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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.26 MB, 2304x1728, DSC00026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1475610 No.1475610[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Buyfag thread. Pawn shops, flea markets, used game stores, Amazon, eBay, whatever. Post your finds. Judge others for overpaying. Envy those who get good deals.

Local store is doing a half-off 'March Madness' sale for a lot of games. I'm taking advantage of that as long as I can.

>Jak 2 and 3, CIB, excellent condition ($2.50 each)
>Jungle Strike, cart only ($2.00)
>Monster Rancher 2, CIB, excellent condition ($13.00)
>Eternal Champions, CIB, excellent condition ($3.50)

>> No.1475931
File: 1.07 MB, 2592x1944, March2014part1_10euros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted this a a couple days ago but might as well help the thread get started. Got that Game Gear lot plus that Mega Drive cart for 6 euros, that MGS2 for 5 and Dog's Life for 2.

Decent deal on that Monster Rancher, you could probably find it for less but that's a great purchase nonetheless.

>> No.1475992

woah jungle strike in a standard genesis cart and not a EA cart I have never seen that before

>> No.1476000
File: 770 KB, 1200x806, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got this today. Wasn't even aware of the Square Millenium Collection until recently, but I had to get this since LoM is one of my favorite games.

>> No.1476085

Picked up an NES at a thrift shop down the street that just opened up. It's the only Nintendo system I didn't actually own and since my old friend was running the store I wanted to support it.
Also got a controller and the following games:
>Mike Tyson's Punch-Out
>Super Mario Bros. + Duck Hunt
>Super Mario Bros 2.
>The Legend of Zelda

Came out to about 90 dollars with tax, I think. Have no idea if it was a good deal or not, but I'm happy with the purchase.

>> No.1476151

What are your objectives /vr/? Do you simply buy retro material or is there some criteria?

My only objective is building up my nostalgic dome, which in this case means gathering up as much Dreamcast paraphernalia as humanly possible.
I'm still in the beginning though. Just sealed a deal for 11 mint DC games for 38€, I think I did alright.

>> No.1476165

I just buy games that interest me.
I could care less about going out and obtaining rare or collectible stuff for the sake of adding it to my collection, and I'm not picky about having boxes or manuals and shit. As long as the game looks fun, isn't overly expensive and isn't totally destroyed I'll grab it.

>> No.1476175

My goal is simply to have the games I like the best or that just look interesting on each system, I don't want a large collection for the sake of it nor am I that big on nostalgia (I didn't own many games back then and those I did were fairly common anyway). I started out with planning to collect only for PS1 and 2 mostly but now I've branched out to Super Famicom, Mega Drive/Genesis and Game Gear. I still buy a couple of games here and there for other systems but for now I want to collect mainly for those I mentioned.

>> No.1476183

Only console I horde random titles for is the Sega CD. I like the cases, I like the bizarre titles, and I like the system in general. For my other consoles, I only buy games I will actually replay. My SNES, Genesis, Playstation, and Playstation 2 collections are only about 25 titles each. But each of those titles are top tier games.

Most recent acquisition was Android Assault on Sega CD. Its probably the last really good title on the system that I don't own. Well, ok, I don't have Keio, either, but I don't plan on paying a 500% loli tax on a shooter.

>> No.1476357
File: 1.28 MB, 1840x3264, IMAG0057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last weekend me and a friend went to a store we like to hang out at for a while and I found;

MDK for the playstation and Phantasy Star online Episodes 1 and 2 for the GameCube. I got them both for 5.95 each.

I would like to point out how good of a deal that is for phantasy star, especially being complete

>> No.1476363

I'm sorry, I forgot the image needed to be rotated before uploading.

>> No.1476367

Is PSO for the Dreamcast for 5 euros ($7) a good deal?

>> No.1476382

Last buy was Ninja Gaiden for 35 fucking Dollars. You never see it here in germany, so I just had to buy it.

I'm trying to collect only good, fun games for every console I own. Every game I got which I don't really want I need to sell, but it's just such a hassle to start selling stuff through ebay and shipping it.

>> No.1476383

That's a good, fair price. It's not too rare for the dreamcast, it cost more for the GameCube. I say $7 is a good price that I would pay.

>> No.1476385

Sounds terrible. I bought mine for 5.95

>> No.1476453 [DELETED] 

I the US I guess?

>> No.1476464

In the US I guess?

>> No.1476504

Yeah. I don't know how popular/ unpopular Ninja Gaiden is in other countries

>> No.1476541
File: 107 KB, 1048x938, ninjagaiden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at that picture. It's every game you'll find on ebay in the whole of europe. Mind the fact that these are € prices, not $.

>> No.1476564

Maybe $60 would have been a deal.

>> No.1476578
File: 62 KB, 500x512, MP (188).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am selling all of my 8 and 16 bit consoles. I find that I don't play them enough and I find emulation to for these systems to be superb.

That being said I am keeping systems newer than that because I find the emulation to be a lot more spotty for them. I guess I just am not really into collecting them anymore and I have other priorities at the moment.

>mfw I am just trying to convince myself it is for the best even though I will slightly miss part of my collection

>> No.1476661

>Aladdin-genesis $7
>gutair hero 1+2 $1 each
>advance wars 2 $8
>super robot taisen original generation $20

>> No.1476708

Damn. I rarely see Phantasy Star Online I+II out here, and on the off chance I do, it's usually $50.

Wish I could get my friend out of his house to look for vidya, but that's usually a no go unless I've already found a game at one he's mentioned being interested in.

>> No.1476801

So I ended up overpaying?
I guess I can live with it. I see way fucking worse prices at Retro Gaming stores and online anyway, and all of the stuff I got was in superb condition.

>> No.1477083

>Mind the fact that these are € prices, not $.
We treat spending 5 euros like and american would 5$. Conversion rates in this particular case only apply when importing/exporting honestly.

>> No.1477098

Got a 2600 for two Britbongs a few days ago...

>> No.1477220
File: 1.28 MB, 2048x1536, dc purchases.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time posting in a buyfag thread. I'm trying to build a nice Dreamcast collection, so after buying a used DC that came with Snow Surfers, these are my first acquisitions.
First I got this Shenmue box. Paid 30€ with shipping included. Not the best deal but the cases are like new.
Then I got the other 3 games in pic related. Paid 17€ with shipping included, I feel like I overpaid a little overall but I was feeling like there was not a single Virtua Striker 2 PAL game in mint condition except this one. It could've been worse.

>> No.1477225

m8 don't sell anything unless you desperately need the money to keep living. Keep in mind that you can always earn more money, but you will never get that one collection back if you get rid of it.

>> No.1477227

Sorry for the shit quality, had to use a phone.

>> No.1477354
File: 99 KB, 640x480, vidya2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got pic related in the mail yesterday.

>> No.1477614

Got an offer for pic related for 12 Euro, they do work.

Should I?

>> No.1477616
File: 54 KB, 575x423, 30_-751113237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops, here

>> No.1477654 [DELETED] 

It's not bad, depends on how easy they are to find where you are. Both of those games cost me roughly 1500yen with the box, manual and in mint condition here in Japan

>> No.1477909

I don't think it's a bad deal.

>> No.1478017

You can get 'em boxed for like 20. Hell for like 25 you can get the entire FF SFC collection easily.

>> No.1478025

Also as a japanese Import?

>> No.1478028

Yeah shipping is usually pretty cheap from there. Just search hit japan on ebay and keep an eye out for their 0.01$ start auctions, they sometimes have the 3 Final Fantasy games in a bundle.

