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File: 1.33 MB, 900x1273, 1396004015921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1502897 No.1502897[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys. I'm starting a new game in BOF2. And I would like to know witch party would be a good one.
Katt is my favorite char but i'm having problems with the 2 others.

>> No.1502909

I assume you want to use Katt's special form?
I'd say Rand and Bleu, but you can replace Bleu with Sten or Jean if you really want to. Bleu is nice because she has better stats than a lot of bonded characters without having to bond herself.

>> No.1502924

Yes, Katt rules. I was guessing something this way, since Rand is tank/healer, and Bleu/Jean shamanized/Nina.

>> No.1502937

Nina is kind of lackluster since Bleu does pretty much everything she does and more, without the drawbacks of bonding.

But honestly, you can win with any team combo, so don't sweat it too much.

>> No.1503693 [SPOILER] 
File: 91 KB, 1920x1080, sadasdasd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your favourite char a super cool hunter.

As about party, anything will do; progression problems are fixed via minigaming/grinding/cooking. This means that you should continue picking characters with objectively high enjoyment values like:

x 4

>> No.1503960
File: 336 KB, 650x971, topkek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does it happen that USA/YUROP boxart drawn with no idea what the fuck is this game manages to be better? I don't watch neither weeb nor western cartoons. Is it so because western art objectively has a soul in its DNA.

>> No.1503992
File: 105 KB, 512x446, a girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you're playing the Retrans

>> No.1504025 [DELETED] 

You could of make a research before posting. If he calls Katt 'Katt' and Bleu 'Bleu', it is presumably the original.

>that pic
Curse you nigger if you manage to put this useless but XDDD SO FUHHNY civilian into Township but a valuable merchant. Curse you so fucking hard, fag.

>> No.1504035 [DELETED] 

shouldn't you be illegally occupying crimea

>> No.1504135

You could of make a research before posting. If he calls Katt 'Katt' and Bleu 'Bleu', it is presumably the original.

>that pic
Shame on you if you manage to put this useless but so randumb xd civilian into Township but a valuable merchant. Shame on you, black anon. Merchants are OP as fuck in BoF2.

>> No.1504269

It's not like the game is hard.

>> No.1504374

Dragon tier:
ryu - game breaker. even if dragonform is nerfed, after you get empire sword, game is over.
bleu - cmon, do i even need to tell you why?
rand - the best tanker ever. incredible Hp, def, healing spells, and not a shabby attack.
katt - hits hard. and fast.

mediu tier:
Bow - best healing spells.

Shit tier:
the rest.
fuck jean.

>> No.1504384
File: 2 KB, 256x223, 1384081048739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not adventuring with all your friends equally in order to save the world and max everyone's levels

>> No.1504390

well, except jean.
You never need that piece of shit after kuwadora.

>> No.1504409

>and max everyone's levels

I did that once.

Fucking Bleu was 3 times more powerful than every other character at level99. Maxed every single stat.

>> No.1505169

I heard there is a really sad scene where nina becomes a bird forever, is there a way to prevent it?

>> No.1505171

only happens if your save file has zero deaths

>> No.1506069
File: 1.29 MB, 1920x1080, nice game bof4babies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ryu is nowhere the game breaker because of dragon system that requires full mp bar in order to do damage. Good luck restoring this bar later in the game. Before he gets EmpireSD (like when flying is enabled - end of the game) he is a uselss piece of shit, because this game is player versus random encounters but bosses unlike BoF3, 4. Well, not totally useless piece of shit, he together with Katt with counterattack can clear some areas very fast.

Bows lategame support spells really are 10/10 (Cure 3 is anti AoE, Barubaru is a joke).

Hey lvl99-save-kun. Can you test maxed out Holy+Devil Bow with TwinBW + attack buff, Devil Katt special attack and Bleu normal attack on different enemies. I am pretty sure Bow and Katt will be the most damaging characters and there should be armor threshold where Devil Katt outdamages Holy+Devil Bow's 2 attack crits when she gets x3 offence off 511 limit.

Or give that save to me.

>> No.1507849
File: 713 KB, 325x203, sten.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would it be a sad scene? It is not like Nina gain or lose anything doing so personality-wise. It is still Nina you knew and loved afterall..

>> No.1507857

That really triggered my feelings

>> No.1507869
File: 50 KB, 600x338, ca29a368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best party.

