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File: 39 KB, 392x450, Mega_Man_X4_PSX[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1476279 No.1476279 [Reply] [Original]

So is it good or bad?

>> No.1476298

Too good.

>> No.1476306

Second best game of the X series.

>> No.1476307

The best of the PlayStation MMX games.

>> No.1476390
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All of these.


>> No.1476404

X4 >= X6 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> X5

>> No.1476409

X6 has one of the best soundtracks of any game, to its credit.

>> No.1476439

Good, but has some bad stages. Never liked a gimmick like bikes taking up so much of a stage.

>> No.1476446

Decent gameplay, shitty level design, mediocre bosses, fantastic music.

It's shit compared to X1-X3 though.

>> No.1476458


Shit, I don't think I've heard that joke in a decade.

>> No.1476465

>It's shit compared to X1-X3 though.

But those games have even weaker level designs and bosses compared to X4. X2's Shoryuken gauntlet and racing out of an active volcano are like, the only memorable parts of the SNES trilogy.

>> No.1476802

I'm terribly sorry, but I wouldn't say X1's stages are lacking in personality. It's quintessential mega man stuff.

>> No.1476810

My nostalgia googles only makes me acknowledge X-X3. With part of me wishing for a MM9 version of X

You gotta admit the English voice acting was horrible.

>> No.1476813


Bad. Pretty bad. Ugly with these washed out colors in comparison to the SNES games. Moderately interesting storyline, but of course it turns into "Sigma again".

Then again I never cared for any of the X games.

>> No.1476891

Well, I like it. I don't think any of the games before X7 are bad.

>> No.1476907


x5 and x6 feel cheap compared to x4, enemy designs and patterns are worse, programming feels shoddy, etc

>> No.1477018

its a good game about equal to the other X games before it.

People qq about it because of story elements but really who the fuck cares about the story in a megaman game.

Level design is fairly good. Like all good X games it encourages you to play quickly and the game flows well. Each stage has something unique to offer and the backgrounds in some areas (like webspider) are gorgorus.

Zero is a nice addition since he plays differently and reacts to bosses very differently.

Only real issue is the annoying voice when you do a charged attack.

Its the last good X-game before it started having really questionable design and fugly graphics.

>> No.1477035

It's great. The only shitty parts are the story and voice acting but i don't think you are playing the game for those 2 things.

>> No.1477060

The gameplay feels a little stiff to me, even a little slow at times, but the smooth 2D graphics, exciting soundtrack, fun variety of weapons, and the addition of a fully-playable Zero really make it a necessary play for any big fan of the MM series. If you ignore the cutscenes, then I'd say it's worthy of a B+. It's good.

>> No.1477112

Bad. It's the game that essentially killed the X series. Shity music, shit level design, shit presentation, shit story, shit everything. I loath X4.

>> No.1477171

It has always been one my favorite X games, but the last couple of times I've played it, I've found myself bored with the levels. They're too short, too easy, a lot of them are pretty gimmicky too, and they just don't feel as well-designed as say, X1 or X2's.

>> No.1477487
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I liked it.

>> No.1477508

I liked it a lot. X5 I liked too but not as much. X6 I couldn't get into at all.

>> No.1477519


It always sounded like EVIL FLY to me.

>> No.1477529


I just find X4 to be really boring.

>> No.1477537

>X6 that high
>X3 at the very bottom

your opinion a shit

>> No.1477542

No you? I don't know, I didn't care for X3 at ALL. The shitty grunge, the stupid chips and ride armors, at least X6 had awesome music.

>> No.1477602

They're both shit.

>> No.1477662

It's definitely my favorite of the PSX games.
It was the hypest thing back in the day. New 32-bit graphics? anime cutscenes? fucking play as Zero all you want? HELL YEAH!

It was also the last "traditional" X game, as the later ones got too convoluted with systems and multiple armors, and they also lost the ability to display partially armored up X. Say what you will about the anime cutscenes, but I still think they're awesome, and always felt it was such a drop in quality when CAPCOM stopped using them afterwards.

The only downsides I can think of is that it is too easy, and they gave X a horrible voice in the dub. Also, for how awesome some of the cut scenes were, the endings were pretty underwhelming.

>> No.1477828

Not as shit as X4.

>> No.1478047

>The only downsides I can think of is that it is too easy

That's a complaint that can be equally levied against every previous X game. Is it really important enough to point out?

>> No.1478050

X4 is much easier than those games though.