>> No.1478058
File: 1.25 MB, 350x265, chocolate doorknob.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Neighbor told me she has an N64, Dreamcast, Genesis, Game Boy, and a shitload more of consoles and games in her garage at her old home
>Said I get first dibs on everything if I help her go through totes and find them

Just waiting for the word to go but I'm not really sure when it's gonna be. At any rate, wish me luck

>> No.1478078

I picked up Gyromite and Hogan's Alley, each in the blue Nintendo cases, for $3.99 each at a goodwill earlier. I need to find a small enough flat-head to open them up and see if they have the adapters.

>> No.1478082

Sounds quite promising, if you find anything good share some pic´s.

>> No.1478113

Last week I learned there's a retro game store in my area, the results of my first trip.
>(NES) Ironsword
>(GB) Boxxle
>(GBC) Game & Watch Gallery 2
>(GBC) Game & Watch Gallery 3
>(N64) Top Gear Rally
>(PS2) Wipeout Fusion, in fucking pristine condition. I don't think the previous owner played it more than once.
>6 of those SNES game dust sleves
Total bill, $36 and change.

>> No.1478159

You can tell just by looking at the pins. If they end in a T shape, it's a regular cart. If they end in an L shape, then it's a converter.

>> No.1478194
File: 359 KB, 479x340, TEST PS2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PS2 Debugger
>Vice City
>Memory Card
Bought it last year.

>> No.1478354

Damn. I paid $175 for mine and it was console only.

>> No.1478391
File: 100 KB, 284x312, 1369751646108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ, who did you buy from?

>> No.1478405 [DELETED] 

I sincerely hope not. I see ps2 consoles complete with peripherals and games for $40 almost every single day on craigslist locally.

>> No.1478407


I found out recently the EyeToy is a fantastic high quality webcam if you get the drivers for it.

Not strictly /vr/ but still interesting.

>> No.1478415

I have a box of the fucking things. I've been thinking about taking one apart and seeing how it works just for the hell of it.

>> No.1478458

Nigga what

I paid 40 Euro for a slim (+ new memory card and controller)

You dun goofed

>> No.1478460

Was meant for >>1478354

I just looked on Amazon http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=playstation%202 what the hell Anon.

>> No.1478467
File: 28 KB, 504x600, NECTurboExpress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a TurboExpress with Dungeon Explorer for $251

>> No.1478483

just picked up a dreamcast with 2 controllers for $30 off craigslist

pretty excited about it

>> No.1478518
File: 393 KB, 2048x1536, debugger-dtl-h-30002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retail slim, or a debugger? The slim debuggers with the "test" markings look pretty cool in my opinion.

Pic related is the same debugger showed in my first pic. It's dusty as fuck considering it's under my tv stand.

>> No.1478530

That's pretty neat Anon. I bought a scratched up Dreamcast a while ago for like £00.50p at a junk shop without the cables or accessories sold as "spares" because it had a loud rattle inside of it. I took it apart and it had a little plastic monkey inside of it, cleaned the console out for dust, and it works fine. The monkey now resides on my shelf with my collection of weird shit.

I strongly recommend Jet Set Radio/Jet Grind Radio, that game kicks ass. Some guy on eBay is selling brand new copies still in their packaging. I've bought two copies from him, and they're top notch as fuck.

>> No.1478542
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Do you own the debugger because it's cool, or do you actually use it for something? I'd probably like to own one sometime, but I'm not sure if there's really any reason to other than looks.

I'm pretty set on getting one of the debug PSXs though.

>> No.1478554

Today I got 2 N64 controllers, 1 grey, dirty with an alright stick and 1 jungle green in great shape, for $2 each.

>> No.1478572
File: 59 KB, 720x540, 1395189107163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a boxed DC with an original controller, a boxed 3rd party one (that's actually pretty nice), Virtual Tennis, Sonic Adventure, Jetgrind, the Internet Browser and some demo discs for $20 at a garage sale once.

The only issue with it is the disc-reading laser, but if I keep the unit free of dust it runs fine.

>> No.1478574

A bit of both really. I love the "TEST" marking because it looks cool, and the console its self has an awesome history behind it. But the main reason I have it is because it's regionless, and I can use it to play any ps2 game in the world (including debug/prerelease stuff), and I don't have to have a stack of like five PS2's for each region in order to do so.

As for the PS1 debuggers, those things kick ass, but they're stupidly overpriced. I had a green one + a net yaroze about seven or eight years ago but I had to sell them because I was down on cash at the time (I regret it, but shit, what can you do? Hard times.)

Good luck tracking one down though, Anon. Post pictures if you ever get your hands on one, I'd love to see it.

>> No.1478580

whats the screen like on the Express? Is it okay, or some super washed out passive scan shit?

>> No.1478586

JSR and Shenmue are the main reasons I picked it up and a brand new copy sounds awesome. Thanks for the tip

Damn, I haven't been able to find cheap N64 controllers for a long time

>> No.1478607

Here's the listing if you need it: ebay.co.uk/itm/190369440085

>> No.1478653
File: 1.64 MB, 2160x1620, DSCN0732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picked this lot up over the weekend for $70. Probably overpaid a bit, but it's all in good condition.

Plus I now have a sports edition system to go with my sports edition controller.

>> No.1478769

Thanks, man, I'll be sure to get some pictures up I ever find one for a reasonable price.

>> No.1478881

That's actually a pretty good deal. Paid a fair price for it, everybody wins.

>> No.1479073

Holy shit, really? I picked up a copy about six months ago from a local game store for $10.

>> No.1479473

I don't know. It hasn't arrived yet

>> No.1479475

I don't know. It hasn't arrived yet

>> No.1479549

Debugger PS2s can also play any region PS1 games as well as burned "master" discs for both platforms.

>> No.1479694

Just got Hack Vol 3 for 15 and Vol4 for 19 Euro.Paid 17 for Vol 1.

Now I only gotta find Vol 2 for a decent price.

>> No.1479696

i just snagged a sega saturn for US$5.50, ten bucks to ship though. still a good deal i think.

>> No.1479816

Last week I got the following SNES games from the most butch lesbian I have ever seen over Craigslist:

Yoshis island
Dr Mario/Tetris
Super Mario kart
Techmo super bowl
Street fighter alpha 2
Killer instinct
Kirby's avalanche
Pitfall the Mayan adventure
Skull jäger
PAC man 2
Space invaders

All in a drawer style cartridge case that fits n64 and SNES carts. It has the n64 logo on the front of it. Pretty cool.

Got all of it for $60. She wanted $70. I offered $40, but 60 was as low as she'd go. I'm happy with it. All in fantastic shape and I got a few good doubles and I dig the case a lot.

>> No.1479859

>5 PlayStations at $7/piece
>Dreamcast for $15, Crazy Taxi was in it so I got that discounted for like a dollar
>lot of 50 NES games for $20
>lot of 17 NESs for $40
>found 20 Genesis games at a rummage sale, I got all of them form $15

>> No.1479863

Who even bothers to get rid of something for $5 anyway? If I had an old console with me I wouldn't actually bother to sell it unless it was really expensive.

>> No.1479868

$5 is $5, if you have 4 old consoles lying around that you don't care for, that's $20 more than you had before.

>> No.1479878

I'm aware of the lack of a PS1 region lock, but I wasn't aware of burned games working on it. Thanks for the tip Anon.

As far as I know, it doesn't play DVD's, but I have yet to try that out.

>> No.1479907

it was an auction on gaybay, my max was 15.

it ended in the middle of the night so i guess i got lucky.

no accessories though

>> No.1480084

Layer Section, Panzer Dragoon 1 and 2, Shining the Holy Ark and Sega Genesis Collection on PSP

>> No.1480593

I picked up two Dreamcasts and a DC controller at a flea market for $8 once. There were no cords and the lady didn't know if they worked or not. They both did. One even had Crazy Taxi in the drive.

