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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 263 KB, 1280x1280, 1396225442585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1508803 No.1508803 [Reply] [Original]

DOOM THREAD, (Last thread >>1503065)
(other retro FPS games welcome too, chances are we played 'em too)

FAQ/Pastebin, still updated semi-frequently


##Our WADs can be found here!##

Steam Group:

IRC (The password is in the FAQ.)
Channel: #vr


Wanna learn how to...

Create maps?

Open/Edit WAD/PK3/etc to make 'em compatible with other mods?
http://slade.mancubus.net/index.php?page=downloads (download 3.0.2)

Load multiple WADS and mods at the same time? - ZDL (v3.2.2.2)

/idgames torrent (12 GBs of wads, 18 years worth of user-made content!)

Vanilla/Boom related projects can be found here

ZDoom mods/projects can be found here

>> No.1508807


-Switcheroom is on the verge of being uploaded to /idgames!!! Keep track of said project here! http://www.doomworld.com/vb/post/1230811

-The past Awesome Games Done Quick featured a playthrough of Plutonia (Go 2 It included) and also a Doom 2 race which was a result of a bid war between that game and Ultimate Doom. To rewatch the Doom speedruns, go follow this link http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQcxg3SUqlYBoSYrpNJVu58GsoCXMREa1

-Guess who received an update? OBLIGE! Now it's in version number 6, and oh man things surely have improved; go check it here! http://oblige.sourceforge.net/forum/index.php?topic=307.0

-ChocoDoom got updated in the 20th anniversary. Now you can play Heretic, Hexen and Strife too! Go grab each version of them here! http://www.chocolate-doom.org/wiki/index.php/Downloads

-Jimmy's Jukebox may be get a new update very soon...get hype!!! http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=29117&start=180

ATTENTION! If you know about something news-worthy, reply to this post and mention it so everyone can see it

>> No.1508808
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>that image

>> No.1508810
File: 48 KB, 59x74, ApathyFast2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slow and steady the thread goes on and on forevermore

>> No.1508837
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>> No.1508841
File: 74 KB, 463x372, 1396226576997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would it take for Doom to become a "cult" game? Like, kinda in the same vein that Earthbound and MegaMan had this massive wave of newcomers as of lately that produced tons of fanart and stuff.

Brutal Doom *kinda* was a step towards that; disregarding all the stuff around the mod itself -while not considering if it was good or bad in the end- it brought a fairly decent amount of people to the community, but truth be told, only a handful of them have been seen active in modding matters (not that they were forced to do it so, it's their choice after all)

What does it need to be produced in order to bring more eyes to Doom as a modding-friendly game that has unlimited capabilities and infinite possibilities?

>> No.1508847

Prepare for aborting and impotency.

>> No.1508852


A 1-hour trailer showcasing a shitload of wads.

>> No.1508853


we need more mods that completely change how the game is played.

>> No.1508868
File: 767 KB, 535x394, still getting there.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not fucking dead, I swear. I'm just still waiting on the last few sprites for this thing. I still need a big muzzle flash for the secondary/charge shots, the transformation, and the idle frames for the powered form

>> No.1508872

>What would it take for Doom to become a "cult" game? Like, kinda in the same vein that Earthbound and MegaMan had this massive wave of newcomers as of lately that produced tons of fanart and stuff.

First, it needs to be exclusive to consoles since pick up and play is what everyone wants.
Needing a source port or running Dosbox gets in the way of this.

Second, it needs to be super simple to hop into. Doom has this until running mods, then you need something like ZDL for load orders and shit.

Third, the most important one, is people not throwing a shitfit when someone plays the game in a way that they want.

This is the most important one, because it makes the communitive seem bad when it lashes out at people who wanted to play the game using something like..
I don't know, jumping or Brutal Doom.

Also Doomers have to reach out to get more people into Doom.
Doom's community seems a little introverted.

>> No.1508876

I don't assume any modder is dead until they say otherwise.
Also can we see the charge shot itself?

I hope Project MSX guy comes back soon too

>> No.1508879 [DELETED] 

>Also Doomers have to reach out to get more people into Doom.

As much as I don't want the community to peter out, and I don't want to come across as "muh sekrit club" Do you really think we should be reaching out to people? You know it's going to pull in fucktards that'll slowly corrupt everything.


>> No.1508884
File: 214 KB, 556x875, agitating 34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, Doom is already a cult game. It has everything old players want and love (hi-speed action with no stops, traps, tricks, almost unlimited mod potential and nostalgia), an excellent community, and the potential to fulfill all of your gaming needs, even your porn needs with H-Mod. You can even turn Doom into a Roguelike, show me a new game that can do that.
The only things that keeps Doom away from new players are the outdated graphics, the non-linear levels, and the slightly complicated things you have to do to run WADs; if you have to click more than twice to make it work, the new gamers won't play it.

But I don't want to reach to people, people should reach to Doom and embrace the love. Doom is my last nostalgia retreat, I don't want people defiling it.

>> No.1508885
File: 14 KB, 200x200, w-well.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ's sake, let's try this again, I meant to hit CHOOSE FILES

>Also Doomers have to reach out to get more people into Doom.

As much as I don't want the community to peter out, and I don't want to come across as "muh sekrit club" Do you really think we should be reaching out to people? You know it's going to pull in fucktards that'll slowly corrupt everything.


I don't have the animation for the weapon yet, but if you'd like to see the projectiles in action, here


I'm going with how Metroid Prime Hunters handled charged shots: Holding the fire button makes you fire out a burst of weak shots, then you start charging. I might make the new utility function switch between this and some other firing mode.

>> No.1508891

Any progress on /board/.wad? How many are confirmed being made and how many are in progress? Will it include deleted boards?

>> No.1508904

it's ded jim

>> No.1508905

>OBLIGE has a zdoom mode
>doesn't even care that you can jump
>no 3D floors (at least not yet)
>no slopes

ah, am i asking too much?

>> No.1508909


If someone teachs me how2animated walls, I can whip up a concept for /gif/.wad


It just produces ZDoom (Doom in Doom) maps anyway.

>> No.1508910

>Any progress on /board/.wad?
It was never anything more than an idea.

>How many are confirmed being made and how many are in progress?
Zero and zero.

>Will it include deleted boards?
Assumedly no.

>> No.1508912

>As much as I don't want the community to peter out, and I don't want to come across as "muh sekrit club" Do you really think we should be reaching out to people? You know it's going to pull in fucktards that'll slowly corrupt everything.

There will always be fucktards.
But you can't dismiss newcomers because they might be an asshat.
You need to embrace more people to expand a fanbase and that means taking the bad with the good.

It's not up to me if the community should reach out to more people, but it's also the only way for the community to expand.

>> No.1508918
File: 244 KB, 1366x768, 1396228098308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oooh, a Railgun! But isn't that redundant with my Particle Beam Cannon?

>> No.1508928
File: 29 KB, 640x432, Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, hey does anyone know where I can find a good ATATTATATATATATATTA loop with no background noise? I need it for reasons.

>There will always be fucktards.

Yeah, but if we start embracing and expanding, we'll start attracting people that make the brunt of a lot of /vg/ threads, or people in the Starbound forums.

Now you stop and ask yourself:

Do you really want to see those kinds of people here? I'm not saying we turn away people that come to doom of their own accord, but to have flat out open invitations is a surefire way to make things shitty

>> No.1508927

I would play a completed /board/.wad, but no one is working on it? Seriously? ;_:
I have no clue, but godspeed, anon. maybe one day it will be completed.And include all those deleted boards as secret levels ala Doom II

>> No.1508932

Could always just invite people you like or go to places that isn't /vg/ or the Starbound forums.

>> No.1508936

>Will it include deleted boards?
oh god, /z/.wad

>> No.1508938

but /z/ is not deleted

>> No.1508941 [DELETED] 

>Do you really want to see those kinds of people here?

There ARE these kinds of people here.
See: Mitchykins.

>> No.1508943

Those durn minorities in muh vidya gaems

>> No.1508945

>Oh, hey does anyone know where I can find a good ATATTATATATATATATTA loop with no background noise?
pretty sure there's one in doom center, and probably one in the hokuto no doom wad

>> No.1508947
File: 29 KB, 256x352, 01230142534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fair point.


I checked both of those, doom center's loops awkwardly and the one in the hokuto no doom wad is weak sounding.

>> No.1508948

What about him?

>> No.1508952

It would have the same level layout of /b/.wad, but different in all other aspects.

>> No.1508949

It's good if you don't want to use 30 power cells to take out a line of imps.

>> No.1508953

/b/.wad but with bee enemies

>> No.1508957

MagSigma might disappear after he releases a beta but when he comes back,he delivers big stuff

>> No.1508958

But he only did that once.

I am legit worried he isn't coming back

>> No.1508959
File: 229 KB, 640x480, 1396229117427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1508963

/pol/, /tg/, and /g/ wads exist, in some form or another.

>> No.1508964

well then i guess your best bet would be to rip them from one of the recent videogames

>> No.1508965
File: 186 KB, 640x480, 1396229219705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1508962


Is this Phocas island? I really need to play that

>> No.1508973

It's the beginning of Hell Ground.

>> No.1508968
File: 181 KB, 640x480, 1396229288285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1508969

that would be /z/.wad
>Bee versions of ALL the enemies
>In short,its Doom 1,Bee version[Knee deep in the honey,the Hives of hell,Hivemind and Thy Honey consumed]

>> No.1508970

Don't forget constant shouting. And the way to go there is by a secret exit that leads you back to /b/ to find the other secret /board/ level in /b//fur/

>> No.1508975


I think I found one I'd like to use, though I'll have to make a loopable version


>> No.1508976
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>> No.1508981
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>> No.1508984

it shouldn't be too hard to make it loop using audacity, i think

>> No.1508983 [DELETED] 

>What about him?


>> No.1508986

Wasn't there a mod that replaced all enemies with bees (or maybe wasps?)? I think it was posted here some time ago.

