. What if Nintendo released the successor to the NES with similar hardware to the Genesis, while Sega released a console that was similar to the SNES? Essentially, what if they swapped consoles around? I think the Genesis fits Nintendo's ideology of "dated technology that people are familiar with" better, since the SNES was quite proprietary and poorly understood.

>> No.1538135


that's the way it's arranged, it has nothing to do with the chosen sound font

>> No.1538137

I'm saying the sound font on the SNES is shit. It's horrible and lifeless.

>> No.1538139

But the NES and N64 were also cutting edge for their time, and the N64 was the definition of proprietary and poorly understood.

Not to mention that the Genesis was cutting edge in 1988, though the 64 color thing is dumb. I heard Sega did it on purpose so that their arcades looked better in comparison to the home ports.

>> No.1538140


it has no sound font, sample quality varies wildly

>> No.1538142

Hell, the SNES and N64 were weird fucking contraptions, the latter especially. The N64 had no choice in it's design, unfortunately, and I doubt if the N64 was more like the Saturn would help at all. At least Nintendo was smarter than Sega at managing the company, so maybe it wouldn't have been so bad? Contrast that with the GameCube and NES, both rather cutting edge and easy to develop for. Now Nintendo makes dated hardware that's either easy to develop for, or completely avoided.

Good to know that there's someone out there that believes the NES was quite capable for it's generation. Were all 3rd generation consoles "equal" so to speak, or was one of them much more powerful and much weaker?

>> No.1538143

>I heard Sega did it on purpose so that their arcades looked better in comparison to the home ports.
oh god please no.

>> No.1538148
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graphically the master system was much better and used psg vs whatever the hell famicom used

but only the famicom was relevant that gen

>> No.1538158


The SMS could display slightly more colors onscreen (31 vs 25) and had a richer palette, but the color freedom was greater: Two palettes of 15 colors each, one for backgrounds, and one for sprites. You could also use the sprite palettes for backgrounds! This came at the cost of no reliable DPCM, no sprite mirroring, and no pause button on the controller. On the plus side, the lack of mirroring meant that programmers could draw unique sprites as opposed to mirror images. CPU wise, the ~4MHz Z80 had the same computational power as the ~2MHz 6502 in the NES, quite embarrassing for newer hardware.

They both use PSG; SMS could do three square waves, one noise channel, and a sample channel (which halted the CPU), NES could do two square waves, one triangle, one noise, and a sample channel (that didn't halt the CPU when used).

>> No.1538174

As cheesy as it was, I really loved some of the Sega's music.



>> No.1538176
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>but only the famicom was relevant that gen

And Nintendo was only relevant that generation.

>> No.1538181


lol no

>> No.1538186

Any love for Chuck Rock?


>> No.1538190
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>but only the famicom was relevant that gen
This is what Nintendrones actually believe.

>> No.1538192

You sure? Nintendo's market was starting to falter once Sega entered the market, and Nintendo was only able to briefly overtake it because Sega kept shitting the bed. That didn't last for long, as a combination of factors made Sony launch Nintendo into a distant second place, and Nintendo lost all the power they once had. To this day, no one sees Nintendo seriously. 20 years of making proprietary Marioboxes with no third party support.

>> No.1538193


could have at least posted the msx and the library of games built solely by konami

>> No.1538194

meh, to weeb for my tastes

>> No.1538196 [DELETED] 


listen to this sega kid and his delusional revisionist fantasy

snes outsold genesis, genesis was not a factor in japan, and the wii outsold ps3 and 360


>> No.1538195
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Patricians, let us not argue. Arguments are for the weak, and you know who is weak?


>> No.1538198
File: 93 KB, 400x399, frodo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the wii outsold ps3 and 360

Then why didn't the Wii get any of the critical, big name IPs like GTA or MGS, but the "commercial bomb" that was the PS3 did?

>> No.1538205

Genesis did outsell SNES in the West though.

>> No.1538208

because third party developers had heavily invested in the ps3 before launch and were essentially stuck in support

also third parties wanted to kill Nintendo because their first party games are a big threat

>> No.1538212

>third parties wanted to kill Nintendo because their first party games are a big threat

That doesn't stop them from making games for their handhelds though. So why the double standard?

>> No.1538214

damn the Genesis did have some great stuff, But this is still probably my favorite 16bit era song. fun game to boot

>> No.1538216

Because there's little choice on handhelds. Also the PSP got disproportionate large support at the beginning of its life despite Sony's non-existent track record

>> No.1538230

There was little choice on consoles to begin with. Why should third parties support a newcomer like Sony when Sega and Nintendo have existed for longer? Boom, the third party support that Nintendo lost was the root cause of their home consoles becoming increasingly irrelevant. Third parties could just as easily splinter away from their handhelds and build an arsenal up on the competition. Must feel bad for a developer who poured money and time into a game to have their game grossly outsold by fucking Animal Crossing, hmm?