>> No.1480601

You'll need to patch the ISO so it is labeled as a master in the header before burning if you want to play burned games. I think there is a link to the patch program somewhere in this thread.


>> No.1483476

Question: is $30 for a complete Wild Arms 2 worth it? I'm a huge Wild arms fan is 2 is the only game of the series I haven't played.

>> No.1483493
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Got these today for about 45 bucks.
>Klonoa 2 and Insector X 15
>Mickey Mania and Snake Rattle Roll 5
>Fuck sales tax
Not the greatest deal, But I don't feel bad about it. Cheaper then it would have been individually on jewbay anyway.

>> No.1483590

I just got Dinosaur Peak off Craigslist for about 20 dollars.

Call me a liar if you want, but it's the truth. Some 40 year old guy, didn't know what he had, selling about 8 games for 40 dollars, one just happened to be Dino Peak. Others were common shit like Bubble Bobble, Yoshi, Captain Skyhawk, etc.

>> No.1484091

Not sure what the average price is where you live, but where I am at I see complete copies in a variety of conditions starting at $16 at the cheapest (love that store; only place around here that charges consistently lower prices than pretty much anywhere else). I do see some places out here trying to charge $30 each for both Playstation games though.

>> No.1485926
File: 1.23 MB, 1952x3264, IMAG0390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got these for $5 each looking back should have offered less for star wars and F-1. I've started a small collection of n64 games and it got me thinking of buying and reselling any tips on anything I should be on the look out for? I already check out local thrift stores and flea markets swap meets etc.and see them all the time just never occured to me that people want them.

>> No.1486025
File: 96 KB, 720x960, Doom for the 3do.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this in today. The box is in perfect condition, and it only cost me $50

>> No.1486383

got a PSX that was dropped off where i work (we do free computer recycling) today.
other stuff people have given us:
wii and games
NES games and controllers

>> No.1486401

How's is compare to the PSX version (which also has a rad box)?

>> No.1486434 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 424 KB, 1600x1200, 140302_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got this bad boy for $75 off of craigslist. Only copy I ever saw on the site, so I'm glad I was able to catch it. The lady I bought it from said her son bought it, but she took it away from him cause it was rated M, and then sold it to me. Poor kid...

>> No.1486452

>Garage sale find
Non working virtual boy $5
Oot Gold cart loose $2
Majoras mask CIB collectors $2
And a couple generic 64 games. $2

Fixed the virtual boy and going to sell it all to buy some genesis games I hope.

>> No.1486670

How much are you going to sell the virtual boy for? I really want one.

>> No.1486682

is that really that rare?

>> No.1486783

I got mine for 32 at a local new and used entertainment store.

>> No.1486902

Is a famicom for $20 a good deal? Comes with 2 controllers only, no cables.

Saw it at the local thrift store, and they're holding it for me until tomorrow. It was labeled "rare prototype nintendo" heh.

>> No.1486907

Ouch, I bought mine for $10 from ebay around 2010. It couldn't have gone up that much?

Great game.

>> No.1487412
File: 703 KB, 2592x1552, IMAG0471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paid 34€ for everything. Might be a little too much

>> No.1487442
File: 2.08 MB, 3648x2736, DSCN3343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got this for 40 euros.
I've been looking for a copy for like 6 months.

>> No.1487450
File: 2.01 MB, 3648x2736, DSCN3345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Box is in really nice shape.

>> No.1487454
File: 2.28 MB, 3648x2736, DSCN3346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also got all of these for 40 euros combined.

>> No.1487461

The only game out of these with a good PAL conversion is SMB3 (and even then, it might play at the correct speed, but the aspect ratio is still fucked).
In other words you paid 80e for nice boxes.

>> No.1487462

How hard is it to find NES games in the netherlands? Let alone boxed?

>> No.1487464
File: 84 KB, 427x474, 1395218188710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bought that too the other day
i felt ripped, i thought it was going to be something similar (read: good) like Chips Challenge, but instead i got a stupid breakout clone

>> No.1487465

We PAL collectors know this, but what should we do? Import everything? Nah, there wouldn't be any fun in collecting left.

>> No.1487474

I import all my stuff except for PAL exclusives, good PAL conversions, PC games and handled games.

I don't know how you can spend that much money on unplayable games.

>> No.1487494

When it comes out i'm gonna get a Retron 5.
Since you can overclock your games,
wich means i can speed up my pal carts.

>> No.1487497

Belgium actually.
Pretty hard, but sometimes you get lucky.
I also have a retro game store in my town. Thats where i got Megaman 2.

>> No.1487503

"Unplayable games"
They are perfectly playable. It's only with some game that you actually can tell a difference. With most of them you can only tell the difference side to side.

>> No.1487504

Only with some games*

>> No.1487570

>Socom 1
>Socom 2
>Socom 3

$10 off Kijiji, all perfect condition with manuals.

>Silent Hill 2 Greatest Hits
$1.99 off Amazon, perfect condition with manual.

Now's the chance to build your PS2 library before resellers catch on.

>> No.1487586

Chu Chu Rocket
Track and Field
Space Channel 5
Virtua Tennis 2
UEFA Dream Soccer
Sega GT
European Super League
Dynamite Cop
Crazy Taxi

All for 40€. Think I did good.

>> No.1487601

>tfw i will never ever ever get cool places like huge flea markets, yard sales and used games stores around here ;_;
The lucky finds I've had on the internet is a N64 for 35$, 2 controllers and 3 mediocre games and an SNES for 100$ with 7 games. (not shitting you, ended up selling it afterwards for the same price)
Collecting in europe is hard, man.

>> No.1487643
File: 417 KB, 1600x1200, 2014-03-22 15.17.13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A quiet day out
Today's buys,
>PC game £2,
>PSP game (been after this one) £5 (ok not /vr/),
>Rise 2 Resurrection £5,
>Sonic money jar £1.50,

>> No.1487651
File: 859 KB, 1980x1485, DSC03457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this in the mail today. Boxed DC gamepad with jump pack + vmu and sealed copy of MSR. It cost me 50 bucks including shipping.

>> No.1487718

What country? Do you have any national classifieds site? It helps a lot.

>> No.1487724


Explain yourself

>> No.1487748

I hope you mean dollars when you say bucks. Because €50/£50 for that would be criminal.

>> No.1487776
File: 1.52 MB, 2765x2074, IMG_0125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paid $9 for DMC3: SE (new) including shipping.

The rest of the Dreamcast stuff I got through a trade. Shenmue is in great shape, the DC controller is yellowed but works much better than my other ones, Soul Caliber is CD only but good shape, Crazy Taxi has no manual and the disc is scratched beyond shit but it still somehow works.

>> No.1487780
File: 16 KB, 225x225, d_no_shokutaku_saturncover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ordered a Sega Saturn copy of Shienryu for $50. A little high, but it's been a long time since I saw one of those go for $40.

Cotton 2 also came in the mail for $60. Again, a bit too high, but at least I can always sell it again and get most, if not all, my money back.

I've been funding them through selling old GBA, DS, and Saturn games. I'm glad people are always out there looking to buy Mario and Zelda games. The next bout of saturn-selling should be more than enough to recoup the losses and add some funds to the war-chest. pic-related; I'm selling this piece of shit.

The general idea is to pick up a small chunk of the ST-V games for the Saturn (already have most of the must-plays, outside of one). I'm not interested in all of them though (screw the puzzle game mahjong junk). A few other Saturn exclusives (Mr. Bones, Virtua Cop 2), and then I'm pretty much done buying games for the thing.

Sort of this, though I admit that I like having a nice complete package. However, in the Saturn's case, I am more and more considering that I should stop caring about paying extra for those shitty, huge, fragile plastic cases.