>> No.1508989
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>> No.1508992
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>> No.1508993
File: 187 KB, 640x480, 1396229742333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1508996

Here's the sound effects from the minecraft ATATATATATATATATATATATA mod. Sorry for the .7z in a .zip, anonfiles won't take .7z and I'm lazy as shit.


Hope these help. Keep doing cool ass shit GMOTA Guy.

>> No.1508997
File: 170 KB, 640x480, 1396229809441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1508995 [DELETED] 

>Logs from half a year ago
Either way, there are worse faggots on /v/

>> No.1509002

Report and ignore drama posts.

>> No.1509004
File: 241 KB, 640x480, 1396229878593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1509000 [DELETED] 

>brushing it under the rug

>> No.1509005 [DELETED] 


Are you serious?
Someone asked "We don't want those people here", another person responded with a person already here, and the solution is just the typical "report and ignore" because you don't like getting an answer?

>> No.1509009 [DELETED] 

This shit happened 5 months ago if I recall, stop talking about some dumb faggot who's pretty tame compared to most /v/ users, this isn't /b/ you know.

>> No.1509006
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>> No.1509007
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Fun fact, I ripped those sounds myself earlier, and posted it here >>1508975

great minds thinking alike here

>> No.1509012
File: 139 KB, 640x480, 1396230014347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1509013

That one IMX mod is being updated soon?

I forgot the name.

>> No.1509014

I like how everyone has dismissed (or ignored) that he has been using a different set of sprites for the screenshot

>> No.1509018
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>> No.1509023
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>> No.1509026
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>> No.1509031
File: 174 KB, 640x480, 1396230341663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1509037 [DELETED] 

>Logs from half a year ago
People change a whole lot in half a year.

>> No.1509048
File: 152 KB, 640x480, 1396230858721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1509058
File: 296 KB, 640x480, 1396231028254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's Hell Ground + sekrit build of Demonicron

>> No.1509059
File: 363 KB, 640x480, 1396231101701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1509068

Baron looks awful.
I dig the other monsters tho.

>> No.1509064
File: 932 KB, 175x131, Doomguy and BJ see RAGE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doom-related filename pics?

>> No.1509071

That's a placeholder sprite until the real Baron is finished.

>> No.1509070
File: 1.50 MB, 200x150, Killing the bossbrain.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1509075
File: 21 KB, 309x384, 1396231425241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really doom but still

>> No.1509072 [DELETED] 

It Mitchykin's case, they change for the worse.

>> No.1509084
File: 120 KB, 640x480, 1396231544252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


colors will be the same, but he just put the spriteset in there for the user to get used to the colorset of said enemy

>> No.1509081

Thought so.
MSX uses it for real though, and it looks horrible.

>> No.1509082 [DELETED] 

He hasn't really talked about crossdressing dragons in months.

He's pretty much fucked up his life already anyways.

>> No.1509092

Just report and hide those posts.

>> No.1509090

I want IRC drama to leave

>> No.1509091

I did a few one hour speed maps, anybody interested in seeing them?

>> No.1509094

Sure, go ahead.

>> No.1509095 [DELETED] 

some of those were really funny

>> No.1509098 [DELETED] 

He's still an awful creepbag.

>> No.1509102 [DELETED] 

So like everyone else on this site?

>> No.1509105

Mods, please remove the following posts
They are an attempt at derailing the thread into unrelated drama and /v/irgin stuff. This type of posting should not be tolerated under any circumstance.

>> No.1509106
File: 120 KB, 640x480, 1396231976513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1509109 [DELETED] 

not everyone on this site is a beta, paranoid, disgusting, awkward attentionwhore.

>> No.1509108 [DELETED] 

Doesn't help when autists are still talking about it

>> No.1509110
File: 124 KB, 640x480, 1396232041836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1509112 [DELETED] 

I never intended to myself. Just curious. Srry.

>> No.1509117
File: 200 KB, 640x480, 1396232110072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1509120 [DELETED] 

Not everything is an active malicious attempt at derailing something, sometimes people just argue about shit.

Which isn't to say they shouldn't be pruned, but still.

>> No.1509121 [DELETED] 

Not sure if you're in denial or you just haven't went deep into 4chan

>> No.1509125

The fact that they continue after the discussion should've logically ended suggests that this is a deliberate attempt.

>> No.1509124
File: 197 KB, 640x480, 1396232253589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1509130 [DELETED] 

I wasn't trying to derail shit, I just found some of the things he said funny.
I'll shut up now.

>> No.1509132
File: 183 KB, 640x480, 1396232359628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The new colorset of the spectre replacements really breaks the uniformity of this room compared to the rest

>> No.1509136

There are a good few people like that on 4chan, but 'everybody' is a pretty general statment.

Arguments don't always end where they logically should - they're fickle things like that. It still doesn't mean it's some kind of deliberate attempt.

>> No.1509137

should i activate the zdoom marines when creating OBLIGE levels for doom RL A?

>> No.1509138
File: 120 KB, 640x480, 1396232426463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1509140

And the bright red cacos wouldn't if you removed the mod?

>> No.1509142

Good, never bring it up again!

If he isn't in the fucking thread, you shouldn't bring it up in the thread, this is Doom general not IRC circlejerk complaint general

>> No.1509145


>> No.1509146
File: 115 KB, 640x480, 1396232524149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

However, the new colorset of the Hellknights REALLY match this room to perfection

>> No.1509153
File: 182 KB, 640x480, 1396232633698.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And THEN these Imps popped out and made the whole room worthy of having their monsters modified

>> No.1509158

I noticed the Demonicron IMMEDIATELY
Was just wondering.

I really liked what Demonicron did with monsters.
And I wish to see everything

>> No.1509156 [DELETED] 

>They are an attempt at derailing the thread into unrelated drama and /v/irgin stuff.

You don't like the answer I gave the dude's question?
Would you have preferred it just stayed unanswered?
Well, assuming you think it's a malicious attempt at drama (that you're doing a wonderful job at dealing with, by the way!), you probably would have.

>> No.1509157

Stop posting spoilers.

>> No.1509163

Is this from a mod?
I've been looking for a wad that just smooths the character animation.

>> No.1509167 [DELETED] 

We can talk about people in the Doom community whenever we want.

>> No.1509168
File: 164 KB, 640x480, 1396232896777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




No, but in all seriousness, it's okay if you don't like some of the redesigns, they aren't being placed as "Doom monsters as how they should've been done", they're just alternate takes on 'em


wut, why?

>> No.1509176
File: 143 KB, 640x480, 1396233164573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1509224
File: 146 KB, 640x480, 1396234463130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1509314
File: 154 KB, 640x480, 1396237660395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1509317
File: 100 KB, 640x480, 1396237726505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1509335

I asked last thread and got nothing so I'll ask again.

Any guides/tutorials for making enemies? I mean as far as making the sprites and so forth.

>> No.1509337

Take a sprite sheet and follow the rotations for that
Can't help you with coding

>> No.1509340

Well the coding and technical aspects were what I needed help with. What file type to make them, colour depth, etc.

>> No.1509347

Fuck, apparently if you drop a weapon in DRLA its mods are erased. Bye-bye, PBSS chaingun.

>> No.1509351

>Dropping heavily modded guns in the first place
May I ask why?

>> No.1509352

really? shit, they should put a warning up like with armor

>> No.1509356
File: 130 KB, 640x480, 1396238578566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1509369

I was making some choices.
Well, the PB part stayed, apparently mod combinations that change weapon name stay, so, if you drop a nanomachic RL it will stay a nanomachic RL. But if you drop, say, a railgun with sniper mod or a hyperblaster with power mod, those mods will be lost forever.

>> No.1509371
File: 190 KB, 640x480, 1396238861966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1509376
File: 234 KB, 1024x576, 1396239042889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Marine with fully modded minigun.

Is this what it feels like to be a god?

>> No.1509384
File: 400 KB, 640x480, 1396239299506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A reminder that this was made back in 2009
A reminder that THIS was made within PrBoom limits

>> No.1509383

>Not demolition ammo
I don't believe you know what godlike is yet

>> No.1509386

It's useful if you want to make changes without waiting to find another gun just like it, especially if it's rare.

Sort of related... holy shit, that Nano SSG tears so much ass it's not funny. But I just know Hellbound is going to pull that forced pistol start shit on me again soon.

>> No.1509390

Forced pistol start only happens once.

>> No.1509387
File: 336 KB, 640x480, 1396239404631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also a reminder to IMX to create a replacement for Hell Ground's Black Imp

>> No.1509394
File: 169 KB, 1366x768, 1396239439031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You bring me good luck, Anon.

>> No.1509396

Nope,that's how it feels to chew the new 5gum
Now this>>1509383 is how you go in god-mode

>> No.1509398

Remind me what THIS is?

>> No.1509401

Ah, alright, but I might drop the gun anyway. It's so good it almost feels like cheating.

>> No.1509408

>Playing Doom RLA
>Got the Cleric gun
>Got the Lava armor + Boots
>Got the Storm Combat pistol
>Bored out of my mind in Alien Vendetta because pistols are so fucking boring
>Slaughtermaps are obnoxious and tedious as always
I don't know what I was expecting.

>> No.1509413

What the hell is demolition ammo?

>> No.1509416
File: 281 KB, 640x480, 1396239752559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell Ground felt more "Doom 3"-ish than Legacy of Suffering

>> No.1509424


It's basically a souped up version of High Powered or just PPPPs

>> No.1509426

Legacy of Suffering felt more like Painkiller + Doom with fall damage.

Hell Ground didn't feel very Doom 3-ish either.

>> No.1509429


Well then, I think I'll be saving up some modpacks to see what this is all about.

>> No.1509428
File: 422 KB, 640x480, 1396240040845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1509430
File: 1.85 MB, 3466x2776, 1375400593136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10mm weapon + PTTF

Each shot becomes a high damage explosive round.

