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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 36 KB, 343x274, z80gb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1511475 No.1511475 [Reply] [Original]

Hello, /vr/.Today, as usual, I was wishing my SGB would play clear cartridges. Playing the Oracle games on a big screen (albeit with a smaller size than the screen, but much bigger than a Gameboy nonetheless) would be pretty awesome. I decided to look to see if there was a mod to let you do such a thing, though I doubted it. I came across two interesting things. The first is this video:

Apparently SGB CPUs are so compatible with GB CPUs that they are interchangeable. You can swap them out and they still perform the same function. Now, it never says anything about putting a regular GB CPU into a SGB. but I'd like to think that you could. So, if you could swap the regular GB CPU and the SGB CPU, could you swap a GBC CPU with the SGB CPU? That's where this article comes in.

It's a very detailed article on the SGB, GB, and GBC CPUs. I took a very, very quick look. It does not discuss the other CPUs very much, it's mostly the regular game boy. It states that there are other documents for programming the GBC specifically, but that the article would help you with the basics. Seeing as how the GBC is mentioned very little throughout the rest of the article, I'd assume it's because the Gameboy color is the same as the others; it states exceptions to Gameboy variants (GBP, SGB, etc) when they come up, and the GBC only comes up a few times over trivial things. Still, the additional documents...

What do you think, /vr/? Could you swap in a GBC CPU into a SGB and play those clear cartridges? My opinion is an amateurs that has only done one mod by the book, and I took a very quick look at the article in question, so...

>> No.1511492

super gameboy is literally the guts of an original brick gameboy stuffed inside a cartridge, I have never heard of this but I supposed it would be possible. I believe the gameboy color has more RAM though

>> No.1511502

It could be that the reason that the clear cartridge games are incompatible with the regular GBs is ram insufficiency...

>> No.1511510

>I have never heard of this but I supposed it would be possible.
actually let me correct this so it doesn't give off the wrong idea

>I supposed it *could* be possible if they're pin compatible and have the same amount of RAM.

The GBC CPU might also have to be clocked higher for GBC games to run properly so there's also that.

>> No.1511538

This. It's got a second bank of VRAM. Some games (like Pokemon Crystal) use it so that's why they won't work in an old Game Boy.

Even if you could kludge in a GBC, you'd need to write custom software for it to interpret the information and the way the game works. Just think of a game like Super Mario Bros. DX, that clearly wouldn't work the way you'd imagine it to on a Super Game Boy.

>> No.1511680

I seriously hope you're onto something OP, I've wanted something to play GBC games on my TV for years now.
Unfortunately the gameboy player is expensive and has shit video quality.

>> No.1512226

>Could you swap in a GBC CPU into a SGB and play those clear cartridges?

Just because different versions of the Z80 are electrical/pin compatible doesn't mean the system as a whole is going to operate to the same specs.

>> No.1512241
File: 19 KB, 250x337, 250px-GameCube-Game-Boy-Player.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's this thing called the Game Boy Player that lets you play GBC games on your TV.
It's for GameCube.
Don't be a moron and ruin a perfectly good Super GameBoy and a GBC.

>> No.1512301

Couldn't you just get a GameCube and a Gameboy Player like everyone else?

>> No.1512306

exactly what i thought. don't get me wrong, it would be cool as hell to pull off, but if it gets damaged that destroys 2 pieces of hardware that will never be manufactured again. not an issue because it is your property and you can do whatever the fuck you want with it, but if you replace them that takes 2 more out of the wild.

>> No.1512309

The one benefit I can think of would be (hopefully) displaying in 240p, rather than 480i(or p) from the GBPlayer.

>> No.1512310

Oh Hyperkin, why won't you start making these instead of the goddamn retron 5.

Can't be too hard.

Also maybe a built-in database of game checksums so it can display an according custom "Super Gameboy border"

>> No.1512314

Retron 5 has a Game Boy Advance port that plays all game boy games, doesn't it?

Not that anyone should get it because emulating on your PC with something like a Retrode would be better.

>> No.1512841

Yes, you have to transplant the GBC CPU, RAM, oscillator and DC converter (the GBC CPU runs on both 5V and 3.3V).
Then you need to get 7 extra SGBs to piggyback the ICD2-R chips (these handle SNES gamepad>GB and 2bit GB video>SNES) for having full 15bit video output.
You also need to make some changes in the BIOS ROM which gets executed by the SNES, it should enabl the hidden 15bit mode and transfer (via HDMA) pixels instead of tiles.
And you should be happy if youre dun with this shit and enjoy the fact you just read a wall of damn nonsense related to this current day.
I do like to interject that the GB CPU is more like the Intel 8080, the reason why it has been claimed to be Z80 based is the commonly used syntax which originated from it.

>> No.1513075
File: 92 KB, 977x436, 1395124743826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I.....I think I love you.

>> No.1513096

The fuck? No that won't work. They're different hardware altogether, it's not the same board just with a different CPU

>> No.1513106

>emulating gameboy games on a PC

Fucking why, just get a GBA SP

>> No.1513298

>wasting money on an outdated handheld

>> No.1513327
File: 69 KB, 300x264, Waluigi Get Out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you think you are!?

>> No.1513859

I don't want to play games on a tiny screen.