>> No.1487782

What's wrong, anon?
>I hope you mean dollars when you say bucks.
That's what I'm actually meant.

>> No.1487849
File: 887 KB, 1224x1632, Neo Motherfucking Geo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Neo Geo Pocket Colour (Japanese model packed in with Aruze fruit machine cartridge I'll probably never ever ever use) - £25
>Metal Slug 1st Mission (PAL, excellent condition, clamshell box) - £15

Also have a boxed Japanese copy of Biomotor Unitron on the way that cost me £11 shipped from a place in Akiba.

I'm very happy with the console itself, it arrived this morning and clearly had never even been taken out of the plastic wrapper. The original batteries from 14 years ago were still sealed in their little bags in the box...

>> No.1487915
File: 26 KB, 480x400, danlebatardchristmas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get a Game Boy Color for 3 bucks on Amazon (no idea how, I guess I got lucky)
>shipping from FedEx
>Amazon says out for delivery yesterday
>think it's coming that day
>it doesn't
>transferred over to USPS
>it's out for delivery today
>still hasn't come yet and the mail usually comes by 2 o'clock

waiting for a package kinda sucks.

>> No.1487931

>What's wrong, anon?

I don't understand how this happened. Did you import it from the US?

>> No.1487938

is sucks as much as it is great when it arrives!...but yeah ok, it is better when shit is delivered the next day or something

>> No.1487956
File: 188 KB, 956x661, ce6fef3ada[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not retro but I finally got these after a week of being patient and waiting for the packages to arrive

>> No.1488014
File: 142 KB, 1003x340, IMG-20140315-WA0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I´m new to /vr/ and I started to build a PSX/PS2 collection since I sold both in the past (Idiot me)

Not in the picture are Hack Vol 2+4, still looking for a cheap Vol.3

Got some decent prices for some stuff: I got both PSX FF´s for 10 Euro and Dark Chronicles for 15.Each Hack game between 15-20 and Vagrant Story for 8 Euro.

Also keep in mind I never played one Games from all of these (except for The Gateway) so shit should be fun.

Still looking for a lot of others game like Dino Crisis, Parasite Eve, remaining FF´s, Shadow Heats, Magnacarta and so on.......

>> No.1488020

the amount of non /vr/ shit here is to damn high.

PS2 and xbox aren't /vr/

>> No.1488210
File: 154 KB, 900x1421, Untitled-1 copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think there's a Sato thread up right now so I'll just leave this here

There's a copy of Osamu Sato's "Transmigration" CD album for sale on Discogs right now. It doesn't contain the second disc, however. It's $40 before shipping. Normally complete one of these goes for as high as $150-200. In case anyone wants it.

>> No.1488237

Yeah, due to the combination of poor sales and the controversy surrounding the game's nature (kids doing violent and sexual stuff). I heard only a few thousand were ever sold in NA.

>> No.1488260

Tomorrow I'm going to go to the usual flea market, I probably won't find anything, I'm also waiting some emails, will report with news tomorrow.

>> No.1488261

Hell, several games for those systems are already pretty costly (i'm looking at you .Hack Quarantine, Rule of Rose, Call of Cthulhu, and Steel Battalion)

>> No.1488313

> Rule of Rose, Call of Cthulhu, and Steel Battalion

Are they even good games? Don´t want to pay much for them just only because they´re rare.

>> No.1488624

call of cthulhu and steel battalion are bretty gud rule of rose has a great story but annoying game play

>> No.1488737
File: 56 KB, 600x450, 00G0G_4pJ6S9if7OH_600x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A guy wants $10 apiece for these Intellivision games. All of them are complete. Any of them worth it?

>> No.1489087

I went to a flea market and got a few games from it:

Donkey Kong 64
Shadowgate 64
Porky pigs haunted house (snes)
Bomberman Hero

Cost about 70$ Did I fuck up or was the a okay price?

>> No.1489092

Recently scored a PAL copy of the original Gex for PS1 for like 2 bucks. Turns out its worth at least 20x that much. Pretty stoked.

>> No.1489105

this is the exact version i got for 2 dollars:



>> No.1489187

most of my stuff wasn't retro, but today at an estate sale i bought:

1 green GBC
1 grey GB (with a charging battery pak)
1 pink DS lite in the box
Zelda Oracle of Seasons
Mario Kart DS
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Darkness
and 3 other shit games.

>> No.1489192

and that was 20 bucks for everything.

>> No.1489938

>Dark Chronicles for 15
Lucky bastard, paid 25 for mine

>> No.1491283


Not a great deal, but you didn't get ripped off either.

>> No.1491360

$10 for everything at my local thrift shop. I was shocked to see everything together and on the electronics shelf. Retro games are normally sold individually behind the counter for Ebay prices.

>> No.1491375
File: 641 KB, 2304x1728, thriftwin2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


forgot pic

>> No.1492450
File: 1.44 MB, 2048x1536, IMG_0283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paid 50€ for all these. Pretty sweet.
Everything has manuals, though half the cases have broken grapples.

>implying you're not jelly of my Space Channel 5

>> No.1492470

Not retro, but I see many posts here are also not retro.

Anyways, I got Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts 2 and Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories in mint condition for 50 bucks. They were all black label games, too.

>> No.1493552
File: 253 KB, 1200x900, IMG_1832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did a Game Boy binge today at the local retro store and thing I did quite good. Got this whole lot for $28

>> No.1493625


>dat eternal champions for sega genesis

>> No.1493945
File: 1.91 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20140324_181944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Virtual On OT for $12. Not a super great deal but it was nice to find.

Sega Ages near mint (all manuals and posters haven't even been opened) for $20. That's fucking awesome. It was even at our shitty game store known for price gouging.

>> No.1493959

Im actually interested to know this as well. I recently came into about 12 or so complete intellivision games and aint really sure what to do with them, either sell them or actually get an intellivision.
Ebay prices seem to normally be between 10-15, but I really cant imagine theres a huge market for this stuff

>> No.1493963

>revenge of the gator
you're in for a treat -- HAL decided to take the Kirby Pinball engine for one last spin

>> No.1493975

What are you talking about? Revenge of the Gator predates Kirby's Pinball Land by 4 years.

>> No.1494152

Oh shit, Sega Ages for $20?!
man, I'm jelly

Also, $12 for VOOT sounds pretty normal.

>> No.1494182


>Pocket Bomberman

One of my favourite GBC games, too bad it's so short


Great deal for $10. Good show.


That Sega Ages was a real steal, and you took right from under a reseller's nose. I'm proud of you.

>> No.1494192

Unfortunately doom for the 3do sucks ass. The PSX version is probably the best home port of doom that would be considered retro.

>> No.1494196
File: 2.00 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20140324_203342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah VOOT was just nice to find without paying S/H for an OK price. I'd never seen it before.

I still can't believe how cheap this Ages was. It looks like it was opened and never played or even fucked with. I've wanted a perfect accurate version of Space Harrier forever and this is supposed to be the most accurate home port there is. Pretty hyped up for sure.

>> No.1494480


>working designs t-shirts for the f
"fashion conscious"

big lol

>> No.1494484
File: 110 KB, 640x848, 1394586532691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eternal Champions $3.50.

Where I am that shit goes for more like $13.50.

>> No.1494503
File: 24 KB, 220x333, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She wants it man.

>> No.1494507

Never heard of the SMC's until today! Are they Japan only? Am thinking of getting some as a birthday present, but if so I wanna swap the discs with english language copies of the game because the wife doesn't read moon.

>> No.1494569

Dammit guys, each time I come to this board I get depressed. Where I live [Insert 3rd world country] most of the flea markets only have bootleg or fake versions of crappy videogames.
And the original ones are overpriced. $60 USA bucks for Megaman X collection for the PS2, hahaha_fuckyou.jpg.

tl;dr Anybody knows where to find old games at reasonable prices on the internet?