>> No.1538241

Plok is so neato.

The webcomic ain't bad neither.

>> No.1538248 [DELETED] 

Great OST.

It's Follin only worked in one genesis game, but well at least the music is fucking great.

>> No.1538252

Great OST.

It's a shame that Follin only worked in one genesis game, but well at least the music is fucking great.

>> No.1538268

Third parties love Sony and Microsoft because those companies pander to them.

Sega pandered less and Nintendo doesn't pander at all.

>> No.1538273

I believe the proper term is "moneyhatting", isn't it? Which begs the question: What if Nintendo tried mimicking Sony and MS' strategies for the console market? Would they be met with success, or will they continue to be capable yet overlooked machines? I mean Nintendo's got money, maybe they can somehow force a contractual obligation of some form.

>> No.1538296

Not so much moneyhatting as allowing third parties to decide the full direction of those consoles. I personally believe Nintendo's declining fortunes in the market (Wii aside) are to do with a corresponding decline in game quality. Zelda for example is just not what it used to be.

These days Zelda feels like it's just for the fans, but I remember in the past that it created mainstream excitement.

>> No.1538297

That's wrong though, dude.
Sega was destroying Nintendo in America for quite a while. The SNES passed the Genesis in sales only after the console was killed off at least 3 years before its time worldwide thanks to the shortsightedness of Sega Japan.
It's easy to win a race when the only real competitor stops, bows out, and goes home.

>> No.1538303

>that's wrong
>but what you said is true


>> No.1538331

>allowing third parties to decide the full direction of those consoles

Not entirely a bad thing. Maybe Nintendo could ask for what they would like to see in a next generation console, but take their suggestions with a grain of salt. If Nintendo can score support from the bigger third parties (in this case being Square, Rockstar, and Konami), then Nintendo's console will have games to appeal to everyone as opposed to their personal small niche. And by support I don't mean remakes of ages old games or non-canon spinoffs, I mean actual entries in their biggest franchises.

>> No.1538337

>Sega of America had a choice between something simpler (so simple that it was pointless),

I dunno, that sounds like it must have been the sensible choice...

>> No.1538340

Its the equivalent of selling more copies on home video years after the theatrical run. When it was actually being made, the Genesis outsold the SNES. Nintendo just kept the SNES on the market longer because they were still working on their 64bit flop.

>> No.1538348

Third parties taking direction is the reason why so many studios closed last generation, and is also the reason why Xbone almost had extreme DRM.

Third parties don't really have wisdom.

>> No.1538364
File: 8 KB, 225x225, ELT200805130246398111138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So... does that mean that Yamauchi did nothing wrong?

>> No.1538431


Every single song on Plok is made from 10 seconds worth of sound samples.'m surprised by how low-quality they are, since the soundtrack sounds sharp for an SNES game.


That's probably about average for an SNES game.

>> No.1538442


>That's probably about average for an SNES game.

In terms of length, i mean. DKC2 uses 15 seconds of samples.


>> No.1538667

One major advantage of FM synthesis is that you can gradually change the timbre of a sound over time. This is impossible on the SNES because of insufficient sample memory.

>> No.1538687

Wiz 'n' Liz - Name Entry:

Surprisingly fun platformer once you get over the "non-violent" thing.

>> No.1538695

Target Earth - In the Cave:

This track will probably appeal to the same people who liked the SoR3 soundtrack. Note the simulated analog filter effects by changing the FM synth parameters.

>> No.1538736


The Genesis version sounds the best by far.

>> No.1538763


Skip to 1:21 (Gift of Magic)

If you think that string sound is possible on the Genesis, you're delusional. I find it interesting that most of the Genesis tracks being posted here are rock songs with heavy distortion. None of the music I've heard on the Genesis sounds even remotely orchestral, which is a massive disadvantage if you're trying to create a cinematic experience. That's why the SNES got the bulk of RPGs, the really memorable games. It all sounds like a power saw performing rock or funk tunes. The genesis is largely a product of its time. Sure, some great games were on it, but it just never had much staying power.

Sorry for being a faggot, I just wanted to voice my opinion. Please post more youtube links to badass songs from Genesis.

>> No.1538789

>None of the music I've heard on the Genesis sounds even remotely orchestral
No SNES music sounds remotely orchestral either. Orchestral music is bad for games anyway, because it encourages slow pacing.

>> No.1538802

>Orchestral music is bad for games anyway, because it encourages slow pacing.

That's a problem I have with Genesis games in general. They move too fast most of the time. I enjoy fast gameplay but not all the time. You need variety.

I suppose Sega got the public perception they wanted. The Genesis looks, plays, and sounds like a high-octane, rockin' machine. But it wasn't good at pulling off more delicate moments.

>> No.1538861



>> No.1538870

>None of the music I've heard on the Genesis sounds even remotely orchestral,

It can pull off a mean harpsichord:

Or an even mean organ:

The other tunes in Alisia Dragoon are also pretty close to orchestral style.