In the hands of the marine it makes the minigun more destructive than most BFG variants.

>> No.1509434

It's a minigun, see. That shoots explosions instead of bullets, see. And you get 4x ammo, see.

>> No.1509439

Does it, though? Is the explosive damage delivered via splash? Aren't bosses immune to splash damage?

>> No.1509445

It's "explosive"

Different hitscan effect, can't cause self damage.
It's just a damage boost.

>> No.1509447
File: 277 KB, 640x480, 1396240335485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1509450

So when is the Demonicron getting updated?

>> No.1509451

So? Even if bosses are fully immune (not sure if they are or not, would have to check) it'll still shred everything else in the game in a matter of seconds.

>> No.1509454
File: 254 KB, 640x480, 1396240488726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it's just -Demonicron-, without the "the"



>> No.1509453

Oh, cool.

Well, Oblige did tend to throw a lot of bosses at you. I remember trying demo minigun vs. Cybers in Go2It and it was underwhelming. I think regular minigun killed them faster, but I might be wrong.

>> No.1509458

I hope -Demonicron- gets updated soon.
I really liked the replacement monsters a lot.

I really want to see new Barons too.

>> No.1509457

Firestorm bullets=bigger hitscan

>> No.1509462

Well then. I know what I must do.

>> No.1509465
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ur a lil cheeky m8

>> No.1509467
File: 48 KB, 879x1168, douk nukkum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had a spare hour and an idea so I added the feature to Pistol Start Options of having the option of having it pistol start you back at the start of the episode or mapset you're currently playing upon death that was requested a little while ago here:

Set the CVar death_firstmap to 1 or true to use this option. This option takes precedence over death_pistolstart, so if you have both set you will end up pistol starting the earlier map rather than the map you died on.

If you're playing a map set with a MAP## naming scheme it will boot you back to MAP01. If you're playing a map set with a E#M# naming scheme it will boot you back to the first map in the episode you're in, so long as the episode is 1, 2, 3 or 4.

If you're playing a map set that uses none of the aforementioned naming schemes, it will boot you back to the first map you played, which will usually be the first map in a map set or episode (unless you started zdoom with warp parameters or used idclev.) Loading saves won't affect this; you will be taken to the map that you first played in that saved game rather than the level you loaded the save from.

As always the uncompiled ACS is included in the file, so feel free to look it over and/or use it for whatever project you want.


Doomworld Thread with more info:
(will be updated a couple of minutes after this is posted)

Also sorry for being away and not as involved in /doom/ or modding/mapping as I have been, I've just been insanely busy for a while (and unfortunately will be for a while longer.)

>> No.1509468
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Uuhhhh how did this happened? My apologies, everyone

>> No.1509471

I couldn't resist, sorry.

>> No.1509479

Recently played Interstellar MUHRINES.
Looks Cool and reminds me allot of the old doom bible and doom betas. With the Hud and co op theme.

>> No.1509487

Oh, cool. ManDoom did something very similar but I didn't like being forced to play in software. I'll try this out.

>> No.1509535

Looking for a new experience. Give me a map pack, gameplay mod, and monster mod to go through at once on Ultra-Violence.

>> No.1509557

A monster mash mod with some cool weapons. Very consistent style and roster of monsters that jives well with the Doom atmosphere.
by FKER Guy !OWvSkSdXw6
GZDoom Version:

FKER Voxel Addon
Voxels for all the FKER weapons pickups (except the smg and unmaker)
by Voxelbro

Contra weapons for doom.

Doomtra Addon/Contra Music

shotguns + chainguns
"Shotguns? Shotguns."
by Marrub

>> No.1509554

Have you played any of the mods in the vr pastebin?

Tweaks most enemies and weapons to be over-the-top crazy. Be ready for anal evacuation.
by /tg/.wad bro

Brutal Doom Sperglord Edition
It's Brutal Doom for sperglords and spergettes alike!
by SigFloyd (aka FlyingDildoMan !Q6R8m5VVEo)

GMOTA: Go Medieval On Their Ass
Fantasy themed, arcade inspired, gameplay mod
by GMOTA Guy (aka Combine_Kegan)

Demonicron (A graphic revamp mod)
A mod focused on bringing up a different take on the look on the classic Doom and Doom 2 monsters, while staying true to the style we all are accustomed to.
by IMX

Metroid DM
A Project that lets you play as Samus from the Metroid series.
by TerminusEst13

Burl Tumd
EVERYTHING happens faster. You move faster, you kill faster, and you die faster.
by Eric_ and Blox

Dynamically adds Boss Monsters to any map.
by Vincent Price (aka Sarcose)

The Space Pirate
A new gameplay modification that takes Doom to new heights! Featuring bladed boomerangs, ridiculously cool melee combat, crossbows, and much more!
by Marty Kirra !mc5czkikOs

>> No.1509560

>Double click on SLADE's 3.1.0 Beta 4
>Crashes itself, while I never did anything at all

gg Slade


>> No.1509578

Many thanks friend. Any personal recommendations?

>> No.1509584

FKER, Burl Tumd, GMOTA, and BDSE probably change the most out of all of those. My two favorite are probably FKER and Burl Tumd.

You will probably have to try each though to see which suits you as all of the listed mods are really different from one another.

>> No.1509589


>> No.1509592

Awesome. Thank you.

>> No.1509593

Speaking of TSP

Is it really going to have bladed boomerangs?
I thought it was going to be some sort of blade knife that you stick into enemies.

And hopefully TSP updates soon, I really liked it.

>> No.1509597


FKER is one of the best monster randomizers out there, Fractal Doom is pretty fun and it has rocket ranchero revenants. I'm pretty sure the link in the pastebin is the newest version. TSP has some wild as fuck kung fu moves and you can chain up your own combos and stuff.

My mod is essentially every fantasy arcade Capcom game smashed with doom. If you like the Ghosts n Goblins games and Magic sword, you might like GMOTA.

>> No.1509598

>Is it really going to have bladed boomerangs?
>I thought it was going to be some sort of blade knife that you stick into enemies.

I dunno lel. That's what it says on it's zdoom forum post though:

And yeah, it's pretty fun. Crossbow and RocketLauncher next update, also a boatload of other stuff.

>> No.1509630

do you want people to read your posts or do you want to be as annoying as possible

>> No.1509634
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>Map 22 of Hellbound.
Almost fucking ran into this.

>> No.1509637

are there other monsters around? one archvile when you have super shotgun and walls to hide behind shouldn't be much of an issue surely

>> No.1509638

Yeah there were some just around the corner from him too, so I would have simultaneously run into an archvile and more monsters. There's the corpses of enemies I killed in the room prior that he would have been able to resurrect too.

>> No.1509642
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>> No.1509643

okay that's a bit trickier then

i need to play this wad. my backlog is immense - i have doom constipation

>> No.1509645

Spoilers: I am dead.

>> No.1509650

If you are dead then how am I still alive?

>> No.1509652

I have no idea what I'm going to play next once I beat it. At this point I've played through a lot of the more noteworthy ones. I'm also kinda bored of a lot of the mods out there for doom, and I'm just patiently awaiting Space Pirate, The Trailblazer, and GMOTA.

I'm just kinda playing vanilla at this point... Or enhanced vanilla, I guess. I've been running through with Polished Skull.

>> No.1509654

are you a skeleton?

>> No.1509665

Polished Skull is very much NOT vanilla.

Look at the changed HP values on many things.
Enemies have resistances to different weapon types.

Archviles have 1200 more HP
It's fun but I can't even say it's advanced vanilla.

>> No.1509668

1200 hp on top of their base hp?
isnt that like 2000

>> No.1509669

>Load up Lunatic with Doom RLA on the hardest difficulty
>Get an Anti-Freak Jackal right at the very start
>Chose Marine instead of Scout because I got so tired of Scout on my previous playthrough of Alien Vendetta with no good pistols
Fucking welp

>> No.1509670

But who are you?!
Yeah, the 'rangs won't come next update but the one after that.
Thank you! I hope I can be assed to work on it soon.

>> No.1509674

Yes it is.

I noticed it at first because I tried to kill them with rockets and actually thought they were immune to them.

Then it took like 10-12 direct hits with rockets.
Looked into the monster info and they have 2000 HP.

They also take bonus damage from shotguns and shotguns will always make them flinch.

Super Shotgun was also effectively neutered in Polished Skull since pellets only do 4 instead of 5, changing damage range from 5-15 to 4-12.

The single barrel shotgun got buffed so it hurts more over all thanks to it's extra 3 pellets.
Super shotgun though? Sack of useless

>> No.1509672

Fuck me, had no idea it was that far from vanilla. I thought those archviles took more damage than usual

Maybe I'll swap out to just smooth animations after I beat the map I'm on.

What I really want is something LIKE Polished Skull, but with the gameplay vanilla. Keep all the aesthetic stuff like those really slick smooth animations, the shell casings, blood, etc, but with the same values.

>> No.1509675

is the monster info somewhere in the wad file or can you check it with a console command?

>> No.1509676

Personally I like Polished Skull a lot.
Them sounds and animations.

Some of the changes are pretty welcome.
Like the single barrel shotgun doing more damage and the Chaingun doing 6-18 damage per shot instead of 5-15.
This made the Chaingun not only viable, but really useful.

If you use Plasma rifle's alt fire on a zombieman you can kill a Cyberdemon with the burning zombie in seconds. No I don't know why they catch on fire but the burning zombie MURDERS everything that walks close to it

I don't agree with the Archvile change though.
Or the BFG doing tremendously less damage.

>> No.1509680

I checked in the decorate files.

>> No.1509681

It could do with some rebalancing though. I wonder if Minigunner plans on updating it at some point. Because yeah, I really like it too, just some aspects are agitating.

>> No.1509687

Project MSX

>> No.1509692

>shotguns will always make them flinch.
Oh god that just makes them so much easier, I didn't even notice. I would always run the fuck away and dig in so I could take them from a distance, or run like a retard around an obstruction, now all I have to do is sit there and keep pumping it with lead. That's just retarded, now the only time I have to worry is when they resurrect dudes.