>> No.1494571

>60 bucks for MMX collection

Sure, that's overpriced by about 3 fold, but its still many times cheaper than buying all those MM games as individual copies here in the USA.

>> No.1494579

It's the same here. Megaman X2 $100 bucks because it's 'super retro'. What the hell does that even mean?

Even PS3 shittier games are at least $35. People around here are idiots.

>> No.1494581


$100 is a lot for X2, but do keep in mind that X2 and 3 have always gone for higher prices

>> No.1494587

Well, maybe you're right. But I don't know man, those $100 bucks are like more than a thousand here.
I'll see what I can do. Thanks.

>> No.1494595

I wouldn't pay 100 for X2 over here either, to be honest. Just wait for a deal, I guess.

>> No.1494606
File: 1.95 MB, 2560x1920, 20140226_020038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got this for 25 bucks last week

>> No.1494615
File: 493 KB, 320x241, K7c7ufm[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oracle of Seasons

Hell yeah

>> No.1494619
File: 215 KB, 1280x720, 1348605765546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fucking shit, you'd better enjoy the hell out of those. I just saw similar copies in good condition in a shop for $50 EACH.

I'm so jealous even my eyelashes are green.

>> No.1494625


I am very jealous. Great pick up. Seasons is such a good game too.

>> No.1494628

I ""lucked out"" on ebay and managed to win a copy of Cannon Spike for $50.

It really sucks how like 6 years ago, that game was like $20. I shouldn't complain, considering the game's absurd price hiking.

>> No.1494632

i didn't get a nice box with mine, but i got oracle of seasons for 25 cents. never played it yet, only played ages because sexy magic lady.

>> No.1495082

Looks like my local game store is having a 20% off sale on NES games. Their prices usually pretty good, but I'll see if they have anything worthwhile.

>> No.1495782

Just how micro is a gameboy micro? Bidding on a couple gba games on ebay and if I win I was thinking about playing them on their native console , either a SP or a micro. (The advanced is great but no backlight is suffering.) I could always play them on my ds but it's just not the same , you know?

>> No.1495792

Update: HOLY SHIT KWIRK IS SUCH A FUN AND CHILL GAME! A unique type of puzzle game I haven't seen before, and the music just makes me so happy! Goddamn guys pick this one up if you're into puzzle games.

>> No.1496028
File: 1.85 MB, 3264x1840, IMAG0082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found a NegCon

This takes some getting used to in racing, I keep mixing up left and right in corners.

>> No.1496748
File: 1.31 MB, 2304x1728, r1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back with more. This one was probably my most unique trip yet.

Toejam and Earl is, so far, the most expensive Sega Genesis game I've bought.

>Toejam and Earl, cart only - $19.99
>Desert Strike, CIB - $3.99
>Jungle Strike, CIB - $3.99
>The Lion King, CIB - $4.99
>X-Men, cart only - $3.99
>Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine, cart only - $2.99
>Super Street Fighter II, CIB - $5.99
>Dinosaurs for Hire, CIB - $6.99

Could've done better price-wise, but the cases and manuals I got are all in great shape.

>> No.1496757
File: 1.50 MB, 2304x1728, r2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You probably noticed that I bought a second copy of Jungle Strike despite already having bought a loose cart. Two reasons.

One, case and manual. Two, for some reason one of them is on an EA cart while the first version I bought was on a standard Genesis cart (as >>1475992 pointed out).

I don't know why. If anyone knows when EA made standard Genesis cartridge versions of Jungle Strike and why, let me know. For now, it's just a nice little novelty.

>> No.1496765

About 4 inches by 1.5 inches. "Micro" isn't kidding. Good luck playing games on that for long periods without severe eyestrain. Also not retro.

>> No.1496768
File: 908 KB, 2304x1728, r3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This was included in the Jungle Strike case I bought too. I guess this makes it 'super complete' or something. Has an old white postcard questionnaire asking you things like your age and what video game systems you own (it only lists Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis, and Sega CD) as well as this blindingly pink advertisement for EA's tip hotline.

>> No.1496775
File: 824 KB, 2304x1728, r4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not only that, but this was also in the Jungle Strike case. A very thoughtful memento from the previous owner that has some useful codes. Written very tastefully on banana-colored paper.

Thanks, whoever owned this copy of Jungle Strike.

>> No.1496793
File: 925 KB, 2304x1728, r5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Okay, last thing. The manual of Super Street Fighter II has a special offer for this fancy, six-button gamepad. Looks like a good deal too. Only a little over ten bucks? Most good console controllers nowadays are as expensive as brand new games. Even the knock-off brand controllers are never that affordable.

It seems like the previous owner of this game filled it out but never sent off for the controller. Seems like there might be a sad story behind that.

...Marcus? You here, man? I got your game.

>> No.1496834


TJ&E cart only is a bad deal at $20 man. Rest is decent-great value

>> No.1496853


Yeah, I know. I'm glad I got the game, but price-wise I ain't proud of that. It was at least better than most of the prices I saw online...but with the way online resellers do things, that's not saying much.

>> No.1496879

Persona 4
Devil Summoner 2
Megaman x6 on ps1
Jungle Book on SNES

All for 99 cents

Won't play the first two, just know someone I know will trade me them for a game I want

>> No.1497104
File: 2.92 MB, 400x244, prasiemurica.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw just got a Wonderswan and Dragon Warrior 3 GBC for around $12 each

I feel pretty good.

>> No.1498156


I wonder what would happen if you sent it in.

>> No.1498776
File: 1.22 MB, 1161x1289, recent-finds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are some recent purchase/finds of mine. From a combination of Jewbay and local shops.

>> No.1498884


Man, I really want to start getting some Saturn stuff.

Also, what's the game in the upper right? I can't read that stuff.

>> No.1499023
File: 113 KB, 600x800, hFZsx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's Annet Futatabi for the Mega CD. It's the sequel to El Viento and part of the Ernest Evans series.

>> No.1500036

Someone on my local craigslist is selling Megaman 6, Tiny Toon Adventues 2, Adventure Island, SMB, and T&C Surf for $35. does that sound like a good deal to you guys?

>> No.1500059

Do you have a modded console, a Japanese one, or you just put the CD in your computer and run an emulator?

I have the game but its kind of meh. The cutscenes are animated sure, but don't look particularly better than the stills from El Viento. And the game itself is no Final Fight CD.

>> No.1500102

I'd say yes just for Mega Man 6 alone which goes for that much and up. All the other games, especially adventure island, are icing on the cake.

>> No.1500136

For now, I'm playing it via emulation, but I'm planning on getting my X'Eye region modded.

Yeah, it's average at best, but I got it for cheap.

>> No.1500224
File: 1.23 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20140327_155109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got a big package in the mail


>> No.1500249
File: 1.80 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20140327_024339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-I found an Action Set NES boxed (console, original cables, joystick, zapper, game, styrofoam) for $10 on a flea market.
-A SNES boxed (2 joysticks, original cables, without game, styrofoam) for $20.
-SNES Killer Instinct for $6.
-n64, boxed, ice blue (joystick, original cables) $60 on internet.
-Gamecube boxed (great condition, joystick, original cables, game) $50 on internet.
-Wii red edition, boxed (great condition, everything that comes with a new wii red edition) $100 on internet.
In my country its hard to find this stuff, so I tryed to look for the cheaper and better.

>> No.1500345
File: 288 KB, 1224x815, pikachu64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got all this for 45$

>> No.1500378


wow, never realised the pokemon n64 was so weirdly shaped for the sake of fitting pikachu on there.

>> No.1500383
File: 16 KB, 230x230, pig disgusting 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stickers on labels

>> No.1500387

Is that a Rumble Roses figurine?