>> No.1507871

That's a terrible formation though... Nina is going to die instantly

>> No.1508351

Ryu Katt Nina and Rand, all around perfect. Never really used any of the others, but you can have those 3 bonded and upgraded. Bleu's fun, but I think Nina's better late on.

>> No.1508358

Yeah, I'd say same party, but swap Nina and Katt

>> No.1508359
File: 706 KB, 1280x1730, bof2 bleu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The truth.

>> No.1508397
File: 21 KB, 350x450, 1396214656663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Or give that save to me.

Oh, didn't notice this post. I think I still have the save somewhere in my old laptop.
I...also forgot to say that it was in the GBA version, is that ok?

>> No.1508414

>Bleu's fun, but I think Nina's better late on.

>> No.1508423

Bleu has higher magic I guess? Power that is.

>> No.1508446

Bleu has higher everything.
At level 50 she outstrips Nina in all stats. With bonding Nina can have somewhat higher Wisdom but with the way spell damage works that's not actually a huge advantage. Meanwhile, Bleu is far tougher and can actually do some physical damage when up against enemies that are highly resistant to magic.

And it gets sillier from there. By 61 she has more Strength and Stamina than Rand at 99.

>> No.1508508
File: 92 KB, 500x800, 1385389158116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Spar who is sexless trnasmutes with a female shaman is he now a female?

>> No.1508510

Maybe I should boot up my GBA version of the game, I remember not taking Bleu because I felt that Nina was better. So it was actually either better simple preference, or I was under level 50.

>> No.1508521

i just passed bof2 recently on the wii u vc. I used Katt, Nina and Rand for a while but dropped Rand and Nina eventually. I think having Spar or Jean with the warp spell is essential. And once you get Holy Shaman, Jean has an amazing bond. You also end up needing Sten a bunch later on so it wouldn't hurt to have him in there.

>> No.1508524

When you first get Bleu she's level 35 and slightly weaker than Nina would be at the same level. However, her stats increase enormously as she levels. From 35 to 60 there's only one level where she doesn't gain 15 points in at least one stat, and she usually gains 15 in multiple stats.

>> No.1508528

No, it's still a sexless plant creature

>> No.1508547
File: 33 KB, 602x402, cumshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plants actually need loving too. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plant_reproductive_morphology

>> No.1508609

It's not like there's any better character to go in the house Salvador goes in. I got all the useful citizens.

>> No.1508649


>> No.1508760

even if it was capable of reproduction it wouldn't be in manner a human could get anything out of
>oh yeah baby shake those spores out

>> No.1508778

The best party is...

Punk Katt
Loli Spar
Regular Nina or Bleu

basically you want to make sure you're walking into Infinity with a bitch on each arm cause who knows what's going to happen down there

>> No.1508798
File: 193 KB, 450x695, 767925e518b935b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw Nina always got free pussy but in 2 she is roomed with a competitor who would screw her chicken neck like it is fucking nothing if one shows up
>being the only love interest in 4 games she developed a false believe things would stay the same without a need of her to put any effort
>teleported into 2 she expects pussy being handed to her on a platter but it is not happening
>yfw Nina is a helpless feathered little shit who relies on gimmicks like magic to deny the ways of natural selection and who didn't fight a single real fight in her entire existence

You need muscles and guts to get through life, chickadee.

>> No.1508809

Take your dumb waifu shit somewhere else.

>> No.1508819

Nothing personal, Nina, but a school of life.

>> No.1508820

well, guess you cant read very well...dragon form is indeed not as good as it was in other games. but empireSD + atk up + ctrAtck is pretty much all you need anyways.

about the dragon cost...what are those Wisebl that replenish it to full AP?

also, you dont need much healing when you can kill anything in the game in one turn with katt and ryu.

>> No.1508829

On blind playthrougth it is impossible so be satisfied with fruits.

EmpireSD is a rare thing a player would figure playing blind and there is a large portion of the game before it.

>playing first time with a guide
fucking casuals

>> No.1509182

lol... I Beat this as a child before internet even existed, NOT EVEN BEING ABLE TO SPEAKING ENGLISH YET (english is only my second language).

hATE to be that guy buuuuuut

>getgud u noob

Srly..there's a FUCKING FISH JUMPING NON STOP where u find the empireSD...how can anyone miss that?! You are playing a JRPG, when u see a chest, you open it...guess you need to be blind indeed...
also, do you even cook?

