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1498616 No.1498616 [Reply] [Original]

So I played through RE2 pretty recently and loved the fucking shit out of it. I want to play RE3, but the only version I had over my years of collecting was the Gamecube version. Is this cool? Or should I hunt down a PS1 copy?

>> No.1498625

Also, what is it with fucking ebay where its always disc only? I mean, I guess I'm okay with that... but where the fuck did the case go to MILLIONS of games... I was never that careless with my crap.

>> No.1498658

Honestly the PS1 version is the worst one.

All versions are the same in terms of content. You can also skip cutscenes in every version, but can only skip doors in the PC version.

In terms of visuals the PC Jap-only dvd re-release is the best but it's in Jap only. Then, the PC/Dreamcast and Gamecube versions are the best looking. I'd say the PC and DC version look better but the GC version has no jittering on 3D models (contrary to PC/DC). PS1 version looks the worst.

The orignial PC version is the smoothest, there is literaly NO loading time between camera angles. The PS1 version is the worst in that regard with loading time between camera angles that can go up to 1 second (doesn't sound like much but it does hinder the smoothness of the gameplay). GC/DC versions aren't as bad as PS1 in that regard.

I'd recommend the PC version the most due overall being the smoothest and still one of the best looking. If you really want to play it on console, both DC and GC are good. This being said, if you ask me, RE games are better played with a good d-pad and not with an analog stick so I wouldn't play them with GC/DC pads, but then again that's preference (and if that really bothers you, you can buy an adapter to use a PS2 pad on GC, I have one)

>> No.1498663

also, be sure to play on 'Hard'.
'Normal' should have been called much cheat mode (you start with every weapon and TONS of ammo + 4 sprays); while 'Hard' should have been called 'Normal'.

>> No.1498675

>All versions are the same in terms of content.

Actually let me correct that, the PC/DC versions have 2 new extra costumes (I don't think the GC version have them...); so that's the extra content, it's very minimal.
Also, the costumes and the bonus minigame are unlocked right at the start in the PC versions contrary to having to unlock them in other versions.

>> No.1498681

I thought it was easy and hard? It has been a few years though.

>> No.1498691

one LAST thing, if you really want to go for the jap only pc dvd-re-release (good luck finding it...), which I wouldn't recommend on a first playthrough because being able to read the files and puzzles is important; be aware that jap versions of the game (any jap version) have easier difficulty, Jill has more health and Nemesis (perhaps even other bosses/monsters as well, not 100% sure) has less HP.

Hmm you might be right...

>> No.1500541

This game came out first on PSX, that makes Playstation it's native platform, if you want to play it the way developers wanted you to play it, then play in PSX.

>> No.1500543

>if you want to play it the way developers wanted you to play it

Considering Capcom ported it to a bunch of different systems, I'm pretty sure those count as playing it they way they wanted you to.

>> No.1500557

Original developers usually work only on primary version of the game, while later ports handled by some code monkeys as fast as possible, nobody even asks original developers what do they think about the port. Ask Hideki Kamiya on what platform should you play first RE or Okami, he will answer PS1/PS2, ask him on what platform should you play Bayonetta - he will say Xbox 360.

>> No.1500560

Yes, that's nice and all. But the other versions of RE3 are fine.

Especially if they look and run better.

>> No.1500575

Why does running better makes the game better? It isn't the case with Fallout, when map travels become ridiculously fast. Also look better is subjective, some people prefer jaggies over anti-aliased picture and vice versa. I'm pretty sure all textures in RE3 were created with shitty PSX 2,5D software rendering in mind, however shitty it is, they look correct only in PSX version.

>> No.1500576

I'd take definitive over purist versions, mostly. Okami HD is the best (plus waggle even). Bayonetta is not even fair, there's only two versions and the PS3 one is shittier.

>> No.1500579

>looking at SD textures in HD resolution
shit taste everyone.

>> No.1500587
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>> No.1500606

That's bullshit.

If the developers could have gotten rid of the loading times between every camera angles, they WOULD have. Don't tell me those are the 'developers attention'.

It's not like the other versions changed anything major about how the game plays. It's the same game, except with no (or shorter) loading times, and higher resolution.

If they could have had the higher resolution on PS1 they would have, as well.

>> No.1500613

What I mean is there is a difference between developer's intention and bad things being there due to the hardware.

Man this is ridiculous. After the "scanlines" bullshit, now they are trying to convince people to playing with loading times every 15 seconds which hinder gameplay and the flow of the game, are somehow better and what the 'developers intended'.