>Deception II
>Parasit eEve
>Dino Crisis


>> No.1500403
File: 278 KB, 1645x2321, 1395906747465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, G-Taste figure. It's part of the box set for G-Taste Mahjong on PS2.

I have a huge hard-on for Hiroki Yagami.

>> No.1503417
File: 283 KB, 1283x963, IMG_20140328_142506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got these at a Pawnshop today, They were 2 bucks each, so I'm pretty happy.

>> No.1503424


I've been meaning to download that Tamagotchi game for the longest time. And Revelations is a good game. It's pretty much what you get when you combine DQ with SMT.

>> No.1503431

There's some quality titles in there for that fuckin price
Don't underestimate MK2 it's the best fighter on the GB and has no slowdown like SF2 does

>> No.1503432


>> No.1504008

Today I got three Super Famicom controllers in the mail. Took 5 days to arrive from hit-japan, which was pretty sweet.

They were listed as grade D, got them for $4 apiece. Tried them out today and all of the Start/Select buttons didn't work, and on one the DPAD didn't work.

Took them all apart, washed the plastics in hot soapy water, cleaned up the boards gently with rubbing alcohol and put the whole lot back together late afternoon. I now have 3 fully working non-yellow SuFami controllers!

I'm really sorry to anyone who'll hate me for this, but I'm butchering one with the insides of a cheap usb snes controller for use as a proper USB device for emulation.

>> No.1504015

My local retro game store will not charge less than $5 for any NES game. Is that normal?

>> No.1504019


I would kill to buy NES games for £3.

>> No.1504057

Wish my local pawn shops had anything of worth vidya-wise. Unfortunately either people are too smart to sell their old, worthwhile games to them (pretty much all I see at them are sports and movie games that regular stores don't exactly want), resellers frequently make rounds and snatch up anything of worth, or people where I live just don't have that good of taste in games.

>> No.1504139


Nice OP, that one's a bit more expensive usually.

>> No.1504246
File: 573 KB, 1277x958, IMG_1492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit guys! This is by far the best deal I have ever gotten on craigslist. $100 for all of this. did I do good?

>> No.1504256
File: 478 KB, 1277x958, IMG_1498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a close up of the ps1 stuff since you can't really make out the titles in the haul pic.

>> No.1504582
File: 26 KB, 540x405, corpse_killer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think by sheer volume you got a great deal. Sell off all the lousy games and make some money back.

Corpse Killer is worth $100 of shame, though.


I picked up Sky Target on the saturn for $15. I think this is the first truly-awful-looking Sega Saturn game I've played. I mean, a lot look like shit, and that early 3D is hideous, but Sky Target is pretty unique in how ugly it looks. Everything is a weird screen-door mesh. I can't say I don't like the game though. Goofy, stupid fun with some seriously cheese-ball music.

>> No.1504587


I'm not Alan Tudyk Monkey from above, but I get his sentiment; The oldest console of mine that's still hooked up is one of my Dreamcasts. All the rest haven't seen action for at least a decade. They really are just taking up space. I still have my memories and the emulation is essentially perfect at this point. There's nothing wrong with it.

>> No.1504591
File: 307 KB, 752x1063, dsf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picked this up earlier today at the fleamarket for fuckin 3.50!!! holy shiiiiteeee im in heaven

>> No.1504598

such deal. so good. wow

>> No.1504694

yeah, I plan on selling the shit I dont want. but fuck it though, I would have given the dude $100 for just the consoles. I forgot how much I missed my Saturn from when I was a kid need a new battery for it though.

>> No.1505253

Why do I even look at threads like these? It just makes me jealous cause I don't have the money to build much of a collection right now. The rarest thing I've got I'd say is Policenauts.

>> No.1505857

>All that treasure for only 3.50

...No. You're a liar, that can't be true at all.

>> No.1505864

Bait Troll
Bait Troll

>> No.1505896
File: 34 KB, 400x300, gradius gaiden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought this copy of Gradius Gaiden off of ebay for about $23 with free shipping, and then immediately bought a Gameshark for $17.

>> No.1505918

jesus I wish we had such nice prices here. Paid 50 for my nes with mario/duckhunt and castlevania

>> No.1505936

Quebec /vr/?

>> No.1506403
File: 2.05 MB, 2064x1161, japanese-gmaing-magazines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got in this lot of Japanese gaming magazines from the '90s. The oldest one being the Megadrive mag from '93.

The sticker on the NeoGeo Freaks' cover says "Diehards copy". I wonder what that's in reference to? Was it once owned by the Diehard Gamefan magazine guys?

>> No.1507540

2 first flea markets of the season today.

Nothing but scraps and two resellers with prices worse than in stores for things in bad conditions
>12€ for loose cart of PAL version of Bayou Billy on NES
>60€ bad state FF9 and 50€ bad taste platinum version of FF7
etc, you get the idea...

Why is it that in France 'sandniggers' invaded the reselling market? It's like they have NO idea what they're doing, too, buying and trying to resell things in terrible conditions and scraps/sports game nobody would ever want.
I've vowed to never buy to a reseller (no need to make a vow though considering the state and prices of things... ) so I'm just waiting till they're sick of not making money. I've never seen anyone buy anything from them, too. People just browse through the games, see the prices, and leave.

>> No.1507548

Sandniggers are probably used to the barter system. They probably expect people to haggle with them.

>> No.1507552

Are those female creatures on the cover of the bottom left magazine from King of Fighters? The art style is familiar, but I was never really into fighting games so I can't identify them.

Either way that looks like a good score. Do you read Japanese?

>> No.1507556

Except that, even if you haggle down those FF games and that bayou billy to half of what they were asking (which would be making it go down a lot), it would still be way too much.

>> No.1507554

these are pretty neat, do they have color pages?

>> No.1508000

Just got back with a handful from the local gamer exchange. All of tese are loose carts

N64 - Diddy Kong Racing - $10
N64 - Ken Griffy Jr Major League Baseball - $1
N64 - WCW / nWo Revenge - $1
NES - Batman - $5
NES - Shadowgate $5

>> No.1508059

Yup! That magazine is NeoGeo Freak! Pretty cool magazine if you're into the NeoGeo scene!

I can read hiragana and katana, but my ability to read kanji is near zilch.

Yup! Good mixture of full color, b/w, and 2-3 tone pages!

>> No.1508062


Haha, that's supposed to be KATAKANA. Darn typos...

>> No.1508431
File: 402 KB, 962x1443, IMG_1978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was it worth it guys?

>> No.1509725

Only a megadrive controller it has been really dry for retro lately i have been finding a shitload of ps2 and 360 though

>> No.1509802

the rage in dublin?

>> No.1509842

I bid on an auction for shining force, it was 9.99 with free shipping and I was the first bidder.
I didn't notice that it said the battery is dead.
no one bid against me
how badly did I fuck up, or is this a gold/silver version tier fix.
I've got gamebits already, so the issue is finding the correct battery.

I also got disgaea 2 (once again, only bidder at 7.50 w/free shipping, but its CIB and working afaik)
And 6 boxed genesis games at a local store:
Out of This World (no paperwork)
Flashback (no paperwork)
Chuck Rock 2 (CIB)
Road Rash 1+2 (both CIB)
all for $17.

>> No.1511310
File: 85 KB, 649x960, 1396313826460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought off a local Facebook group ad.

>> No.1511319

So, I've been considering collecting Neo Geo stuff for awhile now. Should I prepare to take out a loan, or should I be fine if it's a little bit at a time?

>> No.1511423

I hope you are rich looking into an arcade cab instead

>> No.1511940
File: 181 KB, 1211x797, Coleco Gemini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this at a thrift store a week or two ago for $25.