>> No.1509229

Fishing is stupid and a waste of time every other time in the game. Any normal player wouldn't be paying attention to fishing spots.

>> No.1510779

If you played the first one, you would know that most Dragon stuff was gained via fishing. It's still a big part of 3 and 4, too.

>> No.1510940

I dont want my waifu to be a bird anon

>> No.1510954

You can finish any of those games without fishing. So how is it a big part when it is not necessary and a waste of time for a new player without a guide. He would sink more time getting into fishing mechanics then getting cool weapons designed to allegedly hasten the progress while i would be finishing the game. If you played BoF4 the only item to get via fishing for fastest walkthrough is holy mantle. It is not much time to be called a big part.

>> No.1511181

Im going to try the retranslation now, I havent played this game in a really long time. Hope it's still good.

>> No.1511250

everyone I know of who played BoF2 fished a lot
why would players just ignore a part of the game

>> No.1511397

Cartoon tigerwaifu doesn't age.

>> No.1511406

Why is she called Lin in this retranslation. Fuck.

>> No.1511410

To connect with BoF of fire 5 probably.

>> No.1511415

Because that was her original name.

>> No.1511421

Rinpo something but Lin

>> No.1511424


Alright, time for you to shut up.

>> No.1511430

Faggots who wrote BoF wiki were paid by Retrans author, it was Rinpo now it is Lin Pu

>> No.1511435

>"including Katt ("Rinpu Chuan" in the Japanese version),[8]"




>> No.1511438

Referencing Wikipedia and using Google Translate hurts your argument, you know.

>> No.1511445 [DELETED] 

BoF wiki is WIKI retard

>> No.1511487

What does that have to do with anything?

>> No.1511491




get fucked

>> No.1511506





Retrans marketer pls go

>What does that have to do with anything?
Both can be bribed by you.

>> No.1511518

>japanese alphabet
it's a syllabary, not an alphabet. i think it's one of two widely used syllabaries, the other being the so-called 'bopomofo' syllabary of taiwan.

>> No.1511535


Thanks for showing you don't understand how translation works.

>> No.1511558 [DELETED] 


"ランド" is earth TRANSLATION but "Rando" is TRANSCRIPTION

>Earth: Lets go guys XDDDDD momas captured XDDDDDD

>fucking up transcriptions

Fuck off viral

ebin simbly ebin
get to the point

>> No.1511572

that's not transcription. that's transliteration. are you the same person that doesn't know the difference between a syllabary and an alphabet, too? ugh: you probably don't even know what abjads and abugidas are. disgusting.

>> No.1511580 [DELETED] 

Stop playing around. You understood everything. Fuck off now.

>> No.1511606

>please excuse my ignorance and go away
I will not, Anon. You really should know the difference between transliteration (rendering the phonetic value of words of one writing system within the confines of another), transcription (writing down what is being said) and translation (rendering the morphemic or definitive value of words/ideas of one language into another).

>> No.1511654

I want to play BoF chronologically. Should I play the SNES or GBA version of 1? I hear arguments both for and against both.

>> No.1511656

I have no fucking idea what the fuck is this shit but if there was a translation for whole word "リンプー" there would be pronunciation different from Hiraganas letter-by-letter. And google would know this word.

>> No.1511685

SNES, obviously.

>> No.1511689
File: 151 KB, 250x350, 1297802341110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing the retranslation. Is it just me or does Nina seem like a different character than in the original (english) translation? She was kinda bland in the original but here she seems to have more personality.

Also what's the deal with the joke about Katt being flat? No she's not as big as Nina or Bleu but she's not flat at all.

>> No.1511696

SNES is still the best experience overall, though GBA is just plain less of a headache to play if you've experienced the newer ones, because of the double EXP/Gold and the menu changes. IMO you should play the SNES, though I'm honestly surprised no one has modified that version to have said EXP/Gold boosts.

Less personality is a common sacrifice when it comes to shit translations.

>> No.1511718

>Is it just me or does Nina seem like a different character than in the original (english) translation?
The difference is so big I was convinced somebody talking about the retranslation had played a different game.

>> No.1511837

I used Katt, Nina, and Blue, cuz I was a perv 15 yr old when I played the game

>> No.1511859

can anyone be kind of enough to point me in the direction of this discussed retranslation?