Goddamn, if you'd rather play a shittier version of a same product, it's your problem and I don't care, but don't go claim tha your shittier way of a same thing is the "SUPERIOR, ONLY, AND, RIGHT WAY, INTENDED BY THE CREATORS(tm)" to try and justify your shitty taste, because it's simply not true.

>> No.1500619

Finally, the 'developer intention' argument is also bullshit on another level : what tells you it's the developers who chose to make the game on PS1? the publishers did.

>> No.1500625

On the topic of scanlines, the PSX versions look pretty awful without them thanks to all those low-res prerendered graphics.

>> No.1500629

That's preference, too, though.
You have no way to prove that the game was built with scanlines in mind.

I'd rather play the PC version on a LCD. I could call the PS1 version looking 'awful' as well.

>> No.1500738

It wasn't designed for scanlines expressly, but it sure as hell was designed for native 240p output on a CRT. Just so happens scanlines result.

>> No.1500759


>> No.1500767
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How's those RE3 save states going for you NESfag?

Which version does Jill's ass look better?

>> No.1500949

GCN version has the best character models of any version and 60 fps FMVs, IIRC.

>> No.1501072
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>> No.1501080

The plastic PS1 cases aren't idiot-proofed like every modern game case nowadays.
I would know, I have a small collection of PS1 games and almost all of them have cracks on their cases.

>> No.1501115

Slender is better than both those games, why not just play that.

>> No.1501214


a) not retro
b) not true

>> No.1503167
File: 16 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only version I ever played was the N64 version, which has some extra files for RE neophytes. That one's pretty much heralded as one of the most solid versions.

Extra shit
Better character models
No load times

lower-res backgrounds and FMVs

>> No.1503379


Additional cons:
-Came out 3 years afterwards
-Cost $70 more

>> No.1503387

It only came out a year later.

>> No.1503392

Jan98 vs Oct99. 20 months to be anal.

>> No.1503412

>better character models
Only if you're comparing it with the PS1 version only.
>extra shit
Literaly, shit, though. Like green blood, and being able to change control scheme to an unplayable camera centric system.

Worse sound quality (it's 'surround' yes, but the quality is awful due to the N64)
doesn't have the Extreme Battle mode (even though when it came out that mode existed on the dualshock PS1 version of RE2)
doesn't have the Hard mode of the GC/PC versions (which is the greatest difficulty mode of any RE game, ever, better than REmake's Real Survival)
having to play on a shit pad with analog joystic rather than the PS1's d-pad which is more appropriate to be precise with tank controls

In conclusion, the graphics are worse, the sound is worse, the controls are worse, lacks the coolest bonuses but instead meaningless shit bonuses.
There IS one "pro" of the N64 version of RE2 though, ONE, which for purists is the one reason to play it : when you beat it you unlock the item randomizer mode which is exclusive to that version. In that mode, ammo items are randomized so you can find yourself with like plenty of magnum ammo, or contrary, plenty of pistol ammo...
But for someone who just wants to play the game the normal way, the N64 version is the worse version of the game (if you don't count the game.com version which might as well be considered a whole different game)

Btw, this topic was about RE3. not 2.

>> No.1503427

So you admit
>it has no load times
>Better character models
Using an N64 Expansion Pak, the increased RAM capacity allowed for the
graphics to be displayed at a higher resolution than the PlayStation 1
>A violence control meter ( Extra blood and gore )
>A nice randomiser mode
>Extra costumes
>Blood settings
>One Cartridge ( no swapping disks )
>Ex Files
Nintendo 64-only Resident Evil owners to non-
Nintendo 64 versions of the series such as Zero (after it was moved to
GameCube), Nemesis and CODE: Veronica.

Your opinion about the PS1 controller is your own preference not a fact. Personally the PS controllers are cancer.

>Btw, this topic was about RE3. not 2.
You just went on a rant about Resi 2 tho?

Enjoying those save states?

>> No.1503446
File: 68 KB, 475x562, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitches forget about that Expansion Pak.

I take for granted that there are bitches who never got an Expansion Pack.

Get you an Expansion Pak, bitches.

>> No.1503452 [SPOILER] 
File: 163 KB, 750x1000, 1395250677179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think about Arcade vs Arcade console ports vs MAME?

>> No.1503454

is that girl your girlfriend anon?