When you make a game in a series easier than previous games that already had a fine difficulty, that's a negative.

>> No.1478271

No it isn't. They're equally easy.

>> No.1478346

I agree about the anime cutscenes. Cheesy, sure, but they gave the feeling that some real money and effort was put into the gamed (in addition to the completely revamped graphical style), and their removal made X5 and X6 seem cheap in comparison. In X5, the weird boss-level mechanic and the whole shit about the Enigma and stuff didn't help. Also, there was the strangeness of allowing you to pick from X or Zero at the beginning, but allowing you to change characters on the fly no matter which you started with (albeit with some different benefits for choosing one over the other IIRC). Those things just seemed a bit sloppy and made it feel like the game was rushed to shelves before they had a chance to clean it up or something.

>> No.1478552

>they gave the feeling that some real money and effort was put into the gamed (in addition to the completely revamped graphical style)
Money? Yes. Effort? Absolutely not.

>> No.1478583

Is that form of Double really called Jello Man or that's a joke?

>> No.1478615

>>1476279 best one after x1. Fact

>> No.1478619

lol, no

>> No.1478758

So did X4.

X4 is just the perfect X game. It has no drawbacks. X6 has a bunch of retarded shit but still manages to be a great game with great gameplay. It beats X5 any day. X5 is a piece of shit.

>> No.1478772

It was in one of the Japanese guidebooks written like that.

>> No.1478794

Well, at least X5 also has a great soundtrack. Not nearly as good as X4 and X6's, but it still has some great tracks, like X vs. Zero, which I'm glad they kept in X6.

Can't say it did anything else great, but yeah.

>> No.1478815

To be honest, I played X5 just for the boss theme.
It's some pretty glorious stuff, and it fits so well with a boss like Mattrex, Grizzly Slash, or the Skiver. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvzZq9D7pqg

>> No.1478821

X6 is almost everything bad about X5 except much worse.

>> No.1478876

>X4 is just the perfect X game. It has no drawbacks.

>> No.1478885

"Everything is shit" isn't a very convincing argument.

>> No.1478889
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It's OK. It's nothing compared to X1, but it's 7/10 breddy good. The story is kinda loopy, but you'll get a kick out of it if you're a fan of the DHS and stickin' it to paranoid lolbertarians.

>> No.1478918


>dat filename

>> No.1479078
File: 107 KB, 932x651, 1394393378289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Somebody besides me likes the X5 boss theme
I love you.

>> No.1479096

The music is okay, but I didn't like how floaty all the bosses were in Megaman X5. You had these huge enemies like Bearclaw Bear and Whale Icewhale floating around in slow motion, like they were inflatable toys or something.

By comparison, the NES Megaman games and early X games all have really fast, aggressive bosses.

I don't know, X5's mavericks just didn't feel very powerful and dangerous.

At the risk of sounding like an 8-bit nostalgiafaggot, give me Megaman 9 any day.

>> No.1479106
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I-I love you too

>> No.1479236

Remember how X5 hyped the fated X vs Zero battle that had been hinted since X3? And then it just sort of happened and everyone forgot about it afterwards? Biggest letdown in the franchise, for me.

>> No.1480576


Well, the main Villian of MMZ1 was supposed to be the original X, and they fight, so...

>> No.1481175


Also X6. It's a horrible game, but dat funky 70s Boss theme redeems it.

>> No.1481206

Great game. Up there with X1.

It's probably the last of the 2D Mega Man games that had an actual budget too. X5 really started to show signs of shit production values.

>> No.1481209

>Ugly with these washed out colors

>> No.1481224



>> No.1481235


>> No.1481246
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>> No.1481260


Probably referring to >>1466456

>> No.1481324


>> No.1481648


The only good PS megaman game. Long story short: pass.

The only problem it has is that X/Zero are too OP and that makes the game almost too easy, it didn't helped the lazy bosses which you can beat without too effort; the only decent boss in the game is Magma Dragoon and 2 others (Storm Owl being one).

The other thing was the LAUGHABLE, pathetic story; we don't play videogames for the plot (specially one bad done) and you shouldn't care for that... but sadly CAPCOM does and they will for future installments.

X4 is above X5 any day.

>> No.1481656

>The only problem it has is that X/Zero are too OP and that makes the game almost too easy
>The other thing was the LAUGHABLE, pathetic story

Sounds like the SNES games. What's the problem?