>> No.1511874

Why is it so hard to go on google and type "Breath of Fire II retranslation"?
First result.

>> No.1511920
File: 117 KB, 1600x1372, 1396328236871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Also what's the deal with the joke about Katt being flat? No she's not as big as Nina or Bleu but she's not flat at all.

There was a mad Bleufag who got BTFO by based Katt-anons. He got mad mainly because Bleu has 3.3 pics worth of fanart but allegedly is a character who deserves as much as Katt. He invented and forced this epic maymay here but failed miserably. He is probably still spouting his maymay somewhere. He is a proweeb and likes shitty animu art.

>> No.1511948

But didn't that 'joke' come from the original Japanese translation?

>> No.1511953
File: 401 KB, 1024x1024, KattBF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why bother

>> No.1511978

inb4 it doesn't have capcom watermark or something

Keep trying, Bleu.

>> No.1512193 [DELETED] 


1. Katt >>> Rinpu and any other japanese name callings because name Katt perfectly matches with her actual character and is understandable for westener

2. If you don't like some autist's fanfiction you are being attacked by enraged weebs

3. Western weebs are the most cancerous unsufferable fanbase who doesn't ever get to the point but accuse of not knowing their object of admiration although they are shit at it. Symptoms: it takes single words out of context and bitch at it; F3 "translation" 34875398 results found, F3 "butchered" 104647456 results found

>muh softcore porn scenes were cut, worse than 911

4. Enjoy the games and don't pay attention to fanbases. Ever. Except to this post.

>> No.1512523

>Katt >>> Rinpu and any other japanese name callings because name Katt perfectly matches with her actual character and is understandable for westener
yeah us westerners are so dumb that if you don't call the cat lady Katt we'll get confused and start throwing shit all over our cages

>> No.1512536
File: 78 KB, 400x404, gotcha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fanfic forum-tier translation bickering

Don't any of you fuckers ever just chill out and fish?

I'm beginning to suspect none of you have ever actually played the damn game.

>> No.1512568
File: 273 KB, 505x714, 1396359194565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blame the Kattfag. He ruins every BoF thread with his autistic obsession.

>> No.1512584

>you'll never play the BOF series for the first time again

>> No.1512605

his English has improved at least

>> No.1512691
File: 1.53 MB, 1920x1080, 1396365833459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Says the fucker who posts similar styled images as one currently attached to fucker's post in /v/'s furry starfox threads.

I have already contributed enough to BoF2 mechanics discussion.

>just chill out and fish
Hunting is objectively >> fishing in BoF2 but BoF4

>generic rpg wizard girl generic animu image #438653479349
At least my autism is objectively >> yours

>ever needing to call me out in return on being "that bad guy who ruins muh buzzword"
Are you still upset, doe?

>> No.1512695

would you please just grow up

>> No.1512702
File: 125 KB, 757x900, 1272094155546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, cause a naga is way more generic than a catgirl, right?

>> No.1512710

that is a nice phrase got stuck in your brain

so please just fulfill whatever you've been ordered decades ago without making others your stimulants

seriously, grow the fuck and create something more dodgy, such phrases are no longer remain initial power. except when used against you.

>> No.1512714

nah, it is a tigergirl

>> No.1512726
File: 122 KB, 425x621, 1395246111587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To katt or not to katt

>> No.1512824

Best attacker in the game, even moreso when bonded.
Unfortunately she's almost as frail as Nina, which means there's a good chance that bonding won't last, and if you keep her in the back it hurts her damage output; even with the position penalties her Offense when bonded is incredible, though.

>> No.1512831

It is Bow and Katt both shamanized who are the best damage dealers in the game. Bonded Katt works better than bonded Bow with TwinBW against armored targets.

I abused the shit out of formation switch available during a battle so she stayed kinda safe and went to front lines when needed.

>> No.1512840
File: 98 KB, 501x596, 06061643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A tiger is a type of cat, which is the general word for feline.

Plus her name is Katt.

>> No.1512842

Wheres a good Katt o Nina doujin?

>> No.1512845 [DELETED] 
File: 662 KB, 2611x1350, BOF6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1512861

Katt bullies Nina

>> No.1512867

If you forget about her cute look, she is one of the worst characters in BoF3, worse than Nina 3

Now about the look.
>liking scientist types with artificial breasts

>> No.1512881
File: 93 KB, 480x640, 14304659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me guess on who count as bad characters in the series; every female character who isn't Katt?