>> No.1503467

>having to play on a shit pad with analog joystic rather than the PS1's d-pad which is more appropriate to be precise with tank controls
Didn't they make a Duel-Shock version so you didn't have to play with the awful PS1 D-Pad?

>> No.1503503

You really are trying to be bitchy just for being bitchy right? Making me say things I didn't say and purposely comparing the n64 to the worse version (ps1) to try and make it look good, instead of comparing it to the best versions (PC/DC).

Also you're trying to make the N64 version sound like it looks fucking awesome in comparaison with PS1 version, while in fact, the difference is very minimal. Only the PC and DC versions do look fucking awesome in comparaison. You're also trying to make it sound like the expansion pack added a lot too, again, very minimal.

Comparaison screenshots between N64 and PS1. Also comparaison with and without expansion pack for N64.

Also, in the comparaison shots between PS1 and N64, you'll notice that the N64 cuts quite a lot of the image both at the top and the bottom. That's just unacceptable and shows how the people who made the port didn't care to respect the original material.

Only reason they did a normal version and a dual shock version was to sell the game twice with a few bonuses.
There is absolutely NO reason not to have made a non dualshock version in the first place considering they had already (re)released RE1 with dualshock support; they just saw that releasing RE1 several times on the same console worked and sold, so they decided to do exactly the same with 2.

>> No.1503563
File: 32 KB, 500x130, Cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You really are trying to be bitchy just for being bitchy right?
>Making me say things I didn't say and purposely comparing the n64 to the worse version (ps1) to try and make it look good, instead of comparing it to the best versions (PC/DC).
You forgot the GC version.
>very minimal.
Still adds something tho? right? Even if it is "very minimal"
>That's just unacceptable and shows how the people who made the port didn't care to respect the original material.
You try and fit a 2 disk game on a cart and add extras... yeah thought so.

>Btw, this topic was about RE3. not 2
>Unless its my opinion then its totally ok

>> No.1503593

>That's just unacceptable and shows how the people who made the port didn't care to respect the original material.
Fuck off. You realise what a fucking achievement fitting a 2disk game on one cart was?


>> No.1503602

>Resident Evil 3
>on Gamecube

Wait, what the shit?

Is it good? I had no idea that happened.

>> No.1503618
File: 52 KB, 800x600, DSC00366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is it good? I had no idea that happened.
Yeah its a great

>> No.1503636
File: 499 KB, 500x281, re2claire.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being able to change control scheme to an unplayable camera centric system.
I quite liked that. Each to their own i guess.

>> No.1503669
File: 65 KB, 800x600, DSC00365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the USA box art comparison

Why is USA's so shite?

>> No.1503714

Minimalist, artsy covers don't sit well with American corporate heads, regrettably.

>> No.1503723
File: 1.53 MB, 1686x2926, Resi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just missing CV for my GC RECollection. I own it on the Dreamcast.

>You realise what a fucking achievement fitting a 2disk game on one cart was
The fact Capcom even bothered was a shock. Was a huge effort and it payed off well. Fantastic version.

>> No.1503726

Honestly the US ones are more exciting. Look at that Japanese REmake cover. Looks like a Simple 1500 series game.

>> No.1503730

Those pre-rendered action shots look awful. The only decent looking cover is probably RE2. All the rest are over the top.
Americans tent to do this.

>> No.1503742

I prefer the American covers for everything except 4.

Fite me.

>> No.1503749

>Fite me.
I dont hit disabled people sorry.

>> No.1503754

You'd lose anyway. I'm stronk like Chris. You are wimpy like Brad.

>> No.1505254

Yes they could and they would, probably. But the reason why original is better is because developers who made original never work on ports, ports is a byproduct of a finished game, i'm sure that creators of original Star Wars wanted many more things in there too, but they never had a chance to do them, and yet original release is still better than that shitty re-releases with shitty CG stuff in them.

>> No.1505258

>If the developers could have gotten rid of the loading times between every camera angles, they WOULD have.
The N64 Version had no loading times yet they kept the door animations.

>> No.1505279

Initially I had the PSX version and did not finish it. I had just finished RE2 and it felt a bit rehashy to me then. A few summers ago I got the Gamecube version and that's the one I finished. I can't remember much since the gap was between the release of RE3 and about three years ago this summer. But I hear the Gamecube version looks a bit nicer.

This. So much. And I was so disappointed that I could not pick hard when starting a new game with a clear file. I didn't want to play in baby mode again.