Aladdin is noteworthy, it also retains how the original tunes start out with simple polyphony and get complex later on:

The Ooze tries an orchestral title screen but more among the lines of a Danny Elfman inspired horror score:
The rest of the soundtrack is more rock themed though.

And while we are at it I don't remember the SNES doing techno and funky music as good as Streets of Rage 2/3 and Toejam & Earl 1-2.

>> No.1538875

>I suppose Sega got the public perception they wanted. The Genesis looks, plays, and sounds like a high-octane, rockin' machine. But it wasn't good at pulling off more delicate moments.

That's because they used the strength of the machine to make up for its weaknesses. It had lots of power but weak video hardware. So they emphasized fast and furious gameplay.

Meanwhile the SNES had better video hardware, but very slow cpu. So it was better suited for slow paced games that had pretty graphics but little action going on the screen. Fast paced high-action no-flickering games on it are about as rare as slow paced, pretty RPGs on the Megadrive.

>> No.1538881
File: 15 KB, 320x224, 02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But it wasn't good at pulling off more delicate moments
It's not that the Genesis couldn't do it, its simply that the Genesis was nowhere near as popular as the SNES in Japan, so the only reason a Japanese developer would make a game for the Genesis rather than the SNES is if they needed the significantly greater speed of the Genesis.

>> No.1538884


here you go, funky AND orchestral


>> No.1538891

There's nothing funky in that... it's symphonic rock.

>> No.1538895

Not all Genesis music sounds like that.

>> No.1538897



>> No.1538917

you thought west companies were bad with FM synth ?


russian top quality

doesn't it sound like they just tapped the audio chip with randomly generated values ?

>> No.1538961

There's almost no music in that outside the bass and the percussion.

Compare it to this:

and its live instrument version:

It's fascinating how close the Megadrive tune comes to the real instruments.

>> No.1538980

>It's fascinating how close the Megadrive tune comes to the real instruments.

yeah i sometimes think that when hearing the nes


>> No.1539047

>NES can sound like real instruments
>expansion audio

But besides the point, Sunsoft was of the few developers to use bassline samples, which explains why they sound so real but "lo-fi". Konami even used them, but only for Top Gun 2, as did Tecmo (Fire & Ice) and KAZe (Zombie Nation). Some companies, usually American, took that a little further and used samples of guitar strums.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nai8K9AChOY At roughly 20 seconds in.


Even without the DPCM channel, the NES is perfectly capable of doing "real" sounds. TMNT has a guitar:


The Immortal has a flute (and Rob Hubbard uses the DPCM channel as a makeshift Sawtooth channel):


And numerous European games can replicate drums with a technique known as the triangle kick:


>> No.1539705

apparently, this is music coming straight from a megadrive.


>> No.1540386
File: 200 KB, 816x816, pat .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just listen to this:


>> No.1540402
File: 133 KB, 816x816, pat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1540413

>Nintendo 64

>> No.1540417

I didn't realize that Skrillex got his start doing Genesis soundtracks.

>> No.1540418

>project y
Holy shit i'm so hyped with that game, and the music probably will be awesome.

>> No.1540468


Fuck me

>> No.1540476

Man, emulation really goofs this song up. Those drums almost sound like they're making a high-pitched ringing noise.

Not surprising someone has the whole soundtrack recorded off the real thing

>> No.1540489


Apparently this is an upcoming homebrew game for the Sega Genesis. It even appears to be semi-professionally made. Good god, I should buy that game to support the arts.

Fun fact: Dubstep is essentially a modern application of FM Synthesis. If you tried hard enough, you could make your Genesis wub as if it came straight from Saints Row 4.

>> No.1540505
File: 103 KB, 580x435, 1397356526354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's from the same guys of Pier Solar, but it seems the music will be more polished.

>> No.1540516


If it truly will be an MD homebrew, by God I will buy that so hard. I wish for the return of professionally made retro games, and this is my gateway into a fantasy world. Soon there will be a future where it will be a viable business tactic to make physical Genesis games as well as distributing them on something like PSN or XBLA.

>> No.1543726

Man, I hope they change the heath bars and shit.
It's like they're begging for people to call it a Streets of Rage rip-off as it is.

>> No.1543735

Kidd's music is grade D garbage. Go play in traffic dicksplasher.

>> No.1543754

Wrong on two counts:
1. I never praised his music.
2. he's okay.

>> No.1543761

Turrican is Eurotrash's try at a poor man's Contra, except nobody outside of Europe gives a shit. The game is trash and just like yourself post-birth, is dumpster bound.

>> No.1543774

It has more in common with the exploring in metroid than contra, really.
The console ports were quite a bit more linear.

>> No.1543792

This whole thread is pretty dang interesting, even with the shit slinging and low quality trolling.