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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 48 KB, 550x399, retron3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1482456 No.1482456[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I don't come by /vr/ very often so sorry if this is a common subject here. I also wouldn't be surprised if using one of these is kinda taboo around here.

So long story short there was a bit of an accident and my snes is history. I went to a nearby retro games store to see if they had any in stock and they had these things for $50.

Has anybody ever used one of these? Any significant issues? How good are the wireless controllers? Some reviews I've found online seem favorable but I'd rather hear from you guys. As much as I'd like to have a real snes on my entertainment center it would be kinda perfect because I also have a bunch of genesis games laying around and I haven't had a genesis in years. And then I'd also be able to keep my nes on the tv in my bedroom and still play nes games in the living room without moving it.

>> No.1482464

You will be paying for a glorified emulator that allows you to play your old cartridges. Nothing more than that. You can find better emulators on PC and just hook it to your TV if you want better results.

>> No.1482469
File: 57 KB, 650x429, trashing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying emulators
>buying emulators that require cartridges

>> No.1482490

Dear viral marketer: I believe that you don't come here very often since these aren't daily threads like they were before Christmas. However, I don't believe you're sorry.

At any rate, a modified Wii or XBox crushes a Retron in every category.

>> No.1482491

The HDMI port on my pc is busted but I get what you mean

I just looked up how much genesis run these days and they're much cheaper than I thought. From the looks of it with a bit of shopping around I could get both a snes and genesis for less than $80

>> No.1482550


Except Retron 3 (and models before this one) are not using emulators but SoC (system on chip), basically old hardware that was cloned & reduced in size to fit in a single chip .

The problem is that those clones have actually more compatibilty issues than emulators themselves and they cannot be fixed

>> No.1482575

OP, if you want the full accuracy provided by consoles, find another SNES.

If you want a space saving all in one box, go get a modded Wii.

>> No.1482657

if you want to feel the old days buy consoles in ebay, craiglist, etc. Don't waste your money on emulators.

>> No.1482704

> I also wouldn't be surprised if using one of these is kinda taboo around here.

It's not a taboo, bu we say how it is, you are paying for an emulator system that then needs real carts. If using real cards you can use the real thing too, if you don't have cards use a normal emulator, that thing then is unusable.

Therefore it is completely useless, a piece of hardware the world really didn't need. And if you buy it and then tell us about it you rightflly have to live with being called an idiot.

>> No.1483867

They're crap and certainly not worth $50

>> No.1483902

Nah, they're bad.

I just dont like them because I think they trick people into believing its actual hardware when its only emulating.

A wii might be too complex for some people but I'd hope if you can find your way here then it shouldn't be a problem.

>> No.1483925

I can see why these things would sell, though.

Plenty of people won't notice much difference / or know any better comparing that thing to actual hardware.

And it saves them the trouble of learning how to mod a Wii. Never underestimate a persons desire to be lazy.

>> No.1483935

Wii especially.
>Cheaper than an xbox
>Common as dirt
>Easy to mod
>Fairly active homebrew community
>Smaller lighter more portable console
>Gamecube games
>Classic controllers for more realistic emulating
Also I think Wii can output 240p if your TV supports it, not sure if the xbox supports that though

>> No.1484139

Crap either get the real consoles or emulate on your pc

>> No.1484248

They'd figure out out as soon as they tried running a few games that didn't work.

>> No.1484308

Its pretty good compatibility wise though.

Anyone who buys it to play sanic and super Mario would never know that there are a few obscure jap games that it won't play.

>> No.1484345

Obscure jap games like Battletoads and Castlevania 3?

Also, the SNES end sounds awful.

>> No.1484376

Include Mario paint and star ocean and that's about it for the snes. And just doing a little googling, there are more than a few people who haven't had problems with battletoads either.

But yeah, I'm sure most people who are buying this thing have most of those games.

>> No.1484410

I just get a kick out of how much you guys like to hate on this thing.

Being able to have one device run 3 different consoles right from the carts is pretty cool.

Works with original controllers and games
Brain dead simple to setup and use
Don't have to fuck around with modding other consoles
And don't have to find original controller adapters that aren't laggy or incompatible
Also saves space on the shelf
And saves wear and tear on your original equipment.
If someone trips on the controller coord then you're only out a retron
Also price. The damn thing is disposably low cost compared to time and effort to buy up all 3 consoles for someone who isn't into collecting.

I wouldn't use one personally but I can see why people would. And no wonder people start this thread, they seem to be pretty popular.

>> No.1484452

>there are more than a few marketers who pretend they haven't had problems with battletoads either.
There's a bunch of games that have serious problems and not just obscure shit. You obviously don't own one. I do. I did not pay anywhere near $50.

90% of these threads are started by marketers or trolls.

>> No.1484471
File: 16 KB, 341x256, 1385059274471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus stop pushing your goddamn awful system on this board you stupid fucking guerrilla marketing piece of shit. No one's dumb enough to believe even for a second that your substandard hardware emulation is worth even an ounce of consideration. I'm sick and tired of seeing your stupid bullshit every fucking day of the week; get a real job and reevaluate your life SOON, you worthless dickstain on the dress of humanity.

>> No.1484543

I just ordered one on amazon. I'm so excited.

>> No.1484548

You do realize you just bought an emulator that will be taking up space in your house right?

Meanwhile, emulators for free on the internet

>> No.1484552


That's nothing.

I ordered an ouya a few weeks ago.

I've been playing faxandu on it

I regret nothing

>> No.1484571

you know, for half to a quarter of the price you could have gotten a USB snes controller, to, you know, replicate the gameplay experience without going full retard

>> No.1484574

I'd love to get an Ouya, if I could find one cheap.

>spending $25-$50 on a controller.

>> No.1484575
File: 35 KB, 794x540, 1355971617007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Those buffalo controllers? I had bad luck with those. Plus I wanted it for comfy couch vidya

>Just use a PC!
My PC is shit and I'm too lazy to cart it back and forth between the desk and TV

>Just buy a raspberry pi!
too lazy to set that shit up, I'm fully aware of the alternatives, and I wanted a cheap emulator box I can plug USB controllers into.


If you're lazy like me and just want an emulator box, go for it.

>> No.1484576

How is it going full retard? It's not like you know how much money he's able to spend or anything.

Also are those USB SNES controllers any good? I want a USB N64 controller I can buy and convince my friends to get so we can play online together, but I'm worried about quality. I imagine playing something and then breaking the cheap chinese buttons with my massive thumbs.

>> No.1484592
File: 188 KB, 840x630, 1393933299873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like other anons said, the console is basically an emulation machine the doesn't fully replicate everything the original hardware could do. Some games wont work on it properly and most emulators that are online can do everything the retron does and more. I havent actually tried N64 controllers, only SNES ones

Retrolink controllers are good in my opinion, but i havent tried another controller brand.