>> No.1505297

Bad comparaison, CG in star wars movies completelty changes the look though, while the RE3 PC/DC ports don't. You're trying to make it sound like devs who make ports don't respect the product and completely change it while it's not the case at all. As far as RE ports are concerned, it's the exact same product with improvements on the smoothness of the gameplay and how the game looks, while like you admit, the original devs WOULD have done if they could have.

This "PLAYING THE GAME THE WAY IT WAS MEANT TO BY THE ORIGINAL DEVELOPERS" attitude on this board is going WAY too far. People who rather play a same product the worse way because they BELIEVE that's how the "original devs wanted it" while they don't even have any proof of that. It's just... stop.
If you want to play the shittiest version on its original hardware because that gives you MAXIMUM NOSTALGIA POWER, just admit it as such instead of coming up with stupid claims and false "facts".

Yeah so? that has nothing to do with what I said. Loading times between every camera angle and door animations are two very different things.

>> No.1505313

What kind of nostalgia are you talking about? I played Resident Evil 4 only recently and i had to buy GC to fully enjoy it. Because HD version on current-gen consoles look shitty, all these textures that not supposed to be seen in HD and models that does not look good in high-res. It LOADS FASTER and have a lot of extra content, but original is still fucking better, it almost always is.

>> No.1505314

>This "PLAYING THE GAME THE WAY IT WAS MEANT TO BY THE ORIGINAL DEVELOPERS" attitude on this board is going WAY too far. People who rather play a same product the worse way because they BELIEVE that's how the "original devs wanted it" while they don't even have any proof of that. It's just... stop.
>If you want to play the shittiest version on its original hardware because that gives you MAXIMUM NOSTALGIA POWER, just admit it as such instead of coming up with stupid claims and false "facts".
Stop acting like a little bitch.

>You're trying to make it sound like devs who make ports don't respect the product and completely change it while it's not the case at all. As far as RE ports are concerned, it's the exact same product with improvements on the smoothness of the gameplay and how the game looks
Literally just said
>That's just unacceptable and shows how the people who made the port didn't care to respect the original material.
Contradictory, much

>> No.1505326

>but the only version I had over my years of collecting was the Gamecube version
that's an excellent version to use.

>> No.1506307
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The autistic namefag ruins another RE thread.

>> No.1506821 [DELETED] 

>There will never be a good RE thread ever because of NESfag.

Feels bad man.

>> No.1506838

OP here, played a bit of RE3 (My Gamecube Version) just some thoughts about it/questions, please keep this spoilers free, I just got to the RCPD and chose to run my bitch ass away from Nemesis.

Is this game directly after RE2 or during RE2? Or what? It looks like it's pretty soon after, considering you see all the RE2 police station stuff hanging around (Leon's Party Hats, etc)

Also -

- Fucking Gamecube Controls, ugh, it feels so clunky I wish I did have the PS1 controller.

- You guys weren't kidding about the loadout when you start this game. Jill is set up like fucking Rambo.

- Babby's first counter-attack system? This seems kind of abusable, is it?

>> No.1507052

RE3 happens one day before RE2.
Do you mean the dodge system with the counter system? I think It's easier on Easy than Hard. It requires timing even against normal zombies to pull. Some other monsters will be easier to dodge.

>> No.1507582


I just kinda... accidentally do it though. That's what I'm not a huge fan of =(

>> No.1507649

Yes, the dodge system timing is different on easy than on hard, it's easier to trigger on easy.
FYI the dodge happens either :
- you press R1 to aim right when an enemy is about to hit you
- while you're aiming, when you press the shoot button right as an enemy is about to hit you

You shouldn't play on easy anyway it's cheat mode really. You have enough ammo and even healing in the item box to begin with for the ENTIRE GAME

>> No.1507671

>original is still fucking better, it almost always is

Going by your example...have you even bothered to PLAY any version of RE4 aside from the GC version?

>> No.1507672

And don't bother mentioning the PS2 or PC versions, I'm talking about the good ones.

The original games are not always the best.

>> No.1507692

>I'm talking about the good ones.
so you're talking about the Wii version? Basically the GC version with the extras.

>> No.1507694

>Basically the GC version with the extras.

This is true and why the originals are not always the best. When you get right down to it, it's not the same version, but it is a superior one.

>> No.1507705

I used to put all my disc games in a massive CD wallet - I'm guessing that's what those people did.