>> No.1512883

Isn't there something you can do to mitigate her god-awful accuracy and make her become a murder machine?

>> No.1512890

I didn't say Momo is bad character. Do you even read? She still has onahole part of self.

Now about Ursula..
I think, she is a good character at getting caught and tied up

>> No.1512891

You can take care of her accuracy, but Momo is better suited to support than attack. She gets god-tier buff spells.

>> No.1512895
File: 376 KB, 600x800, 1241193295648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You said she was one of the worst characters, which is pretty indicative that you think she's bad.

>> No.1512896

I meant she is one of them by personality not mechanics

>> No.1512905

This isn't proper outfit for military, you fucking slut.

>> No.1512925

Strewth, i was jus takin the piss m8s
You alright fellas?

>> No.1513020


Momo is great. Decent speed, great IQ for casting offensive spells, okay buffs, the only character that gets Sleep, and decent attack power due to strong weapons. She also gets okay HP & AP. When you factor in Masters, her unique abilities make her more useful than anyone but Ryu.

Her greatest and only real fault is her shit accuracy. But Shadowalk never misses for boss battles (after buffing), and there are items, a skill, and a Master which all raise accuracy.

TL;DR Momo is probably the second best overall character in BoF3.

>> No.1513631

>When you factor in Masters, her unique abilities make her more useful than anyone but Ryu.

That's bullshit. Rei and Peco are much better than her.

>> No.1513794

Well, I didn't really use her except for the parts which force you to until my last playthrough. Before that, I mostly used Rei and Nina.

Anyway, I found myself hating not having her around as she can pretty easily replace either Rei or Nina.

I'll try Peco out on my next run, but I doubt I'll like him because of that ridiculous counter rate. It makes stealing items and learning skills a shit-show of unending and unnecessary random battles when he kills something off prematurely.

>> No.1513818

i always put Rand to tank in slot 1....and i used Sten even tho most don't because i found speed was crucial in healing and giving him the hunt items (roasts) that i killed with Bow or Katt seemed to sync well...he's heal BEFORE the enemies attacked in the round so i liked Sten.

>> No.1513853

I use that party because I don't like any of the other characters.

>> No.1514128

Then use a weak weapon or don't let him lead in Attack Formation.

Peco is great and requires little to no effort for absolutely massive returns.

>> No.1515017

Best BoF. 3 can eat a dick.

>> No.1515457
File: 1.28 MB, 1920x1080, 1396466388032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we want Katt audience

>> No.1516438

This better be bullshit.

>> No.1517996

Oh look, not a true BoF fan.

>> No.1519519
File: 161 KB, 1920x1080, bodyblocked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It either be Katt pics or BoF4 screens since nothing else is left to discuss

>we want BoF2 audience

>> No.1519520
File: 207 KB, 1920x1080, ePSXe 2014-04-03 07-21-21-96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blaze it faggot

>> No.1519521
File: 299 KB, 1920x1080, ePSXe 2014-04-03 07-41-29-71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1519523
File: 256 KB, 1920x1080, ePSXe 2014-04-03 08-37-12-90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1519525
File: 337 KB, 1920x1080, ePSXe 2014-04-03 10-53-52-74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1519526
File: 281 KB, 1920x1080, ePSXe 2014-04-04 01-02-28-79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1519529
File: 287 KB, 1920x1080, ePSXe 2014-04-04 01-05-03-71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wgt 1

>> No.1519530
File: 277 KB, 1920x1080, ePSXe 2014-04-04 05-39-57-32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1519532
File: 222 KB, 1920x1080, ePSXe 2014-04-04 05-54-19-67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bamboo rod is hella long ranged

And this isn't a fish i expected at 25+m

>> No.1519534
File: 286 KB, 1920x1080, ePSXe 2014-04-04 05-58-56-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ursula is useful!

>> No.1519540
File: 378 KB, 1920x1080, ePSXe 2014-04-04 06-01-32-68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we want tamagotchi audience

>> No.1520019

stop posting these ugly ass filtered screenshots

>> No.1520529
File: 109 KB, 1920x1080, Emulashin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing raw
gr8 b8 m8 i r8 it 8/8 sk8erboi

>> No.1520591

>stretching the screen this much
>on a sprite based game

pdiddy shiggy diddy

>> No.1520636
File: 293 KB, 1920x1080, nina's instincts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>400x300 native unstreched mind

>> No.1520701

I don't remember having to feed the fairies and clean up their poo

>> No.1520897
File: 44 KB, 404x525, BoF4_carronade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can order them to do anything but getting food and hunt food for them by yourself.