It has everything except for Donkey Kong and the owner's manual.

>> No.1511981

I assume Sega finally cut a licensing deal with EA. That way Sega could finally start collecting fees and EA wouldn't have to manufacturer their own carts.

>> No.1511991

why did you set up your galaxy to use the old lady font?

>> No.1512681

The pic is from the ad itself. Ironically, I bought it from an older lady.

>> No.1512858
File: 79 KB, 400x315, reaction intensifies.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Local used game store has a copy of Digimon World, CIB
>Case, manual, and disc all in excellent condition

Oh God, should I?

>> No.1512865

Just take your chances and hunt one online for about $10-$29 cheaper

>> No.1513867
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$50. How did I do?

>> No.1513880

So, when do outdoor flea markets start showing up? Toronto indoor flea markets are trash.

>> No.1513882

I want to live there but Canada won't let me move until I give them a million dollars. :-(
I'm not even joking. I spoke to someone at the Canadian consulate about applying for immigration and they want me to give the Canadian government a million bucks. Fucking gay.

>> No.1514313

I think I was really lucky founding the NES, the guy didn't knew a shit about what he was selling, the console wasn't working, but it needed 2 easy to do fixes

>> No.1514558
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>> No.1514568

Shipping kills the deal.

>> No.1514581

Looks like it's pretty washed out, and it even had a stain inside the screen. Luckily I could get it cleaned.

>> No.1514585

for 50 bucks you did damn good, anon

>> No.1514591

$1000 still have to pay shipping

>> No.1514624


It's $10,000

>> No.1514629

That's even worse
how can they still charge shipping on top of that ?

>> No.1514636
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Got these at a flea market for 3 euros apiece. They're all in mint condition with manuals.
I think I did pretty good, these games go for 20 euros here in Finland.

>> No.1514646

Fiingamer is that you

>> No.1514689


>> No.1514713

I visit a retro game website in my country that's doing big promotions on several PS2 games. They're selling a lot of them for 1.25€ each (5€ for 4 games) - should I do it?
I don't even have a PS2, but I'll eventually hunt for one. Should I do it?

>> No.1515210

scans when?

>> No.1515532


I am well-aware that this post was made over a week ago.

Despite this, that CIB Legend of the Mystical Ninja makes me jealous.

>> No.1515591
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£2 from the local cash-converters clone

>> No.1515652

I bought Gran Turismo 2 for 3$, and Halo 2 Collectors Edition (with all included goodies) for about 10$

also, anyone else having trouble solving captchas?

>> No.1515687

>PS2 Debugger

jelly as fuck

>> No.1515695

>buying PAL games

I hope you're planning on reselling that at a profit.

>> No.1515969
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Just bought Drakken on SNES for seven bucks at my local retro store.

I've been intrigued by this game since I was ten, on account of the box art alone. Did I make a good buy, /vr?

>> No.1516108

Maybe he's an Aussie and bought the game to actually PLAY and ENJOY it

>> No.1516121

let it rot, get a flashcart for like 0.01% of that

>> No.1516127

>Maybe he's an Aussie and bought the game to actually PLAY and ENJOY it
No need to insult a whole country like that. Plenty of Aussies have standards.

>> No.1516157

>Gateway To Glimmer

was Ripto's Rage too violent sounding or something?

>> No.1516154
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some lady was selling all of this for 65 bucks, easily one of the best deals I've ever gotten. I'm guessing they belonged to an ex because she certainly didn't seem to know anything about them, but I'm secretly hoping they were all duplicates that she was selling to fund her neo geo collection or something.

not pictured: metroid prime, viewtiful joe and a second copy of rogue squadron. gave them to friends since I have em already.

>> No.1516161

why must you people always shit up buyfag threads with this

>> No.1516486
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I'm back with more.

>Rocket Knight Adventures (CIB) - $11.00

I already had a loose cart of this, but I shamefully wanted that case and manual. Flawless condition too, the label is perfect as is the manual. To add to that, it's one of the most entertaining manuals ever. Give it a read. I guess I'll resell my loose cart.

>The Jungle Book, case but no manual ($4.00)
>The Ooze, cart only ($5.00)
>The Incredible Bulk, cart only ($3.00)
>Frogger, cart only ($4.00)
>Maximum Carnage, cart only ($6.00)
>Digimon World, CIB, excellent condition ($30.00)

Probably overpaid on those loose carts, but don't care. The RKA CIB and the Digimon World were worth it.

Also, that same store has a copy of Warsong for the Genesis going for $25.00. Loose cartridge. Good deal or no?

>> No.1516493

I'll take that loose cart anon


>> No.1516497


Don't give me that sad emote. Rocket Knight Adventures is super-cheap. You can get a cart off Amazon for less than ten bucks (shipping included).

>> No.1516704

No offense, I was simply saying since vidya in Australia is rather costly and the relative amount of reseller scum that lurks these threads, the notion of buying a game to play it isn't so farfetched

>> No.1516737

Well that was... odd. I think I'm going to like this game for its charm alone.

The fighting is weird, though.

>> No.1516771

Not him, but there is absolutely no reason to pay that much for a game, and that's is coming from someone bought a copy of earthbound recently.
Seriously, if it costs that much, you might as well just buy a flashcart and a repro case/manual, and then slap a magical chase sticker on it.

>> No.1517071

it's like telling a coin collector "oh, you don't need that rare coin in your collection. look, you can get a reproduction for a fraction of the cost."

>> No.1517341

Whats wrong with PAL games?

>> No.1517695

A local pawn shop has a SNES bundle on sale.

It's a SNES, a single controller, AC adaptor, and an RF switch along with three games (Super Mario All Stars, DKC2, and Madden '96).

They're asking for 50 bucks. Good deal? I'm wary mainly because it doesn't seem like they take very good care of their games. Almost all of their discs are scratched to Hell (though I did pick up Onimusha Warlords for a dollar since it wasn't in too bad a shape).

For the SNES itself, they have the cords tightly wrapped around it with the games sitting on top of the damn thing. Then they wrapped the whole thing in tape like some kinda...Super Nintendo Ball.

Worth giving it a try?

>> No.1517712

Pre-Dreamcast games were 50Hz I think. Might be wrong tho, the only PAL system I consistently played that wasn't a Dreamcast was a bootleg SNES (Famiclone) and I don't even know if the PAL curse applied with those.

>> No.1519547
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legend of oasis for 8 bucks was a total steal

>> No.1519552

I didn't even know there was a Zeta Gundam game for the Saturn. How is it?

>> No.1519586

there's 2 of them actually. It's similar to the 0079 game and the Macross shmup, same dev team I'm pretty sure. A lot of people have said they aren't too fond of it, but I like it. I think if you're a fan of both gundam and shmups you'll find plenty to like about it.

>> No.1519609

That sounds cool, I'll check them out.

>> No.1519617

>Dat Four almost tasty sideboob.

>> No.1519632

god, four is easily one of the craziest gundam girls and that's saying a fucking lot

>> No.1520317

Whats wrong with 50hz? never cared about this difference

I play all my PS1 and PS2 games on my PS2 using GSM to set it to NTSC anyway. (fits my TV better)

>> No.1520976

what's it like? I've seen gameplay footage but I don't quite understand how it works. do you give your characters commands from a menu or are you actually controlling the character's movement/attacks?

>> No.1521647

Doesn't the PAL version of MSR have that fucked up saving bug?

>> No.1522147

Only early PAL release.

>> No.1522307
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Sup, /vr/. Look what I got.
ELSA GF256 SDR + 3dfx V2 1000 for $40.

>> No.1522547

Nice Atari games, gotta love Seaquest and wonder how they did Battlezone back then

>> No.1522570

You didn't over pay by much, maybe 10 dollars.