>> No.1507769


I still do this, but I still have the cases in a box. Shit, even new age clam shell cases are lost nowadays. Like who the fuck comes and trades in all these games to stores and loses the cases? Especially for DS game, that blows my mind.

I do agree with one of the above posters though, the PS1-era jewel cases are a bit frail and just looking at them funny would snap those little plastic hinges and you'd never close it correctly again fucker.

>> No.1510218

The first half of RE3 (before the Clock Tower) takes place 24 hours before RE2; the second half takes place 24 hours after.

>> No.1510265

I have said that i played the HD release on 360 first, i also played PS2 and PC versions back in 2006 but they looked like total shit, that and pre-recorded cutscenes have put me off playing them, i have said to myself that i'm gonna buy GameCube in the future to play RE4, i thought that HD release is good, but it was not, so i had to buy GC in the end. Also Wii version is bad because of easy aiming, it makes the game boring.

>> No.1510267

Also Wii version feels like it was downgraded graphically for some reason. It's not the best version for sure.

>> No.1510315

The GC port is simply the PS1 version with higher-res BGs.
No need to get a PS1 copy, just play it on the GC.

>> No.1510321

You could get a $5 PS2->XBox/GC adapter. Use your dualshock 2 (or 1) on the GC/Wii. Works pretty well.

>> No.1510348

>Also Wii version is bad because of easy aiming, it makes the game boring.

This is as bad as saying FPS are better played on console.

Anyway not retro, take this shit to /v/

>> No.1510352

But some FPS are better played on console, Halo is a good example. Aiming in RE4 is hard on purpose, it's fun and rewarding to slowly get better, if you remove that element, the game becomes boring very fast.

>> No.1510378

Actually, console aiming is just hard. Period. That's why most of them have a subtle auto-aim instead of FUCKING MOUSE COMPATIBILITY.

>> No.1510469

Except that making things harder due to a poorer control scheme isn't a good way to make things harder.
That's like it's better to play a FPS on your pc using keyboard only or using a gamepad. Would you do that?
Of course you wouldn't. And of course RE4 is best played on a Wiimote and on PC with kb+mouse. Because the GC pad makes aiming harder doesn't make the game more fun, it just makes it more painful.

>> No.1510925

>And of course RE4 is best played on a Wiimote and on PC with kb+mouse.
No it's not, the game is centered around it's aiming system that was carefully tuned for analog stick, playing it with kb+m or wiimote ruins all the fun. Why does RE4 do not have any type of aiming assist?
It's like i'm arguing with this PC MASTUR RICE type who is not willing to step out of his little retarded world. Go back to /v/.

>> No.1511070

I like the Gamecube controls. For some reason on the Dreamcast's stick I can never get people to run straight so if I hold up they move slightly to the right or left and basically run in circles. Have to use the d-pad, really. Of course DualShock controls work just as well as Gamecube in my opinion.

>> No.1512198

>Also Wii version is bad because of easy aiming, it makes the game boring.
You do realise you can play the Wii version with the GC controller? Right? So You're getting the GC game with all the added extras. The Wii Version is the superior version.

>> No.1512201

>Also Wii version feels like it was downgraded graphically for some reason. It's not the best version for sure.
Your feeling was wrong. Its not a Downgrade its exactly the same.

>> No.1512214

Didn't they change the ammo locations to suit the Wii remote aiming? Do they change those back if you're using the Gamecube controller? I wouldn't think so.

>> No.1512217

n64 version has butchered sound quality, fucking morons recommending it

>> No.1512250

Yep, and you don't know the worse. In the previous threads they even went as far as claiming the N64 was so good it had improved sound quality over the PS1 version because it has 'surround sound'.
'Surround sound' is one of the N64's version selling point, and it IS there, but that doesn't change how the global sound quality of the port is awful due to being on N64. But that you see, they didn't even see it, either because they're blindly defending 'their' version (the one they had as a kid) of because, or because their hearing sucks so much they won't even notice how butchered the sound is in the N64 version.
And I wouldn't trust anyone's judgement over any of the other aspects of a game if they are unable to tell the difference between good and bad sound quality.

Oh and they went as far as as making a comparitive chart between all versions 'facts' of what they had and didn't have to try and prove their points, with of course, "facts" such as the 'N64 version having superior sound due to surround sound' while also purposely picking the facts they wanted to have in the charts and the ones that they didn't want to have, too.