>> No.1523239
File: 1.65 MB, 1920x1080, ePSXe 2014-04-05 09-34-47-29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

insert joke about species here

>> No.1523391
File: 2.23 MB, 1920x1080, Untitled01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1523396
File: 2.04 MB, 1920x1080, Untitled02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1523421
File: 2.42 MB, 1920x1080, Untitled03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ez gam
ez lyf

>> No.1523627

Does this Ursula waifu ever get better?

I was told she is Katt of BoF4 but all i see is a failture officer who is being outclassed in every role she takes. All-around-master is literally killing her. She doesn't excel at anything but getting caught. I bet she got her rank in military because she was some kind of orphan and a girl but her actual skills. Wouldn't be surprised if my thoughts appear to be true. So much lawful that the dumb bitch doesn't realise it is party who captured her and she has little to zero involvement into bringing Ryu to Chedo (Ryu is fated to meet Fou-Lu) thus into carring out her mission.

>status change spells are 75% of spellbook
Who need this shit anyways? At least give her good vs. all weapon so i could abuse element shots.

>mechanically is a shit
>personality-wise is a shit
>is a brag at first yet gets told later
>manages to be reckless after being told for the epic showings of her skills
>doesn't value own life because muh law
>little to no pride

What is your excuse, Ursulafags? Inb4 muh filler ecchi scenes pushed me closer to her personality. At least, she is good at grinding max#hits at treants for masters.

This game has BoF title so player expects BoF quality waifus. What the fuck is this marketed nonsense?

>> No.1523680

She's flexible. Status change spells and access to three elements natively, and a few of her guns hit all enemies. She covers a lot of bases even if she doesn't cover them too well.

Plus she has the same ability as Ryu; being able to revive when killed.

>> No.1523984 [DELETED] 

If you list a thing it would not automatically make a thing good, you know. Besides, i have already done it with some proofs that they're shit.

Figures, 'waifu' doesn't get better. What an audacious cheating on a lawful BoF fan what is BoF4.

But the truth is she has her place in the game. She isn't a filler afterall. She is just a fucking slut whos whole existental purpose is starting combos for based Ershin and Nina. Support bitch who after realising she is a non-factor in 'her' mission started to contain herself in this autistic activity getting wet everytime a combo triggers.

I also like how you dodged my personality remarks. She is a character, right? Not 200000 lbs of pussy&ass.

>> No.1524076

Dis nigga cray cray.

>> No.1524581

Ursula is great the moment you get Shadow Walk.

>> No.1526076 [DELETED] 
File: 147 KB, 600x645, 1396832174866.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was no Ursula when i was heading to Synesta for the first time.


Just accept that she is a slut and everyone's bitch. There is no point in holding back after all your downcast silence.

>> No.1527080 [DELETED] 
File: 359 KB, 963x800, best.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reporting posts with reasonable pointers
It is like you know that your waifu is inferior.

>> No.1527081
File: 147 KB, 600x645, 1396865887752.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was no Ursula when i was heading to Synesta for the first time.


Just accept that she is a slut and everyone's bitch. There is no point in holding back after all your downcast silence.

>> No.1527887

Maybe your posts would stop getting deleted if you didn't shitpost about waifu nonsense.

>> No.1528449

Or maybe you cannot stand the reasons.

This kind of threads is already dead at start because it is nothing to discuss by default when it comes to BoF and yet instead of ignoring it you still come and report, you fucking gameshit dweller. Better appreciate people liking this series for something actually valuble and something that BoF can use in order to compete with other series, you ungrateful swine. Fuck off back to whatever shithole you came from, newshit.

>> No.1529519

Do they neglect to teach proper English in Russia?

>> No.1529535
File: 94 KB, 440x520, look at this scary nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sten best character

>> No.1529743 [DELETED] 
File: 135 KB, 768x1024, 1396958830588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed. This is one of the reasons why i am here. You better be a good example of how a proper English looks alike. Besides, Russia isn't the only country with major amount of russian speaking citizens.

Good taste but Katt is the best. Jenie is the way of getting the best loot without wasting additional time on enemies who don't drop one.