>> No.1509715
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>> No.1509721
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>> No.1509741

wad pls

>> No.1509746

DoomRL arsenal with vanilla Doom 2

>> No.1509747

I tried to play Doom 2 with DRLA and I gave up. It's just too easy. Maybe I should've tried completing it without saving?

>> No.1509750

This was due to the port being rushed. If the music had actual work put into it under the 32x's limitations, this is what it would've sounded like.



>> No.1509751

Hardest difficulties only.

Marine has the easiest time of all the classes.
There's a point where you outgrow your opposition and that's Lava armor

>> No.1509752

You can get overpowered fast, yeah. High Powered Hand Cannon plus the 8x damage of scout makes you basically unstoppable, boss tier enemies go down in a few magazines.

>> No.1509754

For me it was the point where I got chaingun and upgraded it. Marine makes it oh-so spammable, and later you get plasmagun (even better)... I guess I did play it only on UV.

>> No.1509756

Speaking of soundtracks, for people that missed it a while back:

PlayStation Doom Music - Breath of Horror - Map09 Deimos Anomaly

PlayStation Doom Music - Breath of Horror - Map09 Deimos Anomaly - Sped up by 300%
Danny Danny Won Heyyyyyyyyy
*Ping Pong Game Noises*

>> No.1509758

So I'm still looking for a particular map. You start off in a pod thing underground that leads into a parking complex, and from the parking complex you go to a road. This was a single map.

>> No.1509761

Find a Combat pistol and turn it into the Storm Combat pistol
Or at least a High Powered Combat pistol.

Way more effective and broken.

>> No.1509762

I had one of those too, actually. Very good room cleaner.

>> No.1509772
File: 273 KB, 1024x768, 1396253028896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new build tomorrow
or so

notice the subtle heart shape in the explosion on the left
this is entirely coincidental and not actually a new sprite

>> No.1509776

So... what's the point of that mod?

>> No.1509783

To satisfy the whores of Hell, what else?

>> No.1509789

Is there a gameplay or do you just walk into monsters and watch animations?

>> No.1509791

it's a finisher. think brutal doom but less pornographic

>> No.1509793

So in a search for more wads to play through, I stumbled upon this blog where this dude reviews various Doom (and sometimes Hexen) wads. I've only really skimmed, but there are some REALLY good looking maps in here.


>> No.1509796

"Finisher", huh.

>> No.1509798
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>less pornographic


>> No.1509803
File: 99 KB, 850x790, 1396253968143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know Mike does the graphics, but can I leave a suggestion for your Revenants? Pic related.

>> No.1509828
File: 462 KB, 1024x768, 1396254830242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is there a gameplay
there is a gameplay
whatever gameplay mod you load with it in fact
might change in the future but for now it's compatible

here, have some real bums advanced 2
ramirez, do everything

>> No.1509829

i think the revenant's design is already decided on
but she cert looks cute

>> No.1509832

For some reason it makes it more funny indeed.

>> No.1509836

What's in the next build?

A new girl?
Just more Imp poses?

>> No.1509847

All right. I just thought the transparent "skin" and skeleton (as in Doom 3) would be a nice touch.

>> No.1509856

imp recolors replacing zombiedudes, shitgunners, and chinagunners
new sucky pose for the imp
bloodless sprites and mug for doomgay
bug fixes that keep you from being killed when fucking
exxxtra pixtures
the ability to run up a wall, do a backflip midair, and come down to drive your dick into a cyberdemoness's hungry mouth before a guitar solo wails and the entire level around you explodes in fire as she sucks you off

one of these is a lie

>> No.1509864

>one of these is a lie
Damn it you really need to fix that bug fix that keeps you from getting killed while fucking.

>> No.1509872 [SPOILER] 
File: 30 KB, 440x339, 1801096-badum_tish_super.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new sucky pose for the imp
Dont be so hard on yourself, your imp poses are great

>> No.1509885
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>> No.1509887


Read the rest of the thread next time, he named it a couple of times at least.

>> No.1509914

Is there a link to the board wads that are already completed? I've seen the /pol/ and /tg/ wads.

>> No.1509934

Aren't those the only completed ones?

>> No.1509940
File: 762 KB, 800x600, 1396261706900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So. GMOTA with Ketchup is fucking hilarious.

>> No.1509956

>##Our WADs can be found here!##

>> No.1509994
File: 23 KB, 392x270, 1396252346888.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1509996

Sorry, didn't even think of checking that.

>> No.1510009

Name of the mod, please?

>> No.1510027


>> No.1510049

How does one overcharge a plasma shotgun?

>> No.1510113

Plasma shotgun +PS

>> No.1510134

Slade's new beta is as good as ever, but dayum it crashes as often or even more than fucking XWE

>> No.1510145



>> No.1510146


Well, there you go. The screenies posted here weren't for nothing. So far what we've seen has been new colors for the revenant, mancubi and the Hell Knight

>> No.1510164

Does anyone know what what the name of that doom 2 wad which is just doom 2 but with a couple extra monsters?

I'm talking a bout a certain one that I've seen people post here a lot...some notable monster placement would be cyberdemons right smack in the middle of "O" of destruction and Industrial zone

>> No.1510175

If you're playing Zandronum, open the console while playing Doom 2 and type Multiplayer.
The game will begin behaving the way it would if it were a cooperative server.

Go into the console and type map map11.

Say hello to Cybey

>> No.1510181


Oh really? they only show up on co-op? that's interesting, thanks for clearing that up for me. I was under the impression it was an edited doom 2

>> No.1510373
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>Throw fireball
>It hits but doesn't connect
>Walk torwards the enemy
>They trigger

>> No.1510384
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>> No.1510389
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Actual BGM for this map: A MIDI of this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWnP9r222DY&feature=kp

>> No.1510431
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What went wrong?

>> No.1510484

this looks like stargate
doom would be good for a stargate mod

>> No.1510486

Was it autism?

>> No.1510487

How am I supposed to answer that if you're not specific?

>> No.1510494

Did he get laser vision correction?

>> No.1510547

doom parkour mod when

>> No.1510556




Take your pick.

>> No.1510574


I fairly sure there's at least one.

Or was it a douk tc ? I forgot.

>> No.1510587

here ya go anon, sadly, it has been canceled... I think.

>> No.1510589


Also Cyberrunner RIP

>> No.1510593

Is there any mod that gives you denomic weapons?
I just want to kill cacodemons with a shower of virgins blood taken under a blue moon.

>> No.1510596
File: 44 KB, 697x458, derazorfanggo1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daemon Eclipse had demonic weapons in its second chapter. At least one used demon blood as ammo.

>> No.1510601
File: 55 KB, 1280x720, b7e82f17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit anon, what did you do.

>> No.1510603


Nope. Its still kickin'

>> No.1510686

Does that include perk smooth weapon animations?

>> No.1510741

I wanna remake this but giving the Baron spells and wrestling moves instead of guns. Making it not suck ass would be nice too.

>> No.1510771

>wrestling moves instead of guns

>demonic double lariat
>Possessed pile driver
>cthulu's clothesline
>baphomet's bodyslam

>> No.1510782

>Effect: Can turn exotic or assembled weapons into modpacks, and unique weapons into exotic modpacks.
How exactly do I do this in DRLA with an Tech?

>> No.1510787

you got talent m8

>> No.1510784

Press the drop weapon key once, then alt-fire.

>> No.1510785


Choose to drop a weapon, then hit altfire, you'll drop a modpack instead of the weapon.

>> No.1510795


in all seriousness being able to go all Mike Haggar on motherfuckers would be the best thing. We've already seen a few doom mods that let us grab enemies to use them as meat shields, now all we need is proper grappling and wrasslin moves.

>> No.1510798


I'd play it. being the bad guy sounds like fun if it's not the complete trainwreck we got.

>> No.1510824
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>> No.1510825

man oh man this night promises to be a fun one

>> No.1510917

what anon
is somemod getting updated?

>> No.1510926

Okay. Imagine a boss from ANY video game. Put one into your mind.

Now recreate it in zdoom.

>> No.1510950

The only thing I can think of is replacing the death screen with quick fmvs of whichever enemy that killed you featuring a gory death.

Which doesn't have to do with anything you said, but it was the first thing.

Now, we need more games with vehicles as your enemies. Captain Falcon speeding towards you to run your ass over while Needle Kane comes in with mounted machineguns and rocket launchers to fuck some shit up.

>> No.1510956

no, gotta get it separately

>> No.1510958
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>> No.1510963
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>> No.1510969

I just checked and it seems like it includes perk animations and sounds.

>> No.1510965
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>> No.1510967

There's Osiris, which is based off Stargate. http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/index.php?file=levels/doom2/m-o/osiris.zip

>> No.1510971
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>> No.1510978
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>> No.1510985 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.1511000



>> No.1511027 [DELETED] 
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reported for extreme spookiness

>> No.1511042
File: 559 KB, 600x495, NIiAF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its my birthday today so I'm posting a cake

>> No.1511057


Happy birthday anon. Also that cake looks delicious.

>> No.1511060

Jesus, how much would a cakodaemon like that cost?

>> No.1511080

probablu not much if your girlfriend/sister/mother/alloftheabove can cook

>> No.1511087

>year of our lord, 2014
>not being able to cook yourself

Only I understand Cock-o-demon's contours.

>> No.1511095

Don't knock it 'til you try it.