Try and show how ridiculous all that is while doing a real objective comparaison between all versions and all they'll do will be quote you while making you say things you didn't say, purposely misinterpret what you say, throw insults; and that, until the thread dies. They just won't stop, either, and that makes them believe they 'won', just because they won't admit their fav version isn't the best one.

But that doesn't matter, because the facts have been claimed, and none of that won't change what the different ports truely are; and ANYBODY (like you) will realize how ridiculous their 'facts' are if they just hear and look at the N64 version for a couple of seconds.

>> No.1512258

>Didn't they change the ammo locations to suit the Wii remote aiming?
First I have heard of this. The wii version is exactly the same game as the wii.

>> No.1512262

As the gamecube**
Fuck I'm tired

>> No.1512268

N64 version is the best and has the best sound. Get rektd faggot

Nice angry rant too.

>> No.1512280

>Didn't they change the ammo locations to suit the Wii remote aiming?
Why would they? That makes no sense. Why would using a different control scheme effect item placements?

>> No.1512283

It's faster and more accurate to shoot with a Wii remote?

>> No.1512284

So that effects item placement how?

>> No.1512287

You use less bullets, so you'd have more ammo if they didn't take some out.

>> No.1512291

The music sounds fine. I do like the stereo mix and I wish to hear it in surround some day. But the voices sound like shit. I've never even played any other version of this game before, and I could tell right off the bat how lo-fi the voices are on the N64. I even got my friend to bring his PS copy over for a side-by-side comparison using composite cables through the same TV/same speakers, and it's like going from a 96k MP3 to CD audio.

The shit sound quality works fine for the zombies, and it doesn't make it hard for me to understand what the characters are saying. But it's still shit sound quality.

>> No.1512292

No. You can be just as efficient with ammo using the GC controller. The bullets don't do more damage so somebody who is good using the GC controller will have just as much ammo.
You can use multiple control schemes in that version. They wouldn't remove ammo and gimp the other versions just because its easier to headshot using the wiimote.

>> No.1512295

You don't have to be skilled to use the Wii remote effectively though, and it would be the main control scheme. It's not that far fetched, but it might not really be the case.

>> No.1512297

>You don't have to be skilled to use the Wii remote effectively though
Its easier to aim with the Rifle using the GC controller. I would say over all its easier tbh. My hands are in a more comfortable position.

>but it might not really be the case.
You're right its not the case. At all.

>> No.1512298

The Wii edition features the original graphics of the GameCube version, in-engine cutscenes (with the exception of the original PS2 version extras, costumes, and cutscenes), and supports both a 16:9 widescreen mode and 480p.

>> No.1512302

The Wii version supports widescreen (contrary to GC) and has constant 30 FPS (contrary to GC version which has framerate drops in hectic moments). For that alone it is better to play the Wii version with a GC controller over the GC version, and you would have noticed that if you had really played both versions before claiming GC is better. If you add the bonus missions to that, there really is no reason to play the GC version anymore.

>> No.1512365

Actually, the Wii version does have less ammo. Every version of the game after the US Gamecube version is rebalanced. It's not the placement, but actually how the item drops are skewed. So unless someone is in a PAL region, Gamecube and Wii versions are actually different.

>> No.1512380

>So unless someone is in a PAL region
I guess thats why i've not noticed anything.

So they never changed it because of the new control scheme its every version after the GC version?
>Every version of the game after the US Gamecube version is rebalanced
Do you have any source for this info?

>> No.1512387

>So unless someone is in a PAL region
Hang on. So they changed how item drop only in the US version?

>> No.1512393

Yeah, it wasn't actually the controls, it was just a side effect of the rebalance, which applied to PAL GC, PS2, Wii, and so on.


According to this some of the item pickups are actually missing, too.


That lists a few changes, although without citation.

Google "Resident Evil 4 rebalance" and you'll find some discussions about it too.

>> No.1512394

The Japanese and US versions are the original version, and everything after is rebalanced, including PAL GC. There were a lot of changes.

>> No.1512397


>> No.1512734


ps1 sample rate is always 44.1khz

n64 is at most 32khz, possibly 22 - 27.5

plus the backgrounds look like shit and the color scheme looks awful

>> No.1512736


"i personally think it sounds fine" and "there is literally no difference" are two different things

>> No.1512740


anamorphic widescreen does not increase resolution fyi

>> No.1514825

>The Wii Version is the superior version.
Except it's graphically downgraded.

>> No.1515235

Which version do you think looks better?
Can argue that the HD versions textures are arse!

Wii version with dolphin mods still look the best.