>> No.1522629

I've been wanting to do some thiftshop hunting for some retro vidya, but I cannot find a decent spot in Montreal. I've checked two Salvation Army's (In Verdun and NDG for any Montrealfags here), does anyone know of some other good places to snag some old vidya?

>> No.1522627


I'm really jealous of this buy. Good job.

>> No.1522649
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I posted in the other thread but I guess we're using this one

My first weekend of the year, did ok. First buy got Resident Evil 2 for $3. Never played it but I've heard good things. Second buy all the N64 stuff for only $13. I had to go into their house and shed for it, and the N64 smells (and apparently doesn't work), but still a great deal. Some of the titles: Pokemon Stadium, Super Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, Mario Party 2, and Paper Mario. I'll probably just toss the N64 and keep the expansion pak if it doesn't work. Last buy was the 5 PS2 games for $8, all have mint CDs. I left my number with 3 people, I doubt any will call me back but we'll see.

Even though I did good, I went to a lot of sales. Like 30-40, using up a good deal of gas, and only bought from 3.

>> No.1523125
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I made a pretty decent haul this week. The SNES stuff was free from a guy at work. The Sega Genesis/CD was $10. The NES Satellite and NES games were $25. The Saturn multitap was $20 and Robotron was $10. I'm pretty sure it's still factory sealed. A funny sidenote: the guy at the game store call it "Robot Ron." It was hard not to snicker.

>> No.1523237

yeah I was amazed nobody else snatched it up before I did, the ad had been up for like two days before I got in touch with the seller.

>> No.1523269


You better play some Robot Ron.

That's a fun fuckin' game.

>> No.1523293

Gonna ask here instead of starting a new thread. My copy of robotron 64 has the second player controls all messed up, the stick fires when it should move and the dpad/c buttons do nothing. Attempting to change the controls doesn't help, for some reason it won't let me change what moves, only what fires. I know it's not thesystem or the controller, other games have no issues. Halp?

>> No.1523549
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Stopped by a local store that sells mostly current gen used games, and has a small selection of retro. I stop by there once a month or so to see what they have.

$60. No home run, but not terrible either. The place is really weird with prices. I've gotten CIB Master System games for $1.99, near mint Door to Phantomile for $15, and other really good deals, but then they have shit like a loose Kasumi Ninja cart going for $30 that's been sitting in the case for months.

Today was the same story. I paid $14.99 for the Ghouls 'n Ghosts. Probably a little more than I should have, no manual, but the cart is clean as hell. But then I got the VB games for $3.99 each, and the X-Men CIB (even with the poster) for $3.99. Weird. It all evens out I guess. I've wanted the Hummer game for a while. It's pretty rare, and I drive one.

Big bummer though is that my Xbox won't read the disc. The Mario Clash is also DOA. And I don't know what the fuck Deathtrap Dungeon is, but it was $1.99 and the case was hilarious, so I couldn't resist. The guy who checked me out though fucked up and put a PS2 copy of Madden '03 in the case (always check before you leave!), so I guess I'll have to go back tomorrow.

>> No.1523597
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i found a guy selling a bunch of systems today for 20 each, but they looked really bad and i'm not even sure they worked.

im looking to beat this haul from last year. all in 1 day I spent 25 bucks on everything. not all of it is retro, but for that price it was insane.

>> No.1523694

This makes me aroused anon.

If that game wasn't so guide-dang-it oriented it'd be the most fun fucking game on the PSX.

>> No.1523881

>Arkanoid II
>Chack'n Pop
>Championship Lode Runner
>Choujikuu Yousai Macross
>Dragon Quest IV (Dragon Warrior IV)
>The Goonies
>Higemaru Makaijima: Nanatsu no Shima Daibouken
>Hon Shogi
>Hottaman no Chisoko Tanken
>Jumpin' Kid: Jack to Mame no Ki Monogatari
>Kero Kero Keroppi no Daibouken
>King Kong 2: Ikari no Megaton Punch!
>Mach Rider
>Madoola no Tsubasa: The Wing of Madoola
>Quinty (Mendel Palace)
>San Goku Shi
>Seikima II Akuma no Gyakushū!
>Spelunker II
>Super Mogura Tataki!! Pokkun Mogura
>Tetris Flash
>Tetsuwan Atom (Astro Boy)
>Tower of Druaga
>Transformers: Convoy no Nazo
>Ultima: Kyoufu no Exodus
>Urban Champion
>Urusei Yatsura: Lum no Wedding Bell
>Wai Wai World
>Wario no Mori
>Yoshi no Tamago
>Youkai Club
>Youkai Douchuuki

Guy in my relatively small town is selling this Famicom collection of games for $170. Never seen anyone else with Famicom stuff around here, thinking about going for it.

>> No.1524115

What the fuck is wrong with your Sega CD? Why is it so damn wide? I have 3 Sega CDs and none of them are that long?

>> No.1524136


Try and bring him down a bit. Maybe Go $150. Although with a haul that large and if it's in good condition it probably beats paying the importing fees.

>> No.1524157


I'm guessing that base is for a Model 1 Genesis.

>> No.1524197

Offer him $40.00. See if he accepts. What have you got to lose?

If he tries haggling, go up to $45.00.

>> No.1524207
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Goodwill had a half-off sale so I actually only paid four bucks. No cables or controllers though.

I did however clean the shit out of it and I'm pretty damn proud with how it looks now. I'll post a pic in a little bit.

>> No.1524237

Mr. Bones (sega saturn) - $35.00 complete

ehh... I probably could have found one for cheaper than normal market price. I guess it's time to sell a few more Saturn games to recoup the loss.

It's a game I've been on the fence for for several years. While I like quirky Saturn exclusives, a lot of times said quirky exclusives end up being lackluster (see: Enemy Zero. which might be what I end up selling!). Hopefully Mr. Bones sells me on the goofy story and blues soundtrack. I mean I guess I basically paid that much money to hear a skeleton talk about the blues in silly FMV cutscenes.

>> No.1524342

>$40 for a possibly non-working N64 console only

I'm just a garbage man, not Ebay.

>> No.1524347

Wrong thread.

>> No.1524698


>>1524157 is correct. Model 2 CDs came with a little extension to fit Model 1 Genesiseses.

>> No.1524702

Im looking at buying a Sega Mega Drive fully boxed for $80

but should i buy it? i already have a SNES and i dont know if i want another console when i could buy more games for the SNES

>> No.1524721

I've recently started building a Dreamcast collection. Not just for collecting purposes, but to actually play every game. Started with 4 games and am currently with 56.
I posted this picture >>1477220 which was from my first purchase. Going for a PAL collection first, then I'm thinking about trying the NTSC and JP exclusives. Japanese games are gonna be a bitch to get though, eBay will be the only option.
I will post pictures in a few minutes.

>> No.1524737
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Alright here. The games I originally had in 1999-2001.

>> No.1524743

As a collector I would always recommended jumping on cib consoles and games.

>> No.1524746
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Had to reduce image size.
First purchase. These 3 for 17€. Not the best deal at all, but both manuals and cases were like new.

>> No.1524750
File: 532 KB, 675x900, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got these 11 games for 50€ shipping included. Less than 5€ for each game is pretty good, considering they all had manuals and only a few have cracked cases.

>> No.1524751
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Paid 45€ for these, shipping included. Pretty good haul actually, Spiderman is quite rare.
I'll post the rest later.

>> No.1524763

Nice but too expensive.

>> No.1524770

How many of those are fake?

>> No.1525087

I don't know how much this one cost me actually.

>> No.1525094
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forgot pic

>> No.1525183
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Bought this one finally, 47€ with shipping. It was a bargain, considering Heavy Metal Geomatrix is relatively rare and is still sealed.