>> No.1481664


In the SNES the X buster wasn't that OP and it makes you work your way through the stages with a decent amount of enemies in position... another thing X4 lacks.

The SNES didn't have a story; X4 has a story that takes itself too serious. As i always say: enjoy the game, apreciatte the plot. But X4 give the sign that the plot is important.

>Comparing X2-X3 plot to X4.

>> No.1481674

>the X buster wasn't that OP

Son have you even played these games? The buster in X1 is ridiculously powerful, arguably better than X4's incarnation.

>X4 has a story that takes itself too serious

Which is about the same as the SNES games. Even with the anime cutscenes, they have roughly the same amount of dialog, especially X2/3.

>> No.1481690

>Son have you even played these games? The buster in X1 is ridiculously powerful, arguably better than X4's incarnation.

No; the Armor Buster IS OP in X. Again in the SNES era were more resistant enemies and more enemies in stage than PSX era (although that started in X3). In X4 there are less resistant and the buster is +1 firepower.
>Which is about the same as the SNES games. Even with the anime cutscenes, they have roughly the same amount of dialog, especially X2/3.

Without spending time, money and effort like X4 in something irrelevant at the end. That said, i'm convinced X5 fixed every-plot related thing X4 failed to show.

>> No.1481702

So you agree that the buster is overpowered in the SNES games. Good, although I feel the need to mention that X3's buster is pretty atrocious. X1's biggest gamebreaker is Storm Tornado anyway.

>i'm convinced X5 fixed every-plot related thing

This is just wrong. I wouldn't be surprised if X5 has more dialog than the previous games combined, made worse by the fact that it's completely unskippable.

>> No.1481724

>So you agree that the buster is overpowered in the SNES games.

Every X-buster is OP in the game. The thing is how you make that OP buster of X something that didn't ruin the challenge in the game. Let me remind you have to feel the armours like up-grades. The best X-buster is X1 though.

>I wouldn't be surprised if X5 has more dialog than the previous games combined, made worse by the fact that it's completely unskippable.

It certainly has more dialog, but despite X4; the plot is not shown in a cliche-cheesy-failed way in attempt to make it look serious. I'm not a fan of games with (since newer games) but i can enjoy the plot of X5 alongside the game--i'm liying, i don't like X5.

>> No.1483406



>> No.1483416

X4 is easily my favorite Mega Man game of them all.

full disclosure: I only like playing as Zero though, haha

>> No.1483417



>> No.1483430



>> No.1483470
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>> No.1483491

X4 is my second favorite MMX game after the first one.

>Dat OST

>> No.1483821

You should play the X3 Zero hack then.

>> No.1483841
File: 54 KB, 512x384, whatdidyoujustsaytome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always found it strange the people don't think Megaman X4 is the best Megaman X.

I find it even stranger that people will argue that X2 and X3 are better. X I can understand, but X3? No chance in hell.

>> No.1483859


Why was X3's music composed so badly on the SNES version? The high notes make my ears bleed.

>> No.1483989


Capcom was listening to too much shitty grunge rock I guess. Thankfully they moved away from that during the PSX era and used better, more sophisticated genres as their basis.

>> No.1483995

Capcom was horrible with the SNES soundchip in general.

>> No.1484735

Really, why is that? Lack of empathy? Is it because you're a Playstation child with no sense for good level design and can't plainly see how different it is from the previous games? Do you even bother reading the numerous complaints people give about the game? I can't understand how you can't understand.

>> No.1487201
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It isn't actually composed badly. If you listen to the PSX arrangements and fan-stuff using the same arrangement (Gecko Yamori did a few tracks with the instruments swapped for synth channels on a Genssis), they sound pretty acceptable.
It sounds like shit as the accumulation of a lot of little mistakes. First, this woman was hired to compose it as a freelance job:
Then, a currently-defunct company called Minakuchi Engineering handled the actual audio. Minakuchi Engineering did audio here and there basically as Capcom's B-Team, shit like the GB titles, Rockman World, nothing major. Then they got handed a score they commissioned and a soundchip more powerful than most of what they had used before. It wasn't that
>Capcom was listening to too much shitty grunge rock
it was that they HIRED people who did, and didn't understand how that sort of music didn't transfer when using samples.