>> No.1511093


anon why would you want to cook yourself? Self cannibalism sounds horrible

>> No.1511096

i'll kick your cunt in carlos i swear

>> No.1511101
File: 509 B, 108x64, 4720281780519998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey now, no need to chew me out anon

>> No.1511104


>> No.1511102

I have to say,The Ultimate Doom+DoomRLA=You cant die
-HP Minigun
-Nuclear Plasma rifle
-Lava armor+lava boots
-Elephant gun
-Bulletstorm Chaingun
-Micro Launcher
-Plasma Rifle MK2
-BFG9000[box item]
-Gothic Armor+Boots
Cyberdemon was a cakewalk

It's pretty bad how super powered you eventually become with DoomRLA[Specially if you know how to assemble the cool weapons]

>> No.1511109

happy birthday

>> No.1511114

Yeah, DRLA completely breaks the original games and final doom.
Try it with, I dunno, Deus Vult, or maybe Hellbound. Or create some shit with OBLIGE:

>> No.1511119
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Wonder if you could have an enemy time stop, throw fireballs and restart time.

>> No.1511125
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Things I learned from Doom Rampage Edition: Use underwater sectors for ladders!

>> No.1511136

There's a custom monster called Time Imp that does basically this.

>> No.1511142
File: 492 KB, 800x600, 1396309538220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well I didn't expect that

wow happy birthday that cake looks great

>> No.1511145

All you need now is an Onyx modpak

>> No.1511148
File: 471 KB, 800x600, trons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also need jesus


>> No.1511153


>> No.1511163


>> No.1511170
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my reward is the next map... and it is....

>> No.1511171

I think DRLA is only playable on the hardest hidden difficulty.

Vanilla monsters can barely handle Doomguy when he has blue armor.

>> No.1511182
File: 465 KB, 800x600, 1396310561449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Offspring, Ozzy, Rob Zombie, Trapt, Crazytown, Danzig... Enigma?

>> No.1511186
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>> No.1511189
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And that's the level.

>> No.1511192

Fun story, and by "fun" I mean "boring", I actually played this with the author back in the Doom Connector days, it kept crashing and he ended up just rage quitting. As a kid I thought it was so cool because it reminded me of something I would make. You get to be a Baron of Hell?! WITH SHOTGUNS AND THE SHITTY 3D CHAINGUNS?! AWESOME!...right?

Aah, to be a kid again.

>> No.1511201
File: 10 KB, 500x300, Ultros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did Doomguy have no money?

He was Knee deep in the debt

>> No.1511203

son of a bitch

>> No.1511207
File: 21 KB, 221x162, teehee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha oh god that had to be an experience. I remember I used to think AEOD was the hypest shit ever.

What happened to the guy who made it? Apparently he got massively buttbombed and disappeared after the mod failed, but last I heard he was working on some original game project or something.

>> No.1511213

[20:16:21] <<+Tako>> What do you get if you cross one of id's founders and a parking lot?
[20:16:25] <<+Tako>> John Tarmac

>> No.1511216

AEOD had great decorate coding, but the graphics clashed everywhere and the balance was fucking terrible. And the author completely ignored compaints about the balance because "it's random so it's fine".

>> No.1511224

I honestly have no idea. I vaguely remember him working on a sequel before just disappearing. I don't know if was mentioned, but someone made an EDGE mod titled "A Better Wad I Pulled Out Of My Ass" (I believe) that was...well, a better wad he pulled out of his ass. The premise is the same pretty much, you're a Baron, but you have different spells and junk instead of shotguns and whatever.

The thing I remember most about the original Rampage Edition was that it has "Come Out and Play" as the second level track and that the fireball attack was the idle fist sprite but lifting directly vertical, cutting off the graphic in the process.

>> No.1511228

Thanks guys

>> No.1511235
File: 508 KB, 800x600, 1396311862608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you remember some of the textures going spastic? Or is it something that just happens to be introduced with newer versions of (G)ZDoom?

>> No.1511239

Looks like the Doom alpha, weirdly enough.

>> No.1511248

If I remember correctly, and I could be completely wrong, but it required a REALLY old version of ZDoom, which is why it kept crashing when we were playing it in Skulltag. I'm not gonna say it was 1.22, because that'd be crazy, but it was something that was really outdated even back then.

>> No.1511262

I still like some of the guns in AEOD.

>> No.1511265

I liked the final boss battle.

>> No.1511314

Post your reaction when using the BFG for the first time ever

>> No.1511325

I was disappointed at first.

40 cells for something that didn't hurt much?

I thought it was a long range weapon and didn't understand how the rays worked

>> No.1511328
File: 4 KB, 135x135, doomguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I better be careful with this giant exploding energy ball, it looks like it might hurt me like the rocket does!

>> No.1511334
File: 164 KB, 720x720, 1350880854498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1511339

Pretty much.

I found out it's true power entirely on accident.

One shotted the Mastermind on my first UV playthrough.

>> No.1511346
File: 1.41 MB, 640x480, 3fe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1511349

How does the BFG work exactly? Can someone tell me tips on how to get the most damage possible?

>> No.1511352

You forgot the Satanic Suplex

>> No.1511356

When the ball explodes about 40 invisible hitscan "rays" shoot out from the player's position (not the ball's position, that's important). So to deal the most damage you basically get as close as possible to your enemy when the initial shot connects.

>> No.1511357

When you fire the BFG, it creates that orb. When the orb strikes a position/target, rays blast out in an arc from where you currently are (not where you fired it from). Each ray does some damage to enemies it passes through.

The best way to deal damage with the BFG is to get as close as possible to the enemy you're shooting it at, so you can make more of the rays strike the target.

When using the BFG, avoid going behind objects, because then the rays are traced into the wall and do no damage.

>> No.1511362

Psuedo random damage blob (which can kill masterminds in one hit or not, all depends) with high damage cap with invisible damaging lasers killing a capped number of enemies within your eye sight (note that you can fire the BFG in one direction and turn around to kill others with the rays) with a small-in-comparison capped damage. Not too sure about the details of that though.

>> No.1511365

Note that the rays fire in the general direction you were facing when you shot, NOT the direction you're facing when they fire.

>> No.1511367

Are there any mods that make them visible? It'd be a better way to demonstrate it. And a good practice tool

>> No.1511364
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>> No.1511369
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>> No.1511379


>Doom 3 Baron is left unchanged

>> No.1511376
File: 9 KB, 175x252, Mother 3 U.S Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1511380
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They're hitscans, you can't make the trail to them visible, unless you perhaps do some ACS fuckery to make the hit rays shoot a trail of sprites or a rail-gun attack to where the ball impacts.

>> No.1511381

I always fail to notice the demon grabbing John's arm, so I think he's just making that gesture for no reason.

Just like

>> No.1511384

that filename...

>> No.1511387

Rays come out in the direction the ball exploded.

So if you shot a ball west then no matter where you are you will shoot rays out of you as long as you are facing west.

>> No.1511392 [DELETED] 

No, the rays just shoot from where you are towards that direction, you don't have to be facing that way.

>> No.1511393

No, you can fire the BFG to the north, then turn an entire 180 degrees around to face the south, and the BFG blob will still 'explode' to the north, but the rays will fire through to the south, because the rays come out of your eyesight basically.

Go ahead, try it. Be amazed.

>> No.1511407

This is a great method for killing enemies even faster.

Fire your BFG round off in a direction, run around a corner, then laser beam eyes all the enemies there.

Saves you the time and potential health loss of waiting to fire your BFG.

>> No.1511412

It doesn't work that way anon.

I have seen many many BFG rays wasted because they didn't look the proper direction.


>> No.1511427

Why would anyone design a gun that way? Why?

>> No.1511428


>> No.1511432

For balance.
It is actually something pretty interesting. You make a weapon that is incredibly powerful, but avoid making it into a shooty ray. Instead, you make it into a complex weapon that takes practice to use.

>> No.1511452
File: 255 KB, 800x600, 1396316752975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never actually found a nano pack in DoomRL before
And I found one next to an onyx pack. And a megasphere? Holy based
pls don't redirect me to vg

>> No.1511456

Are you sure this isn't some problem with ZDoom or the like? I could have sworn that was how it worked, as it was how I used to gun down enemies.

Could someone please fire up DOS Doom and try it out? I just tested it out in GZDoom, and it worked just as ^quote described, but I refuse to believe my mind among others is this fucked. This is bothering me now.

>> No.1511462

From the experience of the Marathon community:

You'd need Id software to make a Halo popular-tier game that attracts 9001 newfags to the franchise that has references to or IS a Doom game.

> it brought a fairly decent amount of people to the community, but truth be told, only a handful of them have been seen active in modding matters

Again, experience from the Marathon community:
Newfags will hop into the community with all of this zeal for the game for a good 6 months, try to start a million "neva been dun befo" projects, and then find out that modding is actually difficult and requires skill before they give up -- but not before flooding all of your forums with 9001 threads about projects that'll never get completed because reasons.

>What does it need to be produced in order to bring more eyes to Doom as a modding-friendly game that has unlimited capabilities and infinite possibilities?

Bringing in more people won't really bring in more modders. For instance, Morrowind is arguably more popular in modern times, but has less "good" mods for it than Doom, considering age. Same with Unreal, and really any game.

More people != more modders. People who make mods for FPSs and are good at making mods for FPSs already know doom is a mod-friendly game...it was the first popular FPS to become famous for its mod community.
Hell, in 2.5D gamingland, most modders for any other game could quote doom engine facts just offhand because it IS the "easy to mod" game, and it already has a big audience as far as 2.5D games go...to a lesser extent, you see this in quake modding and unreal modders too.

>> No.1511461

is there a mod or gzdoom setting that makes the lighting look similar to the ps1 port? always liked that moody lighting

>> No.1511470

> You know it's going to pull in fucktards that'll slowly corrupt everything.

drop this idea if you want the community to survive.

go look at the pfhorums. Make an account, make a thread...and see how long a reply takes.

THIS is what happens when you go all elitist and shun newfags. You end up with a 100% dead community.

>> No.1511480

You should post that in a thread appropriate for DOOMRL, like >>1508803

>> No.1511489

It never worked like that.

I play the DOS version of Doom more than ZDoom and GZDoom

>> No.1511527

Brutal Doom: SE's sprites turn into black boxes for me. Anyone know why? I'm using GZDoom.

>> No.1511537

ati card?

>> No.1511540


>> No.1511543

isn't that an issue with the brightmaps?

>> No.1511546
File: 109 KB, 596x470, 1379017818415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope you guys didn't think we were gonna pull a marty kirra


enjoy, comes with a new (WIP) map from our new artist

next planned milestone is total doom 1 compatibility
but the thing with plans is they tend to fall apart when two adhd modders find something shiny

>> No.1511547

Oh, so it was. Thank you Anon.

>> No.1511551

to be fair, next big version will probably be the pinky demon and/or total Doom Episode 1 compatibility.

and don't worry, despite the distractions, we'll still keep at it

>> No.1511552

Stop you're going to break my dick

>> No.1511565 [SPOILER] 
File: 335 KB, 1024x640, Screenshot_Doom_20140331_202522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You guys are such cheeky fuckers

>> No.1511567


Hmmm. That means...cacodemons, pinkies, and barons?

>> No.1511574

Pinky is up for the next version, Mystical and I are working on plans for the Cacodemon, and Barons won't be too difficult. Cyberdemon and Spider-demon will be the last stop for complete Doom 1 compatibility before we move on to Doom 2.

>> No.1511575

What was the plan for former humans, again?

>> No.1511579

Dem gray ones

Was kinda hoping they'd have clothes on though, really liked that one outfit they were originally sprited with.

>> No.1511578

Can somebody run a server?

>> No.1511581

Former Humans were taken care of in this version with the imp color variants. I'll go back and give the former-human replacers some armor and other tweaks between Doom 1 and 2 probably

>> No.1511592

Also dem red ones

Should probably find a way to give more ammo too.
Been kind of running dry if you know what I mean

>> No.1511594

:: BE New York :: Back to Saturn XXX (in my pants)

>> No.1511603

:: BE New York :: /vr/ 1 Monster (In My Pants)

...This is actually up right now.

>> No.1511607

u joshin me m8?

>> No.1511614


Why are you downloading with the Sendspace "accelerator"?

>> No.1511613

Stop being suspicious and just run the damn file already

>> No.1511615

Un-click the "Download with sendspace accelerator and get recommended offers".

>> No.1511616


I.. I have to make a compatability patch now, don't I?

You know, so you get EXP from doing the impbabes and all that..

>> No.1511621

>This artist won't post a place with all his work
Feels bad

>> No.1511626

you know what you must do

don't download sendspace's shit

>> No.1511637

might be moving the IRC channel to espernet
>same network as #zdoom for easy modding help
>not in proximity of zandronerds
>could remove channel password because of that
>better staff, if we ever need them
>could have a webchat for people not interested in downloading an IRC client
>instead of zandronerds, we're neighbors with zdoom. a sidegrade more than an explicit downgrade, really.
>no +H (provides a brief history of the chat when joining), though marrub could recreate the feature with his bot

vote here: http://strawpoll.me/1417800
don't vote if you don't care, obviously.

>> No.1511638

How do I get the bar?

>> No.1511647
File: 95 KB, 640x480, 1396321071835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Allow me to confirm what >>1510146 just said; an update for Demonicron is bound to be released in...a few hours (less than two), actually

Also I'm doing a sort of pre-release in the IRC channel, because of reasons

>> No.1511653

What will be in the update?

Will we get to see new Barons or Archviles?

>> No.1511659

>not in proximity of zandronerds
>could remove channel password because of that
>instead of zandronerds, we're neighbors with zdoom. a sidegrade more than an explicit downgrade, really.

That is not upsides
That is not upsides at all
It is explicitly said it's not an upside

The only real upside is "better staff" (but when the fuck have we ever needed a staff?) and "easy modding help" (yeah because we really want help from Ednerd) and "could have a webchat" (...okay yeah this is a good upside).

>> No.1511664

The following screenshots were taken with Relentless Decay, a ZDoom two-map wad which is short, but worthy of at least a playthrough



Pretty much what the previous dude described (new colors for three monsters). No new sprites for the Archvile YET (still debating about her design), same with the big bosses

>> No.1511672
File: 100 KB, 640x480, 1396321531247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


gg me

>> No.1511674

I'm interested in this.

I hope she's monstrous and evil as fuck, that would be rad.

>> No.1511676

is she gonna have tits?

>> No.1511682
File: 95 KB, 640x480, 1396321717343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Archvile has always been a her (for me and many others), same with the Pain Elemental and ARGUABLY the Mastermind.

Since I'm almost sticking to the same size and resolution (vanilla purposes), the detail might not be that great.

>> No.1511683

I've only heard of all monsters being referred to as hims.

I also always viewed Doom as a sausagefest, much to my chagrin.

I fixed that by making Doomguy into Doomgirl.

>> No.1511686

>That is not upsides at all
It stopped a long time ago, but when the channel was new, we did have to actively repel zandronerds who wanted to hang out with all the cool 4chan kids from the dark side of the internet. The channel is passworded and secret, currently, and more than one person has complained in the thread about not knowing how to join the channel. #zdrant is actively advertised in the #zdoom topic, but it still lacks the more insufferable members of #zdoom, so I think we could safely go without the password and not have to worry about anything while also making it easier for new members to join.

>(yeah because we really want help from Ednerd)
Edward's not the only person on #zdoom, as much as the quotes that get posted here would lead you to believe. There's plenty of actual helpful people who hang out there. And as awful as he may be, it's a single /ignore command to never have to hear from him again.

>> No.1511684

>Archvile has always been a her (for me and many others)
That's somewhat troubling.

>> No.1511692
File: 82 KB, 640x480, 1396322165766.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Profundizing a little bit about

>the detail might not be that great.

Those who may have seen the cardboard and the original Archvile latex model know that the detail is quite astounding and it's such a shame that the end product is heavily distorted.

>That's somewhat troubling.

Why? I mean, the Archvile brings a lot of folks back2life, it is a sort of mother to them (more or less like the Mother Demon), also her death sound is a distorted "WHYYY?" from a little girl

>> No.1511694

SNES and Doom II manuals refer to the Spider Mastermind as female. Not Archie or Pain Elemental, though.

>> No.1511697

its death sounds like a demon dieing

>> No.1511698

>It stopped a long time ago, but when the channel was new, we did have to actively repel zandronerds who wanted to hang out with all the cool 4chan kids from the dark side of the internet.

Do you think this will stop once #vr is a new channel on espernet?
Honestly, the only benefit I see out of this is having a webchat who can't use an IRC.

>> No.1511702
File: 67 KB, 640x480, 1396322296534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also the majority of fan arts/altern designs for the Archvile put it as female.

>> No.1511703

I want to make a DOOM-like game with primarily melee weapons and a dark, detailed world.

What doom engine should I start learning?

I have no idea what I'm doing. I've heard good things about gzdoom, but I don't know what it is really. I'd prefer something with a lot of tutorials and information readily available.

>> No.1511705

I was joking, really. Just seemed like a weird idea because it doesn't look remotely feminine, but neither do any of the other demons, so. Also it seems more like a medic than a mother to me, I mean it's not creating monsters, he's aiding them.

>> No.1511704

Well I'm fine with that I guess.

Really as long as the Archvile looks menacing and is a complete nuisance it can have a panus or a vagoo and I won't care too much.

>> No.1511710

prove it then

>> No.1511707

>What doom engine should I start learning?
ZDoom. Anything else is too limiting or dated.

>> No.1511708

http://zdoom.org/w/ - start here, the FAQ also has a great zdoom modding guide/index

>> No.1511709
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>> No.1511717


Here's one. I was heavily tempted to go with this design...

>> No.1511720

Meant to say "it" in that last sentence.

>> No.1511721
File: 200 KB, 900x900, 1396322708831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


holy shit AGAIN? Okay, HERE for real now

>> No.1511723

>Also the majority of fan arts/altern designs for the Archvile put it as female.
Okay, I'm pretty sure that's not true. A lot of those would fall under rule 63 anyway.

>> No.1511728
File: 523 KB, 995x1400, 1396322906566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


...and THEN I saw this concept. See what I was talking about finding tons of cool designs and not knowing what to do with them?

>> No.1511741
File: 120 KB, 640x480, 1396323173616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually have a folder with over +200 pics from the internet (almost all of them from DeviantArt), and ANOTHER one for Demonicron with 100 pics; if I EVER call it quits on Doom modding I'll upload those folders for everyone to check, but with a single condition: "PLEASE sprite 'em all because they look so fucking cool and it'd be a shame if they get lost"

Anyway, back2dumping

>> No.1511739

Yes, I do, because that influx was due to a) people mentioning it on #zandronum or other public channels, and b) people seeing servers set up by us and worming the password out of the people who set it up looking at you ramen, or simply googling /vr/ and finding the thread that way. Espernet is a much larger network, made for general chat. If the channel isn't listed, we won't get random people joining it. If we do get random people joining it, we'll have a much more capable ops team to deal with it, since espernet doesn't have half-ops. And while the second method is still viable, the channel's existence on another network is already a deterrent. To my knowledge, most of the channel regulars are already on espernet anyway, and those few who aren't are only on zandroirc for #vr. And if it persists, we can just password the channel and continue operations as usual.

>> No.1511745
File: 1.97 MB, 500x500, Finch is going stag again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Reminds me, last year I got this really dumb idea of remaking some DOS music with fart noises. So I took a fart sound from the toilet scene in American Pie and remade Deep Into the Code (e3m3) from DOOM 1.

I was going to make a video to play with it, but it was too much of a job cutting out Finch to put him into the level, because of the tiled wall behind him, it never looked clean, so I just never did anything with it.

I just thought it would be funny hearing the 2nd guitar solo with fart noises. Ironically, I believe the solos ended up being spot on, but some parts of the regular music are off by a seminote, and I didn't save the project. Fuck. Though I think it kinda works like that too.

I'll try to attach the track, just for shits and giggles.