The original score couldn't have made it past the keyboard. Normally at any given company, these things were streamlined- someone(s) wrote the score on a piano or keyboard, with the "arranged" pass being done on a keyboard connected to a sampler. This player data was directly transferred a tracker with automatic quantization, and the samples used were compressed down for use on the SNES. A listener familiar with audio engineering at the time can recognize a lot of samples used- Capcom, among others (Rare was pretty blatant about it on the N64, but even PC games like Fallout were guilty of this) used a set of licensed, royalty-free samples from a set of popular roms.

X3 on the PS1 uses those samples, presumably because four Capcom employees handled it. On the SNES, though...

>> No.1487224
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...the samples Minakuchi Engineering added sound home-made. There's a guitar used that sounds very similar to the one used in X1, but an additional distorted one that sounds like it's pushed too hard and has a slight pitch drift over the length of the sample. Compressed, it introduces inharmonic artifacting, without being trimmed to fit the quantization of the console for the tempos used it sounds slightly sharp at random. What's worse, they somehow managed to fuck up the vibrato, so instead of clean whammy bar-sounding stuff ala X1, you end up with Blast Hornet's theme.

I am very certain that if a version of the soundtrack existed as it would have had normally- if Yamashita was recorded playing a keyboard through a couple Proteus and Yamaha modules, which then had their samples processed to work on the SNES- it would be remembered well. What we got was a set of yahoos using one talented composer's (seriously, look her up, she's great) raw notation and applying it with a technical incompetence rarely seen.

Alas, Capcom's internal salvage job is the best we can get.

>> No.1487234

>Really, why is that? Lack of empathy?

lol, i played through the series a couple years ago back to back and think x4 is one of the best games

i think you should check yourself for "lack of empathy", ya deluded old fart

>> No.1487313
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>> No.1488704

You mean the PSX version?. Is awful how they fucked up that one with weird synth guitar, at least with the SNES you knew what to expect.

Honor the truth; the PSX's X3 OST had some bad-ass moments like the Jazzy trumpets in Toxic Seahorse stage and Doppler stage 1.


>> No.1488735

Second best in the X series (X1 being the best). Mega Man X4 isn't the greatest game ever, but it's fun playing through.

>> No.1488820

>You will never make glorious music like the one in X4 or X6

I'm sad. Hold me

>> No.1488838

Really great game. Zero and X control really great and the game looks really good for its time.

My only issues is that Slash Beast,the final levels are kinda terrible. Lack any form of polish. Other than that its a brilliant game.

>> No.1489242

>even weaker level designs and bosses
heh. i agree only with x3.

>> No.1489247



>> No.1489296

Did not like it. Signaled the start of trouble for the series.

Then again I'm still butthurt over the fucking bikes. Jesus Christ WASN'T MEGA MAN 8 BAD ENOUGH WITH JUMP! JUMP!

>> No.1490075

i thought it was "hebo fly"

>> No.1490897



>> No.1491758

That's all it had every thing else was shit

>> No.1491783

Combat wise, Megaman and Zero play very differently.

Platforming wise both game modes are exactly the same.
None of their powers unlocked unique paths, in fact the barely affected the levels at all.

>> No.1491794
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>> No.1491845


The only thing I do not like about X4 is that there is no way to go through all the stages in one go and get everything (as in no revisiting). Observe:

-Slash Beast, Jet Stingray, Cyber Peacock and Split Mushroom can all be beaten without need to return for any items.
-Need Magma Dragoon's weapon to get the heart tank in Web Spider's stage
-Need the Lightning Web to get arm parts in Storm Owl's stage
-Need arm parts and Twin Slasher to bust through the wall in Magma Dragoon's stage to get the body parts

At least Zero can pull this off as he has no need for armor pieces, then you'd only need Ryuenjin and Kuuenbu/zan prior to going into Web Spider and Frost Walrus' stage

>> No.1491847

It's pretty difficult to get the items from Jet Stingray and Cyber Peacock if you're unprepared.

>> No.1491879
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Can I get a spot?

>> No.1491886

X4 is by far the best in the X series. Although the English voice acting is lulzterrible.

>> No.1491932


One thing i noticed was that you don't need to return unless you have the urge for the "gotta catch them all"; with three heart containers it feels like you receive less damage... like gain 1 level.
>It's pretty difficult to get the items from Jet Stingray.

What?, there're at plain sight. Maybe a continue, but difficult it's not.

>> No.1491937

If it's your first time through the stage, it is. Context is important.

>> No.1492539

Just thought of another thing I remember hating on the Playstation game transition: They got rid of the notches in the health meter for some asinine reason.