>> No.1511746
File: 75 KB, 640x480, 1396323366273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1511751
File: 97 KB, 640x480, 1396323509696.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>So I took a fart sound from the toilet scene in American Pie and remade Deep Into the Code (e3m3) from DOOM 1

HOLY FUCK NOW I WANT THIS IN MY LIFE, I'm laughing so hard at the sole thought of it

>> No.1511752
File: 475 KB, 500x366, Arch-Vile sees Doomguy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1511756
File: 104 KB, 640x480, 1396323828900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaaand done. These screenshots were made using "r_dawplayersprites 0" for aesthethic purposes; if you ever want to take HUDless screenshots, be sure to take that in mind

>> No.1511759


Alternatively, "take all" in console.

>> No.1511763


The sound upload worked, if you have the extension.

>> No.1511771

>IMX says demonicron update is just an april fools ruse

>> No.1511774


>inblign it isnt a double ruse
>inblign we should care about it

>> No.1511779

I don't think your attach worked

>> No.1511792


It worked for me in Chrome. Everyoneon /v/ has the sound user script, so I assument people had it here too.

>> No.1511797
File: 78 KB, 888x600, SENDSPACE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1511801


> Everyoneon
> assument

And I guess it's time to lay off the internet and get some sleep.

>> No.1511812


>taking the time to edit the page first for him

I applaud you for that

>> No.1511818

>>same network as #zdoom for easy modding help

I fail to see how #vr being on espernet has fuckall to do with that.

If you want to talk to people in #zdoom, just go join #zdoom. Fuck.

>> No.1511821

Most people use IRC clients incapable of connecting to multiple networks.

>> No.1511823

for some reason it isn't working in my firefox

>> No.1511836
File: 139 KB, 533x496, 1381534394901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most people use IRC clients incapable of connecting to multiple networks.

Then tell these bad people that are bad people using a bad irc client. Tell them to stop using bad software that is bad at what it does badly. We should be correcting these bad people with this bad behavior rather than enabling the bad badness that this bad behavior of using bad software is.

Bad. Baaaaad. BAD!

>> No.1511839

I'm getting a vibe that you don't actually give a shit and are just against the vote just to be an asshole.
Might just be me.

>> No.1511840


For you Quake/Raspberry Pi fans.

>> No.1511843

>I'm getting a vibe that you don't actually give a shit and are just against the vote just to be an asshole.
>Might just be me.

No, I'm just flabbergasted that people would use subpar software when there are wonderful free options. Gimme a sec and I can have pictures that will explain to them how to set up hexchat.

>Most people use IRC clients incapable of connecting to multiple networks.

Bad. Baaaaad. BAD!

>> No.1511846

Oh, no, I meant against moving to Espernet. People using clients unable to connect to multiple networks is definitely a shitty thing.

>> No.1511849

Oh, I just wanna stay where we are since it's where we've always been and it means people returning will have an easier time finding us again.

I'm only >>1511818

>> No.1511853

Alright, sorry for the misunderstanding then. Wouldn't be hard to redirect them via topic in an empty channel, though.

>> No.1511862

>I'll just round this corner...
>Finally, the exit!
>archvile in exit room, multiple imps spawn around me

>> No.1511871

>multiple imps spawn around me

Dude they're like 6 of 'em, not a big deal, the archie gets busy reviving the shotgunners and you SHOULD have next to full SSG ammo enough to kill it

Honestly the WAD isn't that hard

>> No.1511882

It's not Plutonia hard or anything, it's just that Arch-Viles terrify me something fierce, especially in enclosed spaces like in Relentless Decay

>> No.1511887


Played around with it for a bit. It worked in Firefox with 4ch media player uder script.

>> No.1511892



>> No.1511893


Here. Update. Needs ZDoom. Have a funs

>> No.1511898

Ohh yeah. That pissed me off alright. Everyone instinctively backpedals when they see an Archie so you just had to go and spawn a bunch of Imps right behind me so the last of my health gets slashed out before I know what's going on. Might as well put a giant middle finger in that exit room too.

>> No.1511905
File: 651 KB, 260x146, 1396327564954.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


okay so uh what's the big deal about this update again? recolors and that's it, righ------AAAAHHHHH GOOOOD WHAT IS THIS?

>> No.1511908

>i hope you guys didn't think we were gonna pull a marty kirra

>> No.1511912


What's the loading order, again? techdemo and then the bar?

>> No.1511935

>I'm getting a vibe that you don't actually give a shit and are just against the vote just to be an asshole.
Against the vote? "No" is currently winning.

>> No.1511938

you know we love you, marty
with tongue

>> No.1511939

Dammit, I really should have paid more attention in English.
By against the vote I meant against moving.

>> No.1511992

My butt feels funny...is that a signal?

>> No.1511993


Have fun

>> No.1511994

sweet, thanks yo
who else here rpi

>> No.1512023
File: 296 KB, 750x3579, how_to_irc_hexchat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1512024

Seriously, any modder who puts an Archvile in a room without decent cover needs to get locked in a .wad running Nuts! and Hideous Destructor.

>> No.1512040

>all that work

this is why we should just move to espernet and set up a webchat, much easier

>> No.1512047

>all that work

>> No.1512050

Anybody who can't configure a fucking irc client isn't worth talking to anyway

>> No.1512063
File: 120 KB, 640x480, 1396332326528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Important notice to mappers.

If you do this, stop. You're not clever by doing this. You're totally the opposite actually. This shit needs to stop. The worst/stupidest part? This unlocks a room with a Green Armor on it Are you fucking kidding me? What's the fucking point?

>(Pistol) Hitting a two-pixels wide switch to unlock a room containing a weapon that makes the level actually bearable

That shit needs to stop too. Nobody (and I mean, NOBODY) gets all secrets on their first run. And ever LESS if you as a mapper pull shit like this.

Secrets should be rewarding, not required.

>> No.1512064

still not getting the exploitable mode 90% of the time. even when i'm careful to slowly punch them and spam 'use' they only open up for less than a second before hitting the floor and i'm left standing there grunting just like irl

>> No.1512070

You have to deal more damage to them. Give yourself a BFG and then it will work.

>> No.1512069

>green armor
Obligatory git gud.

But seriously, green armor is nearly never a necessity.

>> No.1512076

I don't think the complaint is about the green armor itself, but having a secret like that hiding something mundane.

Or even just the secret itself.

>> No.1512086

Compared to opening a link in internet explorer, it really is
That's pretty elitist

>> No.1512093

>don't hide secrets through various means
I'm not going to have all my secrets be babby texture differences, sorry

>> No.1512095
File: 278 KB, 640x480, 1396333104447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ why would anyone allow something like this to spawn so early? This completely destroys any semblance of difficulty, not that Knee Deep in the Dead was difficult to begin with.

>> No.1512101


Well at least have the fucking decency of playtesting your maps with no-secret runs, then.

>> No.1512103

of course
but secrets are going to make it easier to do, that's just how it is

>> No.1512104 [DELETED] 

>internet explorer
Oh boy. This metaphorical guy just keeps getting more and more shit.

>> No.1512107 [DELETED] 

enjoy your botnet

>> No.1512115

It's random. Drops don't take map number into account, there'd be no good way to standardize that.

>> No.1512113 [DELETED] 

>there is only Chrome
Sorry for not wanting to use an incredibly shit browser like IE.

>> No.1512116

firefox is just as bad as chrome

>> No.1512117

>implying Chrome is the only alternative

>> No.1512118

If Doom was a browser, what would be his name?

>> No.1512119

Jesus if you're gonna be this anal about browsers just get tor and have no features at all.

>> No.1512125

Doomscape Eviscerator

>> No.1512130

Rocket Launcher.

>> No.1512131

but there's nothing about browsers in the OP....

>> No.1512132

That'd odd, don't know how I managed to quote OP, swore I quoted somebody else.

>> No.1512135

>even when i'm careful to slowly punch them

Well don't do that. Gib 'em.

>> No.1512154
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>fitted ficumTu

>> No.1512179
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>waiting for new release of GZDoom Builder

I tell myself I'll get back into it when a new build comes out, they're out almost every few days.

But lately nothing....

>> No.1512183

Is I own Doom! or Watch me die! the 64 equivalent to UV?

>> No.1512182




>> No.1512184 [DELETED] 
File: 499 KB, 760x2550, how2IRC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took the liberty of making this. If you're smart enough to operate an internet browser, navigate to 4chan, and post/upload images then you can damn well manage this in 3 minutes.

Yeah. D64 has no Nightmare mode, afaik.

>> No.1512195
File: 621 KB, 760x2550, how2IRC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took the liberty of making this. If you're smart enough to operate an internet browser, navigate to 4chan, and post/upload images then you can damn well manage this in 3 minutes.

EDIT: Should've done this from the start so no one gets harassed.

Yeah. D64 has no Nightmare mode, afaik.

>> No.1512231

What does having -1 as the numbullets in a_firebullets do?

>> No.1512234

Forces it to spread. Normally the first shot will have perfect accuracy until held down, like Doom's pistol and chaingun.

>> No.1512235

Ah thanks.

Apparently sniper mods are useless on laser rifles and assault laser rifles in DRLA

>> No.1512249

is there a way to save the sound attatchment?

>> No.1512256

The normal laser rifle has a very slight spread, so it does actually help with that. Assault laser rifle should be 100% accurate, though.

>> No.1512254

He could upload it to Vocaroo and then link to it here.

>> No.1512260

>Assault laser rifle
Why would you want that, though? Actually, why would you want any "assault" assembly?

>> No.1512265

They do TRIPLE damage and gain an accuracy bonus.

>> No.1512267

Assault rifle makes a good pistol replacement when you're not a scout.

>> No.1512269

But the firing speed!
Marine 4lyfe

>> No.1512273

Then you don't make them as a marine. You make burst weapon, that do double damage.

>> No.1512281
File: 273 KB, 1280x1024, 1396342710309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gee, I wonder who could be behind this post.

Honestly I prefer just PPPP rapid-fire guns.

>> No.1512285


>> No.1512286

Do you load assault assemblies with assault clips?

>> No.1512289

Well holy shit, the one time where posting the Conniving Cyberdemon would be appropriate and funny.

>> No.1512341

I just realized how big the Cyberdemoness is going to be compared to Doomguy in hmod...

>> No.1512350

that's actually kinda funny, smil'd/10

>> No.1512353

Watch Me Die! = Ultra-Violence. Doom 64 has no Nightmare equivalent.

I think I'm going to play some D64 right now.

>> No.1512383
File: 264 KB, 1280x1024, 1396347674713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scout: when you absolutely, positively need to stunlock that cyberdemon.

>> No.1512407
File: 503 KB, 1280x1024, 1396349047706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plutonia experience, now in Oblige too!

>> No.1512409


I put it on one of my Youtube channels, where I used to put out a few Fresh Prince syncs:


>> No.1512427

Why not any of:
- rizon, where all other 4chan related channels are
- quakenet, where all other doom multiplayer channels are
- oftc, where all other doom engine programming channels are

>> No.1512437

>To my knowledge, most of the channel regulars are already on espernet anyway
Oh I guess that answers my previous question. Sorry, catching up with 200+ posts since yesterday evening.

>> No.1512438

Never worked with any of them for any amount of time. I've run channels on both zandro irc and espernet, and already have experience moving channels from zandro to esper.

>> No.1512447
File: 104 KB, 1280x540, master of agitation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm kinda new, could you suggest some fun but not too difficult wads for starters? So far I've played both parts of Final Doom, Scythe 1 and 2, UAC Ultra, Hellboud and TVR!. Are the Comunity Chests any good?

>> No.1512467

that's a lot more than "2 pixels wide". your aim must be awful.

also, i can assure you that it is usually possible to find every secret on a previously-unseen map, simply by playing slowly and methodically. having a certain amount of experience knowing how mappers usually hide secrets also helps; the more maps you play the higher proportion of secrets you will find.

i will admit that some secret areas are more or less impossible to find without a map editor; a recent one for me was the two plasma packs on d2twid 15, you have to know exactly where to run before a 30 second timeout, same as doom2 map27. or worse, those obnoxious open-and-close-after-5min sectors. but such examples are fortunately rare.

>> No.1512535
File: 638 KB, 1200x837, 1372663553763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm kinda new, could you suggest some fun but not too difficult wads for starters?

If you've finished Plutonia I'd say you've got a pretty high bar for your own skill.

Though to put out some WADs I would definitely recommend......
>Speed of Doom
>Winters Fury
>Knee Deep in Zdoom
>Back to Saturn X

As for the community chests, yeah they're pretty alright.
Oh and I can't believe I even forgot this.

>Alien Vendetta

>> No.1512537

How do you name your maps?

I usually try to add some humor or something; I.E, a level with a lot of zombies would be "Thriller, or a level with more Revenants than usual would be something like "Attack of the bones"

>> No.1512539

I'm reminded of the way Bungie named maps and I consider the map name as important as say, what music to use.

I've got a whole shitload of potential names written down because I had a spur of inspiration one day (and also talked to /tg/ about names).
Annoyingly, the map I'm working on atm I cannot think of a name for - the name needs to sort of reflect the theme.

>> No.1512596

whats the theme? Maybe we can help.

or name it after whatever captcha comes up.. in this case Towzvi Madras

>> No.1512603

>Towzvi Madras
not him but that actually sounds pretty cool

>> No.1512607

I don't want to say because I want it to be surprise :3 :3 :3
Thanks for the offer, though if I used a name another said before I think I'd feel like it's less my own.

>> No.1512608


I was wondering if you guys could deal with me changing the next new thread temporarily to "HALF LIFE THREAD", just for today, of course

>> No.1512610

Sounds hilarious.

>> No.1512613

Yeah, sure.

>> No.1512630

Sure, go ahead. Did anyone get the chapta april's fool yet?

>> No.1512645

In DoomRL Arsenal does the elephant gun count as a single shot shotgun in the eyes of a bulk mod? in that it will add a pellet?

>> No.1512753

>yfw brutal duke nukem 3D

>> No.1512759

No idea. Just try it with console commands first? Maybe check the DoomRL wiki?
Press q next time m8.

>> No.1512797

Why not "Brutal Doom Thread"?

>> No.1512805

This would be fun.

>> No.1512812

Because everyone hates brutaldoom now because of the creator fucked up when replying to some troll.

>> No.1512819
File: 379 KB, 800x600, 1396370535721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God Bless The USA

>> No.1512820

it's for the april fools, so that's precisely why brutal doom would be funny

>> No.1512830

first b8

>> No.1512832
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>> No.1512835

Wait, what? Can someone give me a bit more detail on that?

>> No.1512843

On the zdoom fourms some guy went on about how he would commit suicide and take his brother with him, Like a dumbass Sergeant_Mark_IV went on and told him to go though with it,

Afterwards, Sergeant_Mark_IV was vindicated on the zandronum forums sometime later not sure about doomworld.

>> No.1512846
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>> No.1512847


No, he wasn't.
He made himself look even more like a cunt.

>> No.1512849

Ill give you that, He acted like a apathetic unapologetic bastard, and went on to share the vision of the world he and senator Armstrong share.

>> No.1512864
File: 772 KB, 800x600, 1396372506768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

original demon do not steal

>> No.1512870

Are chicken nuggets coming to life?

>> No.1512871
File: 489 KB, 1920x1080, Grinning Apple HD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1512876

he was always a dick, that happening was just something that everyone who frequents doom would hear about

>> No.1512880
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>> No.1512887
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>> No.1512909

srsly tho
wtf is that
a demonic shotgun

>> No.1512912

It's a railgun using the Doom 64 Unmaker sprites that replaces the chainsaw

>> No.1512915

Let's not forget his /vr/ escapades, either.

>> No.1513019
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>> No.1513021
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What happened?

>> No.1513029
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>> No.1513058
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From what I understand, the NIN soundtrack just didn't work out. Unless you're asking what happened with Carmack in general, which in case...I don't know. Times change.

>> No.1513071

Yet another reason why Doom 3 was shit I guess.

>> No.1513076

I would've loved for him to the SFX because the alpha sounds are way better, but I have no idea if that would've saved the game. I really don't know what would've made Doom 3 go from "okay, I guess" to "amazing!"


>> No.1513081

>I really don't know what would've made Doom 3 go from "okay, I guess" to "amazing!"

Fast paced gameplay
Better guns
A smaller focus on being a tech demo and a larger focus on action and yes I am fully aware that Doom was also basically a tech demo.
More open level design like Doom and less like Call of Duty in Hell.
Larger scale battles. Not like Serious Sam, but like Doom on UV.

John Romero

Basically Doom 3 is mediocre because it didn't even try to be like Doom.
You can't ignore your roots like that in a franchise.

>> No.1513082

It would've been good...but not Bobby Prince good.

>> No.1513083
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>> No.1513097

Also to note that if Doom 3 wasn't called Doom it would still be lackluster.

>> No.1513098
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>> No.1513108
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>have a happy resource thieving

This coming from Mark is fucking priceless

>> No.1513114
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>> No.1513123

>I really don't know what would've made Doom 3 go from "okay, I guess" to "amazing
making it more like Doom and less like Half Life

>> No.1513126

hate to be carrying on this conversation but wow, what a jackass

>> No.1513182
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>> No.1513185
File: 329 KB, 1366x768, 1396384820485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I won an Oblige megawad with DRLA using permadeath rules. That was pretty fun, but if I didn't get lucky and find Lava armour I would die. Fire resist is priceless because Cyberdemons are EVERYWHERE and nightmare archies are a pain too. Plasma resist is great too. Melee resist is not very important because not much things actually try to melee you in Doom and those that do are usually not very good at that (I played without fast monsters though) and bullets, well, at least most hitscanners are fragile.

My endgame weapons were Ripper (almost never used that), nanomachic RL (workhorse, fast (around vanilla RL fire rate), strong (stronger than vanilla RL), incredibly useful, thanks to lava armour I could take a misaimed rocket or two), PPSS minigun (mostly for fun, though it had its use too), PPPP laser rifle (nice, but eats cells, rarely used), railgun (almost never used) and Sniper-modded Beam Cannon (this thing dropped from the very fist Nightmare Cyberdemon I killed, incredibly lucky. Sniper made it shoot one beam that took 90 cells and was pretty powerful (it would kill regular Cybers in one shot with about 50% chance). I wanted to Firestorm it but I didn't find a single FS mod. Oh well.

>> No.1513190

You've got a hundred shells, what are you bitching about? Just fucking kill it already.

>> No.1513193

New thread?

>> No.1513196
File: 62 KB, 940x560, Oblige.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And those are settings I used. They didn't seem to do much, though. Well, progressive size did I guess, but you still get Cyberdemons on level 3 and such. It resets size times (complete with D2 text screens), but when it makes big levels, they're big, and full of buttons and doors. What the fuck si with Oblige and doors and buttons.

>> No.1513207

I took the screenshot hugging the opposite wall, no room to dodge. And oblige's cyberdemon are very, very good at playing peekaboo. I killed it anyways but lord was it a real pain in the ass

>> No.1513223
File: 49 KB, 69x120, leds danze.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi where are the new thread

>> No.1513280

New thread here >>1513278

>> No.1513294

>and take his brother with him

false, and I posted on that thread

>> No.1513443


How about we not strive to call it a cult-like game or go about treating it like it is one?

Doom is enjoyably active the way it is.

>> No.1514526
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How do we even know it was him and not just somebody else trolling?

>> No.1514543
File: 60 KB, 794x259, ss (2014-04-02 at 04.10.41).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1515791 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 640x400, wolfenstein-3d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Figured this'd be the best thread to ask.
Would any of you be interested in a Wolf3D styled game that had roguelike level generation? Maybe on mobile?